Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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: Olds, Wortman
: ' & King
Mail Orders
Coos Bay Road Will Be Ex
tended to Meet Santa Fe.
If yea can't cose to the ster,
Phone, 4 'Exchange 12."
n im
Extension From Elgin to Joscpli Is
Also Included in Construction
Approved for 1906 by
CHICAGO. Dec. 4 (SpeciaU-E. H.
Harrlman has approved of more than
COO miles of new railway .lines, to be com
pleted during 1P06, and the total cost of
which will be about $18,000,000.
Among the new lines will be an exten
sion of the Oregon Short Line from St.
Anthony to the Yellowstone National
?ark by the way of Marysvllle. The
great increase of visitors to the park has
convinced Mr. Harrlman that this 74 miles
of railroad -Rill pay the interest on the
cost of its construction.
The St. Anthony route ww, seeral
yeara ago, abandoned for the Monlda
route" into the park. Both entail a long
stage ride before the park Is reached, and
on thlg account the Oregon Short Line
was never able to compete with the
Northern Pacific for park traffic The
latter road reaches the very gates of the
park from the north. The St. Anthony
entrance is on the western side of the
Another extension which has been de
cided upon will be built between Drain.
Or., and the famous Coos Bay on the
Pacific Coast. It is understood that this
branch Is really the beginning of a Cali
fornia coast line between San Francisco
and Portland. The Coos Bay extension
will probably bo further extended along
down the California coast to a connection
with the Santa Fc.
A third important line Is being built
from Hershey. Neb., to a connection with
the Burlington at Northport, Neb., a dis
tance of 118 miles.
The Union Pacific will also build a
short cut-off from Summit to Lane, a
distance of 12 miles. This will straighten
out the main line west of Omaha.
The Klamath country is to be opened up
by a line from Natron. Or., along the
McKenzie fork of the "Willamette River
to a point on the east slope of the Cas
cade Mountains north of the Klamath
marshes, a distance of 152 miles.
An extension of the Cananea, Taqul &
Pacific road. In old Mexico, from Bata
motal to Chumeampaco. Sonora. a dis
tance of IS miles, has beep determined.
The other extensions are:
Stromberg City to Central City, on th
1'nlon Pacific: Elgin. Or., to Joseph, on
the O. R. & N.. a distance of 63 miles: a
line from Fallon, New. to Hazen. on the
Southern Pacific, a distance of 16 miles,
and a line from Santa Cruz to the cement
works on the Southern Pacific, a distance
of 15 miles.
Court Finds It Has No Jurisdiction
Under JClkins Act.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 4. Judge John
F. Phllipps. in the United States District
Court for the "Western District of Mis
souri, today delivered an opinion hold
ing that his court was without Jurisdiction
in the cases brought here by the Federal
Government charging the Missouri Pacific
the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe. and
other railways with giving rebates on
shipments of salt in Kansas and on coal
In Colorado, and other products in viola
tion of the Elkins act. The motion of
the railways to quash the proceedings
On March 23. 1902. at the instigation of
the Attorney-General's office at "Wash
ington, Judge Phllipps granted a tem
porary order restraining the Missouri Pa
cific the Santa Fe. the Chicago & Alton,
the Burlington and the Rock Island Rail
way Companies from giving alleged re
bates on various products. Last Summer
M D. Purdy. Assistant Attorney-General,
brought additional proceedings, citing the
officials of the railways named, for con
tempt. In the allegation that they had vio
lated the court's order In continuing to
give rebates. The contempt proceedings
were argued in Judge Phllipps court on
November 18. when the attorneys for the
railways moved that the proceedings be
quashed, claiming that the court was
without Jurisdiction. The grounds of the
decision in Judgo Phllipps opinion today
are substantially as follow?:
The original bill of complaint, on which
th restraining order wan cranted. March
25. 1002. was filed at the Instance of the
Attorney-General of the United States predi
cated on alleged violation of the inter
state, commerce law In granting rebate on
shipments of grain and packing-house pro
ducts from Kansas City to Eastern points.
This suit was based upon the conception of
the Attorney-General that the United States
had a right to resort to the United States
Circuit Court in equity to carry out the
policy of the Interstate commerce law and
to enjoin railways generally from violating
It. But "after the temporary restraining
ordr was made and after the demurrer to
original bill was argued and submitted, the
Supreme Court of the United States, in the
case of Missouri Pacific Railway vs. United
States. ISflth United. States Reports, decided
that the United States Circuit Court had no
Jurisdiction to grant such relief; so when
the restraining order was issued by the
United States Circuit Court for th Western
District of Missouri., the court vas without
Jurisdiction to make it; and. therefore, the
defendant could not be held to U In con
tempt of tho court for violating an order
which It was without Jurisdiction to make.
"While what is known as the Elkins act.
passed by Congress In February. 1003. au
thorized such a proceeding by the United
States District Attorney of the Jurisdiction
where the offense was committed, this act
being passed nearly a. year after the re
straining order of March 23. 1W2. had no
retroactive operation so as to validate that
The concluding part of the court's opin
ion follows:
However reprehensible the conduct of the
defendant railroad companies (if it be as
alleged In these transactions) may have been
or however much disposed this court bo to
compel obedience to Its lawful mandates, it
Is persuaded that It Is without authority In
this proceeding to draw to It the question
Involved, rightfully belonging to the Juris
diction of the United States Circuit Courts
for the Districts of Kansas and Colorado.
Thus tho law is a perpetual Injunction on
the Judge when called upon to exert Judicial
power which he may not disregard without
standing In contempt of his own conscience.
Stockholm. Tho Xoebel prize for literature
Is to be awarded to Henry Slenklewiczy and
the prtxe for medicine to Trofeesor Robert
Jfew York. Miss Marjorie Meriwether Post
wan married to Edward B. Close at Grace
Church at noon yesterday. Miss root 1m the
only daughter of C. W. Tost, president of the
National Citizens Industrial Alliance, and is
In her J&th year. IVhcn he wa 16 Mr. Post
made bla daughter Independent by giving,
$2,000,000 to her.
New York. The Xlppon Club gave a recep
tion Sunday evening in honor of "Minister Ko-
goro Takahlra, the Japanese Minister, who
leaves 'Washington for home on December 10.
Tcpeka, Kan. The Atchison. Tuxka. Jk
Women's :
Furs, Suits, Pet-:
ticoats, Coats
and Waists . :
ALU long-coated suits at
ONE-FOURTH discount
Every wanted material, color and
smart mixture included in this
offer. Detailed description
uould be useless, so immense
and varied are the stock. Suf-
tico to say select from any
lons-coated suit in the house, in
tailored street styles, values
from $15.00 to $125, at ONE-
"Women S15.00 Mlk Fettlcoatn
at SIl.-JH. J
Rich, beautiful rustling Taffetas
and Chiffon Taffetas In befit
grade, plain black and all o
wanted colorings. Including
changeable effects In bluett.
greens, reds. tans, etc Flounces
tucked and shirred, or accordion
plaited, with ruffles; best regu-
lar $15.00 values for today and
tomorrow only at a choice
for f 11.49
Woaea'n I'lald "Wool Walnts Re-
daced, fSJTtO Valaen for $&S. a
HanJsome Waists In attractive
plaids from the tiny check to the
strong Tartans and MacClain
clans, in blouse styles with box
and aide plaits. French backs and
bishop sleeves. All with fancy
stock collars. Wool materials
mado up In fplendid workman-
ship, thoroughly tailored. Great
bargain these.
Every Coitume find Taller-Made in Hie Houae at $75.09 asd
Over Will Be Sold for Three
Day at a Fourth Le Tbaa
5120 and 130 three-quarter
length Coat at f.73
Jin.OO nari SI&50 three-quarter
length Conin at
A large assortment of the new-
est ideas In smartly tailored Coats m
In three-quarter lengths, all the
products of leading Kastern mai-
ter tailors, experts In the craft.
Not a wanted color effect miss-
lng, ail the handsome mixtures
that have delighted the heart and
eye of critical women this season.
Smart English. American and
Glengarry mixtures In swagger
effects, reduced as above.
Santa Fe paseenser train bound for Califor
nia vr&n wrecked Monday morning at TJm-
paca, Colo. Mm. Coulter, bound for Voa An-
KMea. Cat. was badly cnmhfd about the cbret
and ehouldcrs. Mr. Ixlrrod mitttird evere
concussion of the brain, and one of bin ankles
va broken.
Chicago. Governor J. C. Xiell, of Vermont,
who is in thin city, denies that he Trill inter
fere with the execution of Mr. Mar- Xlogera
next Friday.
Two Vacant Chairs In Senate.
WASHINGTON. Dec. A. Mitchell and
Burton wore the only names called on
the opening of tho Senate this morning
to which failure to respond attracted
attention and comment. It Is believed
that the committee on committees,
when It meets, will disregard Mitchell's
wish to retain the chairmanship of the
Panama Canal committee and assign
him to a nonworklng committee.
Clilcago-MIssisslppI Canal.
CHICAGO. Dec, . A dispntch to the
Tribune from Washington says: Con
gressman Lorimer. of Chicago, would
have Congress appropriate 531.0M.KK for a
14-foot channel from the drainage canal
down the Dcs Plalncs and Illinois Rivers
and Into the Mississippi and thence to the
Take LAXATIVE 15ROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggist refund money If It falls to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S slcnature la on ecb box. 25c
Sarsaparilla is unqnestiona
bly the greatest blood ant
liver medicine known, it
positively and permanently
cures every humor, from
Pimples to Scrofula. lt'h
the Best.
Blood Medicine.
There are twenty different
cinnamon barks, and they cost
from 4 to 55c lb. This ex
plains the market, all but one
particular. Schilling's Best is
the best with the coarser pieces
picked-out; not thro wn-a way ;
oh no; they go to some less
particular grinder.
A Grand Christmas Sale of
Dainty 'Kerchiefs
First Floor Shops.
Ladies' Haadkerchiefs.
Of fine sheer Shamrock lawn, with and
&-inch hems; our 20c value. Special at.
the dozen $1.25
Ladies' Haadisrchisfs.
Of pure linen, hand-embroidered, unlaun
dered; our 35c value. Special sale price,
each 25
Ladies' Hand-Embroidered Linen
Very dainty; special at, each 12V
Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs.
Of Richardson's manufacture, fine sheer
linen, with Ys H-mcn hems; our
regular 25o value, special at, 3 for; .50
Annex Second Floor.
65c Cushion Tops for 17a
Cushion Tops of fancy art materials, with
hacks; tops are stamped and tinted in a
great variety of floral, conventional and
cross-stitch designs; our regular values
to 65c Special sale price, each. ,.1.7
Important News of Savings in a Sale of
Corset Salons Annex, 2nd Floor!
Royal Worcester Ribbon Girdles, ?1.39.
Royal "Worcester Ribbon Girdles, made of
best quality dotted taffeta ribbon, in pink,
blue or white: sizes IS to 26; our $2.50
value. Special sale price, pair.. $1.39
All roads lead
to the Fourth
Floor these
days and to
day Toyland
will vie with
the Curtain
salesrooms in
its attractions.
Housewi-es will
be interested
and, by the
way,how about
a pair or two of
these as a
Christmas cift
to some nros-
peclive bride and groom, or for some cou
ple already bound in Hymen's bonds and
installed in a pretty home of their own?
And you, Mrs. Housewife will you share
the values? All clean, fresh and smart;
Brussels, Renaissance and Mario Antoinette
effects "white, Arabian and two-tone.
Regular $1.00 value special, pair. . . .78
Regular $1.25 value special, pair. . . .95c
Regular $1.35 value special, pair..1.05
Regular $1.50 value special, pair..$1.20
Regular $2.00 value special, pair..S1.57
Regular $2.25 value special, pair..$1.78
Regular $2.50 value special, pair..S1.98
Regular $2.75 value special, pair..$2.1o
Regular $3.00 value special, pair..S2.35
Regular $3.25 value special, pair..2.50
Regular $3.50 value special, pair..$2.68
Regular $3.75 value special, pair..S2.89
Regular $4.00 value special, pair..S3.10
Regular $4.50 value special, pair..$3.50
Wool Blankets.
All-wool scarlet Blankets, extra large
Regular $S.00 value special, pair..$6.25
Regular $7.00 value special, pair..$5.50
King in Toyland
Send the children, and
if you really want to fori
get your cares and worries,
and become young again,
come up to the great, spa
cov3 Fourth Floor, where
Christmas Toys hold domin
ion. It's a place for little folks,
and for big folks, too, that
have young hearts. "We've
seen many old eyes twinkle
merrily at the tricks of the
folk of lake-Believe Land.
The great Toy Store is in
its full holiday readiness.
Special Values Today in
Remember, the time is
short for dressing babv dolls.
Select from immense asrtments of beau
ties and take your time in making up their
Christmas gowns. Don't leave it to tho
last moment and have to hurry in dolly's
SI. 25 Building Blocks, 95c.
Van Building Blocks, amusing for the chil
dren; can make bridges, tunnels, castles,
figures, letters, etc Regular value $1.25;
special, per box 95
75c Games, 55c
Xcw Combination Games, including game of
Pushkins. Spoon and Egg Race, Peanut
Bace, Pillow Dex. Young American Tar
get, all in one box. Regular value 75c;
special o5
15c Kteical Tepe, Sc.
Large embossed, nickel-finish ir-isical Tops.
Regular value 15c: special, each 9
Counting a Mile as a Business Day
Christmas Is But 1 7 Miles Away
Seventeen days of really hard work do you real
ize that Yuletide is so near? Yes, there's much
vork to be done pleasant work, to be sure; but
whv not make it still more nleasant bv doimr it
"vV. leisurely? "Why not begin
throngs ofthe last two weeks come? There is noth
ing to be gained by waiti'ng there's much to be
gained by starting early. The Christmas things are
all ready, and many things, especially among the im
ported novelties, will be gone before the " eleventh
But whenever you come, you'll agree that this is the most attractive, most comfort
sble Christmas Store; and we believe that our service will prove, on the whole, to be the
most satisfactory. It will pay to do your Christmas shopping here, and as early as pos
Stylish Dress Patterns Prom the Extraordinary Stock Reducing Sale in Silk and Dress
Goods Salons. Fifth-Street Annex, First Floor.
Surpassing Values in
Thousands of yards taken from our stock
to be sold at prices less than the cost to
manufacture. These are not an accumula
tion of old silks carried over from season
to season, but every yard is this year's
goods. The lot consists of plain Louisiene,
plain Pongee, plain "Wash Taffeta, neat
white Figured Silks, Figured Colored Fou
lards, Novelty Plaid Silks, neat Figured
ChiiTon Taffeta, neat Figured Checked and
Striped Louisiene, plain and changeable
Peau de Cygne. This immense collection
you will find in Silk Annex on bargain ta
bles, divided in three big lots:
Lot No. 1 At, per yard. o6
Lot No. 2 At, per yard 66
Lot No. 3 At, per yard S3p
Remarkable Values in the December Shoe
Sale Buy Fine Footwear for Christ
mas Giving See "What's
in the Sale.
SLxth Street Annex, First Floor.
"Women's $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes for 32.69.
"Women's fine Shoes, made from best select
ed vici kid, with French matt kid tops.
Are hand-sewed and correct in every de
tail. "We have these Shoes with either
turned soles for dress or stout soles for
street wear; our $3.00 and $3.50 values.
Special sale price, the pair 2.69
"Women's $3.50 and S4.00 Shoes for 2.79.
Some discontinued lines of "Women's Fine
Shoes, made by Laird-Sch&ber Co., Phil
adelphia, and Helmers & ilcKensie, Cin
cinnati, Ohio. These Shoes are in all
styles, both lace and button, and either
thin or heavy soles. They have never
sold for less than $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
Special sale price, the pair 2.79
Women's $5.00 Shoes for $3.97.
"Women's high-grade, hand-turned Dress
. Boots of patent Idea kid, with Louis XV
heels. They are of superior quality and
make and are manufactured by "Wright &
Peters, a famous shoe firm of Rochester.
New York; our regular $5.00 value. Spe
cial sale price, the pair $3.9T
"Women's and Children's Jersey Leggings.
"Women's Black Jersey Leggings, full
length. Priced at, the pair $1.19
"Women's Black Jersey Leggings, three
quarter length. Priced at, the pair.79d
Children's Black Jersey Leggings, full
length. Priced at, the pair 69 6
Children's handsome Chinchilla Leggings,
in white, tan and dark blue. Priced at.
the pair $1.24
Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes for $4.49.
Men's English grain high-top Lace Shoes,
with waterproof viscolized soles, double
to the heels; our $5.00 and $6.00 values.
Special sale price, the pair $4.49
Boys' Shoes.
Boys' all solid-leather Shoes, made from
the best box calf, "with oak turned soles;
will stand the damp, rainy season and not
rip; guaranteed.
Sizes 10 to 13, regular value $1.75: speciaL
the pair $1.29
Sizes 13Y to 2, regular value $2.00; special,
thepai? t...$1.49
Sizes 2ty to 6, regular value $2.50; special,
the pair $1.89
Aad One Needs So Many RiVboss for So
Masy Uses at This Time.
Special Today.
53c Laster Faillette Ribbon for 33c
A very attractive special in Ribbons is this
one we offer you, and we expect to sell
thousands of yards of tlseee All-Silk Lus
ter Faillette Ribbons: our 50c value. Spe
cial sale price, the yard 33
at once, before the great
Fashionable Newest "Weaves in
R:ch Broadcloths
We find we have too many fine blade
French, German and English Broadcloths
in both the chiffon and regular finish, and,
rather than carry these goods over to an
other Fall, we intend cutting the prices to
make a quick turn-over, as below:
Our regular $2.50 grade reduced to,
yard $2.16
Our regular $3.00 grade reduced to,
yard $2.59
Our regular $3.50 grade reduced to,
yard $3.04
Our regular $4.00 grade reduced to,
yard $3.57
Our regular $4.50 grade reduced to,
yard ...$3.92
These numbers at the regular prices are
the best values shown in the city; a fact
acknowledged by the best judges to be
found the dressmakers.
For the Man's Christmas
$2.00 Golf Shirts, 1.49.
A line of men's new Golf Shirts, in black
and white effects, with pin stripes and
figures, cuffs attached, coat style; regular
value $2.00. Special, each S1.49
Men's $1.25 Underwear, 98c.
A line of Men's Underwear, two-thirds
wool, in a brown Vienna shade, splendid
for wear; regular value $1.25. Special,
the garment 98
Men's 75c Suspenders, 59c
A line of men's new Xmas Suspenders, put
up in a pretty, fancy box; regular value.
75c. Special, the pair 59i
Men's 50c Silk Handkerchiefs, 35c
A line of men's fancy colored silk Ini
tailed Handkerchiefs; also white Hand
kerchiefs with silk initials, colored bor
ders; regular value 50c; special, ea.3a
Rare Bargains in
Great Savings for Those "Who've Things to
Buy for Baby's Christmas-2d Floor.
Misses' and Children's Outing Flannel
Misses and children's white outing flannel
Nightgowns, with yoke, turn-down collar
and cuffs trimmed with fancy finishing
Age 2 our 55c value special at,
each 44
Age 4 our 60c value special at,
each 49d
Age 6 our 65c value special at,
each ."54 c
Age S our70c value special at,
each 59
Age 10 our 75c value special at,
each 64$!
Age 12 our 80c value special at,
each : 69
Age 14 our Soc value special at,
each -74
Infants' Leng Coats.
Infants' long fine Coats, made of silk, wool
Bedford cord and cashmere. Some made
with large capes neatly trimmed others,
more elaborate, are trimmed with silk or
Valenciennes laces, embroidery insertions
and medallions. "We have priced them
as follows:
Our $0.75 value, special sale price,
each . $6.50
Our $12.50 value, special sale price,
each $9.00
Our $16.00 value, .special sale price,
each $11.90
Up to our $30.00 value, special sale.
price, each .$20.00
"With Baany in-between prices.
Important Notice
Anent the Benevolent Fund
Commencing today, owing to the long list
of charities being voted for in the distribu
tion of the store's annual benevolent fund,
we shall not attempt to publish the full
roll, but only the names of the fifteen or
ganizations that lead in the voting. These
will be published hereafter only in Tuesday
morning, Thursday morning and Saturday
morning papers, and Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday evening papers. A -strict and
careful count will be made of all votes re
ceived, as usual, and due credit given for
the same on our books. Keep on voting for Tfi
your favorites, and their names will appear
as soon as they get within 15 points of the
Vote for Benevolent Fund Distribution at
4 P. M. Monday.
Patton Home 15,204
Fruit and Flower Mission 14,660
St. Vincent's Hospital 11,927
People's Institute 11,796
Crittenton Home 11,785
Baby Home 10,2S6
Old Ladies' Home 8,321
Salvation Army S,306
Mt St. Joseph's Home for the Aged 6,234
Open-Air Fund -. 5,417
Visiting Nurse Association 2,5 1 1
Good Samaritan Hospital 2,360
Children's Home 1,SS2
Volunteers of America 1,829
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society 1,228
Scattering '. 4,447
Total 11S,250
Women's, Children's
Unit Underwear
Children's Underwear.
Children's high-grade imported "Stutt
garter" Underwear, absolutely pure wool,
nonshrinkable, natural color, good Winter
Vests or Pants, size IS; regular
value $1 . 25 ; special, each 95
Vests or pants, size 20; regular
value $1.35; special, each $1.05
Vests, or Pants, size 22; regular
value $1.45; special, each $1.15
Vests or Pants, size 24; regular
value $1.55; special, each $1.25
Vests or Pants, size 26; regular
value $1.65; special, each $1.35
Vests or Pants-,, size 2S; regular
value $1.80; special, each $1.45
Vests or Pants, size 30; regular
value $1.5; special, each $1.55
Vests or Pants, size 32; regular
value $2.10; special, each $1.70
Vests or Pants, size 34; regular
.value $2.25; special, each $1.85
Union Suits, regular $2.00; special. SI. 60
Union Suits, regular $2.10; special. $1.70
Union Suits, regular $2.25; special. $1.85
Union Suits, regular $2.40; special. 81.95
Union Suits, regular $2.55; special. $2.05
Union Suits, regular $2:70; special. $2.15
Union Suits, regular $2.85; special. $2.25
Union Suits, regular $3,00; special. $2.40
Union Suits, regular $3.15; special. $2.60
Children's 35c Vests or Pants, 25c.
White cotton Jersey-ribbed Vests or Pants,
sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6; regular value 35c;
special, each 25 r
Women's 1.25 Union Suits, 73c
Fine ribbed white cotton fleece-lined Union
Suits,half-open fronts, medium weight;
regular value $1.25; special, suit...73
Women's $3.00 Union Suits, $2.29.
High-grade, fine cashmere, white and nat
ural Union Suits; nice medium weight;
regular value $3.00; special, suit. $2.29
Women's 35c Hose, 25c
Black Worsted Hose, seamless, good Winter
weight; sold. everywhere for 35c; our spe
cial at", the pair 25
Children's 20c Hose, 12V&&
Children's Winter weight black cotton
Hose, seamless, ' double-ribbed, elastic;
regular value 20c; special, pair. .12
A Great Sale
X word of Furs for
women. Advertising
can't make them bet
ter, or worse, than
they really are. "Read
all you like, but the
main point is to see
the furs.
Go slowly, go care
fully, and If you don't
know furs yourself go.
to a store whose long
experience has made
It the master of the
business that's the
thing to do!
Read Taerr the remp
tHGttx Fsrs are re
deced! Year choice of
aay far-llaed coat la
the TaoHse at bbc
feartk off!
Fur Neckpieces at
sharp reduction.
S-t6 Far Scarf. S3J8
SIS Fat Scarf W...S7.50
StSJSB Far Scarf .S8.S
SIS Far Scarf . .S11.23
S3 Far Scarf
All choice selectei
Furs from the leading
fur houses In America
All made with expert
care and exquisite
workmanship, and all
i i unu1ir far
selow the usual figures of year 'round fur
houses that have year 'round expenses to
pay. In the vast assortments are mink, fox,
black seal and bear, squirrel, opossum, chin
chilla, marten. Arctic muskrat. Russian ot
ter, able fox and Isabella fox, Russian squir
rel, etc In boas, stoles and ties, both long
and short. Immense assortments and gener
ous selections, some lined with heavy satin,
others in all fur. lined and round.