12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1905. DOOHS ON TIE K Manager Fuller Notifies the Street Committee. IN ADVANCE OF ORDINANCE Various Matters Involving the Street Railways Are Discussed by Committee of Council and Manager of Company. President F. I. Fuller, of the Portland Consolidated Railway Company, was an Interested attendant at the meeting of the street committee of the City Council jesterday. and In fact has lately made a point of keeping In close touch with af fairs coming before the municipal law makers that In any way affect the In terests of his corporation. As a general thing, Mr. Fuller has thus far evinced a disposition to study public requirements as much as possible, and upon several occasions since assuming authority with the railway company has apparently manifested, a desire to work In . harmony with the city's officials along These lines. Yesterday; was no exception to the rule, and the committee's attitude In postpon ing until Ite next meeting action on Coun cilman "Wills ordinance providing for doors and other safeguards on street-cars was based on a desire not to embarrass the corporation while It is endeavoring to meet the requirements of the new law even before It has become effective. President Fuller stated last night that he -was equipping all the company's modern cars with doors and other safety con trivances as rapidly as possible, and while he felt certain that no other city In the ciuntry imposed such hard conditions as those contained In the proposed Wills or dinance, that his company would en deavor to fully meet its requirements. Different on Short Runs. "On long runs the closed-car system Is a'l right," said Mr. Fuller, "but in the city limits, where frequent stops are necessary, it involves a hardship. We are Sitting up all our new cars "with devices of the kind contemplated by the proposed ordinance, but on the old ones it Is going to be a difficult matter." President Fuller whote a letter to City Attorney McNary to the effect that It was his Intention hereafter to have brakemen stationed on the front and rear of all cars being pushed through the city streets by motor power. According to Mr. Fuller, on account of the location of switches and turnouts, it is often Impossible to -so nwltch a train 6n the city streets as to liave the motor-car in front. The committee recommended favorably the petition of Rodney L. Gllsan and 26 other property-owners for the improve ment of First street from the south line of Columbia to the north end of the bridge at Sheridan street, the improve ment to consist of bitulithlc pavement, with the exception of the space between tho car tracks and one foot on the out side of each rail, whlqh was to be of Bel gian blocks. Mr. Fuller made a statement to the effect that there was an un dc-rstandlng at the time the Will Jams-avenue Improvement was pro jected that thereafter, before any im provement of like nature should be adopt ed, the railway company should have an opportunity to be heard. It developed that the petition presented yesterday was amendatory of one already before the Council calling for less expensive Im provement of the thoroughfare, and under the circumstances Mr. Fuller thought his engineers should be afforded a chance of conferring with the City Engineer before any definite action was taken, as the pro posed Belgian blocks would entail a great deal more expense. City Attorney Mclsary stated that a test case was not before the courts Involving all the points at is sue, which had been presented on stipu lations, and which he thought would be heard the coming week. Orders Work Done. In view of the situation, and consider ihg that a legal decision would probably be reached before proceedings to Improve the street would get beyond recall, the committee concluded to go ahead so far as its jurisdiction extended in tho matter, W, M. Davis was also present on"be"half of property-owners on Second and Savicr streets, who objected to the car tracks remaining there any longer in an aban doned condition. "In regard to the tracks on Second street." said Mr. Fuller, "the position of the company is outlined In our letter to you of September 23. We ceased operating on that street by permission of the city HUthoritles, on account of the poor con dition of the track, and since that per- mission have relald with heavy rails the hortherly portion of the street and oper ated the same as soon as laid. Wo aro now operating over tne wnoie street, even on the poor track, and the company is ready at any time to relay this track over any portion of the street which may bo Improved by tho city. "Referring to the tracks on Savler street, from - Fourteenth to Twenty-third. the company stands ready at any time to take up this track, but we were led to believe from some source that the street -was" to be redressed or improved in some way, and if this Is the case it would seem to be advisable to take out the rails at the time such improvement should bo made and prevent the street being ob structed twice. If this Is not the case we shall take up the rails immediately, if tnat is desired." REMONSTRATORS ARE MANX Street Committee in Consequence Defers Taking Definite Action. Announcement in Tho Oregonian yes ierday that H. Wittenberg and 29 others had petitioned tho City Council for the Improvement of Holladay avenue from the east line of Larrabee street to the west line of East Twelfth by paving with bitulithlc pavement, and that a further request had been made to reduce the width of Holladay avenue to 33 feet from curb to curb from the east line of Grand avenue to the west line of East Twelfth by parking seven and one-half feet on each side of tho street, had the effect of attracting a number of remonstrators to the meeting of the street committee of the City Council. After a long discus slon the committee agreed that it was in no position to take immediate action on account of the fact that its consideration of the petition was of an informal char acter by reason of its never having been before the Council. In consequence it was laid over without action, but will probably come before the main body next u ednesday. The committee also agreed to recom mend the adoption of a resolution grant- ting the John A. Roebling Sons Company permission to erect a platform in front of its new warehouse at Thirteenth and Lovejoy streets. It will have a 20-foot incline on each approach, with a space of 12 feet on top. - ' Chelialis Has Building Boom. CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 10. (Spe alar.) Probably tho greatest real cs tate activity in the "history of Chehalis ie being experienced here at present. Property is continually changing haud id real estate Is steadily advancing HOTEL Fifth tnd Washington Streets EUROPEAN PLAN IMW, Cl-W to U.M rer 1T Aecordteg to Loeatfaa. i. T. DA VIES, Pre. St Charles Hotel CO, ONCORPORArETM , FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS ' PORTLAND, OREGON Esrepeaa Plan Reams 7c t $2.00 FIrst-CIaas Restacraat la Ceaaectlsa i HOTEL OREGON j CORNER SEVENTH I Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up. J European flan WRIGHT-DICKINSON in value. Many new settlers aro com- inc- from tne East and purcnaslng prop erty. A fair share of them will build. There are wuny fine, substantial resi dences going up and one brick block Is.nearlv comnleted. The Cnehniis ir Door Company, of this ctty. whose business has been very prosperous ffom the start, has been forced to aouDie their building and machinery capacity in order to keep up with incoming or ders. Its plant will be ready for work under its increase in about a montu. R,isns4nata tViA rnlnrd rltv In Mexico. which -was dettroyed by a cloudburst, fur nishes one of the ghastliest curiosities of the worm, in one or tne vauiw i mo thMn a r. nntiin'.it nnnv mnmmlM which were dug from the soli. They afford a curl; ous evidence of tne natural cijidbiihiub yruy ertles of the earth. DAILY .METEOROLOGICAL J IE POUT. PORTLAND. Nov. 10. Maximum tempera ture. 53 dep.; minimum, 38. River readluc at 11 A. M.. 2.3 feet; change In past 24 hours, rise, 0.2 of a foot Total precipita tion, r. P. M. to 5 P. M:, none: total since September 1. 1903. 7.54 Inches: normal, 7.5G Inches; deficiency, 0.02 of anwtneh. Total sunshine November P. 1903, 9 hours ana 44 minutes; possible. 0 hours and 44 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Ill if a :e c c0 STATIONS. u - 5" 5 o" ' n I Is ? I j Baker City. . Bismarck. ... Boise .. .. Eureka , 0.001 4R 4(8 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 0.00! K-00 W NE 0.00 0.00 Helena. . SW Kamloops. B. C. 0.00 Cloudy North Head. . 5RV).00 SE W SE Cloudy Pocatello Portland Red Bluff. Roseburg. ...... .13810.001 Clear Cloudy Pt Cldy. Clear Clear ,133 0.00 108 .152 iC2 0.00 NW 0.00 NE NE Sacramento Salt Lake City. San Francisco . . . Spokane 0.00 150 10.00 4lNW Clear Clear Clear Cloudy .'04 0.00 W .13010.00 NE NW Seattle 30 0.001 Tatoosh Island. . '3d O-OOI 15010.001 SE Cloudy Clear walla walla. . . 4!SW WEATHER CONDITIONS. A disturbance is apparently central off the Washington coast this evening, but its progress Inland Is retarded by an Immense area of high pressure, which extends from the lake region westward to the North Pa cific States. Light rain hns set in along the Washington coast and the Strait of Juan de Fuca and cloudiness has increased In the Interior of "Western Oregon and Western Washington. Elsewhere In the Pacific Coast States the weather Is generally clear. The Indications arethe storm off the coast will move slowly Inland, causing light rain Saturday In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and partly cloudy weather else where In the district. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight, November 11. Portland ana vicinity Cloudy to partly cloudy with probably showers. Winds most ly southerls'. Western Oregon and Western Washington Cloudy to partly oloudy, with probably showers, w Inds .mostly southerly. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair. A- B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR, CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE; A 23. 27. 80. 31, 32, 46, 0. B 31, 42, 43. C 29, 30. 33. 41. D 30. S3. 41.42. 47. 48. E 20. 32, S3. 42. 43. 44. T 10, 43. 44. 48. G 25. 32, 34, 42, 48, 9. J 23. 42. 48. 49. K 22. 35, 42, 48. L 28. 49. 41, 42. 45. M 13, 27, 32, 47, 57. 70. N 25. SO. 31. 32, 34, 47. 48. i O 82, 34. 44. r 24. 31. 42. 47. Q II, 43, 44. R 29, 34, 4L 42. 45, 47. 49. 94. S 26. 43, 44, 45. T 28, 41. 44. 40. V 29. 36. 35. 82. W 23. 25. 38. S3. X XXX. 22. 24. 27, 46. 47. Y 25. 84. 44. 89. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODGE; NO. 55. A. F. A A. M. Special communication this Saturday eve. 7:45 o'clock. Work In the M. M. degree. All Matter Ma sons cordially Invited. By order W. I. W. PRATT. Secretary. M. CENTENNIAL COUNCIL. NO. 1311. Knights and Ladles of Security Whlt, danc ing and refreshments November 13., K. P. Hall. Marquam bldg. Admission 15c " ADDIE CHILDS. Secretary. PEED. KILKENNY At Los Angeles. Cal., Nov. 8, 1903, John Kilkenny, aged 49 years. Notice of funeral will be given later. BENNETT In this city, November 10. 1003, at the family reeldence. 101 7th St., William H- Bennett, aged 53 years. Funeral notice hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. BENNETT At 101 Seventh street, Novem ber 10. William H. Bennett, aged 38 years. Cause, rheumatism.. Burial at Rlvervlew Cemetery. Sunday. 2 T. II. Services at the houso. Friends invited. J. P. rXNLEY ft SON Fseral directors aaa cmbaltnem. Ne. 241 3d si-, cor. Mailtos. Dar or Bight calls promptly attended. Ex perienced lady ar stunt wbea desired. Of Sce of .CoBBty Cereser. Paoae Mais 9. DUNNING, M'ENTEE & GILBAUGH. Suc cessors to DbbbIbc ft Cam-ploH. wdertaiters asd emb aimers; modera la every detail; 7th aad rise, raws Mala 499. Lady aMrlaUat. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers aad embalasers. aave moved to tkelr sew fewlla lag. Third aad Salmea. Lady assletAnt. Telephone Ne, Wi. I". S. DUNNING. UBdertaker. 414 Eat Alder. Lady asststaat. Telepfeeae East 52. ZELLSR-BYRNES CO.. Undertakers, Em ba4aere, 278 RaseeU. Xaei 1M. Ladr aM'L PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Zlrst-Clsa Cheek RetiH-aa CmhcM YFKa Hotel. C. O. DAVIS, bee. aad Tr-MUk AND STARK STS. rree Jous. " HOTEL CO., Props. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms aad Board, Houe-kceplBff- Rooms" "Situations 'Wanted," 15 irords or Ies, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 50 cents; 21 to 23 words, 23 cents, etc No dl coant for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today, 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 23 words, 30 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, oac-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY' (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line', first Insertion; 10 ceats per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregoalaa, asd left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors in advertlsemeat taken through the telephone. NEW TODAY. THE JOHN BARRETT CO. PHONE MAIN 122. 40S and 410 Morrison Street. Meat War Is On Let the Public Profit by It Biggest Values Ever OfTered In This City, at Portland's Mot Popular Trading House. VEAL. Loin Veal Chops. 3 lbs .25 Rib Veal ChODS. 3 lbs .23 Legs of Veal, roasts, lb .08 Shoulders of Veal, roasts 0C Veal Stew, per lb 05 Veal Loaf, made while you wait, lb 09 BEEF. Loin and Porterhouse Reastsj per lb. Prime Rib Roasts, lb Pot Roasts, lb.. 6c and..... Boiling Beef 2 lbs. Hamburger Steak .00 .07 .07 .05 .13 PORK AND MUTTON. Pork Roasts, lb .10 Pork Chops, lb 10 2 lbs. Sausage 13 Mutton Legs, lb. 10 Mutton Stew, lb 04 Page's Special Creamery Butter, for to day only, good as the best, "per roll.. .35 Strictly Fresh Eggs. 2 dozen for .55 Hams, per lb . .10 Plcnlos. per lb 98 Cottage Hams, per lb .10 10-lb. pall Mount Hood Lard u 1.00 5-lb. pall Mount Hood Lard J10 10-lb. pall Swift's Compound -Lard .80 5-lb. pall Swift's Compound Lard 40 GROCERIES. Granulated Sugar, today only, wltbjmf? der. 20 lbs. for 1.00 PotatoK.sa.ck. extra choice JM One Sack Good Flour 1.00 3 piers. Peacock Buckwheat Flour, self- rising .23 2 pkga Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour. self-rising 13 2 cans Premium Brand Tomatoes, today only! 15c; dozen .83 People's Market & Grocery First and. fQ Taylor St. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF -THE CITY. Phone Your Orders Earlj Main 1412. HOVER TO THE FRONT The Northern Pacific Railway unloaded and put to work 20 cars of graders outfits November 7, on their new line down tho north bank of the Columbia. We have as surances that the line wilt be built through Hover within four months. The new town needs drugstore, hardware store and meat market; concessions to right man. Betore Investing elfewljcre, learn how to double your money by consulting wun mo HOVER LAND COMPANY Hover. Benton County. Wash., or our branch office. 122 6th St., cor. 6th and Washington, portiano. BUTTER LOWER Best creamerr 60c Good creamery .50S53C , uur) iniuci j Fresh ranch eggs.........;......... .40045c 33c .25030c Good eggs Cottage hams Picnic hams 5 lbs. pure lard S lbs. compound lard.. Tomatoes. 3 cans Best sugar-cured hams 2 lbs. full cream cheese............ Swiss cheese", pound. Cream brick xheese Wisconsin llmburger. each Chickens cheaper than ever this 10c 10c 50c . , 40c 23c 14c 35c 25c 20c 35c week. La Grande Creamery 284 YAMHILL. DO NOT FORGET That the East Side has the greatest popu lauon, ana is growing uie lastest. Holladay's Addition Offers more advantages to the HOME builder than any other section of the ! city. Have houses for sale: will build I hmutee If desired, arid trill Into on A vantageous terms. Call and get particu lars ana inspect tne cropertv. The Oregon Retl Estite tomptny Room 4, iAVt Third Street. For Rent Nob Hill Residence N. W. cor. 20th and Flanders its.: 8 rooms; elegant location; 140 per xaoeth. Apply Willamette Tent & Awning Co., cor. Froat aaa urssis su. AMUSEMENTS. Marqaam Grand Theater PHONE MAIN 5s LAST TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY , Special-Price I Matinee At 2:15 o'clock Lat Time ToaJgat At 8:15 'Clock KANE. SHIPMAN & COLVIN PRESENT THE CHARMING ACTRESS ROSELLE KNOTT In the Beautiful Romantic Drama WhenKnigfathoodWasmnower" MATINEE PRICES 25c. 35c. 50c. 75c. 31. NIGHT PRICES 25c 35c. 30c. 73c. 31. 31.30. SEATS AHE NOW SELLING. Marquam Grand Theater MONDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 13. 1B3 Klchdrd aad Priagle's Faaseaa Colored Geb rgia Minstrels THE REAL FUN-MAKERS POPULAR PRICES Lower floor. 75c. Bal cony. 30c and 33c Entire gallery, zsc Boxes and lores. S3. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday Nights November 14. is ana 10 THE CLEVER YOUNG STAR HARRY MESTAYER In Henrik Ibsen's Greatest Drama "GHOSTS" THE DRAMATIC TREAT OF THE SEASON PRICES Lower floor. 31 and i5c Balcony. 5c and 30c Gallery, zc and 33c. Boxes and loses 37.30. Seats now selling. BELASCO ,aK""a 14th and Wash. Su. E. L. Sackett. Res. Mgr. MATINEE TODAY AT 2 15 White Whittlesey oupponra oy ore kmx mx uonw Scenic Revival of Lord Lytton's Romance "THE LADY OF LYONS" Evgs. 23c to 75c; Mats. Sat Sun.. 25c to 30c. Monday. November 13. Last Week. WHITE WHITTLESEY IN THE FIRST VIOLIN" Mansfield's Success. Baker Theater Crtfts TUtiu Cs., UtM t Sm. L tittf, Mr. PHONE MAIN 1007. Matinee Today. 2:15 Farewell Performance OF THE Tiger Lilies PRICES Evenings: 25c. 35c. 30c and 75c Matinees: 15c, 2oc. 55c and 50c Next Week. Starting Sunday M"at!nee, Tin: UTOPIANS. Famous Beauty Show With the Great OHANA SAN. Empire Theater TnIIUu4bniM3 rim Mils 117 MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Matinee Today. 2:15 Last Time Tonight THE GREAT SENSATIONAL MELODRAMA A HUMAN SLAVE SEE THE BIG STRIKE SCENE. SEE THE ROLLING MILL SCENE. PRICES Evening: 15c. 25c 33c and 30c jtxaunees: ioc 15c and 23c. Next Weeyf Starting Sunday Matinee, "HOOLIGAN'S TROUBLES." A Merry. Jingling. Musical Farce THE GRAND Gregory's Rojrat Italian Hands, Ross. The Three Juggling Barretts. Brumage & Clark. Maarro. The -Qulaa Trio. Mr. Fred Partetoa. uan DiiuDRs, enure tower noor iuc; THE STAR Headersoa A Rom. Stephen Fltzaatrlck Co. Gladstone Children. DeUska. Hutcataea X Lny. Mr. Jess B. Peyser. y Staroftcoae. General admission 10c: evenings. Sundays and Holidays, reserved seats on lower floor 20c; dally matinees entire lower floor 10c; dox seats iic. LIBERTY THEATER 2KU Management of Keating & Flood. Prince Chlanullla and Ed NewelL Prof. Edwards and Ills Boxing Kangaroo. Edward DeMIoe. Vlctoriae Slitters. Stowe. Towae and Ward. Leo White Liberty's Selected Orchestra and New Moving Pictures. Performances dally at 2:30. 7:30 and 0 p. M. Admission. 10 and 20 cents. NEW TODAY. BARGAINS 50x100. 22d. near Johnson $ 1.000 100x100, 17th and Northrop 6,500 100x100. ICth and Thurman. wiin four houses . 11.000 50x100. isth. bet. uiisan ana iioyt. with 2 houses renting for SCO. Other warehouse property any site, on track R, M. WILBUR, 300 M'KAT BLDG. Space 100x100 "Wanted on second floor of building under construction, or contemplated; permanent tenant, sure pay. Address u , care ore gonian. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO. Special care with children. Parlors 0 and 10. 312 H was&ingtcn sr. iX)R SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE - I10W DOWN. BALANCE terms; flne new modern bouse. E. 11th Irv- ington; let me show you laid puce. m Com roerclal block. 2fl and amngtoa, ' REAL ESTATE J 1000 DOWN. BALANCE terms; tins new modem nous., e. 11th Irr Ington; let me show you thU place. 305 Com merdai block. 2d and Vtasnmgton. 350 3200 CASH. BALANCE INSTALL ments. small finished bouse, two large lots. ment Co., llj Ablngton bldg. 14 PER CENT INVESTMENT. New 4-famlly house: all modern. 15200 32200 cash. Renu 3S84; year expense, 37 net, $702. J -10, Oregonian. tttVl fii-W-m rnnVCP TOrlfHV ?-rtyim Knttu- Falllng Htreet; 3270 down, balance easy terms; a bargain. State Investment Com pany, us Anington oiag. FOR KALE TWO LOTS WITH A THREE story building, on 23th r at head of Up- asur 'v.; a urgun n u win. uruscr, en iMinmerciaj diou. 31150 NEW 5-P.OOM COTTAGE. NEAR CAR line, not far out; $450 cash, balance 310 mnnthl?- ? nr nt State Investment Crt 11S Ablngton blag. OWNER INSTRUCTS US TO REDUCE PRICE Oa new o-rwra iuuc w . k nuna ion mas. LOT AND 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; IRV- inCura; PS Hi, lunwci iua o. iaiu Inquire on premises or commercial oicg MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEGANT ly furnished, 3500 less than cost: must be sold at once, wan iij Morrison su S1S50-15 ACRES. TWO MILES FROM LENTS, Tim- Kar- arr ralttvalMli SW) hnn State investment jo., na Aomgioc oicg. 420O0-N1CE 0-ROOM HOUSE. EAST SIDE, walking dUtance. flne neighborhood. West ern Oregon Trust o. -w renioa oiag. WE HAVE A CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON West Side; can be naa iceay ror jiwj. vest era Oregon xrusi u.. iu rcnion oicg. 10.KOOM HOUSE AND LOT 100x100. IN MON tavllla: will exchanre for horses or auto mobile Inquire 420 Hawthorno ave. CKLLWOOD. LOTS. $.0Q DOWN AND $. a month; freaa $73.08 to $300.09. Stllweod Tewssita Co. Phase East 474. $2450-S LOTS HOUSE AND GOOD ORCH ard in Alblna four block of car line. L Vasduya. 279 Waahlagtoa st. .TOR SALE1 REAL ESTATE. AT YOUR PRICE. THE FOLLOWING, PROP- eny . Quarter block. Holladay's Addition, on 12th. 335-acre stock farm, for le than Improve ments cost. 7 or 8-room modern, well-located noose. 5-room cottage, worth $1400. Choice rooralng-houee for rent. UNION ADJUSTMENT CO. 31S Chamber of Commerce. ACRE TRACTS WD HANDLE ACREAGE a u specialty, witbia city limits or outstle. Some acres with terms as low aa 310 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co "Inc." 110 2d at. JUST COMPLETED. S-ROOM HOUSE; conveniences and arrangement oc same must' be seen to be appreciated; large lot. west front, walking distance and near new High School; for a few days at $4650; terms. 31300 cash, balance monthly pay ments. F. O. Northrop 6s. Co.. 211 Com mercial blk. FOR SALE CHEAP. FOR A FEW DATCS. ICO xioo. on Saat Morrison and out sta.; this is first-class business property; double your money when you have a chance, for that is what you will do It you bur this. Portland Real Estate Co., CR.De Burgb. manager, 212 Ablnxton bldg. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO- inieiy up to date; elfgantiy nnisced throughout; situated on two lots. In best portion ot West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. BUNGALOW GLADE. Anyone wishing to build a home In a beautiful residence locality close In, or make 100 per cent on an Investment should buy one of those $450 lots on terms. American Investment Co.. 222 Fallln? bldg. WILLAMETTE. Beautifully situated this side of University, on car line. Lots 3200 each; 320 cash and 35 per month. American Investment Co., 222 Failing bldg.. or Zygowskl. branch of flee, Willamette Station. A SNAP AT RAILWAY TERMINUS HOTEL building and 31 lots adjoining railroad; cor ner Washington and Broadway streets, Marshfleld, Coot Bay. Oregon; price 3U50U. Title Guarantee Abstract Co.. Marshfleld, Or. STATE LANDS FOR SALE. The State of Oregon has for sale a limited amount of base for lieu selections. Price un til further notice 13 per acre. For particu lars address Oswald West, State Land Agent. Salem. Or. EAST SIDE HOMES THREE 7-ROOM AND one s-room house on- E. Third and Multno mah U.; new. beautifully finished; fine lo cation; convenient to 3 car lines; easy terms. Parish & Gourlay. owners. 349 Multnomah. 390O-ONE ACRE. GOOD 0-EOOM HOUSE. excellent car service: 330O down, baunco easy Installments; AVcst Side, south; free use of 4 acres adjoining. State Investment o.. iia Ablnxton bldg. 100 ACRES. ALL GOOD LAND. LAYS NICE; nouse. S acres cultivated, about 2.000.0UU feel good timber. mile from Columbia River. near White Salmon; might trade. Henkle & Baker, 217 Ablngton. 5 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION HOUSE. irult. water roams laid, near car line; price 32750; 3200 cash. 200 semi-annually. 6 per cent on deferred payments. A. u. Churchill & Co.. 110 2d at. FINE 11-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LOT 50x ICO. house cost 35000. lot worth $1300. com pletely furnlsKed. Including piano, all tor 34300; close In. State investment Co.. 118 Ablngton bldg. NICE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 15 MIN- utes' walk to town: gas. electric light, nice yard, house In flne condition: If not mid In a few day will rent. 330 San Rafael sL. Upper Alblna. 33300 MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. WEST Side, etreeta improved, worth more, offered at above price for a few days only; can ar range terms. Weetern Oregon Trust Co.. 210 Fenton bldg. LOT 32X100. 7-ROOM OLD HOUSE. EAST Washington, bet. Union ave. and 12th. 32000; IS acres at Mt. Scott. 40O cords wood. 3000. Culver. 623 Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT OR SALE A MODERN RESI- dence with fireplace, cement basement and walks: an Ideal home. In Piedmont, 1170 Garfleld ave., or George Baker, auctioneers. WEST AVENUE. MT. TABOR. Choice building lots: size of lot to suit pur chaser; part cash, balance at C per cent, George H. Andrews. (Phone Scott 53. FOR SALE CHOICEST HALF BLOCK IN Portland, clcee to business center, one ot the few bargain left. Inquire Max Q. Cohen. 400 Columbia bldg.. 365 Washington st. NICE. HIGH. CORNER LOT WITH 6-ROOM house, cement basement and modern; small payment down, balance monthly pay ments to suit. B 30, Oregonian. F. ABRAHAM. 113 2D ST.. MAKES A SPE- clalty or business property: established 15 years. Private Exchange 70. 3-STORY BRICK BUILDING AND LOT 30x100 feet on Front St.. central and cheap. F. Abraham. 113 2d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. COLLINS LAND CO. (INC) WE BRING buyer and seller together; list your property with us. We are doing considerable adver tising and wlir extend It further. Our fa cilities aro exceptional. Bank references. Steam bldg. Phone Main 2324. 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR CASH; 7 OR 8 -room house, cash. 318 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE KNOW OF ABOUT 100 FINE TIM HSR claims or homeeteads that have been overt lookd. close to tidewater. Full particular. H. Henker. 127 7tb st. FOR SALE S00 ACRES OF CHOICE TIM berland, 23 mllcn southeast of Portland. For particulars address A. A. NIcoI. North Yak ima. Wash. FOX SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRTPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE FINE 331-ACRE VALLEY farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 160 In cultivation, balance nearly level. fiartly cleared and In grass; good bulld ogs, fences and orchard: some beaver dam; about 1500 cords flr and ash timber; electric light ar,d telephone; close to rail, churches and schools; 26 miles to Port land; 345 per acre, or will sell part; terms. P 30. Oregonian. 640 ACRES AT 322; 3300O DOWN. BALANCE one-half of crop payments. 6 per cent; . plowed, balance pasture; 300 acres sowed to wheat; house, barn. 2 wells. 14 miles north Prosser. Wash.. Yakima Valley-. Mrs. J. E. Newton, 3017 S. 8th St.. Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALE 10 ACRES. 3 3IILES FROM Oregon Cltv Courthouse, practically all In cultivation, with variety of fruits and ber ries, sond soil, good water, fair buildings; no waste land; price 31600. J. A. Moehn ke. Oregon City. Or. SMALL CHICKEN. DAIRY. GARDEN OR fruit ranch for rent; 10 blocks east Monta- vllla car line: house, barn, beciies. or chard, snap. Alexander Land Co.. 183 Mor- . rl&on. FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to settlement, level valley land; no- stone or Umber; water and sou first-class. Boom 66. Lahbe bdlg.. cor. 2d and Wash. ANOTHER 40-ACRE SNAP. 300 fruit trees, nicest apples raised any where. 3 miles North Yamhill: price 3S00. B. S. Cook. 251 Alder. TWO CITY STOCK SALESMEN WITH brains and ability. 403 Marquam bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT 230 ACRES 13 MILES FROM Portland. 90 acres cleared; will take in work. 253H Washington st., room 9. FOR RENT 247-ACRE DAIRY FARM ON Colombia River; stock for sale. Address B. F. Love, Lents. Or. GOOD FARM AND PASTURE FOR RENT. Call or write 018 E. Taylor st-. Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE PROPERTY IN SEATTLE for lodging-bouse or other business In Port land. What have you got? Address C M. Crlttendeln. Hubbard. Or. WILL EXCHANGE GUARANTEED 8 PER cent net gold bonds for Improved city prop erty; investigate this now. Porter. Box 441. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles aad Haraess. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month; epecial rates to busi ness houses. 6th asd Hawthorne. TeL Eaat 72. FOR SALE. Horsee. Vehicles aad Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE- hlcles by the day. week or month; harnesw. saddles and 200 new and second-hand riga for sale or exchange. Tomllnsoa Sc. Casslday. 211 Washington st. FOR SALE HEAVY COVERED WAGON. suitable for delivery or coal. First-class condition: a bargain. Apply Hammond Packing Co., East Oak and Water street. WANTED: HORSES TO PASTURE LARGE coxnnwdlocs barn for protection against Inclement weather. Beat pasturage in tho county; rate reasonable. Call Main 4339. WANTED SAFE. GENTLE PONY FOR use ot young cnuaren. 1'hone Jsast Miscellaneous. J. SIMON & BROTHER. HAVING PUR- cnased from tne Lewis and Clark Fair As eocltlon over 310.000 worth of goods, which Include thousands of feet ot all -sizes gal vanized pipe. Iron pipe and hydraulic uteel riveted mining pipe, and also all sizes of castlron pipe, dirt scrapers, centrifugal pumps of different sizes. leather belting of all sizes and also other things too numerous to mention, which are practically as good as new. we will dfcoose ot all the above .Articles at sacrifice prices In large or small Quantities at our stores, 244-24(1 Front, 35 VOLS. LAW BOOKS. VIZ: AM. ENG. Cyc Law. 31 vols; N. W. Rep.. l vols; Story Constitution. 2 vols.; Ellera Minn. Digest. 2 vols: Bliss Code Pleading. Bishop Crlm. Pro. and Clark Contracts. 1 vol. each; all flne condition; will not break lot; best offer takes them. E. S. Rolfe. Eu gene. Or. EDISON PHONOGRAPH & RECORDS. AT factory prices, delivered free anywhere on receipt ot full amount of retail price, largest stock of Edison records west ot the Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Bacagalupl. whole sale and retail. 7 S3 Mission at.. San Fran cisco. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pooUtables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar nature; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE CHEAP OLDSMOBILE TON- ?,eau car with canopy; used one year; per ect condition; would take home and buggy in exchange. D 46. Oregonian. NO 2 NEARLY NEW SMITH PREMIER typewriter for 355. $15 down and 35 per month Call 792 Gantenbeln ave. Phone Eaat 960. SHARES IN FIRST-CLASS DEVELOPED, promising mining company for sale cheap, or will trade for real estate. S -19. Ore gonian. YORK FRENCH HORN. CROOKS AND case. 340, Conn bell front alto. 312; olla for alldesand valvea. expert repairing. 67 1st, FOR SALE APPLE TREES, LARGE stock yellow Newton and Spltzenberga. Ad dress Mllwaukle, Nurseries, Mllwaukle. Or. THE ENTIRE FURNITURE OF OUTSIDE Inn at entrance to Fair grounds for eate cheap; 64 rooms. 312 Commercial block. SAFES 2. NEW FIREPROOF SAFES (NOT of oar manufacture) very cheap; 5 second hand safes. Portland Safe Co., 70 0th st. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE set tinner's tools and machined. Address Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber ot Commerce. FOR SALE-SIX-HORSEPOWER HOISTING engine and boiler. K, G Llndstrom, 302 Commercial bids. A BEAUTIFUL OIL PAINTING; COST $000. Can be bought at a Bargain, u 00. ure gonlan. TWO FRESH COWS. DURHAM. NEAR RES- ervolr No. 2. South Mt. Tabor. Phone East 4377. FRESH COW FOR SALE: 4 GALLONS PER da', and young, at Montavtlia Llyery Barn. FOR SALE ONE NEW RAINCOAT; COST $25; sell for $12. Apply 02 4 N. 6th. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM" ber ot Commerce, or phone Main 23 C3. HELP WANTED MALE. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 3 days; consultation tree and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X.Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder its., entrance 253 Alder st,. Portland. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN 35 day, after two months' Instruction, position guaranteed: special tuition half price, few days only. Coyne Bros. Co.. Plumbtng Schools. New York. Cincinnati. O.. St, Loula. Mo. (Fre catalogue.) BOOKKEEPER. UNDER 30. RAPID PEN man; bill clerk; must be rapid; nrsl-clata grocery clerk; solicitor and collector news paper; flrst-clas grocery dellveryman. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison. WAsNTED TRAVELING, SALESMAN TO carrv as side line coffee and tea to sell to hotels and restaurants. StandarcVCoffee & Spice Mills. 209 2d st. WANTED ACTIVE MAN -TO TAKE charge of loan department of well-known financial company, must invest upward of $10t0; liberal salary; chance of advance ment, u 00. oregonian. Men, women,. learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch making-Engraving sctiool. p. L. nidg., brattle. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; LIBERAL commission; programme, newspapers, perl odlcaL". fraternal publication; steady em ployment, 63S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN AND solicitors; steady employment at a resu lar salary to the right men. Inquire at this office between 12 and 1 today. A MAN WHO HAS ASSOCIATED WITH traniDs or hoboes in Oregon. Idaho and Washington to assist author In writing book on subject, u 4., oregonian. COMPETENT BILL CLERK FOR WHOLE- eale houe. preferably experienced In gro ceries; gtve age. experience and salary want ed. R 47, Oregonian. Any Intelligent person may earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. iress syndicate. Lockport. N. x. 2 CARPENTERS OUT OF TOWN. $3; MILK err. farmhand:, sawmill men. R. R, laborers and teamters. Hansen's office. 28 N. 2d t PERSONS EVERYWHERE TO DISTRIB ute samples; $20 weekly and expenses. Ad dress "ilanager." Wells st., Chicago. Ill WANTED SINGERS. NOVELTY ACTS, dramatic people, musicians, sketch teams. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 4th and Oak. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG man as porter In a carpet and drapery store; ..,.. A annlw T 1 T n.-,..!, 1IV41U Ufctu myyj M w cvt,4t. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 3c per giafis. P. iorati. 148 4tn. Clay 1503. Men-to learn barber trade, olght weeka secures position; wages while learning. Glllman's WANTED AN APPRENTICE BOY TO learn bvrneM and saddlery trade. Apply at J. C. P. westengaro, 2S3 Front st. WANTED FTRST-CLAS3 MEN IN PORT land and throuasdOt state to solicit busi ness. Call or wrtta 607 McKay bldg. $25 TO 365 PER WEEK EASILY MADE Mutual Aid Ass n. i03 Marquam bldg. Men learn barber trade in eight weeks. The only real barber colleges in existence, ilo lers System College. Seattle. Wash. WANTED 20 STAVE- AND SHINGLE-BOLT cutters. Western cooperage Co., room 3W. Stearns mas., am ana jaorrisoa sts. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IV Portland and throughout state; big wages to rusuers. aaj casjr uiag. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; flne chance; some money re quired. y506 Washington st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTER er. Washington Mattress & Furniture Co., Seattle. Wash, FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Addrest G. M. Campbell. SCO James sr.. Se attle. Wash. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 46. WANTED BOY ABOUT 17. STEADY FAC- tory work- 49 Front, corner Davis. WANT 10 TEAMS TO HAUL TIES. PROC- tor & Beers. Orient, Or. MAN TO WORK IN STABLE. CALL EARLY 23 N. 14th at. HFLP WANTED FEMALE. TO CARE FOR CHILDREN; PLEASANT home, nice yard. 52 N lltb. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Appur 45 Main. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY; MA temlty caees given special atentlan. privats horpltal accommodation: professional lady nurses in attendance. Consultation free, X.Radlam Medical Institute and Sanitarians. 3d and Alder, entrance 233 Alder )U Port land. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL COOK $50. 2 Al waitresses. $S to 39 a week, family and boardlng-houve cooks and wcond girls, cham bermaid, house girls. Hansen's Employment Office. 3431s Washington at., cor. 7th. up stair. ' COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS and domestics ot all kinds, city and coun try. See ou; new address. Canadian Par lor. 221H Morrison. 11a In 1323. WANTED C03IPETENT LADY STENOO raphcr and office girl; lumber experience. Clerks Registration Bureau. 263 Morrison st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE eentatives in Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiter, chambermaids, general workers. St Loula Agency. 230fe Yamhill. Main 3413. YOUNG LADY ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house: must write good hand; ex perience unnecessary. H 49. Oregonian. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; two In family: no children. 'Apply forenoons. C94 Northrup st WANTED A COMPETENT COOK FOR family of two. residing In Salem. Call morning. SO N. 21st. Portland. Or. PIONEER LADIES' AGENCY, 213 Morrison St Private Parlors for Ladles. TAILORESS TO WORK ON COATS; MUST be experienced buttonhole-maker. Colum bia Woolen Mills. 7th and Stark. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343K Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work 1001 Franklin St.. Willamette Height. Phone Main 2S24. WANTED A NICE YOUNG GIRL TO take care of 2-year-old baby. Apply 414 7th. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OP women and surgery. 3d floor. Allsky bldg. WET NURSE TO NURSE BABY 4 MONTHS old Immediately. S 50. Oregonian. WANTED COATMAKER FOR FANCY coats. Teesdale. 506 Marquam. WANTED GIRL TO WASH DISHES AT 10G North 7th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HAVE FIRST.CLASS ENGAGEMENT FOR clever amateur actors for dramatic ani vaudeville stage: Information gratis. Schocl of Acting. 4th and Oak. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A SALESMAN WHO REGULARLY CALLS on the various wholesale and retail mer chants of this city wishes to add a new line about December 1. Q 47, Oregonian. AN Al LUMBER SALESMAN. GRADER and tallyman wishes position. Best of ref erences. Address F. Tletjen. Auditorium bldg.. room 31. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE MARRIED MaN wants Doaltion aa collector or to assist In office work. Phone Main 1095. Ask for W. McC. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN AND BOOK- keener eek engagement; best references. Address N Z0. Oregonian. WANTED TO DO COLLECTING OR KIN- dred work Saturday afternoons and eve nings. W 4D, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION JANUARY) 1. 1908. A3 bookkeeper in Washington or Oregon by sin gle man from the East, 22 years old. gradu ate Northwestern University 1901, Gem City Business College 1902. 3 years' practtcal ex perience in keeping books. Addrera P 46, care Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS STATIONARY EN- glneerr 9 years experience; can give best reference; no objection to going out of city. C. E. Heckett. 323 Davis st. AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER WILL GIVE r private lessons In English branches at your home; for terms call on or address D. G. Crow. 191 6th st. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all klndt of help. Main 4639. 26S Everett st JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF- flce furnishes reliable help. Henry Tahara. 267 N. Everett, Phone Pacific 540. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wanto place to work for board and room. Q 81. care Oregonian. NICE JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION OF schoolboy work; attend school days. Call phone Clay 1778. CAPABLE FOR ANY POSITION. AFRAID of no work. I apply for something t do. Q 50, Oregonian. HONEST JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSt tlon at housework, any plaee. John, 528 Washington st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO GENERAL housework In good private family. N 49. Oregonian. WORK WANTED DURING ODD HOURS BY young man attending school. E SO, Orego nian. TOGO THE JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEANING Cjmpany. Phone Pacific 622. 82 N. Third. WANTED BY JAPANESE A POSITION TO do chamberwork. Address S. S.. 121 N. 15th. JAPANESE experienced domestic workers, housecleaners. Japaa'Lodge. Clay 875. Highest prices paid for men's castoff clothing, ehoee. 73 N. 3d. Phone Green 428. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cooking. 45 N. 1st st SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers aad Stenographers. YOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION AS STEN ographer and office work; has had some experience references. Address L. C, 803 E. Taylor st. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED LADY (stenographers, copying. letters, etc.; mime ograph work a specialty. Addrese A 49. Ore gonian. Domestics. TWO SISTERS WANT HOME IN SAME family, where they can earn their room and board while attending school; neat, nice girls. Telephone Main 513. SITUATION WANTED BY JAPANESE GIRL to do general housework In private family. Phone Main 4639. Tolne Shlmigu. 26S Ev erett at. 2 POLISH GIRLS. CAN'T SPEAK MUCH English, want housework, places together if possible. Phone Hansen's, Main 2692. EXPERIENCED GERMAN COOK; NO washing: city or country. 75 Park st N. Phone Main 6C17. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY WISHES A position as waitress or place In a hotel. J 50. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WISHES GENERAL HOUSE work. Mrs. A, Zink. 648 Guild ave. Phone Pacific 737. Dressmakers. SHIRT WAISTS. SHIRT WAIST SUITS A specialty. 270 Market st,, bet, 3d and 4th. A FEW ENGAGEMENTS WANTED BY A trained nurse. Call at 514 Jefferson St.. or phone 5432. Miscellaneous. GERMAN. KNOWING FRENCH. MUSIC. AS governess to teach, take- care of grown children; city, country. 75 Park street Nr Main 6617. SITUATIONS WANTED FAMILY COOK, children's or Infant's nurse; middle-aged housekeeper. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. YOUNG FRENCH LADY, SPEAKS ENG Msh. desires position in office or restau rant. Address R 40. Oregonian. WANTED TO BOARD AND CARE FOR A child; nice yard. Phone East 4S54. 84 East 27th. WANTED DOLLS TO DRESS; SATISFAC tlon guaranteed. Telephone Main 34S2. 34S Clay st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTS Posi tion In small restaurant, Q 47, Oregonian. FOR GOOD HELP CALL UP ALPINE Em ployment Office. 152 1st st. Main 1917. LADIES' HATS REMADE AND RETRIMMED Haia mad to order. Phone Main 4078.