THE XORKIXG OREG020AX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1905. 1? HOPS ffi WANTED Strong Eastern Demand Con .tinues Unchecked. SKIRMISH FOR BEST GRADES English Crop Is Said to Have Been Greatly Overestimated Finer Qualities in That Coun try Advancing:. HOPS Strong demand for choice t grade J A HEAT Market dull and wrak. 1 roi LTRY Light Inquiry for tur- T keys 7" LOGS Supply large- and prices I weak I BI TTER No change In conditions. I FRUIT Strone hnllrinv Innnlnv t t The steady demand that exist for hop at th s lair date li the year suririscs the old fctacera who predicted a dead market In De .ceir.ber A day doejt not pass without the receipt of new order, and the filling of these. In connection with the operation of the shorts, keeps the market in a good active condition wlh a eatu-fartery undertone. The t rongeur lnqu.ry continues fnr choice grades, which have been well picked over by this time, and the holders of which, as a class, are execed Incly firm. When a grower can W found who 1 witling to self, no time 1 hot In getting the poods out of hifi posxosslon. An instance of this kind occurred yester day when a Reedvllle grower offered for ilc 78 hales of strictly choice hops. As soon as the fact became known a half dozen buyer started for the scene. Ernest AVells, E. Clemens Horst'-s representative, won the rare and tecurcd the lot before the other liopmcn arrived. The hop cost him 11U cent. There; Is a healthy demand for the lower grades, art well, which are being only spar ingly offered. Many dealers are able to fill their orders from the Mocks of other dealers and a Rood deal of buslncm ofthl kind took pla-e yesterday. ' Among tho purchasers of hops from flnst hands was1 the Joseph Ryan lot of 20 hales at Huttevlllc that II. 1.. Hart bought at 94 cents. Some very Interesting Information in re gard to the overestimating of the English crop of 1005 Is contained In the Ikuo cf th Kentish Olworver. The British govern ment official estimate was (Xi5,'M3 cwts. After Us ann uncement the claim wan made by omn of the overzealouA bears that the real figure was far in excess of this, and that the crop would run to 750.000. or even cwt. This 1 what the Kentish OUrervcr says: lisps of nenrly all descriptions continue in good demand, and all-round lota are now selling at a substantial' advance on the prices bid for them a few weeks ago. Choice qual ities are getting hcarce. and It is evident that the aggregate production of the whole area on which haps are grown was not nearly so huge as the official estimate gnve It. As we remarked at the time, no allowance was made for the large quantity left unpicked, while it would alho appear that the estimates from many districts, even ajter striking off a large percentage under this head, were far In excess of the actual average secured. "The total imixjrtrt for September and Oc tober amounted to 18.771 cwts.. compared with 1)3,017 In the corresponding period last year; the exports during the name period wore (1230, uk against 3305 cwt. lat . year." WHEAT MARKET YVKAK. Inquiry From AH Quarters .Is Light I,ower Price Quoted. The wheat market Is weak and dull. Buy ers are now. quoting 71 cents as the top price of club and 73 cents on bluestem. The In quiry I light from all quarters. The following table from the Liverpool Com Trade News exhibits the Imports of flour anfl wheat Into and on past-age to the following countries from August 1. ll5. to November 2", 11H)5, omparod with the corresponding time In 11)04: Countries Vnlted Kingdom . 1P05. bu. 02.2(iK.OO0 !.M.(:h 22,7S.0;o 2K.S.T2.t)io 10.C1 11.000 ir..7S4.tK( .l7(l.mM 2K)t.(HK) .1.120.0(W) 4,?:ttt.HMt S2S.(XH 23.12?.Hl 1004. bn. 74.632.000 8.776.000 21.312.000 18.472.000 7.)B.000 12,:2.C00 4.HW.)fK 24K.OOO 2.432.MK 4.7Wi.O(H) 20.752.NH) ranee Belgium IKlland Germany Ita'y Spain Portugal Greece . ........... Scandinavia ........ AuMrln Hungary ... N :rth Africa, etc. .. Other countries ..... Totals 1tS.4M),0(X) 1W..-.H2.O00 DIEKSSKI) TURKEYS ARRIVE. Buyers Do Not show .Much Inlrrrht In Mar ke( Yet. A few shipments ( droned turkeys were received yesterday, but the demand for them light. Iealer nin enie et to fore csst the holiday market, thutigh from present indications It doej not look like a very lively one Chicken receipts were numerous yester day, but most of tho rtork was disposed of. The egg market was woak in plte f con siderable buying. Prices wore quoted all the way from 31 to 31 cents, but " most tt the biwlnces was at 3233 centf. Tliere wa no chance in the butter situation. Holiday ITmluce 'Buying Actlc The 1io1(Jh trade was on In full swing on Front street yterday. Among the day's receipts were a car cieh of cauliflower and celery, sweet txnatoe and banana. Another car of cauliflower and celery and a car of or anges are due today, and tonight's earner will bring a general amirttncot or reen produce Prices generally were unchanged yestetdav Both the potato and enlen markets are dull and will r mtinue until after the holiday, borne cr.jt shipments ef otatos are be. Ing maile to Arizena n farmer purchase. Bank Clearings. Bark bearing of the Northwestern cities jesterday were a ic'ew: Clearings. $ S00.O3S 1.215.548 71.2S1 tgC.523 Balances. $113.R57 12(t,441 38.717 104.379 Torland Seattle Taeoma Spokane PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc FLOUR Paten ta. $4.3oa4.7o barrel: straight, J3.8O5J4.10. clear. KMXSO- Val ley. $3.W3,0; Dakota hard wheat, patent. $5.50410. clear. $5. graham. $35&175- whoU wheat, $3.75f4; rye flour, local, $5; Eastern. $5J5i35.3S; commtal, per bale. XI 90J2 ao , HEAT-Club 71c, bluestem 73c,' fed 07c Valley 73c MILLSTUFFS-Bran. $17.5018 per ton;ld dlinga. $24.50: shortn. $1S.60JJ18: chon. C a. Mills. $17.50; Unseed Dairy Food. $lb; Acklta meat $18 per ton. OATS No. 1 white feed, $27; gray. $20.50 per ton. BARLBY Feed. $22&22.50 per ton; brew lug. $22.5023. rolled, $23g2Si0, KYE $1.30 per cental, CEREAL FOODS Rolled oat, crease. o pound sack. $6.75; lower grades. tr.rr4f C.50 oatmeal, steel-cut. 60-pound sacks. $y pef barrel, 19-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat meal (ground), SO-pound sack. $7.&u per bar. rel; 10-pound sack. $4 per bale; split pea. $5 per 100-pound sacks; -pottfid bexre $L40 pearl barley, $4.26 per 190 pound: 26-pouea bcxe. per "feex: pastry- Hour. Xr-sxrasd cks. 52.30 per tele. HAT EasteraeOreges timothy. $14.504yl;.Q per ton; Valley timothy. $11-J12; clover. $; cheat. tS.50g9.SO; grain Kay. S3. Vegetables, Fi-hK, Etc. DOMESTIC FRUIT Apple. tll. pet box; persimmon. J1.23 per box; tn, $1.23 61.50 J"r box; craBbeme. $1X013.50 pr bar reL TROPICAL FRCITS-lnionr. $2fli.75 per box: oranr'-, navela. $2.7563 per box; Jap. anese. $50 per douUe box. grapefruit. $3.50 firl.; neapplcs, $2JK)fc4.50 pr don; tan serines, $1 ,5 per box; bananas. 4jG5c per pound. FRESH A'EGETABLTCS-Artichoke. $10L25 cumbers. 50 COc per dozen; eggplant. jr. ivuiiu; neaa lettuce. 4uc per cozen; nol houve. i&SZ per box; pepper. 6c per ! -ijc per dozen: tornatoe. II & 1-23 rx r crate: eprout, 7c per pound; squash. "UCflc per pound, ROOT VEGETABLES Tumlpa. POctMl per Back; carrota. 059750 per sack; beets. S5ct;$I per sack; garlic I21c per pound. ONIONS--Orgon. Slol.2j Per sack. POTATOES-Uuylng price; Fancy gradeC Burbank. 054r75c per tack, ordinary. 55 60c; Merced sweets, sack. $1.00; crates. $2.13. DRIED FRUITS Apples. Ilffl2c per pound; apricots. 1212fcc; peaches. lOHtfU'ttc; pear none; Italian prune. CU6Uc; California fig, white, in sack, Sc per pound; black, 6c; bilck. 12-14 ounce package. 75t65c per box; CS-ounce. 122.40. Smyrna, 20c per pound; date. Persian. iCOc per pound. RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounce packages. P SVic; Its-ounce, H01Oc; loose aucatela, crown. 77ic; crown. 7'H iic. 4-crown, 8 6I3C; unbleached seedlec Sultanas. CSTc; Thon.pson'a seedless mbleached. S5V4c: Thompson- fancy unbleached. 126l2c; Lon don layer. 3-crowa. whole boxes of. 20 pound. J175; 2 -crown. S2. Batter. Egri. ro4try. Etc BUTTER City creameriea: Extra creamerr, JK'632Vsc per pound. State ere am pries; Fancy creamen. 2"H30c; etore butter. lOQlOHc. EGGS Oregon ranch. 3iec. Kaetern. 23 Jt2Ct; Oregon storage. 23T25c CHEESE Oregon lull cream, frlr-j, hu lSe; Young America. 16HC1CC. POCLTRV Average Id hens. Ilitei2t. 3-oung rooste-rn. lOfttlc; Springs. 1101IV-C; b rollers. 124igl4e; dressed chickens. I28fl214c; turkeys, lti-e. icarl7c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 2H2!e; geese, live per pound. 01Oe: geefe. dressed, per poynd. 12&lc; ducks. 141507 pigeons, $L202; nquabs. (22.50. Groceries. Nuts, Ktc COFFEE Mocta, 20Sfc; Java, ordinary, ft C c; Costa Rica, xancy. lfcifioe; coxL 10& 18c; ordinary, iodize per tound: Columbia roast, cases. 100s. 914.25; 10. S14.25; Ar buckle. J15.75. Lion. 115.75. RICE Imperial Japan. No. L Zbc: Southern Japan, 5.35c; head. 7c SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tall, S1.75 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.40; 1-pound flats 1.65; fancy, lfclfc-pound flau. Jl.bO: J-pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink. I-pound talis. 0e; red. 1-pound tall. JL25; sockeye, 1-pound tails. L70. SOGAR Sack baale, 100 pound: Cube. $; powdered. S5.t5; dr- granulted. $3.55; i'?V? C-. 3-R: golden C. (4415; Xrult u-ar. S5.5S; advance over ack basis a follow: Barrel. 10c; -barrels, 25c; boxca. fOc per 100 pound. Term: On remittance with 15 day deduct c per pound; if later than 15 day and within 30 day, deduct fco per pound; no discount after 50 days). Beet sugar, granu Uted, $5.33 per 100 pounds; maple sugar. 15 18c per pound. SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.00 per aie:Uv,5rl,01 M tli MO 16-50; 200s, $18; 4-pounds, lOO. $7; 50a. $7.50. NUTS 'Walnut. ISVic jxt popnd by ack: 4c extra for less than ack; Braxll nut. 10c; niberts. 10c; pecans. Jumboa. 10c; extra large, l.r; almonds. H,,ftl.V. chestnuts. Italian. l'-yzftWci Ohio. 20c; peanuts, raw. 7H.- iKJuna; roasted. 9c; pinenuts. 10312c: hickory suta, l.itotic: cocfianut. 35QtK)c cr dozen. BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, ZMci pink. 2Tic; bayou. 4fec; Lima, 5?ic; red Mex ican, 6c Prorhloas asd Canned Meats. ' HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 12fec per pound; 14 to 16 pounds. lZVjbi Ms to 20 pounds. 12He: California (picnic), be; cottage hum, fcfce: shoulders, be: boiled ham, 10c; boiled picnic ham. boneless; 14c BACON Fancy breakfast, 18Hc per pound; atandard breakfast, lic; choice. 15e; Eng lish breakfaht. 11 to 14 pound. 14fec; peach bacon. ISVic PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrel. $1S: V4 -barrels. 9.5o. Beef, barrels. $12; -barrels. $G.50. SAUSAGE Ham. 13c per pound: minced ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry". 17Hc; bo logna, long. Sjjc; wclnerwurst. be; liver, tic; pork, 910c; headcheese. 0c; blood, Cc: bo logna sausage. 1'nk. 4 Vic. CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pound, per dozen. $1.25; two pound, $2.25; six pounds, $7. Roast beef. flat, pounds. $1.23; two pounds. $2.25; six pounds, none. Hoass beef. tall. Dounds. none: two nounrfu i- -t-i- Ix pounds. $7. Lunch tongue, pounds, $2.75. Roast mutton, six pounds. $Wk. DRY SALT CURED-Regular hert cICars. drj' salt, lOVic, moked llc; clear back?, dry salt 10H. smoked llVic; dear bellies. 14 to 17 pound average, none; Oregon ex:orts. 20 to 23 pounds average, dry alt 11c. nokod 12c: Union bellies, 10 to 16 pounds aver age, none. LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierce 10S,c; tubs. 10V; 50. 10!,e; 20. 11c; 10. llc; 5s. lHjc. Standard pure: Tierce. 0c; tubs. UTic; 5.s 9sc; 2s. 10c; 10. 10c: .5s 10ic Compound: Tierce. Ctic; tuba. tHic; &os. 6?;c; 10s. 7Uc; 5s. c. Hops. Wools. Hides. Etc HOPS Oregon, 1005. choice. 10 iff 11 Vic; prime, SViWVltc; medium, be; old. 5f?7c WOOL Eastern Oregon average best. itJO 21c; Vallej. 24 ft 20c per pound. MOHAIR Choice. 30c per pound. HI,D,srPry hlA1 L 10 pound and P. lOVs01bc per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 6 to 10 pounds. 15 10c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pound. 17010c; dry ealted, bull and nags, one-third less than do flint; (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. cored. nmr rain. halr-cllpped. weather-beaten or grubby. 23c per pound les. Salted hides. Steer, sound, CO pounds and. over. 10011c per pound; 50 to CO poundti, bVifilOc per pound; under 5o and cow. 10c par pound, Halted kip. sound. 15 to 30 pounds. :c iwr pound; tailed te. sound. 10 to 14 pound. Jtf 10c pound; salted calf, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, loyllc pound; (green unsaltcd. lc per pound Je. culls, lc per pound less). Sheepskins: Shearlings No, 1 butchers Ktock, 23 ft 30c each; hort wool. No. 1 butchers' nock. 40050c each: medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. OO&bOc; long wool No. 1 butcher' stock. Jl.0ual.50 each. Murrain pelt from 10 to 20 per cent leas or 12014c per pound; horse hides, failed, rich, according to size. $101.50; colts' hides. 23 O 50c each; goawkins. common. lOfc 13c eaoh Angora. with wool on. 23c fT $1.30 each. BEESWAX Good, clean and purer. 20 G 22c per pound TALLOW Prime, per pound, SQZic: No 3 and create. 2ir3c FURS Beaikklns. as to size. No. 1. $2,500 10 each; cubs. SI 2; badger. 23050c; wild cat, with head perfect. 25050c: house cat. 5tT10c; fox, common gray. 50 70c; red. $3 5: cros. $3trl5; sliver and black, $100 Q 200; fishers. S3GG; lnx, $4 50&0: mink, ktrletly No. 1. according to tZe. jiffliS? marten, dark North- n a cording to lze and color. J10W13. niai. . pale, pine, ac cording to slz and c.or. 2.5ot4; muskrat. large. 10 15t: kunk. 4tfci.".0c; civet or pole cat. 5610c: otter, large, prime kln, $6&10 panther, with head and claw porfect. S2&5 raccoon, prime. SOW. ".Or: mountain wolf! with head perfect. $3.5U&5; coyote, O0ctt$l wolverlne. SCttS; beaver. er skin. large $5 CO; mtalum. $3G?4; malL $ltfl.50: kit. SOfir'Sc CASCARA SAGRADA (cblttam bark) :u C3c according to quality. nrcsscd J 1 eats. BEEF Dressed bulla, 1 62 ;c per pound; cows. ff4c; country bteers, 44Uc VEAL Drefsed, 75 to 123 pounds, "HSlSc 125 to 200 pound. 34 3c; Sou pound and pound and un. stf.up MUTTON - Dressed. fancy. C-c pound; ordinary. 43c; lambs, 7(f7Uc PORK Drted. 100 to 150 pounds. 7i and up. GQCfcc per pound. lor 159 Oil, TURPENTINE Caee. fc per gallon. OOAL OIL Caes. $2.03 Der can- Jron barrels. 15c per gallon; wood barrels. lKc WHITE LEAD Ton lota. a 3 IX) -pound lots. Sc; less than 500-pound lots. $c tin 25-pound tin ""Us. lc srbova kec tjrlcer i m 5-pound Un pall, lc above keg price; 1 to 5-pound tin can. 100 pound per case. 24c per pound above keg price.) , GASOLINE Stove gasoline, case. 234c: T1 teKt "ff Sit fnt tS. tmn 1 LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrel. Sic: lu cases. 50c: boll, in tstrrela. 53c: In cass. 6Sc: 250-gaIlon lot, lc less. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. Dec. IP.-The .market for evaporated apple fntlnur flrm.' with hold er willing to grant concessions, although buy ers show a tendency- to h4d off In the hop of a lower level. Common are quoted at Q Rc; nearly prime. pePc; prime. SQJc: choice. lOUr; fanrj'. 11612a. Prunes are firm on epot, with quotations ranging from 4e to fc. Apricots are unrhanged. with choice quoted at S4HV; extra choice, 4C10c; and fancy, lotilc Peaches are quiet for the moment,' but hold er are confident and juice arc firmly held. Extra choice. lOc; fancy. 104011c; extra fancy. 114612c Raisins seem to be somewhat imro-ttled as to seeded varieties, bpt juices are generally un changed. Loose muscatels, 5$7c; needed raisins. 5U(suc; London layers. Dairy 1 "reduce la the Kat. CHICAGO. Dec 19. On the 'Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady: creamery. 170234c; dairy. 1762oc Efg. steady at mark, case Included. 1A022C: flrwut. 2ftc; prime firms, 24c; extras, 20a Cheese, o,uleL 1146130. NEW YORK. Drc ML-iButttr, checte and eg ft, vncbaaged. GULLS TIKE HOLD Union Pacific Sent Up to New Record Prices. BUYING SEEMS ENDLESS No rHrthcr Trace of the Kxcitcmerrt Due to the Chicago Rank Fail ures Amalgamated Copper Again Goes to Par. NEW TORK, Dc 19. There n no fur ther trace In the stock market today of y-terdaj- hysterical fll.ever the CMeagn bank failures. Speculative holders -who hid ben wept t,ff their fel seemed to have their composure re.tored or in have given pi ice to other holders of a firmer determination. It wa asserted. In fact, that the chaklng at of wfakly secure securltfe hy yesterday Mump had benefited the market. There was evidence, also, of stre requlr roents to cover shorts, which preumaMr were the after-rrrults of yettrrday attack on the market. Such hesitation and uncertainty as were manifest In the market w-r trace able to conditions normal to the cloilng peri od of the year and the day's developments. However, there was a distinct revival of ag gressive bullish rplrit In the market, and many striking adranres were recorded, al though the dealings were highly congested. In a lew storks. Union Paelflc wan the backbone of the spec ulation and was pushed tip by seemingly end-1-ss buying to a new record price. The broken- employed In this buying ma4 an ocralen for the rurrrK that the principal mpettv!v transcontinental Interest was seeking effective repress utlon in Union Paeiflr. There were ftharp advance In the Northwestern Paelflc. For the most part the day niW more menu were elsewhere thsn la th railroad list- The rather unexpected assumption f control of Tennessee Cal & Irwi by the new purchaser erned to arouse apprehension that the competition In the buying, which ha made the high -level for the Mek. might be considered to be ended. A sharp break re sulted. The marking up of Amalgamated Copper to par again had a rtrengthenlng effect on the general lis. Adverse factors which wem feared failed to make their appearance, and the speculation was thus cnoauraged to push Its efforta. Mnney was quotably easier, both on rati and on time, notwithstanding vime very large further i-hlpmrnt to Chicago through private source. The contribution In the money market by the snb-TrauMiry. In the payment of ' the anticipated January Interest figures, helped to this remit an.l last week'a late heavy dividend disbursements were also given credit for a part of It, The steamer nail ing tomorrow fcs the lat by which remittances can reach London In time for the January i-ttleraent. and yesterday demand was s urgnt that guld exports: were tinder disctts Mon. Wblle the Chicago bank failure eetned to be relegated completely to the background, the probability was dlcued that the Clear-Ing-Hntise settlement of the difficulty pm loed might 'Imxdve the tying up of enlder able resource with itoerlMe effect on the money situation during the turn of the year. The rharp break In People's Gas vu attrib uted by rumor to' liquidation growing out of the Chicago failures' and IncreasM a disposi tion to take profits all through the market. The cloning was,- easy. Bonds were Irregular. Total eale. par val ue. $3,nki.'k. United State new 4 declined ti per nt tn call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. irtAtlnf- aie. nigh. Ur. Adams Expreui Hid. 2T. 80S V34 94 7 21s Amal. Copper. W.too 1 (to jsi 2.KHI ZU'y. 3US too s 4 a 300 25i "!, Am. C- F... do preferred . Am. Cotton Oil do preferred Am. Express A. H. tt u. pfd. 13.304 Amnrican Ice.. 1,400 Am. LtHseed Oil 200 do preferred Am. loromellve T.JHtO do preferred.. 4() Am. S. & R lb3O0 do preferred . . 2,000 Am. Sugar Ref. 02too A. Tom- pf. cer. 1.100 Ana. Mln. Co.. ll.ioo Atchison 5.400 do preferred.. 100 Atlantic. C 1... oo Baltimore AO.. fi.PO0 do preferred . loo Brk. Ran. Trail. 2JL4O0 31 20 Vt "oi IKl'ti ICS, I3I 13Si -105 IWl PTU 101 ICI 112 i sU 174 224 4fi4 lot 4 5i 2Si hk" 1144 1H4 1294 151 1H5U JM. S4 lot ir.i ill". S7 173 IMS 3'U 4 20 42 OS" 110 1B14 1294 1314 105?. IS4 4 x?4 HV lot 111V M7V KS 17XH 223 43 V 1014 SV 0 20 21S4 17S4 14 3R lot 4 5 2S4 074 40V Can. Pacifie i,700 central of N. J. 300 Central leather do preferred.. 1.300 Ches. A Ohio.. 4.300 Chicago A Alton do preferred C. t. Western 2.400 C. A- Northwest. 5O0 C.. M. Si St. P.. 24.700 C Ter. & T. loo do preferred C.. C C. A K. I. O0 Colo. F. " I 5K.200 Clo. Si So 2.O0O 214 219 K9H 15 ins" 5r. 2SS 07 V 20 ?i 21 177 15 ios" 53 i 2 07 i 47 "uki do 1st pref lCKt do do pref. . . . Con. Gas Corn Product.. do preferred . . Del, Ss Hudson D., Lack. & W. D. A R Grande. do preferred . . DIs. Securities. . Erie do 1st prf. ..." do 2d pref. . . . Gen. Electric... Hocking Valley. Illinois Central. Internl. Paper. . do preferred.. Internl. Pump.. do preferred.. Iowa Central... do. preferred.. Kas. City So... do preferred . . 2.P00 104 134 5fl 228 455 304 PO 31 4V 7V 1.700 1.500 154 3C4 3i PO si; 474 so 4 90 So4 7S 100 1S.OO0 4.K00 l.noo 724 171 100 174 V 23 V -S44 20 7 S4 5S4 34 - 054 151V 183 734 1204 254 7SV 1374 15V 102 34 no S7 u 147 V 314 u 143 205V V 4H4 140 103 Ml 534 S'4 245 130 ai4 v 4 103 4 234 02 104 103 5 40 24 5S 054 35 sn4 1434 33V' 304 5S 148.4 184 115 S6 54 1104 374 iom 43" 1144 204 173 jat; 17 300 1754 175 200 3.O00 1.300 200 1.300 POO 2.S00 2.200 1754 234 M K04 254 59 34 1534 lja 1224 254 7: 1374 17U 1024 37 nii4 K4 3V 14K4 524 H4 rod 4SS III ins 4 1751, 23 ' SI4 2S 5S 31 U 65 V 1314 163 754 121 244 7a 1374 174 102 34 B7 J554 34 117 31 i M 2024 954 174 134 1034 51V ??34 135V S2 " "si' ' 1034 234 24 41 RK 44 24 54 S 122 35 t 142 234 "is"" 143 V JX54 "sc" 54 Lodls. tt Nash . . 1 1.KOO Manhattan L... 200 Metro. Securities .100 Metro. St. Ry.. 10-00 Mexican Central 30.HOO Minn. A St. L. 100 M. S P A! S S M. 20 do. preferred.. 100 Missouri Pacific 4.100 Mo.. Kaa. Sc T. . l(t,S00 do preferred. . 3.500 National lad . . 12,-voo N. K. n M. pfd. S.WO N. T. Central . . . 73.7(0 N. T.. O. & W . l.oo Norfolk 4t West. 3.10O do preferted Nor Iaclfir li300 North American 2.1tK Pacific Mall.-., l.too Pennsylvania . . 3L0 People' Ga. . . 7.400 P.. C C & S. L. Press. S. C 2JW0 do r ref erred. . 300 PulL Pal- Car. Reading do 1st pref. .. . do 2d pref. . . . Republic Steel. . do preferred . . Rock Island Co. do preferred . . Rubber Good. . do preferred . . Schloss Sheffield S L & S F 2d pf. S. L. Southwest. do- preferred . . 27.5 0 100 200 5JI00 4.400 200 '3,fto6 200 500 300 137 i 2 '34 1044 234 2V 41 04 404 23 5S4 mtv 1224 100 1404 34 3SH 147V 7 53 So. Pacific .2fi.00 do pref erred. . 1.200 So. Railway... A.C0O do preferred.. 200 Tenn. C. & I. . 14.900 Texas St Pacific 1.400 T.. St L. & W. do preferred.. COO Union Pacific. . .323.3O0 Co preterred. U. S. Express. V a Realty... V. 8. Rubber. . do preferred. U. 8. Steel do preferred. 000 200 1.MK) 400 1114 JtV 3S4 374 1054 104 4 454 43V 114V 114V aov rtv 41 404 41.1KH) 14.S00 Vlr.-Car Chern. 10.100 do preferred. . 500 Wabash do preferred.. Wells-Kargo Kx. Westlrho K. 50O 700 1M 409 173 173 Western Union. Wheel it L E. WI. Central . M 2U 2H 2S Jo preferred.. 2w) tCH IS rSIl Total lc for the dsy. 1.273.W share. "BONDS. j NEW TORK. Dec. 19 Closing quotKons: V. S. ref. 2 reg.iecU'D. R, G. 4...101; do coupon 103i,N T. C. G. 34. PO U. S. 3 r-g 102,'Nor. Pacie 5 . 77 do coupon .102 Si Nor. Padnc 4. .iai4 U. K. n-w 4s rex.l3H So. racMc U... do coupnn. l?4;Unten PaclCi4s.t0i U. S. old 4s reg.lwaWl. Central 4. K'i do coupon... .10,11, Jap. Ss. 24 s-r. . M4 Atchison Adj. 4a IMHIJap. 44. cer. .. 8I-, ; Stocks at Ioadon. LONDON. Iec 10. ConsoU for money. SS 11-14; consols for account. bSTfi. Anaconda 0 4 j Norfolk A West. M Atchison do preferred... P5 do preferred... 107 'Ontario Wert. 53 Baltimore & O. .114 41 Pennsylvania ... 72 Can. Pacific 17S (Rand Mine 7U Che. A Ohio... 5d Reading 74 C Gt. Western. 21 SJ do lit pref 47 C M. Sz St. P. . IS3 t do 2d pref 4 De Beer 174!5o. Railway 351 D. Jk R. Grande. 37 j do preferred. . .1024 do preferred... 2 So, Pacific....... 67V Erlo 4S4 'Union Pacific. -.1474 do 1st pref S2 do preferrrd. . .100 . do 2d pref 73 U. S. Steel 3SV Illinois Central. 7SV do pref erred... 107 4 Lou!. Sz Nah..l54V!Wabah 21 Mo Kav it T.. 374! o preferred... '42 N. T. Central... 152 'SpanUh Fours... 91 H Money. Exrhaage. Etc. NEW TORK. rw 19. Money cn call, easier. 4fllo per cent; ruling rate. 76. per cent; rMnr bid. 3 per cent; offered at 4 pr cent- Time loans. ralr; KO and V days and six motJthe. A per crt. with remrobiN for days. lYlme mercantile par-. 54tf per cent Slerllng exrhange. easy.- closing steady, with actual burlners In brkr bills at $t.eno4.Ivns for demand and at $.KH 4.70 for tt day,. Prtd rates, $4.S349 4.JT. Cnmmrrclal bill. $4,824. . Bar silver. CVc Mexican dollars. 504r. rOT-ernroent "bonds, heavy: railroad Irregular. I3NDON. De. IP. IUr ellver. steady. SOUd per ounce. Money. 3404 per cent. Dlccount rate, short bill. 44144 pr cent; threo months bill. 4 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Dc. IP.-Sllver har CSSc. Mexican dollars, nominal Drafts, sight 3r: telegraph. 10c. Sterling. W day. $4VH;; sight. $4.ST. DEMAND FOR EXPORT LEADS TO GHN'ERAIj BUYING OF WHEAT AT CHICAGO. Market Clo.-es Stronjc With the May Option a Full Ccnt Higher. CHICAGO. Dc 18. Influenced by 'a decline of Id a bushel n the price of wheat at Liv erpool, the market here at the 'opening was Inclined to be -werjs. with. th May option HGUc :owr to a shade hlghe- at t?7UeS74c. The demand, however, was- actlrV, and with only moderate offerings, price mmn ree. Un settled weather In the Northwert threatene.1 to curtail the movement of the rw croti, and thla cauoed shorts to cover freely. Late In the xetficn jnc market galneil additional trengtSt from general Imylr.g ranse. hy re port f an Improved demand for export. For May. the highest rolnt of the day was reached at Aic The market ctesed strong. I(14r up at bSfec. Interest In the corn pit centered In tho December option. Short were made uneasy by the marked diHTems In local etorks and bought freely. The market cWed strong, with price at the highest point of the .lay. ity.V4e OK at 4S4e. Trading In oat wax dull, but the market firm. May dosed VftUc higher, at 32Vc. Provisions were strong and trading was ac tive. At the clofe. May pork was up 35c. lard wan up 1U0I2H. and ribs were 124c higher. The trading futures range,! a follows: WHEAT. Open. High. I.ow. Cloe. . $ IV . $ juv 74 -H JuK JSH .S2V -SI JCS CORN. . .504 .S .50 .15 .Id .15 .15V .414 .444 .144 .l4 .114 .41V .444 .HV OATS. .304 .314 .30 ii JZl 2 JSV .31; 24 .30 ; MESS PORK. 13.20 13.524 "13.20 13JW I3.37U 13.72 6 I3J74 13.1774, Dec. May $ July Dc (trtdt. Dec. (new) May July Dee. May July Jan. Mar LARD. 7.0 ". 7.45 7.47 4 7.35 7.124 SnORT RIBS. Det 7.571s 7I7U M24 Jan. May Jan. 7.374 7.174 .074 .97s .7.074 7.174 7.274 May Cah quotations were x follows: Flour Dull. I "rices unchanged. Wheat No. 2 Spring. M4$b7c: No. 3. Stf S4Vc; No. 2 red. S7U86S4C Corn No. 2. 504c; No. 2 yellow. 504c Oats No. 2. 31c: No. 2 white, 324 Cr 33c; No. 3 white, 304 tt 32c Rye No. 2. 07c Barley Good feeding. 3743vic: fair te choice malting. 42f!9c Flax seed No. 1. OSc; No. I Northwestern. $1.05. Timothy eed Prime. $X35. Me pork Per barrel, $I2.S74 1 13.' 1-ard per 1 00 pounds. $7.5507.574. Short ribs sides Ivwe. $t.Poe7.05. Short clear side Boxed. $7. 12 7.23. Clever Contract grade, $12.75013. Receipt. Shipment. Flour, barrels. . . Wheat. buhes. 0rn bushels Oat, bushels. . . Rye. Itssfcel Barley, bushels. 2.20 2I.R00 s;.euo 550.2 xls ....339.40J I !.() 3.SOl 2IS.O0 27fi0 l.OOO 33.400 Grain and Produe? at New York. NEW YORK. Iec IP. Flour Receipts. 32. 0) harreU; exports. llj barrel. Steady, but quiet. Wheat Receipts. 1S3.O09 btuheU: export. 114.000 bufhels. Spot strong. No. 2 red. J lZHC elevator; Na 2 red. 'JiC f. o. to. afloat ; No. 1 Nertbem Duluth. Wiic f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard It an! lob, nominal f. a. h. afloat. Opening lower on weak cable and reports of rain In India, wheat recovered In rcrwee to adverse Argentine harvesting news. After a midday reaction. It g-Un turned strong, ad vancing on a rare of rhorts. which cloned the market '4c net alghir. -May. 8tSV2 13-lRc. closed K5.r, December. oitSSCHc closed 85V- Hops Firm. Wool Steady. IVtroJeum Steady. Chajiges la Available MpeHe.' NEW Y'ORK. lec. Ia.-Spertal cable and telegraphic eummunlcatlorai received by Brad street ehow the following changes in avail able rBp?Hn a compared with last accousta: Wheat United States and Canada. East cf the RfjckVa. Increased 4.,Orto bnh-l: attoat for and In Europe, decreased 2.orn.w bushel. Total upply. Increase - Cora United Stat and Canada, Eau of th Reekie. lnrrejd 1.Kt5.OO0 bonh-1. Oatr United Ftatej. and Canada. East of the Rockies, decreseed bushels. Grata at Saa TTaacisco. SAN FR.NCISCO. Dec. 19. Wheat barley, strady. Spot quotations: and Wheat Shipping.. $1J7HSL42H: milling. $1.4761.55. Barley Feed, $L15!L21U: brewtag. $l2H QL25. Oat Red. $L25LCH: white. $I.37HL50; bUck. $L2S1.75. Call boarj sale: Wheat May. L41H. TVr ley May. $114 bid. Corn Large yellow. $1,3541-40. Wheat at UrerpoeL LIVERPOOL, Dec. . Wheat. December. 6 10d; March. ll;J: May. lofd. Weather la SngUad. aae. , Wbeat at Tac-ema. TACOMA. W.. Dec. -!. Wheat. ua. rhfed. Escort teHalk: JMmete. 74c; dab, 72c; red, 8c. SHORTS ARE GKUBKT Sharp Advance in Hay Wheat at San Francfsco. BARLEY RECEIPTS HEAVY Foartccn-Cent Decline in Eggs In a Week rolato 3Iarkct, Weak for EvcrytJilBS but Fancy Stock. Oversupply of Apples. . SAN FRANCISCO. Dec l.-Speclat.-In dairy product the feature I the uninter rupted decline in California freeh eggs. Se Wtd ram.h dropped another 2 cent todsy. and are now officially quoted at 4o rentr. a decline of 14 cent within a. week, (.nher grade of fresh egg are weaker n propor tion. Th decline l due to Increasing pro duction, and Is the natural reaction from the rctnt abnormally high prices. Butter fa firm and unchanged. Chee ta taoy. Re ceipts. IP.GO rounds butter. 14,100 pound of ehee. 15Jv dozen eggs. A eharp rise In May wheat tn $1,414 caught lofal ebon capping. The change wj due to th higher closing In Chicago and Insuffi cient rain In the wheat belt of California. Cash wheat was dull, but strady. Receipt of barley were again heavy, but the hulk go Into warehouses agalnet December con tract. The- December position Is welt pro tected, and" the market shows all-around steadlnfr. Oats were e.esdy. but Inactive. Hay and feedjtufU were easier owing to hwtr. The apple market I overstocked with me dium and low graded, which sell cheaply, but fancy stock, notably red varieties, more well at stiff figure. Receipts1 of oranges' are mederate. and large navels are firm. The potato market wa wak for everything except fancy Salinas and Oregon Burbank. The highest sales thus far from the steamer Homer were at $1.03. Strictly fancy Ore rflw command $1.1061.15. Onions are easy with $1.33 the tap figure. Dreaied turkeys are active and firmer at 21 23 ceelst. VEGETABLES Cucumber. 73r8$l: garlic. 540e: green pea?. ISdc; string bar. 7010c; tomatoes. 73ee$1.23; egg plant. $2.50. POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 2oQ22c; room err, old. $4.363; broilers, large, r5.5CH(k30; broiler'. small. $2g3; hen. $4.3038.30; deck, old. $5g&.50; dockr. young. $57. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 30c; creamery seconds. 23Hc. C7GS Store. 30132c: fancy- ranch. 40c; Eastern; nominal. CHEESE-Teung America. 13fT13c; Eastern. 15401c; Western. 144ft4Uc. WOOL South rialns ami S. J Krffl.Tc; Umbs. eiec HOPS-hQIIo MILLSTtlFFS Bran. $lS.50fi!P.5O; mld dlirxw. $2SQ20. HAY-Wheat, $11.50t31rt.50: wheat and oats. $l!13.5o: barley. $flI3.50; alfalfa. J7..W? 10: stock. Ix5fj7.50; straw, per bale. 3W 55c. FRUIT Applee. ehelce. $2.50; common. 40c; banana. ?ltj3; Mexican lime. $I84.3H; Cali fornia lemons, choice. $3; eommnn. $1.23; or angts. navel. $IQ2.75; pineapples. $203. PtrTATOES Sallnae Karhanlut ti moi H- eweet. 50c$t: Oregon Burhanks. 75cQ$1.I5. km r.HTi Flour. fss Quarter racks; wheat, rentals. 7C3C: barVv. in .ni- eat. 1314 eentalo; eats. Oregon. 12S centals; wans. sacks; rem. zm rentals; potatoes. 5574 sack; bran. 1410 -ckr; middlings. 355 sarkx: hay. 423 tons; wool. Ki bales: hides. 430. EXPECT URGE BUSINESS OPKXING OF HKAVY-WKIGHT SILSOX- XK3lT 3IOXTII. Uostpn Wool .Alarkct Only .Modcr ntcly Active .Vow, With ' Prices Finn. BOSTON. Dec. 19. The wool market L rademtly aet're. prices firm. Terri- tary we, are quiet, with offering small. The market for BUtled wools Is nnlet. hnl nHeM n select letn are tlrmlx held. Forelm rrad are; Dealers look forwarl to thu nprnlag of lb- ktavj wrlghte nxt month. A oig Dullness is anneuncetz. Territory quota-tlocx- IdahoFine. 223Zf. heavv flre. lf20iM He medium. 22fJ23c: medium. 2HQ27c: low medium. 27Q2Sc. Wyoming Fine. 22t23c: harr fln lOtt 20c; fine medium. 2223c; medium. 27tr2Sc; low medium. 27f!2jyr. Utah and Nevada Fine. 24823c: hea-y fine. l?fr2oc; fine medium. 23ff2lc: medium. 27 2Se: lew medium. 2782R.. Montana-Fine choice. 23Q2t5c; fine average. 24Q25e; tine medium choice. 2327: average. 24fl25c: la pie. 27fJ2sc; medium choice. 27ff 2t Wool at St. I-ou!. ST. LOUIS. Dee. l. Wool, steady: medium grades. rnmNnr and efotklng. Mfl.Ve: light One. 2l(r2c: heavy fine. 1942Ic Tub wa..hed. 3C3( 4 c. IJVESTOCK M-VKKETS. Price Quoted Locallr on Cattle. Sheep a&d " Hog. The fellowlng livestock prices were quoted yesterday In the local market: CATTLE Good steers. $3.5r83.75: fair to medium. $2.7563; 130 to 175 pounds. $1,509 4.75; light fat ealves. $3B3.25. HOGS IVet, raltabl for packers. $3.75; fair to medium grades. $3.50; light fat weights, 120 ta 140 pound. $50525. Kheap Oued fal he"p, $4.50614.75: choice Iambs, $5. KA STERN IJVESTOCK. Trices Current at Kaasa, CHy. Omaha aed Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Ma. Dec IX Cattle Re ceipts 13.000; market steady. Native steer. $3.75 C lt25: stockefs and feeder, $2,759 40: vVestern cow. $2.25 3.30; Western steer. $3.2504.50. Hogs Receipts 13.0OO; market steady to strong; bulk of sale. $I.KO(l.0O; heavy. $4.90&5; packers. $4.S5f4.93; pig and light. $4.30&4.S7,. Sheep Receipt 4000; market steady. Mut tons; $X50; Iamb. $5. 73 07.50; fed range welher. $5.2566.60; fed ewe. $4.7363.40. SOUTH OMAHA. Dee. 19. -Cattle-Receipts, 5000; market steady. Native steer. $3,504 5.50: nallv cow and heifers. $204.40; Wetere ten. $2584.40; canners. $1.50J Z33- stockers and feeders. $Z2&4JX0u: cajres, $3.Ce.oO: bull, stags, etc.. $1.75ff3Jo. nogs Receiptee 11.000; market 5c higher. Heavy. $4.$2H?t-90: mixed. $4.5094.00; light, $tce47ti; Pl. $4-254,r3; bulk of rales. $4oe4.87U. Sheep Receipts. 248.009; market steady. Western yearling. $0.00iL50; wethers. $5.50 85.W; ewes, $4.7565.70; Iamb. $7.0087.73. CHICVGO. Dec 19. CatUe Receipts. 700; tcarket stronger. Beeves. $X40gCS0: stock- er and feedew. $24.15; cows mad heifers. $I.40f4.75; Texas red steers, $X5tg4.33; Western stows. S2.30tJ4.75. Hoc RecelpU today. 3C,t; tomorrow (es timated). 40,(0); market strorx. Mixed and butchers, $4,7545.05; good heavy, $4.fS.0fi: pigs. $i.404.0: rough heavy, $4.754?4.b: Ug3L $4.605.0); bulk of sales. , 14.73$ 1.9C Sheep Receipts. 13,09); market steady. Lasab. $4.75(7.75. " Metal Market. NEW TORK. Dec 12,-Spot tin was if lofttr, at 1195 5s la the Losloa market, bwt futures were vnchagd at 14 IO. locally the market wie qafet with spot quoted at 3.3C.-.4ec. Corper was higher tn London, closing at C7f 10 for epot and f7S. 17 6d for future. The local situation was unchanged, 'no supplies of consequence being available this side or the April delivery. Lake and electrolytic are quoted at lS.50Hric and caatlng at 1S.124B 15.624c- Lead was 2 i lower, at lift 17 6d In the London market. Locally lead" was quiet and unchanged- at 3.254is.l0c. Spelter advanced about to pomts te 6.55ff 6-5c In the local market, while the price re mained unchanged at I2S 12 fit In London. Iron ckxed at Sts 6d for standard fpundry and at 32 d for Cleveland warrants In the English marker. Locally iron was firm and -unchanged. No. 1 foundry Northern. $18,738 19.33; No. 2 foundry Northern. lS.23tftS.SC.; No. 1 foundry Southern. $lS.30fllS.75; No. 1 foundry Southern, $IS19W25. Mlatss: Stock.. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 10. The offtatj: closing quotations for mining stocks today were a follows: -iia 5 .03 Liu. fir s Alpha Con. Ande .05 IKentnrki- C "o .20 jLady Wash. C. .02 -20 fMexlcan l.r..-. Belcher Bt fc Belcher 1.33. jOccidentaV CoiC .03 Bullion . . fOnhlr i7a Caledonia Challenge Con. Chollar .33 Overman .12 .OS .51 .12 .111 Jf2 .b5 iv ti'atost .. .1 Savage Confidence S3 Scmln . . Con. CaL V. I.30 Jsec. Belcher... frown Tolnt.. .13 ISIerra Ne-ada. Exchequer ... .33 iSllrer Hill ttouid & Curry 3 Union Con. iiate. . or... 11 :Tfs r"..n Julia k .03 ITellow Jacket BOSTON. Dec. 10. Closing quotations Adventure ..$ H.23 IMont. C. Sz (IS 4. 62 H 50 00 00 Allouex 40. (U) N. Butte. SO 33 Amalgamated HR.73 Am. Zinc 10.30 Atlantic .... 23.30 Bingham ... 34.75 Cal. A Heel. 715.00 Old Dominion (Osceola tParrot 'Qulncy (Shannon .... (Tamarack Trinity United Cop. . U. S. Mining U. S. Oil it" tan 105. Centennial .. Cop. Range. Daly West . . Dominion C. Franklin ... Granby Isle Royale. Mas. Mining Michigan . . . Mohawk .... 2S.30 NO. OO 11.30 XO.00 17.01 J 10.00 12I. 10." Ul.t 40.' n.: 53.; 22.73 :V!rtorla t.k;74!WIaona lfi.00 Wolverine .. 02.00 ! '.30 .00 Coffee and Suzar. NEW YORK. Dec. 19. Coffee futures closed steady, unchanged to 20 points lower. Sales were reported of 51.0CO bigs, including: Janu ary at .35P0.40c: February. ti.30r ; Slafeh. HaitJCOV; April. a60c; Stay. K.70c; July. .r54T.SOc; September. &tVu7c. Spot, quiet. No. 7 ln-olce, te; mild, steady; Cordova. V 12Vc Sugar Raw. steady: fair refining. 3V.c: cen trifugal. OS test, 3-Sc; roo!a?3c sugar. 2Tic. Refined, steady. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 10. -Cotton futures closed ateady.' net 51i22 points higher. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licences. GAILUXRD-SCHREIBER Joseph Gall lard. SS; Chrlssy Schrelber. 2rt -GRAHAM-DUNN Hugh Graham. 30, Ar iel; Ida Dunn. 25. Dirt's. STRUPLERE At 205 Eteventh street. De cember 14. to the wife of Emlle Struplere. a daughter. CORNFOOT At 201 East Thirty-fourth street. December IS. to the wire of William Cornfoot. a son. Deaths. O'NEILL At 05ft East Couch, December IS. Patrick W. O'Neill, a native of Ireland, aged 74 years. TITJAGNE At St. Vlnrenfs""Hospltal. J3e ceriber IS. Louts. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I.oul Ttijngne. a native of Washington, aged l year. 1 month and S days. Building Permit. T. FOSTER Repair of dwelling. 513 East Sixth street. $150. G. FERRY Dwelling. Emerson street, $1200. MARIAN C. JOHNSTON Dwelling, Cleve land avenue, between Alberta and Summer streets. $2000. JOHN PROUDFIT Dwelling. Weldler street, between East Twenty-seventh and East Twenty-eighth. $100O. G. ROSENBLATT Repair of store. First and Mill street. $1000. 1L W. D. HONDT Dwelllnr. East Thir teenth and Florence streets. $1200. W. R. GRIFFITH Apnrtment-house. Gll an street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second, $8000. LEWIS Jfe ROSENBLATT Dwelling-. North Twenty-second and Gllsan streets. $5750. LEWIS & ROSENBLATT Dwelllnr. North .Twenty-second and Gllsan streets. $3730. niAKl.ES HORSCHE Dwelling. East Lin coln and East Seventh streets. $1150. CHARLES HORSCHE Dwelling. East Un. coin and East Seventh streets. $1150. F. J. SIEMON Dwelling. Benton street, between Dixon and Dupont. $2000. Krjl Estate Transfer. Patrick O'Keane and wife to It. E. No ble. W. Vt lot d. block 22. Ev Portland? 000 Henrv E. Cavls to Aaieiia Davis, un dlvldea "3 lut 14. blooc 3. Piedmont Park 1 J. C. Alnsworth, trustee, and wife to Eugene Cohen et al.. S. and E. 25 feet square of N. 5, lot . block 4 city 1 W H. Morton anl wife to W. G. 'regis ter, lot 3. block 4. Usrtsch Pa-k.... 1 E;ixabth Jt. Stephens to Thomas Sims, lots 11. 14. block 0. King's Second Add 1 L. H. Carter to J. R. Held. lots II, 12. 13. block 3. Falrfletd 1C3 G. F. McCarthy to G. Churchman and wife, lots 3. 8. block 01. Sellwood.... 1 A. A. Graham and wife to Portland Trust Co.. lots 3. Sit. Arleta. Park.. 500 Clara oaan to K. It. Richardson. S 1-0 acres wfu t S.. H. IX Murray. D. L C. Section 1. T. I S.. R. 1 E. 7.50C Real Estate Investors' Association to Ella. Johnson, lot 7. block td 130 H. A. Sargent to Edith K. Sargent, -W. 50 feet lot 10. block , King's Second Add - 1 I. A. Webb et aL to M. L. Hotbrook. lots 7. i. block 3. P. T. Smith Add., .t ono WlUlam Nlcolal and wife to A. S. Reld. AV. 15 feet lot It. E. 35 feet lot 7. block 14. Holladay Park Second Add .sts L. I. W. Qutmby to grantees herein. 11.64 acres. Section 33. T. I N.. R. IK 1 Sheriff to C. W. Joseph. AV. A Section 35, T. I X., R. 5 E-. 320 acres 7 Same to same. SW. i and S3. Section 33. T. 1 N.. H. 5 E- 4 SO acres 0 A. Bush et. al. to Crown Columbia Pulp St Paper Co.. S. H of NW. and W. U of SB. .. Scttlon 2IX. and other property 1 Sheriff to same. W. ti Section 21. T. 1 N.. R. C E. ! 8 R. C. Bell and wife to tame. S. V. Bf SAV. U and SW. ft of SE. Sec tion 1U. T. 1 N.. R. 6 E ?. 1 . Quackenbush et al. to publi. SF1 M.. Section 14. T. 1 N., R, H R. and iff. H Section 12. T. 1 N.. R. C E... 1 V. S. to A. J. Moore. SE. K of NE. NE. U of SE. 4 and S. Vi of SE. U. SecUan 29. T. 1 N R. B E.. IOJ acres j Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Co. to Mary ' I. Rathbun. lot 181, block -33. Ceme- Edr.a. D. Hondt and husband to W. Ft. Peek, lot 13. block 23. Woodlawn F. Meyer to L. Meyer, lot 8, block 220. HollaiIay9 Add Thomas Howe and wire to Rudolph Schneider. ot 3. 4. DeLashmutt & Oatman's Little Homes No. 1 G. W. Mulk and wife to F. M. Dunn" lot H. block 4. Henry's Add L. Shank to L. Shank et aL, X. 'A lot 3 block 112. city G. Charter and husband to N. F. Noren pa.xel Und beginning NW- corner J. 1.250 l 4.000 530 2,300 aru v. ju. 1.200 F. Glafke. Jr., and wife to B. P. John. jot t. 11. ti bwest 4. jiendon Vzrk 2.000 esiutr .- ciiir-. iuu, a j JJ, DIOCK Vtntn I'lrV Murden Park 1.000 173 1 147 700 2,639 3,50 2 1,000 A. A. W. Schteppl to Katie Ward. lots 23 to 2d. block 1. Roselawn Annex.... A, E. Borthwirk and wife to John Mc- Craken. lot -4. block 124. Couch Add Ralph W. Hoyt to John Nlnkkanrn. lots 27. SG. block 2. Arleta Park No. 3 W. M. Ladd et al. to J. R. Selberg. lot "D." subdtvierion S. 4 block la. McMllltn's Add W. L. Halfpenny to J, A. Lee. w. U parcel Gideon Tlbbets D. L. c .'. 13. A. Lynds aad wife, to A. X. Connell. lot 9. block T. J. Irving First Add.! Central Trust fc Investment Co. to R. WllUam. lot 2. S. 20 feet lot 3. block 2J. Couch Add., and ether property C Kelly and hu-aand to H- AV. Lytle et aL. lovi 1. 3. block 12. Multnomah Union Savings i Loan Association to H. AA'lagert and wife, lot 1 and N. J2S feet lot 13. block 1. EL Tabor A'lUa .. Security Saving A Trust Co. to J. J. TyrrelL lot 0. block. 10. J. Irving First Add ;.. M. Lenaartc to M. Krieger, El Iot II. 12. bkck 6. Williams Ave. Add.. AVlUiam Ztaraerman. and wife to Alice 3.103 C50 C. Hill. ICfeclMI feet, beginning NE. corner lot 8. Bon-ertngj Tract 400 Xaval Faaeral at HoiioIhIh. HONOLULU. Dec 19. Medical Inanet or Da. -Id OMhant Lewis, JVot surgeon of the UEMtsd Slatrs Pacific snnadrnn. vhn ajTivcw acre oh ire cruieer unicago i3t I week, rtrul dlej on Saturday rnoVnirtK.'wHsj burled t0!a with naval honors. The offl "cers and men of the Chlcat-o forractt la procession and fallowed the Tcmalna to their tcmporarv' resting-place, from which they will be forwarded to the United. States for buriaL FIRST OVER NEW RAILROAD Train From ' Chicago Over Clark's Iilne Carries Newspaper Men. SALT LAKE. Dec. 13. On time to the minute, the first of the eight trains which will comprise the Chicago-Los Angeles Limited service of 'the Fnion Pacific and the San Pedro. Lo-; Angeles & Salt Lake Railroads puUed Into Salt Lake at 4:05 o'clock thLs evening. Ten minutes later, on schedule time, the train departed ttor Los Angeles over the "Salt Lake route." At Green River. AVyo.. the new trala was met ly a party of operating and ex ecutive officials of the Oregon Short Line, including D, E. BUrley, general passen ger agent, and E. Buckingham, general superintendent. These officials came on to Salt Lake, where the train was turned over to the operating officials of the San Pedro road. E. L. Lomax. general pas senger agent or the Fnlon Pacilic. who accompanied the train, has as his guests, on this initial trip 2S representative news paper men of the Eastern and Middle States, including .the following: James F. Dorranee, New York Tribune: M. S. Schuyler. Xcw York Times; H- F. Beardsley, Islle Weekly: John O'Don nell. Pltsburg Dispatch; J. M. Pitsburg Leader; Theodore Boyce Pitts burg Telegraph and Gazette: A. McKee, Cleveland Pia'ndealer; Harry W. Rrown. Cincinnati Post; at. Strauss. Cincinnati" Times-Star: Addison C. Thoma3. Chicago, superintendent central division, the As sociated Press; Richard H. Little. Chi cago Evening 'News; W. S. Brons. Chi cago American; F. W. Lane. Railway Age; William H. Camp. Railway and En gineering Review: Corrie F. Guthrie. In d'anapolt Star; John A. Arnold. Minne apolis Tribune: J. W. Hawkes. St. Paul Dispatch; Gardner Cowles. Des Moines Register and Leader; J. M. Steele. Kan sas City Star: A. l Maytieid. Denver Xews: W. A. Parrlsh. Denver Post; C. H Poole, Denver Times. Others in Mr. Lo max's nnrty are Will J. Davis, the Chl caso theatrical manager, and Melville E. Thomas. Chicago. Killed by-Robbers in 3Ic.Ieo. KI PASO. Tex., Dec. 19. Two men named Rutherford and McMurray. both from Philadelphia, were killed last night by highwaymen on a ranch at Diaz, a small settlement in Chihuahua. Mexico. A man named Fliiktad, of Los Angeles, and another known as "Shorty" wero wounded. The robbers escaped. Xo de tails of the light huve been received. I ; i Convicted of Dakota ldinri Frauds. ST. PAUL. Dec. 13. The jury in tho Unit-d States Court, which has been try ing W. T.- Uorsnell and Royal B. Stearns, of St. Paul, for fraud in connection with South Dakota lands, this afternoon brought in a verdict of guilty against both men. AT THE HOTELS. The Portland C. It. Callender. Astoria; T. Pemdexter. San Francisco; S. Sherman and wife. Tacoma: Lena Walton. Nome. Alaska; J. Lockhart and wife, city: D. Burns. Van couver. B. C. : A Macbeth, Jr.. Indian apolis. Ind.; J. Sendan. New York; A. P. Sprague. Elgin; G. E. Trumbull. Chicago; A. E. Hutchinson. Salt iJike; C. Erickson, San Francisco; D. W. Wilson. G. Elder. Chicago; G. McCabe. Elgin: F. I. Shaw. Se attle; S. Soule. W. Rudford. San Francisco; Mrs. G. Blalsdeil. North Dakota; C. E. Sills, New York; M. S. Roberts. Boise; F. H. Fpr resta. Rlparia. Wash.; A. Blair D. P. Cam eron, city; F. 1 Whltton. San Francisco; E. Hackabury and wife, Nelson. B. C; Mrs. J. C. Perclval. Olympla; J. B. Chance. San. Francisco; I M. Rice. Seattle; G. Peterson. San Francisco; A. S. Craven. Raymond; F. Spangler. Toledo. O. ; C H. Bishop, Hono lulu; C. H. Weicht. Northfleld. Minn.; J. AV. Douglas. New York; W. W. Ridehalgh. As toria: II. Restler. Chicago; S. Welbuer. C. F. Kretohmer. New York; F. Waterhousa and wife. Seattle. The Oregon E. - F. A'ounger. Pendleton; E. A. McDonald. Seattle; T. H. Harlow, city; AV. H. Dolge. Blue River; A. E. Peterson, C. C. Clinton, Astoria. Or.-. S. AV". Upton, Springfield: F. L. Uurtumr. O. J. Enger. Aberdeen. Wash.; A. C Eastwood. Rochester; J. H. Gallagher; W. B. Rogers. Seattle; Thomas A'aughan. Astoria; C. E. Gaylord. Tacoma; I.-ene McKlnnon. city; George W Aldons, Princeton, B. C. ; 31. A. Hoswcll. Baker City; John Kallsen and wife. Seattle; A. t Carlisle. New York: C. D. Smith. Saa Francbu'o; Charles Wlegand. The Dalles; O. P. Rowneigh and wife. Walla AValla: A. F. Aitkin. St. Paul. Minn.; Maurice AVlnter, Portland; Mrs. T. C. A vary. Mrs. P. M Wriglit. Stevenson. Wash.; R. G. Whitlock. Los Angeles; Frank D. Nash. Tacoma: Alex McLaren. Centralis; Thomas L. Lllllsj St. Joseph. Mo.; A. M. Kohlberg. San Francisco: W. N. Keller. Tacoma; E. E. Ellerton. Sea side; Walter F. Foster. Seattle; Albert C Fleury, St. Louis; H. SL FrHmber. Macon, Ga.; R. G. Durham, rlty: 31. It. Jones. 3tar tlnez, Cal.; Gus Htnsler. Anacortes; G. Win gate, eltj; F. Pelton. St. Paul; AV. T. Hlslop and wife. Pendleton; E. F. Iindls. Oshkosh, AVI.: Louis Hlrshter. New York: AV. Weath er'ord. Dayton. Wash.; C. E. Drtwller. Ta coma: T. Rice and wife. Oregon City; AV. C. T. Relchenbarh and wife. Topeka: John Williams. Halley. Idaho; E. M. AVakefleld, Arlington; John F. Fuller. Moscow. 'The Perkins R. B. Hooper. R. A. Roberts, Seattle; W. H. Anderson. Wasco. Or.; B. Fountain. Grass A'alley: A. Benson. B. Jeffs. Cascade Leeks; Ralph I. Thompson. Karl AV. Famrworth. Heppner. Or.; J. K. Short. St. Louis: A. J. Flskln. wife and children. Se attle; AV. H. McCulIough. Spokane; C. E. Miller. B. E. Wation. Prosser. AA'ash.; G. A. Wills. J. B. Baker. Buena Vista; H. E. Plummer. Minneapolis: H. Chester. Dutar; AV. H. Sherrod. Senttle; Harry Callon. The Dalles; Sam G. Campbell. John A. Wilson. Hood River: D. A. Howel. Slianiko; Will McJIaster. N. I. Tooke.r. G. Reay. Seattle; John Crawford. Belllngham. Wash.; I. D. Gregory. Globe. AA'nsIt.; Georg" McKenzie. T. T. Baker. Everett, Wash.; W. J. Cross and wife. Seattle; Mr. F. Bradbury. B. P. Klnkle. F. E. Hoover. San Francisco: AV. E. Newson. J. O. Brown. Ralnlef. Or.; N. Ij, Johnson and wife, San Francisco; W. H. Krcles. Hood River: Mrs. G. P. Slont. C. H. Unden. O H. Carlson. Sea VJew; AV. Bal lon. Minnie Stone, Scappooe; F. C. Paul. Concally. Wash.; H. S. 3tcGowan. JIcGow anr. Wash.; Alex Miller. North Yakima: W. T. Hislop and wife. Pendleton; ,G. B. Pence, John Houser and wife. San Francisco; A. J. Preston. Spokane: C B. Boon. Hood River; Clyde Donnal. Clyde Peacock. Albany. Or. ; 5trs. Boulott. itrs. J. Hoofl and children. Government Island; It. E. Phelps. SL Paul: Emit Palmberg. Astoria: Charles Bendove; Council Bluffs: F. M. Coleman. St. Paul; J. AV. Lacgdon. AYalla Walla; '.. A. Ray. Ne braska; C. A. Palmer. Bridal Veil; A. S. Ben nett and wife. The Dalles-d. H. Guerry. L. J. Simpson. North Brtid; Inez Lucky. Fall City. Or.; M. M. Wanner. Goldendale. The Imperial AV. T. Blair. Texas; T. M". Lucy. W. N. Boots. Twin Falla. Idaho: W. C Fetsch. Buffalo; T. P. Nelson and wife. Grant's Pass; G. K Hamaker and wife. Pe Ell. Wash.: Miss J. Cooper, qity; M. E. Har ris, San Francisco; H. H. Ollnger, Salem; J. P. Myers. Clatskanle. Or.; S.-BIath. Chl-r cago; D. J. Mclirdy. Missoula. Mont.: J. T. AVIII. Oregon City; Iner Lure. Forest Grove; Paul C. Aylesworth, Seattle: G. M. Jack, rjrangevllle; John C. Younc. Baker City; B. W. Nunnally, A. C. Chaffey and wife. Rich mond. A'a. ; J. J. Nurre and wife. Missouri .River Junction. la.: M. Abraham, city; Frank Coyle. Seattle; Miss Grace Blrnle. Cascade Ixicks: F. C. Broslus. Hood River; C. D. Jesstip. Salem; 3Irs. F. J. Blakeley, Miss M. Langlry. Roseburg. Or.; A. II. Gil christ. Tacoma. The St. Chnrles C. Nelson, city; D. O. Fisher, cieone; Mr. and Mrs. Ohllng. Albany; E. J. Baker. Cathlamet; Charles Trumbull. Spokane: H. Frsher. Boring: J. He.Ivey. Scott's Mills; J. F. Jones. W. Jtortenson; G. W. Butler. Hlllsboro; II. Reed. Albany; J. AV. Blackburn. G. R. Hugh.. RidgeneM; J. U Runyon. city; A. W. Peterson. Clatskanle: H. Hansen. F. M. Hudson. V, Hansen. R. Hansen. Clatskanle; G. Bull. Astoria: A. C Browning. W. E. Beegle, G. B. Freston. Gresham: 5Irs. C. M. Graham, J. F. Graham. Marshland: J. S. Crumbly. A. Swanson. Sea side: L. J. Brant, city; R- P. Goin. Nahcotta; G. P. TerrllL Salem: Mrs. Mary Sargent. Mrs. Annie McCary. Spokane; G. W. AVelch, Marshland: C. M. Fowlers; R. F. Elllpp. Locks; J. Kamra; J. Brown and wife. Rock wood; F. M. Banks, W. H. Clark. U. S. A.; E. T. Wallace. MUt; E. Johnson. Uoqulaat: E. Tompkins; J. Kure, Mrs. AV. Tojesea, ' Lyle; W. A. Cunningham, and wife, Esta cada; H. C. Asher. J. Asher. Camas; H. Northrup, Charitr Northruo. The Dalles: C A. Nordstrom. Stella, T. J. Coff, Stockton. CaL; J. F. O-aham. Marshland: F. A. Copley and wife. Mrs. Averlll. Woodburn; J; Wright. Camas: Mrs. Minnie Lantry, Loyal; J. S. Bennett: R. H. Cook. Butler: J. Fale, J. McDonald. Washougat; Mrs. E. A". Leigh ton; E. J. Baker. Cathlamet. Hotel DonweHv. Tacoma Wahlsgten. Earn pea tr plan. Rates. 73 cents to JJ-H jper . rree ou. 1 --'at 5r-"-