I; HIS ZERL TOO GREAT Russian Officer Detected Spy ing for France. KAISER SENDS HIM HOME Schebeko, Former Attache at Wash ington, Betrays German Plans of War to France Kaiser Takes Summary Action. CHICAGO, Jan. 30. (Special.) The Ber lin correspondent ot the Chicago Dally JJews says: Confidential information has been received by your correspondent that Russo-German relations have suffered a mdnful tareach as a result of. the discov ery that the Czar's military attache in Berlin. Colonel Schebeko, for a long time has been engaged in spying operations in collusion with the military attache o France. Colonel Schebeko was formerly connected with the Russian Embassy n "VVimhlneton. and doubtless is well remem bered in military and diplomatic circles there. Proof of Guilt Confounds Him. Count Schlieffen. late chief of the Ger man General Staff, laid the proofs of tho Russian attache's guilt before the Kaiser In the closing days of December. Em peror William confronted the accused offi cer with the documents and suggestea fhat an international military scandal could be avoided only by the Colonel's asking for his immediate recall. This Colonel 9chebeko did, and now has left Berlin on a "furlough." The incident Is highly sensational, not only because Colonel Schebeko's activity was employed at a time when Germany was in danger of war with France and possibly with France's ally, but because he ,was attached to the personal suite of the Kaiser in tho same manner that the German military attache at St. Peters burg is attached to the entourage of the Czar. Plans to Ilald French Hear. Colonel Schebeko's specific offense Is said to hae consisted in revealing certain plans for raiding French and Russian ter ritory in time of war b.y "officers' " pa trols, which were to ride far Into the in terior under cover of night and destroy the communications In the rear of the enemy's armies. Colonel Schebeko was well liked by the Kaiser, but It seems the General Staff long ago suspected him of excessive zeal In the performance of his duties. It is realized In Berlin that to spy Is the busi ness of every foreign military attache, and German attaches abroad have In structlons of the same kind, but they are told that their activity must be of a dis creet and defensible nature. Colonel von der Go4tz. the German military attache in Austria, was recalled In 1SS0 for spying, only a few months after the foundation of tho triple alliance. i : it&m THE MORJfJNG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1906. Peers, who recently made a tour of the United States, and Baron Juiaro'Komura, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, who represented Japan 5n tho peaco negotia tions at Portsmouth, were created mem bers of tho Privy Council. Count Kat sura, the former Premier, was made a member of the military council of the empire. Von RIchthofen Near Death. BERLIN. Jan. 10. Baron von Richt "liofen, the Foreign Secretary, who is suf fering from a stroke of paralysis, Is not expected to live much longer. Grinding Cano in Mexico. MEXICO CITY. Jan. 10. Canc-grlndlng is now well under way on the sugar plantations. The total production is esti mated at 5.000 tons. HOT, CAMPAIGN' IX ENGLAND Premier Howled Down by Minority. Chamberlain Eats Crow. LONDON. Jan. 11. Th function onm naitm is dailv crowlnc- in IntfinRltv. nnri the party leaders with the aid of motor cars are Displaying tne greatest energy in aaaressmg meetings at amerent places on the same day. The Premier, Sir'Henry Campbell-Ban-nerman, who spoke at Shrewsbury to night, was howled down by a Chamber- lalnitC minoritv. sinil was intniv.l1o? r shorten his speech. Disorderly meetings ui mis Kina are not uncommon. John Burns, president of the Loral Rnv ernment Board, made a successful tilt against Joseph Chamberlain, compelling nun jjuunciy io retract nis statement that j.vw.uw aoie-Doaiea men were supported in the workhouses of Great Britain. Mr Burns produced statistics that proved that the workhouses worr at nmaant porting only 2H.S04 persons, the majority Ul vwiuih were euner sick or disabled. One of the most striking urcnT.iin. in. thj campaign Is Winston Spencer iiuiuiuu. wnose restless energy, it Is ad mitted by friends and foes. Is dominating the struggle In Manchester, where he is being attended by his mother, Mrs. George Cornwallls West. Mr. Churchill receives deputations, attends committee meetings and addresses gatherings sev eral times daily. VOLCANOES DO DOUBLE TURN Vesuvius and Aetna Erupting in Grand Style. NAPLES. Jan. 10. There was a sudden eruption of Mount Vesuvius vesterday and the resultant scene of picturesque magnificence was witnessed by thousands of tourists, including many Americans Three streams of lava reached the lower station of the railroad, causing serious damage. There are indications that the activities of the volcano arc increasing The eruption is thought to be connected with that of Mount Aetna, in Sicily, which Is in a state of eruption without precedent since the eruption of 1893. Mount Aetna Is now ejecting red ashes', which form an immense cone over the crator. Those ashes arc In striking con trast with the snow which covers the main portion of the volcano. Send Navy After Indians. NEW YORK, Jan. 10. A cable dispatch to the Herald from Panama says: Presi dent Amador says he does not regard the Indian secession as serious, but will send th.e gunboat Orlente with a request to Chief Inannaquina to come to Panama for a conference. President Amador says jealousy between Inannaqulna's tribe and that headed by Chief Henry Clay, who remains friendly to Panama, is one of the causes of tho discontent of tho former. It is alleged that a Colombian General visited Chief Inannaquina and proposed that they go to Bogota to make arrange ments for arms and financial help, in or der to resist or make an. attack. The Panamanian big chichi, or war dance, Is said to be in progress in the villages' on Sarsadl Bay. headquarters of Chief Inan naquina's tribe. Jamestown Fair Man Sees King. LONDON. Jan. 10. Harry St. George Tucker, president of the Jamestown Ex position Company, who was Introduced by Charge d'Affaires Carter, was received In audience by King Edward this morn ing. A -personal message of President Roosevelt was delivered to His Majesty, who sent a reply. New Honor for Xa ma grata. TOKIO. Jan. lO.-Fleld Marshal Tama ga,ta, president of the Privy Council and ex-chief of the general staff, today was appointed a member ot the Military Coun cil of the Empire. Japanese Diplomats Promoted. TOKIO, Jan. 10. Following the appoint ment of "Viscount Ackl as Ambassador to the United States, the Emperor has raised Count Inouye, the Minister to Germany, to the rank of Ambassador. Baron Ken taro Kaneko, a member of the House of BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Chicago. lire. Virginia B. Troupe con vlctevj on Tuesday of murdering her husbiJ. The penalty was fixed at 14 j-cara in the peni tentiary. New York. The training vewel Benjamin Constant will undertake . a trip around the world. She wilt visit Argentina, Chile, the Pacific ports of Mexico, San Francisco and Japan. New Tork. Details were made known today ol plans for a chain of municipal hospitals which, when fully realized, will give New Tork tho greatest (system or free treatment for tho fiick that the world haa wwn. An esti mate of the total cost is $75,000,000. New York. In order to accomplish the scheme for the transfer of the National Acad emy of Design to Columbia University. It will be necessary Jo raise 1300,000 within a year for the erection of a new school Friends have offered to subscribe half this sum. Cincinnati. The claim of W. J. Odell to the Holtxman teat In the New Tork Stock Exchange was denied by United States Dis trict Judge Thompson Tuesdar, and an in junction was issued to prevent any Injustice in the sale of the peat. The recent Mile of the cat for $83,000 Is decided to be regular and perpetual. Chicago. Chicago's fire department lit only a "fairly efficient force," lis water supply to grossly Inadequate, as to prersurc, and from the structural standpoint the town Is weak and likely to be the prey of a great con flagration unkn the building laws are Im proved thotw are some of the crlUctams of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Lander. 1Vyo. Severe weather has so de layed construction of the Northwestern Rail way extension across "Wyoming toward Sho shone reservation that the road may not be completed In June, and a movement in on foot to postpone the opening until the Bur lington and Northwestern extensions reach the borders of the reservation. Modern Tale of a Shirt. Llpplncotfs. "Willie." said an Interesting young mother to her first-born, "do you know what the difference Is between body and soul? The soul, my child, is what you love with; the body carries you about. This is your body," touching the little fellow's shoulder, "but there is some thing deeper in. You can feel It now. What Is It?" "Oh, I know," said Willie, with a flash of Intelligence In his eyes, "that's my flannel shirt!" SGQRESHISENEMEES Witte Blames Moderates for Bloody Revolt THEY FORCED REPRESSION Russian Premier Talks Bluntly to Committee Asking for liberty of Meeting: Douma "Will Meet Late in April. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 10. Premier "Witte today made an Interesting state ment to a delegation headed by the Mayor of this city, which requested a relaxation of the orders of the Prefect of Police against meetings in the Inter est of the electoral campaign. The Pre mier could not promise to do anything until after January 22. While personally he did not sympathize with the harsh moasurcs of Interior Minister Duraovo, he regarded them as essential. The Pre mier could not assume the responsibility for a course which, if it resulted In blood shed, would make him a scapegoat. He spoke bitterly of the failure of tho moderates to give the government sup port, saying that upon their shoulders largely rests the burden of compelling the government to resort to repression. Ho added: The Emperor. In the manifesto of October SO. at one stroke granred the people more rights than any monarch had ever before given, but you know the attitude which Busslan society assumed. The government's appeals for confidence were rejected, and every liberty granted was abusM by the rev olutlonlsta, The permission to hold meet' ings was translated Into license for street disturbances and assemblages to plot against the life of the government, and to the Indus trial ruin ot the country. I hare always been opposed to repression, but the attitude of the moderates compellod me to adopt harsh measures. I am determined to save Russia. Assembly to Meet April 28. While the Emperor wanted the National Assembly to meet as early as possible. Premier Witte said that those charged with the election feared It would not bo possible for It to assemble before April 2S. Speaking of the innumerable dllilcui ties with which the government was con fronted, the Premier openly stated that many of the provincial authorities con tinued to act Independently, instancing Moscow, where, before the revolt, neither the Governor-General, the Governor nor the Prefect informed him of the condi tions prevailing there. He said the Mos cow revolt was more serious than people generally believed. Recounting a remark THE CANTEEN AND THE SOLDIER Testimony From Men Who Know That It I of Benefit to the Service and & Help to the Army Why Desertions Increase FORT CANBY, "Wash.. Jan, 10. Allow British flng waves. It nas been often me to say a few words In refutation of the remarks made on the canteen by Roy D. Smith, of Hood Rher, In The Ore gonian of January S, 190G. If Mr. Sntlth had given the Ink on his name time to dry in Washington, he might have found out when thorc company funds were dis bursed and have found the utility of tho canteen; but being cold-footed, both of the "wily goo-goo" and of lager beer, he was mustered out. (R. I. P.) I have been in the army during the time when the canteen was a fixture and since. Before the abolishment of the canteen (which, by the way. is a word we have adapted from the French, and means a refreshment bar, and is really not a mis nomer for the army equivalent, as Friend Smith Implies). When men could obtain light refreshments there they would rather go there than to a saloon on the outside. as it was to thcslr advantage to do so. Being restricted to a reasonable amount of the "amber-colored fluid." they could not get drunk. They were carried home first. The men were all within bounds, and when the canteen close at "tattoo" (9:15 P. M.) they could make their quarters easily and be present for "check" (11 P. M.). Of course there were turbulent spirits who were not satisfied with a few glasses of beer, and when the canteen closed went out ot the garrison for more and "looked for trouble." Since the abolishment of the canteen, when everyone has to "tus- car" outside garrison limits for his beer. drunkenness, desertion and court-martials have materially increased, the actual reports showing an Increase of over 16 per cent. This Is due to the fact that the above mentioned turbulent spirits get more than they can carry, outside of the garrison" limits, cannot make their quar ters In time and are as a consequence tried and imprisoned. This being re peated becomes a cerious offense, and the man, rather than serve a long time in the "mill" (guard-housa) deserts. Not only Is It the "bad men" 'who are thus fooled by the "Insidious drink," but many a good man has fallen by the wayside. Therefore, better have been served within bounds in the garrison than freely with out Its limits. As to the company dividends accruing from various sources, the canteen Includ ed. I ha j seen various ways of expend ing It. Perhaps Mr. Smith's captain was one of those parsimonious persons who thought that the more company funds they iiaa ana tne less they expended the more credit they received. There are many such, but. with all due respect to the opinion of "the worthy veteran" whose letter I am answering, let me say -that the majority of captains In the army freely expend their company funds for the betterment of the mess and the com fort of the enlisted men. This has beon my experience in a few more years' service than our worthy "re cruit" mentioned. CHARLES S. ELL.IOT. Sergeant First Class Hosp, Corps, U. S. A. IX THE BRITISH ARMY. How the Canteen. Serves 3Iany Use ful Purposes. PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 9. (To the Ed itor.) The letter on the canteen by a soldlor in today's Oregonlan Is more like the truth than anything; 1 have heard yet. I enlisted in the Royal Ar tillery In 18S0. and altnough I was then, and have been ever since, a total abstainer. I know the canteen Is a great blessing to the soldiers of any army. In it I could buy any Tcind of food, writing- materials, or temperance drinks, and tho man who drinks por ter or Deer couia get what was i-ood for him. besides having an cvcnlncr's amusement A noncommissioned officer was always detailed to keen order mid prevent drunkenness and liquor served was tne test, being always InsDccted by the canteen committee of officer- and Sergeant-Major. There was a profit, too, in the business, but it went bacK to tne soiaiers. in caso of any extra guards or men comlntr out of hospitals, or any emergency where help or exira care was nceaea xor a soldirr the canteen funds were always open to uraw i rum. Besides the canteen has furnished the libraries,, bowline alleys, ball al leys, cricket clubs, -minstrel troue. In every, station. and barracks wkere the I said the Colonel Is the father of the regiment. But the canteen is surely the mother. If any special large amount of money was needed a canteen meeting- uas called In the library by the Sergeant-Major. and every man nnd his say and his vote counted. whether the money should be spent for a certain purpose. or oruinary, every day uses, the signature of the canteen bergeant was sufficient, and faithful comrades carried comfort and relief to sick and unfortunate brothers in arms J. H. COURTNEY. THE GOOD A CANTEEX DOES Tills Old Soldier Takes Issue "With cx-Privatc Smith PORTLAND. Jan. 9. (To the Editor.) in Sunday s issue I note an article. "One view of the Canteen," narrated by Smith of Hood River, who watched and stud led the Army canteen subject In all of Its different vicissitudes," as he terms It. He starts out by telling how he enlisted in Texas and ere he had been taught about face was Informed that his credit was good at the canteen for $3. He was also Informed of a company fund of J10M to be used for luxuries. He went on a prac tice march, the canteen accompanying. Afterwards he marched 30) miles ovor- land to another station; he was dis charged. He gives great praise to the post commander at Fort Brown, for his prohibitive measures, and claims deser tions were few as In comparison to other posts. But Mr. Smith enlists again after his furlough expired. As I am an old soldier, having served nine and one-half years In the United Stafcs Army, under Generals Stoneman. Wheaton, Granger. Canby. Brooks. How ard and others, and a portion of my serv ice was -when the old sutlers were in vogue, who reaped a rich harvest. Later on. we had post exchanges and canteens. I think I am capable of judging the can teen question more thoroughly than a disgruntled recruit, who evidently was a. oorn Kicaer. Mr. Smith stigmatizes the canteen as the "post saloon." He knows better than that. It is .not so. The canteen system gives the soldier the chance. If so In clined, to drink 10 cents' worth of beer a day. If he practices systematic economy, and uses one check each day If beer he must have for that is all the drink he can buy at the canteen. It keeps him In the garrison and away from the pitfalls surrounding certain resorts. Tho canteen affords diversion of social games and breaks the monotony of camp life. In fact, the canteen was really the enlisted men's clubroom, of which they are now bereft through the unbearable meddling of a set of fanatics, who claimed "our boys will become drunkards In the Army If the canteen remains." This also Is false, be cause thousands of enlisted men. and I am one of those, never even drink other than coffee or water. Their habits are governed by the teachings they had at home, berorc entering the Army. Why Is a recruit, when first entering a com pany, informed" of the fact that his credit Is good at the canteen for 53? It Is be cause he is usually "dead broke," thus enabling him to get some luxuries. If ho wants them (none Is compelled), until next payday. It saves him "longing" for money, which he would borrow from some usurer. Even the brass checks are cash among the boys, and, if he so wishes, some one in the company will exchange money for checks at par. The greatest and most experienced offi cers now In our Army deplore tho non existence of the canteen, for reasons best known to the old and well-experienced soldier. The canteen was wholly a sol dier's social resort and kept him from ennui. In an Indirect way Smith Insinuates that the canteen Is a cause of desertion and court-martial. That is positively not so. A bad soldier comes from bad citizens. He gets Into the Army, misbehaves and gets court-martialed. Thousands of en listed men never get before a court. De serters generally arc men who are of a roving, dissatisfied disposition, and arc not fit for anything in civil life, much less in the Army. Some desertions arc no doubt caused through ill-treatment, by snob officers who may have been ap pointed from civil life, and for want of employment and through purchased back ing, have sneaked Into the Army; but as a rule our officers are thorough soldiers, kind and civil to the enlisted men. PHILIP. able incident that heretofore had escaped notice, the Premier said: At one time all the stations except the Nicholas depot were In the hands of the revolutionist. The latter in desperation started a train hauling two cars loaded with dynamite at .full speed for the station, with the Intention of blowing It up. A frightful disaster was averted by a timely warning of the plot, which enabled the authorities to have a military train .with steam up ready on a parallel track. As the dynamite train arrived, roldlers from the military train running alongside fired at the engine and managed to pierce the boiler of the locomo tive, stopping the train before It reached Us destination. In St. Petersburg, the Premier further remarked, enough dynamite had been captured to destroy the entire city. Relations of Two Houses. In conclusion, he stated that two iaws were being prepared to define the rela tions of the Council of the Empire and the National Assembly. The former would be composed of ITS members, half of them appointed by the Emperor and half elected. The latter would Include 34 Zemstvolsts. IS members of the nobility and 12 representatives of trade and In dustry, while the clergy, Poland, the Cau casus and the border provinces would each have six representatives. It Is rumored that the revolutionists are keeping a list of land-owners who have fled or arc fleeing abroad with the intention, if the revolution is successful, of confiscating their estates. Complete Revolt In Caucasus. The news from trans-Caucasia Is that a complete revolution prevails In Mln grella and Geossia. The Viceroy Is with drawing all the troops attainable north of Vladikavkaz for service In the revolu tionary territory. An additional guard of SO) men has been stationed on the Finnish frontier to pre vent the importation of arms Into Rus sia. The Ruskoe SIovo prints a telegram from Alexandrovsk. South Russia, saying that the railroad station at Sevastopol, which was in the hands of the revolu tionists, has been the scene of desperate fighting between them and Cossacks. The station finally was cleared with the loss of 3X men. MIXERS AMBUSH COSSACKS. Bloody Fight In Mining District of Poland. BERLIN. Jan. 1L A dispatch to the Lokal Anzelgcr from Kattowltz, In Prus sian Silesia, says: "Another sanguinary collision has taken place between the military and the miners employed in the Nlemca mine, near Sos novlce in Russian Poland, across the fron tier. The miners enticed a number of Cossacks into an ambush and then at tacked them, killing three. One of the miners was killed. "Miners have seized the Saturn mine and elected their own directors." PLOT TO CAPTURE FORTRESS Artillery Officers Arrested for Bold Conspiracy. LONDON. Jan. 11. A dispatch from fat. Petersburg to a new London paper. The Tribune, reports the arrest of eight artillery ortlcers of the Su Petersburg garrison on the charge of being engaged in a conspiracy to blow up the Troitsky bridge and to capture the fortress, Red Tape May Delay Douaia. ST. PETERSBTTRO. Jnn 1ft A Inn.- of ficial communication Issued this morning explains that the carrying out of numer ous formalities will prevent the meeting of the Douma before the end of April. It Is added that the meeting may be fur ther nostnoned In the event of n renou-hl of strikes and disorders. Rebel Houses Bombarded. TIFLIS, Caucasia, Jan. 10. The plun dering of this cttV continues. Last night bombs were thrown at a military patrol, whereupon the house from which thfc bombs were hurled and the adjoining buildings were bombarded by artillery, with the result that many persons wore killed or wounded. A house In which an Armenian who had attempted to assassi nate an officer had sought refuge was set on fire and the man was burned alive. Troops Capture Rebel Headquarters. WARSAW. Ru3lnn Polnnil .Tan 1ft The trooDs have cantured th Iron works at Ostrowlec, Government of Radom, wnicn naa oeen occupied by the revolu tionists as their headquarters. Many of the revolutionists were killed or wound ed during the tight. The rest fled. Head of Republic Executed. REVEL. Esthonla. Jan. 10. A tnllnr named Schultse. who had been elected President of the EsthonianRopublIc. has been captured and executed by the sol diers. Troops Shoot Many Poles. OPATOFF. Russian Poland. Jan. 10. Troops fired upon and enarged crowds here for over an hour yesterday. Many persons were killed or wounded. They Resent Martial Iav. WARSAW. Jan. 10. The presidents of the electoral boards have resigned, ow ing to the refusal of Governor-General Skalion to abolish martial law. HIS LIFE WAS THREATENED Friend of Edwards Tells of "Warn ings Given Dead Man. NEW TORK. Jan. 10. "I. probably the last of Charles A. Edwards friends In New York to see him alive, never saw a man in a more sane mental condition than he was at the time of our last meeting, just previous to his departure for New Haven. That he committed sui cide seems to me to be beyond the pale of possibility." This statement was made last night by Dr. A. R. Ledoux. a friend from boyhood of the man whose myste rious death In New Haven Is puzzling the country. "I met Mr. Edwards about 5 o'clock of the day of his departure for New Haven," continued Dr. Ledoux. It was plainly evident to me -that he was in a state of excitement. 'What is the matter, Charlie?' I asked him. 'I am starting for New Haven, and I am In trouble.' he said. Then, with much re luctance, lib told me of threats that had been made, against him life." Dr. Ledoux says that Mr. Edwards told him whom he feared, and that he had been warned not to go to New Haven again. BATTLE AMONG INDIANS They Use; Axes, Clubs, Razors, Any thing to Draw Blood. GOLDFIELD. Nov., Jan. 10. Forty drunken Indians belonging to the Piute and Shoshone tribes engaged In a tight on the outskirts of Goldfield last night, using axes, clubs and razors as weapons. Four of the leaders, badly beaten, are now In jail. The fight was stopped by the arrival ot whites. It occurred over a horse trade. In which fraud was alleged. Mellon "Will Tour the AVcst. BOSTON. Mass Jan. 10. (SdccIaI.V- Prerident C. 3. Mellen. of the New Haven road, formerly of the Northern Pacific. win maiee a trans-continental trip for his health with a large party of friends la private cars. ' THREE 115 TO Ei Forecast of Result of Morocco Conference. AMERICA' AS PEACEMAKER Italy Looks to Henry "White to Main tain Harmony at Algeciras. French and German Views of Points at Issue. ROME, Jan. 10. It is probable, accord ing to a competent authority, that the Moroccan conference at Algeclrcas will result In one of the following ways: First In a rupture of the negotiations, possibly leading to a conflict. Second In the solution of tho several problems to the satisfaction of all inter ested powers: or. Third In a mere academic discussion which will leave the situation practlcally unchanged. It is generally believed, however, that the first named is altogether unlikely. The Mcssergero today In an apprecia tion of Henry White, 'the American . Am bassador who Is about to leave for Al geciras to represent his government in tho conference, says: "America Is again about to make a powerful contribution to the peaco ot the world. It is is a noble mission for this young people, who. desire to attain a place In the history of this century, which Is to mark the triumphs of civiliza tion and the abolition of war." BLAMES ALL- OX MOROCCO. Germa Delegate Says Minister Mls undcrstod French Minister. PARIS, Jan. 11. With the approach of the Algeciras convention on Moroccan re forms, the newspapers devote greater space to discussion of the question. Pub lic opinion everywhere Is that the Issue of the conference will be amicable has been practically decided. The Journal's Madrid correspondent sends an Interview with the German Ambassador at Madrid. Herr von Radowltz, who Is also the prin cipal German delegate to the convention. The Ambassador, the correspondent says, has no doubt of the favorable Is sue of the conference. He believes the whole disagreement-Is due to the Moroc can Minister's not understanding or mis interpreting the words of the French Min ister to Morocco, willfully or otherwise, and says If the Sultan's delegates try to prevent an agreement being reached by the powers, as" It hag been suggested they would do. they will find themselves In a most serious situation. But the Am bassador Is of the opinion that the Moroc can delegates fully appreciate this and will give no trouble. French Bid Tor Russian Aid. BERLIN. Jan. 10. (Special.) In gov ernment circles much Importance Is at tached to the news that a French syndi cate had decided to advance a loan to Kussia at a more favorable moment. This Is believed to mean after the Moroccan conference, nrovlded th rpTl1f nrAKrt. favorable to France. Such a move Is regaraeti by the government officials as an attemnt to hrtnt- nmnn . i. , upon Russia to give her support to France STANDARD OIL GAINS TIME Hearing Delayed Pending Decision of Supreme Court. NEW YORK. Jan. 10. The hearing be- xore a v-ommiasioner in tne quo warranto proceedings brought hv Ati Herbert S. Hadley, ot Missouri, to oust mrcc on companies irom mat state, was put over until after today In order to allow Mr. Hadlev anil h!c pnmtci onr) counsel for the Standard Oil Company to appear in tne supreme Court and make an argument on the order Issued by that court to H. H- Rocers. Instrtimint- him to show cause why he shall not answer tne questions asked him by Mr. Hadley. The questions were, in the main. In tended to bring out whether or not the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey owns or controls a majority of the stock of the Waters-Pierce OH Company of Missouri, the Republic Oil Company of New York, and the Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana. When the order to show cause was taken up before Justice Glldersleeve In the Supreme Court today. William V. Rowe and Frank Hagerman. counsel for the Standard Oil Company, asked that the hearing on the question whether Mr. Rogers shall be compelled to answer the ouestlons be DUt over until Frldav mnm. Ing. Justice Glldersleeve granted the mo tion. The counsel for the Standard Oil Com nanv Informed the court that thtv hart not had time to prepare an answer. They aiso requestea tnat tne hearing before Commissioner Sanborn shnnlrt h hnin in abeyance until after argument before the supreme uourt. Justice. Ollcfersleevo thorAfnra -p.tA- that all nroceedlncs before nnmrnlminnor Frederick II. Sanborn be stayed until Fri day, at 2 f. M.. or until after argument on the order to show cause. Judcc H. S. Priest, of St. T.onl cntini in the West for the 'Standard Oil Com pany, arrived, here today to take part in the case. Mr. Rowe. reorcscntlnc- Mr. Tin said that he has had no opportunity to confer with his associates since receiving notice of the order to show cause. The questions Involved were seri ous and complicated, he said, and he could not possibly prepare an answer or be ready to argue the case- In less than two weeks. He said there was no occasion for haste, as the original case in Mis souri cannot be tried for several months. Henry Wellman, counsel for Mr. Hadley, said that no postponement should be granted. All that Is sought, he said, fa delay nnd the questions In- Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayex's. Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you al ways keep it on hand. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doctors know it. They use it a great deal for all forms of throat and lung troubles. "I had as awful cosga for en er a year.aad BOtBlagBeesMd to doaeasy good, I tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral a&d yns soob cared. I recosaxEead it to aU mj frieads w he Beyer I WekrrcMfecnfc! WcnHU OLD PEOPLE CONSTANT SUFFERERS Most old people are great sufferers in Winter. They " 1 W I iwlv are seldtn free from pains or ailments of some description, because they are not as able to withstand the severity of the climate, with its damp, changing weather, as are their younger, more vigorous companions. Cold weather starts the old aches and pains; they suffer with, chilly sensations, cole extremities poor appetite and digestion, nervousness, sleeplessness and other afflictions peculiar to old age. With advancing years the strength and vitality of the system begin to decline. The heart action is weak and irregu i j Se blo( ope3 thin and sluggish, in its circulation, and often some old blood taint that has lain dormant in the system for years begins to man ifest itself. A wart or pimple becomes a troublesome sore or ulcer, skin dis eases break out, or the slight rheumatic pains felt in younger days now cause sleepless nights and hours of agony. There is no reason why old age should not be healthy and free from disease if the blood is kept pure and the system strong, and this can be done with. S. S. S. It is a medicine that is especially adapted to old people, because it is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks s"kl-u puiuyiiig, .ueaung ana Dunaing-up properties, and is very mi ia ana genue in its action. S. S. S. warms and reinvigorates the sluggish blood so that it moves with more rapidity, and clears it of all impurities and poisons. As this rich, healthy stream circulates throurfi the horl-c PURELY VEGETABLE. of e system is built up, the appetite and di .... gestion improve, the heart action increases and the diseases and discomforts of old age pass away. S. S. S. cures Rheuma !uSmSw!aSkin Diseases Sores and Ulcers, and all troubles arising from diseased blood. 77E SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm S.S.S. volved are simple. He introduced" Mr. Hadley. who was accorded the privi lege of addressing- the court. Mr. Had ley said tho only privilege Mr. 'Rogers claimed in refusing- to answer was the advice of counsel. The question was whether a witness can refuse to answer questions simply bj; claiming the priv ilege that he or h'ls counsel did not think they should be answered. Mr. Hadley said there are proceedings pending in Missouri that will be help ful In determining- the present case. HER PETITION FAILS AGAIN Mrs. Chadwlclc Denied a Hehearlnff, but She May Appeal. CINCINNATI Jan. 10. The motion for a rehearing of the appeal for a new trial on behalf of Mrs. Cassle L. Chadwlck. or Cleveland, was denied In the United States Court ot Appeals In this city to day. The Court of Appeals several weeks ago sustained the Judgment of the Dis trict Court of Cleveland. O., which found Mrs. Chadwlck guilty of conspiring- to wreck a National bank, and sentenced her to serve ten years in the Ohio Peni tentiary. The petition for rehearing main tains that the charge of conspiracy was not borne out by the evidence. CLEVELAND. Jan. 10. Francis J. Wing, of counsel for Mrs. Chadwick. said he was not prepared to say at this time whether the case would be carried to the United States Supreme Court. Mrs. Morris in State of Collapse!! WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Mrs. Minor Morris, who last week was ejected from the executive offices and grounds of the White House, is today In a state ot com plete collapse. Dr. Morris, her husband, stated that her condition Is critical. HUmRDELLIS GROUND CHOCOLATE THE GOODNESS OF THE GOOD THINGS OF LIFE ARE BEST DETERMINED BY THE GOOD THEY DO YOU. IN GHIRARDELLI'S GROUND CHOCOLATE THE NUTRI MENT OF COCOA IS EN HANCED BY THE SWEET NESS OF SUGAR WHICH RENDERS IT THE MOST, HEALTHFUL AND PALATA BLE OF ALL BEVERAGES. Perfect Cold Weather Drink Tho Kina, You Have Always Bought, and wliicli has been, in use for over SO years, has home the signature of - and has heen made under his per . jC&TTAf. sonal supervision since its infancy. J-tZtCAXaZ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut? Experiments that trifle with and endanger the .health oS Infants and Children Experience against Experiment at is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It; contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm nnd allays Feveiishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Trouhles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. 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