Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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Sheriff Word Takes Hand and
; Finds an Excited Lot
of Patrons.
Jvushibiki, Japanese Commissioner,
Anxious for Opportunity to Ful- -fill
Promise to Satisfy
The members and promoters of the So
ciety . of Japanese Art Admirers arc in
a -worse muddle now than at any time
since the lottery -wheel began to revolve
for when the proprietors of the game ol
chance did not make good their promise
to deliver goods to the value of the pur
chase price of tickets and the ticket hold
ers raised their clarion notes to heaven Jn
one long howl of fake. Sheriff Word woke
up from his Indian Summer nap and cast
the shadow of his mighty hand over the
whole arrangement. As a result several
Japanese who were in charge of the
drawing when the Sheriff and his two
deputies arrived on the scene were ar
rested, and the women present had the
narrowest escape of their lives, only get
ting away after giving their names to
the officers. The raid was extremely sen
sational and until they realized that only
the principals were to be arrested the
women present made things pretty lively
In the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and Thur
man streets.
The arrests were made for violating
the statute prohibiting lotteries of any
character. The penalty for vlolatibn of
this statute Is imprisonment of not less
than six months nor more than one year
In the penitentiary, or from three months
to one year in the County Jail, or a fine
of not less than $100 nor more than 51000.
The statute further provides that all
sums of money or prizes drawn In any
lotterv may be forfeited to the use of
the state, and may be sued for and re
covered in legal action. Under this clause
District Attorney Manning can sue all
purchasers of tickets and recover for the
State of Oregon all prizes won. While it
is hardly probable that such action will
be taken, it may give an idea of the
chances the public takes in attempts to
get more than it's money's worth
Mr. Kushiblkl. the Japanese Commis
sioner, feels that he is In a worse di
imm hrmich the action of the Sheriff,
than any one else, for that officer not
only arrested the men in charge, but
tooTc the book of stubs containing the
record of tickets sold and locked the place
of business up, carrying oil the key in
his official pocket. This prevented the
Commissioner from making good his
statement published in yesterday's Ore
gonian to the effect that he would per
sonally superintend the adjustment of all
difficulties between dissatisfied customers
and the Japanese merchants.
Kusbibikl's Good Intentions.
"As the Sheriff locked the place up I
was not able to keep my word with the
public." he said, "and it puts me in a
very unfavorable light. I am very indig
nant over the trouble the actions of my
countrymen have caused, and it Is still
my intention to make everything all right
lf the city and county officials will allow
me to do so. The men who liave conduct
ed this society are merchants of good
standing in Yokohama and I was at flrnt
Inclined to believe that everything was
straight and that only a few women were
making the fuss.
"Yesterday morning I gathered up an
armful of the packages ready for distri
bution and opened them to satisfy myself
of the value of their contents. I was
chagrined to find that nearly all of them
fell below the dollar valuation claimed
for them, most of them averaging 40 and
E0 cents. I called the merchants to an
accounting and they had many excuses
to make, but readily promised to furnish
the goods for me to keep my word with
the public. I had secured American as
sistants and the adjustment of differences
would have begun tonight but for this
"My attorneys. Piatt & Piatt, have the
matter in their hands, but the Sheriff
would not give them permission to allow
mo to reopen the building and make the
'exchanges at present. What he "will do
in the future I do not know, but I sin
cerely trust he will permit me to keep
my word with the Portland people who
are not satisfied with their drawings."
S. Hayrohi. J. Akawachi and T. Mat
suda were the men arrested yesterday,
and warrants have been Issued for R.
FukagaWa and S. Takata, president -and
secretary of the society. Tiie cases will
be called up before Judge Cameron today.
Will 'Dedicate Mount Tabor Fraternal
Hall Monday.
. Head Consul T. L Boak. of the Wood
men -.of the World, will arrive in Port
land Monday to dedicate the new Fra
ternal building, which has Just been com
pleted on West avenue at Mount Tabor,
by the Mount Tabor Camp. The struct
ure on a small scale is modeled In some
respects after the plan of Multnomah
Camp Hall on East Sixth street. It cost
about $1500. and is a neat-appearing build
ing. Residents of the neighborhood as
sisted the enterprise financially.
After the dedication of this hall which
will take place Monday night. Head Con
sul Boak will go to Eastern Oregon, but
will return to Portland and address a
general open mass meeting in the Tai
lor-street M. E. Church the evening of
November S. On November 9, in the eve
ning he will talk to the memDershlp of
Alblna "and East Side Camps In Hill's
Hall, on Williams avenue and Russell
street. November 10 he -will meet and
address the Woodmen at the hall of
Multnomah Camp on East Sixth and
Alder streets. These last two meetings
will "be for members of the order only.
After finishing his engagements In Port
land Head Consul Boak -will pass
through the Willamette Valley, on the
way to California, stopping and address
ing the members at the larger towns
along the route.
Must Move to Xorth End.
The policy of the Lane administration,
as outlined by Acting Detectives Kay and
Jones. ln the Municipal Court, yesterday
morning. Is to drive all dissolute women
from resorts in South Portland to the
North End district. This was made public
when the cases against men and women
arrested In a raid on a Taylor-street es
tablishment were called. Three of the
women were given until tonight to move,
and -a postponement was taken.
MHwauklo Country Clufe.
Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell
wood and Oregon City cars. First and
Those who wish to practice economy
should buy Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Forty pills In a vial; only one pill a dose.
The Meier d& Frank Store
Women's 50c Hosiery 32c Pair
"Women's heavy black cotton Hose,
jq ime &auc elastic weave and double
sole, just tne nose tor wear tms sea
f .1 . n v
rczst son or tne year: au sizes;
50c value at, pair jk
Broken lines of Women's Black Lace
Lisle Hose; navy blue and cham
pagne plain lisle Hose; tan lace and
plain lisle Hose; 50c tf CC
values: 3 nairs for & 1 JJ
l, . A, , tt -1 -I " 1- J
C) Misses' uasnmere Jiose, ixx riD, uuu-
ble knee, heel and toe, 35c
values, pair
Children's lxl rib fine black cotton
Hose, all sizes; best 25c-val- 1 JF-
iic nn coif fnv nnir C w
500 Women's Umbrellas 98c Each
Women's Gloria-Covered Umbrellas; also mercerized cotton cov
ered, steel rod, great assortment of handles in silver, pearl,
gunmetal, oxidized, copper and natural wood; Qfiif
grand value today at. jFJ
Small lot of "Rainproof" Umbrellas, good school umbrellas for
misses and children, Congo handles, $1.00 values, each...79
Drug Sundries at Very Low Prices
1000 cans Royal Tooth Powder; 25c values for 12
Okayed Toilet Paper; great special value at, dozen rolls... 29
4-in-one Castile Soap, long bars; remarkablue value at 4
Coke's Famous Dandruff Cure and Hair Tonic 33$
Violet de Parma Toilet Water, sprinkler-top bottle 39
Bon-Ton Manicure Set, all the necessary articles buffer, Of
nail polish, emery boards, sticks, etc.; great value at....
Nail Files, guaranteed steel; excellent value at 15
Manicure Scissors and Nail Trimmers guaranteed qual-
ity; great special value at this price 'r-w
Torrey's Army and Navy Razor Strops, each 49
Complete stock of Razors of all styles and grades.
Young Men's Suits $14.85
Young Men's line all-wool Suits, in fancy tweeds,
breasted coats; suits that will please the young
man, for school or college wear; f A O C
stylish cut, well made $20 value. .S OJ
Ages 14 to 20 years.
Young Men's Cravenettc Raincoats and Over
coats all the newest fashions and materials;
ages 14 to 20 years; prices f
from $10.00 to $v.UU
Boys' Clothing
Boys' all-wool School Suits in brown or gray
plaids and mixtures; ages 8 to 16 f e'
years; great special value at piI-
Boys' all-wool flannel Waists in red, navy
gray; ages 4 to 12 years;
grand value at
Little Boys' Overcoats,- in dark blue and gray,
neatly trimmed, 3 to 9 years, special. .3.30
Perrins' $1.75 Kid Gloves $1.59Pr.
400 pairs of Perrin's "Manhattan" 2-clasp P. K. Gloves in white,
black, mode, tans, brown and gray every pair guaranteed to
give satisfactory service; all .sizes; $1.75 value, pair. ..$1.59
Walrus and Seal Handbags, fitted with coin purse and card case;
Vienna handles, moire silk lined; regular $1.50, $1.75 values
on sale today at this low price ...- $1.29
Two lots, of Qwiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, best
20c values on sale today at the very low price of 12p
40c Ribbons for 19c Yard Today
4000 yards of all-silk taffeta Ribbons, full five inches wide, fine
quality and all the leading shades, white, black, navy, pink,
light blue, green, helio, mais, purple, red, wine, champagne, Nile,
etc.; 35c and 40c quality on sale todajf and tomorrow, yd..l9
We are Portland agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications.
November Delineator now on sale at 15 a copy; subscrip
tions taken at $1.00 per annum.
The Meier & Frank Store
Women's $3 Shoes $1.98
Oi sale today 800 pags of women's
patent leather, vici kid and box calf lace
shoes, with heavy or light soles, this
season's newest lasts, Johnson Bros.'
best $3.00 values which we have no
hesitancy in placing in comparison with
leading $3.50 advertised lines on the!
market All sizes, widths
today at, the pair
$1.50 Felt Juliettes 98c
Women's Felt Juliettes and Felt Lap
Slippers Red, black, brown; best styles;
11 sizes and widths Regular
$1.50 valnes Choice today
Fine Undermuslins Greatly Reduced
Women's fine Nainsook Gowns and Cambric Gowns, low, round,
square, high and V-shaped necks, trimmed in very fine round
thread Valenciennes and linen lace edgings, insertions, head
ings, ribbons, dainty embroideries and clusters of tucks; full
widths and wide hems; regular $5.00 and $6.00 PQ
values, on sale for ,
Special lot of women's fine Nainsook and Cambric Drawers, trim
med in very fine laces, headings, tucks, ribbons and 4Q
embroideries; regular $4.00 and $5.00 values, for. . v
Women's fine Nainsook and Lawn Corset Covers, trimmed in fine
laces, embroideries, clusters of tucks, beading and ribbon;
very pretty styles; regular prices $4.50 and $L1 ?Q
$5.00 each; choice at...' v
Women's fine white Petticoats, trimmed in dainty embroideries,
Valenciennes laces, tucks and insertings, separate RQ
dust ruffles; regular $5 and $6.50 values, for ?30-7
Today and Tomorrow Last Two Days of the $60,000 Pictnre, "Sistine Madonna,"
on Free'Exhibition on the Third Floor, 10 A. M. to 12 M., 2 to 5 P. M.
828th Friday Surprise Sale
If yon have Wearing Apparel or Household Needs, there are many opportunities
for money saving at the Meier & Frank Store today Seasonable merchandise of
every description priced at a saving the economical buyer will appreciate No mail
or phone -orders filled for Friday Surprise Sale items
1 000 Flannelette Kimonos $ 1 .45
Today's great Friday Surprise Sale bargain in women's long?
Kimonos is worthy your careful investigation A lucky pur
chase enables us to offer I OOP of these useful garments at about
one-hhlf their real value 'They are all full-length-Kimonos of
good quality flannelette; square collar and pockets, satin trim
med; Persian and Oriental patterns and colorings; dots and stripes
in blue, tan, gray and brown The long .kimono is a suitable
and comfortable garment for morning and lounging wear, dress
ing gown at home or when traveling The lot in
cludes an immense variety of styles Good cut and well
made, and an exceptionally good bar
gain at this low price
$ 1 45
See 5th-Street window display Complete stock of Short
Kimonos at the very lowest prices Second floor
"Spachtel" Scarfs and Shams, 50c -75c Values 23c
5000 piecesof "Spachtel" goods at a low price for today's 82Sth Friday Surprise Sale, Scarfs aud Shams
in appliqued Swiss and cut-work embroidery, great assortment of handsome patterns shams OXf
are 30.30 inches, scarfs 1Sx54 inches; regular 50c and 7oc values on sale today only at
Men's Suits at $ 1 5.35 Each
Men's Overcoats $ 1 5.35 Ea.
200 Men's Fine Suits in fancy tweeds, fancy and black un
finished worsteds and black-?Thibets to be sold today at a
price far below real value Suits of this season's manu
facture The best product of well-known makers; strictly
all-wool materials; single or double-breasted coats; splen
didly made up and trimmed with the best linings and find
ingsSuits the exclusive clothier would ask you $25 for
will be found on sale here today at
this low price, each
See Morrison-Street Window Display'
Long Cravenette Overcoats for men;.dark gray and brown
mixed tweeds Serge or satin-lined The most practical
garment for cold and wet-weather wear; desirable patterns
Well-made and perfect-fitting garments that find ready
$ 1 535
sale at $20.00 and $22.50 each Your
choice today only at, each
See Morrison-Street Window Display
Men's Wool Sox, Three Pairs for 50c
500 dozen pairs of Men's Pine, Black Cashmere Hose, a few of which are, slightly imperfect, on sale today
at a special low price absolutely fast color, gray heel and .toe, all szes from 01 2 to 12; Of
regular 35c values on sale today only at X7 pair, or three pairs for - WU
Men's "Furnishing Goods Section Near Morrison-Street Entrance.
$9 Walking Skirts $4.85
Small lot of Walking Skirts at a special price for today's 828th
Friday Surprise Sale The valnes are unusually good, so
you'll have to come early if you want to share in the offering.
Materials include Panama cloths, cheviots, kerseys, tweeds
and broadcloths, in blue, brown, gray and black Kilted
affects, pleated panels and fancy strapped All new, up-to-date
skirts of desirable style Every one regular $9 value
Your choice while they last today at the very
low price of, each
New Walking Skirts S5.00 to $35.00 each
The Maier &. Frank Store
Two Days' Sale of
Infants9 Wear
Friday and Saturday specials
in "Baby Things" Apparel
every Jittle one needs will be
found economically priced
Infants' Outing Flannel Wrappers
in pink and white and blue and
white stripes, finished with a. cro
cheted edge; b'Oc values 43c
AVnold Knit Skirts, a very comfort
able and warot garment for baby;
75c values 69
Arnold Knit Diapers; 25c values on
sale for 19
Stockinet Crib Sheets, 27x30 ; regular
$1.25 values for 98?
36x5S; regular $2.50 values $1.47
Very tine quality Pique Carriage
Robes, trimmed in embroideries,
insertions and finishing braid; 3
to $5 values on sale for $2.73
Infants' Pique Buggy Robes, trimmed
in fine embroideries and insertions,
plain and double fold; S2.00
and $2.50 values $l.o9
Infants' Silk Bibs, hand-quilted, lace
trimmed ; 40c and 50c values 27
Outing Flannel. Nightingales, blue,
pink, white, crocheted edge 43
Leather chair and buggy straps 43c
Crocheted bootees, white, trimmed
in pink or blue 21
Picture Department
1000 Matted Pictures in a great as
sortment of subjects; wonderful
values at, each H
Odd lot of Framed Pictures; values
up to $1.50, on sale for .d9
22x26-inch "Christy" pictures,
framed, good subjects; $3.00 values
on sale for $1.59
0x12 Framed Pictures, scenery end
landscapes; 65c val. on sale 34
Framed Water Colors, 6x11 inches;
$1.95 values for 89
Artistic picture framing to jour
order; new moldings, lowest prices
Second Floor.
Wash Goods
Remnants 2 Price
Thousands of remnants of Ginghams,
Percales, Lawns and Dimities in
2 to 10-yard lengths; best grade
patterns, today at Vz PRICE
100 pieces of silk and cotton novel
ties for waists, including all the
new plaid effects, 27 inches wide;
50c values, yard 35 $
25c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 19
30c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 23
40c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 31
50c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 39
65c Glazed Jardiniers for, each Sip
$1.00 Glazed Jardiniers for 77
$1.15 Glazed Jardiniers for 88
$1.50 Glazed Jardiniers for $1.19
Fancy Jardiniers in all sizes and
beautiful styles at prices up to
Glazed Cuspidors, special at 10 ?
Glazed Cuspidors, gold finish 27
The Meier (& Frank Store
Ruffled Swiss Curtains 95c the Pair
500 pairs of new Ruffled Swiss Curtains Three yards long,
3 6 inches wide Dotted and figured effects in great variety.
All clean, fresh merchandise and extraordinary
value for today at this special low price, pair
Lot 2500 pairs of Ruffled Swiss Curtains Plain effects or
combinations of dots and figures Regular $1.75 and $2.00
values on sale today only at the very low
price of, pair
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty
Saving Opportunities in the Baseiri'nt.
"Lindsay" Incandescent Gas Lights, with by-pass, -white opal globe, rnan-Q)0
tie etc-, all ready to set on the gas Jet; great special .value at. each...
"Lindsay" Gas Lights, complete, without by-pass, each 68c
Portable Gas Lamp, complete with green shade, tubing, etc, 3 Co
regular 4.25 value, on sale for
Slightly damaged nickel-plated Copperwarc on sale at wonderfully low
prices: grand bargalns
2- pInt Coffee Pols QOc No. 7 Teakettles, oach 6Tc
3- Dlnt Coffee Pots 5c-Xo S Teakettles, each. 70c
4- plnt Coffee Pots.. 70c No. 9 Teakettles, each.:- 80c
5- nInt Coffee Pots 75c 10-inch Trays, each...... 2c
6-pint Coffee Pots... 80c "
Nickel-plated Bath Soap Holders, each 2-"c
3-pInt nickel-plated Royal Coffee Pots, each 3c
All sixes Glazed Jardiniers at reduced pricei
Sllghtly damaged Wash Boilers, all-copper, copper rim. copper bottom and
galvanized Iron styles; all in good serviceable condition: nnipp
your choice for '2 rKlC
The Meier Sb Frank Store
Women's Knit Underwear Low Priced
Grand values for today and tomorrow.
Women's fine ribbed natural wool Union Suits,
open down the front, hand-finished with silk
crochet; all sizes; $1.75 values A J
on sale for 1 sfc
"Harvard Mills" Vests and Pants for "women;;
fine ribbed, mixed wool Vests, high neck,
lono- sleeves, crray or white: ankle-length
Pants to match, beautifully made
and finished: best 'SI values, all sizes.
Women's imported, Swiss ribbed, white cot
ton Vests, high neck, long sleeves, medium
weight, well made and trimmed ;
all sizes; $1.00 values
Women's imported, Swiss ribbed, silk mixed
Vpst-s. hiirh np.ok. Ion?, sleeves, cream, nink
or light blue; $1.50 values for the low price of $1.19
Pearl and Turquoise Bead Necklaces, .special Wei
Open-face silver Watches for women, beautiful designs: best J3.)0
values on sale today at
Large assortment of Enamel Beauty Pins; special
Automobile Hatpins, new patterns; 11.50 and Sl.Tu values
America Alarm Clocks, perfect timekeepers, each
Fancy Gilt Clocks- ten styles, every one guaranteed
New designs- In Mission Clocks; 1-day. jlJHV 8-day
Orange Letter Paper for Halloween: values to 65c
Orange Crepe Paper. 7c roll: Writing Paper, assorted colors, box....
Hurds Quire Papers, assorted shades with envelopes: 23c, 35c values
Ice Cuds. Tally Cards. Place Cards, etc. at low dHccs.
Silk Girdle Belts In all colors. 75c value 43c!
All Souvenir Leather Goods at reduced prices.