THE 3IOHXINCr OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1905. 1-4 NM1GPA COURT Policeman Told Not to Be Too Finical. THREE MINUTES INVOLVED A. Ii. GHStafson Arrests A. M. Law rence for Keeping His Saloon Open a Few Moments After the Closing Hour. Policemen should keep in muni thcsplrlt 1 of the law, as well as the letter of it. ac- cordlmr to a decision rendered In the Mu- I nicipal Court yesterday by, Judge Cam- rmn in the case of James Lawrence, lis charged with keeping his saloon on the I "Kant Klde onon after 1 A. Lawrence was arrested by Policeman A. uusiai- pon at 3 :03 A. M. Technically, the law had been broken, lor iha dlsnenscr of liauor had been seen dj tho officer to pass a glass across me oar iit as the second-hand on his watch had I completed its third revolution following tho fatal stroke of 1. If he had been I possessed of a stop-watch, he might have j got the time down a utile nner. out jl w i to ret rloser than a second to the right time through the medium or an orai nary timepiece. Therefore, it may never be known the exact lengui oi ume Law rence infringed upon the saloon-closing ordinance. Gustafson brought out these various details when placed on the stand. He added that he had long suspected tne defendant of violations of the law, and so lav In wait for him, Then the unexpected happened. Assist ant Citv Attorney Fitzgerald said the offl ccr should have warnod his victim lnsicaa of spying upon him; that tho ordinance in question was not so exacting as to operate on three-minute offenders, it naa oeen enacted to prevent unseemly carousals and orgies late Into the night, and not as a bugaboo to Induce saloonkeepers to- pur chase stop-watches In order not to over run their time. Of course, the law must be enforced, but those affected by It should be allowed reasonable latitude, riiteen minutes, or even ten minutes, might con- fitittita an offense, but three minutes that was drawing the line a little too fine. The sole duty of the policeman was to nouiy the man to close immediately. Thp- rmirt likewise tore a small hole In iUo fetid, nauseating atmosphere of the 1 unventilated, unsanitary courtroom, and filled it up with wholesome advice to the embryonic Sherlock Holmes. The court Wn. ....rv (Wtded in the opinion that po- I llccmen should not grow loo finical The defendant was dismissed Miss Jessie Goldman, an angular maiden of some 30 or more years, was arraigned on a charge of being a chronic flirt. The woman seemingly has grown desperate at her prolonged splnsterhood, and has habit of coming out in front of her house. near Fourth and Salmon streets, to sweep tho sidewalk. She manages to sweep little dust on such passersby as she sus pects of Tielng matrimonially Inclined, it is said, and then leads them Into conver- sation. She might have landed a husband In time if let alone, but it seems she tried to flirt with the policeman on that beaL Seventy-flve a month and a big policeman was a prize worth going after, but she was doomed to a hard piece of luck. Pa trolman Seaman, her intended -victim, re garded her advances in the ungallant light of an annoyance and took her down to the station. Miss Goldman was cautioned by the court to be more demure in the future. Lyman A. Ware, a resident of the local ity immediately under his battered hat. was charged with Jumping on a Southern Pacific train as it passed up Fourth street. There was some thought of changing the charge to one of maintaining an existence on earth, but tho prisoner anticipated this change by pleading guilty to the first charge. It cost him Sj. Robert Watson and James Cunningham. a brace of old rounders, who need only a change of garb from rags to broadcloth to make them look like, distinguished trust magnates, were accused of having Chi nese lottery tickets in their pockets. They explained that they picked the luckless pasteboard squares from the sidewalk of Chinatown. They were sent back to the dungeon to await sentence, which will be decided upon today. At this writing, it appears they made a most, unlucky find. but then the tickets may win enough be fore tomorrow lo pay all costs. A delegation of seven from the East Side Hoodlums' Association was on hand to an swer to a charge of constituting a general nuisance. According to the evidence ad duced, the association contains 33 mem bers, made up of youths ranging from 12 to 17 years. The purposes of the organiza tion seem to be to afford recruits for the arious branches of the criminal profes sion. Patrolman Murphy. who rounded them up, said the gang was addicted to indulgence in cigarettes, beer, epithets and late hours. A lecture was given them by the court, after which a sentence of 20 days apiece was meted out, with the un derstanding that they shall serve the sen- tence if they are found wandering from the straight and narrow path. MATERIAL FOR THE FILLS SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND YARDS ARE AVAILABLE. It Will Kcqulrc Bight Hundred nd Thirty Thousand Cubic Yards in All. At the mce.tinj; of the East Side Im provemcnt Association, last cvcnlnp. Georce C. Flanders, of the committee on Alls, reported that Engineer J. B. Lock' wood had completed his report on the i mount and character of tho material available for fills in the bottom of the river, between the iladison and Burnslde nrmges. -Mr. jr ianucrs saia tne engineer s report was completed, and was full as to details. It would show that there were eroow cuo.c yaroa 101. icnai . ioose while llic fills w6uld take 830,000 cubic yards. Another significant part of this report was that, in the judgment of the engineer, the work could be done at a comparatively low figure to the property -owners, much ' lower than it has cost to make fills here tofore. As soon as this report goes to the Port of Portland a proposition will soon be made to the property-owners. The re port caliod out hearty applause from all present, as it indicated that substantial progress was being mado toward getting the low grounds filled IS feet above low water mark. W. I..1 Boise reported that the water commlttes bad not yet received the esti mates of Engineer Clark as to the cost of the secoad Bull Bun pipe line, but this was soon expected. It ttsuM then be known what further action to take. Lw S. TV o4 ward. V. C Dwmlag ad A. D. Keener, were appointed to ascertain It the city "would not establish a branch city stable Sor Its stock on the East Slde.- lt was announced that the annual school meeting will take place at the High School house, on the evening of December . ana all who can do so were urged to- attend the meeting. S. L- Brown acaln called attention to the dangerous condition of Union avenue north from East Oak to Burnslde, and said that the city should take action to make It reasonably safe Mr. Brown also insisted that the association should advo cate that when once a street was improved the property-owner should be exempt from further cost except to pay taxes. Jie saia that the whole city should then keep up the strcetK. In the matter of the appropriation for additional lire protection, olectric lights and police station, it was announced that the appropriations were not likely to- bo cat down, and even might be increased above the Chiefs estimates. The associa tion adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in January- Need of Auditorium. -PORTLAND, Dec 17. (To tho KHter.)-ln conversation with one of the speaker at tho reception to Archbishop Cbxlrtie. we both lamented the absence of a great auditorium in .Portland. We a erred that a large ttruct- tire, capable of sealing lo.voo jHc or more. needed, and that the city ugbt to build r. This may be an Idea socialistic, but Jf ,omethlnff that lias been done cleewbere fr the Rood of the peojilf an a whole Is such an idea, wc plrad guilty to a sincere Retire for the common weal, and take our chancto in Judg ment. Should the President .of this great country como hero, there l no waee .for his reception or that of aar other great as- semblage to be held. so tliat the largest number can bo comfortably twated and tee and hear ns they ought to. It is far better to abandon i-m" uwii spend the money to em a large auditorium nark block. It should liave a octmme- dlouti stage. 1k suitably lighted and ventilated. and built with the very best acoustics.- It need only be rough-finished, like the one on the Fair grounds. A reasonable charge to cover bare expense and maintenance would then enable the masses to enjoy things they are -now deprived of. The people onld de rive far more benefit frm this use of public moneyB than with the Forestry building. It Is their right and Inheritance, IT anything In thla Republic ever was. ROBERT C. WRIGHT. AVI11 Sell Oddfellows' Farm. vjuEONE, Or.. Dec 18.-Special.)-The EO-acre farm belonging to the Oregon Odd fellows adjoining Cleono will be cut up into five and ten-acre tracts and placed on the market. Surveyors will begin dl vldlng it tills week. For more than 20 years the place has been rented out, al though it was originally Intended for home. Two tlno buildings are located on the tract near the railroad, and about 40 acres nave oeen in cultivation, i ne re- mainaer is orusn ianu. out an oi it is oi excellent quality. The original Idea of an Oddfellows Home was found to be im practicable, and the plan was abandoned here, but another home was established in Portland a few years ago, since which time the Oddfellows have been endeavor lng to dispose of the property at some thing near its original cost. DAILY 31 ETEORO LOGICAL REPORT. . PORTLAND, Dec. 10. Maximum tempera ture. 44 dep.: minimum, 40. River reading at 11 A. M., 3.4 feet; change In past 24 hours. rise. 0.0 of a foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. L to 5 P. 11.. Inches; total since September 1. ISOS. 14.10 Inches; normal. 16.27 Inches; deficiency. -.13 Inches. Total sunshine December IS. 1MS, none; possible. s hours and minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 90 a JS. O 50 STATIONS S Tig E o a o o 5s Z o g ? : ? Baker City Bismarck. ...... Boise Eureka . jno; .jib .140 .JT.2; JilS 0.O01I2 E. 0.1O1. . 0.12; 4lsn Helena Kamloops. B. C. T StW .44 0.00- 14W5 0:U2i20'S North Head.... ..US; Pocatello 130! T I S4SW Portland I.. 14 4 10.82! 12 IS W Bed Bluff to; nun' j IKK Roseburg. .4tf0.42i 4ISU Sacramento ISO T-1 4 S Salt Lake City. .. U2 0.0.SI c sw San Francisco Sttokane :.-c:o.tKHiolv S40 T 12(S Seattle uoio.nt mi Tatoosh Island. ... 14SI0.10,24!S Walla Walla I4S:0.00! 4tS T trace. "WEATHEB CONDITIONS. The disturbance central off the Washing ton coast yesterday evening advanced east ward over British Columbia, and this even ing Is central beyond the limit of reports re ceived at tlil. station. It caused general and quite heavy rains In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and Hghter amounts In Easters Oregon. Eastern Tl'ashlagton and Idaho. At Portland the total rainfall for the 24 hours ending at 2 P. M. today was l.r.O Indies and at Hen-bur;; .&S ot an Inch fell during the same period. Severe southeast winds prevailed along' the coast lart night.' At the mouth of the Co lumbia Itlver a maximum velocity of CO miles from the southeast occurred, while at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca the highest wind was 0 mites from the southwet-t. Brisk winds aleo prevailed en the inland navigable waters of "Western asningieiu The indications are Tor continued unsettled weather with rain over the greater portion of the raclfic Northwest Wednesday. It will be colder Wednesday afternoon eat of the Cascades. WEATHEB FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight. December 20 Portland and vlelnlty Occasional rain. Southerly winds. Western Oregon and "Western Washington Occasional rain. Southerly winds. Eastern Oregon Occasional enow. Colder. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho- Occasional rain, with snow In the mountains and foothills. Colder. Southern Idaho Occasional rain or snow. Colder. A. B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. XEW TODAY. Established 1887 TRUST COMPANY S. E. Corner . OF OREGON 3d and Oak StS I Unexcelled Facilities. Terms at Lib- crJj Conaiatent wth Sound Banking Principle. We Invite Newr Btuineza. HOLIDAY TIME L the rlsht time to buy a. liotne. Do not fomet that some 5000 now houses have bfen built this season on the KAST Side, and that the GREATER Portland will be on tho East Side, HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Ib the KeoKraphlcal center of the citv. and Is the most DESIRABLE residence district, and much of this will beceme BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Invest ments, and call and insrHrt the prop erty, for feeing is believing: The Ort Retl Estite CwiptBy tClouov ICIear jCVeudr jCloudy KMeuar jctear Cloudy iC"Vu!y iln oudy eudr oudy il't. CJ PC CId leteudy iltaln Ktoudr Cloudy st Third SU Room 1. Portland. Or. HAVE YOU BOUGHT THAT PRESENT YET? Or are you worrying over what to give your wife? If so, give her an Oriental Rug; it will certainly be appreciated. These beautiful rugs lend tone and distinction to the home. Every woman t is proud of. them. We have a large stock in all sizes and weaves.' Prices from $4.00 up. EXCLUSIVE CARPET BOOSE J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET 1UIIL UKTSCIIAX, rrca. Sereatlt aa2 Waablactea Curouean Plan AUCTIOX SAI.KS TODAY. At th rertland Auction Room. 211 Flrt Ft. Holes at 2 P. ii. and 7w r. a. v Vord. auctioneer. MEETIXO XOTICKS. SAMARITAN TjODOE NO. 2. 1. O. O. F. Regular meeting this t Wednesday) rvening t rcKcx. Oceana oegrec musi nnrnvr ijonnn. no. 17. l O. O. F. Regular meeting thin (Vednday) evening. First degree. Visitors welcome. w. A. WJIEtLliii, i?ec PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. X It. A. Si. Regular communication U of Portland Chapter. Zto. 3. Royal 4 Arch ilajienn, UU nVe&neadav) ening ai im - o ciocx. jaauou ami installation of officers. A full Uendancc la reoueI. vwuor vrfoufflt. A. M. KNAPI. Secret arr. WASHINGTON IjODCK. NO. 4C A. F. & A. M. Stated comnietloa IM Vednrla$) evening. 1:30 o'clock, nuriihard building. Klectlen of of fleerc and paneni M dees. 31enibers requested u attend. Visitor wtoat. Uy wiser w. x J. it. itiUMiiou. Fecrrtary. DIED. GRBHN In Ufc do-. Dee-m(r 19. 1JW5. Har- r)Mn A. Green, area yu. uiie re denee CS1 Haneoek at. Funeral aaaocqee mwt later. rCNERAL NOTICES. O'NEILL At rrWence. KG Kast Couch at.. Denbr IS. I'.Kt.. ratncK w. u .-setii. acea 74 years, late of New Yurie Funeral will take ptace from Dunning. McEntee & Gil laarh's ehspeL Seventh, and Pine street, today, at 2 1. M. 3. P. rrXLEY SON rnneral directors and embaliners. No. 61 3d t cor. Madloa. Day or nUht calls promptlr atteaded. Ex- Derirnced ladjr aKKtistaat when detlrea. Of fice of County Coroner. Pbone Mala, 9. DUNNING. MTINTEE & GILBACGH. Roe- to Dunnln- X Campion, endcrtakers and embalraers: modern In ererr detail: 7th and Pine. Phone Mala 430. Lady aaslktaat. EDWARD nOLMAX CO, Undertakers aad embalm era. bare snored to their setr bulld lnc Third and Salxaosu Ladr aaUstaat. Tclrphoae No. 507. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Ladr aefclktaaU Telephone East St. ZELLEIt-BYRNES CO, Undertakers. Esa- balsuei. 273 RumcII. East lOftS. Lady asU CLASS1FIEDAD. RATES. "1100111 "Room and Board." "House keeping Rooms,' -Sltoatloas Wasted.- IS words or less. 15 cents; 1C to 20 words, 2 cents; 21 to 25 word. 25 ceatr, etc No dis count for additional latertlonft. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today,- 50 cents for 15 words or less; 18 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, M ceata, etc first tasertloa. Each additional tatertloa, one-half; ao farther AUeeuat aa der one zeoatb. NEW TODAY (gasce luearure agate), 15 ceats per line first tascrtlon; 10 ceaU per Use for each additional latertioa. ANSXRS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The OregeaUa. aad left at tak office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required, es saeh letters. The Oregdaa will act bo repeale fee errors In adrrrtlfeiacats takea taroagk ths frJrphoBr. NEW TODAY. Turkey For Xmas CORN FED Bet creamery butter ,..C0t?C5c Good crramery butter 5055e Dairy lutter -' 40y45c Raarh eggs ' 35c Good rgg 2e30c Bett sugar-cured ham........ 13 tic Breakfast bacon.. ..v 15c Cottage and picnic ham...... 10c Chickens - 15c Geese - 16c All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 2C4 Yamhill 10-Year Lease Will build for rrponlbIe teas at oa anar--T-l.lrx-l: 1b rood huidae locatioa ba North Portland, suitable for retail or wholesale bas InewH. GotdM-amldt's Ayrecr. 253Hi Wash- Ingtoa. for. 3d. BEAUTIFUL HOME For rale by owner. New bouse, comer lot. block from car line Low price easy terms. Address. E SS. care Oregonlaa. $1 0,000 Improved corner on N. 10th. per cent less than scr rounding property has sold for this year WhiUng "Rocntree. 0S Abicirton blag. n??'? etcre $n a town of mi arc Oreseasaa. C W K50WLES, Mkz Streets, Parti and, Oregea. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. MARQDAM GRAND THEATRE Phone Main SCR. TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK Only Matinee Satarday Henry- TV- Savage Offers George Ade and Ourtav Ludera Korean Comic Opera "THE SHO-GUIN" EVENING PRICES 25c. 50c. 75c. !. $1.30. MATINEE PRICES 25c, S5c 50c. 75c. II. PPf A CPA KUSCQ l WYEX, Fn;. DLLAMU i&fimmzu UlU aad W. 5U. E. L. Ssckett.Rea.Mgr. TO XI G I IT ALL WEEK. RECEIVED WITH ROARS OF LAUGHTER. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME William Gillette's Great Comedy. TRICES Night. 2Jc to 75c Mats, 15c to 50c, Next Week, "Blue JeW MerTheater frtfM Tterist C, Imn Cm. L Itttr. Mr. Taahfll and" Third Sta. Phes Mala 1907. T1US WEEK TONIGHT. TODAY. 2:15 SPECIAL BARGAIN-DAY. MATINEE. 2e ANY SEAT. . BROADWAY GAIETY GIRLS neaded bv Mildred Stoller and John Web ber, the German Comedians. Twenty pretty Klrls. .two funny burlesques, seven star acta in vaudeville olio, the Kreat Melrose troupe of acrobats. Maltae Saturday 15c. 25c. 35c and COc Last performance. Evening prices. 25c. 35c, NEXT ATTRA CTI ON "JO LLY GIRLS." Empire Theater nm no 111 MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. PORTLAND'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE. TONIGHT ALL WEEK. Fred Raymond presents his famous comedy. "THE MISSOURI GIRL 99 Positively the greatest comedy success of me season. Regular matinee Saturday. NIGHT PRICES 15c. 53c. 35c. 50c MATINEE PRICES 10c 15c 25c NEXT WEEK J ERR Y FROM KERRY.- GRAND THEATER Week of DEC. 18th Prices- Faller. Rose Co. Ethel WfaKcsides aad Jler FlckaalsBles. Fyaac X Daady. James Heaaesvy. XoaselL Master Harold Her. -Meiiar Day." Matinees 10c Evenings. Sundays .and Holidays 10c and SOc Box Seats 25c STAR THEATER Week ef DEC. 18th Prices Karl Jk WUsea. Yorke Jt Herbert Trie. Mi Tar lata Deverae. J. Fraalc Ely. Zabse. W. H. Hartford. Ike Heat With the Gotdea Err- Matinees 10c Evenings. Sosdaya and Holidays 10c and 2Sc Box Seats 25c THE LIBERTY Fosrth aad Stark fits. FANTAGES ATTRACTIONS BEST ACTS 0L1. Fraak WUsea. The Fear Georges. staltlaere Qaartet. Jjfo White. Maado Carter. OTclI Hart. Blecrasb. Selected Orchestra. ADMISSION TEN ceats to any seat. Per formances dally at Zix, o and v P. M. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. Have You Ever Tried The famous Pallx Point Transpjanted Eastern Oyster? Tho best oa the Pacific Coast are raised by tho Occidental Oyster Co.. at Bay Center, "Wash. Oar areata for Oregon are the Blue Pelat Oyster Co :t North 6th and Sft Tashisgtea sts.. Portland, Or -wboleealera and retailers In Eastern. Shoal water Bay aad Oiytapia oysters. All shlpmeata for Oregoa are done throash them. Tears tnrty, OCCIDENTAL OYSTER CO. Rtilrotd GMfrtcttrs Iiftstiitel Aboat &v aarea of dsase Sr tisaber. oaly ltj miles from HUIibero. Jast what y waat for a ? aa all sawsalll to faralsfe rallraad matsrial. strca as bridge Umbers aad ties; ar pillar cam b bad feet leas: goed leeal demaad. for street aad bridge ptaak. sidswalic 1am ber. Wilt sell tbe timber oaly. or laad. aad Ul5Ur F. M. HEIDKL. asmwi, Or. 7CEW TODAY. Portland Auction Rooms A. SCHUBACH Prop- FURNITURE AUCTION SALES 211 FIRST ST. " Today, Tomorrow and Friday at 2 P.M. Each Day AUCTION SAlES Carload a of Christmas Toys and Candies, Fancy Toilet Articles, Per fumes and Fancy Goods Of an kinds at the PORTLAND "aTJC TIOX ROOMS. 211 First strwt. Sale at 7:20 P. M. every day this vreefc. C I. FORD. Auctioneer. COMPULSORY AUCTION SALE Newly Furnished Home, At 1893 Union Ave North Take Woodlawn Car Thursday Next, December 21 Sale at 10 A. M. Sharp This Is short notice for an auction sale of aneh FIXE FLTtNlTfRE. but the own er must leave at once, so tne rUKluwu A ITrrTTDN. rooms will sell without re- serre everything la this residence, a iet of the items' are 30 yards new patented Krti!aM rarnet. neT Inirraln carDCt. 10 coal heater, curled-hair upholstered couch (CO). lady's oax aesK .&-). AiasKa. reing erator. atl couch. Brussels net lace cur tains, elegant rockers, dinta? chairs, round Twtffxtal rilnlne- tame, elegant metal ocu.1 and bedding, bedroom suite. loose feather niiiows. haiitree. cxia aresscrs. ccnier otand and many more fine pieces. Sale ia A M. sharn. next Thursday, at 133 Union avenue north. Take any Union ave nue car. C it. FOKU, Aucuoneer. S. L. IN. GILMAN AUCTIONEER THE MAGNIFICENT Holland Collection oi Art EXHIBITED AT THE LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Dec. 22d and 23d At Room Taken for the Occasion, 375 Stark St.. cor. West Park Now upon exhibition. Catalogue can be had at place of sale and of the auctioneer. No. 412 Washington street. Telephone Main and we will send a catalogue to you. S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. S365.00 Cottace. nlastered. with lot 50x100. on Im proved, graced street, siuewaiic cwy waier wortn twice ine money; mui. uo sacrinccu located this side of St. Johns. SHERMAN D. BROWN. 331 StarK St. Loans Made on Improved city prop erty, from j-oo to Jio.ctx) at 6 to 7 per cent Interest. Give full particulars as to style and exact location of property, as well as the amount wanted. Address P. O. Box 311. city. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. XS5CO-TOI CAN HAVE A FINE HOTEL ON T. .. Dl. tnr- fSI nHr. In, TTtIIVI an.l 55 rooms; ranted for ST5: S3C0O caah will swing this, balance cn mortgage. 5 year, at 5j per cent; no greater bargain on the East Side. Whltlsr & Kountree. 40S Ab- tngton Dlcg. HOUSE 10 BOOMS: NEW AND ABSO- lnttly up to date; elegantly finished thrcngbost: situated oa two lots. In best portJon ot West SIda. Any one desiring an Al bom will do well to investigate Phone owner. Main M3. or call JUS sueriocx bicg. FINE 7-ROOM HOME At Riverside, on the Boulevard. 2 blocks from car. 250 feet frontage. CO fruit trees and small fruit, good view, nice surround ings : price, including 5 lots. $3250. Elite it Kahler. room 21. 204 Morrison st. EAST SIDE HOMES 1 7-ROOM HOUSE. Wasco, bet. 3d and 4th sts.. and 1 7-room boose. 2d 'and Hasaalo sts.. stw. beautifully finished, fine location, convenient to 3 car lines. Fartsb. Sc. Gaurlay. 34S Wasco. GOOD BUY FOR S300O. Lot SOxlfO. close In. on 14th st. North, near good comer: old improvements pay 7 per cent: buy this and double your money. Ellis Kahler. room 21. 2S4 Morrison st. GOOD 12-ROOM HOUSE ON 11TH ST.. FEW biockn sooth ot Washington st.. very best nelghborhcod: worth your while to Investi gate, as It is worth the price asked; $S50u. Western Oregon Trust Co.. 231 Stark st. 'ROOM HOUSE. BATH. HOT AND COLD water plumbing, furnace beat, barn and woodshed. 6 lot, variety of fruit tree, berry bushes and shrubbery: an ideal home. 12000. Hatfield i Smith. 163K 4th st. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. Take it now. neat 7-roota house, 2 blocks from car. lot 30x100: house alcne cost over $2000 two years ago. Price $1SOO. Ellla & Kahler. room 21. 264 Morrison st. FOR SALE TWO NICE HOUSES. ONE 7 rooni. one 5-room, cottages; 15 mtnutes' walk to town, in fine condition: sell uoe or both: ' will fetch $45 per month to rent. 323 San Rafael St.. cor. Rodney ave. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within, city limits or outside. Sose acres; with terms aa low as $10 per month with water. A. C Chcrchill & Co.. Taf 110 2d st. SALOON. INCLUDING LARGE STEEL safe, bar and backbar. tables. rLLfwnrar. chairs, stove and all stock: will trade for. team ana wijrai rest inquire J S3 Morrison. $1775 FINE. NEW. MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage. 168 G rover St.. $200 down, balance monthly payments. A. P. Smith, owner, 428 Washington sU FOR SALE s ACRE AT MT. TABO RWTTH sew 4-rooa cottage: water on premises: price $1250. Inqulra cr pboa East 237. 381 East Morrison 3 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION FRUIT trees; excetlent garden land; no gravel; 3c fare: $1100 will handle. Owners. 616 Commercial block. S-ROOM HOUSE WITH LARGE LOT. ON Pattoa Road. Portland Heights; something cheap: $11 COL Western Oregoa Trust Co., 231 Stark st. SPECIAL BARGAIN! 5-roota bouse. lot 23xir); East Tenth street, near Alder; $1700. E. J. Geiser, 2214 Mor rison sU $2706 THAT BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-ROOX aouse. modern la every particular. SCJ E. Main. $300 down, $25 monthly. Pfiona Dr. Darling. FINELY IMPROVED 10-ACRE TRACT ON car Use. for plattiac; mcaey easily doubled In a few oonlhs. L. E: Thompson sV Co.. S-ROOM HOUSE ON, G ROVER ST.. WEST Side; overlooks toure ciiy; pnee ji'XJ. Westara Oregoa Trust Co.. 2B Stark st. truA-TimEE MODERN S-ROOM. HOUSES clcae tn. yearly tacosa W; terms. Owaer. aast a. ivwj ou .. ia. v-GSRV PARK TWO LOTS WITH FURNISH ed cettage; price $S7 for qaick sals; easy teraaa. Dewsts, sis ieamercuu Blocic gZLLWOOD LOTS. $. DOWN AND a aaeatk: tram. rM ta $3f.ea. SeUweed TewaeHe Ca. Twom ease 4jv. IMOQ LARG MK HOUSE, aprw ARMaa. $M eaak, balaaee at eeaC C M. Orngealia. ' FOR SALE REAL XSTATE. SdslOO- OX STH -ST. CLOaK IK; $I1.00O. iwxiew on ira sx. Bargain ax. WxlOO oa 6th. sc. payfsc 10 pr cent; JU.OOOt. ICVxlOJ Washington St.. good tncome; $33,000. iwxiw a--. 5 tuoefcs irom rotfiornce; J23.000. lWxlOU on Grand avc, pay In- aver 11 per wnt net; $35.CX. 100x100 oa Tuylor m.; $13,500. 100x101 -on Yamhill St., close in; $35,000. 100x100 on 12th at.. S.. Ana location; StSOO. TOxIOO on -21sc St.. near Irrlns. S lars mod ern 8-room houset bringing good, rental all th time:, a snap for SOOtO. X.arge uodra 9-room house, nearly new. fttun heat and everything up to data; ?lst (.. near Irving; $4tw0. Can't bo beat on th tVeot Side. CUxlOO with large 3-rcoxn house on Clay at.; Xew "-room house. B. 3rd. fralklny distance; $4000. Ntw modern 7-room house. EL 17th St.; $2300. Houses and lots in- all parts of the. city. Timber, farnw. ortlfW land ncrlp. CXILUXS LAND CO.. Stearns Building. Main 232 1. FINE FARM. 230 ACRES: 123 ACRES IN cultivation: bouse, barn and orchard; run nier water; lies well and good location: miles from O. W. P. car-Una on fine road: stcrc. P. O.. ecbool. church and hall Just acrosa the road; HL per acre; 3W cash, $30O per year. 8 per cent. 33 acres. 23 In cultivation; new house and barn: running water, good well, young orchard; !a mile from. Fairvlew; some atoclc; $3230. easy terms, 33. acre on Base Line road: 4 in cultiva tion; running water; lies fine. In good neigh bo r hood 1 STu iwr arn 44 acres near Lenta; very sightly, fine soil, no gravel; $4C0V: will take $2u0o in trade, balance Ions time. U Der cent. Fine Quarter-block East 51de. clcwo la; nne for flats; $tX. CHARLESON &.NEILL. Phono Padnc lit4. 313 Allsky Bldr LOOK AT THIS! We have for sale it roonin o absolutely the finest furniture In the cltr. There are 14 beautiful Axmlnater carpels and velvet stair carpets, me rurnlturo la or tne very fin est mahogany and ntiarter-sawed golden oaK. Mattresses are of the beat curled hair; pil lows all of fine feathers; fine linen. Elegant lace curtains and handsome portieres. Two ranges' and all thr cooking utensils, silver ware and china. This is without doubt ine rawt complete and handsomely furnished Hat In the city. Price $3500. Let us show It to you. t GREGG BROS.. Phone Main 30.t. 31T-31S Fenton Big. SQUARE DEAL REAL ESTATE CO CHEAP HOMES. Full lot. O-rcoa modern house, cement basement. 2U0O Six lots, chlcken-house and yard. Fruit and berries. 5-room house. $SS0. Full lot and four-room house, J TOO. Two lots and 5-room house. 31250. block, three modern houses, one S and cne o rooms. $5300. SALE OR EXCHANGE. 03HT acres IV. miles Oregon City Court- bouse, partly improved. Four laree Iota In -Salem, terms on all. Allsky bMg.. room 305. Phone Pacific 201. VANCOUVER PROPERTY. "We have very choice piece of river-front acreage right near the new I . Dricge. Just the place for a large manufacturing plant. Plenty of river frontage and good deep water, and surely at a great bargain. Call for particulars. Wo also have lots of other property there, which are good buys. both city and acreage. Anyone looking for Vancouver property cannot do better than to Investigate what we have. TAFT Ss. CO.. Main 150. 275 Stark St. Chamber of Commerce Building. EAST PORTLAND BARGAINS. Corner 100x100 on E. Morrison, near Grand ave.; only By all oddsthe cheapest buy In the district. Choice half-block warehouse property on R. R. near E. Morrison st.: switch already In and street Improved: $10,000. Full block on E. Washington st.r will selt as a whole or divide In half for 30 per cent lem than any adjoining property on same street. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO., 210-214 Abington. lOdia Third St. " PROPERTY. INCOME S30O PER MONTH: $28,500; buslnese property, income $160 per month. $16,000; block. Holladay, near Union. KcxXJ: corner, union ave.. near hoi- - laday. $1850: double house. North Port land. $1S50: 3U acres at St. Johns; $2250: 40 lots. Highland Park. $10O each: houses and lots all over city. Apply to owner, W. Relut. room 13. Washington block. FOR SALE BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE lots in all parts of the city. M. E. Lee, KJJi 0th st. TO EXCHANGE. TWO NEW BUNGALOWS ON CAR LINE. best part of Richmond, for vacant lots or acreage. uowscnmiats Agency, -oJJj Washington, cor; so. 8-ROOM MODERN" HOUSE AND LARGE grounds to exchange for smaller house, or acreage ana some casn. iiatnem & smitn. 135H 4 th st. TO EXCHANGE GOOD TIMBER LAND IN a fine location for merchandise. Whitney Bros.. Irving, or. EXCILVNGE AUTOMOniLEL USED ONLY one year, for city property. M. E." Lee, !ClU Cth st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY' FOR sale, bring it to me ana I win either buy It from you or sell it ror you. WM. B, STREETER. 222-221-224 Falling Building, Telephone Main 3333. WANTED SM.VLL, MODERN HOUSE OR cottage. small amount aown. balance monthly, price not exceeding $2500; give location and full description. T 12, Ore- gonlan. COLLINS LAND CO. ONCJ WE BRING buyer and seller togetner: list your property wltn ua. uur xacmues aro excepuonai. uanx references, steamw cicg. pnono Mam 2324. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN- tlce. We buy military bounty land war. rants. Collins una uo-. uiearas bldg. SANTA FE AND OTHER CERTIFIED scrip ready for immediate delivery. W. O. Howell. 53S Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH- ment; good location; nne umoer; &uetx aia- trict. G 6. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. 10) ACRES. 62 FARMED. 137 ACRES. 65 farmed: good improvements, .ipme o.. jo. First st. FOR BALE TIMBER LANDS. $3 PER ACRE. 320 ACRES-PINE TIMBER, Central uregon. it -it ti. jatn. FOR- SALE. Horses. Vehicles aad Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE- saddles and 200 new and second-hand rig3 for sale or exchange. Tomltcaon & casai- day. 211 Washington. Phone Pacific 607. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month; special rates to busi ness houses. 4th ft Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hill, -txi tourtn. Mlscellaaeous. A BEAUTIFUL PAIR DIAMOND SET LINKS Original coat $30: a. nice. Christmas pres ent for a gentleman, for only H. Uncle Myers. 143 Third, near Alder. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND MA chlnes at great bargains for the coming week. Standard Sewing Machine Co., ii. D. Jones, 2S0 Yamhill. FOR SALE ENGLISH SETTER DOG. FE- male, htghly pedigreed, beautiful. 13 months old.' Western 'Cooperage Co., Stearns bldg.. opposite: I'osiomce. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAHtlNG By the only practical firm In Northwest. New and 2d-hand band Instruments. 67 1st. SAFES 36 GENUINE HALL'S SAFES. FIN. lsh illzhtlv damatred by emoke and watert big discount. Portland Safe Co.. Elks Tenv. 10 TON BAUNG WIRE. PRACTICALLY AS good as new; wm sell in large or small quantities J. Simon & uro. 344 tont. CHATHAM." 120-EGG INCUBATOR AND brooder, brana-aew. cosi jo; win sen both for $13. or separate. J 12. Oregonfan. WE WILL "BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY old thing. Wetern Salvage Co., 627-8 Wash- iastoa sc. Pacific iK. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER .GASOLINE r-tfiae: Al ccadltloa aad a bargala. 324 Cba-sber ot Cosa-aerce. FCRNrXURE OF SIX-ROOM FLAT ALL new and modern; fiat for raU 54 North Hh. - rOK SALiT-ABOCT -m PIGEONS IN FINE TOR RaEXT DOSfKET BeXK. at4 CHAM- FOR SALE. MJsce&aaeeas,- DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Caver it with Mastic rooflrur.- In rolls. easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old iron, tin or shingles; tor nw roots there Is nothing better: auaran teed: Mastic root paint, and cement will fop small leaks,. National Mastic Roofing to., room iamnton oldx. EDISON PHONOGRAPH Jt RECORDS AT factory prices; delivered tree anywhere on recelst of full amount or retail price: larzsst Steele of EdisoB records west ot Rocalea. Sad for circulars. Peter Baclgalupl. wbolesala and retaiL "S6 Mission St.. San Francisco. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-H.ND billiard and pool table: easy payments; wo rent tables, with privilege ot buying; mod era bar fixtures ; cheap prices. Bruaawlclc-Balke-Collesder. 49 3d au DESK OR- SALE ROLLER-TOP. FINE condition, cheap. 302 McKay bids. . POOL TABLES FOR SALE CHEAP. Slo Front at. Phone Maui 22. FOR SALE. CHEAP GENT'S BICYCLE. HELP WANTED MALE. BARBERS. TAKE .NOTICE G. X. W. WIL- son Co. have moved back to their old lo cation. 72 6th st. We still have quite a lot ot nre-aamogea good, such as naving oap. ioc to i- dox: bath eoaD. talcum powaer in pound cans. 10c; in small cans. 10c dos.-; brilllantlne. 51.73 per doz.: massage cream. 25c Jar; and many other things, too numer- ' ous to mention, all will be sold at greatly reduced prices; send la your orders for new or damaged goods: we have new goods com ing every oay. uaruers. you wm rajtKa money. By comng to the city and picking out what you need. 50 to 101 per cent Rived on ait goous you use. MEN AND BOTS WANTED TO LBARN plumbing trade; pays S5 day after complet ing course of practical instruction at boms or ia our schools; graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers' Association; Jioaitlons secured. Coyne Brothers Co.. lumblng School. New York. St. Ialn. Mo.; Cincinnati, o. tree catalogue. BUILDING CONTRACTOR AND CARPEN- ters wanted Immediately to figure on cot tages and store buildings at Hover. Wash.; 20 building now open for contract: 20 erected In last 30 days Must be responsible and competent. Call today Hover Land Co., upstairs. S. 1 E. cor. -6th and Washington. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the agea of 21 and 33. citizens of United States of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: dlscnarccs positively cured In from 8 to & days; consultation tree and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X.Radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 233 Alder St.. Portland. FINE 7-ROOM HOME. ' At Riverside, on the Boulevard, 2 blocks from car. 250 feet frontace. 00 fruit trees and email fruit, good view, nice surround ings; price, including 5 lots. S3250. Ellal & Kahler. room 21. 2(H Morrlron st. RAILWAT MAIL CLERKS WANTED Young men over 13 to preparo for positions with starting salary of Ssoo per annum; splendid positions for men of good physique. E. O. Heynen, 12 Breeden bldg.. 253b Washington st. STENOGRAPHER. MALE PERMANENT position at good, salary for nrat-claai man who can furnish references. Address K 13, Oregon Ian. Man, women, learn watchmaking, engraving. jeweler work, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed: money made learning. watch making-Engraving School. P. L bldg., Seattle. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN S weeks; only up-to-date colleges in the world. Molers System College. 215 Occi dental ave.. Seattle. Wash. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS WANTED Newspapers, magazines, publications, etc.. special editions; liberal commission. iKiS Chamber of Commerce. YOUNO 'MAN. BETWEEN 21 AND 27 YEARS old. who wants to learn a gooa paying Dull ness; references required. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. Imperial HoteL THE MEIER St FRANK STORE WANTS experienced drivers for their delivery wag on; only men who know tho city thorough ly need apply. " A CARPENTER WANTED WHO IS ABI.K to build the carpenter work ot a nrst-clato bouse from foundation to roof. Address U 13, Oregonlan.' FOREMAN WANTED WHO IS- ABLE TO mix. prepare and lay concrete for base ments, cellars and sidewalks. Address J 13. Oregon Ian. WANTED SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD address to travel and- solicit: references. Call 1 to 3 P. M room 2, 413K Washing ton st. WANTED A NO. 1 SOLE-LEATHER CXT- ter. factory hand: steady work. AIa .fac tory latter. Capln Shoe Co.. Oregon City. Of. Any intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding lor newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. Y. WANTED STEADY" MAN TO CARE FOR cow. horses, furnace, garden, etc uuii Wednesday morning. 406 Commercial block. Men to learn barber trade, eight weeks secutvs position; wages while learning. Glllman s College. 627 Clay ot.. San Francisco. Cal. WANTED MAN WITH REFERENCES AND $100 take half-interest in saloon: must oa hustler. Room 531 Worcester block. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN Ef PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. California wine depot; headquarters bakers. cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines oc per glass. P. Loratl. 14S 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade; fine cnance. union shop; terms reasonable. 606 Washington. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and tnrougnout state; nig wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. EXPERIENCED METAL FURNITURE workman, security vault & AUtaL works. 240 E. 7th St.. cor. Main. WANTED BILL CLERK BY WHOLESALE house. Must be accurate., iieierencea re quired. S 13. Oregonlan. FOR SALE MOVING-FICTURB MACHINE, complete; also nims. song .suaes; etc Newman's-. 4th and Oak. WANTED SEVEN BOYS TO DELIVER oysters all day unnstmas. .rortiana uyster Co.. 127 N. 16th. A FIRST-CLASS PLUMBER. - GAS AND steam-fitter wan tea as toreman. .a caress n 13, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. campoeu. kv James St., ce attle. Wash. WANTED MEN S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. highest price paio. ou a. x-none t-acino 40. WANTED A BLACKSMITH'S HELPER OR boy. with utile experience. i iront si. WANTED- .GOOD CITY SALESMAN. Standard Coffca & Spice Mill. 209 2d. WANTED TWO PLATEN PREiSFEEDERS. Bushong & Co. I FOR DELIVERING B U- WANTED BOYS shong k Co. TiKLV WANTED -FEMALE. WANTED AX EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework; must De gooa cook. Ap ply 304 12th. before 1 P. M. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 34314 Washington fl- cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2662. WANTED GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK; It 'll the family, call in tne mo rains or even ing at 350 Salmon st. WANTED-rGOOD GENERAL GIRL; MUST understana cookies, awj - ju i St., Immediately. WANTED COMPETENT- GIRL FOR COOK Ing; also one for second work. Apply 373 Hoyt. cor. ISth. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking. smalT family, good wages. 161 14 th st. WOTTED GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, must understand cooking. Call afternoons. 4t0 Jefferso i T-rf.. , . ZBhTSIL S-NE?AnV Main 13C9. EXPERIENCED GIRL. COOKING, AND general housework; small iamny. tut Irving-. BRIGHT LAX) IBS WANTED TO SELL COF ' fee. Standard Coffee & Spice Mills. 26t 2d. GIRL WANTED TO CCOK AND DO GEN eral hoBsework. Inquire 73 N. 2sd St. DR. A. AUSPLUND, DISEASES' OF WOMEN aad mrgery. 3d " floor. Allsky bldg. COMPBTENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND geaeral aoaseworfc 56G Taylorst.