Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1906, Image 1

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    VOIi. XLV.- NO. 14,070.
Reply to Bigelow's At
tack on Canal Work.
No Foundation for Charges of
Flying Tourist.
Secretary or War Makes Exhaustive
TIcply to Article Based on Twenty-Eight
Hours in Colon
Anions Soreheads.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. An elaborate
end comprehensive answer to the charges
against the Isthmian Canal Commission
contained in an article in the Independent
hag been made by Secrotary Taft. It is
in the form of a letter to the President,
-who, on January 6 in a communication to
the Secretary, said his attention had been
directed to an article published purporting
to have been written by Poultney Bige
ow "attacking the administration of af
fairs by the Canal Commission and your
self on the Isthmus," and adding, "Will
you please advise me -what basis. If aiiy,
there is for these charges?" Mr. Taft
briefly summarizes the charge as follows:
"Alleging that the conditions in Colon
are so unsanitary as to indicate great
neglect in providing for the health of the
employes of the commission; alleged mis
treatment ot negro laborers; that per
sons appointed to the Isthmus are in
competent and have been given, their
places through political influence; and
official incompetency or misconduct, the
latter involving the charge that there is
so much 'red tape' necessary to bring
about the construction of buildings that
great misery has come to the laborers on
the Isthmus."
The Secretary says that Chief Engineer
"Stevens is now in Washington and is per
sonally cognizant of the facts with re
spect to every local condition described
by the writer of the article, and a memo
randum of comments thereon by 3Ir.
Stevens is appended to the letter as an
Sanitation of Colon.
Discussing the conditions- at Colon, the
Secretary quotes Mr. Stevens as saying
that every one knows, who has been on
the ground, that the problem of drain
ing the city is one of cxtrome difficulty,
owing to the situation on an island sur
rounded by the sea on one side and by a
fresh water swamp on the other; that the
land on the average is not more than 1
feet above the sea level. Uncertainty
as to the plans of improving Colon has
rendered impracticable any radical des
truction of unsanitary buildings, most of
which arc on land owned by the railroad
company and leased on short terms to
middlemen. Meantime, tho Secretary
says, the sanitary conditions in Panama
required much more urgent treatment
than those at Colon. The death-rate at
Panama since the government took charge
of the health of the Isthmus, the Secre
tary says, is from 23 per cent, to S3 1-3
per cent, greater than in Colon. The
Commlsslpn thought itself fully justified,
therefore, the Secretary adds, in estab
lishing a water system and a
sower system In Panama first.
It is not true, he says, that a large num
ber of the employes on the Isthmus live
in Colon proper, where the swampy dis
trict is, and. as Mr. Stevens points out,
there arc not to exceed two or three-hundred
living there.
Regarding the charge of indifference as
lo food supply for the laborers, the Sec
retary refers to the reports on the Markcl
contract and says the very diligent efforts
made in tills regard arc sufficiently net
out there, as already published.
Colon lias Ainplc'Watcr.
Bearing on the charge that there is
no water supply in Colon, Mr. Taft quotes
from a dispatch from Governor Magoon'
advising him that the two tomporary res
ervoirs for the Colon and Cristobal water
supply (the latter place being not five
minutes walk from the center of Colon),
one was completed on November 11 and
the other the latter part of December,
with a totar capacity of 80.000.000 gal
lons, amply sufficient for present use;
that there is no scarcity of water in
Colon; that a permanent reservoir with a
capacity of 700,000.050 gallons, is under
construction, with two permanent stand
pipes, under contract to be completed
April 1. The statements of Mr. Stevens
and Governor. Mago6n. Mr. Taft says,
arc at variance with those of the writer
of this article.
Criticism or Negro L-abor.
Mr. Taft declares that flio rate of
wages is well advertised throughout the
West Indies as ten cents gold an hour
for a day of eight hours, which may
he increased by diligent work to 33 cents
an hour. It is also untrue; he says, that
a great prejudice exists against .negroes
in tho railroad management. The Secre
tary says It Is charged that tho chair
man of the Commission and all others
wrongly, look upon the tropical negro
labor as poor labor. The conclusion of
Mr. Stevens and of every .observer on the
Isthmus, he declared, is to the effect that
this labor Is inefficient.. Regarding the
statement that the negroes are leaving
the Isthmus In portentous numbers be
cause of mistreatment, Air. Stevens tes
tifies, the Secretary says, that just be
fore the holidays a great number of la
borers returned to the islands whence
they came. This, the Secretary says, has
been the custom ever since the beginning
of the French construction. Many of
the laborers leave their families and be
cause transportation Is cheap, are able
to go back and then return. The Secre
tary shows thaf there are now on the
pay rolls 17,000 laborers.
He refers to the personnel of the court
of the Canal Zone, and says it would be
difficult to select a better one for the
duties it has to discharge.
No Political Influence
As to the charge that officials on the
Isthmus were appointed through Con
gressional or political influence, the Sec
retary says the Chief Engineer categori
cally denies this, "and I am able from
the standpoint of Washington also cate
gorically to deny it." Political influence,
he says, -lias played no part whatever
In the selection of appointees. He adds:
"There has been great difficulty In
securing under the "civil service law
methods mon for out-of-door work on
the Isthmus skilled mechanics, track
layers, carpenters and others but cer
tainly the defects In their qualifica
tions which have been found to exist
have nevor been due to the exercise of
political influence."
Mr. Taft says the charge of delay by
"red tape" in the construction of build
ings on the Isthmus Is shown to be
untrue by the statement of the Chief
Engineor. and as to the allegation that
the dredges In the Culcbra cut were
not working 20 per cont of tholr prom
ised capacity the Secretary says there
arc no dredges within a long distance
of the Culebra cut and that the In
struments there being used arc steam
Quarantine Kills Disease.
Mr. Taft says that the charge tha
quarantine officials construe the law
and onforce it as far as possible to
Interfere with commerce is "utterly
unfounded." The Isthmus is being
freed from danger of yellow fever amJ
other contagious diseases, observes
the Secretary, by an ofTort unprece
dented in the history of the world.
Being surrounded on every side by
disease-breeding ports, the Secretary
says it is of the highest Importance,
if the work done upon the Isthmus is
to remain permanent, that the quaran
tine be strictly enforced. Natives of
the Isthmus, he says, regard them
selves as Immune from yellow fever
and many of the other diseases and
therefore naturally resent the strict
ness of .the quarantine against such
diseases, but are greatly alarmed over
the importation of the bubonic plague.
Mr. Taft repeats his former state
ment that the charge that a boat-load
of black women was Imported from
Martinique for immoral purposes is
false, and refers to documents to cor
roborate this denial.
Mr. Taft says the 12 members of the
advisory board of- ongineors spent
seven and a halt days onThe Isthmus
and made an extended examination of
the proposed sites and appurtenances,
quite sufficient and minute enough, he
asserts, for them to pass upon the
property and principle of the canal.
He continues:
Hefused Robinson as Guide.
"Finally I come to the charges- spe
cifically made against the Secretary
of War. They consist in a refusal to
accept the guidance of Tracy Robinson
In visiting the purlieus of Colon and
refusal to have an interview with John
Lundle, chief engineer of the electric
and refrigerating plant In Panama.
"To the first charge I plead guilty." He
says an impression was sought to be
given that Mr. Lundlo's application for an
Interview was made In Interest of the
negro laborers on the Isthmus, and de
clares that the correspondence shows
"how unfounded this is, and that in fact
Mr. Lundle did not ask for an Interview
at all."
Tho Secretary states that the writer of
the article containing the charges arrived
in Panama November 30 and loft Decem
ber 1, and "that it is not unfair to say
that his opportunities for observing wore
limited to 2S hours, including daytime and
night-time." In view of this statement,
the Secretary says, the writer should not
take exception to the seven or eight days
which 12 of the most distinguished engi
neers in the world In canal construction
devoted to the same task. But, remarks
the Secretary, the writer wilt answer that
he did not depend upon his own observa
tions, but consulted witnesses. "Two wit
nesses wo are able to Identify Tracy
Robinson and John .Lundle," he adds.
"Tho others are unnamed, and most of
them negroes from the Wost Indies."
Animus or Itobinson and Iiunilic.
Mr. Taft says Mr. Robinson Is tho
owuer of property in Colon. "His animus
against the Government," says Mr. Taft,
"is because it devoted itself to the ex
penditure of money in Panama and thus
raised the value of property in that eitv
and, secondly, that in the enforcement of
tnc lieaim regulations by the sanitary de
partment in Colon he found It necessary
to complain that his vested rights were
being Interfered with. Thirdly," the Sec
retary says, "Mr. Robinson applied to tho
ex-chairman of the commission for a
position at $.7)00, declining the position of
Mayor of Chrlstobal at flSOO. and he an-
plled to Governor Magoon for a position,
but was told there were no vacancies."
Mr. Lundle, the Secretary savs. Is an
electrical engineer, who was employed
to visit tho Isthmus to superintend the
construction of a plant for the sencra-
lion or electricity and the manufacture of
Ice for a private company. Mr. Lundle,
he says, 'inade application to become a
member of the Advisory Board and urged
his appointment with great vigor, but his
application was rejected. Mr. Wallace
appointed him as consulting engineer to
mako a report on oils and fuels on the
Isthmus, but Mr. Shonta disapproved the
appointment and it was not made. Mr.
Taft charges that Mr. Lundle "objects
seriously to the Government's furnishing
Its own light and Ice. and insists that
it Is its duty to patronize his company,
that he protested to Mr. Taft while the
latter was on tho Isthmus, and later
wrote the President a letter. The Secre
tary says:
Imndies Attack on Shonts.
"It is quite certain that a copy of
bundle's letter to you was shown to the
Concluded oa Pase 4.)
Sudden End Comes to Suffer
ings of Chicago Uni
versity's Head.
Cancer In Intestines Tolls Best Sur
gleal Skill Great Work at
Chicago Continued "While
Death Drew Xcar.
PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Jan. 18. The
death or President Harper has re
v!rd speculation bore an to the pos
sibility of President W. II. P. Fauce.
of Brown "nlverdtr. becoming the
head oC the University of Chicago.
At the time of President Harper
critical illness last February, when
It wt expected he would rctlgn and
Provident Faunce was generally
talked of as hi uecesor. the latter
decNned to make any statement con
criring the matter.
Jtev. -Mr. Faunce came here from
the Fifth-Avenue Baptist Church,
New York, which John D. Rocke
feller attended. Ills son, John D.
Rockefeller. Jr.. Is a graduate of
Brown In the class of 1S87.
4 CHICAGO, 'Jan. 1. Dr. William
ulalney Harper, president of the Uni
versity of Chicago, since its inception,
one of the foremost educators and one
of the most learned Hebrew scholars
of his time, died today of cancor of
the intestines.
Three years ago Dr. Harper under
went an operation for appcndlcitisand
symptoms were then discovered which
led the surgeons to suspect that graver
troubles might arise in the future,
but they were thon too indefinite to
permit of an operation, and it was not
until February 22. 1905, that an opera
tion was decided upon to determine the
nature and cause of severe abdominal
pains from which he had suffered for
several months. Dr. McBurney, of New
York, the famous specialist in abdom
inal surgery, came to Chicago ex
pressly for the operation. In which he
was assisted by. D. JJUllngs and
Bevan, of this city.
Surgery Would Kill, Xot Cure.
At the outset of the operation. It
was discovered that Dr. Harper was
suffering from a cancor at the noad of
the large intestine, and that the mal
ady had progressed so far that an op
eration which would have removed It
would have been fatal to the patient.
A brief consultation of the surgeons
resulted in the conclusion that nothing
more could be done by them and that
tho only hope of Dr. Harper lay In
remctilal measuros alone.
In a short time he let the hospital,
knowing well that he was a doomed
man. that his disease could not be
cured and that his death must ensue
within a short time, no matter what
was done in the effort to avert it.
Brave Fight WJlh Disease.
Xo braver fight was ever' made by
any roan than Dr. Harper. He took up
his dutlos at the university as though
nothing had happened or was likely
to happon to him and he was at all
times apparently confident and cheer
ful. The X-ray treatment was elab
orated on in the effort lo afford him
relief and everything was done for him
that the ingenuity and skill of his phy
sicians could suggest. Although Dr.
Harpor never deluded himself with
false hopes, he faithfully attempted
whstpver offered him a hope of recov
ery. At times his condition would Im
prove, and then would come a relapse
that would Ioavc him weaker than be
fore Despite all that was done for him.
he lost steadily in all things save cour
age. Scvoral times the malady actod
in such a manner that jsmall surgical
operations were necessary to afford
liim a. temporary relief.
Too Weak to Go South'.
Just before the holidays a portion
of his strength came back and it was
thought that under the Influence of a
milder climate his health would Im
prove. AH preparations were made for
the journey to the. South, but at the
lant moment he was too feeble to at
tempt -the trip and It was abandoned.
During the last fortnight his strongth
had failed rapidly and It was evident
to his medical attendants that the end
could not be far off. Messages were
sont to his immediate relatives and all
of them wore at the house today when
he died. Dr. Billings later Issued the
following statcnTcnt:
"For two weeks Dr. Harper has
failed rapidly. He and his family and
friends recognized the approaching
end. His physical condition had been
kept reasonably free from pain by the
use of a very moderate amount of one
of the derivatives of opium. His mind
remained clear Until the end. Physical
exhaustion was tho cause of death.
Arrangements for Funeral.
Dr. Harper left a statement outlining
his wishes for the ceremonies at his fu
neral. A detail which he emphasized.
botn In writing and in person, was that no
regular university exercise should be sus
pended except during the services of tho
funeral. The body will remain In charge
of the family Until Saturday. It will then
bo transferred to Haskell Assembly Hall
on tho grounds, escorted by the Univer
sity Band, University Sena to and the
Unlvcrylty Council.- members of the Sen
ate and Council acting a pallbearers.
The body will lie . in state la Haskell Hall
until after midday under a guard of
honor, composed of students of the uni
versity. The funeral services will be held In
Mandcl Hall, at the university, Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. As part of the
exercises, addresses will be delivered by
President Faunce, of Brown University:
Chancellor Andrews, of the University of
Nebraska, and Dean Judson. of the Uni
versity of Chicago. The body will be
buried In Oakwood cemetery, this city.
The news that Dr. Harper had expired
was received In the city with deep sor
row. He was popular with men of busi
ness as well as with men of letters, and
all united in praising him as a man of
remarkable brilliancy of mind, executive
ability and kindness of heart.
Dr. Harper Built Up Chicago Univer
sity to .Leading Hank.
William Ralney Harper. Hebraist and
first president of the University of Chi
cago, was born at New Concord, O.. on
July 25, 1S35. He was graduated at Mus
kingum College in 1ST0 and was professor
of Hebrew at the Baptist Theological
Seminars, at Chicago, from 1S79 to laSS.
and of Semitic languages in the graduate
faculty of Yale. He was principal of the
Chautauqua College of Liberal Arts from
1SS3 to 1S91 and In the latter year was
appointed director of the system.
In 1S91 he was chosen first Drcsldcnt
of the new University or Chicago, where
he was also head of the department of
Semitic languages and literature. He was
a founder and editor of "Hcbralca" and
the "Hebrew Student, and also of three
of the publications of the University of
Chicago, tils administration of that in
stitution has been noted "for its rapid
development of the facilities of the uni
versity. Among the principal works of which he
was the author arc: "Elements of He
brew, "Hebrew Method and Manual"
and "Elements of Hebrew Syntax."
Under his direction the University of
Chicago has developed into an institution
of the first rank among the great colleges
of America. With the large sums of
money which John D. Rockefeller and
other rich men have lavished upon it.
Dr. Harper provided It with the most
modern facilities and its rolls now count
thousands of students.
Great Loss to Education Will Con
tinue AJd to University.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Although John
D. Rockofeller, whose liberal contribu
tions furnished to President Harpor much
of the means for carrying out his plans
for the upbuilding of the University of
Chicago, Is out of the city and could not
be seen, his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr..
gave an authorized interview to the As
sociated Press tonight. In which, after
expressing the shock the news of Dr.
Harper's death had brought, he declared
that, while his father had never com
mitted himself to any definite policy with
regard to the university, his Interest In
its future wouUS continue to be expressed
as it had been in the past and those of
Mr. Rockefeller's family who come after
him will endeavor to carry out Mr. Rocke
feller's wishes as to the welfare of the
"The news of President .Harper's death
came as a great shock to my father and
to his family," said young Mr. Rocke
feller tonight. "My father will feel Dr.
Harper's death most keenly, not only be
cause of his relationship with the Univer
sity of Chicago. In which my father has
taken such a deep interest, but because
of the warm feelings of personal regard,
friendship and admiration of the man
which he long sustained.
"Xot only the University of Chicago,
but tho-causc of education in tills country
has lost In the death of Dr. Harper one
of its greatest friends and ablest pro
moters. Probably no greater organizer
than Dr. Harper has ever occupied the
position of president of a university in
this country, if In any country. The con
tribution which he has made to higher
education during the time of his connec
tion with the University of Chicago as
its president has been greater, perhaps,
than in that of any other university presi
dent during an equal number of years.
"Whatever the future of the University
of Chicago may be will In large measure
result from the courage and forcslghtcd
ncss as well as the wisdom and pre-eminent
ability shown by Its first president
during the years of its organization and
efcrly history.
"Although he was but -13 years old, Dr.
(Concluded on Page I.)
No New Members Admitted to
Wall Street Million
aires' Trust.
First Class Can't Count 3Ioncy Gates
Takes Morgan Down a Peg.
Clark's topper Millions Dou
blc Schwab's Fortune.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. (Special.) Wall
street has developed the latest thing In
trusts the millionaires trust. Despite
the fact that great fortunes were made
in stock speculation during the year. It
la Interesting to know that not even one
new millionaire figured In the list.
To make millions nowadays you must
start in with millions; at least that would
seem apparent from conditions that pre
vail in the financial district of New York
City. Such men as John D. Rockefeller,
Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan, J. J.
Hill, E. H. Harrlman and the Vanderbilts
have become so rich that it is no longer
Interesting to tell of their added wealth,
for their fortunes arc beyond the com
prehension of themselves or the public.
Some of the "second-class millionaires,"
so to speak, who have won millions dur
ing the year are John W. Gates, Joiph H.
Hoadley, Jefferson M. Levy. Charles M.
Schwab and Edward Wasserman.
Gates Sold Morgan Gold Brick.
Gates profits for 12 months are con
ervatively placed at 510.000,000. He
scared J. P. Morgan into taking the Cin
cinnati. Hamilton Sc. Dayton Railroad off
Eugene Zimmerman's hands, and laughed
heartily when Morgan discovered that it
was a gold brick. Aided by Joseph H.
Hoadley, he captured the great Tennes
see Coal &. Iron Company, and Is even
now organizing a new steel trust, which
he Intend? to force Morgan to purchase
for the United States Steel Corporation.
His business associates declare that part
of the price he will exact will be a seat
on the Steel Trust board. Gates has
made all the money he wants, and Is in
high finance nowadays for the excitement
of the thing.
Ex-Congressman Jefferson M. Levy,
who has been singularly fortunate in
every move he has made, is as heavy a
winner on the year as Is Mr. Gate?. He
Is perhaps the largest private stock
holder In the world of Canadian Pacific,
Anaconda and the "Soo" issues. He got
his line of -all of these below par. To
show how he has made money, it should
bo remembered that Canadian Pacific has
advanced J13 a share during the year,
the "Soo" stocks J3, while Anaconda has
nearly trebled in value. Mr. Levy first
discovered the creat value of Anaconda
and was one of the first to accept the
theory that the tremendous output of gold
meant fabulously high prices for stocks.
Hoadley Has Made $6,000,000.
Joseph H. Hoadley has at least $6,000,000
to his credit in paper profits, but he has
not yet turned it into cash, and has many
millions Involved in cotton. All the money
he made in cornering the Tennessee Coal
& Iron Company has been pledged to
support the campaign of the planters.
It is now well understood in Wall street
that the control of the Tennessee Coal
& Iron Company passed to Gates through
Hoadley last Spring, but that Gates went
through the formality of a campaign this
Winter to relieve the "Hanover bank
crowd" of .the shame of having to admit
defeat in a stock market battle with
Hoadley. Tho latter Is good-natured and
"stood for it."
United States Senator W. A. Clark, of
Montana and Fifth avenue, Xcw York.
has added 50 per cent to his fortune in the
year by discovering In his mines the same
vein of ore that has sent Anaconda leap
ing to such dizzy prices.
Edward Wasserman, because of his
operations In Reading, has become several
times a millionaire. It is but little more
than a year ago that Reading was kick
ing about Wall street 100 points below Its
present level. H. C. Frlck. Morgan. A.
J. Cassatt, president of the Pennsylvania,
and other coal barons have shared in the
added value of Reading, but the others
were already abnormally rich, anyhow,
and did not need the additional cash
which has poured in upon them.
Schwab Wins on Tonopah Mines.
Charles M. Schwab has had the grim
satisfaction of seeing Steel stock rise
to the level from which it collapsed four
years ago. He was an open and enthus
iastic buyer of the .stock at tho bottom
prices, and must have made tens of mil
lions in profits. His most brilliant ex
ploit has been to make about $3,000,000
by. picking up, on the New York curb
market, at 15 cents a share, control of
the Tonopah Mining Company. The mine
has proved a bonanza and its shares,
which are $1 par, arc quoted at above $11,
which is double the price of Standard Oil
Samuel Newhouse is another who con
trols mines whose stocks are quoted
higher than Standard Oil. His Boston
Mining Company, with shares of $3 par
sells at about $33, which is 700 per cent.
Samuel Untermyer. the celebrated law
yer, is a partner with Xewhouse in many
of his enterprises, and. since a year ago.
has added several millions to his already
large fortune.-
The Guggenhelms, as a family, have
prospered mightily. Their smelter stock
has been a perpetual sensation. In the
stock market, and it has more than
doubled in value. One odd feature in the
career of the Guggenhelms is that they
have let the public know every day what
they intended to do, so that the profits
made by their enthusiastic following
have been very great.
Colonel W. C. Greene, who added to the
gayety of nations some time ago by going
to Boston to shoot Thomas W. Lawson,
has been a favorite of fortune, as the
rich strikes of ore In the Mexican mines
are among the wonders of the year.
3rnny Winners, Xo Iiosers.
The statement Is made that despite the
marvelous winnings there have been no
losers, for the millions made have been
the result of general prosperity and have
not been snatched from unfortunates. It
has certainly been a wonderful year for
Wall street, and the general feeling
among the big financiers Is that It Is
bound to last. At least they -are all ad-
(Concluded on Page 4.)
The Weather.
TODAY'S Light rain or anowj easterly
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. SS
deg.; minimum. 3- deg. .
Wltte blames Moderates for not helping him
against rebels. Page 5.
Russian officer at Berlin removed for playing-
spy for France. Fage 3.
Turbulent election meetings In England.
Page 3.
Probable result of Morocco conference.
Page 3.
Secretary Taft answers Poultney Blgelow's
attack on canal management. Page 1.
Parties divide In House on Philippine tariff
bill. Page 3.
Senate discusses canal and pure-food bills.
Pago 3.
House committee adopts Hepburn rate bill.
Page 4.
President presents medal to Spanish War
hero. Page 4.
Proposed new timber land law. Page 2.
Kansas organizes to push rate legislation.
Page 4.
Brackett will renew attack on Depew.
Page 1.
Millionaires form trust to prevent Increase
In numbers. Page 1.
Death of President Harper, of Chicago Uni
versity. Page 1.
Mcgarge, and Fassett lose automobile In
quicksand. Page 3.
Terrible loss of life In hotel lire at Minneap
olis. Page 3.
Baseball arbitration committee defora action
on Pacific Coast fight with Lucas.
Page 3.
Harvard votes to join new football rules
committee, rage 3.
Pacific CosAt.
Forecast of political contest in Seattle.
Page C.
Idaho dynamiters threaten Heyburn. rage 6.
Difficulties in way of Vancouver otcctric
road. Tago 0.
Proposal branches of Snake River Railroad.
Page 6.
Jennings murder trial begins at Grant's
Pass. Tage 3.
Southern Pacific enjoins Western Pacific at
Oakland. Pago 3.
Portland and Vicinity.
Tong war breaks out in Chinatown, and Lee
Yeck Yee la fatally shot. Pago J.
Many crimes charged up to police stool pig
cons as result of recent sensational- dig
closures. Page l.
Gumbert boy who robbed mother committed
to Jail at father's request. Pag 11.
Chamber of Commerce holds annual ban
quet and election. Pago 10.
Many witnesses will be called to testify as
to character of Richards cafe. Page 11.
Grangers hold Interesting convention at Os
wego. Page 11.
FrultgrowerV state convention comes to an
end. Page II.
Work of tuberculosis hospital, proves most
successful. Page 0.
Over St.00O.000 to be appropriated by Coun
cil for municipal expenses for 1306. Page
XotUi Pacific Fair Association elects officers
and fixes racing dates. Page 7.
Peace reigns again at Macgly Junction,
with Sheriff In full control. Page 11. ,
Local railroad men do not think. Harrlman
is backing Chicago & Northwestern lines
heading westward. Page 11.
Commercial and Marlae.
Front-street merchants Indorse fruit Inspec
tion. Page 15.
Rains in California too light to help grain
crops. Page 13.
Reaction in wheat at Chicago. Page IB.
Profit-taking continues ( in stock market.
Page 13.
Longshoreman injured In accident on steam
ship Tottenham. . Page 7.
Companr organized for purpose of centraliz
ing ticket business of independent coast
steamers, rage 7. -
O. R. it N. Co. libels French bark Jean
Baptlatc. '
Tong War Breaks Out in Chi
nese Quarter and Lee Yeck
Yee Is First Victim.
Came From San "Francisco to Open
Long-Expcctcd Campaign or
Murder in This
Bloodshed and probably murder followed
the breaking out last night of the high
binder war which hag been brewing of
late In the Chinese quarter. At about H
o'clock Lee Teck Yee. a prominent Chin
ese merchant, was shot twice, one ball
from a 41-caliber Colts revolver piercing
his abdomen and another breaking tho
left arm just above the elbow. After a
hot chase his assailant, a highbinder
who Is supposed to belong to the Jue
society, was captured by Detective Joo
Resing, who with Detective Carpenter
was two blocks away when the troubU
began and heard the shooting.
Lee Tee will probably die from the ef
fects of his wounds, as the wound lnhi3
body i? thought to be fatal. Although
unidentified positively the highbinder Is
thought to be Jew Gee, a Chinese from
San Francisco, who had been sent to
Portland to open the tong war.
The shooting of Lee Yee attracted hun
dreds of people to the scene of the shoot
ing, as the four shots tired were heard
all over the downtown district of the
Lee Yee was coming out of his cousin's
house on Pine street between Third and
Fourth when he was attacked. As Yee
stepped from the door the highbinder,
who was standing a few feet distant,
fired and a bullet pierced Yee's left arm.
Yee started to run toward Third street
with Gee after him, firing at every step.
The second shot missed, and before a
third could be fired Yee had turned North
on Third street. At a distance of some
yards Gee again fired and a bullet entered
Yee's back, passing through the body
and coming out the side.
Seeing that he had probably killed his
man. Gee threw his revolver Into the gut
ter and tried to make his escape by run
ning up Ash street. Detective P.esing.
who saw the Chinaman running away
while people thronged about the fallen
man, gave chase and captured the high
binder just as he was disappearing into
a hallway.
Gee pleaded innocence, and as the de
tective levelled hla revolver at him ex
claimed that the firearm did not belong
to him, evidently thinking Resing had
picked up the revolver and was returning
Several hundred people had gathered by
the time the capture was made. The
revolver, still hot from the rapid firing,
was picked up out of the gutter by a by
stander and handed over to tho detectives.
Followed by the crowd. Gee and Yee were
taken to police headquarters, where an
effort wag made to get a statement from
the wounded man. Hi3 throat was choked
with blood and he was too thoroughly
frightened to utter a word. Gee waa
hustled Into a cell to keep company with
"Tattoo" Kelly, who is also charged with
A Chinese interpreter was summoned,
but no amount of coaxing nor threaten
ing could compel Gee to make a state
ment. Several Chinese were taken to his
cell and they identified him as a Sa
Francisco highbinder who had arrived
in Portland only a few days before. He
was told that he Jiad killed a fellow
countryman, but Instead of weakening
only smiled. He refused to divulge his
nanie or tell of what tong he waa a mem
ber. Letter? and papers written in Chinese,
taken from him. disclosed his name and
the name of tho society to which he be
longed. Lee Yee was bundled into the patrol
wagon and hurried to the Good Samari
tan Hospital, where Dr. Slocum, former
a&dstant city physician, performed an
operation to determine the nature of his
Dr. Slocum said after the operation that
the wounds were dangerous, one ball hav
ing passed through the abdomen, piercing
the ilvcr. The operation was successful,
and a little hope is held out for Yee3 re
Will Yet Push liesolution Demand
ing Senator's -Resignation.
ALBANY, N. Y Jan. 10. Senator
Brackett's resolution requesting the resig
nation of United States Senator Chauncey
M. Depew was the only feature of the
Senate session tonight, although it was
not introduced after all and the expecta
tion of another sensational attack upon
and defense of Depew was disappointed.
The Senate had run through its order
of business in 13 minutes and Raines
moved to adjourn. Brackett declared It
was done to "choke oft?' his resolution,
everybody knowing, he declared, he was
going to Introduce It tonight. In accord
ance with his announcement when the
resolution was before the Senate last
"No such announcement was made,'
interjected a Senator.
"Oh. very well." said Brackett. "to
morrow will do as well as tonight-"
Brackett then declared that he would
yet put the Senate on record on his reso
lution. Tarbcll-Denies Approving Hcbates.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10. Gage E. Tarbell.
second vice-president of tho Equitable
Life Assurance Society, today filed with
the legislative committee on life insur
ance Investigation an affidavit In reply
to the testimony of George H. Shcckels
of Buffalo, taken before the committee on
December to. Mr. Tarbcll denies that he
advised or approved rebating In any form.