THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1905. BIANTSH1TTHEBALL Game Tossed Off by Sweeny's Errors. SEALS IN SECOND PLACE Williams Runs Up Against a Bunch of Trouble In tho Sixth Inning , and Gives His Place to "Whalen. .- JTAGIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Yesterday's .Result. San Francisco. 4; Portland, 3. Tacoma, 2; Oakland. 0. Seattle. 7; Los Angeles. 1. Standing of the Club. "Won- Lost. P.C. Los Angeles 42 32 .r68 Oakland 41 38 .519 San Francisco 40 37 .517 Seattle 34 37 .479 Portland 32 35 .478 Tacoma 30 40 .429 SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 26. (Special.) The Seals took another fall out of tho Portland Stars this afternoon and their victory brought them up in second place. They had a hard time at that in beating the Giants to the flnirfh by a run. but everything camo out all right, for the Seals profited by Sweeney's bad throws in the fourth and fifth, which save them enough to go through with. Uncle was afraid that SVIllllams was" not going to weather the storm, so he stuck Jimmy Whalen in after the sixth, when Williams was bumped for three runs. It began to look very bad for the Seals then, but Whalen came to tho front Just in time. Joe Nealon put the first one over for Uncle in the fourth, when he slapped one to Sweeney, who heaved the ball into the bleachers, letting Joe come all the way around. Williams leaned up against one for three bags in the next period and when Sweeney threw Waldron's hit away, the blonde pitcher arrived. Wald ron quickly got away with a steal of second and third and Hlldo put him through "with a nice bunt that went safe. The Giants made a great rally in tho sixth, when they seemed to be able to hit everything Williams had. Schlafly beat out an infield clout, stole and scored on McHale's blngle. After this, both Sweeney and Cates rapped tout doubles, but tho batting fest ceased before 'the score was tied up. The score: PORTLAND. AB R IB PO A E Van Buren. If 5 0 1 2 0 0 McCredle. rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 Mitchell, lb 5 0 2 10 1 0 Schlafly. 2b 5 1 2 2 3 1 McLean, c -. 5 0 0 3 3 0 McHale. of 4 1 2 2 0 0 Sweeney, sx .3 1 2 1 2 3 Caten. 3b 4 0 1 3 0 0 Garvin, p 10 0 12 0 Ferry, p 3 0 0 0 2 0 Totals ,..39 3 11 24 13 4 SAN FRANCISCO. AB R IB PO A E Waldron, cf . 3 1 0 3 0 0 Mohler. 2b 4 0 0 1 4 0 HHdebrand. If 3 0 110 0 Nealon. lb 4 1 1 15 o o Householder, rf. ....... 2 O O 1 0 0 Irwin. 3b., , 4 1 0 0 2 1 Gochnauer, ss..... 3 0 4 3 2 2 TVllRon. c.-. :.....,,.... 2 0 0 3 1 0 - Williams, p 2 1 1-030 Whalon, p 0 0 ' 0 2 0 Totals 28 4 4 27 14 3 RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS. Portland 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 Hits 0 1 1 0 2 4 0 1 2 11 Ban Francisco.... 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 Hits 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 SUMMARY. Runs Off Garvin, 2; off 'Williams, 3. Hits Off Garvin. 1; oft Williams, 8. Three-base hit Williams. Two-base hits Gochnauer, Sweeney and Householder. First base on errors Portland, 3; San Franolsco. ?. Bases on balls Off Garvin, 1; off Will iams. 1; off Ferry, 3. Stolen bases Mitchell, Schlafly, McLean, Waldron and Irwin. Left on bases Portland, 11; San Fran cisco. 6. Struck out By Garvin, 2; by Williams. 3; by Ferry. 1. Time of game One hour and 20 minutes. Umpire Davis. Shvashes Hit the Ball Hard. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 26. By play ing errorless ball today and rapping Baum for 16 hits, Seattle took the game today. In the ninth Goodwin took Baum's place. C. Hall kept the hits of the home team well scattered, and their only run was scored in the fourth inning, on a base on balls and a timely double by Dillon. The score: R.H.E. Los Angeles 0 0 010 0 0 0 01 7 3 Seattle 0 10 2 0 0 2 2 07 16 0 Batteries Baum, Goodwin and Eager; C. Hall, Blankenship and Frary. Umpire Perrlne. Tigers Shut Out the Commuters. OAKLAND, Cal., Oct 26. Both Oakland and Tacoma secured seven hits in today's game, but the visitors won the contest by bundling three hits, from -which two runs were made in the fifth inning. The score: R.H.R Tacoma 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 7 0 Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 7 3 Batteries Brown and Hogan; Iberg and Byrne. Umpire Sullivan. BAX OX FOOTBAIili SLUGGERS Harvard President Will Stop Game if Order Is Ignored. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct 26. President Elliot, of Harvard, has determined that brutality and unnecessary roughness shall cease in football played by Harvard teams, or that football Itself shall be eliminated from the athletic curriculum of the university. At the Yale-Harvard game in the Stad ium next month, President Elliot -will sit near the side line as a critic of the play. If there is any slugging he -will recom mend to the corporation that Harvard cease playing inter-collegiate football. The corporation could undoubtedly so vote, and, football, with Harvard left out would receive a stunning, if not a knock out blow. President Elliot is no warm friend of football as played today. His reports have frequently been hostile, but he has yielded to public-opinion. In his recent resolve he was backed up .by President Roosevelt and Influential members of the faculty and corporation. PLAY WITH CHEMAWA BRAVES University o Oregon Expects to Have Lively Encounter. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oct. 26. (Special.) Next Saturday the 'varsity football team will meet the strong eleven from Chemawa, on Kincald Field. The Indians did great work against Washington last week, but lost on fumbles. Their practice since that game has gone far to ssnooth "up the rough places, and make it certain that, whatever may be the outcome of Sat urday's "battle, the Chemawa braves have played a fast, scientific game. For tho 'varsity the contest will de termine whether the team -will line up for future games, as it did in California, or whether it will be necessary to make substitutions. Excepting a slight slump immediately after the return of the team from the South, the evening practices have been faster and harder than ever before. The first team squad works to gether as a unit and is in eery -way pre pared to uphold the good record of last year. Moores, eft cnd nas -ot fully re covered Xrom his injury received In the Stanford "game, and may not appear against the Indians, but will be in shape for. the succeeding games. Races at Jamaica Park. NEW YORK, Oct. 2S.-amaica Park race results. Six. furlongs Frontenac. won; Rusk, second; Wotan, third. Time. 1:14. Mile and quarter Jack Young, won; MacBcth, second; Our Sister, third. Time, 2:07 4-5. Mile and' sixteenth Kiamesha, -won; First Mason, second; Benvollo, third. Time, 1:471-5. Handicap, sir furlongs Handzarra, won; Santa. Catallna, second; Aeronaut, third. Time, 1:13 2-5. Five and half furlongs Benevolent won; Birmingham, second; Herman John son, third. Time, 1:08. Six furlongs Mollle Donohue. won: Old Guard, second; Battle Axe, third. Time, 1:15. Xew Challenge to Do Oro. ST. LOUIS, Oct 26. Thomas Hueston, who made a good showing In the last tournament for the world's championship continuous pool title list night posted his forfeit and formally chalhjneged Alfred de Oro, the present champion, to a GOO-ball match for a side bet and tho title. Ac cording to the conditions under which De Oro holds the championship emblem, he has 40 days to play the challonger or sur render the title and emblem. De Oro is at present in Cleveland, O. Australian Lightweight Wants Match VICTORIA. B. C, Oct 26. M. B. Cur tis of "Samuel of Posen" fame, whose recent theatrical venture stranded in New Zealand, arrived by the Moana today with Bob Williams, an Australian light weight, for whom he -will seek a match with Britt or Nelson. Dr. John Baptist to Lecture. Dr. John Baptist, a well-known lec turer, will speak at the Hassalo Street Congregational Church, Sunday morning, October 29. at 10:30 A. M. Dr. Baptist is an Armenian who .has been on the lec ture platform of America for several years. He was Introduced to the students of the University of Chicago by Dr. Har per as "an authority on the conditions existing In the Ottoman Empire." On Sunday morning Dr. Baptist will deliver his lecture entitled, "The Ameri can Flag and Its Power for Christ" As the lecture will be given at the regular church service, there will be no charge for admission. Death or A. E. May. Aby E, May, con of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel May, dledat the family home, 45 East Fifteenth street at 1 o'clock this morning, aged 19 years. HEARD IN THE ROTUNDAS State Printer Says His Job Is Not So Fat Government Clerks Not to Be Moved Life in India Not All Joy (QALEM people are pretty confident 3 that within a year they will be con nected with Portland by an electric road," said State Printer J. "R. -Whitney, at the Imperial Hotel, yesterday afternoon. "The same firm controls Salem and Eu gene street railways, and we are Inclined to believe It is only a matter of a short time before all of the Valley towns will be connected by an interurban railway. There are those at Salem who say they have Inside information that electric cars will be running from Portland to the Capital City within a year. "I haven't such a fat Job as some peo ple think I have," said Mr. Whitney, with a laugh, "but it is good enough for me to be after it for a second term. You may not believe it but some persons think tnat all of the $60,000 appropriated by the Legislature to cover the printing of two years goes to me. They forget that pa per and binding costs something, and that union prlrfters are not in the habit of working for nothing. If the printing should be let out by contract it would cost fully as much. If not more, than it does now. This has been proven in sev eral Instances." CCf ORTLAND is the best market for dairy products in the United States, New York City not excepted." said Dr. James Withycombe, of the Ore gon Agricultural. College, at the Imperial Hotel last night "Of course, in the East ern cities there are fancy brands of cer tain dairy products that bring higher prices, but taken on an average Portland is the best market of all. The scarcity of farm labor holds back the dairy Indus try of the state, the laboring men finding ready employment at the mines and at the mills at better wages than the farmer can afford to pay. , "Within ten years practically all tho farming land in the Willamette Valley will be worth at least $100 an acre. By up-to-date and intensive farming all the 5.000.000 acres of agricultural land in the Willamette Valley ought to yield a profit of about $30 an acre. It is destined to be a great dairy center, being peculiarly adapted for this industry. It will not be long before the large farms in the Valley will be divided into smaller tracts and the 5,000,000 acres of available land will all be under cultivation. "I made a statement last week that the Eastern Oregon farms would be con verted into a desert waste unless the farmers changed their system of farming. In certain portions of Eastern Oregon in a few instances the shifting sands have put in their appearance already where before excellent crops of wheat were growrf. At the present rate, certain lands m Morrow, Sherman and several father counties will be worthless within a score or more of years. All the farmers havo to do to prevent this condition is to plant a crop of peas every five years and plow the plants under, soas to "restock the land with organic matter. By this system tho farmers would make more money, as they now let their land He idle every other year." TyaEDFORD is dcstlneti t0 he the 'I 1 metropolis of Southern Oregon, and it has a great future in store for it," remarked Captain Leavenworth, formerly, of Portland but now of Gold Hill, at the Imperial Hotel last night "This is from a disinterested point of view, as I have no reason for boosting Medfbrd other, than that I admire the progressiveness and publlc-spirited-ness of Its business men. "Every indication points toward Medford being the biggest town of Southern Oregon. It is in the center of the Rogue River Valley, which is re nowned for the abundance and excel dence of its agricultural and horticul tural products, is surrounded by a gooj mining cuntry, and immense tracts of timber land are contiguous to It They SHIPPING IS HEAVY Seven Steamers Arrive, Ten Ships Are Chartered. BUSY DAYS ALONG DOCKS Charters Are for Wheat-Carriers to United Kingdom, and Part of the Cargoes May Go From Tacoma. Yesterday was a day full of features and Interest to local shipping circles and was a record-breaker in many re spects. Early in the morning informa tion of the charter In San Francisco of ten vessels for northern loading gave the exporters a topic of conversation, while the arrival of seven steamers and shlp3 at Astoria during the day made a record In Itself. Of the charters made in San Francisco little is known save thar the Northwest' Warehouse Company secured four and that the Portland Floring Mills and Bal four, Guthrie & Co., are also the pos sessors of additional ships. Those taken by tho Northwest Warehouse Company, are the French bark Hoche, 172S tons, 152 days from Rotterdam for Portland, the French bark Alice Marie. 1781 tons, 34 days from Hobart for Portland: the British ship St. Mungo. 1E52 tons, now at Guay mas; and the clan Graham. All of these ships will load in Portland. No definite information has been received as to tho remaining six of the chartered vessels but it is understood that some may go to tho Sound. The arrivals in the river yesterday in cluded the steamers Agincourt, Abergel dle. Eureka, Wasp and Costa Rica, the French bark IHernflttc and the five master Louis. The steamers all left up yesterday and arrived in the harbor between the hours of 1 and 5 this morning. The Vauban, a member of the grain fleet also left up yesterday and will ar rive today, and the L'Hermltto and Louis should leave Astoria before evening. The Abergeldle. direct from Japan, will load wheat for the Northwest Warehouse Company; the Agincourt with Its sulphur comes to Mitsui & Co.; the Burcka will take out wheat for Taylor, Young & Co., and the Wasp will load lumber at the Portland Lumber Co.'s mills. Owing to the large number of vessels In the harbor at present which occupy all the wharfage the Abergeldle and Agincourt have been compelled to He in the stream. The Abergeldle will go Into Irving dock on Saturday. TUGS WILL GO TO RESCUE Attempt Will Be Made to Pull Light ship Into Open Channel. At high tide today the first attempt will grow five and six tons of alfalfa to the acre without irrigation. "The Medford business men are of the. kind that make a. town grow, and the building of the Medford & Crater Lake Railroad Is an example of their determination to develop a country In which they have- the utmost faith. They are anxious to secur6 more people for their city, and newcomers are royally welcomed. They are willing to aid nex enterprises and will do anything in their power to help to develop that sec tion of the state." , CfT" HE Government clerks at Wash- 1 lngton have good, easy positions, but I look upon them as a very unfortun ate class and thoscwho have Jhad experi ence with them view them in the same light" remarked Everett Dufour, a well known attorney from Washington. D. C, at the Perkins Hotel last night Mr. Dufour makes an annual trip to the West on a hunting trip, and is en route to Brit ish Columbia, where he will try his luck with the grizzlies. "Not that the clerks are not well treated by tho Government but they have little opportunity for ad vancement and unless they are unusually intelligent, their life's wjark Is laid out before them Just the same as though it were written In a book. However, I might state that under the- present ad ministration, hard-working and Intelli gent clerks have better chances for ad vancement than ever before. "I could not advise any young man to take a Government clerkship at Wash ington,". C, unless he use it solely for a stepping stone to - something better. Many a young man has gone In the Gov ernment service full of ambition and lofty ideas, only to plod along year after year at practically the same salary. Of course anyone who has, a pull can go along very rapidly. The young men who get clerkships are paid fairly good sal aries, havo light work and short hours. They know they have a Job for life and they have no Incentive to work hard be cause they know how hard it Is to be advanced without political Influence. They drift along and the first thing they know they are old men still working as clerks, whereas If they had kept away from the Government they might have made more out of themselves. If a young man has any ambition and hopes to succeed, he had better keep away from tho Government clerkships at Washington." "W E live in India only three months, and during the other nine months we merely exist" said S. Gregory, a Calcutta business roan at the Hotel Portland last .night Mr. Gregory has ex tensive Interests in the United States and Canada, as he is a big Importer of tea, and he is Just returning to Calcutta after looking after his business on this con tinent "We have only three months of good weather, and for the rest of tho year the weather is so hot that it la almost unbearable," he continued. "In the dry seasons the thermometer fre quently registers as high as IDS degrees in the shade, but it is during tho rainy weather when we suffer the most Then the thermometer only gets up to about 90 degrees, but with the atmosphere laden with moisture the heat is simply terrible. "No true Englishman looks upon India as his home, and we are only there tem porarily, striving to lay a little money aside so that we can go back to the good, old British Isles to spend the re mainder of our days. Practically all of the Britishers I know in India expect to die in England. We long to get back to the 'islands' as much as the Ameri cans abroad long to get back to the States. "When young men get started In bus iness in the India cities they go ahead in rapid strides and make money very fast This is due to the fact that the older Englishmen are constantly " drop, ping out having accumulated enough to return to their native homes. You rare ly ever find an aged Britisher in business in Calcutta, as they turn their backs to India long before they get old and feeble." bo made to take Columbia River Light ship No. 50 out of Baker's Bay into the open channel. Since being pulled off the beach, where she stranded, the lightship has been lying at the Fort Canby wharf awaiting the high tides. The bar lying between Baker's Bay and the channel of the river has only a depth of two feet at low Today's tide will be 9 feet 2 inches, and as the lightship has been lightened to a draft of "ten feet it is thought there will be no difficulty in free ing the vessel.. Should this first attempt be unsuccessful the next two days bring increasing tides, that of Sunday being 9 feet 6 Inches, which .will give ample water- for the purpose. Assistant Engineer Robert W arrack left last night for Baker's Bay to superin tend the work. The tugs Mendel and Mel ville will be used to tow the lightship out of the bay and take her to Astoria. On her arrival there the vessel will be taken to the buoy depot and beached for an ex amination of Jier keel and hull in an en deavor to learn the full extent of her Injuries. Following this the lightship will be brought to Portland and placed in the drydock for full repairs. Major Roessler and Captain Fries, of the United States Engineer Corps, returned yesterday from an Inspection of tho Gov ernment projects under way on the Upper Columbia. The first of those Inspected was the survey being made of the Co lumbia River between the mouth of tho Snake River and Celllo. This work, which is now progressing rapidly should be completed by February and will be the first complete and concctcd survey made of that portion of the river. The survey party is now abreast of Irrlgon, about nine miles below the Umatilla rapids. There now remains about SO miles to be STEAMER INTELT.IOEXCE. Due to Arrive. Steamer From. T. A. Kirburn. San Francisco. Redondo. San Francisco Nlcomedta, Yokohama Columbia. San Francisco Homer. San Francisco Roanoke. San Francisco.... Due to Depart. Steamer Destination. Alcoa. Hongkong Kruger. San Francisco Costa. Rica. San Francisco... F. A. Kllburn. San Francisco. Aragon!a, Hongkong...'. Redondo. San Francesco..... Columbia. San JPranclsco. ... Homer. San" ranclsco ...... Roanoke. San Francisco XlcomedUw Orient Date. .Oct. 27 Oct. 30 .Oct. 31 .Oct. 31 .Nov. 4 .Soy. 5 Date. .Oct. 27 .Oct. 28 .Oct. 23 .Oct. 20 Oct. 30 .Nov. 2 .Nor. 2 .Nor. 5 Xov. 7 .Nor. 10 Carrying mail. surveyed, but the first 50 of these present few obstructions and the survey will be comparatively easy. The survey party, which has heretofore made its camp on the river bank close to the vicinity of its work, has been installed in houseboats, which will facilitate the work and save much time formerly lost. In going to and from camp. At Celllo .11 the buildings necessary for the housing of men, material and equip ment have been built and the construc tion of the canal Is well under way. The contractors, arc employing a large force of men and have two steam and several hand-drills at work. Operations at pres ent are confined to ledge excavations for the walls of the canal, but concrete work will begin within 10 or 12 days. DREDGES TO BE REPAIRED Port or Portland Commission "Will Place Craft in Good Condition. At a special meeting of the Port of Portland Commission held yesterday af ternoon, and attended by Commissioners Driscoil. Alnsworth. Willis. Thomas and Adams, the first named presiding in the absence of Vice-President Pease, tho report of J. B. C. Lockwood on tho con dition of the drydock and dredges Port land and Columbia was considered and repairs ordered as outlined in the re nort. Mr. Lockwood made a thorough examination of the craft and equipment belonging to the commission and in his report suggested many repairs needed. giving at the same timo an estimate of the cost The repairs to the drydock are con fined principally to the pumps, the part of the roport relating to these reading as follows: Toe ball bearings for the pumps I find that the bearings are very much overloaded, carrying approx imately 2200 pounds each. It will be im possible to enlarge the bcaVings enough to carry this load on account of the 11m Ited space available. It will be a much better plan to carry the weight of the armature and shaft on a separate frlc lion thrust hearing and have the ball bearing: to do duty only for Its pump, The report of Mr. Lockwood s'howed that numerous repairs were necessary to the dredges, particularly to the Port land, whose hull is in bad shape. Tho commission adopted the report of Mr. Lockwood. and will shortly call for bids for the work to be done. It is not likely that the dredges will be re paired until they get through with their work for the Government when they will be brought to Portland and put in the drydock. The request of James Laldlaw & Co., agents for the steamer Oceano, for a reduction in the drydock charges against the ship was also considered at this meeting. The bill against tho Oceano amounted to $9022, but a reduc tion of $55S was granted. BRINGS REPORTS OI RIOTS Steamer Abergeldle Arrive In River Direct From Japan. ASTORIA. Or.. Oct 28. (Special.) Tho British steamship Abergeldle arrived in this afternoon 31 days from Kobe via MoJI In water ballast. Before leaving Kobe tho vessel was thoroughly disin fected before being given a clean bill of health on account of there being a case of plague at Hlogo. Captain Keith re ports a pleasant trip with the exception that during the first 17 days out he en countered a succession of strong easterly gales. He says that at Kobe the Jap anese were openly denouncing the peace terms. Riots were frequent and while he was there the mob destroyed a statue of Komura. Drowned Man Belonged to Arago. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 25. The dead body of a sailor, which was found floating' in the bay yesterday, has been identified as that of H. Peterson, who recently arrived here on the barken tlne Arago from the Columbia River. With Mate Adolfson. of the Arago, ho was in a smallboat which was run into and sunk by the gasoline steamer. Furlong. Adolfson climbed onto the .steamer but Peterson was drowned. Authority of Local Inspector. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 26. Captain John Bermlnghara, Supervising Inspect or of Hulls and Boilers, decided yester day that local inspectors nave author ity to investigate negligence of pilots whether they have United States pilot licenses or those issued by the State Board of Pilot Commissioners. Suez Canal Is Again Clear. PARIS. Oct 2C The Suez Canal Company announced today that ship- Slng would be able to pass night and ay. The wreck of the steamer Chat- J No mailer what your hat reqiareaeati may be. there u a McKlBBIN HAT that will rarely UthebOL" I All the brand nevr style. I Ever tdtch -guaranteed. $3 At lire delicti $3 ham. blown up with her 90 tons of dy namite on September 2S. is entirely re moved from the channel and no longer obstructs navigation. French Bark Ii'IIermltc Arrives. ASTORIA, Or.. Oct 26. (Special.) The French bark L'Hermlte, Captain Le Grand; arrived in this afternoon 160 days from Antwerp. She brings 2400 tons of cement and 400 tons of coke for Port land. Captain Lo Grand reports an une ventful trip and says he spoke no vessels on this side of the Horn. Repairs to the James II. Bruce. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. 26. (Special.) Tho schooner James H. Bruce went on the marine railway today. Besides som minor repairs she will receive a new foremast Marino Notes. The lumber-laden schooner Buelah will leave down this morning for San Pedro. The San Francisco steamer Costa Rica arrived at an early hour this morning. The Mountain Gem will re-enter the grain service today between the Snake River and tho Portage Road. The ship Henry Vlllard will begin taking on a cargo .of lumber for Manila at the Eastern-& Western mills this morning. Tho British steamship Blackheath. 1719 tons, was chartered yesterday by J. J. Mooro & Co. to load lumber In Portland for th Orient The steamer Croydon, under charter to the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company, arrived in Snn Francisco yesterday, on route to Portland from Honolulu. The British steamer Auchenblao shifted from Oceanic dock to tho Mer sey dock yesterday afternoon. She is chartered by Balfour, Guthrie Sc. Co., and will finish loading- today. The German ship Adolf moved from the Oregon Water Power dock to Montgomery No. 2 yesterday and began loading her cargo of barley. She is chartered by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. The Spiclll. the new light-draft gas oline boat built especially for the Lewis River, was given her trial trip yester day and proved satisfactory. She will bo operated by the Lewis River Trans portation Company on the Upper Lewis River. The ship Charles E. Moody, which has been loading: grain at the Irving dock, moved from there into the stream yes terday in order to accommodate the Algoa. The latter will finish, her Port land cargo at Irving today, when the Moody will return to her berth. Thw Algoa will go from here to the Sound to receive an additional 1000 tons of grain. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA Or.. Oct. 20. Condition of the bar at 3 P. M., smooth: wind, north: weather, partly cloudy. Arrived down at 10:15 A. II. and sailed at noon Steamer Northland, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 10:15 A. M. and sailed at 1:15 P. it British steamer Knight Errant for Japan via Puget Sound. Arrived at 11:30 A. It and left up at 12:40 P. It Steamer Eureka, from San Francjsco. Arrived at 11:45 A. II. and left up at 1:30 P. M. British steamer Agincourt. from Hako date via San Francisco. Arrived at 11:50 A. M. and left up at 12:40 P. St Steamer Wwp. from San Francisco. Arrived at 12 noon and left up at 3:25 P. M. British steamer Aber geldle. from MoJI. Arrived at- 1 P. M. French bark L'Hermltte. from Antwerp. Ar rived down at 12:50 and sailed at 2:30 P. M. Steamer Whlttler. for San Franctaco. Arrived down at 2 and sailed at 4 P. II. Steamer Homer, for San Francisco. Arrived at 2 and left up at 5 P. It Steamer Costa Rica, from San Francisco. Left up at 1:30 P. M. French ship Vauban. Arrived at 7 A. II. Schooner Louis, from San FrancUco. San Francisco. Oct. 20. Sailed Ship John A. Briggs, for New Tork. via Seattle; steam er Meteor, for Seattle; schooner A. M. Bax ter, for Gray's Harbor; ecbooner Charles E. Falk. for Coos Bay; eteamer Grace Dollar, for Gray's Harbor; bark General de Botaderire, French, for Queens town; steamer Nebraskan. for Honolulu. Arrived Steamer Columbia, from Portland: steamer Rainier, from Bel llngham. New York. Oct. 20. Arrived Princess Irene, from Genoa. Havre. Oct. 20. Arrived La Savole, from New York. Yokohama. Oct 20. Sailed yesterday Brit ish steamer Lauban. for Portland. Manila. Oct. 20. Arrived prior to Sept 6. Schooner J. W. Cltee. from Portland. Apprehends Fugitive. Detective Vaughn arrested Eugene MOTHER AND CHILD. Let the mother take Scott's Emulsion for the two; it never fails to benefit them both. One can eat for two, but nour ishing two is a different thing. It calls for a de gree of internal strength that the average woman lacks. People of luxury are not very strong by habit; overworked people are weak in some func tions from exhaustion or their surroundings. Scott's Emulsion can be depend ed upon to overcome such conditions. It is a won derful food for a mother and child. SCOTT i BOWNE, 44 ?el Street, New Yerk. A GREAT ARTIST'S NEW PIANO 3 OIK. EMMA EAMES. Italian Customs Officials' Carelessness Almost Ruined Case, but Tone and Tune Remain Perfect Mme. Eames' Letter: "A Joy and Wonder," She Says: Like other eminent artists such as the De Reszkes, Nordica, Sem brich, Patti, De Lussan, Gadski and many others. Mme. Emma Eames, the world-renowned singer, Avho, in connection with a brilliant company of artists, appears at the Marquam Grand Theater on the night of October 30, under the direction of Lois Stcers-Wynn Coraan, prefers and heartily indorses the Kimball Piano. In her beautiful music room in Paris is her chosen instrument, the only piano in the house a Kimball Grand brought from Chicago. She also has a Kimball in her Italian home at Vallombrosa, concerning which she writes as follows : ' Torredi CampigHonl Vallombrosa, September 19. Messrs. W. W. Kimball Co.i Dear Slrs-rl write not only to acknowledge the receipt of the piano I chose at your wareroonis when in Chicago hittt November, but to state a fact In connection therewith which cannot fall to be of Interest to you. When I received my Hrst Kimball piano for my Paris house, and found that after an ocean journey it did not require tuning, T was, as I wrota you thon. much surprised and delighted, but the facts concerning this new piano for my Italian home are even more astonishing. I therefore feel it my duty as well as my pleasure to Inform you of them. Elthor the agent In whose care we hid sent the piano, or the customs officials, were guilty of criminal carelessness. They wrenched the piano from the board which held it In place In the case after having cut tho lead lining which had hermetically sealed It and simply afterwards replaced the piano In the case with both locks unlocked, floated about In its case unlocked from Genoa to Florence and from Florence to Vallombrosa. Both hinges of the lid were broken, the keyboard jamed forward and part way out, so that the Hd covering it could not be shut. Of course, scratches innumerable all over tho piano. I was obliged to have two experienced workmen from Florence to put it in order, and evon then I feared tho piano would prove to be Irretrievably Injured. It is almost Incredible, but when the keyboard was put In position and wo were able for the first time to play upon it. it (the piano) did not need tuning. It has been a joy to mo this Summer and a wonder to all our Italian friends. I studied my new roles for te coming Winter upon 'it. Yours very sinceroly, (Signed.) EMMA EAMES. Unsolicited letters, of which the above is only one example, should be sufficient evidence that the Kimball Piano is all that is claimed for it, the most perfect and up-to-date Piano in the world. Sold only by Eilers Piano House, Pacific Coast Agents, 351 Washington Street, Portland. Easy payments. 0 Other stores at San Francisco, Stockton, Oakland, Cal.; Spokane, Walla Walla and Seattle, Wash.; Lewiston and Boise, Idaho, and in all important Oregon cities. Hoover, wanted at Hlllsboro on a charge of larceny by bailee, about 10 o'clock last evening, and the prisoner Is lodged at the station awaiting the arrival of the Hllls boro officials. He is charged with mak ing away with and selling grain to the amount of several hundred dollars. SIX BURNED IN HOT SPRINGS Deadly Fire Caused by Incendiary Devours Frame Building. HOT SPRINGS. Ark., Oct. 26. The, "Railroad Men's Hotel, a block below the' Iron Mountain Railroad Station on Elm street, was destroyed by fire early this morning and. when the Are was gotten under control, six badly charred bodies were found In the ruins. At the inquest this afternoon they were identified as follows: - A. I Mann, railway conductor, Den ver; Mrs. Mack, pianist, city; Ed Sny der, hotel porter Harry Bradley, waiter. Little Gem restaurant; H. Rob erts. Tacoma, "Wash.; John McLeon. Austin, Tex-; Frank Overton, badly burned, but will probably recover. The structure was a two-story frame building, and the flames spread rapid ly, cutting off escape by hallway both up and down stairs. The tire was thought to have been caused by' a lamp exploding, but incendiarism is now suspected. BORROWED ON DEAD STOCK Boston Man Accused of Robbing Trust Company of 31000. BOSTON. Oct. 26. Charged with the larceny of 5-1000 from the Puritan Trust Company, this city, Aubrey Lw Rice was arrested today. The police charge that on July 3l Rice deposited with the trust company stock of tho old Norfolk: & Western "Railroa'd Company, which had become worth less through the reorganization of the company as the Norfolk & Western Railway Company. Rice was given credit for 513,000 for the stock, and it is alleged that he drew out $4000 In cash. When tho alleged fraud was dis covered. Rice and a man named Gil-' man had left the city and had gone to San Francisco, where they were ar rested at the request of the Provi- t dence. R. I., police, who charged them with having secured 56500 In Provi dence by similar means to those em ployed here. Xew S3 0-Yard Swimming: "Record. CHICAGO. Oct. 26. H. J. Handy, of the Central Y. M. C. A., tonight In a quarter, mile swimming match set a new Ameri can record for 320 yards, his time being 4:2S. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of RIMESS" CIGARETTE AND TOBACCO HABITS CURED BY T R I B Mr. E. S. Hadler. attorney-at-law. 78 Sul livan building. Seattle. "Wash., writes: During the past Ave months I have had an occasion to observe three cases that wera taking TRIB for the liquor and tobacco "habits." and the results of this treatment In these cases warrant the highest indorse ment of every fair-minded person. Tour claim that TRIB will cure the liquor and tobacco "habits" has been fully demon strated, as a result of these cures. I havo every reason to believe these cures are per manent, and cheerfullr recommend TRIB as a cure to those addicted to the use of either liquor or tobacco. TRIB cures the liquor and tobacco "hab its" with no bad "after effects." Has the confidence of all who know it and possesses every merit claimed for It. Absolute guar antee with every treatment.. Price, 512.30. ROWE & MARTIN SOLE DISTRIBUTORS. Washington Street, Corner 6th.