y THB IIORISTNG OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1905. 13 FOR KENT. THE DORMER. J3TH AND JEFFERSON Elegant furnished rooms, jnodern brick, steam beat, bath: reasonable. Main 6458. two nice Burnished rooms, ji.bo per week; bath and telephone free, at 610 East 20th: take Powell-et. car. Tel. East 1875. THE KINO. 300 JEFFERSON NEW, EV err convenience, nicely furnished rooms: prices $8 to $16 per month: free baths. 300 MADISON. JUBT BELOW 6TH FLEAS ant finely furnished rooms, heat. E&s, bath, phone, 52, $2. GO, $3 per week; close in. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. AD Joining bath, private family; references re quired and given. Phono Main 2174. "WANTED YOUNG MAN ROOMMATE; downstairs parlor: bath; private home; $6. 305 7th, cor. Harrison. References. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WALKING distance. $L50. $2. $2.50 week. Including bath, phone, heat. 22 10th. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY, all conveniences, with or without board; gen tleman preferred. Main 3741. THE MAYFAIR Elegantly furnished rooms, new building, modern conveniences. 203 siarK. cor. om. utua uji. NICE CLEAN ATTIC ROOM, BATH AND phone, $6 per month; lady preferred. 305 N. 15th St., corner Kearney. , TWO CLOSE-IN FRONT SUNNY ROOMS for two ladles, cheap; separate or en suite. M 48. Oregonian. 4G& TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED lde rooms, furnace heat; modern conveni ences; rent reasonable. 304 ALDER ST.. COR. 10TH FURNISHED rooms, en suite and single; baths, electric light, heat; reasonable. LARGE BAY-WINDOW ROOM. $4.50 WEEK; bath, ph6ne, furnace; neat prlvato family; central. 304 Yamhill. THE TEMPLE, 343 YAMHILL ST., OPPO slte Hotel Portland Furnished rooms, rates $2.60 to $5 week. LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM: GAS heat and bath. Bet. 10th and S car lines. Phone Main 3.M4. TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN CAN FIND suitable, rooms in prlvato family; rent low. 254 12th frt. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE family, all conveniences; ' rent -reasonable. 250 11th t. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS' FOR RENT, transient: phone, gas, bath. 160 Park, near Morrison. 3Ionastes. 1st and Jefferson Housekeeping. $2.50 up; sleeping, $1.50; transient. 25c, 50c 205 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 a week and up. Phone, bath and heat. Hotel Tennessee, fronting City Hall and Plaza park, 4th & Madison; new, prices reasonable. The Gllman Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland; $1 per week up. 1st and Alder. TWO GOOD ROOMS CHEAP. $12 A MONTH. 455 Hall. Phone Main 3375. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, close In. K 48. Oregonian. NEW FLAT, 506 FLANDERS ST. NEATLY FURNISHED room. $5 per month. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL. A SELECT FAMILY HO tcl, 105 10th St., cor. Morrison House has been thoroughly renovated, pleasant rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat, porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, handsome dining-room with first-clam table and service; can ac commodate table boarders. THE HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. A select family hotel, under new management; pleasant rooms with steam heat, hot and cold running water and electric lights, free bath and phone, first-class table and ' service: permanent trade eollclted; also table board ers at reasonable rates. Phone Main 1308. THE GLENDORA Is now receiving resident guests, first-class tablo service; free bll-Hard-room, phone and bath: large parlor for private or social parties. Rates rea sonable. 10th, near Washington. THE HARTMAN. 420 ALDER, BETWEEN 11th and 12th Rooms, newly papered and renovated; furnace heat, porcelain bath; good table board; separate meals, 25c; prices reasonable. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 488 WASHINGTON Fine furnished rooms, free baths; reason able rates to permanent guests; transient; open all night; dining-room In connection. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of eowlng-room; uss of library; Woman's Exchange. Addrees Mrs. E. B. Hamlla, Supt-, 610 Flanders. LARGE FRONT ROOM. .ALSO SUITE. WITH buard. Beet residence part of city. Terms moderate, 275 22d 6tvNorth. Main 1091, NICE. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT- aoie ror one or two; furnace heat, gas, por celain natn. 414 Jcnerson st., cor. nth. FOR RENT A LARGE. SUNNY. FRONT room, witn board, suitable for two. Walk' lng distance; reasonable. 347 12th st. PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD. REASON able terms: modern plumbing, etc.; central cnougn. 487 East Ankeny and oth. GOOD HOME COOKING. WITH CHOICE room, all modern conveniences: central; terms reasonable. sH Columbia et. THE TOURAINE. 18S 7TH ST.. BET. Yamhill and Taylor Elegant front rooms with board; reasonable. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, FOR gentlemen; parlor; xurnaco neat, bath. ohone, 500 Couch st. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board; home cooking; English family. 215 12th st., cor. Salmon. ROOMS AND BOARD IN A PRIVATE FAM lly, for gentlemen. Apply 617 Marshall. Phone Pacific 370. THE ILLINOIS. 108 10TH LARGE. HAND- some ironi uu eiuc wiui ur wiuioui ooaru, reuvnituic THE HAWTHORNE ROOMS WrTH BOARD, good home cooking; reasonable; central, on car line, -ri win. 303 TWELFTH LARGE FRONT ROOM. suitable for two; lurnace, gas, Dam, phone; Single rooms and 1 large room: can accora modate few more table boarders. 225 11th. LINDELL HOTEL. 4th and Market Ele gantly lurnisnea, moaern; rates reasonable DESIRABLE ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE home, walking distance. 120 18th-Gllsan. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. gooa location. vi join et. racinc ces. B05 MORRISON-FOR RENT. SINGLE BOOM; aiso aicove-room. witn ooaro. FOR RENT FIRST-CLASS board. 700 Flanders. ROOM AND 301 N23D ST.. COR. IRVING ROOMS, EN suite or single; taice w. car. ROOMS AND EXCELLENT BOARD. 147 N 23d St. Flats. MODERN 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT ON corner; rooms and toilet leading off of hall; reasonable: very central. Wakefield, .tries & co., s-u totarK. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED. STEAM heated flat: furniture for sale. Call dur ing week from 2 to 4. Miss Proctor, 525 Everett st. FLAT. MODERN. JUST COMPLETED; ONE 7-room and one 0-room; 144-140 24th st, N., between Hoyt and- Irving. Keys at 704 Ir ving. NEW. MODERN FLAT. 6 ROOMS AND AT tic, latest conveniences and fixtures; walk lng distance. 04 Sd st. G-ROOM UPPER FLAT. $30; GOOD LOCA- tlon;. new furniture for sale reasonable. 120 N, 18th st. SUITE OF 3 OR 4 CONNECTING. FIRST floor, nicely furnished; gas.,, furnace. 631 Flanders fit. MODERN UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM FLAT. central. $35. The M. S. Rentery. Sherlock bldg. A WKLL-FURNISHED FLAT. RENT $14, bath and piano. 605 Jefferson st, cor. Sout. FINEST FURNISHED FLAT IN also single rooms. 470 Taylor st. crnr FOR RENT NICE C-ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE 230 Hall st. HeasekeeplBjr Rooms. VERY BEST IN THE CITY WELLINGTON Court. 15th and Everett Handsomely fur nlshed 2 and 4-room housekeeping apart' ments. possessing modern conveniences, ex cellent neighborhood vana eurrounamss. FOR RENT. XiHMelceepbNe wf. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 614 JEFFERBON ST. Strictly modern -3-room furnished house keeping apartments; free phone, furnace heat, plenty hot water, elegant porcelain bathtubs; all outside rooms. Phono Main 5432. THE ONEONTA, 1ST 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hill New bouse, elegantly furnished apart' ments. In cuius of 2. 8 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range In each kitchen; rteam beat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc; no transients; prices moderate. Logan blk.. 108 Union avc, corner E. Alder. Phone Eaat 4624. -ROOM APARTMENT: STEAM HEAT, gas range, electric light, free porcelain bath, elegantly furnished; reasonable. Ho tel Palmer. 350 Alder at. HOTEL NORTHERN HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $10 and up: free phone, bath, and electric light. Also transient, with board. Corner 12th and Marshall. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SLEBP lng and housekeeping rooms.--alose In. SO 10th at., near Stark. Also 304 North 20th. corner Savler; (1 week. SUITE OF NICE. CLEAN, SUNNY ROOMS. completely lurnisnea ror nouseaerpi-JE,. eonable, private family, close In; gas, bath, telephone. 488 Davis. 3 VERY NICE UNFURNISHED OR PART- ly zumicnea rooms ior nouBrtctiiuis, gas range, reaeoaaoie. iw uui jvui --, near Alder. $04 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, phone, water, two diocka irom goou car service. 428 Knott et. Union 6548; no children. a vrn'TT.irTroLiBMPri wnilHEITEEPING rooms; pnvato ramny; ocsirauie najoi- nooa; moacrn conveniences , muim, -r 10th st. $2.50 PER WEEK SUITES OF TWO AND three rurnisnea Housekeeping -. phone; East Side, dose In. 118 Ablngton bldg. LIGHT. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED housekeeping and single rooms, n.w ana good view; good car service. 657 lat at. 8. THE HEILER, 280 GRAND AVE. FUR- nlshed suites ror housekeeping; eiuicr - w 3 rooms; gas ranges, private" bath; low rent. otfl Tu-cr-u-oci-mr TU'n T. ATIIP? ROOMS and alcove. rurnisnca complete ior -oouk- Keeping; running water, cemnu luaHiw. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, three rooms. cian, piea&ani. rewniotri DeautUUl Dearoom; no cnuurcu. tvj NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF FOUR rooms; new house, new lurnuure; porceuun bath. gaa. 414 Jefferson st.. cor 11th. 2 LARGE ROOMS. COMPLETELY FUR- nlshcd for houekoeping, io momn; oam, phone; no children. 628 Market st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE, FIRST floor parlor, dining-room, oearoom, oainnwiu and kitchen; rent zi iw ronrr v. i -n -rrva TiT"r-TrT.'nnF! . CLEAN FUR nlshed houweiceepmg rooma, bath. Jb4 bherroan. ioutn raruaa. 40S CLAY-TWO FURNISHED HOU6EKEEP- Ing rooms, witn pantry; lour ubjuhhtucu rooms, cam. gac. -vcr rowiuMic 42ft SALMON. BET. 11TH AND 12TH-NICE- ly fruntsnea nouseKeeping iwamu j vcnlence, flnc locaUon; reasonable. 2 EXTRA LARGE ROOMS "WITH m ALCOVE, nicely furnished, moaprn convemcncco, ec lect neighborhood. 300 Park irt. 2M 7TH THREE FURNISHED HOUSE- kccplng rooms, porcelain cam, nmac three blocks from Portland Hotel. 32S MAIN. BET. CTH AND 7TH N ICELY furnished houseKeeping rooms, ivko jaru reasonable; modern conveniences. SITTTP! ChV THREE FINE NEWLY FUR' niihed housekeeping rooms, roe new uncm 2d and Grant. I'hone Front lac SUITES OF TWO NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping front rooms, respectaoie, quici house, reasonaoie. mJ 4tn st. ONE CLEAN ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeplng, for 2 that are working; reasonaoie; gas lor cooKing. -tJi jiain to. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, new building, close in; gas, bath. phone. 320 2d. Clay cos. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. with gas, phone and bath; 10 N. 8th, bet. K. Burnilde and Ankeny st. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and nice front rooms; prices reasonable. 163 Park at., corner Morrison. CLEAN, PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING rooms; come ana see. ?. inn, near Ar mora. Phone Main 4S0C 450 YAMHILL ST.. NEAR 11TH NICELY furnished front 9Uites; also single rooms. witn ugni nouscKccpin. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS single and suites; suitable for 2; cheap rent. Inquire Xl Morrison st. THREE LARGE AIRY GROUND-FLOOR rooms, furnished for houtkecplng; gas, fur nace, phone, lot ciay. 546 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in suites, very desirable brick block, gas range, pnone, oatn. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms and sleeping-rooms; gas, phone, bath zree. us f janoers at. port RAT.E CHEAP FURXITIirtE dV TFV room nouse, centnuiy locateo, fnono Main but. THE LOWNSDALE-LARGE. NEW, ELE- ganuy lurnisnea nousexeeping rooms, $3.50 ana up. -viaer. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance, reasonable, quiet. rcepectnDie location. 471 ALDER CLOSE TO BUSINESS: GAS stove, bath, phone; one or two comfortable rooms; reasonable. THREE FURNISHED , HOUSEKEEPING rooms, central; call after O P. M.. 455 Burn side st,. cor. 12th. 435 ALDR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, verj- desirable, bath, gas and phone central location. ' 318 14TH ST. - NEATLY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, electric light, bath ana pnone. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, xio to $18; gas, bath, phone: central, 430 Main. THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng; heat, light, bath and -phone. 607 irvmg n TWO FRONT ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping, cheap. 208 2d st, near Madison. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOTlfiE'EET ing rooms; gas. nam and phone. 453 Mor rison st. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In suites of two. $1.70 per week. 3S2 E. TamhlU. FURNISHED ALCOVE SUITE: ALSO TW 14th et. 66 N. 21ST ST. NICELT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, phono and heat. 2 OR 3 ROOMS TO QUIET COUPLE. WALK Ing distance, 240 Grand avc. North. Union 3930. WITCH HAZEL, First and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; oath, electric light. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, price $10. 675 West Main. Look this up. THREE MODERN UNFURNISHED ROOMS tor housekeeping. ii. Fine, East 1000, 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, nrst noor; oatn, gas. pnone. 431 Sin st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. 223 Pine. cor. 1st. Phone Main 55IL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. -Kim cu ranges. 3a K. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING with phone. 164 N. 10th st. ROOMS, 8 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS witn oatn. u -n. &ui East. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. nestea. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, FOR RENT. List your property with us to be rented. The demand Is greater than we can uoply. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 108 Third Street. Phone Main 453. FOR RENT OR SALE A MODERN BEST. dence with lawn full of rose (an ideal nomei at nocmont. closo to two car lines. nvi uameia ave PhoEo East XiVZ. FOR RENT. KMKt. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE IN MOST desirable location in city. Inquire Max u. Cohen, 400 Columbia bldg.. 365 Waahlag ton. Phone Mala 734. NEW, UP-TO-DATE MODERN .-ROOM house, gas. electricity, yaru. large iigni. basement; close in. Inquire 248 Lincoln, near Third. , MODERN SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH and basement, 224 E. 2d U north, near Bteel bridge. Inquire room SOL the Deknra. FINE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLA- day's Addition; rent $40; will be vacant In a few days. See M. E. Lee, 03 6th st. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. 391 HARRISON st. Call Fairchlld. 2S2 Sherlock bldg. pnone East 2154. Key 355 10th, cor. Harriwn. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture mover. Phons Main 16S5. Office. 110 N. 3d at. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Bents and Insurance. Phone Main 34. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. HOUSE OF S ROOMS IN GOOD BEPAIB: front and back stains ; grate, shades, gas fixtures; fine location. 407 10th su CHOICE 8-ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE. centrally located; rent reasonable, xra M. S. Rentery. Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT 8-ROOM RESIDENCE. MOD- em. C35 East Morrison, corner litn. $3Q. c W. Pallett. 304 Fentcn bldg. FOR BENT PORTLAND HEIGHTS NINE- room house, modern conveniences. Bull Kua water, large lawn. Main 6430. ROOM HOUEE. ELECTRICITY. BATH, basement, porches; also 5-room corner cot tage. 000 East Oak. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD CONDI- Uon. 400 llth: rent $25. Parish. Watklns & Co.. 250 Alder. FOR BENT. $35 TEN-ROOM HOUSE. 427 Stark. inquire i Monawx Diaz, vncao West 1071. CHOICE COTTAGE 5 BOOMS. 722 EAST Ankeny. Apply room 304 i en ton bldg., d Sixth, 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NOT MODERN. 12S N. llth, $16.50. inquire 4iz second ec, even ings. FOR BENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 204 Whlttaker st. Apply S21 Front st. HOUSE OK 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 775 1RV- lng st.. near 23d. Apply 132 6th st. HOUSES FOR RENT IN ALL PARTS OF the city. M. E. Lee. 03 6th. HOUSE FOR RENT ADULTS ONLY. Phone East 2222. FBTBishca Mouse. FOR RENT A WELL-FURNISHED FIVE- room cottage, centrally located, with bath and gas. Apply at 115 W. Park. bet. 0 and 12 A. M.; none but reliable parties need apply. MODERN ll.ROOM HOUSE. ELEGANTLY furnished; furnace, grates and every modern convenience; East tslde. Apply akcfleld. Fries & Co. , VCATI.T FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM COT tage; would sell same very reasonaoie; East hiice. walking aisiancc vtppiy isi vt. rarx. Main 60C0. NICE RESIDENCES FULLY FURNISHED. best East Side district, modern, worth $43: will rent for $32.50 If taken at once. Phone Main 618. FURNISHED 0-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN conveniences, choice location, walking dls tance. fine yard. S 43. Oregsnlan. A NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE for rent at 232 Broadway st. Call between 9 and 2 o'clock. FOR RENT S-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. best locality. West Side, near 2 car lines. P 47. Oregonian. STRICTLY MODERN NEWLY FURNISHED 5-room flat. $18.50. 761 Williams ave. Phone East 4405. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. RENT FUR nlshed or will sell all or part furniture. 300 Eugene st. FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED BIGKT- room house. Inquire 54S Belmont st. Phone East 4214. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC trie lights, bath: central. Inquire 273 7th. FURNISHED C-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. Call 0 to 5. 202 23d st. 6-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. CALL 408 W illiams ave. Xeases Per Rent Furniture Tor Sale. WB PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR FUR nlture: also take same on consignment. Portland Auction Booms, 211 1st at. Phons Main FURNITURE OF WELL-PAYING 10-ROOM house (housekeeping): anyone wishing good permanent home Investigate this. 335 Clay tiL. cor ith. FLAT OF 8 ROOMS FOR RENT. FURNI- ture for sale. 335; rent iu; 3 rooms. bringing rent; new June 1. Main 4'JSS. RARE BARGAIN 10 ROOMS. NICELY FUR nlshed. steady roomers; will be sold at Facrlflce If taken at once. 32S Main. MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT. ELEGANTLY furnished: choice locality, close in; bargain terms, u 47. uregonian. PIANO AND FURNrrURE OF 7-ROOM house; rent 314 Maoison. pnone Main 3540. FOR SALE NEW FURNISHINGS OF 11 room house; close In. Inquire 03 llth st. FURNITURE OF 3-ROOM COTTAGE. FOR sale at 232 Lincoln at; call mornings. $100 CASH GETS GOOD ROOMING-HOUSE witn low rent, it , isrexeziuui. Stores. THE STOREROOM, 127 7TH ST.. WILL BE for rent January 1- .tor particulars apply to jeniunn-ucwr v-u., l. j. xjrai si. FOR RENT STOREROOM 25x30 IN BRICK building on Washington st. Good location. Address X 47, care Oregonian. FOR RENT SPACE IN THE DOLLY VAR den Candy Shop. Marquam bldg. zzi Morn son. Office. FOR BENT LARGE OFFICES. SUITABLE for light manufacturing, on 6th. near Washington. Inquire Max G. Cohen. 400 Columbia bldg.. 365 Washington. Phone Main 754. FOR RENT DESKROOM OR SMALL PRI vate office with use of phone. 492 Commer cial bldg. NICE , -LIGHT OFFICE FOR RENT NEAR 5th and Alder sta., 1st floor. Address N 30. Oregonian. FOR RENT DESK ROOM AND EVERT thlng furnished. E. S. Jackson & Co- 249 Stark st. FOR RENT 2 FRONT ROOMS ON WASH- lngton st.. near Fifth. 253 Washington st. room 9. DESIRABLE OFFICES FOR RENT A. McAlpIn. 127 7th rt. B. OFFICE. WELL LOCATED. IN FRONT OF elevator. 420 commercial bldg. rOR RENT TOP FLOOR BRICK BLDC Slh and 1- landers, povey Bros. LARGE FRONT OFFICE FOR RENT AT 145 3d et.. room 1 PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RD3BECKE. G RAD U ATX dermatologist: scientific, featural correc tlonlst. beautlfler and restorer of -ronthfnl nee, may be consulted dally fre: every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessfully treated: mature wrinkles, scars. blemishes, etc. removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology In connection. Par lors 864 Morrison. Phone Hood 282. DBS. N. A. NISBETH. Swedish specialists. cures rheumatism, kidney, stomach and liver troubles, chronic constipation, obesity and ail chronic and nervous diseases; no drugs; no knife: $10 ser month. Consultation and dem castrations free. Hood 1822. 411 Morrison si. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSINO- fors rr&dnate. positively cures rheumatism. nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 B. llth St.. two doors from s. Ankeny car line. Phone East 200. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL tunas of feathers and boas cleaned, curiea and dyed: best of work: aatlcfactloa guar anteed. 106 6th. Portland. Or. Fhon Clay 30& RaaMt&ca. 219 Haxrfso. Mala 4S. PERSONAL. DISEASES OF WOMEN" A SPECIALTY I maternity cases given special attention, private hospital accommodation; profes clonal lady nurses 1b attendance. Consulta tion free. X-Radium Medical l&stiiuie ana Sanitarium. 3d a&& AMtr, cstraaca 253 Al der sL, Portland. DRESS SUITS l"OR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned ana Sres4. buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray. COME AND LEARN OF ECLECTIC NEW thought Get xid of disease and all unde sirable conditions; you are Invited to meet with Mrs. Elisabeth Craig. 173 16U and Yamhill. Thursday afternoon at 2:30. HAIR RESTORER FADED. BLEACHED and gray hair restored the color It was be fore turning gray. Sent anywhere, express prepaid, for $1.00. San Francisco Hair Store. 1401 First ave Seattle. Waiit. FREE TO LADIES WHO EMBROIDER OUR las est catalogue of fancy work materlale. pil low tops, centerpieces stamped, linen shirt waists and novelties. Address the Needle Craft Shop. Alleky bldg.. Portland. Or. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medicated treatments: chiropody. pedicuring and manicuring. 10 and 12 Benson bldg., 5th and Morrison. Phone Pacific 235. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globles. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months', $3. Sent securely sealed by. malL Agtntx. Woodard. Clarke fc Col. Portland. Or. YOU BET. WE GUARANTEE SEXINB pills to make men and women strong and nappy; $1 a box. 6 for $5. Address or call J. A. Clemenson, drugzls. 2d and Yamhill sta.. Portland. Or. n BOOK. OF NATURE." "A SOCIAL LION." "Forbidden Fruit," "Woman of Fire." "What Dora Did." "Agnes." "Dangerous Delights." 60o each. A. W. Schmalo Co.. 22S Jsu STYLISH VISITrNO CARDS PRINTED TO order. 50 for 35c 100 for 50c: business cards. 250 for $1. 500 for $L73. The A. W. Echmale Co., 229 1st: bring your order to day. 1 LOST POWERS RESTORED BT THE great Dr. Loresr Nerve Tonic TableU; 23c a box. Write or call at Ey well's Phar macy. 227 Morrison st., between 1st and 2d. THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMEDY restores gray and faded hair to Its natural color, promotes the growth of hair; not greasy. Parts Hair Store. 308 Washington. GUSSIE JOHNSON, scalp treatments, mani curing; win vim your homes forenoons; of fice hours 2-5, 7-S P. M. The France. W. Park-Morrison, parlors 8. Phone Pacific 165. fEXX. I WILL EAT MY HAT IF BARKE ionic is not tne greatest rneumatio cure, and liver, stomach and bowel cure on. earth. Price 75s a bottle, all druggists. MISS ENGLISH. HEALER. POSITIVELY cures rheumatism, also medicated baths. cniropooy ana magnetic treatment!, 10 6th. cor. Alder; rooms 2425. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c i-aaiei sxirts pressea. soc uiibert, 106 6th st.. next to the Quelle: Fhons Clay 305. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- Ias; repairing and recovering: two stores. Washington and 6th and Morrison 3th. BROTHER WILLIAM THE QUAKER propnet. cuurrojam. meoium; tells thee all things; treats aueases. 313 Washington. MEN WD CHALLENGE ITS EQUAL. THE Electro Vacuum Developer, at Watsoa's Pharmacy. 105 North. Gin sc. Portland. AS THERE ARE NO MEDIUMS IN BUS! sees in tne city, win a private medium call at 43H 1st su, room iv. "Zc PER HOUR SHAMPOOING AS'n fin ing tor me naic turn ocajp ai your homes. Main 440. YOUNG LADY OfVES BATHS. FACE AND scalp massage at uutt in at., cor. Wash lngton. Mixc La Fere, chiropodist, macnetlc h-i. scalp massage. luoms uouse. :ss stk DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main 5474. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. ioa ncmur, xi ma. xcl. jjain 4S3S. DR. FLETCHER'S CHIROPODY PARLORS .-..nini writm taurht. SIR in.v Winona Mills Eeamleas Hosiery. The Direct Supply co. s uncerwear, ou commercial blk. Edectlo New Thought, cla now forming. Mrs. '"wh, 1 iwn si. iain ootH DR. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF WOMEN and surgery. a.u oq ana iiorrtioa. Watches, diamond, eaay paymenu; diamonds bought, w. li- iesn. 013 uekum. Clay M. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 50c. HOLLA- Daugns. o xwLrior. net. and 4th. MISS EFFIB HILU EXPERT MANICURIST. ill li m twr tu. o uyt -auLei Irortianc BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS eases. 44 Aicer u roose lain 4S32. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at tne uia uook oiore, -jt lamnill at. DR. LAMOTTETS French Corn Paint, the best O-La 111 BUSINESS CHANCES. $1000 CASH SECURITY AND SERVICES secures permanent appointment as manager 01 commercial branch office at Belling ham. Wash., on guaranteed salary of $1500 per annum: must be enercetic and have executive ability; state In application age. former occupation, references; none other need apply. 'Address G 41. Orego nian. INFORMATION ON BUSINESS OPPOR- Ths Ames Mercantile Agency Is In tones with trade, city and country. They are In a position to give valuable advice regard ing purchase or sale of a business. Only le gitimate propomiom considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton Bids. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A NEWSPA- per plant sufficient to print a weekly or a small dally paper, comprising a Campbell cylinder press with electric motor, and al! type and cabinets necessary, being the plant formerly used by the Grant's Pass Herald. Will be sold cheap for cash. Address Rob ert C Smith, Qranfs Pass, Or. HOTEL. 100-room new hotel, all well furnished complete, modern conveniences. In a good growing Oregon town. 5000 population, mak ing good money now; will exchange for Portland property or a good farm. Heckle & Baker, 217 Ablngton bldg. $500-NOW WE HAVE A BARGAIN IN the way of a butter, egg and poultry busi ness. This store la central and without doubt one of the best In Portland, and worth a great deal more money than price asked, but other Interests force owner to sacrifice. Call 218 Stark st. BUY THIS. 11 rooms, rent $42.50; 2 blocks from Port land Hotel; nicely furnished rooms, all rented at good prices; must sell today, so have reduced the price to $530. BOOM 125 ABINGTON BLDG. Phone Main 156. A BABE CHANCE. 40 rooms, furnace heat, hot and cold wa ter; nicely furnished; first time on the market: has the bear, reputation of any house In the city; the location is the best In the city; very cheap rent and. best of all, a great money-maker; price $3000. Phone Main 156. room 125. Ablngton bldg. SWELL PLACE. 20 rooms fine location for good, steady roomers, cheap rent, new building, nicely furnished, making good money; this will make one $100 per month clear, besides a nice home and a good living; price $lh00, part cash. Boom 123. Ablngton bldg. EXTRA GOOD BUY. 24 rooms, new brick, steam heat, fine location and making good money, but must sell on account of sickness; cost to furnish six months ago $3000; am willing to sacrifice for quick sale; price $1000. Phone Main 158. Boom 123. Ablngton bldg. BUY THIS. 12 rooms on 3d st.. right In center of city: rent only $50 per month, lease to 1907; nicely furnished and clearing better than $100 per month; beat little transient house in the city; price $1100. Phone Main 136. Boom 125. Ablngton bldg; SWELL BOARDING-HOUSE. large, sunny rooms, extra well-furnished, modern house, cheap rent and has al ways been a great success In every way; every room Is taken for the Winter with first-class people; a decided bargain; $1200. Phone Main 156. 125 Ablngton bldg. SELECT 12-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE ON Alder, vicinity Arlington Club, guaranteed clearing $100 month; price $1100. half cash death cause of sale. O HS. Oregonian. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS cheap; party leaving city. D 30. Orego nian. REMARKABLY LOW PRICES QUOTED IN Buret swllci stack. 21$ CotBaHrctal block, . BU5TNSS8 CHAN CM. NOTICE. TO OWNERS OF HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND RESTAURANTS. We have opened an office at the address below and have a SPECIAL DEPART MENT for the sale of HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES and. RESTAURANTS. Our manager In this department has been very successful In this line of business, and would be pleased to see all bis old Port land customers: also all those who are de sirous of selling their business. Our charges will be the lowest, our motto being "QUICK SALES AT SMALL PROF ITS." WE GUARANTEE ALL TITLES. PORTLAND HEAT. ESTATE .AGENCY. N. W. cor. 6th & Alder sta.-Phone Mala 6113. Over Arooson'a Jewelry Store. 20 ROOMS. CENTRAL LOCATION. NEW Duiiaing. strictly modern, nicely lurnisnea and making money, but owner Is not able to take care of It and will trade for small furnished house or vacant let or house and lot; here Is gtlt-edge proposition. Phone Main 156. Room 125 Ablngton bldg. GREAT BARGAIN. 15 rooms, all one floor, steam heat, electric lights, porcelain baths; rent only $40 per month; clearing above all expenses $100 per month; reasons for selling, leaving the city; reduced from $1200 to $600. Phone Main 150. room 125. Ablngton bldg. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 11 large rooms, brick, on on floor, cheap rent, good lease, very central location and a money-maker; -nicely furnished. This is the best buy we have had for some time: price $575. Room 125. Ablngton. Phone Main 136. TAKE NOTICE. Wc have cash customers for 10. 13. 15 room house. All you have to do Is to bring them In and get your cash, providing they are at reasonable prices. Phone Main 156. room 125 Ablngton bldg. PICK-UP. 30 rooms, central location, nicely fur nished and making money; house has a fine reputation and you can buy It on your own terms; price $13001 Boom 125. Ablngton - bldg. Phone Main 156. READ THIS. 13 rooms. 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, newly-furnished house, full and making money; price $1000. $300 cash, balance time. Room 125. Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 136. WANTED I A man with $500 to travel In California with patent article; guaranteed $250 per month. SMITH BROS.. 122 Sixth Street. BEST IN CITY FOR $400. 17 rooms, good furniture, rent only $65. Income- $175 ' monthly; better nee It If you want a paying rooming-house for small cap ital. Ellis, room 21. 264 Morrison at. ONE OF THE FINEST. $1100. Rooming-house, 20 rooms, beautiful corner, modern house, furniture the best, near Washington st .; rent a snap. Ellis, room 21. 26-4 Morrison st. $1500 COFFEE, TEA AND LIGHT GRO- cery; central and doing a strictly cash business; will clear purchaser $175 and over monthly. Full particulars 165 Third st.. Room A. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS IN legging town, end of railroad, at Inventory; about $1200 to $1500; six months rent free; $5 month thereafter, i 32. oregonian. SNAP FOR $450. 10 rooms, well furnished, near Park and Washington stv; rent $40; furnace, gas and bath. Ellis, room 21, 204 Morrison et. PARTNER WANTED FOR GENERAL GAR den bustnea. Portland and local markets; flne chance to right party; single man only. Frank Rowel!. Dallas. Polk County. Or, WE WILL SELL YOU A CONFECTIONERY and bakery business, with living room. which will pay purchaser $5 per day. Par ticulars 165 Third st. Room A. FLOUR. FEED AND HAY BUSINESS Owner wanta a reliable partner; $500 required and $125 a month guaranteed: experience unnecessary. Call 248 Stark st. SALOON OWNER PREFERS PARTNER TO keeping help: $600 required; experience un necessary, uui mm; oe noneei; pay you liO a monts. can 2s stark st. 8-ROOM FLAT. GOOD FURNITURE. GOOD business location; brings In $00 above rent; price $300; see It today. Ellis, room 21. 264 Aiomson av. A SNAP 10-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRALLY located; rent only $27 per month; sold on account of sickness; $600. 617 Commercial bWr- A COUNTRY STORE EAST OF THE MO UN. tains, doing a good business. Inquire of J. D. Kenwortny at wadhams i Kerr Bros. CIOARSTAND ON MORRISON ST.. NEVER on market before, party leaving city. This Is a genuine snap, inquire 1S3 Morrison st. 22 ROOMS NEAR WASHINGTON ST. NEW furniture, new carpets, etc; must Mil. Devena. 616 Commercial block. Main 4694 FOR SALE BOARDING-HOUSE OF- 12 rooms, all full and doing excellent bujlness. Next aoor rortiana Hotel Annex. 18H 7th. A SNAP-FIND RESTAURANT SaVTINO CO people doing good business; best of location; only im 00 Morrison, room 3. BARBER TO. BUY THE BEST-PAYING 5- chalr barber shop in the Stats of Wash lngton. Address J 34. Oregonian. 33-ROOM HOUSE. VERY CENTRAL, SU1T- able for transients or eieaay roomers; $1200. Iiatneia & smitn. toot ior st. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND Fix tures; flne location. 16th and Washington. cheap, inquire aiz waj.mr.gton. $100 BUYS HALF'INTEREST IN GOOD real estate office; well established. Ellis. vroom 21, z&i, Morrison st. GROCERY STORE, CORNER. WEST SIDE: stock and fixture? all goes! $350. Inaulre 183 Morrison et. PAYING RESTAURANT AT YOUR OWN price; owner must leave city. 318 Chamber of Commerce. RESTAURANT FOR SALE DOING GOOD builntaa; cheap for cash; must sell. 617 Com mercial bicg. FOR SALE CASH GROCERY: BIG CASH trade in nee, location in Portland. Call 3S2 wasninrton. WANTED PARTNER TO START LOGGING camp; 4w require!. Adaress T 47, Ore gonian. BAKERY FOR SALE-i-FIRST-CLASS. R5- tinng rrom nauseas, uerr a: aengs. vaicou ,-tr. aan. FOR SALE HOME BAKERY, LIGHT ORO- cerles. confectionery, living rooms. Main 5687 GROCERY STORE. 14 ROOMS IN CONNEC- tlon; all goes; $400. Inquire 183 Morrison. SHOOTING GALLERY. DOING FINE Busi ness; at a aacrlflce. 617 Commercial bldg. $750 BUYS ONE OF THE BEST CORNER saloons in roniana. call jui Morrison st. $225 SHOOTING GALLERY. A taken at once. 110 N. 6th st. SNAP IF CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT. SMALL capital. 200 McKay bldg. FINANCIAL. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO- nlan bldg.. loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, raotormen. conductors or other ral arled employes, lust on bis note. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable In convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments sus pended In case or sickness. Conn&entlai No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc. without security: easy pay menu ; largest business In 40 principal cities, To 1 man. 23 ADinaton. .nam tH37. rsiTATtANTEED 6 PER CENT NET flflT.ri bonds, security unexcelled. $100 to 310.000 denomination; investigate tnut now. Porter, BOX 441, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a .specialty. , W. H. Nunn, 532 Sherlock bldg. Phone ciay . LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. H. ,W. King, room 43, nasningion diox. -fcone Main 6100. WILL LOAN $1000 OR LESS. 6 PER CENT. real estate accumj-. xarrmgion. am Cham ber of commerce. v'ONErT ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR STTBTm baa; easy terms. W. S. Ward, the Allsky, State funds loaned, 6 per cent, W. E. Thomas, state art., Multnomah Co., 400 Cham. Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND S PER CENT. vm. u. imx, rujui uui, lob .railing Did MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity. Vim. iioii, rm. w. viaaningtoa bldg. 150.0GO TO LOAN AT " REGULAR RATtbb FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for building DurDOses. Any amount on from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans ao proved from plans and money advanced .as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsiDie firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS, on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN Sz TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on nia note, without mortgage iconnaenuaw Month, -month, W-ek. 350 H?Tixv fry ii...13.-L1 or S0.63 Or $3.23 425 Repay to us.. .5 6.05 or $3.25 or $1.05 413 Repay to us...$ 4.00 or xw ori.w 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates yor ! afford; money loaned on iur nlture. piano or personal property; best terms In city. Rooms 218-220 Ablngton. Red 1.28. LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates; strictly conn dentlaL Employes', Loan Co.. room 716, the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 221. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds of security, w. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. nom 3. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. SPECIAL NOTZCXa. Proposals Invited. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Wash ington. D. C. October 26, 1005. Sealed pro-po-ala will be received at the office of the U. S. Reclamation Service. 422 Merchants Exchange building. San Francisco. Cal.. un til 2 o'clock P. M.. December 29. 1003. for the construction of about nine miles of main canal, near Klamath Falls. Oregon, with head-works, sluice gates, bridges and other appurtenances. Involving about 600.000 cubic yards of excavation. 3100 linear feet of concrete-lined tunnel and 4000 cubic yards of concrete masonry, exclusive of tunnel lining. Flans, specifications and forma of proposal may be obtained by application to the Chief Engineer of the Reclamation Service, U. S. Geological Survey. Washington. D. C, the Supervising Engineer, 422 Merchant Ex change building. San Francisco. Cal.. or the District Engineer. Klamath Fallaa. Oregon. E. A. Hitchcock. Secretary. Master's Notice. FRENCH BARK CAMBRONNE. CAPTAIN Richard, from Liverpool Neither the master nor the undersigned consignees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor. Young St Co.. agents. Miscellaneous. G. K. WRIGHT. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. room 522. Bakewell law building, Pittsburg. Pa, In re estate of Andrew M. Smith, an absentee. In the Orphans' Court, of Al legheny County. State of Pennsylvania. No. 150. October term. 1003. To Andrew M. Smith. If he be living and If not. then to his heirs: You are hereby notified to appear In the Orphans Court of Allegheny County. State of Pennsylvania, on Saturday. Novem ber 25, 1900. at 10 o'clock A. M.: to answer a petition flled by George a. Smith and others, asking for leave to sell any Interest which Andrew M. Smith may have In real estate belonging to the estate of his mother. In default of such appearance the court will proceed to Judicially determine whether the raid Andrew m. bmitn. oe auve or dead. George 2L Stengel. Clerk of the Orphans' Court, J. W. BARDE & SON. HAVINO BOUGHT the complete stock of plumbing material on the Trail and Government Island, offer all the pipe and fittings at very reason able figures; also the electric fixtures of the American Inn Co.. which will go to the buyer at less than half of cost price. LOST AND rOUND TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO nlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest ana conviction of anyone caught stealing The Oregonian from the doors of Its subscribers. Circulation Manager. LOST BLACK AND WHITE ENGLISH setter "Don, owner name, address on col lar: also license tag 1237. Communicate with W. O. Haines. 003 Wasco st,, owner. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HA IB MAT tresses renovated and return same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST A DIAMOND RING. BETWEEN 1ST ana Aiaaisoa uw iuwiKome avc. or .-tel lers X.K41. vtvil vumio uuv jkinvi tmtu LOST GOLD LOCKET LION'S HEAD WITH diamond. Return to Botefuhr, 3d and Ash; reward. LOST FOUR-YEAR-OLD BLACK MARE, part ha roe an on. Reward at Oth and Han ders. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Afternooa Kladergartea. TITP r ATTrVOT.Y AFTERNOON KIXDHIl iarten. Main asuj. zuu i4tn ana Jenerson. Assayers and Analysts. OREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL Chemists, mining casiucera. wasmng- ton - MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 1S6 MORRISON st, nest facilities, races reasonaoie. PAUL BAUMEL. AS3AYER AND ANA- lyst Gold dust bought, 00 1st st. Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. Suction and compressed air comoinea; carpets clean id on floor without removal. Main 5534. East 2304. Carpenters and Builders. New homes built, old ones renewed, prop- W. L. BUCKNBR, office, store fixtures, gener al jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main &SS1. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY. GRADUATE CHIROPODIST Iouses. Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring, face and scalp specialist. Pa cific 235. 10 Benson bldg.. 3th and Mor rison, WM. D EVENT Sc. ESTELLE D EVENT, THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This la the long-haired gentleman. He la the man you are looking for. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist; all instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 5256. Clairvoyants'. GYPSY ZENOBIA. NATURAL BORN CLAIRVOYANT. 322-323 A LI 3 ICY BLDG. Coal Dealers. KING COAL CO., importers of hlgh.grade house and amlthlng coals. Tel. Main 1425. Commission Merchant. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front St.. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG &. CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ALLEN tt LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. Dancing-. WOODWARD S DANCING ACADEMY Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday and Thursday: gents. 12 lessons. $5; ladles. 10 lessons. $2.50. Cor. 2d and Morrison. MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 260 14th. cor. Jefferson. Private or class. EdncatloBaL LESSONS IN PAINTINQ. WOODBUBNINO. boxes and steles decorated, 73 cents up. Studio 60 Lewis bldg.. 352 Morrison, Fraternal Iasuraaee. OBDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell, Sup. Sec 612-615 Marquam bldg. Ham cm aad Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sele saddles and harness mfro., leather and saddlery hardware. 80-S6 1st. Main 228. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE eale saddles and harness mfrs..' saddlery tariff are, ltathtr of all kladf. 72-14 CUi at. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jaak. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK &. CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES. pelts, wool. lura, tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. . A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S58. Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full lino Eastern Jumbos. 180 Front at. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE and upper leathers of all kinds: cut stock findings and shoe store supplies. 72-7-4 5th st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO- MINING. SAW- mlll. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, ct sting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C. ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND macninery. sawmills, etc. -48 urana ave. Marhla and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS . no agents; 20 per cent saved at Weeks. 720 Front, opposite Failing School; take 5 car. . Musical. VIOLIN, CORNET. CLARINET. PIANO. guitar. Prof. E. A, Smith, musical director. Columbia University. 254 12th. Phone 4703. Northwest Vlval Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Osteopathic Physician. DR3. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DB kum bldg.. 3d and Washington. Phones. Office, Main 340; residence. Main 1503; East 1028. Exams, free. Sundays by appointment. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graduates Klrksvllle Mo., 409 Oregonian bldir. Phono Main 1242. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., JOBBERS, paints, oils. giass, sasn and doors. Cor. 2d and xayior. F. E. Beach & Co., the 'Pioneer Paint Co.. winaow glass and glazing. 135 1st. Main 1334. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN paienis; miringement cases. 604 xiekum. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. MAIN 14V. etna tor caiaiogua 2iO. zo. Rapture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC trusj. perfect retainer; positive cure; book free. Address Dr. Pierce, 206 Kearney st,. S. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH 8- lnch thick doors, fire and burglar-proof work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison work; lockouts opened: repairs. J. E. Dayla, 66 3d. THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE caeap. 84 3d st. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO., DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, sacks; highest price paid for scrap Iron and metals. 244 Front, Main 2002. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st, near Market, Phone Clay 1644. Spiritualists. MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits. love, matrimony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran teed: readlnra 50 cents. Hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M., dally and Sunday. Parlor 14, The Berkshire, 232 1st st,, cor. Main. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, businew, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 217 1st; hours, 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Mrs. S. B. Selp, aeeress and psychoraetrlst; readings dally 10-5. 7-9; public circles Tues., Fridays, 8 P. M. 343 YamhllL Pacific 106. MARION CORELLI. PALMIST AND trance medium, tells past, present, future; satisfaction guaranteed. 225 Fifth st. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist, spiritual life reader. lt 7th. opp. Hotel P MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON sulted, 63 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6170. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped: all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 123 1st. C. M. Olsen. Tel. Main 547. a O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK arid Oak. Phone 590. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment: commodi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 N. FRONT et., household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. TeL 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. BANKS. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities of the United States and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President B. LEA BARNES Cashier B. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier - J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier ..B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available in Eu rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, St Louls. 3t, Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest, Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Christian la. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,250,000. General banking business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates la sued, 3 to 4 per cent; special certificates (not under $500), 3 to 4 per cent on short call. Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 109 Third st. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available- In Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ortgon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 1864.) HEAD OFFICE, San Francisco, Cal. President HOMER S. KING Gen- Man. of Branches... W. .MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits ....$9,661,000 A general banking and exchange business transacted. Letters of credit Issued available In all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHASLL. .JLHlatavat Mz&agec