12 THE 3IORXIXG 0REG02OA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1905. FOUND IN STUPOR Postmaster Ballard Barely Es capes Death. MIND BLANK FOR A TIME Alter Having Tooth Pulled. He Re turned to Milwauklc, but Has No Recollection of Doing So. Becomes Unconscious. POSTMASTER BALLARD'S COL LAPSE. Postmaster Ballard, of Mllwaukle. has had a remarkable experience. Ha was practically unconscious from the time he had a tooth pulled in Port land Wednesday afternoon. December C. until last Monday or Tuesday, al though he boarded a car for Mllwau kle and did some work In tho post ofHce that evening and Thursday. He was found in a stupor on his bed In apparent death collapse, but was re vived through the work of Dr. Web ster, of Sellwood. and Councilman Kelso and some fraternal friends. There Is a mystery surround Ing the cause of Postmaster Ballard's collapse. After having a tooth pulled In Port land and returning to lii home in MI1 iraukle, Wdnesday aftornoon. Do comber 6. Postmaster F. K. Ballard liovered between life and death sev eral day and only yesterday was he nble to bo out of his bed. Last evening 2ie was still in a weak condition. It is a remarkable case in some re spects, and that he l& alive today is duo to the fact that Dr. Webster, of Sellwood. reached him In time, and ivlth his fraternal friends worked over Iiim for several hours. Postmaster Bal lard has no recollection of what hap pened after leaving the dental oflice where the tooth Was extracted, .al tiiouph he attended to some business In the Mllwaukle postofflce that evening. 3tfr. Ballard is noble grand of the Mil waukie Oddfellows' lodge, which meets Wednesday night, but he did not at tend and after the lodge adjourned John Kelso and some of the other mem bers went over to the postofllce to as certain the cause of Mr. Ballard's ab Fence. He was found lying on the bed apparently aound asleep, and nothing was thought of his condition until the next day, when he continued to remain In a stupor. He was then on the point of collapse. His legs were cold to his 5ilw, even his face was blue and he was unconscious. Dr. Webster was hastily called from Sellwood. and on liis arrival said that in an hour more Toothing could have been done for Mr. Ballard. By working over nim for sev eral hours some warmth was restored to his body, and he continued slowly to Improve, but it w.as not until Mon day that he regained consciousness When bis tooth was extracted some 'drug was used to deaden the pain, and feeling somewhat weak Mr; Ballard was given a stimulant. Tho physician who whs summoned, says his condition when he was first called was singular and he bad the appearance of a man wno had been doped. Postmaster Bal- iard yesterday evening was much im proved, and said he had been told that he bad a "close call." but he could not recall anything that happened after bo left the dental oflice in Portland until Monday or Tuesday. Mr. Ballard is more than CO years old and well "known in Clackamas County. SHOULD VISIT SCHOOL Sirs. Pavnc's Advice to Mothers to Co-Operate With Teachers. The attendance at the weekly meeting of tho Homo Training Association yester day was not quite so large as is usual. owing to the fact that the holiday shop Vlng season is consuming the leisure time of many parents, but those wno listened 1o Mrs. Payne's paper on "Duties of Parents o School and Teacher." felt re paid for having taken the time to attend tho meeting. Mrs. Payne's papor was comprehensive, covering all the responsi Jollities whicli parents should feel toward the individuals and institutions which control many hours of their children's lives. She said: "The mother and teacher are so closely nlllcd that there should be a perfect un dcrstanding between them and mutual co operation. "Parent should refrain from open crit icism before the children of the methods, manner or conduct of the teacher and school. "Harmony is essential to successful (teaching. There, is bound to be some friction, however, but parents should not increase this by remarks or conversation which will cause a child to be watching for circumstances of which the mother docs not approve and from which the child may from time to time call attention to other pupils. "Parents should visit the school. This Is of great importance. A teacher work ing with 40 children of different natures will better understand the child whose mother has visited her. The child will be to her after this accualntance with the mother a personality and not just one of a large number. "In visiting the school the parents will better understand the temptations which the child has to meet during the many bours he is away from home. It will put tl'O mother in a position to give wiser. more practical and helpful counsel re gardlng his own manner and actions. 'Mothers should become acquainted with the school principal. They should also talk over very frequently with the thild school matters of interest. "Children forming a habit of talking to ir.other about school matters and feeling assured of her interest and advice will more readily report their own slight lrreg. rlarities or tendencies to disorder and hese reports are the mother's opportunl ties. If difficulties arise, go to the teach rr and have a friendly talk: the result will be of benefit to the pupil. Anything that we can do to help the teacher to better, understanding of our children is bound to be productive of good results. A lengthy discussion followed Mrs, Tayne's paper, during which it was shown tMat parents should show more appreel atlon and sympathy toward tne teacher. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RErORT. PORTLAND. Dec. 14. Maximum tempera ture. 4S drg.; minimum. 32. River reading at 11 A. M.. 3.3 feet; change in past 24 hours, fall. 0.4 of a foot. Total precipita tion. 5 P. M. to S P. M.. none; total since September 1, 11)05, 11.73 Inches: normal. 14.D0 inches; deficiency. 3.23 Inches. Total sun shine December 13. 1805. none; possible. S hours and 41 minutes. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light rain has occurred today along the northwest coast of Washington, but aside Irom this no precipitation of consequence has occurred In the states west of the Rocky Mountains. A disturbance of unknown energy Is central off the coast, but as yet It has not developed sufficiently to cause any effect on' the weather in this district. It U ORIENTAL RUG soft, rich, and beautiful, she will be delighted. Other gifts wear out and are discarded; these wonderful Rugs last for generations, and their beauty and value increase with age. i All Weaves, (triors, Sizes Special Christmas Prices EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & CO 86-88 THIRD PHIL MKTS CHAN, Pres. Seventh and AYasblBirton European Flan expected to move Inland during the next "4 hours, however, and cause rain west 01 me Cascade Mountains Friday, and cloudy and threatening weather in Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight. December 15: Portland and vicinity Cloudy, with prob ably occasional rain. Southeasterly winds. Western Oregon and Western v ashlngten Cloudy with probably occasional rain. South easterly ft'lnds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington nna Idaho Cloudy and occasionally threatening, with rising temperature. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. I Z3- o s J 2 a a z zz rz. g ? : ? STATIONS Baker City i3C!O.O0! 4 lfl (Clear I Clear iPt. Cldy. 'Cloudy (Clear Bismarck .'24,0.001 4!SE Boise J2SI0.O0I. .1. . . Eureka 132 0.00 4jAV Helena 28l0.0oi 4iX Kamloops. B. C. .. 134 0.00,.. .1 .ICloudy North Head 34 0.O0;i!jE (Cloudy ..lano.oo 4iw fCIear Portland . . Red Bluff :43k-00l 7fSK ICloudy Cloudy ICloudy ICloudy ICIcar ICleudy IPt. Cldy. ICloudy ICloudy ICloudy ,5410.00' 4INE Roseburg WOlO.OOj 4(S Sacramento ISOlO.OOl 4 IN Salt Lake City ttSiO.OOl 4NW San Francisco L'.fliO.OOl 4INE Spokane !3S0.0 4'E Seattle 1400.001 4f5E Tatoosh Island I4S!0.0124!E Walla Walla WO.OOl 4'SW A. B. WOLLABBR. Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Rooms." "Situations Wanted." 13 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, SO cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or lest; 16 to 20 words, 40 rests; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, -etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; bo f Briber discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (range measure agate), 13 cents per' line first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cue The Oregonlan. and left at this office, shfield alvrHy be inclosed In sealed, envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken thronch ta'o telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY At GUmanVi. 413 Washington street, at 10 A. M.. by S. L. N. Oilman, auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. ISO Flrrt etreet at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At the Portland auction rooms. 211 First street. Sale at 2 P. M. C L Ford, auction eer. MEETTNQ NOTICES. MACCABEES UNIFORM RANK. NO 1. will give their first grand military ball at the Armory. Friday evening. December IS. Invitations are out. and friends can secure them from members or from the office 17 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Main 1034. E M. Lance. Captain. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. S3. A. F. & A M. Stated communication this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. The annual election of eftlcen will take place, followed by an nMrr( by P. G. M. John R. Cleland, on the "Square and Compass." All Master Mason are cor . dially Invited. By order W. M. 1. W. PRATT. Sec. GEORGE WRIGHT RELIEF CORP. Red. white and blue bazaar this evening. Mulkey building. Second and Morrison. Fine sup per served from 5 to S. 23 cents. PuMtc Invited. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27. O. E S- The tuneral servtees of or late sister. Scrah CampbeH. uilt be held at the home rrslae&ce. 1&?H Union ave.. December 15. at 2 P. M. Interment at RIvervlew Cemetery. Services by Caroella Chapter. All O. E. S. Invited. By order W. M. ESTHER KANE. Sec. MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. W. Meets every Friday evening at East Alder and East Sixth streetn. All Woodmen cordially invited to meet with ue. J M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. PHALANX LODGE. K. OF P.. meets Fri day evenings In regular convention at their castle hall, corner Grand ave. and E. Pine st. Visiting Kaighta welcome. L A. SHANE. C C. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4R. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion this Frlday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Burkhard Mdg. Work F. C. degree. All F. C. Invited. By order J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. W. M. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. V Rcgular meeting thl Friday) evening at . SW P M. First degree. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN. Secretary. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. SC. O E. S. Regnlar communication this tFrlday) evening at S o'clock. K. P. 1 1 all. Marquam building. By order W. M. Social. SARAH B. GUERIN. Secretary. IF YOU GIVE HER A RUG For Christmas she is sure to be pleased, but if it is &n STREET C IV. 1CVOWLE5, Hgr. Streets, Parti and, Oregon. $LO0, $1.50. $2.00 per Day. DIED. YORK Prof eor David York, musician of Tacema. Vah died December 14. 1P0R. age 34 yean. Remains to hroagbt to Portland for burial Funeral no: lee later. FUNERAL NOT! CES. WYATT At residence of J. C Wyatt. Van couver. Vah.. December 14. 10. Mrs. James B. Wyatt. aged 77 years and 10 months. Funeral at Memorial Presby terian Church. Vancouver. Saturday. De cember 10. 10:30 A. M. Friends of family invited. CAMPBELL la Ihls city. Dec 13. 1J5. Sar ah Simpson Campbell, aged 4 years, be loved wife of William CampbeU. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the fu neral services watch will be held at the family rwddencc. IKS' Union ave.. North, at 2 P. M-. today (Friday). December 15. IMS. IntomeBr RIvervlew Cemetery. HANSEE At Oregon City. Thursday. De cember I. isii&. Mrs. liansa Hansee. for' merly of Sellwood. Or., aged 78 years, of pneumonia. Kunerai services win ) tiehd at the heme of Mrs. B. M. Doallttle. cor ner of Seventh and Adams streets, at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. December 1C. jjhjs. Kneads invjtea. J. T. FINLEY & SON Tnneral directors nnd cmbalmera. No. 2C1 3d sL. cor. Madlsos. Day or night calls promptly attended. Ex perienced lady assistant when drslrrd. Of fice of County Coroner. Phone Mala 0. DUNNING. 3PENTEE G I LB A COR. RBe ccssors to Donning & Campion, undertakers and embalmer: modern la every detail: 7th and Piac I'boae Mala 430. Lady aUtant. EDWARD DOLMAN CO.. Undertakers and embalmer. have moved to their sew build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady astlslant. Trlepbone No. 307. F. S. Alder. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Lady asustaaU Telephone .East &' ZELLER-BYKNES CO.. Undertakers. Em balmer. 273 Russell. East lO&S. Lady avi'L NEW TODAY. 12 ACRES NEAR O. W. P.. BETWEEN Portland and Oregon City. All Srst-etaae. Improved land. Cheap. Owner, 304 Sher lock bldg FOR RENT A MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSK. K24 E. Pine, near 2fith sc. (IS per month. Mall & Von Borstel. 393 E. BuraaMe. THE JOHN BARRETT CO. PHONE MAIN 122. 405 and 410 Morrison Street. FOR SALE OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING store In a town of 7000. Address M 91. care Oregonlan. WE ADVERTISE PURELY AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS We want you to know that oar basking facilities are unsurpassed that you will make no mistake In affiliating with our Banking House. OUR COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT shows phenomrna gains, and new friends pen cheklng accounts with us every day. We Issue Special Certificates of Deposit: (A) Payable on Short Call (B) They are Negotiable (0 Provide for 3 1-4 to 4 per cent Interest Write for our booklet of "I L LUSTRA - TIONS. fnc Portland Trust Co., of Oregon . E Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. Phone Ex 72. Waishington Street 100 feet fronts re. corner ISthi 10 vwi brlrk now In course of construction adjoin ing; choleet buy left on the street. -You will have to hurry. Inside Income Property Washington st . close In; rent 125 per month; sure to Increase over S per cent: clear now; ie.00tt. Glisan Street Near 7tlu f75O0; cheapest buy en the street; sure Increase and Income-bearing. C-nnf Cf 23x100 near Washington; I rOIlL lL 1,,M,(I Pr month. 3 iiuiil wu TWIt to wbojeEalc houe: $12,300. E. J. DALY 222 FalUng bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME For sale by owner. New house, corner lot. block from car line. Low price, easy terms. Address. E &. care Oregosja. AMUSEMENTS. ADVANCE SALE OPENS TODAY Henry W. Savage's Company GEORGE ADE & GUSTAV LUDER'S Corcaa Comic Opera "THE SHO-GDN" AT THE Marquam Grand Theater One Week Begins teg Monday. December 18. Oalr Matter- Saturday. EVENING PRICED Lower floor, except last 3 row. $1 JO. last 3 rows. $1. Balcony, first 3 rows. II . second 3 rows. Tic; last C rows. 50c. Gallery, reserved. 30c Gen eral admission. 25c. Boxes and loge. J 10. MATINEE PRICES 25c. 33c. 30c. 73c. J 1-00. BELASCO jZLHmm'- U LJMjIJ J J IBfMM) IMH Oil 14th and Wash. St a. E. L. Saekett. Res. Mgr. BIGGEST HIT AT THE BELASCO TONIGHT MATINEE TOMORROW "The Only Way" FROM CHARLES DICKENS" A TALE OF" TWO CITIES." PRICES Night. 23c to 73c Mats.. 13c-30c Starting- Sunday Matinee. December 17, "ALL THE COMFORTS OK HOME BakerTheater Crifte TUi'.ti Cv. Ittui EH.LIitV.atp. Phone Main 1WS7. The Hose of Musical Burlesaue. TONIGHT. TOMORROW MATINEE LAST TWO PERFORMANCES The Thoroughbreds A Hnge Avalanche of Music. Mirth. Melody. Night Prices: 23c. 33c 30c. 73c; Matinees. 15c 23c 33c. 30c. Next Week. Starting Sunday Matinee. The Broadway Gaiety Glrl." Empire Theater ,f. ttlltial Berim Iteu Ktlalll MILTON W SEAMAN. Manager. PORTLAND'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE. ONLY THREE MORE TIMES The critl ray "Should play to capacity every performance" THE GIRL FROM SWEDEN The Latent SnedUh Comedy-Drama. RECEPTION MATINEE TOMORROW LAST TIME TOMORROW NIGHT Evening Prices. 13c 23c. 33c 30c. Mat Into lrlces. 10c 15c 25c Next Week. Starting Sunday Matinee. "The M!oorl Girl." GRAND THEATER Week of DEC. 11th Price ANNIE ABBOTT Mr. and Mrs. Robyas Mix Jeaaae Brooks Brown Wiimoat Pattle McKee Master Harold Hof "Patry Cook's Joke" Matinees 10c Evening. Sundays and Holidays 10c and 20c. Bor Seats 23c OTA 3 I WAHXUND JtTEKLA O I At ! Ceo. Stewart THEATER Week of DEC. Ilth Price Douthlll & Jones The Dwyers Jao. Zouboatakls Fred lurintoa "Barntormer" Matinees 10c. Evening. Sundays and Holidays 10c and 20c Box Seats 23c THE LIBERTY aftc Management of Keating & Flood. De Shield & Mehrung Davis & Emerson Clo Bro. Leo White He sure to ee Harris and Marlotr In Malcal Farrc Comedy. The Yankee Girl." Boyd & Vnn Nr Moving Pictures Liberty's Selected Orchestra Performance Daily at 2:30. 7 JO and 0 P. M. Admission 10 and 20 Cents. NEW TODAY. West Side Buflding Sites ABDM0EE The most desirable by palatial homes, with an nnob - structed view or our famous moun- 1 l'-W 1,4.1, -t wuusj iuo uuijr 4itu-uiaao resilience property suppueu. wiia bitalithic streets, cement sidewalks, Bull Run water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington-street car to City Park and get off at Park avenue. For plats and prices call on or address GRIND STAFF & S CHALK, 264 Stark Street. Phone Main 392. Important Offer 30x100. west side of Front, bet. Oak and Pine. 3-story brick building. 23x100. north side Oak. bet. Front and i First. 3-story brick building. 1 The actual prtsent rental value as ascer I mined by comparison with similar buildings In same vicinity will pay 10 per cent net on I price or 13 per cent net on cash necessary : to buy the property- J Neither Investors nor speculators can af- ford to neglect this. I When we get to obtaining prices upon i which the rents will pay C per cent then of course this property wlU sell for 30 per cent more than ! now akro. R M. WILBUR. 3J M'KAY BLDG. Mineral Springs I have for sale the b-t undeveloped min eral springs proposition In the country Accessible to Portland- Excellent transpor tation facilities. Healthful location. Con ditions faorable for cottages or open-air camp In connection with sanitarium. Fine fishing and hunting. From 40 to 200 acres of land Included. For further particulars and price apply to F. A. INSLEY. 720 Cham ber of Commerce. . Excursion to Hover The place where 10 acres of Irrigated land Is dual to 30 acres of nonirrlgated land. ' llti tilt onera wie oei opportunity I or an Investment before the public today. For special rates and further Information see Hover Land Co. 122 v. Cth st. Portland. 1 Mortqaqe LoanS 5, Upwards 1 . D-al Fitate Citv and Farm- Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 2tt-3 McKay bids. Third and Stark ate. TO LEASE Number of years, lot S. Oak. Phone East 3C2. W. cor. Sth and FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE. COR. E. 20TH AND E. Everett st.. easy teres: owner co prem ises.' FOR SALE-3-ROOM COTTAGE IN CEN tral Aiblna. very cheap. Ptcse East 2607. FOR SALE REAL BSTAXE. A FEW CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Below ts a list oi first-class properties. All are In Al condition, some of tbem BRAND NEW. Xake your wife a Carbtroa pres ent. We can make very easy terss on any of them, tnocthly. like rent: 6-room house and lot 23x70 In best part of McMinen Addition, on Crokby St.; full ceaent basement, porcelain bath. 2 toilet--, cement walks and all street Improvements In and paid for; price tSsOO. 10-room house and lot 45x120. on Cbrbett M-. South Portland. This Is an elegant home bouse coat fXi alene: cement walk and all street improvements In and paid fori urtce 21400. 3-room hstrs and lot 33 lxlfto. In Uni versity rark Addition: hocta plastered and palsted. all fenced and in lawn and fruit: I price jowjl part' of Williams ave.; aU strictly modern; I o-roocn bouse and lot 33 1-3x70, cn Knest iuu cement basement, all tinted ana in nue shape, cement walks and all street Im provement In and paid for; price S2S30. 6-room house and tot 30x100. In City View J-ark. sellwood; strictly modern from cellar to attlci nrtan 6-rooca house and lot 30x100 In Stephens Addition; this is a .big bargain; renin xor PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Rooms 1 and 2. 133H 3th st-. cor. Alder. Phone Main 61 IS. A PLACE YOU'LL ADMIRE WHEN YCU It A 3-acre suburban home, grounds im proved In elegant style, well fenced hi apart, meets for poultry, poultry-houses. Incubators, brooders, over 2f excellent hens; place In good order, very beautiful 6-ruora house. bn!!t In first-class 3tv!r: it Is a regular dream of a home, near Shattuck Station, not over lis miles from summit of Portland Heights; price $2S5t. Apply to TUB DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. 1H First St. FOR PALE. $75-v-A BEAUTIFUL P-ROOM Dome on a comer la King's Addition. TnLs is choice: house has furnace, three fire place, fine plumbing. large attic and linen cJO!t. it Is p?ay to occupy; our lernu win enlt you. Portland Trust Company, of Ore gen. F. E. cer. 3d and Oak sts. WALKING DISTANCE. House. S rooms, lust comDleted: close In en 10th st.: also fine 10-room house on quarter-block near West Park; .-room house, on Mill, modem Improvements, rent ed for $30 per month. These are a few beys in best part of the West Side. F. O. NORTH RUP CO 211 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Washington. 2D ACRES FRONTING ON RIVER. BE- tween Portland and Oregon City. tlll sell cheap. Owner. 344 Sherlock bldg. HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW AND ABSO lotelr un to date: elegantly finished throughout? situated on two lots, in best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to investigate. Phone owner. Main 353. or call ico Sherlock meg. EAST SIDE HOMES 1 7-ROOM HOUSE. wict. bet. Zd and 4th sts.. and 1 i-room hcoec 2d and Hawalo str.. new. beautifully finished, fine location, convenient to 3 car Uses. Parish & Caurlay. 315 wasce. S-ItOOM HOUSE. THOROUGHLY RENO- vated. comer, close in on 10th; also fine lC-room house, good for roomers, good lo cation. West Side; price $33. F. O. North- rup tz Co.. 211 Commercial blk. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a mectaltr. within city limits or outside. Some acre with terms as tow as $10 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co.. "Inc." 110 2d st. VERY NICE S-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 7th and Grant st.; also new and strictly modern 7-rooxn flat. 17th and couch. Fred C. King. 303 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY BET. E. WA ter. Union ave E. Washington. Oak: also eligible business property. E. Morrison, bet. 1st and 7th. Culver. C23 Chamber of Commerce. COR. 7TH AND 3IONTGOMERY FRAC- ttonal lot. excellent for flats. I can show you over 20 per cent on Investment: need Ing 33O0 cash. Morgan. 313 McKay bldg. $ 1300 NEARLY NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. West Side; convenient location: $300 down, $15 per month: will rent for $20. State Investment Company, lis Ablngton bldg. FIVE ACRES ON COLUMBIA BOULE vard; good soil, no gravel. $1300; one to four acres. Wlberg Lane. $330 per acre. Culver. 63 cnamoer or commerce. FOR SALE TWO LOTS WITH A THREE- ctory building, en 23th St.. at head of Up- sncr St.: a oargaia n uucea at once, uruber. sit commercial otocx. $1773 FINE. NEW. MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage. ICS G rover st.. $200 down, balance monthly payments. A. P. Smith, owner. aj assingxen sc. FOR SALE H ACRE AT MT. TABOR. WITH new 4-room cottage: water on premises: price $1230: Inquire SSI East Morrison or phone East 25 1. $630 FOUR-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE; large lot: near car: ciese in; easy Install ments. State Investment Company, US Ablagton bldg. $1S30 13 ACRES. FIRST-CLASS SOIL, close to car; near Lents. (5-room house. State investment co.. lib Ablngton bldg. $7500 THREE MODERN C-ROOM HOUSES close In. yearly income $0OO; terms. Owner. SU!,. Ann! V 03 E. Sth m? Vnrth SELLWOOD LOTS. S3.CO DOWN AND $3.00 a xcoma: irom ta.w 10 1 Towmtte co. Phone East 4704. for sale choice building lots. ; cwse in. just pui on ine mantel, call and see M. t uee. otn St. FOR SALE CHOICE BARGAINS IN III- p roved and unimproved real estate. Camp bell tc icuiiian. .id itia st. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING- LOTS. situated In the most desirable part of the city. Call at l3li btti eu ; xkw s-room house. 454 east i2th. n. 13730. $300 down, balance to suit. Owner. Phone 131 bid. FINE 5-ROOM HOUSE ON IRVING. BET. 23d and 2tth; beautiful Uwn. Address P 3. Oregonlan. BARGAIN FINE U -BLOCK ON 11TH su. West Side, only S5300. O 5. Orego nlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 23xliO-2-STORY BRICK. Front st.. S12.S00. 30xiw 3-i"tory brick. First sc. J26.SO0. 30x100 lath sc. N.. bargain at J 10. OX). 30x100 On 6th st. paying 10 per cent. ltOxlOO On Taylor at.. $13,500. ICOxlOO-On Yamhill, close in. S35.0CO. 100xICO-On 12th et.. One location. S6500. TtalOO On 21st st.. near Irving. 2 mod ern 5-room bouseis brtnmg good rental au the time, a roaD for roxo. Larx-e modern S-ruom hocre. nearly new. steam beat and everything tip to date. 21st K-. near Irving. $4630: can't be beat on th West Side. Elegant new S-room house. E. Madison L. New 7-room boose. E. 3d. walking d!s- taace. IVjQO. New. modern 7-rcosi house. E. 17th St.. J23O0. Houses and' lota In all parts of the city. Timber, farm?, certified land scrip. COLLINS LAND CO.. Steam bldg.. Main 2321. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE CHEAP AN ELEGANT FARM. consisting of 9") acres, within cne mile of Falls City. Polk county, ur.. acres are mAv tee ntowtng. 12 acres are In prases. 5 years old. 4 acred apple? and pears; 30 acres are timber: a new. modern, .-rocm hocse and good barn, spring water; price m!r rsivo. Inaclre between 0 and 11 A. 31.. Kdw. Gerllnger. 736 Chamber of Commerce bMg.. city. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OWLIVS LAND CO. (INC) WE BRING buyer and seller together; list your property with o. Our facUltlea are exceptional. Bank rxferencea. Stearns cicg. rnou Jiaia 3ZL WE HAVE CUSTOMER FOR 4 OR 5-ACRE tract Uh house and small barn and some fruit, near Portland; what have you? Alex ander LUXl to.. JJonawi i wivrcn-TO BUT HOUSE. SMALL PAY- ment down, or would exchange rooming house: part pay. 3CS W. Salmon. Phone Main 5S02. HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR CITY real estate; what have you in homes. In come property or vacant lots? W 2. Ore gonlan. TO BUY HOUSE AND LOT; HAVE $380: can pay $2Q or mere per month. Address S 5. care uregonian. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. SANTA FE AND OTHER CERTIFIED scrip ready for Immediate delivery. W. G. Howell. 53S Chamber oi cosserce. TO EXCHANGE. 36&-ACRE COLUMBIA RIVER BOTTOM Kock ranch. 2( miles below city, fine duck lazes: fare 23c by boat; will take part trade m city property; price row. n -i. Oregon Ian. i TWO NEW BUNGALOWS ON CAR LINE. best part of Richmond, for vacant lots or acreage. Goldschmldt's Agency. 233 Washington, cor. 3d. TO. EXCHANGE GOOD TIMBER LAND IN fine location for merchandise Whitney Bros.. Irving. Or. EXCHANGE W ACRES FOR HOUSE AND lot; will pay difference in casn. M. t Lee. M4 6th st. - n - ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. PRICE J23W. to trade: bring on your propositions. 1S3 ilorrlron sL. TO EXCHANGE OUT-OF-TXmN REAL ES- tate for diamonds." Addre Box 2S2. city. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE- hlcles by the day, week jt raontn;. narness. toddles and 200 new and second-hand rlg for sale or exchange. Tomllcon & csisii day. 211 Washington. Phone Pacific 307. I $73 BUYS MARE. WEIGHT 1030 POUNDS; new single Harness and ruoDer-uren ouggy. This week only 23 N. 14th st. Also farm wagon and harness. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BT day. week and month; special rates to dusi ness houses. 6th & Hawthorne, Tel. East 72. $43 BUYS EXPRESS. DELIVERY OR farm horse, weignt iv pounas. ia Regal Stables. 14th and Burnslde sts. HORSE FOR SALE. DESIRABLE FOR A buggy or delivery. Inquire at stable. 3a ana Madieon. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Mail. tounn. BAKERY WAGON AND HARNESS CHEAP. 4iO N. Union ave. Pianos. FIAM cost IS SEW AJiU ic condlUon; beautiful tone; will sell tor cash. Call room 10. Washington Diug. MIsceUaaeons. EDISON PHONOGRAPH Jt RECORDS AT faeterr nrlce. dellverea rree anywnere on rrerfnt of fall amount of retail Drlce: largest stock of Edison records west of Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Bacigaiupi. wnoiesaie and retail. 7Sd Mission sc. San Francisco. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and nool tasie: easy paymenie; we rent tables, witn priviiego ot ouying; moa ern tar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswick' Balke-Collender. 40 3d sU MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAIRING By the only practical firm in Northwest; new and second-nanu Dana instruments. York. 07 1st st. A 33.MII.R FIELD AND MARINE GLASS. original cost $25. with leather case ana strap, only $11. Uncle Myers, 143 3d st.. near Alder. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAIRING By the only practical firm in Northwest. New and 2d-hand band Instruments. 67 IsL SAFES 3d GENUINE HALL'S SAFES. FIN- lsh slightly damaged bj; amoke ana water; big discount. Portland Safe Co.. Elks' Tern. LADY'S FINE DIAMOND RING. THREE .settings, three stones, very attractive; a. snap. K 4. uregontan. AVE WILL RUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY old thing. Western Salvage Co.. wasn- Isgton st. I'acinc 1V3. FOR SALE 12-H. P- WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain, Chamber of commerce AUTOMOBilE. SINGLE OR DOUBLE. cheap, cash or installment, a iiw. ure- gontan. $3 DOWN AND $3 A MONTH BUYS A GOOD cottage organ, only i-. iu vtasmnsioa bldg. FOR SALE SMALL BILLIARD TABLE. cues and Ivory balls. Apply 21 urst st. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM- ber of Commerce, or phone Main -3i- STEAM AVOODSAW IN GOOD CONDITION at a bargain. 10 Washington Diag. POOL TABLES FOR SALE CHEAP. 813 Front st. Phone Main 296. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing trade: pays $3 day alter complet ing course of practical Instruction at horns or In our schools; graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers" Association; positions secured. Coyne Brothers Co.. Plumbing Schools. New York. St. Loals. Mo.; Cincinnati. O. Free catalogue. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the agea cr -i ana 35. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting OSlcer, 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder sc. Portland. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Young men over 18 to prepare ror positions with tailing salary of isOO per annum: splendid positions for men of good physique. E. O. Heynen. 12 Breeden bids-. 233 Washington st. EXPERIENCED PILE DRIVER ENGIN- eer. J3.3C R. R. work, rree lare; oueKera, fallen, woods laborers. 52.30 and ? Hand steel sharpener. $3: others. HANSEN'S OFFICE. 2G N. 2d st. SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS to travel and solicit in vreson; reierences requlr-d: permanent position for the ripht party- Call 1 to 3 P. M.. room 14. 381 Tamhll1 st. Men. women. learn watchmaking, cncravln?. Jeweler work, opucs. rasy lerma. posiiiona iruaranteed; money made learning. Watch-maklng-Engravlng School. P. L bids.. Seattle. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN 8 weeks; only up-to-jaie colleges in tne world. Moler"s System College. 215 Occi dental ave Seattle. Wash. WANTED MAN TO HELP IN SHIPPING department and make nimseu useiui; rei erences. Columbia Phonograph Co., 37J Washington. Any intelligent person may earn good Income COrreSpOnUing lor nem3pa.infs. Ciucutc a- cecessary. Press Syndicate. LockporL N. Y. WANTED A 3IAN TO INVEST $300 AND services In manufacturing business that will pay $1300 per year. F 3. Oregonlan. Men to learn barber trade, eight weeks secures position; wages wane learning, umman a College. G27 Clay St.. San Francisco. Cal. "WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throucnout state to solicit Busi ness. Call or write 007 McKay bids. California wine depot; headquarters bakers. ccoks. waiters, bartenders. Ail wines oc per glass. P. Loratl. 14& 4th. Clay 1S03. WANTED YOUNG MAN OF GOOD AD- dresa and business acquaintance to ceuver our calendars. F. W. Ealtef & Co. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR- btr trade; fine cnance. union snopt terms reasonable. SCO Washington. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and tnrougsout state; Dig wages to rustlers. 208 McKay bldg. EXPERIENCED METAL FURNITURE workman. Security auit ec jieiai works. 240 E. 7th K., cor. Main. PARTNER-THOROUGH CHRISTIAN MAN witn experience in nominy maaing pre ferred. L 4. Oregonlan. THE MEIER A FRANK STORE WANTS several goon, origm ooys. 10 10 is years of age. Apply at once. WANTED EXP5RIENCED. REGISTERED pharmacist ror city, .careia. witn refer ences. T 3. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. AddresA c. m. campoeii. xsi James st.. Se attle. Wash. AV ANTED BRIGHT BOY ABOUT 19 YEARS of age. for railroad omce. Audresa E 4. Oregonlan. WANTED 1ST-CLASS BARBER. STEADY work, aiaaiaon; wanteo. porter, arj Jiaa lson. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. highest price paid. oo 3C. none i'acinc -is. BOY. 1ft OR IS YEARS. TO WORK U A meat market. 31 per cay, ai - wn sr. WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER FOR A railroad -office. Adcresa r . oregonian. WANTED GOOD CITY SALESMAN. Standard Coffee & Spice MllL itj sa, WANTED GOOD PIANO SALESMAN, ply 131 ta st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED BARBERS TO KNOW G. N. W. Wilson Co.s barbers' supply ore sale ;s still going on. 333 Ankeny St.. Scott Hotel building: Talcum powder. 10c pound, small cans. 10c doz.; shaving soap, all kinds. c and $2 per box; bath eoap, 40c and 75c per doz.; brilllantlne In nice condition. $1-75 per dor.; hair clothe 23c each, large size; tow els. 25c per dos.; rasors, 23c and 50c each; all hand-forged barber shears. French or American patterns, all sizes. 50c each; ra zor strops. 5c to $1.50 each, and many other articles at like bargains. Mall orders must be accompanied with tho cash. We will rooVe back to our old store In a chort tlrna with all new goods. "Watch this column for chango of advertisements. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING Mlesmen. good wages and steady position good n en. Apply 10 o'clock this morning. Ths Hub. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If you work, why not earn more than a living? Bright, educated, earnest women have a mission. That mission should be to build onus's self and help others. Be Independent. Do good. The Vlavl Company already employs over 12.000 women. The work covers twenty-three countries of the world. We will entertain applications from capa ble womn. Not canvassing, but a helpful, dignified work. Apply by mall only. Address THE VI AVI COMPANY. Lewis Building. Portland.. Or. RESTAURANT. BOARDING. LABORING hotel waitresses, housekeeper: houseworK. Chinese iRoseburgl; domestic (Cascades); farmhand. 203V, Washington. WANTED EXPERIENCED AND COMPE- tent stenographer and bookkeeper; none none others need apply; state age and salary- G 5. Oregonlan. WANTED A REFINED. EDUCATED LADY. nt over 35 years okl. to keep house tor a well-to-do bachelor, city. Pioneer Ladles' Agency. 213 MorrI"n. COOK. CITY. CATHOLIC PREFERRED, good wngen; party to run restaurant. East ern Oregon; boas here. Pioneer Ladles" Agency, 215 Morrison. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO general housework. wagc $13. new noue. vmall family; work eaey. 3S1 Madison sU, King"? Heights. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Rad'um Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder: entrance 253 Alder st.. Port land. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230H Yamhill. Main 3413. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY RBPRS sentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR OF flce work: permanent position; chance for advancement. Address W 5. Oregonlan. COMPETENT WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework and cooking, good wages. 370 Hawthorne Terrace. Portlund Heights. PIONEER LADIES' AGENCY. 213 Morrison St. Private Parlors for Ladles. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, rcnall family: permanent place. 420 East 15th st. Irvington car. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 313H Washington t.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2G92. WANTED AN INTELLIGENT. WELL-AP-pearlng woman, age 30 to 40. for outdoor position. Apply IBS 5th st. SCANDINAVIAN GIRL cooking; good wages, ployment Co.. 9 N. 2d. TO DO PLAIN Scandinavian Em WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOG rapher and bookkeeper: reference required. D 5. Oregonlan. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. FAM lly of 4; no small children. 1S3 East 13th. near Taylor. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO DO general housework: good wages. Apply 414 7th st. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. IN SMALL family. 3 miles out of town. O 4. Ore gon tarr BRIGHT LADIES WANTED TO SELL COF- fee. Standard Coffee & Spice Mills. 2C0 2d. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. small family. Phone East 102S. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN- eral housework. 682 East Aeh st. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF WOMEN and surzery. 3d floor. Allsky bide. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK and care of children. 723 Gllsan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 560 Johnson st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 248 N. 20th su COMPETENT housework. GIRL FOR 20 Everett st. GENERAL SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GENTLEMAN HOLDING RESPONSIBLE position In large Eastern bank, would like place In some first-class mercantile estab lishment; thoroughly familiar with credit methods. Addrem O 3. Oregonlan. COMPETENT. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN; married, thoroughly acquainted with grocery trade; Portland; desires city position Jan uary 1st; references. S 1, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS MINE CLERK, bookkeeper or cashier, at mining camp. In Alaska, or any state on the Coaat. H 5. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER or clerk to go to Alaska this Spring; thor oughly competent. K 3. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY A HARDWARE man on the road or Inside; some money to Inveet. L 5. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS MINE CLERK BY experienced young man; salary $123 per month. J 5. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHARACTER wants work. Experienced in grocery busi ness." C 2. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED bartender, strictly sober, stranger and will work cheap; no objection to suburbs. Phone Main 3300 and ask for Thornton. BUTCHER EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN In slaughter-house and market work wishes employment; No. 1 meatcutter. W 4. Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kind? of help. Jlaln 4630. 2G8 Everett st. WORK WANTED "FOR 20 KITCHEN MEN. waiters. laborers (city. cam). farmhands, clerks. Drake's. 203 Washington. ANY HONEST POSITION WANTED BY A etrictly sooer man. nouanuer. oi goou nao Its and appearance. X 4. Oregonlan. JAPANESE. THOROUGHLY EXPERI- enced. wants any Kina worn; spcatia very good English. 31. Kawa. 44 4th kU WANTED TO BUILD FIRES MORNINGS, flat or residences, south of Washington st. Phone Main 1076. BLACKSMITH STEADY. GOOD SHOER AND all-around man. wants position In city. N 04. Oreconlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AS SCHOOL boy. who can speak English. 263 Everett at. S. Oka. WANTED POSITION FOR COOKING IN family by Japanese boy. Phone Suburban 78L TOGO THE JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEANING Company. Phone Pacific C22. 82 N. Third. BOY 17 WANTS WORK: HAVE ATTEND ed High School. T 4. Oregonlan. SITUATION AV ANTED FEMALE. Domestic. SITUATION WANTED SECOND WORK and waitress (Swiss) In private family: best references. Phone Union 540. YOUNG JAPANESE GIRL WANTS A Posi tion to do housework or cook. Tarn, phone Main 2000. GIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSEWORK: A home more than wages, V 5. Oregonlan. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES sewing by day or at home. 2364 Russell st. Phone East 4073. SHIRTWAISTS SHIRTWAIST SUITS A SPE clalty. 270 Market St.. between 3d and 4 th. LADIES SKIRTS REBOUND, 1S2 Hooker at. 23 CENTS.