9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF TIIE OliEGOXIAX'S TELEPHONES. CnuntlnK-Room Main ACT Managing Editor. Main fittC nunday Editor Main C235 :ity Editor Main ICC Foclcty Editor f Main C235 t'omposlnK-Room Main OSS Superintendent Building Red 2S2G Eat Side OfSee Bant 01 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison at., Ik, rtth and 7th) Last performance, 2 I. M.. Ktaw & Hr-tangor stupendous pro duction. "Ben Hue." And at 8 P. M.. 11 lunratod talk by Barry Bulkley. of "Wash ington. D. C. on "The Yellowstone National Park." Concert to follow. BKLASCO THEATER (th and Washington) Matinee at 2 and evening at 8:15. "White VVhMtlesey In "Prlace Otto."v BAKER THEATER ( Third and Tamhtll) I.ant performance. 2 P. M.. "The Jolly Grass "VVldowa." EMPIRE THEATER tt2ih and Morrison) M&tlne at 2 and tonight at 8:15. "Why Women Sin." GRAND THEATER (Park and 1Vashlnj;ton) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and IVasblnnton) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30. 0 P. M. I'NITARIAX CHAPEL, (7th. near Yamhill) Evening at S:16, musical recital by Mlwi Iorotttea N'wh, ptantete, s luted by Mrs. ImoRa Harding Brodle. contralto. Feastbo the Boys' Club. Two Ions tabls placed in the lecture room of the Third Prosbyterlun Church, East Pine and Thirteenth streets, last .night, were surrounded by Rbout 30 boys of the in teresting age. It was'u banquet for the Boys' Club of the ,church given by the members. V. O. Nisloy, widely known ui the friend . of the boys, wis present in charge of the club. Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery was present part of tno. time. The table was cleared of everything edible and the banquet was a groat success. Remarks were made bv Mr. Montgomery und Mr. Nisley. This club Is in a flourishing condition, and Is found to be an effective means of keep ing tit boys interested In good works. Goi to Pendleton. Rev. Levi John son, who has been Sunday School Mis iionary for the Portland Presbytery for s' vena years, has been elected to a sim ilar place by tfea Pendleton Presbytery, and will accept. Mr. Johnson reported at the Fall meeting of the Presbytery that lie had traveled over 7000 miles and preached over 30Q times during the year. Rev. A. J. Montgomery, said yesterday th vacancy might not be filled before Spring. He speaks very highly of Mr. Johnson's work and says it will not be easy to find a man to take his place and continue it. Mr. Johnson Is now at Pendleton looking over that field, but will return shortly and move his family there. Sanitation at Mount TABon.-r-The Board of Directors of Mount Tabor Dis trict No. S. in which thero are three school buildings, and S30 pupils, is wrost Jing with the problem of sanitation for the West-avenue building. Here some 300 pupils attend. The conditions of the rlosets has become so dangerous that Principal Adams has Informed the di rectors that something must be done, but the question Is what can bo done without sewers. It was contemplated to put in a septic tank, but the people living near-by objected and that bad to be abandoned. It is a serious question with the district and it must be solved soon. Strange Spitz Mubdbr. Vincent Hill, residing at 050 Umatilla street has re ported to the police the peculiar death of his Spiz dog. a valuable canine, which crcurrod several days ago. He believes the pot was badly beaten by some one, while impounded. Dog-catchers picked up the Spitz, as it had no license. They Im pounded It, but Mr. Hill redeemed it within an hour. From that time forth it refused to eat or drink, and in two days died. He thought it so strange that he railed in a veterinary, who investigated md said death was due to internal In juries, such as would easily be inflicted ly beating. Institute Nbbds literature. The Vfflenj institute .at, 400 North Front, street is doing a vory useful work fur nishing literature to the crews of ships which land at Portland. Donations of magazines and books of all languages are received at the Instlttute and then given out whoro they are most needed. At present there are more ships in port than can be supplied and Rev. A. E. Ber nays, who is in charge of the Institute, is anxious to receive donations of this char acter. There is a special need of German and French magazines and periodicals at this time. Plate "With Torpbdoes. Children discovered some railroad torpedoes In Lower Albina yesterday and were enjoy ng the fun of placing thorn on the streot ar tracks. The 9-year-old son of Mrs. Spencer had a narrow escape, from being injured by an explosion, when she re ported the matter to the police. The tor pedoes had been left In Montgomery Gulch, where they were found by the children. Bkttbr Than Bbins Councilman. L,. ! S. Daue, who was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Councilman In the Seventh Ward and was defeated by ; A. G. Rushlight, has been engaged the past five months at McMlmwille In the erection of a hotel and a $5000 dwelling. He considers himself lucky that he es caped the nomination for Councilman, as he has a better Job. WELCOME REV. W. T. KBRR. The mom bers and friends of the Woodstock Metho dist cnurch last night tendered their pas iw, zwv. w. x. iverr, a reception to mat nem. The affair was well attended. Rev. Mr. Kerr was pastor of Central M. R Church, Albina, for five years, but retired for a time. He was given a most nearty welcome to that field. Subscription Fakir. Robr is Hro have notified the police that a man giv ing the name of Et Fritsztch is going uuui smiing a magazine handled inoaiiv by them, and stating to victims that the nrm is giving a handsome prize with each subscription. This is false, they stale, and It is their desire that he be apprehended and prosecuted. Foot Crushsd. C. E. Connor, an elec trician, suffered a crushed foot yester day afternoon at Seventh and Alder Mreets, when a heavy motor fell from his crasp. Amputation may be necessary. He was taken to the office of Dr. G. li Wilson, In the Oregonlan building, whore his injuries were attended. For San Francisco and Los Angdles. The steamer W. H. Kruger sails Satur day. 1 p. M. Cabin, San Francisco, $12.00; Los Angeles, S21.; steerage. San Fran cisco. S&.Q9; Los Angeles. ?li.0. Meals and berth included. C. H. Thompson, agent, No. 12S Third street. Football! Football! Multnomah vs. Astoria! A Rbo-hot Gamu! Multnomah Field Todat. 3 P. M. Admission 60c. Including Stand. Pbbsidbnt Roosbvelt Said: "Smlto the Corruptionlst." This will be Dr. House's subject, Sunday night, at First Congre gational Church, Madison and Park streets. Business men esoeclally Invited, Football! Football! Multnomah vs. Astoria! A Rbd-hot Game! Multnomah Field Today, 2 P. M. Admission 50c, Including Stand.' A Good Time to Plant. The Sibson Rose Nurseries. 11S0 Miljvauklc avenue, headquarters for Fine Roses. Take Sell wood car. Phone East 13S. Catalogue free. Stbambr F. A. Kilburn for San Fran cisco calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, from Oak Street dock, Monday, October 30. at S P. M. Tel. Main 29C0. Baker's Hot Vanilla Chocolate, with whipped cream, and delicious eating chocolate, at 127 Seventh street Try them. Claremont Tavern. Northom PacIIlc train. 4:S0 P. M., stops at Claremont, re turning 10:45 P. M. For Sale. Five shares "Nau's Dyspep sia Curo" stock. Must be taken at once. " IF, Oregonlan. Dancing Plub at Arleta. Of late the younger clement of the population of Ar leta have. put their heads together and as Is usually the case there have beon re sults. A dancing club called the "Clover leaf Jolliers" Is now enjoying recognition and anticipates a lively Winter season. There are a large number of mombers, chiefly being young folks, but the more mature are to be seen also as chaperons. The first meeting was held last night in Arleta Hall and a merry evonlng was .had. Football! Football! Multnomah vs. Astoria! A Red-hot Game! Multnomah Field Todat, 3 P. M. Admission 50c, Including Stand. Dr. Brougher's topics at the White Temple Sunday: 10:30. "A Universal Saviour;" 7:30, "Put Toursolf In His Place." . Fine soloists, quartette and chorus. Baptism. , Football! Football! Multnomah vs. Astoria! A Red-hot Game! Multnomah Field Todat, 3 P. M. Admission 50c, Including Stand. Plunder, the florist, will be at the old stand until Tuesday. After that will be ready for business at 146 Sixth street. Phone Main 454. Miss Sophie Wolf and Miss Bertha Kay, teachers of elocution. 155 .10th sU WHITE RIBBONjERS MEET President Stevens Tells of Work to Be Done In Annual Report. LOS ANGELES. Oot. 27. The first day's session of the32d annual conven tion of the National Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union was devoted to routine business. Devotional exercises, the appointment of the usual commit tees and the hearlnsr of various re ports by the executive officials of the organization occupied the entire time of the morning and afternoon sessions. The feature of the first session was the annual address of the presldont, Mrs. Lillian Stevens, of Maine. Mrs. Stevens' address recltod tne work of the W. C T. U. during1 the last year, commented upon the various legisla tive measures the organization is urg ing both' in state Legislatures and in the National Congress, and spoke vory encouragingly of the future growth of the temperance movement. In her an nual address Mrs. Stevens reviewed the developments of the past yoar and saw much reason for encouragement. She was positive In her attitude against the re-establishment of the army oan teen. She road letters from Secretary of War Taft and others, showing that Army officers as a rule claim there is more drunkenness among the enlisted men since the canteen has been abol ished than before, but she Insisted that no statistics have been compiled to support their position. "The attempt to restore the- canteen is only a small part of the work of the liquor element of this country," said the president. "I confidently predict that Congress will take no advorse ac tion the coming Winter." Mrs. Stevens touched on all the questions with which the temperance -j organization concerns Itself, including Mormonlsm, the purity crusade, patent medicines and the Gothenburg: system of regulating the liquor traffic. She declared the Wi C T. U. to be un qualifiedly opposed to the Gothenburg system, which she considered would be a compromise with the liquor interests. She saw much to encourage the advo cates of equal suffrage, and believes the time to bo near when all women, as well as men. may exercise the privi lege of the ballot. Roports of the National officers and heads of the departments occurred af the afternoon session. EAMES IN SAN FRANJISC0 Made a Sensation There and Had Streets Blocked With Carrlngcs. Not alone the lovers and students of music in one of Its most classic forms turned out In San Francisco to "greet Emma Earner, but It was distinctly what they call in New York '& caniago house." For two bldcks- the streets about resembled the opera season last April, and the crush of the fashionables was tremendous. From all appearances, the Marquam Grand on Monday evening, Oc tober 30, will certainly hold up Its end, for the demand for soats for the Emma Eamcs concert has been astonishing. From all parts of the country the people are coming and there will bo representa tives present from Astoria, Eugene, For est Grove, Oregon City, Albany. Vancou ver, lilllsDoro, saiom and other places. The concert begins at S:30 on Monday evening and Is under the personal direc tion of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. Seats now selling at the Marquam Grand box office. WHERE JO DINE. All the 'delicacies of tho season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apartments for parties. Open all night. SOC Washington, near Fifth. ESCAPERN0NG WINE The finest product of the scappcrnong, the native North Carolina grape. A de licious, refreshing white wine. Moderate ly sweet a ladles' wine. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Inc., distributors. AVill Pace Crime at Salem. OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct. 27. ISpoclaL) Arthur Hitchman, aged 16 yoars, who was arrested at Rcdland yesterday, was today returned to Salem where he is wanted to answer to a charge of crimi nal assault. The arrest was made by Deputy Sheriff Trcmbath and Constable Beach, of "Woodburn. Sultan the Meanest Man in World Dr. John Baptist, Visiting Armenian, at the Same Time Considers Him the Greatest Diplomat R. JOHN BAPTIST, who will lec- turo at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday, is J a native Armenian, and for many j years was the court photographer of the j Sultan of Turkey.- The young Armenian! once witnessed the assassination of j about 00 of his countrymen because of their religious faith, and upon becoming converted, fled from the country lest he be numbered among the victims. Dr Baptist has beon In this country about nine years, and has become quite a prom inent lecturer. One of his most famous lectures Is known aa "The Meanest Man I in the World." and deals principally with the Sultan. Tils real name Is Hovhanness ' Mugurditch Cheenegeozlan. and John ' Baptist Is simply a translation. "The Sultan of Turkey la certainly the meanest man In the world, but I think he Is the greatest diplomat of modern times," said Dr. Baptist at the Hood Hotel last night. "While he is a despot and rules wkh almost unbelievable cru- I elty, he has an unusually strong intellect. I Ho Is always In great fear of being as- Fisiinaiea, ana is a vory unhappy man, A fortune-teller once predicted that he would die of some contagious disease, and in his precautions to prevent being stricken down by any such malady he has made Constantinople one of the cleanest cities In Europe Tho Sultan washes his hands about every 15 minutes. "Tho Sultan has 400 wives in nis harom. and I think they are the prettiest women In the world. I have photo graphed thorn time and time, again, and know what they look like. Verv fw people have ever been In the harem. The wives all wash in milk dally, and their BAR US 28 FEET Pilots Will Check Soundings of Engineers; Sunday. GOVERNMENT MAP ISSUED Two Pijot Commissioners. Will Ac company Tnp; to Verify Work Upon Which Depths Have Been Determined. The United States Engineer's office has completed the-map of the survey recently made of the Columbia River bar. and copies are now ready for distribution to masters of vessels and all Interested par ties. Duplicates of the map were sent last night to tho Pilot Commissioners and the bar pilots, so that they might receive at first hand the benefit of the Govern ment's work. Although the map just issued shows a depth of from 23x to ovor 30 feet at low water in the common channel over the bar, tho actual depth Is about six inches less, the difference being explained in the note to tho map, which reads as follows: "Soundings are expressed In feet and refer to the datum plane of tho zero of the mean of the lower low waters at Fort Stevens wharf. The plane .of the mean of the lower low water at Fort Stevens wharf Is approximately from half a foot to a foot higher than on the bar. which would reduce the depth shown that amount." The further notation that "the above soundings have not been reduced to the mean of the lower low waters on the bar. so that comparison with pre vious charts can be made." Is self-explanatory. In view of the main statement, and -allows the use of tho new map In conjunction with all former surveys. Heretofore all surveys of the bar have been based on the plane of tho zero at Fort Stevens, which Is, as-stated In the notation to the map, from half a foot to a foot (the oxact measurement has never been obtained) higher than the bar zero. Realizing the meaning of this difference, tho Government last year established a gauge on the Jetty which would record the true bar zero, but In the storms this gauge was carried away and there has as yet been no opportunity to replace It. The bar gauge will be put In again short ly, however, but n the meantime all sur veys must necessarily be based upon the Fort Stevens zero. The bar pilots are now looking forward to early verification of their own sound ings previously made, or of the Govern ment soundings. While supposed to bo secret. It has leaked out that ' on Sunday morning, weather conditions permitting, two pilot commissioners and several of the bar pilots will go out from Astoria to make soundings on the bar. The main object of this pilots' survey seems to be to estab lish tb their own satisfaction the correct ness of the official soundings. No doubt can possibly exist as to where reliability Is to be placed where men skilled and unskilled are employed In a work, and with Government figures before them and the secrecy enjoined In their coming work, it Is thought, among those who know, that possibly the pilots ear that' they may have made a mistake. "The only pity." said an Interested par ty yesterday, "is that the pilots have not seen fit to Invite some Goyornmcnt offi cials on their tug to witness the sound ings. Then we would have certain knowl edge as to who Is right and wrong." ' PARALYSIS CAUSED DEATH Aby E. May Dies tas Result of Sud den Stroke. After remaining in an unconscious con dition several days from a stroke of paralysis, Aby E. May, 39 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel May, died at his home, 41 East Fifteenth street, yes torday morning at 1 o'clock. While at tending a theater early in the week he suffered a slight stroke, from which he partially recovered, but this was followed by a.gedond stroke, and he remained- un conscious until death came. Dr. Holt Wil son was summoned, but the patient was beyond tho help of medical science. Mr. May was a fine specimen of physical manhood, and was In perfect health be fore he was stricken with paralysis. He grew up in Portland, where he attended the public schools and was graduated from the Portland Business College. He has beon In the office of the Union Meat Company for some time, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of his employers. By a wide circle of friends Mr. May was held in high esteem, and altogether he had a vory promising future before him. The funeral will take place Sunday, but the hour has not yet been fixed. Monthly 3Iectlnp of Ohio Society. That the Ohloans who had made their home in Oregon might properly welcome ex-President and Mrs. McKInley on their visit to Oregon some years ago a few, more progressive than the rest, banded together and Invited others to join tho Ohio Society of Oregon. The organiza tion formed undor able leaders and con tinued through tho Exposition to show hospitality and good fellowshto to vis itors from that State. It Is still perform ing this work together with providing en- Dr. John Baptist, beauty is really marvelous. Although I have lived in America many ycan I have only seen, two women "who were as beautiful. as any of the "400 wives of the Sultan of Turkey." SHAW'S PURE me BLUMAUER & HOCH 106 cad 110 Fwtfa Str Sato Dtatrttwters fr Orvsoa u4 WuMactea. Elgin Watches Sell Higher Than Common Grades. THEY AEE BETTER. Kryptok "Invisible" Bifocals Sell Higher Than Ordinary Bifocals. THEY ABE BETTER. s Ienver. Omaha. Kacsai City. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL COMPANY SUCCESSOR TO 133 Sixth Street W io crown nd brldrework -without pta. Ow 18 xta? xprteiio ta pjt work ub!es ca to fit your month comfortably. 2r. TV. A. YtlM ks founij a, (; wy U extract tetlh absolutely without pa la. Dr. T. P. TCIm la an zptrt at rold fllu&g ard crown aad brtdcwork. ExtracU&x vtut pUU or feriJft its ordr4 WISE BROS., Dentists Tatltnr Bctldlar. cor. Third aad Wuh. 3U. Opca arcnlocs UU 9 o'clock. Sundays trosa 8 to R Or lialn S0S3. rR. W. A. WZSJ tertalnment for Its members at Its month ly meetings held In Knights of Pythias Hall. Marquam building. Lost night at the regular meeting a very enjoyable programme was given. Later several older members of the society talked reminiscences thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The meeting was concluded by a few remarks by the presiding officer as to the necessity of the continued life of the society, his belief that It was growing "stale" under tho same hands and the offer of his resignation looking toward the appointment of others who would In troduce new Ideas. His resignation was not accepted. GERMAN GIRUS OVERCOME Almost Collapses "When Aspersions on Character Arc Ma'dc. Because aspersions had been made against her character. Miss Marie Pll ler, a German girl, hardly able to speak a word of English, but who at tracted attention because of her beauty, almost fainted on the witness stand in Judge Hold's Court yesterday afternoon. Miss Plller is plaintiff In an action to recover $175 from Theodore Schmidt, said to be duo her for domestic serv- TEASE WILT. PLEAD TUESDAY. Lauren Pease, the society man and slnser. was not arraigned. In the Mu nicipal Court yesterday, but It Is agTeed between Attorney Frank Free man and Deputy District Attorney Adams that the defendant shall plead next Tuesday. Pease Is charged with embezzlement. "I have no anxiety about the mat ter," said Pease yesterday. "Xer I am not an embezzler, and will settle my account with the company. I merely borrowed the money they now accuse me of stealing, and they knew all about it from the beginning." ices rendered. The young woman in broken sentences said that she had been brought from St. Louis by tho Schmidt family as a servant girl, and that for services rendered the family during1 a wholo year she had not re ceived more than $6. She said that she had been compelled to wash tho Schmidts two babies; that she mado all the beds nt the Mount Hood Hotel beforo it burned down; and that sho was compelled to do the washing; for the family. Mrs. Schmidt, according to testimony offered by Miss Plller, prevented her from marrying her sweetheart through meddling. The wholo Schmidt family was In court to back up tho head of the household, but the case was so long drawn-out that It was continued by Judge Reid until this afternoon. BARRY BULKLEY, MARQUAM Excellent Programme for This Iec ture and Concert Tonight. Barry Bulklcy. the distinguished public speaker, will deliver his llnal lecture in Portland tonight at tho Marquam Grand at 8:15. Tho lecture is given under tho personal direction of Armat Stoddart, and Mr. Bulkley will be assisted by Mrs. Rosa Bloch Bauer. Miss Ethel Shea. Mrs. Wal ter Reed and Dom J. Zan. Tho pro gramme: PART I. 1 a) "Because" D- Hardelot (b) "Were My Song with Wings Pro vided" llahn (c) "When Song Is Sweet ....Gertrude Sans Soucl Rose Bloch Bauer. 2 "Pento" F. Paolo Toetl Ethel M. Shea. S a) "A Madrigal" Harris (b) "King Duncan' b Daughters".... Allien Don J. Zan. 4 fa) "3ous Lea Orangers" . . . . Augusta. Holmeo (b) Turn Ye to Me".. Old Highland Melody Mrs. Walter need. PART II. C Yellowstone National Parle (Illustrated by 10O views Harry Bulkier. Esa. i views or uraier uixe iiesion. 7 Glimpses of Portland. "The City of Roses. (Belnc a few of the many views to be used oy iir. Bulkley curing Ms forthcoming lecture tour In the But and Middle Wert. A feature of Mr. Builder's tour will be his Portland lecture.) Accompanist. Edcar C Courccn. Miss Hoosevclt In Washington. WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. Miss Alice Roosevelt, daughter of the President, ar rived In Washington at 4:40 o'clock this afternoon, thus completing her long Jour ney from the Orient. Major Charles T. McCawley. of the Marino Corps, ond Miss Hagner, secretary to Mrs. Roosevelt, met the President's daughter at the railway station, and accompanied her to the White House. Interned Ships to Icave Manila. MANILA. Oct. 27. The Russian war ships interned here will leave tomorrow for Saigon, French Indo-China, en route for Cronstadt. Impressive memorial serv ices were held today, on the occasion of the reinterment of the bodies of the Rus sian sailors who died of wounds received during the battle of the Sea of Japan. 3tIilwaukIo Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars. First and Alder. Keep the liver and kidneys in order. Hood's Sarsanarllla la the remedy to regulate these organs. Stcrtaa Bye Ktmedy Cures Xyes: Makes Weak Eyes Stress. Sootaca Eye Pais; Docsa't Ssaart, ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Vhhoct a RrnUj Todty MALT Salt Lakt. Dallu. Tex. Portland, Or. WALTER REED Oregonian Building DR. 1VISX. SEATS NOW SELLING EMMA EAMES CONCERT COMPANY MARQUAM GRAND THEATER MONDAY, OCT. 30 Direction: LOIS STEERS WYNN COMAN PRICES: $4.00 S3.00 $2.50 Gallery Admission $1.00 $1.50 COLTraiBIA CBArilATJIOXES We have a complete stock of Disc and Cylinder Records for use on all disc or cylinder talking machines. Catalogues on application. GIBSON 845 Washington St. CO. Portland, Or. Established MQ 130 VarlstJtt ESTERBROOK'S Steel Pens Sold Everywhere The Best Peat Made Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth, and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a oentury. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Is onea distressed by Gray or lijurtal Half Regwiratw will remedy this. Any shade from Black to tie lightest lib IS produced. Colors are durable. Eas ily applitd. Absolutely harmless. y-jkjw toujjjio ui linn uuiurea tree, ucr reSDOcdcnca confidential MPHUAL Oim CALMFG. CQ..H5 W.234 StXe7 YtrE aviu of i veuaru. turit ti cw. - x. p. nHKoprp 11 down HPS St PER 99MT week: pwysj (- ' I You can always know the j CLf J Msanfschnen el BUck Dm Gooca. Mc&atn. 1 1 Kgk 71-73 GRAND ST NEW YORK. YonrB y TO CONTINUE DURING THE LAST DAYS OF THIS MONTH Special 1alues SUITS, OVERCOATS AND CRAVENETTE In selecting one of our Suits, Overcoats or Raincoats at $10.00, $12.50 or $15.00 you sacrifice neither style nor perfect fit features of our medium priced- as well as our higher priced garments. For r wide range of models and patterns see our Fourth-street window. $10 $12.50 $15 j X" "We have recently added some stunning effects for high-grade Suits and Overcoats. You should see them $1S.00 to $30.00. The Greatest APaintSurprise Awaits you on your faithful trial of some of our Bay State Paints agreeable surprise as to the to the wearing qualities of the paint and that which it protects, the ease of its application, and, finally, its great economy. Iry a one-gallon can, if no more, and convince yourself. Fisher, Thorsen 6 Co. Front and Morrison Streets. jniMJEMosTDmeiousi Meat Pies.Fruit ! i Cake, Puddings and Cookie? J I In 2-Pie 10c Packages J I MERRELL-SOULEi COMPANY" SYRACUSE . NEW YORK 1 Schwab Printing Co. SKSr IVORK. REASONABLE. PRICES 2 4 7K STARS STREET HHhP the compH- I Lowney's is best cocoa made 9 I I I m anywhere or at any price. Tho I rich, full, natural navor, without 11 dyes or adulterants, distinguishes it Sfj fk from all others. jH "A TTicZetstitvRtesiptBoct Fru. MnL Kk Tit TTl!r H. I-irxrj C., 3oita. jfm isp,.. Clothing House in the Northwest. COUNTY HALL OF RECORDS, N. Y. New York men are the best dressed In the world. The most impressively clad among them are the wearers of the Single or Double Breasted BUSINESS SUITS labeled jlffed benjamins MAKERS NEWYORK The stylish coat this season is FAIRLY long. The makers' Kuarantee, and ours, with rrerr garment bearing the above label. We are exclusive agents here. " BUFFUM & PENDLETON 31 1 Mormon St, opp. the Pojt-OiEca These arc the only dentists In Portland -ch know and ue the American tystem ot paa Ic dentlntry. FILLINGS BOc, 73c and . GOLD CROWK8. 22k SS.99 BRIDGE WORK. 221c f.M FULL SET NATURAL TEETH ft.M Boston Painless Dentists ZBlYi Morrison St.. Opp. Meier A Xraalc and PostofOce. HODBS 8:30 A. M. to 8 7. Ml Sunday, 8:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. TEETH A S 12.00 FULL BKZ GUARANTEES FOR 13.00. JCvtnlnti. Monday oxd Thursday, until 8. frrd l'rcha. D. D. S. AM Otkva UhU. TEETH jiiBo Pain