. THE irOT?XTVf n-i?pfnvTAV cAfrn?nAr tttitv f - w----." .... .-... ..-. ... .l 'J.uil;ui l ii. r:nm. . . . I 1 . . . l vc r- ----------- iii.i ii r . . li n.p.ijj out m i Sale of Astoria & Columbia River Railroad for $4, 000,000 Reported. NEW LINK IN BIG SYSTEM Official Announcement Is Soon Ex pected of Purchase of Eighty 3Iiles of RaHroad That Cost $3,200,000 to Construct. The Northern Pacific Railroad Company has paid, or has contracted to pay ap proximately $4,000,000 for the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad, according to the stories that are now floating around In railroad circles. It has been rumored for some time that the Astoria &. Colum 'bla- .River road was on the market, and vat. one time the story gained circulation 'that E. H. Harriman had secured an op tion on the property and intended to make of ii a part of the Northwest division of the Harriman system, but this was denied officially not lone: ago by President A. B. Hammond, of San Francisco, executive of the Astoria line. According to the stories told by the men who are said to havo inside information that the Astoria road has been purchased by the Northern Pacific. It is to the flnan cJal Interest of the Hill line to make the purchase at this time, or, at least, Jn the pear future. The Astoria & Columbia Is jnjperatlns: over the tracks of the Northern pacific between Portland and Goble under a 39-year lease. It is a question whether or not the Income derived from this lease will 'pay the cost of the maintenance of tins J'oruand-uobic line. After the con struction ot the north-bank road bv the -Northern Pacific, the company will have no further use for the road now operated oetweon Portland and Goble, or. at least, Jt will not be used as the main line. In that case the chief use would be by the wains or tlie Astoria road. In view of this fact. It has been argued Hy the Northern Pacific Company, so the ory runs, that It would be better, since the terms of the lease would have to be ob.srvcd. to purchase the entire Astoria road and make it a part of the Northern Pacific's Oregon property. While North ern Pacific officials will not admit that they have any knowledge of the sale, it Is Believed tr.&t the deal has been made, and that official announcement will be made or it in a short time. The Astoria &-. Columbia River road has. jii rouna number.-, about W) mile of track. including tne iort Stevens extension. It cost close to $40,000 per mile to construct mis line, and since Its opening many Im jiruveinenis nave been made on it. It Is said that the company is now paying 6 per cent interest on RO0O.O00. and that the pri;e paid for the property by the North ern racinc was approximately 54.O00.Ott). It has been often said that the Harri- innn interests were looking toward the purchase of the Astoria & Columbia River road, but nothing of the plan Is known at the general offices in this city., and it .nas ocen officially denied bv President Hammond. It Is further argued that it would not bo ,to the advantage of the Harriman lines to buy the road at this time. jn order to operate the propcrtv. it would be necessary for the Harriman In terests to construct a line of track from Portland to the end of the Astoria line at ooble, or else to make traffic arrance' ments with the Hill line for the use of tne track now used by the company as an entrance into tlio city. It Is also argued that the Harriman company uoes not want the Astoria line at tne price asked for it by Mr. Ham inond, for the reason that the docks and steamers of the Harriman people get their aiiaie 01 tne Astoria and Seaside business as n is witnout added cost- In spite of the reticence of the various officials at the present time, it Is expected by man Informed in railroad affairs that official announcement of the sale to the Northern Pacific will be made In a short unit;. rnAnlK C. BAKER ON TRIP A ill Visit Los Angeles and Possibly Go to Hawaii. Frank a Baker, chairman of tho Re publican State Central Committee of Ore- buu, bvi. out ior xs Angeles yesterday """(. "3 wiie and little daugh ter, to be gone a month and possibly to vioiL nuwau. .me trip is primarily for me oenent or nis daughter, who needs warmer Winter climate. f T ill . . ..... uanci win return in February to take up the duties of the chairmanship ir, connection with the state campaign for ine June election. The State Central Committee, he said, will have little to do uiuii aiier tne primaries, because it will jtrave me nomination of candidates en tirely to the party. Before starting Mr Baker remarked: - "The duty of the state and county com- .nuLi.et.-i is not to nominate. 4jut to pro- jnuiu me t-ieuiion 01 tnose nominated." DENIES HAVING ANY OFFER Jefferson Myers Says Coney Island Submitted No Proposition to Him. Jefferson Myers, president of the Oregon iu.i; commission, stated yesterday that no advances were ever made to him or members of the commission by Coney Island people for the purchase of the For- usiry uuiiaing. a representative from v-uuey isiana amusement enterprises did call on the officials of the OOrnnMtlnn and make overtures for the purchase of me iog structure, but nothing was ever said to the State Commission, which had m cjiaxge tne disposition of tho building. It was rumored about town yesterday that a public meeting was to be held to protest against the purchase of the build, ing by the Council and to ad-ocate the !uie 01 me Duuomg to the Coney Island i;ajJiutiisiH. Mother Deserts an Infant. Asking to leave a 3C-months-old baby uujr lur i,c minutes at tne home of J. G .narris. seo First street, the mother of me jniant, jurs. Minnie Edwards, failed to call for Itjast night, and it is now being cared for until It can be put In the liands of the authorities. Mrs. Edwards was wen Known to Harris, having boarded there for some time. She Is In bad health ana witnout money. A report of the de- ncucu imauL was made to tho rviii but the department was at a loss to know wnat to oo witn it and Policeman Wade who Investigated the case, refused to law it away. Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Callforniaraces. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cans. First and Alder. MEIER & FRANK STORE OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9:30 The Great "White Fair" Thousands of eager buyers thronging the miis-ir. under wear section every day Never have we been called upon to serve so many enthusiastic women Undermuslins of quality at the lowest prices ever known 90 dozen women's Nightgowns, cambrics and nainsooks; high, low, round and square necks ; trimmed in embroidery and torchon laces, tucks and beading: regular $1.25 values on sale for the exception- OA ally low price of, each OttC Special lot of cambric, muslin and nainsook Gowns, trimmed with laces, embroidery, tucks and insertions: values from cq 7oc to $1.00 each; grand value at. .O-JC Special lot of 900 cambric Petticoats, beauti fully made with wide flounces, hemstitch ing, plain tucks, lace and embroidery trim mings; made full; reg. $2, $2.25. ..$1.53 Special lot of $1.30, $1.75 Petticoats for, each $1.19 Special lot of $1.25, $1.50 Petticoats for, each 87 Petticoats worth up to $50.00, all marked at clearance prices. Special lot of women's cambric Drawers, wide ruffles, tucked and embroidery trimmed; 35c and 50 values on sale for, each. . .256 Special lot of cambric, muslin. and nainsook Drawers, trimmea in good quality embroideries, laces, insertions and tucks; y i values up 1o $1.25 a pair, on sale for low price of, pair. . I C 80 dozen nainsook and cambric Corset Covers, daintv styles trim med in fine embroideries, laces, tucks and headings; ef A values up to S5c each, on sale for the special price of. .JtpC Special lot of pretty Corset Covers: values un in 50i each, on sale for the exceptionally low price of each Sr7C ' All our Corset Covers at clearance prices. Sole Portland Agents for the Famous "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses "Willamette" Sewing Machines 15 Models $15 Up to $35 Every One Guaranteed The Meier Frank Store Clearance Sale of Bathroom Supplies ri-10c- ?3cdvaIu,Js",CkeI"Plat0d S,aSS 1,oldcrs- 35c values, jr, 50c values, v.i-,.i ..." J." '. ! innirMiiU'U J-HJHT MOIQCrS, CaCfJ ......... . Nickel-plated Whisk Broom Holder, each., 3.c Towel Bars, each ttc iowct Bars, each .OOc Kc, 12c, 20c Sc. 20e S0c Towl Bar?, each -tor 4C Towel Rarst- r:ih Nickel-plated Towel Rings, each ... N ckel and glass Bathroom Shelves, each .."..".".". V2.C0 m. wl N'ickcl-platcd Sponge Holders, each i-Snni S soap Dishes for bath tub. 40c $I.00j Wall Dtehos...........soe 68c 91 $S Open Tonight Until 9:30 Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Materials and Workmanship Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order-New Mouldings Lowest Prices 2d Floor All Mafl Orders Carefully Filled at Clearance Sole Prices-Send Your Orders to Us Sale of Misses' and Children's Coats Values Up to $ 1 6.50 for $3.85 Ea. Great special clearance sale of misses' and children's gar ments today-Lot one is composed of children's and misses' long and short coats Ages 2 to 14 years Cheviots, serge and broadcloth in red, blue, brown and green, trimmed with capes, braids and velvet Full sleeves All are good desirable garments for school or dress wear Values from S6to$ 14 ea. Your choice while they last $3.85 ea. Childrgnjsjull. length coats of cheviot in red, blue jind tan Double breasted cape trimmed Ages 6 to 14 years Splendid styles Values up to $5.00 each Your choice of this 1 C small lot at the low price of, each 1 0( Children's Bearskin Coats Children's Bearskin Coats, box styles, in white, navy blue, ;reen and ,'ray; ages 2 to G years; very prettiest Winter co'ats for children; grand values at the following exceedingly low prices of, each: $3.75 Coats for $2.45 Each $4.00 Values forS2.85Each" $5.00 Coats for $3.65 Each $6.50 Values for $4.25 Each Great special lot of children s Dresses, in blue. red. brown and "reen serge; plaited skirts, trimmed with buttons and braid ; C! 1 Q C ages G to 14 years; .2.75 values on sale for. eaeh..s-0 Children's Coats and Raincoats at clearance prices. Children's Novelty Dresses, "Peter Thompson" Suits, etc., all at Ioav prices. MEIER. &. FRANK STORE Groceries At Low Prices PHONE EXCHANGE 4 1 000 Doz.Oranges 27c doz. Meier (t Frank's famous Mocha and , Java Coffee, equal to the best 40c grades sold elsewhere, at this sale, a pqund 24c "Victor" Flour, none better at any price; 50-lb. sk. .1.20 New California Walnuts; great special value, pound X5? 2 packages Malta" Vita. . .25 2 packages Grape-Nuts . . .25 1-lb. can Shrimps 10c 3 cans Smith's Kippered Her ring for '. .. .50 i-lb. can Baker's Cocoa. .20? 1-lb. can Baker's Cocoa.. 40p Blue-Label Catsup, bottle. 20 Fig-Prune Cereal, pkg 18 2 lbs. Paper Shell Almonds, 35c 1-lb. jar Long's Jams 20 Van Camp's Catsup, bottle, 20c 1-lb; Royal Baking Powder, 40c 19 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00 A. & N. Corn, can S Alpha fancy Maine Corn, 2 cans for 25 2 cans Hulled IIominjr 25J 2 cans Custard Pumpkins, 25 1 jar Libby 's Sliced Beef. .25? 2 cans Amazon Teaches. . .25$? Baker's Unsweetened Choco late 32p Quart McNally's California Olive Oil 75 Pint McNally's California Olive Oil 406 C.'& B. Lucca Oil 65c 5-lb. pkg. Domino Sugar, 60? lo-oz. jar ueen unves. . .3ic 5-oz. jar Queen Olives. . .10 Men's, Young Men's and Boys5 Clothing Matchless Clearance Sale Bargains Are Being Offered Men, young men and boys who have Winter apparel needs to supply had better investi- gate the splendid bargains being offered bere before purchasing elsewhere We can quickly convince yon of the superiority of our merchandise and values 2d Floor 2000 men's fine Suits in the newest and most desirahle styles and materials. The best garments from the leading manufacturers in the land. The greatest suit bargains we ever offered. Let us show vou Men's $10.00 Snits. . . . 7.S3 Men's $20.00 Suits. . . .S14.S9 Men's $12.50 Suits. . . .$ 9.15 Men's $22.60 Suits. . . .16.15 Men s $15.00 Suits. . . .S10.S5 Men's $25.00 Suits. . . .18.85 Men s $18.00 Suits.... 13.85 lien's $30.00 Suits.... S23.15 Men s $35.00 Suits on sale at the low price of, each 2Q.15 Entire stock of Men's Trousers at greatly reduced prices Men's Pancy Vests to he closed out at clearance sale pricesMen's Smoking Jackets and Lounging Eohes greatly reduced Men's Bathrobes on sale at low clearance sale prices. N Men's genuine Priestley "Cravenettc" Raincoats and Overcoats every garment bears the Priestley label all the best stvlcs and pat ternsall sizes. Best values for the money in the city Second Floor. Priestley's $12.50 Cravenette "Raincoats at, each S 9 65 Priestley's $15.00 Cravenette "Raincoats at, each S10iS5 Priestley's $20.00 Cravenette Raincoats at, each S14 69 Priestley's $22.50 Cravenette Raincoats at, each S16 15 Priestley's $25.00 Cravenette Raincoats at, each S1885 Priestley's $27.50 Cravenette Raincoats at, each $21.85 Entire stock of Men's Overcoats in this season's most approved styles and materials large assortment for vour choosing phenomenal values. Men's $15.00 Overcoats S10.85 Men's $25.00 Overcoats S1S.S5 Men s $20.00 Overcoats $14.69 Men's $35.00 Overcoats S26.15 Clearance Sale of Boys' and Young Men's Clothing $2.49 IST i"18 m W all-wool 2-piece School Suite-the most serviceable materials-well Tin Bi l', sa v IO JU years regular -13.75 values for. the suit.... 5orer:..ro .sT.si s$rttw ?t6o S6 15 Rnn Vi,r czA "oa V , 1 U1C iil low clearance sale prices second oor. ?5.00 values S4.20 $6.00 values. .S4.8S 57Kn,in-i oa e 2?P' ?5?0-? in ,al1 J,e leadin styles-exceptional bargains at $2.98, S3.85, S4.15.S5 15 $6.20 and $7.15 each. Best values in the citv-Second FInnr. V ' ?v.o, Boys llonnel Waists at 29 J52A . 63J" 79, S8 and $1.15-Best stv.es. ,..- . iOtinir mens Suits In fnncr mlrmrnc .... . V V f II irJf sftUKnn'a h,ct t-- .!.! 1 J CLOTHING 2D FLOOR season's best styles. $ 7.S0 SultH for , S10.00 Suits for $15.00 Suits fo- j.uu smm for. or double-breasted coats all this 9 e:o Jv60 i2.eo $12.50 $13.50 $18.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Younc mfin's ita I nVnVfV ' ' . 1 i J-o.00 in in ri.,.Z r fj-Y" V prjcca. All our younc: men's OvrWiV . XiSr"n -v'vv iwmcoais ?I8 vituiaiii,!.- mil; iJCiCCS1. for for for for IM).-; su no 910.75 Great Bargains in Men's Furnishings New, Seasonable Apparel at Low Prices The greatest men's patronage we ever enjoyed, and every one being served with a degree of satisfaction ond care particnlar buyers like There's no question about where the best values are being offered A little shopping tour will quickly convince you that the Meier &. Frank Store leads as usual Men s .$1.50 kid and dress Gloves; tans, grays, r j brown; also silk-lined gloves; all sizes, i)air. . v Men's $2.00, $2.25 kid and dress Gloves; all lines, t-J with the exception of "Dent's"; best shades, pair. .H 0 .Men's extra quality French Balbriirgan Shirts and Drawers; me dium weight; all sizes: best $1.50 grade on sale qo at the exceptionally low price of, each "OC Boys 50c and 75c Golf Shirts; two collars to match, each. . .39c Men's fine Neckwear; large English squares of the a q ' newest and prettiest silks; regular $1.00 values. each..OVC mrrcLTizea Kiona-siiK u morel as? attractive, 7JC Men handles; best $1.50 values on sale at low price, each r. i?-o xr n :hj t? ?n rr , . o ?.ov nut m uiuu gionu-siiK umDrenas, plain and faney handles, in great assortment; special at. . MEN'S $1.00 SHIRTS 79c Our entire stock of men's $1.00 Shirts in stiff, plaited or sof t-bosoms "Monarchs," "Eagles" and other well-known makes. All new patterns and colors: the best $1.00 values on sale for 796 MEN'S $1.50 SHIRTS $1.19 Our entire stock of men's $1.30 Shirts "Clnetts," "Manhattans" and other leading makes, in all the newest and best patterns. Regular or coat stvles, wiUi or without attached J j g MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 37c 50 dozen men's Work Shirts in dark gray stripes,, good quality, well made and finished, all sizes;. great special values at this low price 37 $1.00 NIGHTSHIRTS 63c Men's extra quality Flannelette Nightshirts, new patterns, made large, all sizes; best $1.00 values on sale at this unusually low price 636 BOYS' SWEATERS AT 59c Juvenile Sweaters, in the very best sljies and colors, blue, white, red and gray, sizes IS to 24 onlv: $1.00 to $1.50 values on sale C- for , MEN'S UNDERWEAR. AT 93c Men's medium-weight natural wool Underwear, silk faced shirts all sizes in. shirts and draw- ers; the best $1.23 values on sale at Z7jQ All lines of Underwear at clearance prices, 35c TO 35c NECKWEAR. 1 7c ; Special lot of new silk Band and Shield Bows, Tecks Club Ties, Midget Ties, etc. Best patterns I J and colors; 25c to 50c values for C 35c FANCY HOSE 18c Men's new fancy Half-Hose, in stripes, figures, oacquaras ana embroidered eiiects; all are im ported Hosiery selling regularly at 25c and 35c pair pair 18c TOILET ARTICLES Great Four Castile Soap, lone a bars; sreat value at C Fairbanks Tar Soap, cake 4n Transparent Glycerine Soap, 3 o' cakes In a box box OC Celluloid Soap Boxes, all col ors regular 35c values.. Eastman TurKlsn Bath Soaps, cake... Satin Skin Cream, jar ROVal Tooth Powilfr fnri Rubber Dressing- Combs, each... 7c Women's Spray Syringe $jr, Family Bulb Syringe hard yj rubber flttlngs; special &JtC Women's .all-rubber Vaginal AQ Syringe: special tlfC 23c astman Perfumes, In glass l q stoppered bottles C Jrkisn Bath Soaos. cake rt. 3c .19c RIBBON SALE S000 yards of all-silk satin and all slk tafTctn Ribbons: also fancies and Dresdens; assorted shades and -widths: great assortment to select from: regular 25c and i i. 35c values on sale for yard 1C 300) j-ards of high-grade Ribbons. Roman stripes. plaids, moires. atln brocades, -etc.; widths rang ing from 5 to S Inches; all th best shades; 35c to 85c 1 o ' values on sale, per yard... I "C Fine all-silk Taffeta. Ribbons, full S InchC3 wide: $1.25 values for.73 3030 yards' fancy Ribbons, 5 and 6 Inches wide, 65c and 75c val..33c HANDKERCHIEFS Special lot .of 50 dozen hand-made Handkcrcnlefs of the finest linen, embroidered corners; each one In a fancy box: values up to A1 51.30 each, at HOC Special ..sale of French embroidered HandKerchlcfs. very choice styles; grand values 522.50 val., ?IBU58 527.30 vaL, 91.00 525.00 val.. 917.56 537.50 val.. J2S.00 3oc, 40c pure linen Handkfs sic 40c all-linen unlaundcred O'T-. Handkerchiefs CrCG 25e Swiss embroidered Handkfs. 17c 25c unlaundcred Initialed Handkerchiefs 1SV2C CLEARANCE SALE BARGAINS THROUGH OUT THE STORE All Framed Pictures at oft regular prices. Picture Framing at 15 per cent oft regular prices. ': -JPrSat. values in Silks and Dress Goods. ..Xr.u.nks and BaSs at Clearance Sale Prices. t Willamette" Sewing Machines at low prices. Sheetings. Cottons, all Wash Goods greatly reduced." Clearance Bargains In all lines of Fancy Goods. -Jewelry at very low Clearance Sale Prices. Sale of Womeis Neckwear New Iacc Collars. In cream whltn imi Srr.u'.asorted designs. Oriental and Batiste lace; also allover and eve let embroidery; 50c values, each. 24c Protection Collars, narrow divideJ embroiders; and linen embroidered Liimerwr,z& ,co"n. with tabs. "'. "me, ana wnite QA and orange; 25c to 53c value "C C?UaI.s' l ?'.h,t Venlse lace and Arabian braid, all black and assorted colors, trimmed In taffeta silk. navy, brown, green, chanmaen and white. 5 to 11 Incbe? ciTo wide, values up to 54.50... 107 Changeable Taffeta Silk Stocks, with insr and whit Piping, brown, garnet, gray, black and navy; sizes 12 to 14 : values from 51 tool" 52 each. xrrant vdIum ,?1iawn Chemisettes and Tokes. lace and embroidery trimmed" wajih .iowep?fce oaf sL?.T!.!r..!5.:.?.B0c valu" on 8a,e ' W3c Wh,nn1ier8'.It,,nen Stocks, embroidered In light blue atid white hard- tor?hea1o Women's Shoes Broken lines of women's Shoes. In patent leather, vlcl kid and vclour calf, turns and welts, heavy and light soles. French. Cuban and military heels: shoes selllnzr res: ularly at 53.00. 53.50. 54.00 55 u0 and 55.30. at the very ci OO low price of, pair.. f IVO Big odd lots or women's vlcl kid button Shoes, with regular heels, light and heavy solas; o O 52.50 values for, pair 70C Johnson Bros.! Shoes for women kid and box calf, spring heels,' re marKable values at this 0n low price, pair 7oC Women's Felt Jullettes, ln all the pest styles and colors; regular 51.50 and 51.75 vaL on C 1 O Q sale for. pair f li0 Women's beat grade Storm 2r Rubbers, rolled edge. pair.. OUC Women's ylci kid lace Shoes, plain tie. vlcl kid Julle.ttes. vlcl kid Prince Alberts and vlcl kid Con gress Shoes; leather and rubber heels, all new goods; f y y great values, pair p 1 .O Portland's Leading Cloak Store Women's Jacket Suits, the newest and most desirable styles, in cheviots, serges, broadcloths and mixtures, fancy braid and .gimp-trimmed, all the best shades. Largest variety and best values 'at these low prices. ro trouble to show goods here. $16.50 Suits $11,55 $22.50 Suits S16.85 $28.00 Suits $19.60 $20.00 Suits $14.00 $27.00 Suits $18.9) $30.00 Suits $21.00 $35.00 Suits $24.50 $38.00 Suits $26.60 $46.00 Suits $36.75 Women 's Dress Skirts, in voiles, crepe de chines, broadcloths and silks. AH the newest modes and trimmings. Great special values at: $15.00 Skirts $ 9.95 $20.00 Skirts $13.45 $25.00 Skirts $16.95 $27.00 Skirts $18.50 $32.00 Skirts $22.50 $34.00 Skirts $24.50 "Women's three-quarter Coats, hundreds 'of them, in all the leading styles and materials. Empire, loose back and tight fitting effects, in tans, coverts, kerseys, broadcloths and mannish materials; great variety; all grades. ' $10.00 Coats for, each. . . .$ 5.65 $22.50 Coats for, each. . . .$15.25 $12.00 Coats for, each. . . .$ 8.65 $24.00 Coats for, each. . . .$16!25 $14.00 Coats for, each $ 9.85 $26.00 Coats for, each $195 $16.50 Coats for, each $12.25 $30.00 Coats for, each $2125 $20.00 Coats for, each. . . .$13.85 $35.00 Coats for, each. . . .$22.50 'i , ' " " .1 , : I'- JS"""1? m?de; nand-embroldered and lnee-trimmed effects lTn ' cS; Si" i i c " rc snowing in tne city Second floor -,AV,. our flne Silk Waists at great reductions. All Sur Imported S at one- - ' : ; ................. tvaum ............. S3J so """" - 9 jj waiMtii Kis w long or short sleeves. half regular prices. o W"1" w 00 WalxtM mint bp to $4T, at Special Prices. n.nr t- r ... reilKmmiS rtleV the hT-Sifi? Si.?."5-5ll"s at:10. clearance .a e prices-styles, colors and qual - me- the vri hf-tnV tZ . ".w v-icut-iwe pnuca styjes, colors and qual- fetr, .ptclal fcifelt?.e?BIttjSt barsa!ns wc know can t etual anywhere else In town !'et aaaee snt T.i.a. fuon cm- . si Ti sine S1H.69 Silk: Petticoats.. Pettlceatn.. . SI .45 in.e sine Silk Silk Petticoat S14.S3 S36.0O Pettlceatn $13-55 34.00 Fettlceatu SI 8-25 SIIIc PettlcoatM ?8.1 Sllfcr PettlcoatM skijs seeoaa ieor. j m .1 I II I --- --B(BBl