THE MORNING OREGONIAN,. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17y 1905. A THE OLDS, WORTMAN KING STORE STORE OPENS AT 3 O'CLOCK A. M. STORE CLOSES AT 6 O'CLOCK P. M. THE "DIFFERENT STORE" ' GOOD MORNING FIFTH, SIXTH, WASHINGTON M Names of Leading Six Contestants In tli American Manual Training School VoflBjc Content. With Stnndlns: of Each at 4 P. M. 'Thursday. GeorgA Slater, Lad J l,eS3 JTuman Cook, Falling l5,70fl Robert Holmes, Harrison 185,738 Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly. 347,44 Ta-nnc Wfnntnn Harrison 125.065 'Sidney Crumm, North Cen... 118,348 Scattering j., total 1,881,871 Vote for Benevolent Fund Distribution at 4 P. M. Thursday Baby Home T.. 3,936 Salvation Army 2,638 Old Ladles' Home 1,980 Open Air Fund . 875 Children's Home 5S8 Fruit and Flower Mission ....... 478 Patton Home H8 Orphans Home - 107 Good Samaritan Hospital 88 ML SL Joseph's Home.-...- 51 Crittenden Home ....... 34 People's Institute 10 Boys' and Girls' Aid Society 6 Boaverton Home 3 Total ,..0,480 pfflWV A. STARTLING SALE OF HAXD yni SOME NEW Millinery TODAY IN THE "BIJOU" SALONS SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. HATS AVORTH VP TO $3.00 For 95c A drastic, determined effort to close out all the beautiful creations re maining in the millinery stocks. At the end of just 36 business days more our millinery chief leaves for the East for Spring millinery. Do you reallzt the time is growing short with us in which to close out all remaining Winter fyats? And this store never carries ,a hat over from one season into another.. We are doing a. tr6menlT&ns millinery busi ness and stocks are vttmlhlahliigflk untrxieiV" -before the Summer morn ing jiun; 3iit we're not satisfied yet, sc tr'm oh jnore bargain power to day, creating a bargain event that will make the day memorable In the stored annals of millinery selling. For today's celling we offer about 200 hats -in roady-to-wear, tailored and dress shapes, hats that Bell reg ularly at ' $2. $2.50, $3 and up to 55 at a choice for -the .day at Sc Scotch flannels Half Price A sensational selling event among seasonable fabrics lu Domestic Aisles, First floor. SPECIAL FOR TODAY. 50c Scotch Flannel for 25c 50c Scotch Flannel 25c A lot Of Scotch Walstlng Flannel; regular value 50c; special, the yard 25c Mothers Are terested A host of needed things ready for today's shoppers In the baby-to-mlss shop Second floor. Infants' $2.00 Nnlasook Dresaca for spi .20 Infants hand-made long Dresses, of fine nainsook, with three clunters of henring-bone between four clusters of four "fine tucks each, and lace edging at neck and sleeves; our $2.00 value. Special economy sale price, each $1.30 Infants' 93.75 White Dresses for $227 Infants' hand-made long Dresses of flnG Imported nainsook, with nine rows of fancy stitching between clusters of .fine tucks, beading and lace edging at neck and slecvesj our $3 75 value.' Special" economy sale price, .each $227 Infants' 25c Flanael Bands for 21c Infants' fine all-wool flannel Bands with fancy silk stitching; our 25c value. Special economy sale price, each 21c MI hk cm nnA Children' Outlay Flannel Gown in neat pink or blue and white stripes, with yoke, trimmed neatly with braid Age 2; our 45c val. Special, each 34c Age 4; our 5Dc val. Special, each. 98c Age 6; our 55c val. Special, each. 44c Age 8; our 60c val. Special, each. 48c Age 10; our 65c val. Special, each. 54c Age 12; our 70c val. Special, each. 58c Age 14: our 76c val. Special, each. 84c Ladies' Mocha Gloves AT SPECIAL PRICKS 1ST FLOOR. 88c for Glove Worth $125 Ladles' one-clasp Mocha Kid Gloves, one half pique, Paris point stitching on the back; In black, brown, mode and gray; our $1.25 value Special, aL the pair Sc EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GREAT STORE MACHINERY IS WORKING GRANDLY IN UNISON TO MAKE TODAY'S 133d FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE The biggest bargain event in the year's store history. Manufacturers are closing out their' Winter lines to us now, taking terrific losses on choicest, seasonable merchandise. A month ago we would have said such values at such prices were impossible but, the unexpected is always happening at OLDS, WORTMAN C& KING'S. You have not seen this year the like of the amazing values that await our patrons here today. Try a morsel of the delicious cake "we are serving FREE to visitors at the Cake Baking Demonstration on Third Floor. Women's $2.00 Black Petticoats for $ 1 . i 9 Annex Second Floor. Women's black Petticoats, with Jer sey top and rubber band; made with 20ninch sateen flounce, with three rows of shirring, ruffle and dust ruffle: our $2.00 value. Special, at each $1.18 Smart Suitings for Stunning Street Gowns AT SLAUGHTER PRICES SPECIAL FOR TODAY. Fifth Street Annex First Floor. Only 72c for Mixed Suitings Worth 8L35 Mixed Suitings In checked Panamas, hairline stripes and illu minated effects; good $1.25 value. Special economy sale price, yd. 72c $1.00 Novelty Plaid Suit Silk for 80c Handsome novelty plaid Suit Silks, in an assortment or swell color effects; our 5L.00 value. Special economy sale price, the yard...eic TODAY'S ECONOMY SPECIALS IX THE GREAT Homefurnishing Stores Fourth Floor. $2.7.! Curtain 81.85 Nottingham Curtains in Brussels net effects, flo ral designs, many new. simple bor ders: regular value $2.75. Special, the pair , $1.95 75c Cotton RlnakctK, 55c Cotton Blankets, gray or tan. with pretty red and blue borders; regular value 75c Special, the pair B5c 84.75 Couch Cover, 83.H0 Oriental Couch Covers, in rich dark colorings, size GOxlOS Inches; regular value' $4.75. Special, each 13.60 $2.00 Smyrna Raga si. 3. Smyrna Hugs in fine floral patterns, double faced, size 30x60 Inches; regular value 52.00. Special, each 8L33 A TRIO OF TIMELY VALUES OF INTEREST TO THOSE WHO'VE Underwear TO BlTYi AVomcn'n Knitwear Shop FIrat Floor Special for Today. AVohicb'k $1.35 Vesta. 85 c White Swiss ribbed Vests, wool, long sleevos neat self-trimmed, cuff flnlsheff -wrlsU-Tejrular value $1.25. Special, ckon" S5c Tights to match, heavier grade; reg ular value $1.50. Special, pair. .91.15 Women' 94.00 Union Salts, 92.66 Sterling regular made Union Suits, in fine wools, silk and wool and all silk; ull-wool union suits made of fine soft Australian wool, blue gray only, full finished, medium weight: regular value $4. Special, ault.f2.6R Women's 98 and 96 Union Suits, $XJ9 All-silk Union Suits In white, same finish and made as above: reg ular values $S and $9. Special, the suit 95.88 Art Shop Bar gains Second Floor Aaaex. Better pick up a few things for Xmas gifts and save a part of the price. Dollar Pillow Teas for 42c Beautiful uniea ana stamped riuow t ops ana Backs, with sulncicnt floss for working same and full diagram showing how colors are to be used, conventional designs, head with daisies and smoker design; our $1.00 value. Special at. each 42c Umbrellas BUY TODAY' SAVE A THIRD FIRST FLOOR. Ladles 41.56 Umbrellas for &Sc Ladles' black mercerized cotton Um brellas, rain size, with Princess and crook handles extra quality, nicely finished; all are our regular $1.50 value. Special economy sale price, each Sc Men's 9L75 Umbrellas for 9135 Men's tape edge cotton taffeta Um brellas, with waxed or boxwood han dles; our regular $1.73 value. Spe cial economy sale price, each. .91.35 EVERY HOUSEWIFE will be inter ested in the Free Cake-Making School and demonstration of the "Universal" Cake Mixer Third Floor. . THE MOST IMPORTANT SALE OF WOMEN'S GARMENTS EVER HELD IN PORTLAND IS " ON AT THIS STORE! POUR GREAT LINES INCLUDED IN TODAY'S SALE I Coats, Suits, Raincoats and Walking Skirts READ THE DETAIL -SPECIAL TODAY AND TOMORROW. Every $32.50 and $35.00 Jacket Suit in the House Radically Reduced Smart, trim, trig styles in the popular jacket effects, including some Eton agd blouse models, in every -wanted material and color, embracing cheviots, broadcloths, serges, tweedish mixtures and worsteds, in plain blacks and every fashionable coloring. For today and tomorrow you may choose from any $32.50 Jacket Suit in the house. w $24.95 FROM ANY $35.00 JACKET Women's $ 1 6.50 Coats $ 1 2.95 Handsome three-quarter length models in stunning new Coats, made from swagger fancy mixtures, embracing all popular shades in mixed grays and bluish grays, mixed browns, tans etc Some with velvet notched collars, others with notched collar of materials Very mannish styles, patch pocket?, circnlar backs, double stitched seams and fancy button trimmings. Double or single breasted styles, Very swell Coats and best $16.50 values in the city. Special for today and. tomorrow at $12.98 A Maker's Stock of Walking Skirts in the Sale Values to $ 1 2.50 for $5.95 A big purchase by our New York biryer of the entire remaining stock of Walking Skirts from a well known Eastern maker at half price. We extend the benefit to our Friday patrons. The skirts, materials of cheviots, broadcloths and fancy mannish mixed materials; colors include blues, brown, black, navy and pretty mixtures in grays, blues, browns, etc Made in circular styles, gores and plaited effects and umbrella flares. All splendidly tailored with expert care and workman ship. Best regular values up to $12.50. Special for today only $5.98" A. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Good Shoes FOR WOMEN AND FOR BOYS. Sixth-Street Annex First Floor 4 Women' 8336 an A 93.00 Shoe for 8LS For two days onljr. today and Saturday, we offer two dif ferent makes of women's fine Boots at special prices. P. J. Har ney Co. and C H. Aborn & 'Co., bcth o Lynn, Mass., manufac tured these shoes and they are strictly up-to-date In every re spect. They arc here In vlcl itIJ and patent colt. In button or lace, Blucher pattern. There are eight different styles to setfcet from; our $2.50 and 43.09 values. Spe cial economy sale price, pr.9i.9S Boy' Shoe It has always been difficult to set boys' shoes that would stand the test Jn a satis factory manner. We have made a big effort in this line and have been successful in having: built for us a boys' shoe that will not rip and we guarantee that It will wear better than any other make of shoes In the country. These shoes have one heavy solid sole,, sewed B.nd standard screwed, making It impossible for the sole to rip. The soles are also steel shod. There are four rows of stitching oo the vamps to prevent ripping Sizes 24 to 5H. Priced. palr.8x. Sires 11 to 2. Priced. palr.fl.TS A FREE SCHOOL IN NEEDLE WORK in connection with our Art Shop Second Floor Annex. Free embroidery lessons given daily by an expert teacher. SUIT IN THE HOUSE P0R $27.98 SPECIAL FOR TODAY Women's $ 1 2.50 and $ 1 3.50 Raincoats $5.95 Smart and handsome full-length Coats of the sort indispensable h Oregon women, but swagger enough for wear in fair as well as rainy weather, cravenetted materials in olives, grays, blues, tans, castor and plain black. Double breasted styles, trimmed with braids, velvets and but tons. Some have fancy collars in velvets, others fancy collars of ma terials. Backs plaited and double box fronts with belts. Leg-o'-mutton and Bishoff sleeves. The best regular $12.50 and $13.50 values in the city not to be found, outside this store at less than $15.00. Special for todav onlv at - $3.93 A Bargain Bevy of Special Values in Hosiery Flnrt-FIosr Shop. For Women, Children and Boys .Women's 53c, Me and 5c Heae 35c Black Lisle Hose, embroidered boot, assorted styles and colors of embroidery; regular values 50c. 60c and 65c. Special, the pair. .35c Children's 35c Hone 17c Chil dren's fine ribbed black lisle Hose, seamless, clastic, bright finish, sizes 6 to 10; regular value 25c. Special, the pair 17c Children's Black Cashmere Hew Children's fine high-grade black, cashmere Hose, finished boot, spliced knee, heel and toes Reg. 50c val. Special, the pair.. 35c Reg. 35c val. Special, tho pair. .46c Reg. 60c val. Special, the pair. .45c Reg. 70c val. Special, the pair. .56c Boy 35c .Hone 13c Boys black Cotton Hose, seamless, double and fine ribbed; sizes 6 to 10; reg ular value 25c Special, pair. .15c I I I I I I i ONLY Stirring Values in Staple, Stylish Silks In Ike Annex Silicas 5th Street. Big Economy Salr of Depend able Dlack Silk.- Taffetaa This Is an unprecedented opportunity to buy good durable black Taffeta at a great big saving. These are all' values which even nt the regular prices are uuequalcd elsewhere. 21-Inch black Taffeta; our $1.00 value. Special at, the yard ...88c 23-Inch black Taffetas .pur $1.10 value. Special at, the yard... 78c ' 27-Inch black Taffeta; our $1.25 value. Special at. the yard...Sc 36-Inch black Taffeta; our $1.60 value. Special at, the yard.. 91.38 Gay Autumn Ribbons 33c Taffeta Rlbheaa for 18c Silk and satin Taffeta Ribbons, 34 and 4 inches wide, in all wanted colors, a fresh new lot of them; our 35c value. Special economy saa price, yard .18c See the great Harvest Show of Oregon, Wheat along the "Fair-Way" and in the Shoe Store Annex, First Floor. BARGAINS IN' THE Jewelry Shops First Floor. A Group of Attractive Speclnl for Today. 35c Beaaty P!a for 33c Fine quality Beauty Pins, in Roman, polished and rose gold finish: come three on a card; handy little pins for many purposes; our 33c value. Special at, tr.e set 33c 15c Metal Purse for 9c Children's silver metal ring mesh Purses; a good value for 13c. Special economy sale price, each - 0c Bead Xeckchalaa for 35; A lot Of pretty bead Neckchains, large grad uated size. In garnet.' dark and light green, pink, amethyst, lavender, to paz and Alice blue; are securely strung and have good quality rolled plate catch. Special at, each 35c Pearl Top Hat Plaa, 15c A lot of parl top Hat Pins, in two styles, oblong and round tops, with long pin stems. Special economy sale price, each 15c 75c MhIc Roll, 40c An assortment of fine quality patent leather Music Rolls: our 75c value. Special econ omy sale price, each 40c C9c Photo Frame for 3o Leather Photo Frames, In fancy designs, with strong, detachable easel back, large size; our 50c value. Special, each. 39c Smaller slxe our 35c value. Special at, each 10c TODAY'S ECONOMY SPECIALS IX TIIE Small Wares Shop Flrat Floor. Safety Pias, 3c Cai'd of 1 dozen nickel-plated Safety Pins, all sizes. Special at 4 3c Darnlag Cottoa 3c Spool Darning Cotton, nil colors. Special at 3c 5c Wire llalrpla, 3c Box wire Hair pins, assorted sizes, heavy and twisted; regular value 5c Special. 3c 3 Spool White Banting: Cottoa, 5c Best white Basting Cotton. 200 yards on spool. Xos. -40 and 50. Special, 3 spools ....5c 15c Garter Elastic. 18c Extra wide heavy Garter Elastic, In assorted colors, black and pink, blue and yel low; regular value 15. Special, yd. 10c 15c AlBmlHBm Soap Boxen, 10c Aluminum Soap Boxes with hinge back, light and durable; regular value luC Special, each 10c 35c Col Cream, 17c 4-oz. can Cold Cream, for chapped face and hands; regular value 25c Special.. 17c 16c Toilet Soap, 8c Extra large bar Kirk's Eldertlower, Honey and Gly cerine Toilet Soap, regular vnlue 10c. Special 8c 50c Cloth Brushes, 33r Fine Cloth Brushes, large and medium size; regular value .50c Special, each.. 33c 56c "Bath Sponge, 33c Fine, large Bath Sponges; regular value 50c Special, each 33c 75c Shopplajc Bajc. 50c Iarge size, extra stout twine Shopping Bags; regular value 75c. Special, each. 50c 19f "Wrltlajc Paper. J3c Box flne white Writing Paper, linen cloth fin ish; regular value 19c. Special.. 13c 5c Eavelope. 3c Plain white En velopes, square shape. 25 in pack age: regular value 5c Special, the package 3c 10c Iak. 9c Large size bottle Car ter's bost black Writing Fluid; regu lar value 10c Special 8c 95c Resiling: Gla, 59c Fine Ger man silver nickel-plated Reading Glass. 3J5-lnch size; regular value 95c Special, each 50c BIG VALUES IN Veilings First Floor. 35c for VelllaK Worth from 50c to 91.00 A special lot of swell black and black and white Veilings, some plain chiffon, some dotted with che nille dots; a splendid assortment from which to choose; our 50c, 75c. 90c and $1.0 values. Special econ omy sale price, the yard 35c Handkerchiefs AT BARGAIN PRICES 1ST FLOOR. Buy now for Christmas. Ladles pure l'ne hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, of R!chardea'n manufac ture. For two days, today and Satur day, we will sell them at tWf center Handkerchief hooth at She fer 5c EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IX Dress Accessories and Trimmings First Floor Shop. - K1.50 Spaagled Trimmings for OSc Elegant black Spangled Galloons in floral designs, 2 inchea wide; our $1.50 value. Special economy ule price, the yard Se 81.34 for SpanKled Bnndx Worth $3.00 Black Spangled Bands, 3 inches wide. In new designs; our $2.0i value. Special economy sale price, the yard si.3 75c Spangled TrlmmlnKH for 4S- New black Spangled Galloons; our 75c value. Special economy iaIo price, tho yard 4Sc BInck SlIJv Crochet Bands ami Fen toons. Our $ .30 value. Special, yard.. ,33c Our $ .73 value. Special. yard,..4Sc Our $ .90 value. Special, yard... 00c Our $1.00 value. Special, yard 7c Our $1.23 value. Special, yard...S7e llc for Point Venlne Band Worth to 50c Ecru and white Point Vonlse Bands. 1 Inch. 1 inches and 2 Inches wide; worth 25c. 35c and 50c. Special economy sale price, yd. .10c Wnmpn's Fanru BARGAINS FIRST FtOOR. 75c and S5c Belts for 50c A new lot of fine Belts, made of silk and s!lk finish etamine cloth, in black, white, navy, red and green; our 75c and S5c values. Special economy sale price, each 50c Today in the Man's Shop A group of timely specials that dressers of the malcpersuaston tv.11 be sure to apprebiate. " Our Man's shop is a handy place o drop in on S Just inside Sixth-Street Entrance. Men'n 81.35 Shirt 04c A line Of Men's new Fall stiff bosom Shirts In light stripe and figured tnn effects, with one pair detached cuffs; regu lar value $1.25. Special, each 04c Men's 75c Undemrear 55c A broken line of men's natural gray wool Un dershirts. Winter weight, all sizes, regular value 75c. Special, each 55c Mea'a 50c Windsor Tlea -35c A line of men's Windsor Ties in plain and fancy colors and crepe and surah allk: regular -value 50c. Special, each ....35u SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SALE OF ,V Tableware Handsome China Kitchen Helps A chance for thrifty housewie to save in buying. A host of timely bargains await today's shoppers in the 'Housekeepers' Exchange" Third Floor. Special Economy Sale of Ilavllnnd Decorated China .Dinner Sets, an un equaled assortment and splendid values. Decorated China Dinner Sets. 60-piece Sets. Special at 817.60 103-piece Sets. Special at 830.00 112-pIece Sets. Special at 837,75 117-piece Sets. Special at 8335 Open stock patterns sold in sets or separate pieces. Oae-thlrd off on China Tea Pots, Sagars and Cream., Chocolate Pot.x and other China you will need to put on 'your Thnakijcivlns; Table. Christy Improved Mayonnaise Mixer; regular $1.50 value. Special Scales with scoop, weighs to 24 pounds, large dial. Special, eaci..9Sc Turkey Roasters, black iron double pan Size 9x14 in. Special at, each 33c Size 10x15 in. Special at, each 30c Size 11x16 in. Special at, each 4Sc Size 13x1 In. Special at. each 50c Savory Roaftersr solid pressed steel pan, no seams-extra high, the best roaster made, size 11x17 Inches. Spe cial at, each- 7Ue Steel Mixing: Spoons. 12-inch size. Special at, each 6c 14-Incn size. Special at. each 8c Fancy Jelly Moulds of Heavy Steel. Small size. Special at. each 8c Medium size. Special at, each 13c Large size. Special at, each 16c Granite Iron Pie Plates, 10-inch size Special at, each 13c Granite Iron Sauce Pans, 2-quart size. Special at, each 18c Granite Iron Sauce Pans and Cover, 4- quart size. Special at, each 32c Granite Iron Sauce Pans and Covers, 5- quart size. Special at, each 36c Granite Iron Pudding Pans, 1-quart Size Special at, each 13c Granite Iron Drip Pans. Special at each 45c Granite Iron Dish Pans, 14-quart size Special at, each 4Sc Universal Food Choppers Small size. Special at SOc Medium size. Special at 81.00 Large size. Special at $1.30 Hotel size. Special at 81.60 Choice Lines of Carvers and Hand some Silverware. The "ComJHHBlty" Silverware of heaviest plate, guaranteed for 25 lears. Many handsome patterns.