12 THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1905, DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 14. Maximum temper ature. 55 dec-i minimum. 35 dee. River reading at 11 A. M.. 2.4 feet; change in past 24 hours, $0.H feet. Total preclpatlon, 5 P. M to 5 P. M., 0.01 Inch; total since Septem ber 1. 1904, 7.55 Inches; normal. 8.S0 Inches; deficiency. 0.75 Inch. Total sunshln No vember 13, 1905. 4 hour and 30 minutes; possible, 9 hours and 33 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 2 o" 1 KE I -3 sr o 5. 2 Ss o 5 2 . . ay STATIONS. Baker City .. BIsmarcK ...... Boise .......... Eureka Helena Xamloops, B. C. North Head Pocatcllo Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. Salt Lake City.. Ran Francisco.. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla 15610 001 4)8 oo 24 In w 00 4 W 001 4N 0020 W 00:14 E 00ll2 N 00 CSE 00! 4 W 001 4 IS 001 4 NW 00 ClN 00! 4 IS 001 4 NW 001 4INW 001 4INW 00 4 8W 00! 4IW (Clear (Clear 02 0. 540. 5010. Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy J54I0. Clear .15410. U cloudy .154 Clear ,155 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy .170 .154 '08- . 5410 .'700 .14010 S: .icoio Clear Cloudy Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure continues high over the North Pacific States, while a disturbance of decided character Is passing eastward over th- Dakotas. This distribution of pressure has caused a continuation of fair weather in this district, except that a few light scat tering showers occurred last night In North western Oregon and Western Washington. The. Indications this evening are for gen erally fair weather in the Pacific Northwest over Wednesday, except along the Coast, where showers are probable. FORECASTS'. Forecasts made at Portland for 28 hours ending at Midnight, November 15: Portland and vicinity Generally fair weather; variable winds, becoming south erly. Western Oregon and Western Washington. Generally fair, except probably showers Along the Coast: winds mostly southerly. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. . A. B. WOLLABEft. Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," ''House keeping Booms," "Situations "Wanted," 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 jo 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 80 cents for 15 words or lew; 36 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY' (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed core The Oregon Ian, aad left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oregon lan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First st. Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom, 180 Flret St., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION, SISTERS All members of the Ladles of the G. A. R. are requested to at tend the funeral of our late sister, Mrs. J. E. Mayo, at Cunning's parlors, Eant Side, on Wednesday at 2 P. M., November 15, 1905. JENNIE WARDL AN D LYON. President. LENA WHEELER, Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40. A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this ("Wednesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock; Burkhard building. M. M. decree. All M. M. cordially In vited. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening In Orient Hall, East Portland. Third degree. Visitors invited. W. A. WHEELER, Sec PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 3, R. A. M. Regular convocation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30. A. M. KNAPP, Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Initiation. Visitors welcome. M. OSVOLD. Secretary. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN All members are requested to attend the reception and 'HI-yu Muckamuck'" given in honor of Great Incobonec John W. Cherry and Great Chief of Records Wilson Brooks at Wigwam, 170Vj 2d St., on the sleep of the 15th sun, bea ver moon at the 8th run, Wednesday evening, November 15, at 8 o'clock. S. LEWIS KING, Chairman Great Trustees, Great Council of Oregon. MARRIED. 6AMUELS-SMITH November 7. at Independ ence, Or., by the Rev. E. J. Thompson. Mr. Harry H. Samuels and Mies Jeanette Smith, both of Portland: BORN. PRUDHOMME To the wife of William B. Prudhomme, 704 Irving street, a son. DIED. BRADY At residence. 240 Sheridan St., No vember 14, 1905, Edward Brady, aged C3 s ears . rUNEKAL NOTICES. FOWLER Friends and acquaintance are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Joseph F. Fowler, which will be held at Finleya chapel at 2 P. M. Thursday, November 16. 1905. Interment Riverview. HYAMS In Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 8, 1005, Harry P., beloved husband of Carrie Hy ams. son of Sarah and the late George Hyams, and brother of Sol, Dollle and Frank Hyama and Mrs. B. Schaelf. of San Fran cisco. Widow Is at 281 4th St.. thin city. The funeral cervices will be hel dat Finley's chapel. Thursday at 11 A. M. Interment Lone Fir cemetery BRADY At residence. 240 Sheridan st., No vember 14. 1005, Edward Brady, aged 03 years, beloved husband of Mrs. B. Brady. and father of Edward, Mary, Margaret and Delia Brady, of this city. Funeral will take place Thursday, iovemoer iu, at s:45 A. M.. from residence, thence to St. Lawrence Church, 3d and Sherman sts., at S A. M-, where requiem mass will be offered. Inter ment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Friends re spectfully Invited. FLEMING In this city. November 14. 1905. John W. Fleming, aged 62 years, 5 months and 11 days. Friends are respectfully in vlted to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel, corner 3d and Salmon sts., at - p. M., Thursday. No vember 10. 1905. Interment Lone Fir cem etery. MAYO At her late residence, 404 East Wash ington st.. November 13. 1905. Rachel E. Mayo, aged 62 years. 1 month and 3 days. wife of the late John E. Mayo. Funeral will take place today. November 15. at 2 P. M.. from F. S. Dunnlnga chapel, corner of East Alder and East 6th sts. Friends in vited. J. P. FIN LEY & SON Funeral directors and erobalmers. No. 261 3d st-. cer. Madison Day or night calls promptly atteaded. Ex perienced lady assistant when desired. Of' flee of County Coroner. Phone Mala 9. DUNNING. X'ENTXE GILBAUGIL S ac centors to Dunning & Campion, undertakers and embalm rrs; mod era In every detail: 7 th and Pine. Phone Mala 436. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers aad etnbalmers. have moved to their aew haild- lag. Third aad Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 667. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. La tlx assmaat. Teieabeae East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. Undertakers, Em- babacrs, 273 Xufrell. East 18. Lady ass't. KB AMUSEMENTS. BELASC0 IEU3DQ & HATER fWl TlItfWMX-tlflH! 14th and Wash. Sts. E. L. Sackett. Res. Mgr.. TONIGnT. S: 15 ALL WEEK ' LAST WEEK OF THE ROMANTIC ACTOR White Whittlesey Xa Richard Mansfield's Great Success "THE FIRST VIOLIN" Evenings, 25c to 75c; Matinees. Saturday and Sunday. 25c to 50c. Next Week, t tar ting with Matinee Sunday, November 19, "THE FATAL CARD" Three Song Recitals Mr. Allen Goodwyn and Mr.-Claire Monteith Assisted by MRS. MILLIE PERKINS and MISS HELEN COPELAND MR. FRED'K J. GOODRICH, Accompanist. 69 NORTH 18th ST. First on Wednesday, November 22 'In a Persian Garden" and "The Daisy Chain" (Lehman). Tickets $2.50. admitting to tho three re citals (55 lefti. obtainable at Graves & Co.. Mr. Allen Goodwyn. 69 North Eighteenth, and Mr. Monteith. 201 Thirteenth street. Baker Theater Crtfcn Tfcrzttr Co., Usui Cm. L Iikir. p. Yamhill and Third Eta. Phone Main 1907. Home of Musical Burlesque Bargain Matinee TODAY. 2:15. 25c any seat. TONIGHT TONIGHT. T. W. Dlnkln's Famoun Beauty Show, Musical Burlesque Extraraganza, "The Utopians" Evening prices. 25c. 35c. 50c. 75c; matinee Saturday (last performance). 16c, 25c, 35c, 50c Matinee Wednesday. 25c to any scat. Next Week "THE PARISIAN BELLES." Empire Theater IwimhatrfKwriiM rbtiii Uila 117 MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Portland's Popular Playhouts. Tonight All Week Matinee Saturday. The Merry, Jingling Musical Comedy. "HOOLIGAN'S TROUBLES" A melange of humor, dancing, hinging and musical numbers, direct from New York City. EVENING PRICES 15e, 25c, 35c. .V):. MATINEE PRICES-lOc. 15c. 25c. NEXT WEEK "A BROKEN HEART." Marquam Grand Theater Phone Main 68. TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:15. The Clever Young Star HARRY MESTAYER In Henrlk Ibsen's Greatest Drama "GHOSTS" The Dramatic Treat of the Season. PRICES 25c. 35c, 50c 75c $1- THE GRAND ZINVS TRAVESTY CO. And Chorus of Dancing Girls. A GREAT CAST. Headed by Tony West. Mann and Franks, Frances Gray and a Merry, Jolly. Shapely, Singing. Dancing and Well-Drilled Chorus of Pretty Girls. General admission 10c; evenings, Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor 20c; dally matinees, entire lower floor 10c; tox seats zoc. THE STAR Bud and OUIe Wood. Miss Eleanor Jenkins. Diamond, May & Co. Pearle and Dlament. Corner and Mcuulre. Mr. Fred Pnrlnton. Starofrcope. General admission 10c; evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor 20c: box seats 25c LIBERTY THEATER Fourth ana stark. Management of Keating & Flood. ' SEASON'S GREATEST BILL Ilerr Schmidt Leo White The Berllno Children Rudolph Eekland Kelly and Davis Moving Pictures Selected Orchestra Performances dally at 2.30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. Admission. TEN and TWENTY cents. NEW TODAY. A BANK Account Drawing INTEREST We Trill receive your deposits for any sum from $1.00 up. A pass book will be given you when you make the first deposit. You then have a bank account which draws interest and can add to this account at pleasure. Call on us or write for our booklet of ILLUSTRATIONS Begarding Special Certificates of Deposit. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. Phone Private Exchange 72, Inside Property First-Street Property Second-Street Property Third-Street Property Fourth-Street Property Fifth-Street Property Sixth-Street Property Burnsldc-Strcet Property THOS. SCOTT BROOKE Concord Building, Room 26 DO NOT FORGET That the East Side has the greatest popu lation, and Is growing the fastest. Holiday's Addition Offers more advantages to the HOME builder than any other section of the city. Have houses for sale; will build bouses If desired, and will sell lots on ad vantageous terms. Call and get particu lars and Inspect the property. The Oregon Real Estate Company Room 4, SS Third Street. FOR SALE HOUSE Of 10 room, corner 100x100; desirable resi dence or easily improved for Income prop erty: Immediate possession given. Inquire 415 2d St.. or S09 Dekum bide. Burnside Street $12, Near 7th on Burnside at., DOx 50, two-story building. F. Breske. 444 Sherlock bid. Park St. Corner 70x75, southeast cor. Parle and Harrison. For sale by F. Breske. 444 Sherlock bldg. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO. Special care -with children. Parlors 9 and 10. 342 Washington St. OLD GOLD, JEWELRY. BOUGHT, MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious toner, loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry re paired. Uncle Myers, Jeweler. 143 3d-Alder. NEW TO DAT. WATERFRONT Any or all of 900 feet water front; depth 600 feet; 40 feet water on harbor line; railroad facilities. A bargain. SHERMAN D. BROWN 351 Stark Street HOVER TO THE FRONT The Northern Padflo Railway unloaded and put to work 20 cars of graders' outfits November 7, on their new line down the north bank of the Columbia. We have as surances that the line will be built new town needs drugstore, hardware storo and meat market; concessions to right man. Before investing elsewhere. learn how to double your money by consulting with the HOVKK LAND COMPANY Hover. Benton County, Wash., or our branch office. 122 6th sU, cor. 6th and Washington. Portland. Investment Property tin flflfl '"0x100. on 10th and Davis: VlUUVU nothnB elee n the lomy to bo hud at the price, tl? flftfl 50x100 comer at the railway SfcWU terminal ground. tli AIM 50x100 corner on 6th st. that ?1T,VUU pay, o per cent net. "IfM 100x100 on 14th St.; splendid $10,311 warehouse site. 4T7 IHfl 50x100 corner on 3d st.; pays vl)3uu ROOd rt.nlai. $?fl ftfWl Good building site on Sth sU, 9&V,UvU paying small percentage en In vestment. ftfll 100x100 on 0th sU. within the yLdfWV railway terminal limits. COLLINS LAND CO. 307 Stearns bids. STARK STREET 100x100 corner, three frontages: must be sold at once. $16,000 New roomlnjr-house. close In. 50 feet from WashlBtn st.; 5125 per month rent; guar anteed lease. 57,500 50 feet oa Gil son. near 7th; rental (450 per year. WASHINGTON STREET Three fine buyn west of 16th. E. J. DALY. 222 Failing Building .THE JOHN BARRETT CO. THONE MAINM22. 40S and 410 Morrison Street. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE a 3 epealaltr. within city UmlU or outside. Eom acres with terms as low aa $10 per month with waur. A. C Churchill & Co.. "Inc." 110 2d at. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date: elegantly finished throughout; cltcated on two lots, in best portion of Wt Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. STATE LANDS FOR SALE. The State of Oregon has for sale a limited amount of base for lieu selection. Price un til further notice (6 per acre. For particu lars address Oswald West. Stale Land Agent. Salem. Or. f 2000 WEST SIDE. C-ROOM HOUSE. MOD ern. bath, gas, fractional let, 10 minutes' walk to Postofflce; full basement; good nelchberbood; on car line; one-half cash BrojHre Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Com merce. FINE 11:ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LOT COx 100. bouse cost $5000. lot worth $1500. oura pletdy furnished, including ptaa; all for J450J; ck in. State Investmeat Co., 118 Ablnrton Mdg. IN HOLLADAY PARK. S-ROOM RESI dence, modern, furnace, cement Mw and walkh. fireplace; gas and electricity nx tures; by owner; f3C00; terms easy. X 40, Oregonlan. SUBSTANTIAL INVESTMENT FOUR NEW family flats, thoroughly modern, tinted walls, lovely rooms, cement basements; real fM4 year: $0200. $2200 cash. Address Agent, Y 55, Oremralan. SPECIAL TODAY-S-ROOM HOUSE. MOD ern In every way; full lot and located among choice hemes; S250 cflflh, pay balance J 25 a month. Call Wettera Land Co., 24b4 Stark at. FOR RENT OR SALE A MODERN RESI dence with fireplace, cement basement and walks: an ideal home, in Piedmont. 1179 Garfltrtd ave., or George Baker, auctioneer. FOR SALE CHOICEST HALF BLOCK IN Portland, cloec to business center, one of the few bargain left. Inquire Max G. Cohen, 400 Columbia bldg.. 3C5 Washington X. HEAL ESTATE J 1 000 DOWN, BALANCE terms; fine new modem house. E. 11th Irv ington; let me show you this place. 505 Com mercial block. 2d and Washington. 5450 200 CASH. BALANCE IN8TALL ments. small finished house, two large lots, fenced, beautifully situated. State Invest ment Co.. 11S Ablngton bldg. IMPROVED ACREAGE WITH RESIDENCE orchard assorted fruit, 9 miles from city; good roads, near car. 07 East 8th North, near Davis; call forenoons. FOR SALE COMltoRTABLE 9-ROOM house, pretty surroundings, at 1C0 E. 16tb st . near Belmont; electric cars, convent eat. Apply on premises. FOR SALE TWO LOTS WITH A THREE 0tcry building, on 25th U. at head of Up chur sU; a bargain if taken at once. Gruber. 617 Commercial block. $ 1 000 EXCELLENT NEW 5-ROOM MODERN cottage, corner lot, beautifully situated on Falling st. State Investment Co.. US Ab lngton bldg. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR HAW- tnorae ave.. an conveniences; 31G59, on -osy terms. Western Oregon Trust Co., 210 Fen ton bldg. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE on Woodlawn Height. Inquire at 014 Jun ior St., Columbia Heights. Phone East 4916. $185015 ACRES. 2 MILES FROM LENTS, near car. 2 acres cultivated; 9000 house. State Investment Co., 118 Ablngton bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE. 4 MILES WEST OF city; at -very low price If sold at once; easy terms. Owner, 410 McKay bldg. 5-ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT BASEMENT fall lot, fenced. 3 blocks to Highland school! 51200. Hatfield & Smith. 1G5U 4th et. $2325-NEW 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. COR ner lot SSxlOO, East Side; terms. State la vootroent Co., US Ablngton bldg. $24509 LOTS HOUSE AND GOOD ORCH ard In Alblna four blocks of car line. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington et. SELLWOOD LOTS, $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sellwood Townslte Co. Phone East -4704. NICE LOT. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE, near Steel bridge, $1000. Western' Oregon Trust Co.. 210 Fenton bide. FOR -SALE 4-ROOM COTTAGE IN WOOD lawn, $650. on Installment plan. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. NEW. MODERN. 9-ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT basement, porcelain bath, gas, eewer, cor ner lot. Scott 5125. FOR SALE-244 ACRES TIMBER LAND: scales 3.S00.000. Inquire 6S0 Gllsan. Phone Main 45. $S50 N EARLY NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE, batement. Woodlawn. near station. Scott 5125. $1000-0 OOD S-ROOM HOUSR EAST SDB; Income $216. Owner, room 37, 1C5& 4th at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHY PAY RENT? When you can own a. home and pay for It In MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS, like rent? Here are some nice CHRISTMAS PRES ENTS. Present your wife with one. These houses are built for HOMES and NOT for "renting purposes." 6-room house and lot 30x100 on best part of Eugene st.; a strictly modern, up-to-date HOME; price S2SOO. 6-room house and lot 33 1-3x70. on finest part of Williams ave.; a strictly modern and Al HOME: price $2500. C-roora house and lot 50x100. in beautiful CITY VIEW PARK. ellwood; a little gem; price $2500. Three 7-room houses and lots each 33 1-3x100. on cor. or 24 th and York sts.. Just being erected; will make any changes desired. These are elegant HOMES, all strictly modern. THE PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. N. W. Cor. 5th and Alder Sts. PHONE MAIN 6118. Over Aronson's Jewelery Store. FEW CHOICE CARGAINS. 5- room. very modern, up-to-date houe. In Irvine ton. choice U block, cement walks: this is surely a swell place; the price K right. 6- roora house. WHlaoette Heights, best location there; this 1 an elegant home in every respect: muet be ieen to be appreci sued;' price and terms right. 6-room modern little home In Irvlngton. near car line, full lot, cement walks, every thing first-class, price only S3350; small payment down, balance monthly. VACANT LOTS. jiXTRA BUYS. Corner lot. 50x125. Tillamook St.. very best location, all Improvements in. and our price Is only S50. 2 very choice lots In Highland, near Going tU. on 6th; here la the best buy In that lo cality, only J 650 for the two Icia. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton bldg. SOME BARGAINS. Choice O-room residence. 671 East Ash; nearly new; lot 50x120. New S-room modern home. East 15th and Taylor. Very desirable and sightly home. East 17th and Morrison. Desirable building lots at East 15th and Main. East 14th between Yamhill and Tav ler. East 17th between Yamhill and Tavlor. and East Alder and ISth. Bargains in Quarter blocks at Eant Main and 17th and 19th. and East 6th and Yy gant. Choice M block. 25th and North rup. West Side. Eight lota In Hanson's Second Addition; must be sold at once. Choice quarter block. East 29th and Couch. See that beautiful Inside let between East Tavlor and Yamhill; nice view. Three choice lota in Cherry dale. Sunnyalde. at sacrifice; close to Hawthorne ave. C. W. PALLETT. 304-5 Fen ton bide. SOME BRAND-NEW SNAPS. 4 beautiful, new cottages that coat over $6Ti(V) to bulk), cost of terracing and beau tlfylag the grounds over $3(0. all connected with wer, modern conveniences, gas. elec tric light, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, new and complete, bringing In near ly $75 per month rent. In order to consum mate other business transactions the owner will el! the whole buMner for SG500. A lovely 5-acre place, about half In ber rl, near Mt. Tabor, for $2000. A beautiful quarter block with handsome 7-rwjm cottage, very choice fruit, shrub bery and berries. An exceedingly charming home for S1S00. Nothing In the city can equal these for bargains. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 13 First Street. INCOME PROPERTY. QUITE CLOSE TO terminal district, corner lot and 3 good houses, renting for 10 per cent of price; 16500. Lot 32x100, 7-room house. East Washing ton, between Union ave. and E. 12th: $2t0. 15 acres on Mt. Scott, 4 CO cords of wood; J0U0. 3H acres on Wiberg lane, ail cleared, no gravel, old house, plenty of orchard. Larse corner lot with 2 good housed, cen tral. East Portland, rents 55; price 6400; tenuis. CULVER. 623 Chamber of Commerce. AT YOUR PRICE THE FOLLOWINO PROP erty: U-btock, Holladay's Addition, on 12th; 385-acre stock farm, for less than Improve ments cost; 7 or S-room modern, well-located house; 5-room cottage, worth $1400; choice rooming-house for rent. Union Ad justment Co., 31S Chamber of Commerce. INVESTIGATE THESE. FOR THEY ARE good: $3200. elegant modern heme. E. 11th at.; $4200. full corner lot. Wet Side. 11th St.. a snap; $1500. fine coroor, E. 15th. Fred C. King, 505 Commercial bldg.. 2d and Wash ington. $12.50OTVO-STORY BRICK ON FRONT ST. dose to Washington: as reliable an Income producer as there Is In Portland; always had a tenant, even during the years of the panic Whiting i Rountree, 4o8 Ablngton bide. A SNAP AT RAILWAY TERMINUS HOTEL building and 31 lota adjoining railroad; cor ner Washington and Broadway streets, Marsbtlcid. Cooa Bay, Oregon; price $5W. Titlo Guarantee i Abstract Co.. MarshaeM. Or. EAST SIDE HOMES THREE 7-ROO.M AND one S-room house on E. Third and Multno mah sts.; new. beautifully finished; fine lo cation: convenient to 3 car lines; easy term. Pariah &. Gourlay. owners. 348 Multnomah. S-ROOM HOUSE. VERT MODERN, BATH, gas. electric light, furnace heat. 3 lots, well set to fruit, shade and ornamental trees, ose block to car line; In good residence dis trict. $7000. Hatfield & Smith. 16514 4tb at. $900 ONE ACRE. GOOD 0-ROOM HOUSE, excellent car service; $300 down, balance easy Lastallmenur. West Side, south; free use of 4 acres adjoining. State Investment Co.. lis Ablngton bldg. 1C0 ACRES. ALL GOOD LAND. LAYS NICE; houte. S acres cultivated, about Z000.CC0 feet good timber. mile from Columbia River, near White Salmon; might trade. Henkle & Baker. 217 Ablngton. WEST SIDE HOME. 0 ROOMS. NEAR WASH lngton St.. walking distance; splendid bar gain: $5500. Western Oregon Trust Co., 210 Fenton bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED PERSONS HAVING REAL ES tate for sale would do well by seeing us; we also have rood bargains In city and farm property. Campbell & McMillan. 275 Sth st. PhosA Pacific 534. COLLINS LAND CO. (INC.) WE BRING buyer and seller together; list your property with us. Our facilities are exceptional. Bank references. Stearns tldg. Phone Main 2324 ALL PERSONS READY TO SELL THEIR equity cheap In homes bought oo Install ments, or those having homes cheap for cash, address C 53. Oreconlan. FROil $1200 TO $1000 TO INVEST IN A new and modern cottage that will pay good rent. Apply to The Qnn-Lawrence Com pany. 148S Flrat st. WANTED HOUSE AND LOT. 6 TO S rooms; $3U0 down, balance $50 quarterly; privilege of larger payments. W 52, Ore gonlan. 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR CASH; 7 OR 8-room house, cash. 31S Chamber of Com merce. TO EXCHANGE. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, LOT 50x100; SOME money; omume mortgage if terms suit for house and lot. 7 or S rooms, modem. East Side preferred, not too far out. two to four blocks of car. X 52, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE FURNISHINGS OF ROOM lng and boarding-bouse, close In, fine loca tion; $700 down, balance In acreage or house and lot; no agents. P 55, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM HOUSE. NEARLY NEW. RENTAL pays 8 per cent on $1500; will exchange for lot and cash or terms oa balance. Hatfield ' & Smith. 1CS4 4th K. p WILL EXCHANGE GUARANTEED 6 PER rty: investigate this now. Porter. Box 441. TO EXCHANGE HOUSE AND LOT FOR carpenter work, automobile or horse. In quire -120 Hawthorne. Phone East 72. TO EXCHANGE FASHIONABLE DRESS maklng for furniture or rugs. Address L 55. Orcsonlan. 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND SOME RESIDENCE lots for good business lot or farm. Scott 5125. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. yrs KNOW OF ABOUT lOO FINE TIMBER -claims or homesteads that have been over lookd. close to tidewater. Full particulars. H. Henker. 127 7th sU SO MILLIONS YELLOW FIR AND CEDAR, near good stream. 1000 acres In a body; price $30 Der acre. Western Oregon Trust Co., 210 Fenton bldr. FOR SALE-SCO ACRES OF CHOICE TIM berlasd. 2S miles southeast of Portland. For particulars addreve A. A. NIcoL North Yik lma. Wash. IOR SALE FARMS. $900 CASH AND $700 CITY PROPERTY bays a lovely mountain home. 40 acres: good house, large barn, full of hay and grain, spring water piped to house and barn. 50 chickens, cow. team, harnws, wagon, blackmlth shop, carpenter shop, tools all kinds, steel-beam plow; 15 acres cultivated. 20 acres more easy cleared; good orchard, household goods, fruit in barn; everything ready to move right In and an easy living assured; half mile to school. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 AWer st. . FOR SALE FINE 334-ACRE VALLET farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 160 In cultivation, balance nearly level, partly cleared and In grass; good build ings, fences and orchard; some beaver dam: about 1500 cords fir and ash timber: electric light and telephone; close to rail, churches and schools; 26 miles to Port land: $45 per acre, or will sell part: terms. P 30. Oregonlan. $250O-GOOD FARM OF SO ACRES. TWO miles railroad atkm. 25 miles Portland; new 9-room house, new barn. 50 aeres cul tivated. 10 acres onion land: running tttream water, on main road to Portland; easy term. Will sell SO acres more adjoining and make 100 acres cultivated, all for $4750. B. S. Cook & Co. 10 ACRES. 1 MILS FROM PORTLAND Heights car. Ideal "place for strawberrlest. live spring, lfc acres la good orchard, gar den, all under cultivation; house and barn on place; no agents; price $3500. Inquire 445 Sherlock Wdc. MUST BE SOLD CO ACRES ON SECTION Line rood. 10 miles east of city and" within 1 mile of G res ham car line and a beautiful location: 30 acres In cultivation: good house and barn. F. Abraham. 113 2d st. FOR SALE S ACRES ADJOINING OREGON city; 4 aeres In cultivation; running water; suitable for hog or chicken ranch; 5 blocks from city nehool: price $100 per acre. Ad drasn E. P. Elliott. Oregon City. Or. FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to settlement, level valley land: no stone or timber; water and soil first-class. Room 06. Labbe bdlg.. cor. 2d and Wash. COZY 14-ACRE FARM. 10 MILES FR05I center elty: all cleared, fenced; 5-room house, stable; only $1500. Apply 60S Chamber Com merce. FOR RENT FAR3LS. ONE OF THE BEST GRAIN FARMS IN the Willamette Valley, ten ml!s from Sa lem. mile from R. H. station; 300 acres in cultivation; renter nut be prepared to commence work at once. T 53. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 230 ACRES 13 MIfVE3 FROM Portland. 90 acres cleared; will take & in work 253H Washington st.. room 9. FOR RENT 247-ACRE DAIRY -FARM ON Columbia River; stock for sale. Address R. F. Love. Lents. Or. WANTED TO LEASE. CORNER FOR SALOON PURPOSES BY RE spoaslMe partl; state location. N 25. Ore gen Ian. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUAR AN teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. We buy military bounty land war- rants. Collins Land Co.. Steams bWg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND Ve hicles by the day. week or month; barnew. saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson & Casslday. 211 Washington tu WANTED: HORSES TO PASTURE LARGE comznodleufl bam for protection against Inclement weather. Best pasturage in the county; rate reasonable. Call Main 45G3. A SNAP-FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE TEAM gray hones weighing 1500 Itwv each, and harness, and lC00-lb. mare, all good pull ere. 230 Jencreon st. SPAN PONIES. 7 YEARS OLD. 13 HANDS high, fine drivers, stylish; will t-tll or let careful party use them for their board. Phone Pacific 315. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month; opeclal rates to busi ness houses. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. J200-HORSB. WAGON AND HARNESS; wagon cost $210; 1300-pound horse; good for bakery or milk business. 400 N. Union ave. FOR SALS AN EXTRA FINE TEAM OF ponies, wagon and harness. tiCO Gllsan st. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth. HORSES FOR SALE BY W. E. JACOBS. 134 E. 34th st. Phone East 2512. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard aad pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod em bar fixture: cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-CoUender. 49 34 st. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Victor and Columbia machines, dtac and cylinder- send for catalogues. Wassom's Phonograph Agency. Oregon City. Or. At TO MOTOR BUCKBOARD. EXCELLENT condition; Just the thing for light de livery; will trade for launoh or sell cheap. O 30. Oregonlan. YORK TROMBONE, silver plated, with case. $E5; York horn. C crooks, silver plated, case. $40; comet. $10; expert repairing. 67 1st st. SAFES 2 NEW FIREPROOF SAFES NOT of cur manufacture) very cheap; 5 second hand safes. Portland Safe Co.. 70 0th st. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE set tinner's tools and machine. Address Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE-SIX-HORSEPOWER HOISTING engine and boiler. K. G Llndstrom. 302 Commercial bldg. CEMENT PATTERNS. BURIAL VAULTS, tablets: alo $26 baby carriage at $& 562 UtnatlUa ave. FOR SALE 1 10-FT. RANGE. 1 CASH REG Inter. 1 gas range. 60 yd. Inlaid linoleum. Main 3429. FURNITURE FOR SALE CHEAP CALL bet. 3 and 6. 340 Burnside St.. Wcet Side. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM br of Commerce, or phone Main 23 G3. FOR SALE SLOT MACHINES. PRICE, box 173. Condon. Or. FOR SALE FRESH COW. PHONE EAST 2017. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED BOY ABOUT 17. RAILROAD OF flce; must have two years In High School. Address R 53. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portlacd and throughout state; big wage to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. FIRST-CLASS ASSAY ER WHO ALSO UN derttandu bookkeeping and surveying. Ad dress. S 38, Oregonlan. SMART MESSENGER BOY FOR CITY OF fice; good wages and chance to learn trade. Apply H 53, Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD SUBSCRIPTION SOLICIT oro; a bonanza for hustlers. Sec Paul Val lely, 215 Columbia bldg. WANTED-YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; fine chance; some money required. 506 Washington st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER. Spokane bill; telegraph. Gibson & Co., Lew lston. Idaho. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTER. er. Washington Mattress & Furniture Co.. aeame. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCUMAN AddresM G. M. Campbell. 320 James St.. Se attle. Waslt WANTED A SOLICITOR TO SELL STOCK In a gilt-edge proposition. Address V 53, Oregonian. FIRT-CLASS ELECTRICIAN AS MANAGER for power and light plant. Address N 53. Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 45. WANTED ACTIVE MAN TO CO TO DEN ver; will pay half-fare. V. Herman. 313 14th. ALL-ROUND PRINTER. APPLY THIS rooming In person. Courier. Oregon City. BOY WANTED ABOUT 17; STEADY IX door work. 49 Front, comer Davis. WANT 10 TEAMS TO HAUL TIES. PROC tor & Beers. Orient. Or. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. S 52. care Ore con lan. WANTED STRONG LIVE BOY OVER 16 IN shop. 105 North 5th. . HELP WANTED MALE. A WIDE-AWAKE SALESMAN FOR MANU facturer and Importer controlling exclusive designs of calendars and advertising novel ties is wanted for Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Utah; a good, reliable and re sponsible party will be strongly supported with the best line ever shown on this Coast; high-class credentials required; office and assistant allowed to satisfactory party; good trade established. Address D 36. Oregonlaa. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 8 to 5 days: consultation free and strictly confidential; eend for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN $3 day. after two months' Instruction, position guaranteed: special tuition half price, few days only. Coyne Bros. Co.. Plumbing Scbcols. New York. Cincinnati. O.. St. Louis. Mo. (Fr catalogue.) WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO carry as side line coffee and tea to sell to hotels and restaurants. Standard Coffee & Spice Mills. 209 2d st. DO YOU WORK ON SALARY? WILL YOUR past record bear cloeest. Inspection? It so, that Is a valuable asset; register, get the benefit; we are always looking for such people. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 2G5 Morrison st. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON; staple line; entirely new Inducements to trade; high commissions; $25 weekly ad vance; permanent to right man. F. C Far ley Co.. Detroit. Mich. WANTED MAN WITH EXECUTIVE ABIL Ity; experienced in largA drj'Koods house or department store; capable earning $1500 $2000 year. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work, optics. Eaay terms, positions -guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmaking-Engraving School. P. I. bldg.. Seattle. WANTED A MAN OF INTELLIGENCE and experience, of any nationality, who la willing to work, and test his ability, in or der to succeed. AddreM Box 73. Portland. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; LIBERAL commission; programmes, newspapers, peri odicals, fraternal publication; steady em ployment 63S Chamber of Commerce. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; LIBERAL commission; programmes, newspapers, peri odicals, fraternal publication: steady em ployment. 63S Chamber of Commerce. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; LIBERAL commission; programmes, newspapers, peri odical, fraternal publication; steady em ployment. 63S Chamber of Commerce. THOSE DESIRING TO BECOME ACTORS OR actresses see us; all branches of stage work taught; positions when competent. School of Aetlng, comer 4th and Oak. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN and solicitors, steady employment, at a reg ular salary to the right men. Inquire at this office between 12 and 1 today. NEAT BARKEEPER. GOOD MIXER. EASY place. $40 and, board; dinner cook. $20 a week: pantry and salad man. $45. Hansen. 26 N. 2d st. Men to learn barber trade, eight weeks secures position; wages while learning. Gttlmaa'a College, 627 Clay St., San Francteco. Cal. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecestary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y". California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 5c per glasd. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit bust cess. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. $23 TO $65 PER WEEK EASILY MADE celling sick and accident benefits for Union Mutual Aid Ass'n. 705 Marquam bldg. WANTED 20 STAVE AND SHINGLE-BOLT cutters. Western Cooperage Co., room 300. Stearns bldg., 6th and Morrison sts. Men learn barber trade In eight weeks. The only real barber colleges In existence. Mo lei's System College, Seattle. Wash. WANTED AN ADMAN CAN MAKE $30 TO $50 weekly; steady employment. C. H. Dougherty. 215 Columbia bldg. WANTE D BOY WITH BICYCLE. 594 WASH lngton st. HFLP WANTED FEMALE. DISEASES OR WOMEN A SPECIALTY: MA temlty cases given special atentlon. private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurjes In attendance. Consultation free. X-Kadlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder. atranc 253 Alder su. Port land. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS and domestics of all kinds, city and coun try. Set: oiii new address. Canadian Par lors. 221H Morrison. Main 1323. WE HAVE USE FOR THREE HIGH-GRADE men, country work, proposition new; no competition: If you are right, this will In terest you. F 55. Oregonlan. GOOD INCOME FOR WOMEN. CLEAN, beneficent work, backed by Portland's best people; Invttitlgate today. We help you start. 705 Marquam. STENOGRAPHER. NEAT PENMAN. QUICK, accurate In figures; lumber experience pre ferred Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison. RESTAURANT WAITRESS. $25. ROOM (Washington), boarding help, domestics, cooks, city. Order help Drake'n, 205 Wash lmctea. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE ventattves in Portland and throughout state: good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, WAIT ers, chambermaids, general workers. Sc. Louln Agency, 230VJ Yamhill. Main 5413. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR HOUSB keeper, family of two. In the country, near city. 326 Johnson at., opposite 'depot. PIONEER LADIES' AGENCY", 215 Morrison St. Private Parlors for Ladles. TAILORESS TO WORK ON COATS; MUST be experienced buttonhole-maker. Colum bia Woolen Milts. 7th and Stark. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43H Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GOOD EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework small family; must be good cook. Apply 824 Marshall st. THE ILLINOIS. lOStj 10TH A GOOD GIRL to assist in general housework; private boarding house. GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO light housekeeping work. Call Immediately. 623 3d st. GOOD COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER FOR modem residence rooming-house. D 36. Ore. gonlan. LADY CLERK IN CANDY 8TORB. CALL after 11 A. M.. Swetland &" Son, 273 Mor rison. YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK In private family. 3K) 3d st. Phone Main 5549. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 631 Schuyler. Phone Scott 24S2. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF women and surgery. 3d floor. Allsky bldg. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wurk. Call mornings. 65S LoveJoy L WANTED A COOK. SMALL FA JULY; MUST have references. Call 743 Everett st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire 330 E. 9th North. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. FAM lly of two. 533 Johnson st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work at 181 N. 24th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Ap ply 670 LoveJoy st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO take cur bookkeeping and shorthand courses that we mar be able to fill the applications for office help; we placed over 500 students in positions last year. Holmes Business Col lege. 23-31. Y, M. C A. bldg. WANTED SOME MAN AND WIFE TO take care of a small ranch; will leaae for a term of 5 years, free of charge, Jiu for the keeping of It; good proposition. Inquire E 55. Oregonlan. WANTED SINGERS. NOVELTY ACTS, dramatic people, musicians, sketch teams. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 4 th and Oak. LODGE COMMITTEE DESIRES AMATEURS for several dramatic productions; practical experience given free. R 54, Oregonlan. WANTED ENGLISH TEACHER TO teach Japanese boy during evening at teacher's home. C 55. Oregonlan. DRAMATIC WANTED. CLEVER AMA teurs of good appearance. For particulars call at 74 4th. comer Oak. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED TEACHERS. $50 MONTH. THE Flk Teachers' Agency. 1200 Williams ave. East 344. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A SOBER. RELIABLE. WIDEAWAKE young man wants position In grocery stare or to drive delivery wagon; know the city. Main 30SS. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE MARRIED MAN wants Dosition as collector or to assist in office work. Phone Main 1095. Ask tor W. McC COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. PRESENT salary $75; desires position with prospects for advancement. J 55. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER 4 years experience, best references, salary moderate. Box 456. Albany. Or. WANTED-BY GOOD ACCOUNTANT. EXTRA bookkeeping at nights and Sundays. Q 5J Oreconlan. Miscellaneous. BRIGHT. CAPABLEl ELDERLY GENTLE man as hotel clerk or real estate; Al refer ences; wide acquaintance. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau. 265 Morrison st. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all klndo of help. Main 46S&. 26S Everett st HONEST CHINESE BOY WANTS ANY KIND position, so as could attend school, cleaning, offce. cook or help cook. Phone Main 1245. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF flce furnishes reliable help. Henrr Tahara. 287 N. Everett. Phone Pacific 540. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board aad room. Q 81, care Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN OF good habits: can furnish good references. Address R 55. Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE WANT POSITION To gether. Address 1545 On eon t a st.. Wood lawn station. A YOUNG BOY WOULD LIKE A POSITION as elevator or bellboy; mate wages. N 55, Oregonlan. LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY A COMFE tent man by the day or week. 3&0 East Da vis st TOGO THE JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEANING Company Phone Pacific 622. 82 N. Third. YOUNG JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WISHES situation. Address M. Hachlya. 40 N. F st. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cooking. O 54. Oregonlan. JAPANESE experienced domestic workers, housecleaners. Japan Lodge. Clay S75. Highest prices paid for men's castor clothing, shoe. 73H N. 3d. Phone Green 42S. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cooking. 45 N. 1st st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO GENERAL housework. P 54. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITION BY RELIABLE STENOGRAPHER. $8 per week: permanent place or public of fice with salary. Main 5606. Room 5. H 56, care Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY. THOROUGHLY COMPE ten and experienced bookkeeper, deetres po sition. S 53. Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION IN A WHOLESALE house as an assistant bookkeeper. G 53. Ore gonlan. WANTED A POSITION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper: experience. V 35. Oregonlan. 2ursee. PHONE 5432 FOR TRAINED NURSE. OR call at 514 Jefferson st; can give city ref erences. Domestic. SITUATIONS WANTED COOKS. WAIT resses. nurses, housekeepers, washerwomen, chambermaids, second girls. 23U Yamhl.l. Phone Main 5413. SCANDINAVIAN GIRL. GOOD COOK, wants to do cooking or general housework, wages $30. Call at 392 Columbia st, SITUATION WANTED NEAT. MIDDLE aged woman, upstairs work and care of chil dren. 230H Yamhill. Main 5413. SCOTCH OIRL WANTS SITUATION AS second girl or general. Apply 617 Overton st TWO GOOD COLORED WOMEN TO WORK by the day. Call at 545 Front st. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL make engagements by the day. Phone Clay 716. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING. REPAIR lng; will go out by day. Phone Main 1249. Housekeepers. REFINED YOUNG WOMAN, EXPERIENCED housekeeper. desires situation first-class home; widower's family preferred. 230's Yamhill. Phone Main 5113. A LADY OF REFINEMENT. WITH ONE daughter, wishes position as housekeeper for some one with piano. Call at 32 N. 11th. no objection to child. BY YOUNG WIDOW. HOUSEKEEPER IN widower's family, good homo desired more than wages. S 55, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. MASSACHUSETTS Y'OUNG LADY. SINGLE, refined, good appearance, wishes to keep house for prosperous widower or bachelor, respectful treatment demanded. AddreM Mtas Lottl Tarbox. Spokane. Wash. REFINED YOUNG GIRL WISHES Posi tion to play piano for dancing school, alert children's or private evening parties; best references: terms reasonable. K 55. Ore gonlan. A LADY GRADUATE FROM ONE OF THE best physical culture schools In the East desires pupils In special work for reducing flesh. T 49, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN COOK WITH son 16 years as helper, wants position In a hotel or boarding-house; no objection to coun try. Phone Hood 1001. SITUATIONS WANTED FOR CHAMBER matds. waitresses, cooks, nurses, family, laundry, factory help, camps. Drake. 203 Washington. YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED SEAM stress. desires situation first-clam dressmak ing parlors. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. COLLEGE GRADUATE AND EXPERIENCED teacher wants pupils in common school or high branches. 318 Clay. PHone Main 34S2. WANTED POSITION AS ASSISTANT IN A doctor's office or Invalid to care for In day time by nurse. J 33, Oregonlan. COLORED GIRL TO COOK OR CHAMBER mald. or day's work; city references. Phone 1762 Hood, room 39. LADY WISHES WORK BY THE DAY, housework or any kind of work. Phone East 2177. WANTED DOLLS TO DRESS: SATISFAC tlon guaranteed. Telephone Main 34S2. 343 Clay st. A YOUNG LADY WILL GIVE ENGLISH IN structlons to beginners. Q 55. Oregonlan. Home-laundered laco curtains. Phone Scott 3846. Call for Mrs. S. M. Scott SEWING BY DAY. $1-25 PER DAY. Phone East 5000. Miss De Lano. LADY" WANTS TO . PLAY PIANO IN OR chestra. J 54. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. MARRIED COUPLE WANT TWO Ft R nlsbed housekeeping rooms, quiet suburban home, at least block away from car: abso lutely clean and reasonable. Phone Mrs. Audley. Main 5S02. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LIGHT housekeeping; vicinity of Park and Morri son; man and wife; must be reasonable: permanent. E 56, Oregonlan. WELL-FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE. 7 OR 8 rooms, good residence district, on West Side. Address P 53. Oregonlan. giving full particulars. WANTED ABOUT 10 ROOMS. UNFIT R nlshed or will buy furniture on payments. A 55. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT SMALL IMPROVED farm, suitable for stock-raising. E 56, Ore" gonlan. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED BY A YOUNG woman (teacher); state terms. X 53. Ore gonlan. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING P.OOM3. Address G 89. Oregonlan.