THE MORNING- OREGOJiTAST, SATURDAY, JANUARY HEMBBEE ACCUSED OF FOUL CRIES Sand Lake Man Must Face Courts for Murder of Wife and .Child. OWN DAUGHTER: HIS PREY Indignant Gitizens Threaten to Lvnch Unnatural Father, Who Is Taken ito McMinnvillc Jail for Safe Keeping;. TIIfLAMOOK, Or., Jan. 5. (Special.) A. J. Hcmbree was charged today with the murder of his wife and daughtor, be fore Justice Haberlack. He waived exam ination, and the case will come up at the next term of the Circuit Court. Sheriff "Woolfc left immediately with the pris oner, who Is committed to the Yamhill County Jail for safe-keeping. There Is a great deal of Indignation on account of the death of the women, and some few people in the south end of the county talked of lynching Hombree. Last Friday morning Hembree's hou&e, at Sand Lake, burned down. It was a small shack house by the side of the hill. After the fire, about 1 o'clock in the morning. Hem bree went to a neighbor by the name of Hoyt and told James Thompson that his house was burned down, and asked whether the women were there. Thomp son at once started for the house, about a mile distant, but Hembre went to bed. When Thompson arrived at the fire the place was all burned down, and there was a large heap of embers in one place. He had no idea at the time that the unfortu nate women were beneath this heap, which looked as though trunks, books and wood had been piled up. It was not until daylight that the remains were found, and so completely were the bodies cre mated that all that remained of them were a few charred bones. Here the first sus picion was aroused, for no one believed that the small Iioufc could have consumed the bodies in that manner. Hembree, previous to the fire, had sent his two sons to a relative for a few days. The supposition Is that Hcmbree killed his wife and daughter to cover up another crime. It has leaked out. and there, is evidence to .prove it, that when his daugh ter was attending the academy in this city last 'year whenever he came tp the city he would lake her from the academy and to a hotel, where he would occupy the same room over night with his daugh ter, who was a young girl. 16 years of age. Not long since he called upon a doc tor in this'cJty and told him his daughter was in trouble and wanted him to perform an operation upon the girl. This the doc tor refused to do. This, and considerable more evidence of a like nature In the possession of Dep uty District Attorney Cooper caused his arrest. It is generally thought that Hcm bree performed an operation upon the girl himself, and this proving fatal, he killed liis wife and burned his house to destroy all evidence of his guilt. He had pre viously threatened the life of his wife. Hembree is a man addicted to drink, with a bad record in the neighborhood in which he lived. He is accused of setting lire to his house two years ago. with the purpose of getting the insurance money. He is now insured for ?600. SALEM WILD BE GOOD. Gambling Is Ordered to Cease and Ijid Shuts Down. SALEM. Or., Jan. 5. (Special.) Unless the best-laid plans of men miscarry once more, Salem will be a "closed town" here after, so far as gambling is concerned. Scvoral times in the last few years the edict has gone forth that gambling must cease, and the fact is published to the world that Salem is free from the class of men who -live from the profits of gam ing tables. But it has always been found necessary to repeat the notice, and an nouncement a few months later. Notice was served again today, and it Is under stood that the order means that gambling must cease upstairs and downstairs, in back rooms as well as front rooms. Last Tuesday the City Council passed a gambling ordinance which went Into effect today. The friends of the measure are In control of the City Council, and have elected a City Attorney of their own choosing. It Is therefore in the power of the Council to close the gambling games, and there Is an evident ihTcntlon to exer cise the power. Funeral Associations to Pay. OLYMPIA. "Wash., Jan. 5. (Special.) The funeral associations which arc being oqganlzed In practically all the well-populated localities of the state should be required to comply with the fraternal-insurance laws, according to an opinion given by the Attorney-General to the in surance department. The associations charge S to 25 cents per month to mem bers, which provides payment of all fu neral expenses in the event of death. The Attorney-General holds that they are a form of fraternal-insurance orders, but that the mortuary rates fixed for the lat ter by law could hardly apply. He sug gests that the insurance department se cure the. services of a secretary for the purpose of preparing a mortuary table ap plicable to sueh association, and that they be required to file reports and submit to examinations. He suggests that any in adequacies of the law to reach them in other necessary particulars be brought to the attention of the next Legislature. Little Falls a City Xext. LITTLE FALLS, Wash.. Jan. C (Spe cial.) Complete returns jfrom Chehalis County-seat show the sentiment of voters of this village of some 600 inhabitants to "be In favor of incorporation, there being but a single dissenting vote cast in the election. The entire - Citizens ticket was elected as follows: Mayor, "W. R. Dllley: treasurer, W. H. Weaver: Councllmen, Perry Olson, J. C. Cantwell, Ed Brons, R. Townsend, Charles Parsons. While considerable Interest was mani fested by the supporters- of the two tick ets, Citizens and People's, the contest centered -about the Mayoralty. The Mayor-elect is secretary-treasurer and manager of the Stillwater Lumber Company's interests at this place, and one of the board of directors of the Lum ber Manufacturers Agency, of Centralia, "Wash. Tacoma Politics Is Hot. TACOMA, Wash., Jan 5. (Special.) The prospects are bright fora hot po litical contest over more than one office in the coming city campaign. The latest development is the announcement today that John F. Mead will be a candidate for city controller to .succeed the present in cumbent, Charles D. Atkins. . Mr. Mead's candidacy is a direct result of the recent deal by which Mr. Atkins, ex-City Treasurer and at one time pro posed as a candidate for Mayor, at Ue coming election, was made to fill th 'va cancy in the Controller's office left by the death of City . Controller Jackson. The deal was generally conceded to be conceived and fostered by Councllmen E. I. Salmson and Jesse Read, both of whom are prominently mentioned as Mayoralty timber. Atkins being out of the Mayor alty race will now seek election as Controller. San Pedro Will Bralld. LOS ANGELES. CaL. Jan. 5. Ex-Senator Kearns, of Salt Lake City, now a member of the board of directors of -the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, stated in an interview tonight that his road will. In the very near fut ure, commence the construction of a line from Riverside to Daggett, CaL, which will complete their line from Salt Lake to the Coast. At present the Salt Lake road is using the Santa Fe tracks between the points, which covers a distance of more than 100 miles. Xcw Road Is Created. SALEM, Or., Jan. . (Special.) The Ore gon Northern Railway Company today filed articles of Incorporation in the of fice of Secretary of State Dunbar. The company proposes to build a railroad from Blalocks, Gilliam County, to Hardman, Union County. The capital stock Is $25. 000, the place of business Heppner. and. the Incorporators William J. Mariner, R. W. Robinson and C. EL Jones. LIKES SALT Will EARS IVOLUTATlY CANNIBAL SPICES XIU3IAX FLESH. After Biting Antagonist, Brad IVnl shaw Is Forced to Eat the Piece He Captured. CLARKIA, Tdaho. Jan. 5. (Special.) Cannibal despite himself, forced to cat the ear which he had bitten from Ills antagonist, "Lank" Franlgan, Brad Wal shaw, a lumberjack from Klinard's camp on the Upper St Maries, paid an unique but revolting penalty for a quarrel and fight of his own making last night. In which he was badly worsted. A dozen men witnessed the fracas, which occurred in Floss saloon near Clarkla, and. according to their erslon, Walshaw. i who had been drinking, at tacked Franlgan, gouging an eye and biting off an ear. at the same time say ing: "I will chew you down to a dwarf." Franlgan rallied, and after kicking Wal shaw in the head, forced him to cat tho ear he had bitten off, though not until he had beaten Walshaw half insensible In a second affray. Franlgan spiced the ear with the bar popper and saltstands be fore serving. The lumberjacks who wit nessed the affair seemed to regard It as glorious rather than horrible. TOO MANY AVOME.Y TEACH Dr. O'Shea Says Pnhllc Schools Xced Vigorous 3fcn. SEATTLE. Jan. 5. (Special.) In an ad dress before the King County Teachers Institute today. Dr. M. V. O'Shoa, of tho University of Wisconsin, declared there are too many women teaching in the pub lic schools. Ho demanded more men. Dis cussing the pupil in his teens and the effect of women teachers. Dr. O'Shoa said: "There night to be Just as many men as women in the schools. Of. course, they need the influence of femininity, but how much the children would be benefited did they come In contact with strong, vigor ous men! I think this Is the crying need of education today. The profession Js too. much monopolized by womon." Incidentally, Dr. O'Shea severely criti cised Sunday schools, claiming they were improperly organized. He insisted they are not sufficiently vigorous for "those whose whole life is throbbing for activ ity. As now organized, it tends too much to hold tho growing organism con strained." The O'Shea declaration that there are too many women In the teaching profes sion startled the teachers as much as did Myron W. Haynes declaration yesterday tnat too many of the women were in the profession to wait for marriage. v i Railroad Humors Float. TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 5. (Special.) Following the announcement made last night that President Earllng of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul wag on his way to the Coast, all sorts of railroad rumors are current. The best defined con nects again the North Coast with the Tacoma Eastern and It is stated that the option held by the former on the latter line and which was extended from De cember 21 to February 1, has been exer cised. John Bagley, general manager of the Tacoma Eastern road, left today for Spokane, and It Is reported that his visit Is In connection with that rumored sale. Several days ago word wmt around In railroad clrchss to "watch January 5." Men supposedly on the Inside and who ought to know what is Impending were and still are mystified. Fear Aglnoc Has Foundered. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 5. The ship Aginoc loft Saginaw Bay, Alaska, bound for Yokohama, Japan, October 2. and has not been 'reported sine. She was loaded with 1500 tons of salt salmon. The vessel was under charter to C H. Lilly & Co.. of this city. Officers of the company state that they fear she has foundered in ono of tho heavy gales. Tho average passage to Yokohama is 40 days for sailing vessels. About 16 people were on board. Morgan Sells His Shnrc. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Jan. C (Special.) Thomas Morgan, of the firm of Nlnemlre & Morgan, of this city, has sold his ex tensive packing interests and lands" to George Nlnemlre of Montesano. The sale Is ono of the largest and most important In a business way which has taken place here for some time. Aberdeen flakes Gain. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Jan. 5. (Special.) The report of the local Postofflce for 1503, Just made public, shows a business of nearly $16,000, a gain of several thou sand dollars over 1904. The receipts of tho last quarter of the year are the largest in the history of the office. Brewers Give the Lie. TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. C (Special.) Tacoma brewers flatly contradict the story sent out from Seattle yesterday to the effect that" the brewing Interests of several of the cities on Puget Sound had combined. They say the story has no foundation in fact. , Fryo Has Cheap Horscs. SEATTLE, Wash., Jan.' 5. The bids for cavalry and artillery horses for use of the Army In tho Philippines were none. In the Quartermaster's office today. TheJ lowest bia was that of Charles H. Fryc, of Seattle, 200 at $129 each. Bourkc Cock ran IsBcUcr. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Jan. 5. Rep resentative W. Bouike -Cockran, of New York, who has been in Santa Barbara for some days, bag greatly improved in health and expects to return to Washing ton January 15. PUSS IS CHOSEN Milwaukee Line Has Made. Definite Surveys. NORTH YAKIMA IS OUT Information Given That Fixes Line of Xevr System In Its Entrance to Xorihwest Through the Snoqualmlc Pass. ELLBNSBURG, Wash.. Jan. 5. (Spe cialsUpon reliable authority it Is learned that the definite line between Pasco and Ellensburg has been selected by the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul; that Sno qualmle Pass has been decided upon; that the main line will not touch North Yak ima, and that construction work will be commenced on this division as early as ApriL One of the 16 surveying corps work ing upon the western extension of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Is camped near KJiensburg. This party ran a line from to El lensburg. By the survey the distance Is less than 100 miles, while that of the Northern Pacific between these points Is 127 miles. Starting at Pasco the line crosses the Columbia River at Richland, and then heads in a straight northwest erly course, keeping north of the Rattle snake hills. Instead of following the- Yaki ma River. The survey follows Coal Creek for some distance and again strikes the Columbia River near the foot of Priest Rapids. The line then continues along the Columbia River until it turns west ward and enters the Kittitas Valley through Johnson's canyon. In reaching the valley the heaviest grade is about 21 per cent. The highest elevation Is reached in the Kittitas Valley being about 2CO feet. The survey then continues westerly, striking the Northern Pacific main line a short distance above Ellensburg. This party continues no fur ther westward than this point. The chief of the" engineering corps of Oic Milwaukee who has had several parties looking for the most feasible pass through the Cas cade mountains, is believed to have de cided upon Snoqualmle Pass, which Is not far north of the Northern Pacific line through the Cascades. The route then lies directly to Seattle. While running a line to North Yakima work waB suddenly discontinued and the survey made along Coal Creek to the Co lumbia River. Tho line to North Yakima would have saved heavy grades met in reaching the Columbia at tho point where Its course is changed. The alteration is attributed to the definite- location of tho Northern pass at Snoqualmlc WILL FIGHJ,THE FRUIT PESTS E. C. Armstrong Is Appointed In- hpector of Linn County. ALBANY. Or., Jan. 5. (Speclal.)-Acting under a law passed by the last Legisla ture, fruitgrowers of Linn County have been circulating a petition for the ap pointment of such an Inspector, and the County Court has appointed E. C. -Armstrong, of Marion Station, Marlon County, to the position. The appointment was made upon recommendation of Charlea A. Park, of Salem, horticultural commis sioner. The law provides that the In spector shall be such a man as the horti cultural commissioner would recommend as suitable for the place, and Mr. Arm strong, who is the inspector for Marlon Counts', Is known to have the requisite knowledge for the place. The prcvalenco of San Jo.c scale and other pests and vermin that ruin the fruit crop has become more marked, until now a large percentage of the fruit, par ticularly apples. Is worthless. Orchards that a few years ago produced large quan tities of perfect .unblemished apples now give a small yield of low grade, unmar ketable fruit. Orchardlsts who spray their trees and fruit and take even precaution to cllmlnttc pests are handicapped by the negligence of some neighbor, who refuses or neglects to take proper steps to ex terminate vermin. The result has Boon a cutting off of the profits of the fruit industry, and corresponding discourage ment to fruitgrowers. The new order of things meets the ap proval of all. and with the cleaning up and digging up of old orchards, and those that are infested with vermin. Linn County will again put forth perfect, un blomlshed fruit. "WOULD KEEP CHIXESE OUT President Blackman Favors String ent Laws Against Coolies and Japs. ABERDEEN. Wash., Jan. E-(SpecIal.)-Presldent Blackman of the State Feder ation of Labor In his annual report to the convention favored stringent exclu sion laws In regard to Chinese and Jap anese labor and a Just recognition of the rights of Chinese merchants and students visiting the United States. He recom mended amendments to the state factory law so that the protection of machinery may be made adequate and consequently less dangerous, and urged the same tight in tho next Legislature as In the' last ses sion for the fellow-servant bill. He also urged the passage of a resolution to be forwarded to the representatives of Wash ington In Congress, favoring Irrigation In the arid districts of the stale and op posing the methods of Governor Mead and the State Land Commissioner. Today's business was of a routine nature- To morrow referendum nominations for offi cers will be made. BAKER CITr IS FREEZING. Coal Famine Drives People From Homes to Hotels. BAKER CITY. Or.. Jan. 5 Special.) Tho coal famine in Baker City Is assum ing serious proportions. Unless coal Is re ceived at once all public schools using coal will be shut down Monday. An ap peal was mad to the O. R. & N. today to furnish company coal to the city, but was refused as the railroad says they are short at both La Grande and Pendleton. Several prlvato residences have been shut up and the occupants moved to the hotels. Demand for wood Is so great It cannot be met and business firms are fearing they will be compelled to shut down. Ono car of coal today was the total for an entire week. ALLEN WANTS OREGON BOYS Corvallis College to Furnish Six More Men for Philippines. CORVALLIS. Or., Jan. 5. (Special.) Lieutenant Qulnlan, 'Commandant of the cadet regiment at the college, has received instructions to recommend six additional graduates from the Oregon Agricultural College for position as Third Lieutenants in tho Philippine Constabulary. Three similar recommendations were recently made, and from these one appointment has already been that of Lieutenant "Floyd Williams, who leave tomorrow for San Traacteco, and thence by steamer on tho 30th Inst, for Manila. Of th other twa xMMMaauAatlMM ilre4y mate, It fe expected that appointments will be made within a short tlme appointments Hn the Philippines of constabulary officers to Sec ond Lieutenancies In the regular Army having caused a number of vacancies. The six graduates now to be named for places are to be a reserve list from which officers can be named by General Allen as required. The appointees have no ex amination to take, but receive their com missions on their diplomas from the Ore gon Agricultural College, which now stands third on the list of military col leges among the state Institutions of the country in point of efficiency. Transpor tation Is also furnished. Lieutenant Wil liams tickets being now available for his departure, the only requirement being that, if transportation is furnished by the Gov ernment the appointee must serve two years. AVI11 Vote on Tic Election. CASTLE ROCK. Wash., Jan. 3. (Spe cial.) Interest continues to Increase In the special election called by the Town Coun cil for next Tuesday to decide the tie. be tween M. P. Mason and George W. Rowan for Treasurer, and also to get an expres sion -of the voters as to whether the state laws shall be enforced closing the saloons on Sunday. Men are registering who have not voted, on any question for years. Mr. Mason now announces his withdrawal from the contest, as ho Is supposed to favor the saloons. It is thought to be a move to throw the other side off its guard. ILL BUY INTRODUCTIONS WAsnrxGTox to spend $9000 TO ADVERTISE state. Remains of Lewis and Clark Fund to Be Lcnt to tho United Commercial Bodies. OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 5. (Special.) A committee composed of Governor Mead. Secretary of State Nichols, Attorney-Gen-, oral Atkinson. Elmer E. Johnston and George M. Allen, met here today and de cided to recommend to the associated commercial bodies of tho state, the expen diture of In advertising the, state through the use of moving pictures rep resenting all sections and commercial sub jects In the state, tho distribution of lit; erature and general press bureau work. There was ftOiO left of the appropriation for the Lewis and Clark Fair and it was deemed proper to expend this money In following up the advertising work alrcady accpmpllshed at Portland. The balance, however, having reverted to the general fund, the plan can only be carried out by the use of funds loaned for the purpose, with the understanding that an effort will bo made to reappropriate the balance of tho Portland Fair appropriation, by act of the next Legislature. The committee desires the written In dorsement to this plan of the commercial bodies and Chambers of Commerce throughout tho state. The advisory com mittee met today to discuss the subject upon request of the associated Chambers of Commerce of the state. CAUFIELD PUTS THE LID OX Xcw Regime Will Have Xo Gnni hllng in Oregon City. OREGON CITY. Or., Jan. 3.-(Spedal.) Acting under the instruction of Mayor E. G. Caqfield, Chief of Police Burns today visited the saloons of the city and other resorts where games have been conducted in the past and notified the proprietors that no games of any char acter will be tolerated by the new ad ministration. They were advised that all violations will be prosecuted. The laws relating to minors and saloons will be rigidly enforced to the letter. It is not the purpose of Mayor Cauncld to Inaugu rate a moral crusade or to make a spec tacular demonstration, but In an Interview today he stated that ho intends to make of Oregon City a town, the government of which Is to be as fsec from censure as is possible, and those who remember his administration as Mayor six years ago recall that Mayor Caufleld Is a man pf action. Cigar nlckel-In-the-slot ma chines will not be disturbed. While Ore gon City has not been a "closed town entirely since the anti-gambling raid that was made last Summer, but very little gambling has been carried on in the city. CInrk County Has Money. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) County Treasurer A. H. 'Fletcher has completed his quarterly report for the quarter ending with the first of tho year, and the following shows the condi tion of the county's cash at the begin ning of the new year: Total receipts for the quarter. J '550.51: total disbursements for the quarter. JSU11.K; balance on hand in cash at end of quarter. Of the receipts taken In during the quarter there wore received from taxes, la fees from the county of fices, from hunters licenses. ?15X53 from poll taxes and front the state school apportionment. During the quarter there were worth of school bonds taken up and 517.(X worth of county bonds redeemed. Xcw Ward Draws Money. " OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 5. (Special.) By the simple device of changing the words "legal services' to "expert ser vices" the approval of the. Attorney Gen eral and Stale Auditor were secured to day to the voucher of J. N. Pickerel of Colfax, for $250 for fcrvices rendered to the railroad commission in the Joint rate hearing. The warrant was Issued on the railroad commission funds. Mr. Pickerel was employed by the commission to as semble evidence prior to tho hearing and when his voucher was presented the au ditor refused to Issue the warrant on the grounds that the law made the Attorney General the legal adviser or the commis sion and that additional legal assistance could only be supplied by the Attorncy GcneraL Condemnation Suits Filed. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) Two suits for condemnation of land fo& right of way were tiled this evening by tho Columbia Valley Railroad Company and one by the Portland & Seattle Railroad Company. It Is reported that In the near future there are to be many other suits filed by these two com panies, who arc getting into closer fight ing relations over territory each day. The Columbia Valley Company filed one suit against Andrew Carlson and ono against J. T. Munyon and wife. The case filed by the Portland & Seattle Is against Helen May Prentice. -Granger Has Xcw Club. ' GRANGER. Wash., Jan. 5. (Special.) The Granger Commercial Club was or ganized last night with about charter members. The following officers were elected: Dr. C Chamberlain, president; Fred R. Hawn, secretary; A. C. Snow den, treasurer. Resolutions were unani mously adopted condemning tho action of Governor Mead and Land Commissioner Ross with reference to Government rec lamation in the Yakima Valley, and en-' dorstng the position taken by the Yakima Commercial Club and Congressman W. L. Jones. Gcorgo Collins Goes to Jail. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 5. The Su preme Court today again denied the ap plication of Attorney George D. Collins, accused of. perjury, for a reduction .of bail, asaxenwnded Mm ts the custody ef ie MnK.. QD ELL ir SLID Kelliher's Effort Brought' ex Agent to Book. BOTH WANTED STATE LAND H. H. Turner, Forger and Perjurer, Declines to Quit Office, and Will Try Lesser Criminals Than Himself. SALEM, Jan. 3. (Special.) The convic tion of A. T. -Kelllher yesterday on a charge of forgery will probably be a source of satisfaction on the part of Gen eral W. H. Odell. who can trace much of his trouble la land matters to Kelll her. In hl extensive lieu land operations Odell came Into conflict with Kelllher be cause of the fact that ho was trying to use as mineral base a lot of school sec tions which Kelllher had bought. In the same way Odell came into conflict with the Interests of W. N. Jones and F. P. Mays. It was through these men that the extent and nature of Odell's opera tions were made public. K11lher went before the Department of the Interior with his objections to the allowance of the Odell lieu land selections and It was probably due largely to KcllL her'a vigorous presentation of the mat ter that the department took a firm stand against them. Kelllher filed a brief showing that the state had sold to his clients the school sections which Odell was trying to have relinquished to the Government In exchange for lieu lands. In Its decision against Odell the .depart ment said that the proof of the mineral character of the land was not sufficient and that in a great many Instances the state had already asserted title to the land by rolling It to various purchaser?. At that time Odell questioned the good faith and legality 'of the purchases mado by Kelllher or others acting for him and also insisted that these purchases were made after he began adjudication of the mineral character of the land, and there fore should not be considered by the de partment. Though the conviction of Kelllher or the proof of the bad faith or Invalidity of the purchases made by him or for him cannot be of avail In helping h! own cause. Odell doubtkM finds some satis faction In seeing his charges proven, even though he may not rejoice over tho downfall of an ndversary- W. N. Jones made no fight against Odell In the de partment for the reason that Odell yielded without contest In all srascj In which his Interests conflicted with those of Jones. Will Turner Hcslgn. Though the land fraud trial ! over, it Is still the subject of general discussion In fact It Is receiving more attention now than while the trial was In progress. At no time was there a crowd In the court room during the taking of testimony. Now that the trial Is over, everyone Is discussing its various features and the questions of public Importance which arise from It. The position In which Jus lice of the Peace Turner Is placed Is a leading topic. Turner confessed that ho- procurcd men to commit perjury and that he Is himself a forger, yet he holds the iales of Justice In his court anil parses Judgment upon men who are charged with offense? that arc inconsiderable In com parison with his own. That Turner should resign his office is the unanimous declaration, but he evidently has no In tention of doing so. for on the same day that he made his own confession of crime he fixed a date upon which he will try four men charged with petty larceny. Cannot JBc Forced Out. That there is no way of. forcing Turner out of office Is declared by those who have examined the statutes. Ills crime was committed before he was elected Jus tice of the Peace, and In no way consti tutes malfeasance In office. The charge against him was dismissed, so that no conviction can be had, resulting in expul sion from office. Members of the County Court were yesterday seeking a means of putting him out of office, but did not suc ceed. During the campaign of lOOt. when Tur ner was a candidate for the office of Jus tice of the Peace, there were many who knew that Turner's land transactions were suspicious, but. having no conclusive proof, they were unwilling to set forth publicly what they knew, and Republicans hesitated to discuss the matter, lest they be afterwards charged with disloyalty to a Republican candidate. Xcw Facts Come to Light. Since the trial of Kelllher, one circum stance has come to light which, though not a material element of the crime, would nevertheless have exerted a great Influence upon the Jury had the facts been developed It will be remembered that Kelllher paid Turner 57 each for the cer tificates of sale. Turner testified that ho forged 30 applications upon which he pro cured Charles EL Lenon to acttas notary. When Turner went to Lenon he told the latter that he (Turner) was getting only 23 cents apiece for these affidavits, but that he would do the fair thing and give Lenon 13 cents out of It. Lenon therefore got $(-50 for being a party to 30 crimes, while Turner was getting 5210 out of it. The attorneys for Kelllher. In cross-examining Turner and Lenon. never onco thought to Inquire how much Lenon was paid. Had this matter been brought out and the selflshness-of Turner disclosed. It Is probable that the jury would have been so convinced of his entire lack of honesty that they would not have credited him In the slightest. Such a transaction as this would have given Kelllhers attprneys' an unexcelled opportunity to add ridicule of the most cutting and effective kind to tho overwhelming excoriation, of which there was no lack. Had a Fair Trial. Tho opinion generally expressed by thoso who heard the proceedings was that the court made no errors against the in terests of the defendant, and If there are grounds for a new trial they are not pat ent to the casual observer. The penalty for the crime of forgery Is imnrisonmnt; for two to ten years, with no alternative or a nne. audge Burnett has set next Monday as the time for passing sentence. Both the Salem dally papers today urged in their editorial columns that Turner should resign his fflce as Justice of tho Peace. When asked this evening what he will do about It. Turner replied: "I have no thought of resigning. I shall stay in that office till I get-ready to get out." TAKES HIS HORSE AND GOES Oregon. City Woman Leaves Husband In the Stilly XlghU OREGON CITY. Or.. Jan. 5. (Special.) When R. McKInstry awakened this morn ing, he discovered that some time during the night his wife bad quietly slipped away from the house, taking with her a supply of clothing and whatever of value ahe possessed. His surprise was increased when, upon going: to the barn to feed the family, hors he learn fed from the attend ant thi-t some time during the night his wife had visited the building, and. slipping the bole from the outride, had untied th animal and led it from the stable. Other A, than thJ McKInstry ks btta lim&te t find any trace of his wife. The McKin strys have lived here for some time, the husband conducting a junk store They gained somo notoriety, a few weeks ago, when the husband, becoming Intoxicated, took home with him a drunken compan ion, when the two proceeded to abuse the wife. Becoming tired of the treatment. Mrs. McKinstry seized an axhandle and beat tha Insolent associate of her husbaifd Into a state of insensibility, and. calling" the police, turned him over to the author ities. LAWREXCE TAKES OFFICE XOW Ordered by Department, Iev Rose burg Receiver Hastens to Post. BEND, Or., Jan. 1. (SpecIaL)-J. M. Lawrence left Bend this morning to as sume his duties as Receiver in the Land Office at Roseburg. His hurried departure was due to a message from Washington, received last Thursday morning, to report at Roseburg for duty at once. A large number of Bend's citizens deep ly regret Mr. Lawrence's departure and that of his family. He has ever had un bounded faith In the ultimate development of the great Deschutes Valley, and has labored Incessantly for the welfare of Bend and the whole of Central Oregon. A vacancy In the office of United States Commissioner Is left here by his depart ure. As yet no appointment for the Bend office has been made. Junior Students Make Merry. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove. Or.. Jan. 5. The college reception to open the Winter term was held this evening under the auspices of the Junior class, which had tastefully decorated Brighton chapel with pennants and evergreens for the occasion. After a guessing contest the male quartet sang several selections. Hearts were matched to secure partners for the famous "hot coffee" march, after which tho Juniors served dainty refresh ments. President and Mrs. Ferrln, Pro fessor and Mrs. Chapman, Professor May Farnham and Professor Bates com posed the reception committee. Land-Contest Case Filed. ALBA.NY, Or.. Jan. 3. Hugo H. Kar stens. whose father, Peter Karstens. lives three miles from this city. In Benton County, was. yesterday afternoon, served with a contest notice on his homestead claim in the Slletz Reservation. The con test Is made by J. E. Hall. Jr.. on grounds of nonrcsidence. and will be heard In the United States Land Office. Portland, Jan uary 26. There are numerous homestead ers In the Slletz Reservation who are re ported to be In the same position regard ing residence on claims as Karstens. Allen to Help Crawford. ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 3. (Special.) Dis trict Attorney Allen has been requested by Attorney-General Crawford to assist him in representing Oregon In the suit brought by the State of Washington to de termine the location of the boundary, line between theftwo states. Mr. Allen has agreed to assist and he will meet Mr. Crawford in Portland next Saturday to confer with him concerning tho line of defense. The case will be tried in the United States Supreme Court at Wash ington. Discredits the Merger. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3. C. F. Swee ney, vice-president-and principal stock holder of the Seattle Brewing & Malting Company, who arrived in this city today, discredits the reported merger of north ern breweries, lie says, however, that just before leaving Seattle, ho gave an option on his stock In the- company named to Andrew Hemrich. Will Sell Much Timber. SPOKANE. Wash.. Jan. 3. Negotiations for a 53.C0O.C0O timber deal. Including the holdings of the William Howard Lumber Company to the Stacks-Gibbs Lumber Company, of Spokane, are pending, and It Is probable that the deal will be con summated as soon. as cruisers can esti mate the amount of timber on the tract. Electricity Kills Chief. VICTORIA, B. C, Jan. 5. Harry 9. Ward, chief engineer of the British Co lumbia Electric Railway Company, was Instantly killed this afternoon at Cold stream power-house. He grasped the cop per on two switches at tho samo time. L making a short circuit, and received TOO TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tka LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. DrursUta refund xnocer if it falls to cure. E. Yt GROVE'S ilsmatura Is on each box. 23c Dollar Package Man Medicine Free You can now obtain a larse dollar size free package of Man Medicine free on re quest. Man Medicine cures man-weakness. Man Medicine gives you once more the bus to, the Joyfut satisfaction, the pulse and hrob of physical pleasure, the keen sensi ot .nan-sensation, the luxury of life, body power and body-comfort free. Man Medi cine does It, Man Medicine cures man-weakness, ner vous debility, early decay, discouraged man hood, functional failure, vital weakness, brain far. backache, prostatitis, kidney trou ble and nervousness. Tou can cure yourself at home by Man Medicine, and the fuft slse dollar package will be delivered to you free, plain wrapper, sealed, with full directions how to use lt The full size dollar package free, no pay ments of any kind, no receipt, no promises, no papersMo sign. It la free. All we want to know is that you are not sending for It out ot Idle curiosity, but that you want to be well, and become your strong natural self once more. Man Medicine wilt do what you want It to do; make you a real man. man-like, man-powerful. Tour name and address will bring it; all you havo to do Is to send and get It- We send it free to every discouraged one of the man sex. Interstate Remedy Co., 165 Luck BIdg.. Detroit. Mich. CONSTIPAT! .or.OTar B!BfJ r" I suffered with chronlo con iUptoa aad darts this tlaie 1 had to Uke an injection of wsna water once erery 84 boots before fr7,nT8 "a l2B oa r. bowels. Happily I triad Casearets. aad today I am a well man. Dnrlnstae nine years before I nied Casearets I suffered untold misery with Internal plies. Thanks to you 1 am f ree f rosa all that this moraine. You caa use tali la behalf of snffertnz humanity." S. F. fisher, Roaaois, 111. Beat for THoi RouiaU 6 wwifcie CAN CTf CATHARTIC Plenaa. Palatable, Pateu. Taste Good. 0a Gcod, Ksrer Slckaa, Weaken or Gripe, Me. Xe, . Nere sold la bulk. The reaalae tablet Btasapa O 0 0. U&araateed to euro or your asoaey baek. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603 ANNUAL SALE, TEX M1LU0M BOXES H CHICHCSTtn'S CRIUIH c CHICITESXEX'S XXCtXJ&H "siim 5aUtl aa IsMta. - a?y-ra0K-rMwt4.ta kM rn1iii .,-. . TlTJ .- &m FREE TO MEN MEDICAL BOOK FREE 159 rages. 25 Pktares. First Cobt Cost S1W. SENT TREE. Love. Courtship. Mar riage and All Diseases of Men explained la plain language. This' wonderful book tells everything you want fo know and every- thing you should know In regard to happy and unhappy wedded life, diseases which - forbid marriage, ruinous ear ly follies, self-destruction, lost manhood, poor memory, prema ture decay, nervous ness, blood poison, dwarfed organs, stric ture, weak lungs, liv er and kidney diseases Ignorance begets mis ery: knowledge brings health and haDDlneas. Written by the World-Famous Master Specialist. "The Most Wonderful and Greatest Scientltlc Book of the Age." Xawson. WRITE FOR IT TODAY AND ADDRESS State Medical Institute 203 Second Ave.. South. SEATTLE. WASH. (Established 1879.) " Caret WhU You Sl$ep." WhooplngCough, Croup, Bronchitis, . Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be placed in a rem edy, -which for a quarter of a century has earned unqualified praise. Restful nights are assured at once. Cresolenc is a. Boon to Asthmatics AH Druggists Send fostaLfor de scriptive booklet. Cresolene Antiseptic Throat Tablets for the Irritated throat, of your druggist or from us. 10c". In stamps. The VapO'GresoJeae Co., 180FaltM St., N.Y. Dr. W. Norton Davis IN A WEEK We treat successfully all private nerv ous and chronic diseases of men. also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wa euro SYPHILIS (without mercury) to atay cured forever. We remove STKICTUItE. without opera tion or pain, in 15 days. We stop drains, spermatorrhoea and night losses by a new method, in a short time. We can restore tne sexual vigor of anj men under 50. by means or local treat ment peculiar tc ourselves. WE CURE GONORRHOEA IN A WEEK The doctors of this Institute are all reg ular graduates, 'have had over 20 years experience, have been known in Portland for many years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case un less certain cure can oe effected. We guarantee a cure m every case we undertake or charge no fee. Consultation free. Letters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free In plain wrapper. s If you cannot call at office, write for ?uestIon4olanIc Home treatment success ul. Office hours. 3 to 3 and 7 to 8. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 12. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Offices In Van Noy Hotel. oV& Third st. Corner Pine. Portland. Or. 1 C. GEE WO 2 THE UKEAT CHINESE DOCTOR. a Formerly located st 253 Alder KL, corner Third, Has To the Urg. brlct building at S. B. corner of First aad Morrison Sts. Entrance 31622 First St. jii ureal dunes ur. t. G ""wrwa and famous Doctor, Is becaus his woa- m throughout th. U. o. cures nav beea Z derful nd marvelous cures m Btralded bradci 0f this country. MS'tr'.aanTffiaU w& 2 the, nw-mless remedies. He guar- i iite's to cure catarrh, asthma. lun Z troubles. rheumatism. nervottsnew. Z stomach; liver, kidney, female ixous- ?M ana all private diseases. a This famous doctor cures without the aid of the knife, without urtnx a polsoBs or drus. Hundreds of tes- a umoBials on file at bis offices. Call a and see him. Charges moderate. s a CONSULTATION FREE. 5 e Patients out of the city write for 0 a blanks and circular. Inclose -4c stamp. m m Address tho C. Geo Wo Chlaesa Medl- 1 else Co., 162 Ut SU Cor. Morrises. J a Portland. Or. a Pl.asa mention this paper. f DAMIANA CiilfiKBlt Oanliet Bitters is a great iKTOsue axaa special tonic for the sex "Zr? JEIM- lhe Mexican remedy fcr toe kleneVs 2nd blair!. c.11. m NARFTR. AT TC t, BDTTXTf . Market St., Sm Francisco. Send for j roTRKDyM drugguts-or feqor d Mr a Man Like Other 4. Mch. ape M sasrasssVKw tSBBSSSI? EES