m itA, i MLaBsiilF ' ill HI III VOL. XLY.- XO. 14,068. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. fe"7v-' ROGERS DODGES MORE QUESTIONS Standard Oil Man's An swers Evasive. HiS IGNORANCE IS GREAT Does Not Know Where Company Has Office. His ACCOUNTANT TELLS TRUTH Former SUindard Employe Exposes Connection of Standard With Competitors Rogers' Con tempt for Missouri. NEW YORK, Jan. S. H enry H. Rogers, vice-president of the Standard Oil Com pany of New Jersey, and a director of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, which Attorney-General Herbert S. Had ley Is trying to oust from the State of Missouri, was on the witness stand today on quo warranto proceedings brought by Mr. Hadley. Mr. Hadley took up with him only these point: "Whether the Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana has an office in the building at 26 Broadway, this city, where the Standard Oil Company of New Jor-st-y lias its offices, and whether the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey owns or controls a majority of the stock of the Indiana company, the Waters Tierce OH Company, of Missouri, and the Republic Oil Company, of New York. Mr. Rogers said thaC he did not know that the Indiana Company has offices at 26 Broadway; that he supposed its affairs are conducted in Indiana and that he imagined that James A. Moffett, presi dent of the Standard OH Company of In diana, has an office at 26 Broadway, but that he (Mr. Rogers) was never in it- He declined to answer the question whether the Standard Oil Company of New jer sey owns tho stocks of the companies which, Mr. Hadley alleges, have com bln'vi to ptltU- competition in Missouri. Mr. Hadley prvsd uv quwtioji with much insistence and demanded an answer -without evasions. Mr. Itogers was testi fying when the hearing adjourned to day. Willing to Hear Xiitwson. After the adjournment, Mr. Hadloy's attention was called to some published advice to him concerning the proceed ings from Thomas W. Lawson, of Boston, and he -was asked: "Do you want Mr. Lawson to come down here and testify in this case?' "Certainly. If Mr. Lawson knows any thing, I should like to have him come down." said Mr. Hadley. Ttogcrs Again Dodges. When Mr. Rogers was called, Mr. Had ley repeated his previous question: "Explain what you meant by 'You did not learn that there were any commit tees. " . "The answer explains itself," said Mr. Itogcrs. "Did you mean that there arc no com mittees at 26 Broadway that had any thing to do with the Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana?" "I did not." "Do I understand you that there are not at 26 Broadway committees which have charge of the trade of the Stand ard Oil Company of Indiana?" "No." "Are there such committees." "I can't answer." "Does the Standard Oil Company of In diana soil oil in New York?" "I don't know." "Does it have an office at 26 Broad way?" "I don't know that It does.'N "You are a director in that company?" "Yes." "Do you mean to say that Mr. Moffett has not an office at 26 Broadway or that you don't know whether lie has or not?" "I don't know, except by hearsay." "Do you know If the secretary and the treasurer of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana -sjtay at 26 Broadway?" "If Mr. Stahl is the treasurer, as I sup pose him to be, and Mr. Cowan is vice' president, as I believe him to be, I don't know that they have offices there." Slap at Missouri Supreme Court. "Do you mean to say to the Supreme Court of Missouri that you don't know where the company's offices are?" ""It is' quite immaterial to me what the Supreme Court of Missouri expects me to say." said Mr. Rogers. Mr. Hadley repeated the question. "Do you want it for personal informa tion?" asked. Mr. Rogers. "You understand my question, without evasion, and I ask the commissioner to direct the witness to "answer," said Mr. Hadley. At the commissioner's suggestion, Mr. Hadley changed the question to: "Do you not know, as a director, where the general offices of the Standard OH Company of Indiana are located?" "I do not know as a fact, but I sup pose they arc in Indiana, where the com pany is incorporated, and I prefer to trust to records rather than to my memory." said Mr. Rogers. "I still want an answer. Do you know if the Standard Oil Company of Indiana has an office at 26 Broadway?" "I answered that in regard to the office of Mr. Moffett, the president of the com pany." "Do you know whether it.has-or bag not an eSce there?" "As I Implied in my answer." "Answer without evasion, lias It or has it not?" "I am trying to give you a fair and square answer, but I cannot go further, but I will look into the question and lot you know." Mr. Hadley: I am not satisfied. Do you know that Mr. Moffett. president of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, has an office at 26 Broadway?" "I have answered that.". "You can answer twice the same way. can you not?" "I imagine that he has an office there. but I never was in it. My previous answer covers the quostion exactly." ' Again Declines to Answer. It is charged In this case that the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, the "Waters-Pierce Oil Company and Republic Oil Company are in confederation and an agreement in violation of the trust laws of Missouri; do you now know that the Standard Oil Company of New York owns or controls, either through iteelf or other party, a majority of the stock In all those companies?" "I object,' Mild Mr. Hagerman, "as the question of stock ownership Is still in court." Mr. Hadley said the question of stock ownership is not ponding in any court in Missouri, but on the contrary the com missioner appointed In Mipsouri to take evidence in this ca has ruled that such evidence is admissible and It lias boon admitted In Missouri. Mr. Hagerman said that was not cor rect, ns he understood it. but the quostion is still undecided. Mr. Sanborn found the question com petent and instructed Mr. Rogers to an swer. Mr. Rogers declined to do so. Mr. Hadley asked if Mr. Rogers de clined for any othor reason than on the advice of counsol, and Mr. Rogers said he did not. - Mr. Rogers was .still on the witness stand whon the hearing adjourned un til tomorrow. Before interrogation of witnesses, be gan Mr. Hadley Informed the commission er that Wade Hampton, auditor of the Standard Oil Company, one of the wit nesses summoned, had not responded. Oil Trust Stock in Kvldcnec. Mrs. Ida M. Butts, stop-daughter of the late George M. Rice, of Marietta. O., whs the first witness. Mr. Had ley rend a certificate of six shares in the Original Standard Oil Trust Issued by the board of trustees of that trust in 1S92 to George M. Rice. It was signed by John D. Rockofotlcr, Henry .M. Flaglerand "William T. WardwolL It was indorsed as having been issued in com pliance with an order of the Supreme Court of Now York, made In IBM. Mrs. Butts Identified It as having bolonged to Mr. Rice. Mr. Hadley also road a certificate of an assignment of legal title of one share In the Standard OH Trust to George M. Rice, and asked If this was Issued after the Standard Oil Company of Ohio was or dered by the courts t" b- dissolved in 3K2. 'Qiec wore the waners about which Mrs. Butts was questioned on Saturday, but which she could not then produce. They were signed by John D. Rockefeller, li. it. Rogers, W. H. Tilford. attorney. and F. O. Barstow. as secretary. Frank Hagerman, counsel for the Stand ard OH Company, objected to this ques tion, as asked only for the purpose of publication by the 20 reporters present. The objection was overruled. Mrs. Butts said the paper was owned by Mr. Pice. These six shares arc said to be the only shares of the original Standard Oil Trust now In existence. Watcrs-Picrcc Was In Trust. Mrs. Butts said the Waters-Pierce OH Company was a member of the original Standard OH Trust- Mrs. Butts said Mr. Rice had another assignment of title which he converted into scrip of the con. stltucnt companies of the Standard OH Company of New Jersey. Mr. Hadley again brought from tho witness, as on Saturday, that these as signments of title were Issued 'in course of what Mr. Hadley called the "pretended dissolution" of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, and the final ejection of that company from Ohio In contempt proceed ings. Mrs. Butts said these shares of stock were exchangeable for shares of stock In the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. "Did the Standard OH Company of New Jersey become the holding company of these companies in the Standard OH Trust?" asked Mr. Hadley. "It did." said Mrs. Butts. Mrs. Butts also possessed, as admin istratrix of George M. Rice, a certi ficate of shares of stock held by him in the Standard Oil Company of In diana. She said that Alexander McDonald & Co., of Cincinnati, .were In existence be fore the Standard OH Trust and became the Consolidated Tank Line Company and a member of the original Standard OH Trust. . The Chess Carley Company, of lyouisviiie, -K.y., sne said, was also a mem ber of the trust. Mrs. Butts was then excused. Republic OH Co. Has Back Door. H. D. Hardcastle was the next wit ness. He was an accountant of the Stand ard OH Company. He said he lived In New York and entered the employ of the Standard OH Company at Albany, N. T., m awl. me manager or tne company at Albany then, he said, was L. P. Cutler. Witness was employed there eight years, and then went to Cleveland. O., where he worked for the Republic OH Company. Witness was transferred, through or ders of W. II. Tilford. 26 Broadway, t director of the Standard OH Company. Mr. Tilford said the Standard Oil Com pany had Just absorbed Schofield, Schur mer a ueagte, and reorganized it as the Republic Oil Company. Hardcastle gave details to show that the new company was an arm of the trust, remarking that 73 New street. New York, the address given for the Republic OH Company, was merely a rear entrance to 26 Broadway, where the -Standard Oil Company's offices are. C. J. Nichols, president of the Republic Oil Company, had offices at 26 Broadway. Witness was in Cleveland about four weeks and visited the territory served by the Republic Oil Company. The Republic OH Company was doing business under that name in Kansas City and St; Louis. "What Instructions were given by the Republic Oil Company to its agents XCwchMlHl ml Pftfe 12.)' CANTEEN KEEPS SOEDIEDS SOBER Chicago Preacher Denounces Its Abolition as Disas ter to the Army. TELLS WHAT HE HAS SEEN Ring of Groggcrlcs Around Fort Sheridan Convinces Dr. Rogers TJint Abolition of Canteen Was Injury to Army. CHICAGO. Jan. S.-fSpccal.) "When a man puis on the uniform of the United States, he does not put on petticoats. He is supposed to be a fighting man. not a pink tea or milk-and-water individual. The bad soldier has no mask, political, finan cial or social, to hide his defects. The average civilian or meddling 'reformer is not in a position to pass Judgment on the soldier as he is found In the average Army post. The difficulty has been in wanting to find the soldier as wc think he ought to be. not as he is. Particularly Is this true as to drink." In this vigorous fashion Rev. George D. Rogers, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hlghwood, adjacent to Fort Sheridan. hands his compliments to the meddling re formers who arc almost directly respon sible for the shocking conditions around the big Army post. Since - the abolition of the canteen, a fringe of low groggerics and disreputable haunts has sprung up all around Fort Sheridan, like a dado of crimson 'sin, bordering the post. Army Officers for Temperance. Dr. Rogers, who has studied the matter carefully at first hand, continues, in part: "It has always- seemed to inc that, as I have followed the discussion of many good and wise persons, they took it for granted that the "United States Army officers advocated the use of intoxicating liquors, and were encouraging the men to become habitual drunkards. I have had the advantage of two years' constant as sociation with the Army at Fort Sheridan. I find conditions quite the contrary. Tho Army officials have dealt wisely and in telligently with tills question for years. Any one who has fairly noted the United States statutes . and Army regulations CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The "Weather. TEKTERDAVK Maximum tempf-alur. -Ifi deg.; minimum. -10. Precipitation, 0.41 of an Inch. TODAY'S Rain. Southerly wlndf. Foreign. Germany fear war abeat Morocco lest So cialists break out. Paso 4. British Parliament dlsselx'ed and election be. rins Saturday. Page 4. France protests against rrcth Insult from Castro. Pago Z: RurMan rebel driven from town after pitched battle. Page'-l. National. President declares canal work Ik well done and charges are baseless. Page S. Taft's report on Panama Railroad bonds and Market contract. Page 3. German calls for Investigation of canal ex penditures. Page 2. Rayner speaks acaint RAOsevelt's view of Monroe doctrine. Page House discusses Philippine tariff. Page 2. Hermann turns up ia Washington sick. Page 1. Folltlc. Gevernor Cummins of Iowa speaks en Insur ance supervision. Page Governor Paulson of Ohio wants rigid liquor taws, l'age nomettic Rogers evades questions In Standard Oil "in quiry and refuses answers. Page 1. Chicago preacher favors restoring canteen. Page 1. Fitzflmmons sued for wrecking blacksmith shop. Page 3. Edwards proved to have committed suicide at New Haven. Page 4. Eight houses wrecked In landslide and burned with 10 Inmates. Page 4. Dr. Morris answers Congressman HulL Page 5. Sport. Baseball grounds will be established at the Oaks and outlaw teams will play there. rage s. Pacific Coaot. C A. Johns, candidate for Governor of Oregon, announces his principles. Page 0. Hogan. alias Orchard. Is Identified as man wanted for Cripple Creek dynamite out rage. Page ft. A. T. Kelllher sentenced to fire years " In penitentiary for land sale fraud. Page 6. Graft investigation at Tacoma a farce. Page C. Union Labor party candidates are installed at San Francisco. Page 6. Chinese boycott threatens to close Puget &ouna rains, .rage . Commercial aad Marine. California citrus crop not seriously dam aged Dy rrost. i'age 13. Orange auctions resumed at San Francisco. Page 13. Fluctuations in wheat at Chicago. Page IX Front-taking sates check advance In stocks. Page 13. Important hop laje at Independence. Page 13. Portland handled a large fleet of vessels dur ing year 1003. according to statement of Collector of Customs. Page 12. French bark laid on berth at Antwerp for I'oruina. rage jz. Pertbad asd Ylchalty. United States Clear Company - leases the Dekum and Washington' buildings from cnarles sweeny, rage L Commerclal Club decides to enlarge the scope of Its work in advertising Oreron. Page s. Council may seek to regulate the Gas Com pany. Pago 14. "Helney" Rassman confesses that he and "Tatoo" Kelly robbed the Centennial bar and that Kelly Killed Fleramtnga. Page 12. Malarkey takes witness-stand to show worth- lessnes of witness for the Oregon "Water Power & Railway Company. Page 8. "Walter mistakes Bruin for a footpad and U arrested. Page S. Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald favors chain gang ror vagrant. i-se iv. Richards will fight in courts raid of police on his establishment. Page V. Applegrowers wlN make fine exhibits at the fcortlcttltsrai Mccuag. rage s. must admit the progress and growth of a temperance sentiment. Good Jlcsults of Canteen. There arc abundant statistics at hand to prove that. Immediately following: the abolition of the Army canteen, confusion reigned and drunkenness and kindred evils multiplied. Statistics also prove that there was a marked improvement in the morals of the men at nearly every post where the canteen was established. The rate of desertion fell 26 per cent, for in stance, during the first year of the canteen. Before the canteen, the rate of desertions had grown to 101 in every 10M men. Just before its abolition the rate had been re duced to 50 iu every 10. T think It is important to note that throughout nil these years the men who are the head of the War Department and many of the officers of different military stations have given the question of in toxicating; liquors the most careful study. and that they have the best Intorcst of th,c common soldier at heart, Let It bo understood that for the shocking: condi tions around Fort Sheridan and other Army posts the Army is not responsible. ICffcct of Misguided Sentiment. hc Army would have kept, and still would have, the canteen as the best so lution to a great problem of discipline. It was the Influence of misguided sentiment that forced the abolition of the canteen and permitted hundreds of the lowest dives on earth to creep, up to the very .Kates of Army posts and lie In wait for soldiers. "That the canteen will be restored goes without question. The Army demands it. and It seams to mc that any intelligent study of real conditions at any Army post will thoroughly convince any one that It is the best solution to a groat problem. The policy of the War official Is to raise the standard of the Army in every re spect. It should be the part of every loyal citizen to rally to their support. Prcsidont Roosevelt has taken decisive steps toward the recognition of the United States uni form. He should receive the heartiest co operation of every citizen of this country." HIS CELEBRATION GDSTLY F1TZ IS SUED FOR WRECKING B LACKS. IITH-SUOP. Action Delays Departure From Di vorce City Plans Physical Cul ture School for 100. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Jan. S.-(Speeial.) Robert FItzsimmons lata this afternoon was made the defendant In a damage suit growing ont of the wrecking of the blacksmith shop In which he on Satur day attempted to make souvenir hqrse- shoes. The suit was instituted b- Sirs. C. Carpontor. owner f tho building, who asks damages In the sum of Owing to the commencement of the suit Fit nnd his wife will now remain In Sioux Falls until tho close of the week. There Is a possibility that he and his wife may not rotum to the stage after all. FItzsimmons is now considering a proposition to establish a physical cul ture school In New York City, on the or der of that of Billy Muldoon. It Is his purpose to secure the patronage of the wealthy classes, both men and women, and make the establishment, if he era barks in the enterprise, one of the most aristocratic of the kind in the world. SEEK $5,000,000 IN GRAFT Chicago Officials Say Contractors Have Jlobbcd City Wholesale. CHICAGO. Jan. S. In a search for $S.0X,0 graft, said to huve been dis bursed among builders of water tunnels and sewers in Chicago, a committee ap pointed by the Council Council will In vestigate the books Jn the offices of the City Controller and Commissioner of Public Works. The Inquiry, which will cover the last decade, was prompted today when As sistant Corporation Counsel T. J. Suth erland declared that grafting on an enormous scale had been ppssiblc through a combination of corrupt contractors, broken agreements, bills for "fake" work and connivance on the part of municipal officials. He said that at least $3,COi).000 could be recovered If suits were brought in the courts. PUSHING ST. PAUL SURVEYS Road May Enter Portland Over Track of O. R. & X. NEW TORK. Jan. 8. (Special.) The St. Paul survey Is progressing rapidly. Since July engineers have pushed from Evarts. S. D., into Montana. They are also working In the LoloVPaas and it Is prac tically certain that the route will He through this pass. It Is not regarded asvprobable at pres ent that the original SL Paul surveys will Include Portland. They will run to Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle. Probably running rights may be obtained over tho Oregon Railway & Navigation Company's line Into Portland. CORPSES FILL STREETS large Mortality In Puerto Plata Bat tic Ca ceres "Wins Again. TURKS ISLAND. Bahama. Jan. . Ad vices brought here by the steamer Chero kee from Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo, yesterday, dated January 6, say the re cent fighting near that port was very sharp. 150 of the SCO men engaged on both sides "being killed or wounded. Dead bod ies were lying In the streets of Puerto Plata for two days. An attack on Puerto Plata by the In surgent General. Pedro Alvarez's, forces was expected when the steamer left there and it was believed It would result in tne authorities surrendering. General Guillito and General Navarato Insurgents, were defeated on January 5, In their attack on Santiago, which was defended by Ca ceres troops. General Lasala, who is fightinjr for Jim Inez, is afeeut to attack La yoga, about 23 aMcs Mrtfcwest o Saato lamingo BIG LEASES BY ' CIH COMPANY Trust Secures the Dekum antf the Washington Buildings From Mr. Sweeny. HERE TO FIGHT GUNST Owners ot the Two Structures Will Receive Sixty Thousand Dollars n Year Xct, Which Is Six Per Cent on a Million. That the United Cigar Store Com pany, the allied interest of the Amer ican Tobacco Company, is entering: Portland with the purpose of carrying: on extensive operations In this city, was shown beyond dispute yesterday when the corporation secured from Charles Sweeny, the Spokane million aire, a lease upon the Dekum and the Washington buildings, two of- the most important business blocks in the heart of Portland's commercial dlstrlcL Tho lease is of ten years duration, and gives the tobacco company sole con trol of the two buildings during; that time, subject to the leases now held by several of the tenants, none of which extend as long as two years. The lease was acquired in the name of the United Merchants Investment & Realty Company, which is simply an other way of designating the United Cigar Store Company. Rental a Good One.. According to reliable information, it is known that the price received by Mr. Sweeny for the two buildings is $50,000 a year net. In other words, he will draw a cloar profit from his two investments equal to the interest upon JJ.000.000 at 6 per cent. In addi tion to the -stipulated figure of the lease, the United Cigar Store Company will have to pay the Incidental ex penses of the buildings including the taxes. The assessed value of tho Dekum for the present year is S343.000, and that of the Washington Is 5132,000. Upon this basis the company will pay in taxes at the present rate of 14.8 mIUsMTUiajfcycar. Tho price paid. th4STiJy 567.130 annually. pr'NDJjQK'csmc'nt and .the rate ot r5wa2!W-remain tho sump throughout tho duration of the lease. tfbe two buildings are on adjacent sites, occupying the entire block on the south side of Washington street, between Third and Fourth. The Dekum covers the north cast quarter of the block, and Is eight stories high. The Washington, which Is a four-story structure, has 100 feet front age on Washington street and 50 feet on Fourth. Mr. Sweeny purchased the De kum for 533O.0O). and paid $200,000 for the Washington. On his Investment of $550, KO. he will receive for the next ten years an income on a sum more than double his money, figured at 5 per cent. First Gun in Fight. The acquisition of this important prop erty by the United Cigar Store Company Is the first gun In the fight which Is to be waged in Portland between the American Tobacco Company and M. A. Gunst, of San Francisco, who already has entered heavily into the local retail tobacco trade. The Eastern firm, to fortify Itself strong ly In this city, will, it Is understood, re model the Washington building and estab lish there a cigar store which will be sec ond to none upon the Pacific Coast. Its store will occupy the corner of the Wash ington building, where the establishment of ILB. Litt, the modiste. Is now located. No expense will be spared in transforming this corner into a thoroughly equipped, beautifully finished, modern cigar store. In addition to this, a handsome plate glass front will be installed along the en tire Washington-street face of the build ing. It is believed that no changes are. con templated in the Dekum building, at least for the present. LIpman & Wolfe, who occupy the lower floor, hold a lease to their quarters which will not expire until September, 1S07. This would preclude any immediate changes which the lessee might have in store for this block. Moreover, the building at present Is drawing a hand some revenue, and It seems probable that the tobacco people will simply let it out to the present occupants as long as they desire to stay there and meet the figures which they may set. The Dekum Is one of the best-equipped office buildings in the city, and the upper floors are occupied by desirable tenants, and draw good rent. Sweeny Returns to Spokane. Charles Sweeny came down from Spo kane on purpose to carry through the deal and after its consummation returned to that city last night. George F. Whalen. of New York Citv president of the United Cigar Store Company, was on hand to look after the Interests of that corpora tion. He will remain In Portland some time to direct the policy of his company during its entrance Into the local business world. The negotiations between the two Interests were carried on by the firm of Rountree & Diamond, who are the agents of Mr. Sweeny. B. B. Rich, the Pacific Coast agent of the United Cigar Store Company, was out of town yesterday, but It is understood that he wis .thoroughly In touch with the operations here. For some time it has been known that the United Cigar Store Company was seeking an entrance into Portland, the definite announcement being first made by The Oregonian. It offered $13,000 a month ground rent for the Failing prop erty at the southeast corner of Fifth and Washington streets, which was subse quently leased to L. Swetland at the same figure. If it had acquired this property It would have erected upoa it a large business block. Not receiving this site, it sought elsewhere and. as is tho policy of the company In every city, se lected one of the best corners to be had at any price. Leases Other Corners, Too. It Is reported that the company al ready has leases upon other prominent corners in Portland where It will es tablish cigar stores, but the headquarters In this city will naturally be the Wash lngtorf building. With the firm foothold which It now has, it is certain that there wfll be between it and the Gunst interests a competition unprecedented in the local tobacco trade. The situation will soon closely resemble that In San Francisco where the two firms are fighting for the tobacco trade. The entrance of the American Tobacco Company, more commonly known as the trust, into Portland is an Indication qf the utmost confidence in the city on the part ot the Eastern capitalists who are behind it. The company operates only in the large cities and In choosing a new field examines carefully Into future prospects. It now owns about 500 cigar stores in the United States, almost all of which, with the exception of the San Francisco es tablishments, are east of the Mississippi. ES HIDE CHAMPIONS WIFE WHO WAS EJECTED FR03I WHITE HOUSE Barnes, Hull and Secret Service Men AH Come In for Severe Ver bal Castigntion. WASHINGTON. Jan. $. Dr. Minor Morris, whose wife was ejected from the White House last Thursday, to night gave out a public statement In which he severely arraigns those re sponsible for her removal, denounces the Imposition of a fine in her case as adding to her humiliation, and re plies to the statement of her brother. Representative Hull of Iowa, regard ing the will and codicil of her father. The statement Is addressed "To Whom It May Concern." and begins as fol lows: A woman of the highest culture, of the rar est attainments, who has devoted her life to her hoxp. her family and her tyeals. whose only thought has been to do good, and who ban always considered others before herself, a wife and mother, has been seized- from be hind in th walUngr-room of the White House and maltreated with a brutality which hu manity woutd revolt at seeing accorded to ltrf lowest type. The details of the sickening thing, unnameable. are now known to the whole country. Dr. Morris alleges that an effort was. made to noiu Mrs. Morris at tne nous of Detention until his arrival two days later to make "It appear that she wjis friendless and Insane." He says that the physicians sent to examine her manifested their Indignation, and that, us It "became dangerous to press the Insane charge, she stands today recorded .as the disturber of tne peace to the extent of 55." Dr. Morris says her sufferings will not have been in vain "if the larger purposes of truth and Injustice are strengthened in the community." His wife did not scream, he says, until "the violent seizure of Secret Service men surprised her with the command to 'come on. " The statement makes sarcastic allusions to Assistant Secre tary Barnes, who it says, after order ing her removal, tried to defend him self. Dr. Morris says that the mental and physical bruises which Mrs. Mor ris has sustained would be dreadful in any environment, but at the por tals of the National residence of Ex ecutive authority the pain Is intensi fied a thousand times. The question of tho disputed will is then taken up, and the expressions given out by Representative Hull in recent Interviews denounced as for getful of the most sacred relation ships of life "In the hour of her cruci fixion." The statement alleges that, while the testator. Mrs. Morris' father, said "I owe no debts," a debt of al most the entire estate was put through a court, and that the removal from the War Department of Dr. Morris, who mentions himself as the beneficiary's husband, was made in connection with the pressing of the latters claims. Ia conclusion Dr. Morris declares that the Nation'3 sense of decency has been 3hocked that one woman has to bear all this, and that the "vital fact In the limelight is that this outrace .is the gravest insult to the politeness of American life or In the memory of men and women now living." Texan Champions 3Irs. Morris. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Representative Shepard. of TeJcas. today Introduced a resolution providing for the appointment of a commission of Republican and Demo cratic members of the House to Investi gate the "recent violent expulsion of an American mother from the White House offices and grounds by executive officials and employes while she was seeking an audience with the President of the United States." The resolution was referred to the com mittee on rules. MARZ0NI CASE DECIDED Annapolis Court-Martial' Will Try Decatur Again Today. ANNAPOLIS. Jan. 8. The court-martial of Midshipman Peterson B. Marzoni, al leged to be connected with hazing in six different Instances, continued today. Most of the morning session was devoted to the remarks of George H. Mann for the defense, and Judge-Advocate Harrison for the prosecution. The court at 2:30 o'clock announced that a verdict had been reached In Marzonl's case, but that It will not be made public until it has re ceived the approval of Admiral Sands, superintendent of the Naval Academy. The court also announced that It would take up the second case against Midship man Stephen Decatur. Jr., tomorrow morning at 10 o clock. Midshipman John P. Miller of Lancas ter. Ky., who has- been expected to grad uate at the. head of his class this year, was put under arrest today on charges of hazing Henry G. Cooper. Jr., of Ox ford. N. C. and Max B. Demott of Niles. Mich., members of the fourth class. Cooper Is the midshipman who was stricken with paralysis wniie in a class room about a month ago. Autos for Rural Carriers. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Postmaster General Cortelyou today approved a rec ommendation for the use by rural carriers of automobiles In serving their routes. FRIENDS SMOKE OUT HERMANN Has Been in Washing ton Since Friday. HAS ATTACK OF ERYSIPELAS Son-in-Law Admits Fact and Hermann Confirms It. TRIAL BEGINS IN FEBRUARY Unless He Pleads Privilege, Must Face Jury for Destroying Letter books Hcney Will Conduct Prosecution There. ' WHAT MK. HERMANN SAYS. WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. (To tho Editor of The Oregonian.) Klndly lnsert following to correct erroneous report from here, which. I am In formed. Is In today's Issue of The Oregonian: I arrived here recently and have been confined since to my room by a renewed attack of ery sipelas. I was detained In my journey at St. Paul for a number of days from the same cause and was under a physician's constant care until able to proceed here. BIN'GER HERMANN. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Jan. 8. The Hermann mystery Is solved. The Hon. Bmgcr Hermann, crafty as usual, slipped into Washington last Friday night contrary to his custom, and. to avoid detection, he summoned a cab and drove to the home of his son-in-law and took to 'his bed. He has been flat on his back ever since, suffering from an other attack of erysipelas. At any rate that Is the statement given out today at Hermann's Washington home by H. P. Galley, hta aon-ln-law and attorney. True, this same Mr. Gatley only yester day stated most emphatically that his Il lustrious father by marriage was not In Washington, denied all knowledge of his whereabouts and said he had no word from Hermann since the receipt of a let ter written before he left Portland. No one outside his immediate family and his physician has seen Hermann since his arrival and it may be some days, if not weeks, before he appears In public. Mr. Gatley says Hermann is quite sick, too ill. indeed, to receive callers or give In terviews. This is the reason ho assigns for having repeatedly denied that Her mann was in Washington, and that is the only explanation he offers for his own statements and those of Mrs. Gatley. What Smoked Him Out. In all probability Mr. Gatley's state ments today are correct, but they were forced out by telegrams received from Portjand today advising Hermann to come out from under cover and throw asldo the veil of mystery with which he had sur rounded himself. No other explanation Is offered of Mr. Gatleys change of po sition over night. But when Mr. Gatley 13 questioned about his father-in-law's trial ho relapses into that state of know-nothing which he exhibited yesterday. He himself has been 111 for several weeks with typhoid fever and Is Just getting around. Mr. Gatley says he doe3 not know whether Hermann's case will be set for trial In February, as planned by the Government; he does not know whether Hermann will take refuge behind his Constitutional privilege and avoid trial until after the adjournment of Congress; he does not know anything about his client and father-in-law's wishes in this regard and will not make any Inquiry until Hermann has recovered hl3 health. That is what he says. It Is impossible to go behind that, for Hermann can't be seen. Representatives of Washington and other Eastern papers who have made re peated Inquiries at his house since his 'ar rival have received the same information. The Oregonian correspondent received likf information today. Begin Trial In February. Regardless of what Mr. Gatley says, and what he declines to say, the Government will make an effort to bring Hermann tc trial in the middle of next'nionth. pro vided his health will permit him to ap pear in, court. Of course, if he cares tc take refuge behind the privilege granted all Congressmen by the Constitution, h can avoid trial until next Summer, , but he must be tried in the end, and", despite the bold front which he and his attorneys put up. Hermann in his heart fears a trial in Washington, for he has little hope of acquittal. The evidence, against him is said to be overwhelming. The Government Is firmly convinced it can convict Hermann when his case is submitted to a Washington Jury, and the prosecuting officers would like to have the trial as early as possible in order to clear the docket. They are ready for this trial any time Hermann is. and Francis J. Heney is ready to take up the prosecution upon very short notice. Heney Will Manage Trial. Mr! Heney goes to San Francisco tomor row, hut will return to Washington when ever Hermann consents to stand trial. While he was District Attorney for Ore gon Mr. Heney did not expect to conduct the prosecution of Hermann ln'this city, Concluded on Page 4.)