16 THE HORKIXG- OBEGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1905. HAHBIMAN WANTSIT Will Ask for Front-Street Franchise. . M'CUSKER WILL APPLY Kcqucst Will Be Made for Practical ly the Same Route Which. Sheridan Asks of the City Council. Xne Harrlman interests have at last come out in the open, to all appear ances today their contracting freight agent. Thomas McCusker, will make ap plication for a franchise down Front street covering the same territory peti tioned for by Thomas R. Sheridan, whose application is pending. Mr. McCusker has been busy for rvral days Interviewing the ware house, dock, mill and property-owners along Front street and explaining to tnem the purpose and scope of his plans. He disclaims any connection with the Harrlman people, but the sages of Railroad Row argue differently. The Contracting Freight Agent. "Who is Tom McCusker?" one asks, and the other answers: "Why. he is the contracting freight agent of the South ern Pacific. The Southern Pacific wants this franchise for freight uses and needs It badly to connect its East and West Side lines. Mr. McCusker Is in the emplcy of the freight department of the Southern Pacific. Wherefore Mr. McCuskor wants the franchise for the Southern Pacific" Thus It is figured out. Today, when the Council meets. Mr. McCusker will nnfnlri his Mian and nrescnt his peti tion. He Ib confident of success, having gone into the confidence of many of tne prominent property-owners along the street and having secured their promise of support. He declares he is backed by prominent business men. Sheridan Is Confident. On the other hand the people back of the Sheridan franchise are confident that theywlll be able to conform with the objections which have been raised. It Is said that changes have been made so that there will no longer be the op position on account of the crossings near and on the grounds of the North trn Pacific Terminal Company. The franchise has also been changed to allow the passage of cars from all railroad companies over the tracks. which will serve the same purpose. It is urged, as though the city owned the lino and operated it as a belt lino road for the Joint use of all transportation companies wishing to utilize It in the transaotion of their buslnessr The Sheridan franchise will not come up for consideration by the Council at the meeting today, according to the present plan. It was not considered at the meeting of the street committee on Friday last and seems to be buried or at least tucked away for future refer enco. HEALTH OFFICERS AVILL MAKE INVESTIGATION. Conditions in the Mongolian Quarter Arc to Be Made Subject of Rigid Inquiry. ' Some time next week City Health Offi cer Matson and State Health Officer Yenney Intend to take 2: trip through Chinatown for the purpose of inspecting existing conditions there. A few days ago they together went through the Chinese quarters with this object in view, finding much that concerned the sanitary situa tlon. and yesterday afternoon Dr. Matson made some additional Inquiry along the same lines. It Is the intention to enforce rigidly the cubic air ordinance, as well as other measures affecting the pestilential status of Chinatown, and it is thought the trip of the two health officers next week will be prolific of results. Contagious diseases of nearly all kinds are known to exist among the Chinese, on account of their unsanitary habits, and It Is believed nearly aft the malignant cases of small, pox that have lately been reported to the local Health Department, owe their origin to thlse precincts of the city where the Mongolians arc huddled In vile quar ters like so many cattle. Dr. Matson Is said to be an expert upon the subject of bacteria, and some inter esting results may be expected from his Investigations along these lines. BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLSTORE Starts a Great $12.50 Suit Sale. As the Fall season draws to a close ive "find that we have manufactured fully 2000 suite more than we will be able to sell in the regular course of business. We anticipated a larger trado during the Exposition than what camo to buy clothing, and now that the season draws to a close, we must either sell these suits at a. loss of profit or carry them over until next year. W have decided on the former, and to do this in the quickest time we now offer the pick and choice of any high-grade suit in our store for only $12.50. These suits are imiy worm tne regular re tail pride of 15, 51C.50, $1S, $20, $22.G0, 525 and a few up to $30; froro now until January 1 $12.50 takes the choice. This is a bona fide sale. About "ha.lt the suits are -made from the Brownsville pure wool goods, the balance are hard fin ished worsteds, including all the new and popular silk mixed weaves. At $12.53 these suits are a greater snap than most people can realize, as most qf them are made to cell at from $18 to $22.50. CORSET WONDERS. Sales in corsets yesterday were enor mous; - they will be larger today and keep on increasing until the special lots are sold. No wonder, when prices for up-to-date .styles are less than halt Come and sec. The store that has no competition. M' ALLEN & MDONNELL. BUSINESS iXEXS. If Bafer I. Cstttee Teeth fc f r &Bd uie that old uil well-tried Ttm 4r- 14 ra WlasIoWa SootM&f SrntB. for ekJl firm teething. It soothes tk ckllc. seftsa tfea rura. allajr " eure wIb hUi .nd clavier. Hood's Sarsepariila ensures good diges 99c The Meier (8b Frank Store $2.00 to $3.50 Corsets 99c a Pair Great special sale of discontinued styles in the best makes of Corsets White, drab and black in sizes Many of the leading models inclndcd--VaIties from $2.00 to $3.50 a pair Your choice at, pair "Nazareth" Knit Underwaists, for Boys and Girls of all ages; warm and comfortable; they keep the child in fonii; 1 special at, each Special lot of "Women s Gingham Aprons, good quality, yoke bands, full size; regular 40c values, each Unusual values in "Women's high-class Avhite Underskirts, trimmed in fine laces and dainty embroideries, insertions, medal lions and headings; separate dust-ruffles; beautiful styles; $10.00 to $13.50 values, on "sale for the remarkably Qft low price of pO.0 "Women's fine Cambric and Nainsook Che mise, trimmed in fine Val. laces and inser tions; dainty embroidery, edgings and insertions; headings and ribbons, with trimed skirts; regular $3.50 values, on sale now at this low price $2.45 The Meier and Frank Store Blankets, Comforters at Special Prices THIRD FLO OK 500 pairs of white Wool Blankets, 10-4 size, pink and blue borders ; a Blanket other stores ask $6.00 a pair for; our special 4, price is, pair tp6T6J 500 pairs of extra fine white Wool Blankets, 11-4 size; pink and blue borders; a Blanket that costs you $7.00 pair elsewhere; flf our special price, pr. . . v 1000 full-size Comforters, thorough ly filled with extra quality lan ated cotton, neatly tufted satine covered; best patterns and color ings; regular $2.25 j i oq value, pair H 0 "Daisy" Goose-Feather Pillows, de odorized and sanitary cold-blasted, striped-ticking covering; every Pillow best $2 value; full 3M-lbs. Aveight, each . $1.57 German Bath Robe Blankets, in a great assortment of fl fancy patterns; grand value at Beds and Bedding of every description at low prices. Sole Portland agents for the famous "Ostermoor" Elastic Pelt Mattresses ; all sizes, at factory prices. The Meier (8b Frank Store Newest Ideas in Women's Neckwear AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Women's Silk Windsors a'ud Four- -f&3&& m in-Hand Ties, white, black, light tiSSfiwi . blue, navy, royal, cardinal, scar- iHL let and brown; regular 25c values, on sale today at yp Wide Windsor Turnovers, with JZL-sf&'f colored borders ; all the most desirable shades: also dotted mi vt yjagy owiss-ouii aim wnmu oui; ik- -4 imB ular-25c values, on H sale for Moire, Pique and Linen Coat Revere and Cuff Sets, round and pointed cuffs; very latest effects; regular 75e values; for.-. . .48J Scarf Ties. Stock and Tie combined, in bandana, Roman stripes and plain colored Crepes; regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, for..75j White Pique and Linen Stocks, embroidered in fleur-de-lis slot styles to wear with bat-wing ties; great value at 25c New Shirtwaist Turnover Sets, Linen Lawn and Swiss eyelet em broidered, also machine hemstitched effects; assorted designs; $1.00 values, on sale for... C Broken lines of Byron Collars, washable Stocks and Linen Turn overs, assorted colors, 35c and 50c values, each 3L9 Washable Taffeta Silk Mufflers, two-yard lengths with hemstitched ends; cardinal, navy, black, white and brown; great special values at this low price, each Women's Knit Underwear Specials "Ypsilanti, wool Union Suits for Women, high neck, long sfeeves, ankle length, all sizes, finely made and fin- Ot ished; great special value at this price &&j "Munsing" heavy ribbed natural wool Union Suits, button across the chest or half-open front, all sizes; great value at.. $1.89 Imported Swiss ribbed Vests, high neck and long sleeves, pink, blue, black and white, $1.50 value, for 1.33 Ankle-length open Tights, to match, great value, pair.. $1.87 Harvard Mills Silk and Cotton mixed Vests, $L25 value. .98 Four Bargains in Flannels - 5000 yards of Swansdowne Flannels for wrappers and dressing sacques; best patterns and colorings; 12Vc value,'yard 8 Tricot Flannels for waists and children's dresses, plain yf colors, newest shades, special, yard C Velvet Flannels, in Persian designs, large assortment to y i select from ; 35c 'values, for, yard C Handsome French Flannels, embroidered dots and figures, all colors, 75c values, on sale for, yard T. C Special Values Cold Weather Gloves One and two-clasp all-wool fleeced and Silk-lined Gloves for Af women; black only, all sizes; great special value today, pr. HfOQ Kayser's famous Knit Gloves, with Silk lining; mode, gray Cn and black; all sizes; regular 85c value for, pair OC Just received by express full line of Kayser's Anti-Chap Golf Gloves; very latest styles; all sizes, pair Children's Fur-top Mittens, complete line at, pair. . .35p and 50c Men's and Boys' Golf Gloves in the very best styles. 50c Headquarters for Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel s Garments Carefiil Buyers Want and Our Prices Are Always the Lowest Women of judgment are quick to recognize the superiority of our great display of ready-to-wear apparel assortments by far the largest in the city Styles and materials the latest and best and values -uneqaled Garments for all occasions The special November reduction sale is of great importance to every economical buyer We invite comparison with the offerings heralded elsewhere. $16.5034 Covert Coats at $12.95 Women's -length Tan Covert Coats, fitted back, stitched and strap ped seams, belt effect; one of this season's very best qc models; all sizes; $16.50 value, at v --3 Tan Covert Coats, -length, fly front, tight-fitting back, handsomely strapped, well made and finished; a Coat other stores Ql C ask you $22.50 for; our sale price v 0 Women's $12.50 Coats $8.65 Women's Tourist Coats, in brown mixed Tweeds, this season's very best style, 50 inches long, loose back and velvet collar; well made and finished throughout; a practical Winter garment 2IO CL $12.50 value, on sale for $O.OJ Women's gray mixed Empire Coats, very attractive style and pat terns; all sizes; our best $16.50 values, on sale at this ? I') QC exceptionally low price P -72 Sable Fox Boa, 42 inches long, 2 large tails ; regular J?m $14.00 value, on sale for $11.25 aoie upossum. aioie, two large tails ana coverea or naments; regular $10.00 value for $7.45 Sable Opossum Fur Scarfs, 2Y yards long, very showy piece; regular $8.00 value, for $4.95 Bargains $45.00 Tailored Suits for $37.45 Women's high-grade Tailored Suits, four styles, -length, tight-fitting jacket, box jacket, semi-fitting jacket and Princess effects, with or without vests, fancy gimp and velvet-trimmed, circular or plaited skirts; jackets silk-lined ; gray, navy, brown, green, prune and black; very latest fashions; every Suit our regular $45.00 value; your choice this week at q)3 Hf Women's Jacket Suits, in 25-inch tight-fitting jacket styles, fancy tan Cheviots; black, blue, brown and green; cloth strapped, braid trim med and collarless; $15.00 and $16.50 values, m all 4 AK sizes; your choice at this low price $20.00 Raincoats at $14.85 Women's Cravenette Raincoats, this season's most attractive styles in tans, olives and Oxfords ; yoke effect, tight-fitting, full-plaited skirt, belt all around, finished at the neck and cuffs with Broadcloth trim ming, stitched in Soutache braid,, also fancy buttons ; r a q f our best $20.00 Raincoat, on sale at this low price OJ The greatest showing of Evening and Theater Costumes and Wraps in the city; magnificent imported and domestic creations G? "5 Cft in exclusive styles; $50.00 to VJv Great Thanksgiving Sale of Carving Sets-Cut Glass Kitchen Goods $6.00-$6.50 Carving Sets, 3 pieces, stag handles, set $4.89 Salt and Peppers, pretty style, sterling silver tops, each 10 Candle Shades, assorted colors, pretty styles, great value at. .28? Long and short Candles, assorted colors, each 3 and 5 Glass Celery Trays, in a variety of styles, grand values at. . .18 The famous "Royal" Turkey-Roasters, two sizes, low priced 12x17 inch for, each. . $1.09 12x19 inches for, each. . $1.24 Family Roasters, good quality, 3 sizes, ea.34, 43 and 51 English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, pink decoration, gold edge; very neat design ; 60-piece and 100-piece sets as follows : 60-piece, reg. $9 val. $7.64 100-piece set, $13.50 val. $11.39 5- inch Plates, dark blue, gold illuminated, great val., doz.$1.05 6- in. Plates, dark blue, gold illuminated, grand val., doz.$1.50 Fruit Saucers, dark blue, gold illuminated, grand va., doz.Sl.05 Teacups and Saucers, dark blue, gold illuminated, dozen, .$1.50 Nickel-plated Lamp, center-draft burner, complete with white dome shade, chimney, etc.; great special at $1.53 ft! Bargains in Men's Wear Men's andoys' Wool Gloves, inJlack, navy and maroon; all sizes; exceptional value at. .25 Men's ribbed Wool Underwear, in pink, blue and natural, form-fitting; all sizes in shirts and drawers; regular $1.25 value, for 89c .Men's natural wool Cashmere Sox, all sizes; the best 35c values, on sale today at, pair 19 Men '8 all-wool honeycombed Sweaters, in navy blue and maroon ; all sizes ; regu- iq lar $1.50 value, for $ Iti" Sole agents for "Ways' " Mufflers, in all colors and grades red, navy, maroon. Oxford, white and blacky large assortment at, each, 25, 50S 75 and $1.00 Men's $1,50 Gloves at ?9c Pair Broken -lines of Men's Mocha and Kid Gloves, in 6, 7, 1V and iy sizes; tans, modes, browns and grays; regular $1,50 Q values, to be cleaned un snecial low Tri(4 of. nnir w STATIONERY SPECIALS Parraflne Paper for wrapping A lunches; 20 sheets for Dcnnlson's Crepe Paper Napkins, beautiful designs. 30c to OK 40c valuen, hundred &M PaRe's Glue, mends every- I jt . thing; 20c bottle for Eaton Hurlburt's fine Stationers, beautiful finish, now designs, TQr 65c-75c values for, box....'-'c Artificial Palms, all kinds and sixes at the lowest prices. Cards and Invitations engraved or printed to your order at the low est prices. 7c TOILET ARTICLES , Indlnn Sachet Bajcs. burnt leather. with 1 oz. of achct; 25c value. 18c Danderine. tne great hair re-ln-storer. 50c bottle on fiale for3f'c Dr. Graves' famous Talcum Powder: jrreat value at.... Pure .Sperm Machine OH 4c Eaglo Fountain Syringes, hard rub ber flxtureK. 3-qt. size, spcdal.tWe Columbian Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes, best quality white rubber, 2-qU size fl.lS Infants' Rectal Bulb Syringe... .lc Transparent Glycerine Soap, bar.-lc Bon Ton Manicure bets, com- 1 q-t olete outfit: SDeclal Our Great Sale of Boys Fine Clothing Seasonable Clothing for little men marked at economy prices The best values the season has offered ore included m this week's bargain puagefr Second floor Boys' all-wool two-piece Suits, two pairs of pants: dark, serviceable mixtures; ages 8 to 16 years; the best $5.00 School ?Ck Suits, on sale at Little Boys' Overcoats, in navy blue Cheviots, neatly t" 0( made and trimmed; ages 3 to 8 years, $4.00 values ipO0J Boys' Overcoats, full length, belted back and velvet collar; dark gray and brown mixed Cheviots ; ages 8 to 15 years ; rr t regular $4.50 values, on sale for tJ)2OJ Boys' Russian Blouse Suits in navy blue, red and royal fl? C Q fZ ' blue Serges, ages 2V2 to 6 years, $7-$7.50 values ZrJ Boys' Norfolk Suits in all-wool Serges,- Cheviots and fancy mixed Tweeds, ages 8 to 15 years, all reduced $4.50 Norfolk Suits 3.85 $7.00 Norfolk Suits.. . .S5. 60 $5.00 Norfolk Suits. .. .4.20 $7.50 Norfolk Suits. .. .$6.20 $6.50 Norfolk Suits. .. .5.15 $8.50 Norfolk Suits. .. .$7.15 Our entire stock of Little Boys' "Woolen Kilt Suits on sale at greatly reduced priced ; blue, red and brown Serges ; $2.25 to $6.00 values, for 1.69 to 4.40 each. $2 FLANNEL GOWNS $ 1 .53 Women's Outing Flannel Gowns, white, trimmed in fancy pink and blue medallions and fancy braids; also fancy striped Flannel Gowns, embroidery trimmed, all sizes; regular $2.00 values for 1.53 75c FASCINATORS AT 39c Special lot of -Women's hand erocheted Fascinators, pink, blue, cardinal and black; regular oOc and 7oc values, on sale at this low price 39 Bedspreads 400 blue fringed Bedspread-?, full size, very best patterns; great special value at, each 1.09 Special lot of 200 White Bedspreads, Marseilles patterns, hemmed, full size; a spread that brings $1.75 at most stores; a gte.tt value today ?t this low price S1.25 HANDKERCHIEFS 35c VALUES 31c Women's Swiss embroidered Handker chiefs, hemstitched and scalloped edges, blp assortment of pat tern?; best 35c values for &lv Japanese hand-drawn Handkerchiefs, new designs; 25c and 35c Q values, on eale for IwC Free lessons In art embroidery work given daily by an expert. Hours 2 to 5 P. M. Second floor. 40c Ribbons 21c 6003 yards of the best quality all silk Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Rib bons, in all the new and staple shades white, black, cream, car dinal, maize, hello, green, reseda, champagne, Nile. blue, navy, etc.; full 5 inches wide; regular 35c and 40c values, for. yard 21c Sale of Heating Stoves Peninsular "Wood and Coal Heating Stoves, nicEel trimmed, large ashpan, double feed-door, swing top solid cast iron firepot; a parlor heater that will give perfect satisfaction in every par ticular; regular $ip.00 1 O Itf value, on sale for s tOiJU Special Wool and Coal Heater with ash pan, handsome nickel trimming, swing top; just the thing lor small rooms; $7.50 value, on sale for 5.50 Special Oil Heater, large wick, smokeless, large oil tank, nickel trim- C A, O med; $5.00 vane, for iHfD Sole Portland agents for Peninsular Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves; 50 models; all prices. COMPLETE HOLIDAY STOCK OF Men's Smoking - Jackets and Robes The new Smoking Jackets and Lounging Robes are ready for yopr choosing- The largest and handsomest variety in the city Every new style - Pretty designs and colorings. Smoking Jackets, of fine all-wool mater ials; navy, brown, green1 and maroon; braid-trimmed pockets and cuffs; plaid collar and cuffs, grand value.. $5.00 Hjgh-grade Smoking Jackets in plain and fancy materials ; extra fine trimmings, all shades; finished with silk braid and silk cord; beautiful styles in ail sizes; $6.50 $7.50, $8.50. Immense line of high-grade Smoking Jackets at prices up to $15.00 each. Long House-Gowns of wool materials, neatly trimmed with cord and braid; very large variety of' styles at prices from $7".50 to $25.00 each. New Bath Robes, very latest styles, at prices from S2.50 to S10.00 each. Just received from Japan, new Importation silk quilted embroidered Robes for men. Best colors, handsomely made and finished. each.. $20.06 Headquarters for Dress Suits and Dress Vets. Complete stock; finest mate rials; latest styles. Men's cravenette Raincoats; tans and Oxfords, all sizes and grades at fl2J5 to 333.00 Second floor. Great special sale of younjr men's clothing: now in progress. tion una outugui wj iuu v i l&j uus. insist upon a.voa.M.