Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1906, Image 3

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Two Republicans Are Against
Philippine Bill.
PJttsiburpr Protectionist Wants Free
"Trade With Islands Ex-Speaker
Kiefer Speaks Vigorously
Against Any Concession.
"WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. A vigorous
speech In favor of the Philippine tariff
hill by Dalzoll opened the proceedings In
the House today. It was followed by sev
eral others against the measure, most
notable of which was a two-hour address
by the veteran statesman, Ex-Speaker
Kelfcr, of Ohio, who returns to the House
after a rotirement of 20 years. Keifer bc-
;poko a "standpat" doctrine of the most
pronounced type. He iid he would op
pose the ponding bill because it was a
concession to Domocratlc principles. His
speech was replete with recollections of
earlier days and received the closest at
tention and liberal applause from both
.sides of the chamber.
Just before the session closed the inci
dent of the ejection from the executive
offices of Sirs. Minor Morris was made
the subject of discussion by Shepard, of
Texas. A brief reply was made by Gros
venor (Ohio), who deprecated sending out
pcnsatlonal reports regarding the Ameri
can administration.
Dalzcll for Free Trade.
Dalzcll asserted that the Philippine arch
ipelago Is a portion of the United States,
and there ought to "be free trade both
ways, but that under the circumstances
at this time it is impossible. "When the
treaty stipulation granting Spain the
same advantages as the United States
expires in 1P03, there will bcfrec trade
under this bill.
Asserting that the future of the Phil
ippines was a problem for statesmen that
are to come, Dalzcll Insisted that self
government had been given the Filipino
people, except in the two rights trial by
jury and to bear arms.. Vc have," said
ho, "extended to these people our navi
gation laws, our immigration laws and
our alien contract labor laws., Do you
moan to toll me we shall commit them
to our domestic policies, require thorn to
carry their goods only in American bot
toms and 6till exclude them from our
markets? Xo. the Philippine Islands must
1)0 either wholly foreign or wholly do
mestic" Characterizing as iridescent dreams tho
fnbulous amount of sugar and tobacco
which the opponents of the bill declared
would come from the Philippines under
the now rates. Dalzoll itemized the cctual
cost of a pound of Philippine sugar laid
down in New York, which aggregated
4.13 cents, as against 3.00 cents as tho
cost of Michigan beet sugar and C.71 cents
of Colorado sugar. From these he do
ducted that within the next century tho
American boot sugar was in no danger
from competition with Philippine sugar.
Williams, the minority lender, stated
tho exact Democratic position on the
tariff. "It should bo levied solely with
regard to tho maximum revenue produc
tion. If it protects Jn certain places, well
and good, but that should not be Its 5ri
mary object."
KWfcr Opposes Bill.
Keifer said ho was noniowhat embar
rassed to take a position In opposition to
mai or notli parties on the bill.
"On this side," he said, "the claim is
made that 'there is not enough of free
jrauc in n to nun. and on the other side.
.!...- u 4 nut cnougu unconstitutionality
in it to Hurt.' " Ho quoted from the
speech of Payne to tho efTect that the
bill would not do the Filipinos much
good, but there was sentiment in it. the
j-jujjuius inougnt it would, and It would
encourage them, and then declared:
T am not opposed to encouraging any-
oody, nut l can't e my way loar to
vote for this hill merely because tho Fili
pinos are deceived into the belief that it
win ao mom some good, when it won't
About 25 years ago. Kelfcr said, he had
made a prophecy in a 10-mlnuto rPPh
in tho House which hnd come true. That
was. that the only way to get rid of the
coiiego professors' theorios of free trade
was to have free trade. "We had free
trade and had got rid of tho theories. H
was opposed to Joining the free traders
now. e contracted the present prosper
ity with the "soup-house days" of tho
wnson om. and was followed with
amusement in reviewing Democratic
declaration that God and not the Re
publican party was responsible for pros
perity, for tho better conditions which foL
lowed the resumption of specie payments
and the establishment of the gold stand
ard. 'T say it reverently," he said, "that my
party advocates tho thing that tho Al
mighty sees fit to work out and accom
plish completely, and that should bo
glory enough for us. And it may bo said
that tho Democratic party, in the many
thlng3 it has had on its banner and gono
down with to defeat, has simply boon
unfortunate that the Almighty was not
witn them. "
Dixon Calls It Democratic Bill.
Opposition to thebill was made in a 20
mlnute speech "by Dixon, of Montana. His
assertion that the Republicans were unit
ing to further tho Democratic doctrino of
free trade brought a protest from Macon,
of Arkansas, .who said the Democratic
party did not stand for freo trade.
"How about the declarations of Champ
Clark and Bourke Cochran in their as
sertions that all the ciurtom-houses
should be torn down?" asked Dixon. "I
have . great respect for the. gentleman
from Missouri." responded Macon, "hut
not so well. I have less respect for the
opinions of the gentleman from Now
"Williams, the minority leader, explained
that his party did not believe in frco
trade, and the declaration .in Its plat
form that "all forms of protection are
robbery." to which attention was called
by Grosvenor, did not mean free trade.
Slicpard Champions Mrs. Morris.
The recent ejection of Mrs. Minor Mor
ris from tho White House office building
was made the subject of remarks by
Shepard. of Texas. Shepard has a reso
lution for an investigation of the inci
dent ponding before the rules committee. 1
Grosvenor made the point of order that
the discussion of a resolution pending be
fore a committee was not proper.
"If the President had heard tho howl
of a wolf or the growl of a bear in tho
adjoining room he would have been on
the scene Immediately." said Shepard.
Ho characterized the Mrs. Morris occur
rence as "an unwarrantable and unneces
sary brutality which demanded investiga
tion and merited censure." "If Con
grass," he continued, "composed of
American fathers, husbands, brothers,
permits this incident to go unrebuked, it
will add a passive and cowardly approval
of this violation of the most sacred prin
ciples of American life."
Grosvenor, in reply, said he knew no
difference between the dignity of tho
White House and any other home In the
city, and lie did not consider the Ameri
can Congress in tho sense of a police
court or as having anything to do with
the question of disorderly-conduct of any
employe In the neighborhood of the White
Senate Talks of Anything Katlicr
Than Morocco Conference.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. The Senate
made it plain today that it had yesterday
all that it wants to hear for the present
on the Moroccan question. There wore
two opportunities to resume consldera
lion of me subject, but both .wore
avoided, apparently with the assent of
all the members, and the Senate ad
Journed at a comparatively early hour
rather than take It up-
Notwithstanding the early adjourn
ment. a great deal of business was dls
posed of. About SO bills were passed,
leaving on the calendar only six or seven,
Of those passed a large majority grant
private pensions and many are bridge
bills. One of the bills favorably acted
upon appropriates E0,O00 for tho appro
priate marking of the graves of Confed
erato soldiers who died in Northorn
prisons during the Civil War.
For the rest of the session tho Senate"
gave attention in turn to the question of
salaries paid to Panama Canal officials,
to the pure food bill and the merchant
marine shipping bill, but without tak
Ing action on any one of those sub
jects. The canal subject was discussed
by Simmons and the pure food bill by
Heyburn. The only action taken on the
shipping bill was that of reading it at
At the beginning of the session Crane
Introduced by request a Joint resolution
requiring tho President "to open negotia
uons witn mo other nations to secure
the neutralization of the Philippine Is
lands and the recognition of tholr Indc
pendence whenever the same shall be
granted to them by the United States."
Simmons Bigclow's 3IouUiplecc.
After the routine business had been dis
posed of. Simmons called up his rcsolu
tion making a request for the names of
the high salaried employes of the Panama
Canal Commission. Simmons quoted an
article from Poultney BIgolow criticising
the management of the canal, saying that
ne was not In sympathy with It.
"Does the Senator know how long Mr.
BIgolow was on the Isthmus?' asked
L)dge. and when Simmons replied in tho
negative, iLodge said he was there only
for 2S hours from Novombcr 29 to De
cember 1.
"I hope." replied Simmons, "that, while
there, his observations were so directed
as to get more truth out of the situation
than did the Secretary of War In his re
cent visit."
Continuing. Simmons said that his only
purpose in referring to the article was to
show that the mind of the American pro
pie is prepared to expect excess and
abuses on the isthmus. The resolution
was referred to tho committee on inter
oceanic canals.
Pure Food Bill Up Again.
On motion of Heyburn. the Senate then
proceeded to the consideration of the
pure food bill and Heyburn addressed tlw
benate In support or it. He said that
the primary object of the bill was to
protect the public against fraud and de
ception. He analyzed the bill and said
that it had been so modified as to pro
tect retail dealers in manufactured zoods
and he added that there had been other
changes, adding, however that the bill
contained all that was in the bill of last
"Then." said Spooner. "it is obioction
able,' When told by Heyburn that the
penalty provision had been so amended
as to provide that dealers in imnorted
articles covered by the bill shall not be
punished unless they purchase the iroods
knowing them to be adulterated, Spooner
repned mat tne clwnge effects "a groat
improvement." Further consideration of
the bill was postponed until tomorrow.
Among the bills passed, were the fol
lowing: Incorporatinjr the American Na
tional Institute (Prix de Paris) at Paris.
trance; authorizing of the markinc of
the graves of the Confederate soldiers
who died In Northern prisons during the
livii war and apjroprIatIng $200,000 for
mat purpose.
Afraid to Mention Morocco.
At o clock, Gallinger asked for tho
reading of the merchant marine shipping
bill, but Morgan suggested that that blil
had been displaced by the Senate in
secret session yesterday, when It made
tho Bacon Morocco resolution tho regu
lar order. The chair held that tho Mo
rocco resolution had gone to the calen
dar by unanimous consent. The reading
oi tne snipping Dill then proceeded.
wiion mo .Moroccan resolution was
under consideration, it was not referred
to by name. Morgan spoke of it as n
"certain proposition" and the Vlce-Prcsl
dent mentioned it as "the measure re
ferred to.
Damage to Kentucky Slight.
NI2W YORK, Jan. 10. The buttloship
jvcniucKy -win not be placed in the
drydock at the Navy-yard, as a rosult
oi ner collision with the Alabama, on
Sunday. This was decided upon yes
terday, aftor a consultation of Captain
J. N. Hemphill, actinjr commandant.
Naval Constructor Nutting and other
officials. The only Injuries to the ship
are found to be above the water line.
They consist of the bending and the
breaking of some plates on tho star,
board quarter. Two small pieces of
the blades of the Kentucky's starbonr.i
propeller have been chipped off, bur
mcy are so small, tho divers report,
that their loss will not interfere with
the speed of tho ship. The chief en
gineer declares the report that tht
shaft was bent to be untrue.
It was decided that repairs should pro
ceed night and day. This, It Is thought,
will release the ship in less than two
weeks, so she will be able, sooner than
was expected, to join the other ves
sels of the North Atlantic squadron,
now in Hampton RoHds.
It was decided that repairs should pro
ceed night and dav. This. It is thought,
will release the ship in loss than two
weeks, so that she will he able, sooner
than was expected, to join the other ves
sels of the North Atlantic squadron, now
in Hampton Roads.
The Court of Inquiry, appointed to in
vestigate the. recent collision between tho
battleships Alabama and Kentucky, waa
convened today aboard the battleship
Iowa. Captain F. B. Barry, of the Ken
tucky, was the only witness examined.
Says President Gave Bcvcridgc Pat
ronage Belonging to Him.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Representa
tive Ovorstrcot (Ind.), secretary of the
Republican Congressional Committee, an
nounced today that the President's fail
ure to allow him to name the Surveyor
of the Port at Indianapolis has discour
aged him so badly that ho will not again
serve on the committee.
When asked if ho will resign from the
committee. Mr. Ovcrstrect said:
"No. I shall not resign. But I shall
not accept re-election to the committee.
What's the use? I'm not dolnrr thin fnr
spite, but I only bad one appointment.
uuu. wncn mat s laxon away, there's
nothing left for me."
Mr. Ovcrstrect says Senator BevrrMr
has more than his share of Federal nr.
flees In Indianapolis, and gives a list
of the Beveridge appointees.
It Is alleged that President Roosevelt
wrote a letter to Mr. OverstrceL savlnt-
he had promised Mr. Beveridge more than
a year ago to appoint Mr. Rothschild,
and that he did not feel that he could
recede from that promise.
To Its B&tural color by using Alfredum's
Egyptian Henna. Sure, fe&raalssc At :
sxst-clsuM druggists. j
Betel Guests Suffocate
Leap to Sure Death.
Sacrifices Own Iilfc In Desperate
Effort to Save "Woman Terrible
Scenes Mark Blaze, In
Minneapolis Hotel.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 10. Eight persons
arc dead from suffocation or from leap
ing from windows and a score of people
are more or less Injured as tho result
of a fire in the West. Hotol early this
The Dead.
1. fell from the fourth fler ta the Fifth
street sidewalk: was attempting to save
Mrs. Barlow's Mfo.
W. G. NICKELS. Minneapolis Chamber of
Commerce, suffocated la his reem on the
sixth floor.
Mass.. suffocated in his room on the sixth
J. E. WOLP. New Torfc. suffocated in his
room or the seventh floor.
,CLINTON B. LAMMS. New York, suffo
cated in his room on the seventh floor.
J. B. PEISNIGER. New York. Jumped
from the seventh-story wldew.
MRS. M. K. HODGES, Minneapolis, Jumped
from the seventh-stray wiadew.
WILLIAM BLACK. New York, suffocated
In room.
Seriously Injured.
Tho seriously Injured are: Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Splesberger. Chieago, overcome by
smoke: Mary Rowan, maid at tho hotel,
overcome by smoke: N. S. Amsdea. super
intendent Minneapolis & Northern Elevator
Company, seriously burned; Jordan G. Sapp.
Chicago, overcome by smoke; Ben W. Swis
ky. Chicago, overcome by smoke: Mrs. B. D.
Barlow, Los Angeles, injured while being
rescued by Captain John Berwin. condition
critical; Alice Larson, maid In the hotcL In
jured by Jumping from tho fifth floor of the
hotel to roof of Unique building.
AVlld Rush to Escape.
The fire, which is supposed to have
been caused by crossed electric wires,
was in Itself insignificant, being confined
to the elevator shaft and the top floor In
the corner of the building, but the wild
scene which followed the first ntartn
hurried people into the halls and out upon
wuiaows in a Iran tic attempt to save
themselves. The financial loss will not
exceed $30,009.
Gives Jjlfc to Save Another's.
Captain John Borwin. who lost M iif
in saving the life of Mrs. Barlow, was
one of tho first of the firemen to climb
Into the burning building. Ascending to
the seventh Moor on a scaling ladder, ho
stumbled upon the unconscious form of
Mrs. uarlow. The aged woman had
groped her way to the stairway, oniv to
auiTumo to tne smoKc.
Strapping tho limn bodv to his lvark-
Berwln pushed out onto the window
ledge to carry his burden down the lad
der. Between the seventh and sixth floors
tne step broke. Bending over to balance
tno body of tho woman a moment. tl
fireman leaned forward, at the risk nf
nis own lire and, gathering himself for a
supreme effort, hurled the woman- toward
a projecting ledge on the floor bclosv.
Mrs. Harlow had been revived bv the
cold air. and flie grasped the nrolectlon
ana neni on. in making the throw. Can
lam Mcrwm lost nis balance and was
dashed to his death on the oavement.
Mrs. Barlow was rescued by another fire
Mr. Wolfe met a horrible death
Jie was burned in hut room, and
the rendition of tho furniture In
dicated that he had fought the flames
until tho last. All the clothinjr had been
torn from the bed. and it was annarent
tnat tne man nad sought to smother tho
names which eventually consumed him.
Mrs. s. H. Wood and her daughter, nro.
priotors of the West Hotel, were both
rescued and carried down in safety.
Tvcl Down by Hope of Bedding,
One of tho most thrilling rescues was
that or I'. A. Chamberlain, of the Seeur.
ity'Bank. and members of his famllv. who
were not awakened in time to make their
escape by the usual exits. For many
anxious minutes they remained at their
window In the top story at the Fifth-
street and Hcnnepin-avenue corner. Mr.
Chamberlain gathered bedding and made
a rope of It. and at the same time tho
extension ladders were being placed into
position, but were found too short. The
Pompier ladders were then rushed to the
scene and a fireman with a rope about
him placed the ladder firmly and scaled
it, while thousands of spectators cheered.
Arriving at the window, he took one after
the other, and lowered them safely to
the extension ladder, two storios beneath.
y moans or tne rope, from which they
were brought to safety.
The rescue was accomplished amid
deathlike silence when tho fireman
reached the window. When the last per
son had been lowered and the fireman
followed the cheering broke loose.
Leaps Down to Brick Pavement.
The first to jump was Mrs. Hodges.
She ran from her own room In the rear
to a window ou the side where sho
thought she would find tho fire-cscanc.
In her excitement she opened the wrong
window, but feeling confident that tho
fire-escape was there, stepped out. She
stopped on a ledgo a moment, rubbing
her face as though completely blinded
by tho smoke then took a step into the
air and was gone. She fell Into tho nar
row runway on a level with the base
ment and her body was crushed to a
pulp. Almost at tho same tlmo two men
opened other windows, and, evidently
making the same mistake as tho woman.
leaped into the brick paved alley, meet
ing instant death. One was Pelslngcr,
the other Black.
All of tho hospitals sent their ambu
lances to tho fire. Physicians hastened
to the hotel nnd offered their services.
and undoubtedly many Uvea were saved
by their efforts. The hospitals sent a
corps of nurses to give first aid to the in
jured, and they were kept- busy for sev
eral hours after tho Are had been checked.
T. K. Chalgon, of New York, was ter
ribly burned about the face and hands
while crawling through a long hall. Ho
finally reached safety by means of a. fire
escape at tho rear, a block from his
room. lie anu otners said the red lights
indicating the fire escapes were rendered
Invisible by the smoke, and the guests
were almost ncipie&s in tneir search for
exits. More than a score of them were
carried down fire escapes and ladders by
firemen, and not a few lowered them
selves and friends by making ropes of
bed doming ana curtains.
Suicide of Prior Causes Failure.
CLEVELAND, Jan. 10. Formal an
nouncement of tho suspension of the firm
of Denlson. Prior & Co., investment bank
ers and brokers, was made on the floor
of the Cleveland Stock Exchange this
morning. This action was taken as a re
sult of a large number of tho firm's checks
being thrown out of tho banks, which
hold that since tho death of I W. Prior,
who committed suicide yesterday, the
checks could not pass the clearing-house.
It is said that the banks hold ample funds
and securities to meet all claims against
the firm.
Southern Pacific Succeeds In Secur
ing a Temporary-Injunction.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. The con
tentions between the Southern Pacific and
the Western Pacific Railroads were trans
ferred to new legal ground today. At
torneys acting for the Southern Pacific
applied to United States Circuit Judge
Morrow for writ3 of injunctions against
the Western Pacific and the American
Dredging Company. Judge. Morrow
granted temporary injunctions made re
turnable at an early day.
Tho writs direct the Western Pacific
to stop laying railway track on United
States property and order the dredging
company to cease pumping mud on Fed
eral territory. The papers were received
shortly before dusk. The foreman of the
tracklayers said he would read the docu
ment when he had time and his men con
tinued work until 6 P. M., the usual hour
for quilting.
The dredges which have been operat
ing day and night ceased work Immedi
ately. The orders are practically similar
to those issued in .the state courts and
which were not recognized by the dredg
ing company and the Western Pacific,
because they claimed to be engaged on
federal ground. It was to cover this
contention that the new writs were asked
The writs were made returnable before
Judge .Morrow January 15.
Tho Western Pacific officials announce
toaay tnat their CO armed cuards wnulri
be retained on the nroDertv wher the
tracks are being laid. The Southern Pa
cific today began the tracklaying on the
united states retaining wall on the south
side of the estuary. Commenting on this
fact the Western Pacific people said to
night that this operation would put the
Southern Pacific In an embarrassing po
sition wnen court proceedings came up.
Seize Box In Potroro District.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. The track
laying war between ths Southern Pacific
and Santa Fc on one side and the "West
ern Pacific on the other, broke out in
San Francisco today in the Potrero dis
trict. The Santa Fe agents hastily gath
ered together an army of workmen and
with great speed laid rails along Rhode
Island street until the long ribbon of
steel rested on the eastern boundary of
Potrero. block 135. This block is a prize
for which the corporations are strug
gling, and for the possession of which
legal proceedings have .already started In
the local Superior Courts.
The track today runs through the block
and the builders of the track have what
ever advantage possession may bring.
The Western wants the block for termi
nal purposes, and has brought condemna
tion proceedings. The Terminal Realty
Company, ostensible owners of the block.
today charged that the Western Pacific
was not acting in good faith, and asked
that tho Western engineers be summoned
to disclose their proposed right of way
and survey. This effort to compel a dis
closure of the estcrn Pacific plans was
quickly denied by Superior Judge Hunt,
who said:
"The Western Pacific cannot be com
pelled to disclose Its proposed route to
the public. Obviously, there are not only
corporatlons but hundreds of individuals
that would be happy In the possession
of the knowledge of just where this road
is going to run. Even though no other
opposing interests existed, speculators
would hurry to secure lands on the line,
and prices would leap accordingly. The
petition for the order is denied."
"Western Pacific Peels Safe.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. Colonel
Heuor, chief of the United States engi
neers of California, stated today that
the Government is not concerned in
what railway occupies the newly-made
land along the north retaining wall of
the Oakland ostuary. which land, he
believes, belongs to tho state. He will
not attempt to disturb the Western
Pacific if Its tracks laid there are not"
on the retaining wall.
An official of the Western Pacific
said that the whole dispute will be de
termined by the courts and meanwhile
nis company Is In possession of the
coveted strip of land running out to
aeep water rrom the shore. If the Se
totnry of War grants the Western Pa
cific privileges of buildins: slips and
wharves at the end of the land, this
official said there would be little trouble
in tne remainder of the dispute.
Greene and Gaynor Bcsist Trial ori
Conspiracy Clinrp;c.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Jan. 10. Upon the
convening of the Federal Court today
A. A. Lawrence, of counsel for Greene
and Gaynor, resumed his argument in
support of the plea In abatement of
fered by the defense yesterday to the
two indictments returned in 1S33' and
-uva respectively, claiming mat con
spiracy is not extraditable.
Mr. Erwln said the Government con
tends that there was a conspiracy to
defraud, and tljat this was put into
operation, and that the putting of this
fraud Info operation constituted fraud.
and therefore, was extraditable. There
were specified offenses, too, in the in
dlctmcnt, one consisting in- the- presen
tation for payment of fraudulent ac
"Were they extradited for conspir
acy7" asked the court.
Mr. Erwln replied that they had been
extradited for participation in fraud
with an ngent, this agent having been
Captain carter.
Upon the conclusion of the argument of
Mr. Lrwin, P. v. Meldrum, leading coun
sel for tho defense, followed In support of
tho contention that the defendants could
not be brought back to the United States
from Canada upon one charge and nen
tried upon another one. Before Mr. Mel
drum had concluded his argument an
adjournment was taken until tomorrow.
Honolulu High Sheriff Declares airs.
Stanford AVas Slain for Purpose.
SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. A special
dispatch from Honolulu says that HIch
Sheriff William Henry, who was at the
head of the local pollco -when Mrs. Jane
Stanford died there In March last, has
caused a sensation in tho island capital
by the assertion that the death of Mrs.
Stanford was brought about In the inter
est of Stanford University; that he be
lieves that Mrs. Stanford was murdered.
"I believe," he continued, "that Dr.
David Starr Jordan thinks this way. He
Is a science cranK. He is all wrapped up
In science and thinks of nothing: else.
"Tho Stanford university at the time
of Mrs. Stanford's death was in most
urgent need of money. "When Dr. Jordan
and Hopkins were here to Investigate the
cause of Mrs. Stanford's death, the real
purpose they were working for was to cre
ate the belief that Mrs. Stanford died
from natural causes and was not mur
dered. I told them to tneir faces that
was what they were trying to do."
X&rineitt. "Wis. Marine tt partlf have
closed a deal for the parchMe or CT-m.l thou-
wo acres of coal and tlmbr Iacda in tfc
State of fVaahtestoB worth $10,000,600. Th
land fet of timber ju 11
prerpectlra eeal k&m m lt
Cipman, Klolf c
Sacrifice Sale of Silks and
$1.25 BLACK TAFFETA 95c.
36-inch Black Taffeta; regular
$1.25 quality at 95
Crown Taffeta, equal to any .$1.00
quality, shown in over 100 dif
ferent shades, at 73
20-inch imported Messaline, plain
and changeable and chameleon
Louisines, in a large variety ot
colors, for street and evening
wear; best $1.25 values at 87?
5000 j-ards fancy Silks for shirt
waist suits, in best color combi
nations, in a wide range of pat
terns; just the silk needed for
Spring wear; $1.50 and $1.25
values at 69
75c and 85c Laces at 37c
Irish Crochet, Tenise and Net
Allover Lace, IS inches wide, in
white and ecru.
$4 to '$3 Laces at $1.67
Chantilly, Baby Irish, Point
de Venise, Allover Lace, for
waists, etc., in black, white and
$2 to $1.50 Allover Net 98c
Black Chantilly and Tosca
Net, 44 inches wide, for waists
and suits.
$1.25 to 75c Laces at 37c
Point de Venise, Net Galloons
and Bands for trimmings, P'o
to 3 inches wide. v
75c to 50c Laces at 19c
Ecru and White Galloons and
Medallion Trimmings.
75c to 50c Embroideries at . . 33c 30c to 25c
$1.25 to 85c Embroideries at 48c 40c to 35c
Bargains in
rce lessons in Art Embroidery and ryrography every day.
Athletic Committee Takes Step to
Combine Old nnd Xcw Or
ganizations on Rules.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 10. Tho
Harvard athletic committee tonight,
after passing a resolution that it was
unanimous in favor of a continuance
of intercollegiate football, provided
satisfactory changes can be made in
the rules, decided to withdraw from
the National intercollegiate football
rules committee and send a representa
tive to the new National intercollegiate
committee which was called by Chan
cellor McCraken, of New York Univer
sity. In a statement issued after the meet
ing, the committee announced that
Harvard withdraws from tho old com
mittee in the hope that other colleges
will do Ukewlso, and so leave but one
football committee which shall fairly
reprcscnt all the colleges' In the. coun
try. Harvard by this action will not ho
represented at tho meeting of the old
committee in New York tomorrow
night. It is expected that the sugges
tions of the graduates committee will
bo submitted to the new National com
mittee at Its next meeting.
Yalo for Consolidation Also.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 10. At a
meeting of several captains and man
agers of Yale teams held here today,
action was taken declaring that Yale
is in favor of a consolidation of tho
old and new football rules committees.
Icavc Dispute Unsettled.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. The new arbi
tration committee of the National As-
spciation of Professional Baseball
Clubs met today. The controversy be-
Whether It is of the nose, throat, stomach,
bowels, or more delicate organs, catarrh Is
always debilitating and should never fall of
It Is a discharge from the mucous mem
brane when kept In a state of Inflammation
by an Impure, commonly scrofulous, con
dition of the blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures all forms of catarrh, radically and.
perasaoeBtlyIt removes tbe cause and
prereoBMs all the effect. Get Hood's. ,
$1.75 TO $1.25 DRESS GOODS
AT 65c YARD.
Suitings, 50 inches to 54 inches
wide, Scotch tweeds, homespuns,
plaids, zibelines and cloakings;
to close out at, yard 65
60c and 65c values in Scotch
plaids, shepherd checks, gray
suitings, novelties, etc., all col
ors at, yard 47i
Priestley's Cravenettes, 54 inches
to 60 inches wide; regular prices
$2.00 to $2.50 yard, stripes,
plaids, mixtures and plain
weaves; all colors, yard $1.48
Imported Novelties Odd pieces in
$1.75 to $1.35 Laces at 87c
Chantilly, Point de Venise and
Net Allover Lace for waists, etc.,
IS inches wide, in black, white and
$7.75 to $6 Laces at $3.95
Point Gaze, Baby Irish, Point de
Venise and Net Allover for Avaists,
etc., IS inches wide, in white and
$1.00 to 50c Laces at 12c
Black Silk Chantilly Lace In
sertion and Galloon, 4 to 9 inches
25c and 20c Laces at 5c
Ecru Galloon and Insertion, 1 to
12 inches wide.
35c to 25c Silk Braid at 12c
Black Silk Trimming Braid, 3t
to P2 inches wide.
the Art Store
jtfount Hood Pillow Tops ; regu
lar 50e, at 25
75c LUNCH CLOTH 45c.
Special designs in violets for
Pillow Tops; regular 50c,
at 25
50c Traycloths 25?
50c Tapestry Tops 25p
7oc Bureau Scarfs 45
39c Centerpieces 25
Soc Buffet Scarfs 69$
2oc Centerpieces 19
All supplies and materials for
art embroidery at greatly re
duced prices.
All Pyrography supplies at
reduced prices.
fine assortment Cfuny Lace
and Byzantine Scarfs and Cen
terpieces at reduced nrices.
twecn the Pacific Coast "League and
tho Pacific Northwest lagut was left
unsettled. The Pacific Coast League, it
seems, has been trespassing upon the
territory of the Northwest league.
Tho class A organization, composed
of the American Association. Western
League. Eastern "League and Pacitic
Coast League, held a meeting today and
re-elected Howard Griffiths, of New
Jersey; president, and W. H. Watklns.
of Indianapolis, treasurer and secre
tary. The following board of directors
also was named:
T. J. Fryce. American Association;
George Tebeau, AVcstern League;
George Stalllngs. Eastorn League, and
Daniel Long. Pacific Coast League.
Great Fraud on Great Xortlicrn.
MINOT. N. D.. Jan. 10. George IT.
Smith, a clerk In the Great Northern
Railway division superintendent's office
If you Lave trouble with your eyes
or glasses we will advise you, free,
jusfc what is necessary to stop the
progress of the disease and restore
the eyes to their normal condition.
173 Fourth St., Y. II. C. A. Bldg.
Bstabllsked 1870.
Dress Goods
French Yoiles, Crepe de Paris,
Mistrals, Etamines, Panamas,
Granites, Twines, in all colors;
regular value $1.25 to $1.75, to
close at, yard 69
$1.25 French Henriettas, 45 inches
wide, in the latest colors plum,
amethyst, wine, dark red. car
dinal, coral, cream, light gray,
champagne, purple, etc.; sale
price, yard 98
Black Novelty Dress Goods, $1.50
and $2.00 quality, silk and wool
Crepe. Mohair and "Wool Novel
ties, figured Solids and fancy
Jacquards 69
50c Silk Chiffon at 29c
Silk Chiffon, 44 inches wide, all
colors; our 50c quality, for two
days only ' 29
$17.50 Lace Robes at $7.75
Lierre Lace Robes with two
ruffles, white, cream, sky, navy
and black spangled robes.
8c Cotton Torchon Lace 4c
Cotton Torchon Lace and Inser
tion, 2U to.1- inches wide.
12 l-2c Wash Laces at 6c
Platte Valenciennes AVash Lace
and Insertion, 3 to 4 inches wide.
20c Embroidery at 11c
Heavy Cambric Embroidery and
Insertion to match embroidery, (J
to 8 inches wide; insertion 2 to 3
inches Avide.
Embroideries at
Embroideries at
Great Lace
Nottingham, Cable Net, Brussels
Net, Corded Arabian and Scotch
Lace, Renaissance, Irish Point
Lace Curtains.
$1.00 Lace Curtains, at. . .77
$1.25 Lace Curtains at...$ .93
$1.30 Lace Curtains at... $1.15
$2.00 Lace Curtains at... $1.48
$2..10 Lace Curtains at. ..$1.89
$3.00 Lace Curtains at... $2.33
$3.50 Lace Curtains at... $2.68
$4.00 Lace Curtains at... $3.15
$5:00 Lace Curtains at... $3.89
$(i.00 Lace Curtains at... $4.79
$7.50 Lace Curtains at... $5.79
$10.00 Lace Curtains at.. $7.59
hcn is under arrest, charged with car
rying "straw" men on his payrolls. Th
local officials for some time have sus
pected some one was "padding." Bosus
time checks aggregating more than $2X.
000 have been located. Smith avers his
Positively cured by these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
rain in the Side. TORPID LIVER- Thej
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small Pill. Small Doe
Small Price.
G. P. Rummelin 6 Sons
126 Second St. bet. Washington and Alder Sta.
run uimio mink conar and rcvers.
NEARSEAL Sranrvfrs:
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Fur Neckwear and Muffs
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