THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1906. TS TO E Three Shiftless Men Sternly Rebuked by Judge Cameron. FOUND IN THE NORTH END Jiecord of a Day in the 31unlclpal Court With Punishments Meted Out to Petty Offcnd " crs There. SIUFTLESSNESS PERSONIFIED. "I worked In Tacoma and made $14 during December," said Martin Lamb to Judge Cameron. "I am 'broke' now." "I have been in Portland a few days, and wait In the. Burnslde Exchange saloon because I wanted free soup," was what J. Fitzgerald said. "I shoreled coal from Roy. Wash., to Portland to pay my was, and I asked for money hero to get a bite to eat." said M. F. Moore. Judge Cameron Lectures. The thr-e men quoted were among many other vn grants picked up In the North End by the police Thursday night. Judge Cameron lectured each one of. them, telling them they ought to be ashamed of themnelves to be roaming about from place to place, having no money or decent clothing and no boarding-house- when work was to be had at good wages almost any place. Proprietors of the Burnnlde Exchange. ;235 Bunudde street, narrowly escaped ar ;rest yesterday mornlnp, when four young men swore In the Municipal Court that they were, frequenters of the resort. ' which Is one of three North End dives Ijiow under the police ban. Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald was about to Issue warrants, but decided to wait. There was no evidence that any of the prisoners liad purchased drinks In the place. Patrolman Galbraith and Acting Detec tives Kay and Jones rounded up a dozen tough characters Thursday night, all of whom were before Judge Cameron on vagrancy charges yesterday. Never did a more shiftless crowd face His Honor. Not one wore clean or neat clothing, not one was cleanly In appearance and all renem "bled the cheapest and toughest element of hobodom. Judge Cameron was particularly dis gusted with MarXln Lamb, aged 23, and hailing from Tacoma, according to his frtory. He was .pressed for some history regarding his recent movements, and faid he worked through December in Ta coma and earned Jl-S. "Do yoi think $14 is enough for a month's work?" anked Judge Cameron. "Well, it helps some," replied Lamb. "It is disgusting to see a man like you," said Judge Cameron, as he stonily faced Lamb. "Your clothing Is dirty and you are dirty; you have no money, no am bition to get any. There Is- work all around, but It Is evident you do not desire to run Into any of it. If we had a rockpile. I would send you to work on it for 90 days, but we have none. A3 wo cannot use you here, and you will not work If permitted to remain, I will give you two hours in which to leave Portland, and If you are found here after that, you will have to serve 90 days in jail." That finished Lamb, and he lost jio time escaping. J. Fitzgerald was another type of hobo exceedingly displeasing to Judge Cam eron. He was only 19 years old, had been hanging around the Burnsidc Exchange several days, and was so shiftless that ho ;leaned against a table while talking. He said he had been here a few days, seeing about work, but had found none; he had 110 money, and dropped into the saloon to get some free soup. "I guess you haven't made as much money as Lamb did in the past month," suggested Judge Cameron. "I have made some," replied Fitzgerald. "Why do you not Join the Army, or "Navy?" asked Judge Cameron. "You fel lows could make more money In either branch of the service than you make now, and besides keep looking respectable. The only thing to do with you is to make you leave town at once. Don't linger around here, or I will Impose a heavy sentence if you como in again." M. F. Moore was older than Lamb and Fitzgerald. He shoveled coal for .a fire man from Roy, Wash., to Portland for his passage. After reaching here, he wan dered to South Portland, where he called at the home of Polceman Mike Llllls for money. He asked for 25 cents, saying he -was hungry. Llllls, who has to pay. gas bills, was in no mood to accommodate Moore, and sent him to jail. Inasmuch as Llllls said he found finger prints on the front windows of his home, and footprints in the earth underneath, and as there was a considerable quantity of valuable silverware on a table within, Moore was held for further investigation. In explanation of how he came to have so much silverware, Llllls said he had just "been married, and received many presents. It was his suspicion that Mooro was prowling for these goods. B. F. Jones placed the muzzle of a re volver to the head of Charles Asper In tne latter's home, Seventeenth and North rup, late Wednesday night, and said he would "blow his head off," but when the weapon-wlelder was arraigned in court, yesterday morning, on a charge of assault with a. dangerous weapon, Asper swore that he knew nothing about the matter, as he was too drunk. The arrest was made by Patrolman Thompson, of the second relief, who chanced to pass thehouse the night of the trouble, and was directed to the scene by a stranger who had overheard the quarrel that was in progress. Although Asper could recall nothing of the affair. Judge Cameron fined Jones 515. the testimony of Patrolman Thompson being sufficient to convict. The charge of highway rotibery against Thomas Russell, Jr., probably will never be pressed. Paul C Ayelsworth, the com plaining witness, is- In California, and it is doubtful if he will return to Portland to press the case against the young man he swears sandbagged him In the yards of the Terminal Railway Company recent ly. The case has been continued repeated ly, and yesterday morning was again set ahead, this time for January 10. It is be lieved that Ayelsworth will fail to appear, and that the prosecution will cease. Check for California Excursion. Tom Richardson, manager of the Port land Commercial Club, yesterday sent to the city ticket office of the Southern Pa cific a check for $4131. It was sent In pay ment of the reservations made by those who will attend the excursion of . the ORDERS N TOWN Oregon business men to California. All of the berths in the Pullmans have been taken up and a doccn or more persons are on, the waiting; Het. The positive statement has been made that no addi tional cars will be placed on the train, as more persons would necessitate the train being divided into two' sections. HEARD IN THE ROTUNDAS FertMcattos ef Tf&Hfax Discussed by Travelers From That City. "H ALT FAX, N. S is one of the'most formidable fortresses in the world. and I believe It would be impossible for a besieging army to capture It other than by means of starving out the garrison," said Louis Archibald, a merchant of Hal ifax, at the Imperial, Hotel, yesterday afternoon. "Halifax itself is a town of about 60,000 Inhabitants, and it is sur rounded In all directions by mighty forts, in which are mounted the most modern cannon. As a citadel, Halifax is second to Gibraltar only. "Halifax has one of the finest harbors In the world, the entrances of which arc protected by several large forts several miles from the town proper. Close to the city Is another fort on an Island in the middle of the harbor, Then rising out of the very middle of the town is an immense hill, on which stands still another fort. With the exception of the fortifications on the top, the hill Is vacant. The town entirely surrounds It. In the fortifications are mounted dozens of disappearing can nons, which can shoot miles and miles. Even should an army capture the forts surrounding the city and the entrances to ,the harbors, the defenders on top of the hill could hold out for many months. The iruns are so high that they can sweep the country for miles around. "The garrison is composed exclusively of Canadians, and there are practically no more regular British soldiers in Can ada. Most of them have been taken back to England and the Canadian troops left in charge. The Canadians make splendid soldiers, and the English place great re liance in them." C6f NCE a freighter, always a freight KJ er." Among the old-time plains men of the West it Is often remarked that If a man becomes a freighter he will never change his occupation. Men who follow this business say they never knew a freighter to quit and take up some other occupation who -did not eventually return to his horses and his wagons. They cite Instances of men who have become wealthy and independent still working out their existence as freighters. "Once a traveling man, always a trav eling man." This saying does not always hold true, but It does In tne case of Billy Meek, of Denver, one of the best-known "drummers" In the West. Billy Meek is wealthy, having made several fortunes through mining Investments In Colorado, but he will not give up the road. It Is :a!d that his Income from his mines Is far greater than that of his salary. But for many years was a traveling man, and he has acquired dozens of friends In nearly every town on the Coast. It Is said that he tried to give the busi ness up once, but when he had been away Irom his old customers and friends he be came restless and once more took up the grip. His greatest pleasure In life, it Is said. Is in' selling goods, and he becomes as jubilant as a schoolboy at the close of school when he makes a -big sale. Mr. Meek Is now In Portland. He comes here several times a year, and any night now can be seen in the lobby of the Hotel Portland, with a crowd of his friends around him. BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS years old; her daughter. Elizabeth. 22 yearn old; her husband, and her nephew. Thomas A. Freeman, lo secure money from life In surance pollclw. Springfield. III. Attorneys far Jehann Hoch. who In under sentence of death In Chicago for wife murder, filed In the State Supreme Court a motion for a rehearing ef th ease. Chicago. Plan have been completed for an Immense seminary for Catholic nriesti at Austin, a uburb. A cathedral will be among the buildings, which will cost about $5,000. 000. St. Louis. Fire In the public library de stroyed 1500 book and damaged the building to a considerable extent. Many ef the books and old manuscripts destroyed cannot be re loaded. Chicago. Creditors of Herbert L. Joseph & Co. have decided to continue the operation of the Arm's two Chicago stores, and aVo the Pittsburg store. They represent claim of $125,000. Brunswick. Me. William J. Bryan has given a prize to Bowdoin College for the best essay discussing the principles of free gov ernment. It Is called the Phllo Sherman Ben nett prize. Philadelphia. The largept donation to the "conscience fund" ever recorded was received by the City Treasurer. The package con tained $1295.50- and a note stating that It was an overcharge for city work. Bridgeport, Conn. George Cromwell was released from custody on the charge of theft of bonds and other valuables from the resi dence of Mrs. Johanna Lumpkin. About $8000 of the missing bonds have been restored to Mrs. Lumpkin. Chicago. In the 12 months Just closed the railways- of the country have ordered. 341.315 freight cars. 62C5 locomotives and 32S9 pas senger cars. In 100 the figure were: Loco motives 2538, passenger care 2013, freight cars 130,501. Hackensack, X. J. An appeal to ve Mrs. Antoinette Tolla. of this city, from being hanged on January 12. Is raid to have been sent to President nooscveH by the Susan B. Anthony Club, of Cincinnati. Mrs. Toll a shot an Italian, who, flhe Mild, attempted to as sault her In her own home. Boston. Mrs. Sarah Jane Robtngan, one of the most noted female convicts In the coun try, died In the Middlesex County Jail In East Cambridge, She was OS years old and had been In solitary confinement more than 16 years. She poisoned Prince Arthur Free man, her brother-in-law; her sen, William. 23 Memphis. Chancellor Helskell yesterday Issued a decreet permitting the Commercial Savings & Trust Company to liquidate the affairs of the American Savings Bank & Trust Company, which closed at the time of the recent failure of the Merchants' Trust Company. All creditors will be paid in full next Wednesday. Chicago. Four Chicago ministers of four different denominations completed plans to preach and study on a co-operatire basin during the next four weeks for the purpose of solving the live moral problems of the city. Their subjects are: "The Betrayal of Citizen ship," "The Curse of Intoxicant," "The Gambling Spirit," "Chicago' Sunday." New York. When the 7-year-old-son of An tonio Castlgncllo, a baker, living In East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, dropped a. crul ler In his father's shop, a cartridge of large caliber, which had been rolled up In the crul ler, exploded, and the bullet entered the boy's stomach. Carmela CaMarlo. 18 years old. an assistant baker, is locked up pending Investigation. Salt Lake Clty.-Frlday while In a etate of delirium Mrs. W. Armstrong, an actress from New Tork City, threw the dead body of an Infant born to her a. few hours before from a fourth-story window of the Wilson Hotel. Mrs. Armstrong, who Is known to the stage as Miss Sargeant, hi one of the flower girls of the "Esmeralda: Sisters Company," and played Thursday night. Chicago. Through the arrest of Lena Bach, self-eonfewed diamond thler. Henry Hoffman, reputed burglar and diamond smuggler, of International fame, may escape punishment for smuggling diamonds Into Boston, which he had confessed. The "woman confessed stealing the diamonds in New Tork and meeting Hoffman afterwards; and that he helped her to carry them. This contradicts the man' confession, and he pleaded not guilty. Made Insane by Sea-Sickness. NEW YORK, Jan. & Tho after-effect of 'seasickness was the unusual cause for a sentence of deportation which the Im migration authorities imposed today. HOTEL PERKINS Pifth and Washington Streets- EUROPEAN PLAN Room, to rrr Day A wording to LocaUoB. i. F. DAVlKa. I'rc St. Charles Hotel CO. NCORPORATRD.y ' FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Enrep.eaa Plan Roobs 75c to $2.00 First-Class RcstaBrant In Connection HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STS. J Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. European Plan WRIGHT-DICKINSON Mrs. Lydla M. Thompson, a woman of means, wife of an Englishman and a cabin passenger on the steamer Minne apolis, was deathly sick In the great Christmas storm on the Atlantic during the Minneapolis passage to this country, and this Illness left her mind temporarily deranged. She Is now held in nor state room on the Minneapolis, which will start for England tomorrow. She arrived here last Tuenlay on her way to visit her cou sin at Overbrook, Pa. Judge Protects Mrs. Tapfrart. CINCINNATI. O., Jan. 5. Mrs. Taggart.. whose sudden departure from IVooster. O., recently with her two sons, who had been awarded to the father. Captain B. F. Taggart, after he secured a divorce, which aroused general Interest, has been posi tively located in Campbell County, K, where she can probably remain as long as she wishes, according to a statement made in Newport today. Mrs. Taggart and her sons were reported as being with friends at Alexandria. Ky., but her friends pre vented attempts to verify the report to day, when Judge Albert Berry, of the Campbell County Circuit Court. In New port, whose daughter Is one of Mrs. Tag gart's close friends. ald: I have positively refused to give the location of Mrs. Tasgart and her children. They arc within the Jurisdiction of my court, and I propose to protect them. The manner in which Mrs. Taggart has been treated and is being hounded Is worse than would be meted out to a dangerous criminal, instead of a mother, who. through love for her children, seeks to Xoep possession of them." DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. Splendid Weather at This Popular PadJe Coat ReKJrt. Delightful In every particular Is the weather at Newport, and the Southern Pacific and tuc Corvallls & Eastern rail roads have resumed their cheap rates to this place for the Winter. Particular by baking- at Third ar.d Washington streets. Portland. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Jan. .'..Maximum tempera ture. 42 dec : minimum, 38. Rlrer readtng atS A. M.. S.C feet; change In past 21 boars, rise. O.i f a foot. Total precipitation. ' P. M. to 5 P. M-. 0.01 of an Inch; total since September 1. 1005. 17.07 inches; normal, 20.57; deficiency. 3.50. Total sunshine Janu ary -. 1MM1, none; possible, S hours and 47 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. So STATIONS Baker City ,...;24I0.00 4'NE ... enV).oo io!w ICleudy Clear . . 'Clear IPC Cldy. (Cloudy . !coudy IRaln 'Clear . .loudy ICIear IClear ICIear Clear iPt. CWy. (Cloudy (Rain 'Cloudy ICloudy iilsmarek Boise SV.OO 4W Eureka Helena Kamloop. B. C North Head... . Pocatello. ...... Portland. .. Red Bluff Rosebun; Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco.. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. .. 4:w , BNTO.OO 4JSW . SSlo.OOl MNW .40.O0I 4VN M 2 0.04 ! r.sE .I42VUK)' fciE .!48!O.O01 4JSW T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure continues high over Nevada, hut the barometer Is falling rapidly over Western Washington. Light rain is reported In the Sound Country and at the mouth of the Columbia River, while fair weather pre vails elsewhere In the North Pacific States, The Indications are for rain Saturday In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and for increasing cloudiness In the eastern portions of these states and Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hour ending at midnight. January C: Portland and vicinity Rain. Southeast winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Rain. Easterly winds. Eartern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Increasing cloudiness. Southern Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. NEW TODAY. POINT VIEW ST. JOHNS Lots at Point View are still selling at the old price, $100 each on easy terms, notwithstanding that there is no better located property in the St. Johns district, and that owners of all the adjacent property have raised their prices. Point View is close to the business center of St. Johns, in the car-line loop, and, therefore, has the benefit of quick .car service on all sides. Get in and bny now, before the price ad vances, as it surely will do in the near future. There is money in it for you. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 240 WASHINGTON STREET Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. EAST SIDE RESIDENCE For sale by owner. Block from car. Cor ner lot. new house, beautifully tinted, porce lain bath, raa fixtures, water connected. Price low. Terms to suit. Address J 3C care Orecofdan. t SS'0.00 140(0.00 41 W t2t;o.oo'..'.. UW'O.Oll S1E SSlO-OOi 4W 142 T I..'.... Mo.ooj 4 S too o.oo! 4 In VVGlO.OO 4K PORTLAND, OREGON Flrt-CtM Check Restasraat Connected With Hotel. C O. DA Via. tote asd Tress, Free Bus. HOTEL CO., Props. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Roes. "Rooms aad Board' "Hoas. beesis- Rooms. "Situations Wasted." 13 words or less 13 eests: 18 to 2S words, 29 rests; 21 to 25 words. 23 rests, etc No dis co ant for additional Isscrtloas. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today, SB cents far 15 words or less 18 to 20 words, 48 cents; 21 to 25 words, 38 cents, etc flrst Issertloa. Each addltloaal Insertion, one-ha If; so farther dlscoaat ai der ose month. NKW TODAY fcaace raearare acute), 15 rests per I lee. Crst tasertlen; IB cents per Use for each additional Is wtloH. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, sd drewe4 care The OrrsesIaB. asd left at this office, should always ho haclosed Is sealed rnTelopes. No stamp Is required oa sacs letters. The Orecoalaa will sat ho responsible foe error In adTertUemesU ta&es throura ths telephone. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING TOl'R CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE; A IB. ID. 20, 26. S3. R 17. C 2. 22. 21. I) 19. 23, 20, S3. E 14, 22. 23, 38. 40, 43. " h 20, 21. 31. 34. 97. O 10. IX. IP. 20. 32. 33, 34. II 17. 18. 22, 23. 31. J 10. 20. 22. K 13, 23. I 15. 16. 19. 20, 21. 22, 23, 23, 32, 31. 33. M 17. 22. 31. N 18. 19. 21. 24. 31. 35. O 17. 20, 24. 23. 33, 35. 1 S5. 36. ' Q 20. 21. 24. 35. R IS. 20. 23. 34. 35. DC. S 15. 17. 19, 32. 34, 83. T 20. 22. 24. V 0. 24. 33. 31. 35. 36. W 22. 25. 32. 33. 34. X XXX. 5. 1C. 20. 21, 31. Y 1 1. 20. 23. 32. 33. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON CIRCLE. NO. 171. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Officers and members are re quested to attend funeral of Neighbor Let tie Vinton from residence. 010 Kerby street. Saturday. January C, 1000. at 12 o'clock. EVA MASSON. Attest: Guardian Neighbor Pro. Ttm. MARY RANDALL. Clerk. ALBINA LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. A- A. 31. Stated communication th! (Saturday) evening at S o'clock. All M. 51. cordially Invited. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN. Secretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 3. R. A. 51. Special convocation this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In Mark Masters degree. Vis itors welcome. A. M. KNAPP. Secretary. DIED. DEITCHAR In this city. January 3. 1WH.. Mathllde J. Deuchar. aged . years. Fu neral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHNSON In this city. January 4. lOOfi. Carl Johnson, aged 33 year. Friend are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Hnlman'a Chapel, cor. Third and Salmon. 2 P. II.. January 6. 1000. Interment Lone Fir Cem etery. NIELSON December 30. 100.'. Raymond Nlebon. aged rt years. 2 months and 15 days. Funeral Sunday at 2 P. M. from DHnnlnga parlors. East Sixth and East Alder streets. J. P. FTNLEY & SON Fnneml directors asd embalmers. No. 261 3d it., cor. Madloa. Day or night calli promptly attended. Ex perienced lady asIstast Tthea desired. Of Gee of County Coroner. Phcse Mala 9. DUNNING. M'ENTEE & GILBACGH. Suc cessors to Dasnlag & Campion, sndertakers asd emhalmers: modern la every detail: 7th asd 1'lse. Phone Mala 438. Lady ajulstast. EDWARD HOLM AN CO. Undertakers aad emhalmers. bare sieved to their sew baild isr. Third asd baiaiua. Ladr asslstast. Telepbose No. 507. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Ladr asslstaat. Telephone East 32. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, Usdertakrrs. Em balsiers. 273 KasselL East 1988. Ladr asst. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry, re paired. Uncle Myer. Jeweler. 143 3d-AMer. HAVE 1000 TO 1W0. WITH SERVICE, to Invnst In good, legitimate business; state your buslncm and location In first letter. Address H 28, Oreronlan. Fred Westerdal. 217 Orgn bldg. Graduate Stockholm; massage and Swedish movement. West Side Building Sites ARDMORE Exclusively high-class residence property; bitulithic streets, cement walks, gas, sewer and Bull Run water laid to each lot; S70.000 worth sold during the past three days, one purchaser paying $42,000 on which there will be a palatial resi dence erected. Only a few lots left. Buy now before prices are advanced. Take Portland Heights car and get off at Park Ave. Tor plats and prices call on or address GRIND STAPP & SCHALK, 264 Stark Street. Phone Main 392. HOLIDAY TIME Is the right time to buy a hone. Do not for get that some S000 sew houses hare been built thWi season oa the EAST Side, and that the GREATER Portlaad will be oa the East Stds. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION la the geographical center of the city, and In the most DESIRABLK residence district, asd much of this will btcoase BUSINESS property. Do sot overlook these FACTS wsea making Investments, and call asd Inspect the property, for seetsr Is feellevls r. The Oregon Real Btite Company SH Third Street. Room 4. Perttud, Or. fli AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Qrand Theater PHONE MAIN SOS. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY regular-Price Matlaee. 2:15. Last Time Tonight. 8:15. THE ROSCIAN COMIC OPERA CO. The Comic Opera Success "THE MIKADO" MAT. PRICES Adults. 30c; children. 25c NIGHT PRICES Mc. 33c. 50c. 75c and 51. Marquam Qrand Theater Three Nlghta Beginning Jaasary 8. MATINEE WEDNESDAY. Henry W. Savage Offers George Ade's Record Comedy "THE COLLEGE WIDOW" "I've eat with bit knife for forty year asd alaf est myself ret." PRICES. BOTH MATINEE AND NIGHT Entire lower dear, 51.50. Balcony, first 3 rowi. $1.30; next 3 rows. $1; 0th. 7th. Sth rows. 73c: last 3 rows. 50c. Entire Kallcry. 30c Boxes and loses, f 10. BELASCO BOASCO & MAYBE, Pn?J. TctepboM Miin 311 Htb asd Wasa. St. E. L. Sackett. Res. Mgr. Positively Last Week Belasco Stock Co. TONTG HT MATINEE TODAY :LAST TWO TIMES T03IORROW The Fussy Farce Comedy THE LATE TIMES MR. TOMPKINS Prices Night, 25c to 75c: Mats.. 15c to 50c Baker Theater "sssS'fir Yamhill and Third St. Phone Mala 1907. THE HOME OF MUSICAL BURLESQUE. MATINEE TODAY. 2:13 "TheDreamland Burlesquers" Everything New. Fresh and Brlgnt Stun ning Show Girl. LAST PERFORMANCE Saturday matinee (last performance) 15c. 25c. 35c and 50c Evening prices. 25c. 35c. 50c and 75c. Next Week. Startlnr Tomorrow Mntlnee. "INNOCENT MAIDS." Empire Thaofnt' lftHlaiafenixii liiUului IIMM Mill 111 MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Matinee. 2:15 Today Tonight. Last Time "When the Bells Toll" A PICTURESQUE SOCIETY PLAY. Scenes In Alps Monastery of St. Bernard. PRICES Evening. 15c. 25c 35c. 30c; mati nee. 10c. 15c 25c. Next Attraction. Starting Tomorrow Matinee. AT CRIPPLE CREEK." GRAND Special New Year's BUL Walter Deaves Merry Manikins. A S50O Act. PRICES: Gilbert's One-Ring CIrcui. Flemras & Miller. Hert White. Miss Florilia Sanford. Master Hnrold Hoff. Mluss in Boots." Evenings. 10c and 20c. Sundays and Boxes. 30c Holidays. STAR Fatsy Doyle. Laurel Southern. Caxaro. Hallea Rogers. W. E. Hartford. Ulorsethlef." New Year's Fea tures Royal Hawaiian Qulnette. The Acme of Melody. PRICES: 10c to any seat in the house except boxes. Only Best Acts PANTAGES Fourth and Stark St. GRAND HOLIDAY BILL. Four Deans. Chatham Sisters. Southern Quartet. Leo While. Fred ScbmohL Charles Mclnnls. Selected Orchestra. 3Iovlng Pictures. Performances dally at 2:30. 7:30 and P. it. Admission TEN cents, with seven rows at 20 cents. NEW TODAY. (NEW TODAY BUY TOWN PROPERTY IN ONTARIO. OR., the coming railroad center and me tropolis of Eastern Oregon. Population now. 1000; estimated population In next five years. 10.000. Graded high school. 7 teachers. An nual business now of merchants. $2,000,000; annual wool shipments now 3,000.000 to 4.000.000 pounds: annual stock shipments now: Cattle. 25.000 head; horses. 15.000 head: mutton sheen. 50,000 head. For 15 days I offer the following: ONE EXCELLENT RESIDENCE BLOCK, close in. $1700. BIGHT CORNER residence lots, close In. $1000. THREE GOOD residence lots. $300. FOUR GOOD CORNER lots, near the schoolhouse. $-125. TWO CHOICE RESIDENCE lots, close in. $250. TEN GOOD residence lots, deep well. $000; a snap. Above prices good only until Jan. 20. IDOti, Call on or address DON CARLOS BOYD. Ontario. Oregon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ALL READY TO MOVE IN. $2700 Fin comer on car line. 0-room modem house: gas and electric light, ce ment walks, furnished complete; easy tertns; also JOOO Fractional lot. 23x50. E. 7th and Couch sf. FRED C. KING. 5f6 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. $H.50O FRACTIONAL LOT. 30x100 FEET. Improved, frame 2-story building. 24x100; this must be sold: this property pays In $175 per month, besides the Increase; get here as soon a you can and secure this bargain. 212 Ablngton bldg. Long list of bargain. C. R. DeBurgh. manager. LOT. K. SALMON. BET. 25TH AND 2CTH. $050; comer lot. E. Salmon and 27th. $900; choice Inside let on Grand are.. $3750; 33 x50. East 6th sL. $950; lot, 42d near Hawthorne. $200: 5-rooci house and lot on Installments. $1000. Lambert Whltmero & Co.. -iOt E. Alder. Phone East 401. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO lutely up to data; elegantly finished throughout: Fttuated on two lots, in best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to investigate. Phona owner. Main 5S5. or call 1C0 Sherlock hldg. FOR SALE MOST COMPLETE NEW 7 roorn home. In best part of city, at less than cost; investigate at once It yon want a flee home for $2SOJ; terms. F. J. Stein metx & Co.. 103 Morrison st. DO YOU WANT A SMALL INVESTMENT that will pay you 144 per cent, something that will be business property soon: sell this week only at $1475. F. J. 8telnmetx & Co.. Phone Pacific 131. 1B3 Morrison st. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms a low as $10 per mcnth with water. A. C Churchill & Co.. "Ice" 110 2d st. FOR SALE "ri ACRE AT MT. TABOR. WITH new 4-rcom cottage; water on premises; price $1250. Inquire 3S1 East Morrison or phesft East 2S7. 12 PER CENT INTEREST INCOME: 1 NEW S-room residence and 25-room cottage: lot SOxlCu, en W I lama are.: rents $30. L 36, Oregon Ian. FOR SALE 1167 CLEVELAND AVE.. LOT SOxIOO ft..' eight large rooms and bath, a beautiful home In perfect repair. Phone Union S27&. EELLWOOD LOTS. 53.0u DOWN AND $3.09 a month: from $75.00 to J20O.CC Seliwood Toweslts Co. Phone East 4704. MODERN 3-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 33X100. close In. Inquire 435 Williams ave. Fhon East 2573. SNAP $3700 FOR FINE INSIDE LOT ON Grand ave; fine business proposition. K 38, Oregon lan. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. 50x111. E. 32D St.; terms to suit; price right. Call 160 Front st. AT WHITE SALMON. 10 ACRES 1ST-CLASS land. l?i acre In berries. $1430. S 24. Ore gon Ian. 2 CHOICE LOTS. EAST 2STH AND "CLIN ton. oa car Use. 263S Washisgtsa. Room 3. BARGAIN IN i BLOCK. ON 12TH ST., sear Harrison at, M. S. Le, M4 9th at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE $6000 10-ROOM DWELLING. West Side, easy walking distance, superb Tlew, direct car line, all modem conveni ence and big value, with terms. E. S. Jackson, 243 Stark at. FOR SALE FARMS. SPECIAL OFFERS. SO ncren choice fruit land miles from Hood River. 10 acre under cultivation, good 3-room house. Urge bam: will tell all or part or trade for Portland property. 20 acres. 10 mlle from Los Angeles. Cal.. i mile from R. store?, etc; 10 acres in walnuts. 2 acres mixed fruits and garden: eight-room house with bath. barn, pumping plant. 5000-gal tank; water p'ped through house and bam; owner cannot oc cupy i lace, so will sacrifice it for ca?h or property In Oregon or Washington. SO acres fruit land near mouth of White Salmon River; fine aoil. ub-Irrigated; this Is a good Investment and abargaln at the price. 35 acres, near Mount Hood P. O. in the Upper Hood River Valley; 6 acre cleared, all fenced: log house, celled; small. barn. 2 shares water; cheap and on easy terms. 40 acres 2 ml lea from Ashland, all In cultivation: 4200 peach trees, 200 Spits apples. 200 yellow Newtown; everything Ace; no buildings. 43 acres. 24 miles from Ashland, all cul tivated. 1100 10-year-old peach trees. 1700 apple trees; housebarn, packing shed, tine apple house. Choice foothill land at Colton. Clackamaa County, very cheap. 120 acres. 18 miles from Hood River. In upper valley; 5 acres cultivated, 50 3-year-old apple trees; two creeks and river; only $22.50 per acre. Two homestead relinquishments near new R. It., east of the mountains: timber enough on the claims to pay for them. A homestead near Riddles. Douglas Co., very cheap. LANGILLE & RAND. 73 Sixth Street, TO ACRES. 1 MILE FROM CAR LINE. GOOD soil, easily cultivated; will sell In whole or In. part. $100 per acre, easy terms. A9" 240 acres. 4 miles from railroad, part in cul tivation; this will make a good dairy farm; Srtca $20 per acre, easy payments. Quarter lock Grand ave.. centrally located. $8500. Lambert Whltmere & Co.. 404 'E. Alder. Phone East 401. 20 ACRES. 3tJ ACRES BEAVER DAM. 4 mile to station and P. O.. 7 miles Van couver, house, ham. chicken-house. two wells, windmill, all stock and farm tools. 4 tons ttraw. 7 tons hay. 75 bushels oats, lots of fruit: all goes for $2200; easy terms. 1S3 Morrison st. FOR SALE SO ACRES OF FINE LANDS near station on O. W. P.. 30 in cultivation, fair house and horn, good orchard; 40 acres fine saw timber, sawmill adjoining place; will consider part trade for good city prop erty in Portland: price $4500. Easy terms. D. M. Roberts. Gresham. Or. 18 ACRES. MIXED FRUIT. BEES. POUL try. hogs, stock, etc. living in sight, ample buildings, stove and hot water boiler, fur niture If wanted; good reasons for selling; would tent. Beldlng Bros.. 45 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. PARTY HAVING RECENTLY SOLD. DE ilres to reinvest In vacanf comers, fraction al lots or good houses and lots on West Side; northwestern part of city preferred: give exact location and lowest cash price. P 34. Oregon lan. MODERN HOUSE AND LOT OR VACANT ground for cash. bet. 6th and 18th. Haw. thornw and East Bumslde; clve particu lars' and price; no agents. V 28. Orcgo nlan. COLLINS LAND CO. (INC,) WE BRINO buyer and seller together: list your property with us. Our facilities are exceptional. Bank references. Steams tldg. Phone Main 2321. I WANT A SIGHTLY LOT FOR RESI- dence on or near Nob Hill district; give location and best cash price. R 35, Ore gonlan. I WANT A FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCE LOT or new house and lot on or near Haw thorne ave. Q 35. Oregonlan. WANTED. ON EASY PAYMENTS ONE TO 4 lots near car line, between Piedmont and S. Johns. L 35. Oregonlan. HAVE YOU PORTLAND REAL ESTATE for sale? We want It. Buyers waiting. Address P 32. Oregonlan. 5 OR 0-ROOM COTTAGE FOR CASH; answer with price. K 33. Oregonlan. TO LEASE. RAILROAD LANDS FOR LEASE LANDS of the Oregon and California Railroad Co. in Oregon will be leased for the year 1008, subject to sale; owners of farms and ranches adjoining railroad lands should file thelc applications not later than Februarj I. 1008, after which date applications from others will also be considered. Address Chas. W. Eberleln. acting land agent. 1033 Merchants Exchange. San Francisco. Cal. FOR SALE-LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OP- ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. We buy military bounty land war rants. Collins Land Co.. Steams bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. SMALL FARM FOR CASH CHICKENS, hop?, fruit and a small dairy. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder St. TO EXCHANGE. THE CORNER LOT COMPANY CAN Ex change any Pacific Coast property: we have offices in San Frtfncldco and Los Angeles. See D. Miller. 714 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE GOOD TIMBER LAND IN" a fine location for merchandise. Whitney Bros.. Irving. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. SELECTIONS FURNISHED FOR CLASSES of U. S. Government and etate lands; also best bargains In deeded lands of all classes and In any quantity at lowest prlcps. Write W. T. Burney. 17 Washington bldg., city. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. BARGAIN 5-YEAR-OLD SORREL MARE; good driver or saddler; new rubber-tire buggy, harness; alio cowboy saddle. 24S Hamilton ave. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month; special rates to bunl nesa bouses. Sth & Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. HORSES and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 268 Fourth. Plaaos. A F'NB PIANO. ALMOST NEW, FOR SALE very cheap for cash. Call 170 10th st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard asd pool tables; easy payments; wa rent tables, with prlvllega of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 4E 3d st. GREENHOUSE AND ONE BLOCK IN Newberg. Or.; pays 25 per cent on Invest ment: trade for city property: Investigate. 1S3 Morrison st. SAFES 29 GENUINE HALL'S SAFES. FIN Ish slightly damaged by smoke and water; big discount, Portland Safe Co.. Elks' Tern. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAIRING By the only practical firm In Northwest. New and 2d-hand band Instruments. 67 1st. SHOWCASES. COUNTER3. TABLES. STORE fixtures bought, sold or exchanged. Western Salvage Co.. 827 Washington at. GOOD OFFICE CHAIR. ALSO TYPE writer desk, both for $5. Call noon Sat urday, 551 Sherlock bldg. OLDSMOBILE RUNABOUT FOR SALE IN good running order, easy terms; ring up Main 138. 354 Oak at, LEASE: ALSO CASH REGISTER. DAYTON scales, large cofTeemlll, showcases, stock of tea. 133 4th st. THOROUGHBRED POINTER PUPS CHEAP: best of breeding. Inquire 644 East Stark st,, comer 17tb. 1000 FEET OF S-INCH WROUGHT IRON pipe, practically as good as new. J. Simon in Brother. Typewriters, all makes, at cost; rubber stamp goods, desks, etc Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark FOR SALE FIXTURES OF ONE-CHAIR barber shop. Call at 351 Russell at. TOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM her of Commerce, or phone Main 2363. FOR SALE SAFE WITH BURGLAR VAULT. S rat -cl as condition. Belasco Theater. FOR SALS REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. No. 7. new. Phone. Main 1208. TEN WHEELED SCRAPERS FOR SALE ca. J. stHft & Brother. FOR SALE. Miscellaaeeas. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In .rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old iron, tin or shingles; tor sew roots there Is nothing better: guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will atop small leaks. National Maatlc Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. EDISON PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS, at factory prices, delivered .free anywhere on receipt of full amount of retail price: largest stock of Edison records west of Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Bacl galupl. wholesale and retail. 7S8 Mission st,. San Francisco. ONE LARGE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. Simon & Brother. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing trade; pays $3 day after com pleting course of practical Instruction at home or in our schools; graduates ad mitted to union and Master Plumbers' As sociation; positions secured. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing- Schools. New York. Chicago, Cincinnati. St, Louis. Mo. Free catalog. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days; consultation, free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts., entrance 253 Alder st,, Portland. NEWSPAPER MAN BRIGHT. WITH PUSH, capable of mixing, country town weekly: state particulars in first letter: good prop osition to right, man: must be ready at once. Address R 34, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWL edge of family liquor business.' capable to take charge of books and make hlmwlf generally useful. Address Rrunn & Co., S. E. cor. 1st and Alder fits. Men. women, leam watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work, optica. Easy terms, position guaranteed; money" made learning. Watch- , making-Engraving School. P. L bldg., Seattle. WANTED YOUNG MEN OVER 18 TO PRE pare for positions as railway mall clerks: ftartlng salary $&00. E. O. Heynen. 215 Columbia bldg.. 363 Washington st. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN S weeks; only up-to-date colleges in the world. Moler'a Syetem College, 215 Occi dental ave.. Seattle, Wash. WANTED A GOOD. LIVE GROCER YM AN to engage In the grocery business In con pectlon with a butcher shop; good location. J 27. Oregonlan. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. FILMS, song slides, gas outfits, for rent; also bought and sold. Newman's Film Exchange, 145U eth st. WANTED STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS PHO tograph operator, good retoucher, well experi enced only. Lucerne Studio, Dekum bldg. PLASTERERS AT HOVER. NEW TOWN UP Columbia on North-Bank road. Call this afternoon at Hover Land Co.. 1224 6th st. Any intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. T. Men to learn barber trade, eight weeks secures position; wage's while learning. Glllman's College. 027 Clay st.. Sun Francisco. Cal. STENOGRAPHER FIRST-CLASS MAN wanteii to fill position at good salary: state experience. Address R 2tJ. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT linl and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 007 McKay bldg. WANTED A FOREMAN WITH EXPERI ence on farm work; also stock; references required. Apply 715 Everett st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; steady Job; terms reasonable; union ohop. 508 Washington. SPECIAL EDITION ADVERTISING 51AN wanted for a strong publication. Clyde & King. 6SS Chamber Commerce. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 208 McKay bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN BOOKKEEPER, competent, fast worker: give age. references. Address P 36. Oregonlan. BOY ABOUT 14 TO LEARN TRADE: GOOD opening for right boy. Call before noon. 120 7th St.. room 5. WANTED AN ERRAND BOY. CALL between 8 and 0 A. M.. Union Printing Co.. S8 4th st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER. G. Klehgattel. aucceswjr to C. O. McWUIiams, Baker City. Or. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCH MAN. Address G. M. Campbell. 320 James tit., Se attle. Wash. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 46. SALESMEN TO SELL THE CHRISTY HOE safety razor; new plan. 303 Steams blilg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY salesman. Apply 341 Sherlock bldg. WANTED GOOD CITY SALESMAN. Standard Coffee & Spice Mill. 200 2d. $250 WILL PUT YOU IN GOOD BUSINESS In this city. Apply 101 Morrison. BOY WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK AND as messenger. R 38. Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade. Y 3. Oregonlan. WANTED AT 222 CROSBY. A GROCERY delivery clerk. BOY WANTED AT MANN & BEACH'S. 02 Second. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2304 YamhllL Main 5413. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder: entrance 253 Alder st,. Port land. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRB eentatlves In Portland and throughout state: good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED IMMEDIATELY; EXPERIENCED cook in first-class private family; wages $40. 230. Yamhill. Main 5413. EXPERIENCED LADY SEAMSTRESS FOR alteration department of skirts, suits, etc; permanent position. Apply 171 3d. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 243H Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2092. PiONEER LADIES AQENCY. 215 atorrlwn St, Phone Main 2278. WANTED SALES LA D.Y FOR CONFEC tlonery store; must be chocolate dipper; ref erences. E 26. Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework, small family. Apply 1S1 E. 16th St., comer Yamhill. , 305 MORRISON. COR. 10TH GIRL TO wait on table and assist with housework; no cooking. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO" TAKE care of elderly lady. 703 Clackamas. Phone Eat 3040. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES and makers. Apply Lowengart & Co., 02-04 Front st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; good wages. Apply 034 Marshall. WANTED A YOUNG LADY. NEAT AND rapid penman. Apply by letter. F 27. Ore gonlan. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; three In family. No. 143 ,N. 16th st. GIRL TO DO COOKING AND ASSIST IN general houjewonk; 3 In family. 471 Main. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER by the week. Inquire 420- Tillamook st. WANTED A GOOD STEAMSTRESS IN dressmaking shop. Call at 587 2d st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire at 142 Union ave. N. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. Apply 546 4th-, near Lincoln. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF WOMEN and surgery. 3d floor. Allsky bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. IN quire at 483 Hossalo. mornings. WANTED GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOU3E work. Call 781 Clackamas st. STENOGRAPHER. $23 PER MONTH; REF erences. M 27. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 181 N. 24th st. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. 332 E. 6th st. ' I A GIRL FOR LIGHT- HOUSEWORK. 450 E. M11L LADY COOK WANTED. 88 N. 8TH. if 1f-M 2.K , -