Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 10, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Definition of a Hostelry Is
That on Which Rich
ards' Case Rests. .
X'roprictor of llic Raided Establish
jnent Insists That His Business
Is a Legal One Police
Declare Otherwise.
When the ca?e of the City of Tort
land against Thomas I. Richards
come to trial In the Iunictpal Court
on the two counts relative to the
sclllnsr of liquor, tho only question
for decision -will toe. "What Is a
hotel r
Under tho box ordinance. In -which
the complaint regarding Rlchardrf
fstablishmcnt at Park and Alder aro
laid, hotels are excepted In the re-,
qulrements concernlns floor space In
boxes and the flze of doom that must
open Into the main room.
Mayor Lane vetoed an amendment
to the box ordinance introduced Into
and paired by the City Council, but at
ajatrr meetinc the veto -was not sus
tained. This exempts hotolf, and If
Richards proves he Is running -a. hotel. -other
establishments now belne
watched by the police will be able to
make the same defense.
Municipal Judge Cameron will be called
upon to define a hotel when the case of
the city against Thomas 1. Richards
comes to trial. The defense -will maintain
that the establishment conducted at Park
and Alder streets Is a hotel, while the
prosecution has him charged with main
taining a disorderly house, as well as
with violations of the box ordinance.
Under the existing box ordinance, hotels
nrc excepted, so that the sections pertain
ing; to the sale of liquor in boxes with less
than JfiO square feet of floor space, and
with doors of a specified size do not apply
to hotels.
An Important Case.
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald was
notified by Attorney C. M. Idlcman. late
yesterday afternoon, that the defenso will
not bo able to proceed with the case to
morrow morning, as was previously ar
ranged, but at that time it will beset for
This is regarded as a very important
case. Richards Is not by any means the
only interested person, from the stand
point of men engaged in similar business.
The outcome will affect thorn all. On the
word "hotel" depends the whole case, for
hotels arc 'the only places named in the
ordinance that can have private boxes.
Richards emphatically maintains that he
Ss operating a hotel, while the police de
clare he is running a disorderly house and
drinking-shop combined. Complaints
charging him with these offonses have
been filed In the Municipal Court, signed
by Acting Detective Kay. who worked on
the case with his partner, Jones.
Reticent us io Evidence.
The officers arc reticent as to what evi
Hence they have, but it is learned that, in
till probability, some members of the Mu
nicipal Reform League will be called to
the stand to tell what they know of the
establishment operated by Richards.
Lengthy investigations have been con
ducted by these persons, it is said, and
they will likely -be given an opportunity
to detail what they have learned.
Decided sensations arc expected to occur
before the case is finished, for Acting De
tectives Kay and Jones have a list of
men and women who are said by them
to patronize Richards establishment reg
ularly. Among these are men and women
high in society, official and professional
life, it Is said, and any ono of them Is
apt to be subpenaed without warning. In
order that It may be demonstrated wheth
er or not there have been any violations
of law. Kay and Jones Say.
Acting Detectives Kay and Jones will
describe in detail tho establishment oper
ated by Richards, and, among other
things, will relate what they declare takes
place nightly at that corner of Park and
Alder streets. One of the principal fea
tures they purpose telling is that when
conveyances drive up to the side entrance
of the place the lights go out until the
persons alighting: pass into the building
from the street ,
Another feature to bo described by Kay
and Jones Is the furnishing of the rooms,
and they will tell what it costs to engage
a room lor the night. Oriental splendor
is said -by Kay and Jones to pervade the
apartments. They say there Is a French
room, a German room, an Italian room,
Spanish and Turkish rooms, these being
furnished in the styles prevailing in the
respective countries represented.
A pathetic story will be related by Kay
and Jones, of a girl aged about 17 years,
who was seen by them to rush down the
stairs from Richards' establishment late
one night recently. They did not question
her, but they have located her home, and
case of necessity will call her as a
witness, to see why she left so hurriedly
that ingbU ,
It is understood that the only defense to
be put up by Richards is that he Is simply
. running: a hotel, Just as numerous others
are doing;
What the Press Agents Say. .
"The College Widow" Afternoon and
Kight at the Marquam.
The last two performances of Henry VT.
Savage's company In George Ade's record
comedy. "The College Widow." will be given
this afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at S:15
Kharp at the Marquam Grand Theater. If
you care to see "the-limit" In character
comedy, see "The "Widow." It's the talk of
the .own. Everything sold for the evening
you will have tp hurry for matinee scats,
so do not delay.
"Innocent Maids" Burlesque ' Com
pany In Popular Matinee at Baker.
The most popular amusement event of the
week known as bargain day matinee, wfll
be -given at the Baker as usaa.1 this 'after
noon at 2:15. The attraction thle week Is
the "Inno:ent Maide" burlesque company,
and Jt presents a .lively and enjoyable Mil!
The show differs entirely from the usvsj rwi
of burlesque attractions. It consfets of an
ejxclBg l)tirltte, an oilo asa a cle feur.
Usque. The burlesques are called "A Night
at Newport- and "The Diamond Palace."
and the cast is headed by that king of laugh
producers, John P. Burke. Mr. Burke baa
appeared In more niMMifnl hnrlruinn "than
any ether comedian In the country, and .his
nnisnea wort has made him an enviable
""At Cripple Creek" a Great Play
The Empire Theater U enjoying a great
rush of extra business- this week to ret the
thrilling drama, "At Cripple Creek." This Is
without doubt one of the beat plays that .hair
been at the Emnire the entire season. It U
by the noted playwright.- Hat Beld, and is
conceded to be the best wrk of Its .author.
The scenes In the play arc -laid In the Far
west In a mining camp among tho Rockies,
and many no-el effects and striking situa
tions are Introduced:- A carload of special
ecenery la carried for the production. The
third act In particular is worthy of notice,
as it Is the heaviest ever carried on the road
for a drama. The story of "At Cripple Crock"
la a powerful one. rich in tender human In
terest, bright with comedy and unfolded with
the utmost skill. There will be a matincs
Celebrated Actress at the Marquam
for Three Performances.
Madame Tlclwa. Modjcska and her com
pany of players will begin their engage
ment tomorrow (Thursday) night at the
Marquam Grand Theater, presenting Shake
Fpraro's dramatic tragedy, "Macbeth"; Fri
day night. Shakespeare's delightful comedy.
"Much Ado About Nothing," and Saturday
jnatlnec. the ' Iat performance. "Mary
Stuart" will be the bill.
Favorites Arc Coming.
All the old favorite. Including Allleen May,
Charles R. Allen, William I. Baynere. Vir
ginia Richmond, Edward Kellle. Viola Keen.
Will N. Webb and others thnt have awilsted
In the irjccoui of the Taylor Company "will all
rartlclpate in the production of "Her Mar
riage Vow." at the Empire Theater next
week, starting with the matinee Sunday. This
company is the same one that opened the Em
pire this -caf-on and made uch strong im
pression on the patron of that house In the
two powerful melodramas. "Escaped From the
Harem" and !Tbe Queen of the Highway."
The acting of the dashing and handrome
Aillcen May, as Queen of the Highway, has
brrn one of the cwon events at the Em
pire, and It Is afe to affirm taat every
patron of that house will be delighted to hear
of her return.
Next Week at the Baker.
" The Baker ThcaterJias "for Its next attrac
tion, commencing Sunday matinee, the famous
"Alcazar Beauties" company, under the per
sonal direction to T. V. Dlnklns. "The Ro
mance of a. Drews-Suit Case." by Louis Mortl
more and "A Midnight Dream." by Charles
E. Taylor, are the two burletta presented,
and In each "ma'ds. .mirth and melody" are
een throughout their entire action. TJy
oHo consist of the following well-known and
popular artists: The Seyons, Jaffies B. Car
son, the M1b?o Sawtell and Sear, the three
marvelous Kceley brothers. Halght and Dean,
Frank lUley and Kelly and Bartlett.
Mail Orders for Calve Sca,ts Received
All This Week.
Mall orders will be received all this week
for Madame Calve' concert at the Marquam
Grand Monday evening. January 22. These
orders will be taken from both in and out of
town, taking precedence over the regular
sale, which opens next Monday. January IS.
Inclose an addressed stamped nvelope with
money order or check, stating price f scats
and location wanted. Tickets will be re
turned this wek before the regular sale.
Prices and Information on, city news page
today's paper and from telephone Main SW.
Mnrquam Theater. Make cheek and moncj
orders payable to W. T. Panglc.
Preceding Election of Minister the
Society Chooses Trustees for
Three Years.
At the annual meeting of the Uni
tarian Society of Portland last night.
Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr.. by unanimous
vote, was given a call to the perma
nent pastorate of the First Church.
The trustees of the organization for
several months have been considering
Rev. Mr. Eliot to succeed Dr. G. W.
Cressy, whose, resignation- has recent
ly taken effect. Iast night they pre
sented his name to the society with
their unqualified indorsement and the
statement that they had consulted
Rev. Mr. Eliot in the matter and that
he would accept the call if It were
given him. W. P. Olds, one of the
trustees, placed the name of Rev. Mr.
Eliot in nomination, and other promi
nent members of the society spoke in
Its support. The choice of the trus
tees met with undivided favor, it being
the consensus of opinion that he would
well serve .the best interests of Unl
tarianism In Portland.
Rev. W. G. Eliot; Jr., Is a member
of a family which has taken a promi
nent part in Unitarian work for gen
erations. His father. Dr. T. L. Eliot,
served as pastor of. the First Church in
thlB city for 25 years. Since his re
tirement from the pulpit he has occu
pied the position of, pastor emeritus in
the church, and in spite of age. takes
a leading part In its activities. Rev.
Mr. Eliot's grandfather, W. G. Eliot,
served as many years as the pastor
of the influential First Unitarian
Church in St. Louis. The new pastor
is also a relative of President Eliot,
of Harvard.
Rev. Mr. Eliot was born in St. Louis
in 1S66, but came to Portland when an
Infant, and has spent the greater por
tion of his life in this city. He finished
his preparatory education here, after
wards completing a course at Wash
ington University in St. Louis. His
theological education was obtained at
Harvard Divinity School, where he
taught for one year after graduation.
In his ministerial work Mr. Eliot
has occupied the pulpit of the First
Church of Seattle for three years, and
the pulpit of a Milwaukee church for
four years. He spent two years in San
Francisco as assistant pastor In the
First Church with Dr. Stebblns. For
the past Ave years he has been em
ployed as superintendent for the Amer
ican Unitarian Association in the
Northwest, supplying pulpits In Salem,
Hood River, Belllngham, Everett and
other cities.
Preceding the election of a pastor,
the society last night listened to re
ports of the work of the year and
elected as trustees to serve for three
years Captain A- Pease, R. W. Wilbur
and W. F. Woodward, the present pres
ident. Officers of the society will be
selected at the regular meeting of the
trustees next Tuesday. . -
Following tho business meeting
there was a short reception, when the
ladles of the society served refreshments.
C. J.Trenchard, County Judge
of 'Clatsop, Attacked.
Is Robbed of Fifteen Dollars, nhd
Returns to Ills Hotel Bleeding;
From Many Severe Wounds
In the Face.
C. J. Tronchard. County Judge of Clat
sop County, walked into the Imporial Ho
tel about S:30 o'clock last night, bleeding
from several wounds on the face and
with his clothes covered, with blood.
Judge Tronchard said he had been held
up and robbed of U near SJxth and An
keny streets, at about 6:39 o'clock.
Judge Tronchard, who Is a regular
guest at the Imperial Hotel, left the hos
telry about 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
to procure his dinner at a restaurant and
catch the night train for his home at As
toria. He says he finished his meal and
was walking down Sixth street toward
tho depot when he was assaulted.
His clothes were literally covered with
mud when he returned to the hotel, and
while his wounds were not serious, they
wore deep enough to bleed profusely.
They looked as though they had been In
flicted by brass knuckles. One of his teeth
was loosened, his upper lip split and his
chin and neck badly scarred. His whole
face was badly swollen when seen by a
reporter at about 10 o'clock.
"When I was passing by the Old Post
offlcc building a man stepped up and in
quired as to the time." said Judge Tronch
ard. In describing the event- "I pulled
out my watch and told him It was about
G:30 o'clock. He suddenly hit' me in the
mouth and we clinched. In the struggle
we both fell to the pavement- He was the
quicker to recover from the fall, and.
rising to his knees, dealt me a crushing
blow behind the ear which rendered me
unconscious. I have an Indistinct recol
lection of his rolling me. over and going
through my pocket. The next I remem
ber. I was standing on my feet a consid
erable distance from the depot. I think I
must have wandered about in a dazed
condition. I went to the depot and then
to the Imporial Hotel."
EpleBdl Weather at Tkk -PaeM
Cot Kesert.
Deligbtfal la every particular Ss tkt
weather at Newport. && the Seutasra
Pacific and the Cervalus & E&atern rail
rea4s have resumed taeir cbe&p rates t
tsi place for the Wlater. Particulars Ty
asking at Taira && Waxbiactea xtfsU.
Thinks Portland. nnd Seattle Arc the
Only Towns Worth Living
'in After All.
J. P. Block, the irrepressible, blew into
town last night from Seattle. "I have
been East." remarked Mr. Block, when
he had recovered his breath and rescued
his grip from the bus driver.
' Left Seattle a month ago." continued
Mr. Block, carefully pulling, down a few
square feet of the latest thing in vest..
Been to St. Paul. Minneapolis Chlcagu.
Louteville, Indianapolis and Cincinnati:
to Butte and Helena, too, but they don't
count. Went to Cincinnati to accopt a
position on the roadtwlth Stratws, Prltz
& Co.. but, say. Is a traveling Job a po
sition? Well, never mind, you wouldn't
print the story anyhow.
. A little while after the North Coast
Limited hauled us through that hole in
the Cascades I met an Italian gentleman
from Nome who had annexed himself to
a fortune by 15 years at hard labor in
tho mines and had invested a little chunk
of it In a one-way ticket to Sunny Italy.
He told me all about the things that
had happened to htm up North, and pos
sibly some that didn't happen. But let's
not knock. Now this Is the sober truth:
I may sell whisky, but I don't drink It
now. The Italian Monte Cristo had two
small clothes baskets down under his
seat, and I had been speculating to my
self what was In them.
"Just then a waiter comes nlong and
sings out, 'First call for dinner. In the
dining-car!' "What's thatr asks Mr.
Italian. I explained as well as I could
that we had got to putting hotel on
wheels since he was on earth last, and
that now a fellow could sleep and eat and
drink and make merry at GO mllos an
hour If he had the price or could bor
row it.
"The Italian with the coin said he
was going to take a chanco at, the
.dinner. By and by he came back and
dug up one of those baskets. Some
drummer in Seattle had steered hint
up against a first-class grocery store
and. they had put him up a 10-lunch.
He was going to heave It out of the
window, basket' and alt Strange how
careless some people can be with
"I stopped the basket in transit and
some, poor coyote wont without truf
fled turkey that night. I gave the
basket to three schoolmarms from
Duluth and got their eternal grati
tude, alo a self-made Introduction.
By and by I wandered back to my
organ-grinder. He go.t busy while I
wa-i telling the story of my life to the
best out of three In the bunch of
schoolmarms, and had opened up the
other basket and a line of assorted
booze that would have made the sample-case
I left In Seattle go out and
blush In the vestibule If It had been
"In some ways that Dago was a
prince. He might have had too much
of the garlic flavor for some people,
but when It came to dividing that line
of, bottled goods he was there stronger
yet. it. excused myself and went to
bed while there was still a chance.
"We got along fine- and ma'de good
time, barring knocking a few boxcars
oft the right of way and minor col
lisions of that sort. The Pullman con
ductor told me I was a hoodoo. I
told him1 to look In the next mirror
and see the real hoodoo. He was
cross-eyed. Careless of the company,
"wasn't It? v
"Got into the Auditorium Hotel at
Chicago. Wind blew my hat off and
it landed In the lake, half a mile
away. 'Gee whizz! Whan a gale!''
said L "Just a gentle zephyr," said'
a policeman.
T found Cincinnati full of money
and monopoly; also sassy hotel-clerks:'
also a lot of people who thought -the
Civil War was still going on. 'How
far west do you live, St. Paul or Min
neapolis?" asked one fellovy. "Young
man I said. T live so far west that
I could take my morning bath in the
Pacific Ocean If they'd . warm the
water a little. The poor chap looked
sympathetic. v
"Well, anyway, I've been as far
east as Louisville and as far south
as I care to go, and Portland and Se
attle are the only live towns I've
seen. So long."
A Religions TrRst.
At a recent meeting at Hlllsboro of
representatives of various evaagclic&l re
ligiot deBiatIons a. cqpimlttee was
aypetnted to (erauiUte a constitution fr
a federation. Their work being done,
the constitution which they propose is
just published. In essence it conforms to
the ideas of those trusts which have ab
sorbed and then controlled various Indus
tries. Tho main points are that the
churches shall avoid competition in un
occupied district and concentrate re
ligious effort at as little cost for organi
zation as possible, and in large cities.
that they shall co-operate. The whole
document has a business-like air . and
structure and Is a marked Instance of
adoption - by the church of the ways of
the world and of the principle of associa
tion now dominant everywhere. Thus
both the world and the churches move.
It Is Supposed to Have Rccn a Case
" of Suicide.
What Is presumably the body of a sui
cide was found on Barnes Holghts, about
four miles from Portland, Sunday morn
ing. The body, which was that of a man.
had evidently been exposed for many
months, as the decomposition.-was such
that only the bones remained. The bones
were taken to Hlllsboro, where they were
buried In the poor-farm graveyard.
An empty vial lying close to the bones
is that which gives the impression that
the man had committed suicide. The sup
position is that he climbed on top of the
hill and then drank the poison from the
He wore a black coat and vest and his
trousers wcro black with a white strip
running down them. A raincoat was lying
near. In his hatband were tho words,
"Drcyfoos. Spokane. Wash.," which is
supposed to be the name and address of
tho dealer from whom he had purchased
the hat. The Coroner from Washington
County, who.took charge of the body, as
sembled the bones, and he sqys the man
was about C feet six inches In height.
From the condition of the teeth he Is
Judged to have been a man about 40 years
of age.
Barnes Heights Is the tallest hill in the
country for miles around. It Is about
three miles southeast of Cedar Mills.
Ralph Mocljeskn Here to Supervise
Work Spanning the Columbia.
Ralph Modjeakl. the noted engineer
who is furnishing the plans for the
steol bridges to be built across the
Columbia River for the North Bank
road, arrived in PortluHd yesterday
from the East, and is now a guest at
the Hotel Portland. Mr. Modjenki !
here to supervise the construction or
the steel bridges across the Columbia,
actual work upon which will com
mence within the next two wooks. Mr.
Modjeski will not give all his time to
the supervision of thu construction of
the bridges, but will make frequent
trips from the East. There will be
two bridges on the Columbia, extend
ing from cither bank to an island In
the stream.
He stated yesterday that the three
large bridges to be constructed two
across the Columbia and one across
the Willamette River would cost ap
proxlmntely 53.000.000. it Is expected
to have all thrcb bridges completed
within a year and a half from the
present time.
Materials for the bridges arc now on
the way from the East. A force of
workmen is now employed building a
wharf at Vancouver to handle the ma
terials when they arrive, and a large
warehouse In which the cement will
be stored is being constructed.
In about two weeks the workmen
will start to build tha caissons, which
will be sunk In the river to serve as
part of the foundation?. This will be
the first actual wrk on the bridge
Itself, although preparations ars now
being made. j
The bridges will be as solidly built
as they possibly can be. They will bo .
among the most substantial In the 1
The Jew
in America
Read the story of the Jew, the "Great Misunderstood Among
the Nations," in Mtjnsey's Magazine for January the amazing
record of his achievements for 250 years in America.
Dgofj how his versatility, intellectual strength and energy of character have
v made him a vital element in every department of American life.
l?63.d kQVV 1C be311 by making possible the .discovery of America by
v Columbus ; how he first settled in Manhattan, and latex proved his.
patriotism by blood and money in the Revolutionary, Civil and
Spanish Wars.
.what he has done in finance, commerce, business and national devel
opment; what he has achieved in law, diplomacy, statesmanship and
puuuc service.
.what he has accomplished in science, music and art ; in education as
teacher and scholar; in religion as preacher and moral force in the
community; iu charity and philanthropy both for himself and others.
.how this persecuted world-wanderer has handled the opportunity that
the United States has eiven him : how he has become AmpnVnnTTori
under free institutions, and grown to be a mighty force in the body
politic. All these things and more are told in a graphic manner in
for January
Illustrated with 25 portraits of leading Jews in America
The story tells the truth about the Jew, his faults and virtues, and dispels the fog
of prejudice which has enveloped him. When you have read it you will begin to
understand why it is that no people, in proportion to numbers, have made a greater
or more valuable contribution to our Complex National Life.
Every Jewjin America should buy Munsey's Magazute for January,
cut out this article and hand it down in his family as a true history
of the achievements of has race on this continent.
10 cents on all News Stands
This article on the Jew will be followed in the February
number by a great article on "The Scots in America."
Read Read
United States. All three of the bridges
will have double tracks.
"We hope to have the bridges com
pleted as soon as the tracks of tho
Xorth Bank road are in readiness for
operation." said Mr. Modjeski, at the
Hotel Portland last night. -As soon
as we start we intend to push the
work forward as rapidly as possible,
nnd there will be no needless- delay.
"I think we shall employ on an av
erage from 250 to 300 men. AV'e could
not ise a greater number of workmen
to advantage. With the exception of
the foundations, tho bridges will be no
harder to construct than many other
similar structures In this country
"The foundations, however, will givi
us a difficult piece of work, a3 we shal'
have to go down about 70 or SO feet for
solid ground. "We shall have to sink
caissons, which we shall nil with ce
ment. We shall use one of the old
piers left by the T'nion Pacific."
if "'Will
"r"Et-i, " -
r' - iff - ..21
... in
2!5 ' i,
The "Triangle A"
"The Sign of a Good Cigar"
Be sure of
your cigars
before you buy.
Don't trust to luck to get
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Be sure of quality and value.
Choose your cigars from boxes
bearing the "A" (Triangle A) merit
mark whatever the "brand name nnrt
be sure of the best smoke for vour mnnw
whatever price you pay, wherever you buy
Reina Victoria Size 5c-
The "Triangle A"
"The Sign of a GooU Cigar"
a new size in a well-known cigar, greatly improved in blend, flavor and
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uniform blend in all" "A" brands, making these cigars the finest of their class
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that carry the "A" (Triangle A) merit-mark. Remember, this "A" on a wVar
box whatever the brand is your guarantee of- the best cigar for your money
Manufactured by American Cigar Company
Sold by cigar dealers everywhere