Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlng-Room Main 607
ManagJnK Editor Main 636
Sunday Editor Main 0233
City Editor . Main 160
Society Editor Main 6233
Composing-Room Main 685
Superintendent Building ....... Red 2S20
East Side Office Eaat 01
et.. bet. 6th and 7th) Tonight at 8 o'clock.
Klaw & Erlangcrs stupendous production,
Ben Hur."
BELASCO THEATER (14th and Washington)
Evening at 8:13, White Whittlesey in
"Prince Otto."
BAKER THEATER Third and Tamhlll)
Tonight at 8:15. "The Jolly Oram Widows.
EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison
Tonight at 8:15, "Why Women Sin."
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. P. M.
Relietve Bast Morrison Street Traf
fic. The planking on East Washington
street will be completed early next week,
between Union avenue and East Water
streot, when it can be opened to the pub
lic Also work has been started on the
east side of East Water between Morrison
and Oak, so as to connect with "Washing
ton as soon as possible, and thus relieve
Morrison street roadway, which Is de
clared In a dangerous condition. Deputy
Boadman said yesterday that over 600
Xeet of new plank had been used in patch
ing East Morrison street roadway in the
past three months. "With East Water
street Improved to Washington travel can
change from Morrison until the latter Is
filled. It will be several months before
East Morrison can be filled, under the
regular order of proceedings that have
been started In the Council, but traffic
will not be Interrupted under the provis
ions that are being made to meet the
Advocates Annual Stock Show. M.
D. Wisdom, who as superintendent of the
livestock department, was largely respon
sible for the great success achieved by
the stock show at the Exposition, has Just
written a communication to the Port
land Chamber of Commerce suggesting
that a stock show of International char
acter be held in this city each year. Mr.
Wisdom has been In communication with
stockmen in all parts of the Pacific
Coast, who heartily approve of the plan
and would unite to make such an exhibi
tion a success. Among those most in
favor of the project is John L. Smith,
president of the Inter-state Livestock
Breeders' Association. The matter will
be taken up at the meeting of the board
of trustees of the Chamber of Commerce
at its regular meeting next Tuesday.
For Lewis River Traffic. The shal
low-water sternwheel craft built for
Jacob Kamm for the Lewis river business
in Supple's boatyard, is completed and
was tested yesterday. It is about as
small a boat of the sort as may be seen
anywhere, but is designed to navigato
the shallow water of the Upper Lewis
River. It Is simply a barge converted
Into a stern-wheeler. It Is provided with
a pasollne engine, and power is trans
mltted to the wheel by a sprocket chain.
It will carry about 15 tons. This is the
second craft built to navigate the Lewis
River, the other being owned by Graham
& Company. Mr. Kamm's boat was chris
tened the Spiell. She Is 45 feet long. 12
feet wide and .draws six and one-half
inches of water, and when loaded will
draw ten Inches.
Annual, Meeting. At the annual meet
ing of the Toung Men's Club, of the Sec
ond Baptist Church, East Seventh and
Ankeny streets. 'last evening, the follow-
i Jng officers were elected for the ensuing
year: President, W. F. Toung; vice-
president. Adolph Gantenbeln; secretary
and treasurer, J. Richardson: assistant
secretary and treasurer. J. Wallace Bur
gie; Instructor, Rev. S. C. Lapham. A
social of members and fripnds will be
held November 8. each member being en
titled to bring three friends. November
34 a musical and literary entertainment
will be given, and for November 22 and
December 4, partial arrangements were
completed for public functions. The pro
gramme of lectures for the Winter is be
ing prepared.
Injuries Cause Death. W. J. Cook, a
railroad promoter has arrived In Port
land on a sad errand. His son James F.
Cook, age 12 years was killed by being
thrown from a boy-made imitation of a
merry-go-round at the school which be
attended in this city. At first the injuries
were thought to be temporary but last
Tuesday, one week after the accident he
suddenly grew worse and died before
morning. His death Is attributed to In
ternal Injuries due to the fall from the
swing. His father has arrived to be
present at the funeral which took place
yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from St.
Mary's Church and Interment was at
Rivervlew Cemetery.
Found Dead in Bed. Mrs. Ellen E
Shuler. wife of Rev. William Shuler, was
found dead in her bed by her husband
yesterday morning at their home in
Montavilla. She died during the night, so
quietly that Mr. Shuler was not aroused
He awoke at 5 o'clock and receiving no
answer when he spoke to her called In
Dr. Mcllwain. She had been dead several
hours. Mrs. Shuler was 61 years old and
retired Thursday night In her usual
health. The couple came from Iowa re
cently, and purchased a home at Monta
villa. Rev. Mr. Shuler and his daughter
left last evening taking the body for
interment at their old home in Iowa.
Four Later Deliveries. W. S. Hal
vor. superintendent of the East Side post
office station, says that there is a steady
increase In all departments of mails
thepugh that branch of the postofflce
The present force of carriers handles the
mall promptly, and there is general sat
Isfaction in the district covered by the
station. Mr. Halvor says that as the
malls arrive In the evening even a four
delivery service in the business district
between East Burnslde street and Haw
thorne avenue and between East Sixth
and the river could hardly better mat
Bots Use Slungbhotb. Policeman
Qulnton. on duty at the City Hall, yester
day captured some small boys who had
been amusing themselves firing bullets
Into the different offices with slungshots
and after a severe lecture they were per
mltted to go. Several of the missiles nar
rowly escaped finding a human target.
and the officer says that the next time
he apprehends any of the miscreants they
will be given an opportunity to explain
matters In the Police Court, as there is
an ordinance against the use, as well as
the sale, of these dangerous weapons.
Temple Beth Israel. Dr. Stephen S
Wise will preach this evening at 8 o'clock
on "What Is Fame, and Which Are the
Paths Leading Thereto; a sermon sug
gested by the announcement of the re
cent admission of some American men of
letters to the Hall of Fame, In New York,
Strangers always welcome
Safett Switch on Morrison Bridge.
A safety switch is being placed on Mor
rlson bridge 100 feet from the east end
of the draw. If the drawgate be closed
and the car proceeds toward the open
draw it will be derailed. With this safety
switch no car can plunge through the
open draw.
Rummage Sale. By ladies of Third
Presbyterian Church at ! Union avenue,
October 26, 27, 2S. Donations solicited and
received at 94 Union avenue any day
this week.
Steamer F. A. Hilburn for San Fran
cisco calling at Coos Bay and Eureka,
from Oak Street dock, Saturday, Octo
ber 2S, at S P. M. Tel. Main 2960.
Complete description of O'Brien-Kauff-man
contest received by rounds at the
Mllwaukie Club tonight, Friday, Octo
ber 27.
Complete description of O Brien-KaufT
man contest reecived by rounds at the
Mllwaukie Club tonight, Friday, Octo
ber 27.
, C la rem o nt Tavern. Northern Paclnc
train. 4:30 P. M.. stops at Claremont, re
CnRniTORR Wti.t. Otst Half. The cred
itors of Anc-iiRt KrntT. nronrletor of The
Tavern, met yestorday In the office of
the Merchants" Protective Association
and upon hearing the condition of his af
fairs it was dfcldAd to sell the fixtures
of the Tavern and the saloon which will
amount to about 120.000, or one-nan nis
(tmn RnncTT op OnBOON. The Ohio
Society of Oregon will hold the first of
thn rcmiln?- midlines of the Fall and
Winter scries in the Knights of Pythias
Hall in the Marquam building tonignu
A special musical programme has been
prepared and refreshments will be served
during the evening.
For San Francisco and Los Angeles.
T1i etna m T" w H. Krucer sails Satur
day, 1 P. M. Cabin, San Francisco, $12.00;
Los Angeles, iZl.w; steerage, can rran
cisco. $8.00; Los Angeles, $16.00. Meals
and berth Included. C H. Thompson.
agent. No. 128 Third street.
ur,rrmns to Pastor. Rev. M. D. Mc
Clelland, of the Fourth Presbyterian
Church wilt leave in a lew aays io wn
his new charge in PIkeville. Ky. A fare
well reception will be given him at tho
church -tonight.
Homer Da-venport Farm. Fine rurni
ture at cabin for sale. Apply on grounds
-Wtb Snpmn Wolf and Miss Bertha
Kay, teachers of elocution. 165 10th si.
The Erryna Eamcs Concert Company
Scats On Sale This 3Iorn-
ing at Marquam.
If any one should be in doubt as to
the excellence of the treat promised
Monday evening at the Marquam The
ater, tho folloglng criticism of the con
cert which Mme. Eamos and her artists
Kave in Salt Lake Saturday will help a
little. The Herald, of that city, saia.
"Once or possibly twice In a muslc
invor's lifetime he will unwittingly
strike a concert that is an unadulter
ated pleasure from the first note to the
last. Mme. Eamos ana tne excepiion
um tnlPnteJ artists who completed
her programme at the Tabernacle last
night furnished sucn an occasion.
Usually the hardened concert-goer ex
pects to suffer at intorvals for the
privilege of hearing the stars num
bers. Mme. Eames' support was so
marked an exception that it deserves
to rank In musical history as an unpre
cedented combination a roauy great
artist with adequate collaborators."
The sale of seats for the Eames con
cert, which Is under the direction of
Lois Steers-Wynn Coman, opens tnis
morning: at the Marquam.
Time Getting Short for Getting Art
Treasures at tho Fair.
Tftmnri-nn- nlcht oloses the ODDOr-
tunity for getting Japanese art treas
nri nt o snnr nt the Orientlai build
ing. Exposition grounds. The Japanese
concessionaires having naa exnious ai
the Fair, rather man repacK men
fnnflR. nre -wllllnc- to make a sacrifice
in riisnnslnir of them. The crowds at
the auction during tne past lew uaN
have been increasing, ana tne auwu
ance today and tomorrow promises to
nniinna I ne recorn ill iiic iaai .u
weeks. What gives art Connoisseurs
oonfldeneo in -the noods offered for
sale Is the fact that Mr. O'Connor, the
auctioneer, who is Known an over tne
United Stacs, tells the absolute truth
about every article he sells.
Court Determined to Stop Sale of
Tobacco to Minors.
Rudolph L. Voolker. who conducts
grocery at 2S8 Mississippi avenue, was
fined $25 by Judge Frarer yesterday for
selling tobacco to Ernest DUbolse,
minor, and Sam Llchtcr a cigar dealer at
First and Taylor streets was fined 52o for
selling tobacco to a boy named Parker.
The Court scored the defendants, calling
attention to the publicity which was be
ing given to violators of this law for a
month past, and said the court was de
termined to break up the practice. Of
fenders have been let off In the past
with nominal fine? of $5. The Intention
in the future Is to make the fines higher,
$35 and even $50.
AH the 'delicacies of the season at
the Portland Restaurant, fine, prlvata
apartments for parties. Open all night.
805 Washington, near Fifth.
The Fnritj- of Burnett' Vanilla,
la never questioned by any pure food commission
10 A. M.
Emma Eames
Monday, October 30
Direction Lois Steers-Wynn Coman.
$1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00
Boxes $25.00
A famous $600 Decker Bros. Pimio
left on sale "with us by a prominent
banker. See it at once now only
.$250. We have several other big
bargains in used Pianos it "will pay
you to investigate.
Still continuing the "big cut-prico
sale" of the finest assortment of
high-grade Pianos ever shown in j
Portland. i
Pianos on time, without interest.
"Wo are the only house in the city
advertising to soil on time without in
terest. Open Evenings
Friends of Helpless Patient Injured
in Jtecent Fire Hope to Send
Her to San Francisco.
Yesterday's contributions to the relief
fund for Miss Anna Loubet totaled $14.
The sum on hand is $247 and It is hoped
to get at least double that amount. It
Is now believed the removal of the help
less patient to tho County Hospital will
not be necessary and that tho fund? for
her care and ultimate removal to tho
French Receiving Hospital at San Fran
cisco will be raised. The patient's con
dition was unchanged yesterday. She
was able to sit in her cot at St. Vin
cent's Hospital, propped with pillows.
Knowing that with a broken back she
can barely hone for complete recovery the
young woman remains cheerful. Th
kindly Interest of the American oeonle.
she says, makes ner burden easier to
bear. Her one fear Is of the County
Hospital, but if Portland Is not charitable
enough to provide for her in her over
whelming misfortune those who know
her say she would bear even the hos
pital for paupers with Christian forti
tude. Miss Loubet came to her hapless plight
through the burning of the State-Room
Inn near the Exposition. She leaped from
tne second story barely in time to escape
death In the flames. The only part of
her personal effects to escape the fire was
a small Bible which she carried with her
when she leaped to the earth. Later
her rosary was found in the ruins and
restored to her.
The contributions reecived yesterday at
the Oregonian business office were: Mrs.
H. W. Corbett, $10; Mr. A. B., 50 cents:
cash, SO cents; cash, $1; J. H. Mason, $1.
and cash, $1. The few who have re
sponded have been liberal In their dona
tions' but It is believed the cause Justifies
a greater number of contributions. Mrs.
Cornell's donation of $10 is the largest
that has yet been made.
Select Site for Bronze Statue.
Members of the Park Board. Includ
ing Mayor Lane, yesterday morning
visited the City Park and selected a
point near the proposed Lewis and
Clark monument as the site of the
Sacajawea statue, and it will be re
moved there from the Exposition
Buy Furs
Of The
We are the Largest
Manufacturing Tur
ners on the Coast.
Sale of Suits
$25-$26.50-$27.50-$30 Vals. $21.35
We received word some days ago from our New
YorK buyer saying he was sending on a line of new Suits.
We had no idea he meant to flood the department with
such an extensive line haven't any place to put them,
that's all, so we have placed a, special price on them that
will leave few to put away on Saturday night The line
includes all the latest styles in Box Coats, seven-eighth
and three-quarter lengths every desirable material
and manner of trimming all the most popular color
ings; Suits wnicn always sen tor qzt, 3zo.5U,
and 30.00, on sale today and tomorrow
for the extremely low price of
Regular $15 Shirts
for $11.85
Today and tomorrow only remain in which we offer our splendid $15
and $17.50 worsted Shirts in blacK and colors at the excep- d
tionally low price special P110
Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better
"Whiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant
grounds without delay, the Board as
suming all risk.
Through Oskar Huber, director of
works at the Exposition, the city was
offered the opportunity of selecting
any of the statuary now In the Fair
grounds for permanent establishment
In the City Park. The group of cow
"boys will be accepted, and such other
selections will be made as will suit the
convenience of the Board in handling
and placing.
Carlo lognott! Is Struck by Frag
ments of Broken Pulley.
No inquest will be held In the case of
Carlo Lognottl. killed yesterday morning
In the Star Box Factory. 'Harrison and
Water streets, by flying fragments from
an Iron pulley. Deputy Coroner A. L.
Finlcy, after investigating the circum
stances', announces that tho death whs
due to an unavoidable accident.
Shortly after the machinery was mt
In motion for the morning's run. the iron
pulley gave way and fragments were
hurled with great force In all directions.
Lognottl was struck in the Jaw with a
heavy piece and Instantly killed. He
has a brother living near Portland, but
all others of his relatives reside In Italy.
He will be buried here.
The finest product of the scappcrnong,
the native North Carolina grape. A de
licious, refreshing white wine. Moderate
ly sweet a ladles' wine. W. J. Van
Schuyver & Co.. Inc. distributors.
Governor to Go to 'ivjamath Falls.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 2i (Special.) Gover
nor Chamberlain will leave November 1
for Klamath Falls, where he will inspect
the lands in the Klamath Irrigation project-
He has )een invited to .speak at a
celebration to be held at Klamath Falls
November 4. In commemoration of the
m 9
The Woman's Store 4th and Morrison
Beaver and Otter
Regular $35 Stoles $26.50
Beautiful Alaska Beaver Garments made in the new long-stole effect, with
very broad shoulders, this is an excellent garment for service and has
a very rich appearance, one of our finest styles; always 0I
sold for $35.00, on sale Friday and Saturday for pAjJJ
$18 $20 Beaver Ties $14.65
"We are offering our finest $18.00 and $20.00 Genuine Beaver Ties in the
long effects, trimmed with chenille and lined with fine $T- A fypz
satin; regular $18.00 and $20.00 values for $ IHOCl
For fwo days today and tomorrow we place our entire stock of
Millinery on sale every single one of our beautiful and fashionable Hats,
the majority of which have arrived during the last week.' Your choice of
an assortment without a rival in the West as to style and quality. Pattern
Hats from Paris Hats from such makers as Gage Bros,, Bendel & Keith,
Phipps & Atchinson and splendid creations by our own expert milliners
You may choose from them all today and tomorrow at a reduction of
25 Per Cent From
With It a new method of selling will be
inaugurated. No better piano than this
was ever brought to Portland, yet it
will be hold at a price and under a guar
antee never attempted before. Not only
do I give with every piano a ten-year
guarantee, but also a standing offer that
I will buy every A. W. Meyer piano ever
onered ior sale, and pay tnercior me iuu
purchase price, less a small sum for the
use of the piano, amounting to' less than
rent. I have proofs of cases where local
dealers refused to take pianos back,
though the purchaser offered them for
$20) less than they paid six months before,
and the piano being as good as new. If
you contrast such cases to my offer. Its
fairness must be apparent. My motto:
"One price and that the lowest."
Warning: Beware of a cheap piano with
similar name, the genuine A. W. Meyer
piano has my personal guarantee with It.
Write for a booklet. "Piano Pointers." It
tells you all about pianos.
A. W. M EYE: R
These are the only a en." I if a In Portland vrha
know and n the American system ot pain
lex drntltry.
FILLINGS 00c, 73c and S1.00
GOLD CROWNS. 221c 55.00
BRIDGE WORK. 22k $5.00
Boston Painless Dentists
231 Morrison SU Opp. Meier X Frank
and Fostotflce.
HOURS 8:30 A. M. to 8 1. M. Sunday,
8:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. ST.
' opening of bids for the construction of
gthc irrigation system.
Send for
Illustrated Pur
Costs Us 15c.
Yours for the
Regular Prices
&No Pain
j four own good sense will tell you
wlien the mouth fluids
a " Chiclet and swallo-w the peppermint with
the saliva and don't annoy your physician.
to be had at all the better Kind of stores
Fire! Fire! Fire!
. Have you noticed the great number of fires we have had lately?
Pires are largely due to defective electrical wiring.
Why not have your work done by a responsible firm, one who,
when work is completed, will furnish you with a certificate from In
surance Union approving installation, and thereby reducing your in
surance rate?
Call and see us when you wish wiring or any kind of electrical
work installed.
No. 61 Sixth Street. Phone Main 1696. Portland, Oregon.
No. 1 Our plant for grinding lenses is unrivalled in the Northwest.
No. 2 Our facilities for repairing spectacles are unequaled.
No. 3 Our work is guaranteed and our guarantee kept.
Kansas City.
133 Sixth Street
We Co crown and trtdeworJc wltnout pain.
Oar IS years experience Is plat work
enables us to fit your mouth comfortably.
Dr. W. A. WlJ9 bas found a ear way to
extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr.
T. P. Wis Is an expert at sold fill tax
and crown and brldgework. Extracttnx Ir
when pifctaa or bridges arc- orderad.
WISE BROS., Dentists
ratltnr Balldtnr. cor. Third and Wash. Stx
Open cvenlnxs till 0 o'clock. Sundays iioa
8 to 12. Or Main 2023.
Dfe. W. A. WISI
"On and off like a Coat."
No tugging and pulling over the
head; no breaking of bosom.
S1.50 and up at the best stores.
White and fancy fabrics.
aUCTT. PEAB0DY & CO, Troy. N. Y.
LrT5rt miXen of SMrtJ ad Cellars la Utt m
It ensures an enjoyable, Invigor
ating bath; makes every pore
respond, removes dead skin,
starts the circulation, and leaves
& glow equal to a Turkish bath.
These tiny Capsules are superior!
to Balsam 01 iopaiua,- -
the same diseases without!
Sold by all druggitts
jasmin wmb ,i
M If you are in the habit of smoking 5
3 -while dressing, you will appreciate the g
Xva&lacs; Monday
maA Thursday, until S.
rrd ITeha. D. 1). .
4U Dtkuaa Ub.
are flowing freelr.
Chew 9
We are headquarters for
French ranges, portable and
brick set; cabinet bake
ovens, retinned and copper
restaurant utensils, ste'el
ranges and cook stoves.
Salt Lake.
Dallas. Tex.
Portland. Or.
Oregonian Building
Graduates all employed Placed
207 pupils in positions last year.
Will place you when competent.
Write direct to Dept. for Catalog.
Cannon Hill, Spokane, Wash.
Incorporated boarding and day school ior
boys above aga of eight. New buildings on
elevation near city. Dry and Invigorating
atmosphere especially beneficial to thosi
from Coaat region. Teachers college gradu
ates. Careful supervision and preparation
for college or business. Address
The Portland
Do you love good music? You
can select your choice from a port
folio of 50 nieces or popular music
of the world, and Professor Am
sterdam and his Hungarian orches
tra will render It for you.
Everything to eat and drink, and
It costs no more in the
Portland Hotel Rathskeller
than elsewhere in the city. Every
weekday night from 3:20 to 12.
CURIOS, Antiquities, Bought and Sold.
Indian Stone Knives Relics, Carvings and Idols is
Ivory. Stone. Bronze, etc. War Clubs. Spears, Bows.
Masks, Baskets. Bolo, Mats, Skulls of all Nations.
HEADS and HORNS of Animals, War Medals.
Native Body Ornaments and Dress, Ancient KUnf
Guns and Pistols, Coins, Shields. .Antique Silver and
Armor, Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer.
Nathan Joseph, M4MerchantSt.S.F-Cal
gchwab Printing Co.
t ;
turning io: J. M.
371 Morrison St., Cor. West Park.