Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 01, 1906, PART THREE, Page 28, Image 28

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Stubborn Senatorial Deadlock
in Kentucky Legislature.
Should Judge Paynter Withdraw, tlic
Present Governor Says There
Will Be a Stampede
to 311m.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Dec 31. With the
Democratic Senate and House caucuses
only 24 hours away. Governor J. C. W.
Backhaul Is being frequently mentioned
as the man whose nomination would set
tle what promises to be one of the most
memorable and stubborn Senatorial dead
locks in the, history of Kentucky. Dur
ing, tho past 24 hours the situation has
changed but little, there being no per
ceptible variation In the strength of
United States Senator J. C. S. Blackburn
and Thomas H. Paynter, the leaders, nor
of B. TV. Haldeman, the man who, with
the smallest number of votes, apparently
holds tho key to the situation.
Tho Haldeman men are apparently
standing firm. Both sides are still claim
ing sufficient strength to nominate the
Speaker of the House, but as the Black
burn and Haldeman forces have appar
ently combined to organize the House,
the poll of their announced supporters
Feems numerically the stronger. How
ever, the Speakership Is complicated by
"the fact that some of the leglslatois are
not following the lines of division which
prevail in the Senatorial fighL
Lieutenant-Governor Thorne has an
nounced that in case Governor Beckham
should be put forward as a candidate he
will resign, thus allowing the president
of the Senate pro tern, to become Gover
nor. The Lieutenant-Governor's an
nouncement was made following pub
lished declarations that the leaders of
the Democratic1 party would oppose any
movement whereby he would succeed to
the Governorship. This opposition, it was
said, was based on alleged abuse of tho
pardoning power by Thorne while Acting
Governor, during the absence of Governor
Beckham from the state.
Governor Beckham has several times
declared that be is not a candidate, and
k lias, as far as he could consistently do
.o. supported Judge Paynter- The Gover
nor declared there would be a stampede
to him in case Paynter . should find it
necessary to withdraw.
Receives Support of Municipal Own
ership League for Speaker.
NEW YORK. Dec. 31. With the In
dorsement of 24 members of the State
Assembly, nearly all of whom received
the support of the Municipal Ownership
3eague in the last election, Assembly
man J. Mayhew Walnwright was again
placed in the race for the Speakership of
the New York State Assembly today.
The Assemblymen who took this action
were at a meeting of the Independence
League, the organization which succeeds
'the Municipal Ownership League, at the
GHsey House this afternoon, and in
formed Mr. Walnwright by telephone of
their indorsement. After thanking them
the Assemblyman said he would start for
-Albany tomorrow where headquarters
will be opened.
Twenty of the 24 Assemblymen at to
day's conference -are listed- among the 111
.Republican members of the Assembly.
Mr. "Walnwright announced his Inde
pendent candidacy some time ago, but
has not been pressing it actively.
At Albany "tonight Assemblyman Wads
worth. Governor Hlgglns candidate, and
Assemblyman Merrltt. commonly known
as ex-Governor Odell's candidate, ex
pressed each his confidence of election.
McCrcary Will Support Blackburn.
FRANK FORT; Ky.. Dec: 31. Senator
James B. McCreary. Senator Black
burn's Junior colleague, arrived today
and tonight save out a statement an
nouncing1 that Senator Blackburn
-would have his hearty support during
'the cominn: contest. Half a dozen
Congressmen are also in Frankfort
watching; the situation.
Congressman O. H. James may be
voted on as a candidate, although ho
has requested that his name be not
Insurance Inquisitors Take Rest.
NEW YORK. Dec. 31. AH members
of the legislative Insurance investigat
ing committee except those who lived
in New York left this city today for
their homes, to have a day or two of
rest before meeting in Albany on
' -"Wednesday to begin preparing their
" report to the Legislature.
Charles E. Hughes, wearied with his
labors as inquisitor, left his home to
"da to rest in the country until Thurs
day. He will go to Albany Thursday
night unless his programme is changed.
,.to aid In the preparation of the com
fmlttec's report and in framing re-
'Vnedia legislation resulting 'from the
- Investigation.
Confessor Tells How a Prominent
Business lan of Colorado
Springs "Was Killed.
; Leslie Francisco. 20 5'ears old, and
j. - Charles Esslck, 18. made sworn confes-
JfJJlons to Police Chief Adams today, in
-eir-f 'which they admit the shooting of Frank
'jjc.jML, Ecqtt, a prominent business man, De-
" centner 20. They arc now confined in
the county jail, and in view of frequent
threats to "lynch, the prisoners. Sheriff
. primes has placed "a large force of
-Vanned deputies In the Jail and announced
lils determination to protect the pris
iPV0,' .a' a" hazards.
d oik, Essi'ck said they Intended io hold the
'first man they saw going -to the depot
and rob him. When they saw Scott
- with a grip In each hand they told him
'.'to Jialt. JEsick held the revolver and
riRTn so doIn Kipped the gun so hard that
WKy?1 w?nt clTf . the ballet striking Scott In
-.the back. Scott died several days sfter
ward. ' . .
,tnS?v .
iv Yakima Land "Withdrawn.
ftw lntotv Dec 3$. Th "secretary of the In-tt-rlor
has withdrawn from entry afeettt
2tfc$W acres of land immediately east &t
iXri.h Yakima, with a view t ultimately
InefwWttt: R trader a -GYrnet irriga.
tkm project to b buHt In ih TakJwa
'VMy. TbisHind''J(g: "
WtU&cnetU Xartdias -T. U X., X. XS.,
all seetlona SO, 31 nd 32: T. 14 N- It. 23 E..
all sections 1, 2. 11. 12, 13. 14 and 24; T. 14
X- n. 24 E., l actions 1 to SO and 22 to
"18, Inclusive; T. 14 N.. R. 25 E- all sccUojis
i to 21, Inclusive; T. 14 N It. 20 E-. all tac
tions 1 to II. lnduylve; 15 to 16. Inclusive,
and 20. 21. 28 and 2fl; T. 14 X . R. 2T E-,
all section 1. 2, n. 4. 3, C, 8 to 1$. inclusive;
22 to 27. Inclusive; S3 and 8J. and varion
lots and quarter sections; T. 14 X.. R, 28 E
all sections 5, C. 7. 19. 20, ;2G to '34. Inclusive;
T. 13 N.. n. 28 E.. all section 5 and C;
T. 13 ST., R. 27 E., all ectlons 1. 2. 3. 11. 12.
13 and 14; T. 14 ST.. It. 2fl E.. sections 12.
13. 14, 22 to 27. Inclusive; 33. 34. 35. 30 and
various lots and quarter sections; T. 14 SC..
R. 27 E.. sections 17. 16. lt. 20, 29. 30. 31.
32, 33 and various lots; T. 13 ST.. It. 24 E
sections 13 and 14 and various quarter sec
tions; T. 13 SC.. It. 25 E-. aecUons S. I. 13
to SC. Inclusive? SU and 8 section- 7; T.
13 ST- R. 26 E.. sections 1 to 5, Inclurlve.
and 8 to 30. Inclusive; T. 13 ST.. R. 27 E..
sections 3 to 10. Inclusive; 15 to 22, In
clusive; 20 to 30, Inclusive, and various lots
and quarter sections; T. 13 N.r R. 28 E..
section 31 and lots 5 and C. section 32; T. 12
ST.. R. 23 to 27. inclusive; T. 12 SC.. It 2S E,
sections 5. C. 7. S. 10 to 22. Inclusive; 27 to
35, and vnrloug lots and quarter sections:
jr. 11 ST., R. 25 E-. sections 2 and 3; T. 11
tc.. II. 2fj and -7 E. : T. 11 SC.. R. 2S E.. sec
tions 2 to 11. inclusive: 14 te 23. Inclusive;
20 to 35, inclusive; T. 10 SC.. R. 20 E.. sec
tions 24. 23 and 30; T. 10 SC.. It. 27 E., all
of township: T. IO SC.. R. 28 E.. sections 3
to 11. Inclusive; 14 to 23. Inclusive; 20 to 35,
inclusive, and various lots and quarter sec
tions; T. 0 'SC.. R. 20 E., sections 1 to S. in
cluslvc; 0. 12 and various lots and quarter
sections; T. 0 X.. R. 27 E., sections 1 to 7,
inclusive; 10 to 14, Inclusive; IS te 24, In
clusive; T. 9 X.. R. 28 E., sectlans 2 to 11.
Inclusive; 14 to 28. Inclusive; 34, 35. 30 and
various lots and quarter sections; T. It SC.
R. 29 E., various lota and quarter sections;
T. 8.X., R. 28 E.. sections 1. 2. 11 and 12;
T. 8 X., R. 29 E.. sections 1 to 13. Inclusive;
23 to 23. Inclusive; T. S X., R. 30 E. ; T. 7
X.. R. 30 E.. sections I, 2, 3. 11 to 13. in
clusive; T. 7 X.. R. 31 E-. sections 5 to 8.
inclusive; 17 to 16; T. 10 X , R. 20 E., sec
tions 24, 25 and 38.
Great .Mass or Water Kolls Over
Deck of FivcOLnptcd Schooner
Henry O. Barrett.
"WOOD'S HOLE, Mass., Dec 31. A
great wave reaching almost tidal propor
tions rolled up Vineyard Sound last niRht.
and, overtaking the big five-masted
schooner Henry O. Barrett, tumbled over
the stern and swept overboard to their
death Captain Joshua Norton, of Rock
land, Me., commander of the vessel, and
his mate. James Conley. or Bt. John,
X. B.
The wave carried away the deckhouse
and did much other darmige to the ship.
The Portland D. Burns. Vancouver.
B. C; H. G. Plummer. San Francisco: W4
T. Carl et on and wife. J. Francl. G. Mlsh.
I KlriK. E. TV. Blatter. Xew Terk; W. P.
Carlton: A. llalsrh; H. Reseitblath. Xcw
York; F. W. Coleman and wife. V. S. A.;
Mrs. M. Is. Forbes. Baltimore; Miss Bertha
Davel; F. G. Wallace; W. J. Blake Wilson
and wife. Xelson. B. C.;.F. A. Somers. San
Francisco; E. G. Ford. Seattle: W. X. Cen
canon. San Francisco; W. M. Meek. Denver;
W. E. Kingly. San Francisco; E. B. Lyon.
Minneapolis; J. B. Williams. Halley: W. B.
Brou-ne. St. Louis; F. A. FrencJt. Chicago;
E. C White. Pocatello; Mrs. S. 1). Smith.
Miss Elde Smith. Miss Laura Smith, city;
F. L. Warren; W. B. Reckards, Vancouver.
B. C; Dr. R. H. Ellis. Boston; E. It- Pea
cock. Toronto: J. T. Ronald. G. F. Aust,
Th Oregon R. T. Bretx. Teroma; J. O.
McMullan L. Pruhl. Seattle; E. W. Rowe,
city; L. G. McGulre. Seattle; J. W. Flood.
W. S. Flood. Boston: 11. K. Dulu Seattle;
Miss Cornelia Selmser. Chicago; W. H.
Dodge, cltj; R. 11. McKIbben. liuffato; H.
I. Wlnsor, city; Gus Slmnndson. Milwaukee;
Harry .Keller, fit. Paul; A. C Eastwood.
London: E. L. Burford. Indianapolis: Mrs.
E. D. Ellis, city Charles II. West. E. W.
Mertlns, C. L. Lamping, Seattle; T. C. Good
man, t. 5. A.; W. H. Spawn. Taeoma; C.
Gardner. Taeoma; James SchlatU St. Paul;
J. H. Caster. Taeoma; P. 5L McGregor. J.
R. Slngerman, Seattle; W. E. Mann, wife I
and daughter. Waverly. Wash.; A. C. Haw- I
ley. Minneapolis; II. II. Clark. Chicago; R.
Emerson. Buffalo: B. R. Whitney. Cincln-
natl. O.: Clyde J. Thomas. San Francisco; i
F. J. Kolman. Milwaukee; T. X. Hallcr.
George W. Dllllng. Seattle; W. Ingles. Sam
pies, W'ells, Cutts. Frost. .Babcock, Fullen.
Brlnker. Lasates. Roller. Evans. Council, I
Cole. Burrlngton, Agent. Goodfellow. Plum
mer. Batrshaw. Grimm. Christie, Gregory. .
&noris, t-eamc jvtnietic i ootDan Team.
The Perkins Arthur C. Hall. C. E. Evans.
Pendleton. Or.; H. S. McGowan. McGowan.
Wash.; J. .E. Guytell and wife. Seattle; J. P
Redmond. , D. Summers. C. Anderson and
wife. Vancouver; J. W. Myers. Salt Lake;
C. L. Glenn. Snokane: S. F. Langbaugh.
(. F. Reynolds. San Francisco; t. T. Lester,
AVarrenton: W. T. Gurnsey. St. Paul; D. M.
Lennan. Ross Lennan. Mle Gear. Winnipeg;
J. Miller. Seattle; T. J. Roadley. British Co.
lumbla; Mrs. Jamei.'R. B. MKay. Ed Block.
Seattle; W. C. Alexander. Seattle; J. F.
Phy and. wife. La Grande; James W. Govett,
Philadelphia: E. G. Emmett and wire.
Salem; F. P. Edmonson, Chicago; Charles
BldweiL Seattle; J. H Frederic, Denver;
L. R. Stlnson. Salem; L. M. Curl. James
Fowler. Albany; L. J. Brannett. Seattle; F.
P. Skeen, John McLahner. Seward. Alaska:
H. E. Smith. W. A. Mattbesen. Memphis,
Tenn.; Henry W. Orth. Jacksonville. Or.; J.
B. Williams. Halley. Idaho: U Schwartz,
Vancouver. Wash.; B. C. Waddlngtan. Se
attle: W. S. Xichol. Bend. Or.; T. J. Van
dersllce. The Dalles; C. A. Fowler. Dufur.
Or.; M. F. Davis, Cnlon, Or.; Lena Walker,
Everett. Wash.
Th St. Charles L. E MrDaniels. Salem;
C. Gardner. Eugene; Sirs. Berg. Stella: W.
Meyer; C. Owens, Gresham; H. A. Campbell..
A. V. Campbell, Yacolt; D. Thomas; G. H.
Baldwin. Forest Grove: X. O. Connell; SL
F. Sarvcr. Estacada; L. G. Allen. Seattle;
O. Peterson: Y. Rouke. city; W. Downing,
Rainier; J. Palmer, W. H. Jamison. A. J.
Conrad. W. W. Mofflt. city: E. Hart, city;
M. P. Miller and wife, Moscow. Idaho: Jo
sephine Freeman: A. Lai eg, Pendleton: J.
S. Van Blarlcum aha wife. 8. Van Blaxicum.
Hood River; J. L. Van Blarlcum, Philo
math; Elma Bennett. Hood River: J. S.
Gammon. San Francisco; G. E. Kellogg,
Kelso; E. A. Aurys, Woodland; W. O.
Pruden. Oregon City: J. W. Harnes. Duns
mutr. Cal.; J. Lowell. Albany; Fay Clark.
Kelso; C, Xelson. city; J. L. Thomas and
wife; E. T. Winans. Hood River; 3. X.
W'att. The Dalles: W. McBiide. city; C.
Bare. Sycamore. O.: C. X. Strode. Carroll
ton, Mo.; G. C. Grlsier, Yates Center, Kan.
. Hotel DoBaellr. Taeoma Washlagtos.
European plan. Rates, "75 cents to J2.5
ptr day. Free 'bus.
Some Highlights Caught Upon the Film of History.
X looking over the- records of the
passing year as affecting home Inter-.
csts, family life In town and country, the
general progress of Oregon In the arts
and appliances of civilization, several
points claim notice The first is the ever
,widenlng interest of the people of Oregon
In their schools of all degrees. Expendi
ture on public schools grows. Extension
of the library system authorized bv the
last Legislature 'has been pressed for
ward, and will, doubtless, make still
further progress. Who can appraise the
worth of good books In country' school
house and farm home?
.T takes -U long,, long " "while to set
I people thinking on homo "topics, and
without thinking action Is liable to be
"both spasmodic and quickly to die out-1
Xever more truly i this seen than in
the geod roads movement -which the peo
ple have now made their own. Argu
ment have been put forward for years,
seemingly in vain, but there has "been
xa ucflckUE eeed "time Folks at lst
are Iwglnnlng to take nily on themselves
ana their famll(e a well as their horses.
They have found exit that what h been
endured can be ur4. JBmufettea be
tween eeutniec and atetrtctis in at taurt
Senate Has Much Executive
Business. Before It.
Several Nominations to Come Up to
the Upper of Congress Arc
in Controversy May Cattle
Much Discussion.
'ASHIXGTOX. Dec 31. The Senate
will not do very much legislative busi
ness this week. It Is not expected that
the scplcn will occupy more than two
days Thursdaj and Friday. Tho shlp
subUdy bill is the unfinished business,
and Senator GnllinRer may open the
debate In favor of the measure. This
will depend upon the desire of Sena
tors who may wish to consider other
business. There Is a considerable
amount of executive business, some of
which Is In controversy, and this may
consume the few days the Senate Is in
At the time of the adjournment the
confirmation of the Panama Canal Com
missioner!; had been reconsidered and
the nomination of J. B. Bishop as a new
commissioner had just been made. The
nominations had alj been referred to
the committee on inter-occanic canals,
and It Is expected that early reports
will be made, in order that the Senate
may take them up. There are some
other minor nominations In controver
sy, notably two officers who have been
detailed as chlofs of bureaus In the
War Department and a legal question
has boon raised as to the meaning of
the law providing for such details.
Some Other nominations have been held
up.' and the Senate may devote all its
time this week to executive business.
Even If nominations arc not to be
considered the new developments in
Santo Domingo will afford opportunity
lo discuss tho treaty Informally. At
present the treaty Is not before tho
Senate, having a second time been re
ferred to the committee on foreign re
lations. It is expected that it will be
amended in several particulars before
It again comes before the Senate.
As if In anticipation of the flight of
Morales and the establishment of an
other government Jn Santo Domingo,
the State Department had recommended
that the treaty be amended so that It
would confer authority upon the
United States to deal with existing gov
ernment conditions in the Island. Pos
sibly the situation may be discussed In
the Sonate even before the treaty Is re
ported. ADMISSIOX OF TWO STATES Will Favor the Grouping of
Territories in Pairs.
WASHIXGTOX, Dec. ll.-The House of
Representatives will settle down as soon
as It meets Thursday, and possibly before
the end or the week It will pass the bill
providing for the admission of two new
The first thing to dispose of is the ref
erence of the President's message, the
subject upon which floods of oratory were
expended before the holiday recess. Gen
eral debate has closed, and. after a short
discussion under the flve-mlnute rule; a
vote will be taken upon the only contested
point, which is whether the portion of
the message-relating to Insurance shall
be referred to the ways and means com
mittee or the committee on "Interstate and
foreign commerce. The contention has
been over the point whether legislation
for the control of Insurance companies
shall be under the taxing power of the
government, or the power to control com
merce between the states.
There was a possibility of a clash' be
tween the Philippine tariff bill and the
Joint statehood bill. The Philippine bill
Is already reported, and, being a privi
leged measure, can be 'called up at any
time The statehood bill is still in com
mittee, but It Is known that It can be
brought out at any time and put before
the House. Acting in accordance with
the decision of the Republican, caucus, it
Is expected the majority members of the
committee on rules will bring in a rule
making the statehood bill a special order
for the admission of two states. As the
measure now stands and as it will be
reported. It provides for the admission of
Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one
state, with the name of Oklahoma, and
the admission of Xcw Mexico and Arizona
au another state, named Arizona.
There is practically no opposition any
where to the Oklahoma proposal, but
there Is determined opposition to coupling
Xew Mexico and Arizona together, par
ticularly by certain Interests In Arizona,
and the objection is voiced by the almost
unanimous vole of the minority.
AVhen the statehood bill Is out of the
way the House will, be ready for the
Philippine tariff bill, and the interesting
contest that ensued over the reduction of
duty on Cuban products Is likely to be
repeated. The beet and cane-sugar In
terests have become aroused, and have
built up a vigorous opposition, but the
present plan does not contemplate bring
ing up the Phlllpplno bill this week.
Lord Xclson's Coat
Dundee Advertiser.
B. E. Sargcant7"writing In yesterday's
Times, says: "I have read -with much
Interest Lord Glasgow's letter on the
subject of the bloodstains on Lord Nel
son's coat, and as a result examined
very carefully the mains on both the
tracks, sloughs and chuckholes of " the
last decade will bo accounted a disgrace.
EXTEXSIOX of the farm telephone be
tween Individual farms, and also
bringing them Into touch with town and
city, has gone on rapidly In 1S05. In var
ious districts, to be without a 'phone in
the "house Is to bo In the -backward mi
nority. And the morcment spreads every
where. URAL postal routes have also been
added to In 1M3. The grangers have
started an agitation for the parcels post
as a still further addition to the com
Xort and convenience of farm life. They
surely will get It and that before long.
P IX ALLY. In 385, and as one of the out
comes of the intercourse between town
and country brought about by the "Ocrno
itlon. a "setter sfrtrit of united pride and
Interest in Oregon has been developed.
Of this demonstration has appeared at
xmly In the Development Leagues, o(
which a netwerk has Tseen fjred over
the State of Ortmm, hut ecpectajly In' the
reeest excurrdm of Portland, awrilmss
mt ever WUrw 0mi. Trunk ,
hospHaiKr. epnMnUt', iMriwd. Its prof
ftps. It mm in the grtt matters
coat and waistcoat, which are now ex
hibited in the Royal United Service
Museum. The waistcoat bears stains of
blood about the left shoulder, the -spot
where the fatal bullet entered, and
there are marks of blood on the coat at
the place ""there It would Immediately
cover the stains on the waistcoat. The
coat hears a few other stains on the
lining of the left tail, and It Is 'possible
that wnen Lord Xelson was being car
ried below to the cockpit the blood
dripped on to this portion of the coat.
There arc some other stains on the
lining of the coat, which appear to be
those of oil or camphor. 1 have no
ground for In any way questioning
Lord Glasgow's statement that the coat
was used as a pillow for Admiral "Wcst
phal when, as a midshipman of tae
Victory, he was wounded In the head,
but. having regard to Dr. Beattys ac
count of the wound In The Medical
Journal of 1S0G. volume XV. I think it
is only right to point out that the
bloodstains about the left shoulder of
the coat are unquestionably the result
of Lord Xelson" wound."
What the Free Agent Saj.
Mar quant Offers Comedy, "When
Johnny Comes Marching Home.
The Xew Tear attraction at the Marquam
Grand Theater thlc afternoon at 2:15 o'clock
and tonight at 8:15 will b the Y. T. 'Carl
ten Opera. Company la the musical comedr
auccef. "When Johnny Ccmes Marching
Home." TbI- delightful comedy set to music
was written by Stanlilaua Stance and Julian
Edwardf. who gave us "Dolly Varden." The
famous aong hit. "Katie. My Southern Rose."
a gem, will be heard with the many other
tuneful otlertiurs. Have you heard about the
"Crinoline Girls"? If not see the way your
mothers drened during the war of "61. The
scenery la exceptionally elaborate.
Famous Musical Success at Marquam
for Three Performances.
Beclnnlnc tomorrow night the musical com
edy succeiv. "The TanVee Consul" will be
gin an engagement of three perfonnancea at
the Marquam Grand Theater, contlnutnc Wed
nesday nlcht with a special rcatlne "Wednes
day afternoon. The company which will be
seen here contlns such namea as Vera Mich--lena.
Hany Short. Alice lloemer. Mae Bottl.
Bonnie Welden. J. F. Ratlin. George Shields.
Harry Davis. C. II. Lefferson. Queenle Burt.
Margaret Flavin. Jamea Templeton. Olga Kal
nlng. The Itosclan Opera Company.
The advance ale of eeats will open tomor
row (Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock for the
Rmdin Opera. Company, which comes to the
Marquam Grand Theater for three night and
one matinee, beginning next Thursday, Janu
ary 4. The opening bill will b Sousa'a
charminc comic opera. "El-Capltan"; Friday
night Balfe'a beautiful cpera. "The Bohemian
Girl"; Saturday matinee and night Gilbert &
Sullivan's greatest aueee, "The Mikado."
Special Matinee at the Baker Today.
The Dreamland Burlesquers Company, which
opened to two packed bouses at the Baker yes
terday, will give a special holiday matlse at
2:15 this afternoon. Order your seats In ad
vance and be cm hand for the real New Tear's
galaxy of mirth, merriment and xnocic. such
as Is offered by this sptendld troupe of bur
leaqcera. Everything Is life, aetton, fun and
beautiful music Tonight at S:15.
Empire Xcw Year's Matinee.
This afternoon at 2:15 the Empire will give
a New Year's matinee, and "A Fight for Mil
lions" will be the play. "A Fight far Mil
lions" Is a powerful sensational scenic drama,
showing the great railroad tunnel, the aub
marlna boat In action, a new use for the
megaphone and a world of- other Intercxlnr
ataco effects, the like of which have never
been seen here before. There will also be a
peilpnnance tonltht at S:15.
Pantagcs' Xcw Bill.
The first bill of the new year at Pantages
which opens this afternoon, la an attractive
one. made up of excellent vaudeville num
bers. The feature, perhaps. Is the Four
Deans, novelty acrobats, who hall from Ku
ropP They are not In the class of ordinary
acrobats, but give an exhibition that Is en
tertaining to all. Fred Schmohl. a noted
clay modeler, has also been engaged to give
an exhibition of lightning work In clay. The
Chatham Sisters are a team of pretty misses
who alng and Rive a tine exhibition of acro
batic dancing. Charles H. McGinn's has
won laurels In the East as an Irish mono
loguisL The Southern Quartet offers the
kind of entertainment which never becomes
tiresome. Leo White, the popular baritone,
has prepared a new Illustrated ballad. "Will
the Angels Let Me Play?" and the blograph
will show a thrilling set of moving pictures
known as "The Tralnrobbers."
Wonderful Vaudeville at the Grand.
Beginning with this afternoon the Grand
Theater will open the New Tear with a pro
gramme that has never been excelled In the
town. It Is .headed by "Walter E. Deavea
Merry Manikins, a J00 act. one that has
played lo the best houses In the world and
amused both young and old. Mr. Deaves
has been playing- the Sulllvan-Consldlne dr.,
cult from New Tork to Portland and In
every housa he has broken the record for
receipts. Another blj? act Is Gilbert's dogs,
monkeys, goats and pony one-ring circus.
Tho rest of the bill is filled with good acts,
not the least among which Is tho illus
trated singer, little Harold Hon, the child
wonder. Ho has a beautiful aong for the
earning week, one exactly suited to hls
voice. Today the performances will b
continuous from 2:30 to 11:43 P. M.
Spend Xcw Year's at the Star.
All thote visiting- the Star today- wilt And
one of the most entertaining shows ever
seen here. The top-liners will be the Royal
Hawaiian Quintet, who will give an en
tire new selection of songs and music.
These young men have proved to be the
musical treat of the season, aad In fact
have made such a notable success that the
management has been prevailed upon to
keep them the second week and transferred
them from the Grand to the Star. Bctld'es
this great act, Tatsey Doyle. America's
the body, don't dose it
with medicine. Scott's
Emulsion is the best
nourishment in existence.
It is more than a food;
you may doubt itK but it
digests perfectly easy and
at the same time gets the
digestive functions in a
condition so that ordinary
food can be easily di
gested. Try it if you are
run down and your food
doesn't nourish you.
monologulst and dancer, is billed to appear
Laurel and Southern, a high-class sketch
team, presenting "A Drummer's Sample":
Cararo. a Mexican equilibrist, and a num
ber of others, which will go to make up a
most satisfying show. All seats In the Star
are JO cents with the exception of boxes,
and the .management desires It to be known
that this does not mean one-third of the
home Is re?erved. Continuous today from
2:30 to 10:45. '
Mrs. Helen II. FIctt.
POUGHKEEPSIE, X. Y.. Dec. 31.-Mrs.
Helen FL Flett, fpr over 20 years matron
of the Infirmary at "Vasar College, died
suddenly today of pneumonia.
Mrs. Amy Field Andrews.
LONDON. Dec. 31. Mrs. Amy Field
Andrews, daughter of the late Cyrus
W. Field, died at "Richmond yesterday.
Merino Eye Remedy Cores Eyes; Makes Weak.
Eyes Strocz. Soothes Eye Pain: Doesn't Smart.
Pears' Soap leaves the
skin smooth, cool and
healthy. There's no free
alkali in Pears.' Only
good soap and pure.
Sold here and abroad.
The Fact
that Pond's Extract has been
on the market for sixty years,
is bottled by the manufacturers
and never sold in bulk, leaves no
chance for adulteration.
How about witch hazel
which, is always sold in bulk
and passes through several
hands before reaching the con
sumer? Witch. Hazel is not the same thing.
On analysis f seventy samples oj
Iffteh Hazel fere d as " the same
thing " f.ftj-lis9 nuere shatns to
ctntazn wood alcohol ar formaldehyde
or both. Avaid danger f paisinixg
hy using
Everj- pain in the breast, dif
ficult breathing, palpitation,
fluttering or dizzy spell means
that your heart is straining it
self in its effort to keep in
motion, this is dangerous.
Some sudden strain from over
exertion or excitement will
completely exhaust the nerves,
or rupture the walls or arteries
of the heart, and it will stop.
Relieve this terrible strain at
once with Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure. It invigorates and
strengthens the heart nerves
and muscles, stimulates the
heart action, and relieves the
pain and misery!
Take no chances ; make your
heart strong and vigorous with
Dr. Miles Heart Cure.
"I raftered terribly with heart dis
ease. I have been treated by
different physicians for my trouble
xrithout results. I -went to a physi
cian In "Memphis, -who claimed that
I bad dropsy of the heart. He put
tho X-ray on me. and in connection
with h!s medicine he came near mak
ing; a finish of me. Some time before
this a ilr. Young-, of St. Louis, was
to our town. He saTr ray condition,
and recommended Dr. Miles Heart
Cure to is e. I gave It little attention
until ray return from. Memphis, when
I concluded to try It, and am pleased
to ray three bottles cured me.
Caruthersville. Mo.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
ysur druggist. wh will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Dr. W. Norton Davis
We treat successfully all private nerv
ous and chronic diseases of men. also
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kldaey aad
throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS
(without mercury) t stay cured forever.
We remove STRICTURE, without opera
tion or pain, in 13 days.
We stop drama, spermatorrhoea and
night loe by a sew method. In a short
time. We cas restore tae sexual vlger of
any mas under . by means of local treat
meat peculiar to ourselvec
The doctors ef this Institute are all reg
ular gvadutttse. have had over 3 years'
experience, have been known in Portlaad
for many years, have a rejHit&Ue ta
raalBtaia. aad will undertake mo ease ua
Icas certain care can ae effected.
We guarantee & cure m every ease we
itsdertake or charge no fee. Consultation
free. Letters . eoeHdeatUL Instructive
BOOK FOR HJCX nailed free la ptata
IT you cannot call at offtee. write for
tteeOotV Wank. Home treatment grace ess-
. . ,
Offtee heurs, to Z and 7 to 3. Sundays
-. aad hotMays, It te 12.
Dr. W. Ncrtcft Davis & Co.
sTMSBBsfSsfHsM .flHfffffffSLri
Skin Diseases
To prove the efficiency of
to Skin DiseaseSuffrirers, Twill send
One 25 c. Bottle, Free
to anyone sending me this adver
tisement with io cents to pay post
age and packing. Hvdrozone is a
harmless germicide. Endorsed and
successfully used by leading phy
sicians. Not genuine without myslcnature on label.
Booklet oa treatment of diseases sent free
oa request. Sold by leading druggists.
Good aatll
Jan. 1506.
Only one
sample to
a familv.
Prince St., New York.
not only stops
toothache instant
ly, but cleans the
caTl(y,remoTcs all
odor, and presents
decay. Keen a sun-
A SU Affair. 1"
T&ere u-a Imitations. See that joe get
Beat' Toitimrho Uam. Yellow Label.
At all drosslits U cents, or by maU.
Dent's Corn Gum cSS?,7i
C. S. DENT & CO., Detroit. Mich.
If you have Goaorrboca, Gleet, Stric
ture or Sypbllli In any of 'fclr format
stages or complications. wTcan ulva
you A Positive Cure.
We likewise quickly cure Varicocele
and Hydrocele painlessly and without
the old surgical rnetnoda with the
knife. The following are among other
diseases we cure with equal skill and
success: Itupotcacy, Nervous Decline
and Vital Weukneaa, the result of ex
cesses or youtnful errors. Nocturnal
Losses, Spermatorrhoea, Prostatorrhoea
and all other related troubles as well
as Bladder, Stomach aad Kidney affec
tions. Piles, Ilectal Ulcers, Ecxciua and
other SUIa Eruptions.
Consultation and examination free. "Writs
for eyznptosx blank and book if you cannot
Office Hours: S A. M. to S P. II.; Sundays.
10 to 12.
St. Louis "Sr Dispensary
Cor. 2d aad Yamhill St 9.. .Portland. Or.
. Th Fast ilull
Portland Arrive.
Time Schedule. I Dally.
To and from Spo
kane. Su Paul.
Minneapolis. Dututt
and AU Points East
Via Seattle.
8:30 am
11:45 pta
7:00 am
6:30 pa
To and from St.
Paul. Minneapolis.
Duluth and All
Point East Via
0:15 pm
Great Northern Steamship Co.
Sailing from Seattle for Japan and
China porta and Manila, carryt&c
peensers and frelsht.
S. S. Minnesota. February 1.
S. S. Dakota. March 12.
(Japan Mall Steamship Co.)
S. S. KANAGAWA MARU will sail
from Seattle about Jan. 2 for Ja
pan ports, carrying; passengers and
For tickets, rates, berth reserva
tions, ate., call on or address
City Passenger & Ticket Agent.
122 Third St. Portland. Or.
pnone aiam uso.
Denarc Arriva.
TallaarstOBa Park-Kansaa
Clty-St. LouU Special
for Chehalls. Central!.
Olympla. Gray's Harbor.
Scuta Bead. Taeoma.
Seattle, Spokane. Lew
tstoa. Butte. Billing j.
Deaver. Omaha. Kan
sas City. at. Louis and
Southeast ..- 8:30 ara. 4:3$ sa
North Coast Limited,
electric lighted, for Ta
eoma. Seattle. Spokaae.
Butte. Minneapolis. St.
Pant aad tne East...... 2:00 pra 7:0dam
Puget Sound Limited for
Cbeballs. Centra 11 a. Ta
corn aad Seattle only.. 4:53 pra 10:33 pm
Twin City Express for
Taeoma. Seattle. Spo
kaae. Helena. Butte.
Yellowstone- Park. Mla
aeapalla. St. Paul aad
the East..... .11:43 pm 6:Sdpa
A. D. Charltea. Assistant General Pasaea-
Ktr Agent. 233 Morrlsea su. eeratr Third.
Partlaad, Or.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
For Maygers. Balaler.
Clatikaal. West pert,
dittos. Astoria. War
rest oa. I'l-avel, Ham
BiOBcL Fort Steveaa,
Oearbart Park. Sea
sMe. Astoria asd. Sea.
Bxprea Dally.
Astoria, Express.
11-39 A. M-
M P. it
16 A. M.
7e P. M.
Casual Agt.. 2' Alder t. O. XV 4c P.JL,
PbMa Mala 9M.
0erat4ar the Oalr PeiHcer 9teara far
item ywweUeo Direct,
alllag Date From Portland a. . Co turn -W.
January 1. 11, 21. 31: February 19. )
9. sl Beaaur, Ju. IS. 2; Fab. 3, 13. is.
Cured j ure(
Union Pacific
Through Pullman standards aad tourtsc
sleeping-cars dallr to Omaha. Chicago, Spo
kane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kaua
City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car
(personally conducted) weekly to ChKago.
Reclining- chair-cars (seats free) to taa East
UNION DEPOT.. Leaves. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:13 A. M. 5:23 P. M.
SPECIAL for tha East Dally. Dally.
via Huntlntrton.
SPOKANE FLTER. S: "allV M lastly.1
For Eastern AVashlngton. "Walla "Walla,
Lewlnton. Coeur d'Alene and Great Northern
for the East via Hunt- miV
'naton. uauy.
7:15 A. M.
FOR ASTORIA and'S:00 P. M.
3:00 P. M.
way points, connecting
with steamer for llwa
co and North Bench,
steamer Has?alo. Aaa
st. dock (water per.)
10:00 P.M.
7:00 A. M.
son City and Yamhill
River point. Ash-st.
dock (water ner.)
5:30 P. M.
For Lewlston. Idaho, and way points from
RIparla. Waah.
Leave RIparla 5:40 A. M. or upon arrival
tratn No. . dally except Saturday.
Arrive RIparla 4 P. M., dally except Friday.
"Ticket"" Of HceT Third and Washington.
Telephone Main 712. C. YV. Stinger. City
Ticket Arct: A. L. Craig. Gen. Passenger Agt.
EAST via
Tor Salem. Rose
surg. Ashland.
Sacramento. Og
3en. San Francis
co. Mojave, Los
Angeles. El Paao.
New Orleans and
the East.
Morning train
.onnects at TVood
burn dally except
Sunday with train
for Mount Ansel.
JUverton. Bruwns
vllle. Sprtngflld.
Wendllng and Na
tron. Eugene pasnger
:onnects at "Wood
jurn with Mt. An
gel and Silvertoa
."orvallls passenger
iertcan passenger
Forest Grove
S:45 P. M.
7:23 A. M.
S:S0 A. M.
5:53 P. M.
1:15 P. M.
10:35 A. M.
7:30 A. M.
4:50 P. M.
t!0:43 P. M.
3:30 P.
8:25 A.
11:50 P. M.
Dally; tDally except Sunday.
Depot. Foot of Jefferson Strest.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30
A. M-: 12:50. 2:03. 4. 5:20. 6:25. 8:30. 10;t.
11:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 5:30. tj:3i.
8:33. 10:25 A. M. Sunday only. 0 A. M.
Returning from Oawego. arrive Portland,
dally, 8:30 A. M.; 1:55. 3:05, 5:05. 6:13. 7:33.
3:55, 11:10 P. 31.: 12:55 A. (M. Dally except
Sunday. 6:25. 7:25. 9:30. 11:13 A. M. Sunday
only. 10 A- M.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and in
termediate points daily. 4:15 P. M. Arrive
Portland. 10:10 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth Motor Line
operates dally to Monmouth and Airlle. con
necting with S. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas and
First-class fare from Portland to Sacra,
mento and San Francisco. S20. Berth. S3.
Second-class fare, $13. Second-class berth.
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe: alt)
Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, comer Third aad
Washtagtoa streets. Phone Mala 712
City Ticket Agent- Gen. Fas&. Agt.
Portland, The Dalles Route
Regulator Line Steamers
Leava Portland and Tho Dalles daily
except Sunday 7 A. M., connectinz
with Columbia Eiver & Northern
Railway for Klickitat Valley Points.
Direct dins for Moffets, Mineral,
St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs.
Landing and wharf at foot of Aldix
'Phone Main 914..
From Portland to Irrlgon aad way polnta.
lllo every TUESDAT for ARLINGTON and
IV AT POINTS and every FRIDAY" for
Special rates for Umatilla, Wallula, Pasco
and Kennewlck.
FREIGHT RECEIVED at Alder-street dock
every Tuesday and Friday.
For further Information address Supt. W. P.
Gray. Celllo. Or., or Inquire at offlce of
Rezulator Line. Phone Main 914.
Corvallla, Albany. Independence and Stm.
Steamer Pomona leaves 6:45 A. M.. Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday, for Oregon City.
alem and way.
Steamer Altona leaves 0:45 A. M.. Monday.
Wednesday and Friday.
Office and Dock Foot Taylor St..
For South -Eastern Alaska
Steamers leave Seattle 0 P.M.
S. S. Cottage City, via Van
couver and Sitka. Jan. 10. 2L
For San Francisco direct:
Queen. City of Pusbla. Uma
tilla. 9 A. M.. Dec 23: Jan.
3. 8. 13. IS. 23. 28.
Portland Office. 213 Washington st. Main 229
G. M. LEE. Paw. & Ft. Agt.
a D. DUNANN. G. P. A.. 10 Market st, S. F.
"Jefferw.-.r jansMry 3. IT a4 31, 9
P. M.. via Wraaget.
Or axatmiea . trtpa steaaftar calls. at
9(tkar Metlakahtla. 61aiv Wrasgal;
etc., ia addUtoa to regular 9rts at
Call ar sasrf for 'Tri to "WBattwrfsl
Alaska." "laMhtR Baafcetry.' Tla.
33 Qk . 7 "ortW.
r isnc th
to star had to receive.