Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Washington Takes Total of
468 Premiums for Fruit.
Showing Compares Favorably With
Oregon's Four Divisions of
State Exhibit Capturo
the Awards.
Washington fruits made a record at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition of which that
State has just cau.c to be proud. While
returns of prize awards In other states
will-not be known until today or tomor
row, it Is beleved "Washlngtqn is second
only to Oregon in the number of awards
received. Oregon is known to be far
ahead of all competitors in fruit awards.
The result of the horticultural jury's
work on the Washington exhibits was
made known yesterday by Director of Ex
hibits H. E. Dosch. It sh.ows Washington
to have obtained a total of 46S premiums.
Of these, S5 are gold medals, 72 silver, 201
bronze and 110 diplomas of honorable men
tion. This showing compares favorably
even with that made by Oregon when it
Is considered that the Washington entries
were but half as numerous. Oregon se
cured a total of 997 awards 104 for gold
medals, 153 silver. 348 bronze and 392 di
plomas of honorable mention.
In the Washington State exhibit there
were but four divisions, and each of these
carried a gold medal. These meritorious
divisions of the exhibit were: Collective
exhibit of fresh fruits in season. Includ
ing berries, cherries, apples, peaches,
pears, etc: collective exhibit of miscella
neous vegetables during term of Fair; ex
hibit of cold-storage apples" from crop of
1904 r miscellaneous display of the fruits of
Washington displayed in glass.
Twenty-one Washington counties claim
the rest of the awards. These counties
maintained separate booths In the Wash
ington building during the Exposition.
The greatest number of awards was taken
by Chelan Count y, which has a total of
147. of which 30 are gold, 22 silver. 71
bronze and 24 diplomas of honorable men
lion. Whatcom comes second with 53
awards, 8 of them gold. S silver. 23 bronze
and 16 diplomas of honorable mention.
Yakima takes third place with 46 awards,
5 gold. 7 sliver, 23 bronze and 11 diplomas
of honorable mention. The standing of
the various other counties is as follows:
Clark County. 5 gold, 5 diver. 5 bronze, 0
diplomas of honorable mention.
Columbia, 1 roW medal.
Benton. 1 bronze medal.
Cowlitz. 1 sold.
Douglas. 3 roIU, 1 6ilver. 2 bronze.
King. 1 gold.
Kittitas. 2 gold. 4 bronze.
Klickitat, 3 goW. r. silver. 11 bronze. 7 di
plomas of honorable mention.
Lincoln. 1 gold, 1 bronze. 2 diplomas of hon
orable mention.
Lewis. 2 gold. 1 silver, 18 bronze, 20 di
plomat of honorable mention.
Mason. 1 diver, 3 bronze, 1 diploma of hon
orable mention. ,
Mason. 1 silver, 3 bronze. 1 diploma of hon
orable mention.
Pacific. 1 gold. 1 silver.
Pierce. 1 gold. 3 sliver. 1 bronre.
Snohomish, 2 gold. 1 slK-er, 1 bronze.
Spokane. 3 gold. 3 silver. 1 bronze. 1 di
ploma of honorable mention.
Stevens. 1 slH'er. 9 bronze, 5 diplomas of
honorable mention.
Thurston. 2 silver. 4 bronze, 2 diplomas of
honorable mention.
Walla Walla, 5 gold. 4 rflver.
"What the Press Agents Ss.
Two Performances Remain or "Ben
Hur" at Marquam Theater.
Klaw & Erlanger'a stupendous production
of General Lew Wallace's great drama, 'Ben
Hur" will be given at the Marquam Theater
tonight at 8 o'clock and tomorrow (Saturday)
afternoon at 2 for the last two times. This
beautiful play has been presonted for almost
two weeks to capacity houses, testifying the
deep Interest aroused. There are good eeats
to be had., although the advance nale con
tinues to Indicate the same large attendance.
"Whittlesey's Great Performance.
Thousands of people have seen and enjoyed
the splendid performance of "Prince Otto"
given by White Whittlesey and the Be
lasco Stock Company at the Belaaco this
week. The patrons of this popular theater all
agree that It Is the most beautiful romantic
play ever seen in Portland, and the audi
ences that clamor for admission to perform
ances nightly are eo large that they tax the
capacity of the house. There Is no longer
any question concerning the ability of White
Whlttelaey as a romantic star, and the Be
Jasco Company is agreed to be the best stock
organization In the United States. There will
be performances of "Prince Otto" even night
thla week, with matinees Saturday and Sun
day. No Performance Tomorrow Night.
Manager Baker regrets to announce that he
has been unable to secure a epeclal train to
carry the "Jolly Grass Widows" after the
peformance Saturday night, so the engagement
will close at the Baker Theater T!th the reg
ular matinee tomorrow afternoon. Business
has been exceptionally good at the Third
street house. No better than the attraction
deserves, as the chorus has more beautiful
young women than any of Its predecessors.
Theater-goero do not want to forget that
there are Just two more opportunities to see
this attraction tonight and tomorrow after
noon. Why Women Sin Tomorrow Matinee.
The Saturday matinee at the Empire The
ater tomorrow promises to break all matinee
recordB at this house. "Why Women Sin" la
the strongest magnet that draws. The en
gagement closes Saturday night. The story
Involving a beautiful society woman -which
I dramatically unfolded in that firmly estab
lished play. "Why Women Sin," by Will C.
Murphey, while of unspeakable interest to all
classes of theater patrons, contains much ma
terial which must strike home Into the hearts
of mlegulded, persons.
"George Ado Week."
Next week will be dedicated "George Ade
Week" at the Marquam Grand Theater. This
clever writer Is the author of the two differ
ent musical comedies that appear at the above
theater next week: "The Sultan of Sulu,"
Tuesday and Wednesday flights and "Peggy
from Paris" Thursday. Friday and Saturday
nights, with a special matinee Saturday. Each
musical comedy is presented by a separate
and distinct company, but under the same
management of Mr. Madison Carey. This la
a peculiar coincidence porelbly never before
recorded to the history or Portland theatrical
lore and seldom having happened except in
the large Eastern cities. The advance sale
for "The Sultan of Sulu" will open tomorrow,
"'Peggy from Paris" next Tuesday.
Whittlesey as "The Manxman."
Commencing Monday night the popular
young -romantic star. White Whlttelcey. and
the Incomparable Belasco Stock Company will
offer the first production of Hall Calne's mas
terpiece, "The atanxTnftPt'- prez eeavia,. Port
land. The play offers a splendid role for the
start and many splendid opportunities for the
fctock company to toe seen, in hu support. The
eeenery and costumes will be among the best
that the Belaaco management has ever pro
vided, and those who are familiar with local
theatricals know that this means the best to
be seen In the city. "The Manxman" wllTbe
the bill all next week. Including the usual
Nautical Musical Skit.
!The Washington Society Girls" will be the
musical burlesque offering at the Baker The
ater all next week, staring with the usual
Sunday matinee. The performance begins
with a clever nautical musical eklt called "Oh
What Joy." a little comedy replete with bright
hits. The olio of specialty acta includes El
dora in a marvelous exhibition of intricate
Juggling; We and Williams, a pair of up-to-date
talkers and parody elngers; Grace
Mantell. the sweet singer: Dave Marion, In
an original sketch. 'Moing Day"; Aggie
Behler. the American Chanconctte; Lew Ad
anu, one of the funniest Dutch comedians on
the stage, and' Ah Ling Foo. the wonderful
conjurer, and Lynotte Sisters, ringing comed
ians. . Famous Novel Dramatized.
The dramatic Incident of the coming week
in which chief interest wilt center will be the
first revelation to our theater-goers of the
splendors of Rowland A Clifford's production
of "Dora Thome." a dramatization of Bertha
M. Clay's famous novel. The piece has leen
declared a drama of more than usual effec
tiveness and power, and a a production Is
raid to surpass anything Rowland & Clifford
have as yet achieved. "Dora Thorne" is Just
ly entitled, to rank as one of the season's
popular cuccesees. It will be eeen with the
original cast and eenlc environments begin
ning with the Sunday matinee at the Empire
Fun at -the Grand.
For genuine fun, the moving picture at the
Grand this week will cure the roost malig
nant case of blues. It In the ntory of an ad-"
venturous automobile trip, and is a film that
cause the audience to cream with delight.
The Thomas Meegan Company Is the head
line act. The company offers a bright and
snappy little comedy that would make an
ordinary farce look solemn. "On the Q. T."
In tbo name of the playlet and It is well
acted by artists. Kantanelll is tho king of
the Flack wire, and his performances In
the air are j-emarkable and daring. Madame
Wanda ?hows the only troupe of trained
coach dogs ever presented in a vaudeville houfe
In Portland, and the MalcomH hare one of
those amusing comedy skits so popular in this
class of high entertainment. Weston and
True are singers and dance ro who have new
songs and Jokes. Fred Purlnton renders a
beautiful ballad. The show Is exceptionally
Star's Bright Show.
One man lifts his wife and two daughters
at every performance at the Star. Thin Is
the Fredericks family, a company of acrobats
direct from the varieties of Europe. Like
all European acts. It is above the average
and is distinguished by the grace and flnleh
always found In acts that come acrons the
water. The McDonall trio are considered the
6:40 A. M. Fire In the basement
of the residence of J. L. Sohultz, at
721 Wasco street, damaged the prop
erty to the extent of about $300.
11:04 A. The department re
sponded to an alarm for a fire in a
barn at the corner of Grand avenue
and East Thurman streets. The dam
age amounted to about $100.
7:40 P. SL Fire was discovered In
the rear room of the saloon and hotel
of J. Stohlman at the corner of Water
and Montgomery streets about 7:40
last evening and was extinguished by
chemicals. The loss Is nominal, only
a small amount of bedding being de
stroyed. best trick wheelmen in the country, and
their performance bears out this claim. Lola
Fawn Is the celebra'ed "coon shouter." Sho
ha the Ethiopian balMd perfect, and the way
she renders it maken her act a decided. hit
with the Star patrons. Billy Durant- Is the
only man who appears on tho vaudeville stage
playing tj-pical Chinese musical Instruments.
He can play popular airs or selections from
Chinese operas; It makes no difference to him.
Leonard and Bernard are two clever Jug
glers and add strength to the bill. Wlnnlfred
Lemar is a handsome sinrcr of ballads and ih
Staroscope, flashes a funny film.
Japanese Murderer Advised by Coun
trymen to Make Stubborn Fight.
Kasoaka Kirrta, self-confessed slayer ot
Sasaki Matsulta, occupies a cell In the
City Jail. He was seen yesterday by
several of his fellow-countrymen, who
came to advise with htm and to console
him In his hour of distress. Arrange
ments are being made for the retention
of legal counsel, and It Is the intention
of the murderer to put up a hard flghL
Early yesterday morning, the Japanese
was taken before Acting Chief of Police
Grltzmacher, where he made a statement
. .Hv "V -
Kaoaka Klatn.
concerning the stabbing and the facts
leading up to 1L Nothing additional to
the information already published in The
Oregonlan was secured.
It Is probable the murderer will be ar
raigned in the Municipal Court tills morn
ing. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
This is unquestionably the most success
ful medicine In use for bowel complaints.
A few doses of It will invariably cure an
ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It has been
used In nine epidemics of dysentery with
perfect success. It can always be depend
ed upon to give prompt relief In cases of
colic and cholera morbus. When reduced
with water and sweetened it is pleasant
to take. Every man of a family should
keep this remedy in his home. For "sale
to: all druKrists.
,.: . is
. it - ' ..
No Whitewash for Mutual Life,
Says Truesdale.
Investigating Committee Will Seek
Out Faults in Management and
Kcmove Them After an
Impartial Inquiry.
NEW YORK, Oct. 26 William H.
Truesdale. one of the committee of
three appointed by the trustees of the
mutual Life Insurance Company to in
vestigate the affairs of that corpora
tion, put himself on record today as
being- in favor of nn investigation that
will disclose all the weak spots in Its
management. Mr. Truesdale. who is
president of the Delaware. Uckawan
na & Western Railroad and the prob
able chairman of the Investigating
committee, said:
I have heard for Mm f.vt weeks talk
thare0 f t' SL
com,n now fore the legislative
It miJlUv ",ake 11 fsary that ther
should be an Independent Investigation .of
n?SanS;.wTtal 1 WM to be in ny way
connected with the situation was not known
.r.nd th 'nfomiatlon that I had been
eWn a member of the Investigating com
mittee came as a surprise.
infIn?rT,on thal tM committee was
mt?b' 1 hMf-K committee
or a committee pledged in advance to uphold
I?' ; of th" companr or any particular
Rct of transactions is an entirely erroneous
The committee will seek lo get at the
exact truth In regard to the affairs of the
.Mutual Life Insurance Company fairly. Im
partially and In a Judicial manner, and will
spare no effort to this end. Having ascer-
ue. Jhe fact' 11 w,u then determine
what changes. If any. are necessary In the
organization and management of the com
pany and win endeavor to have such meas
ures as It may decide upon put Into effect,
to the end that the Mutual shall be placed
on the highest plane as a life Insurance
Morris AVill Xot Investigate.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct 2S.-E. B. Morris,
i ,.ly' who was yesterday selected
In New lork as one of the committee of
T iT??lecit to Investigate the manage
ment of the Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany today decided that he would bo un
able to serve
Marriage Licence.
31M;LSS!C-Th0P J- Maupln. Jr..
VPlmook "feet.Slaudc II. Olsen 22
Johns; Ella Schultz. 17.
7 days. Kn' 8Sed 32 ycars- 3 and
be? -S,V V,ncont' Hospital. Octo-
Al Bedell, a native of New Tork,
aged 50 years. '
, BL5CT"Al 00 Gnd avenue North. Octo-
" 1 , 71"- p- A- Block, a native of Ohio,
years. S months and 3 days
o?i?T"At ?0 Samaritan Hospital.
October 24 Joseph O'Kray. a native of Ger
20 ycars- months and 27 days.
nAKRNf;At, 205 EaBt Eleventh street
October 24. nalph C. Warner, a native of
Michigan, aged 40 years and 1 month
. NORTON At 300 Washington street. Oc
tober 23. William Morton, a native ot Eng
land, aged 02 years and 27 days
EAttP At Goldneld, New. October 20
Virgil W. Earp. a native of Kentucky, aged
62 years, 3 months and 2 days. Remains
brought to Portland for Interment.
SASAKI At St. Vincent's Hospital. Octo
ber 23. Matau Sasaki, a native of Japan,
aged 24 years.
SHULER At 104 Misner street. October
26, Mrs. Ellen E. Shuler. a native of Illinois,
aged 60 years. 4 months and 4 days. Re
mains sent to Radcllffe. la., for Interment.
WAGNER At 61 North Eighteenth street,
October 24. Mrs. Louise Henrlette Wagner,
a native ot Portland. Or., aged 32 years. 11
months and 20 days.
KENES At 484 East Twelfth street, Oc
tober 23, to the wife of Hamilton Kenes, a
PIO At 45 East Clay street, October 20,
to the wife of Clayton U Plo. a son.
Building- Permits.
O. R. & N. CO. Warehouse and dock on
Willamette River. $50,000.
E. C. HOLMES Barn, East Ninth street,
between RIggen and Howe. $100.
C. HARRIS Repairs to dwelling. East
Thirteenth street, between Shafer and Ma
son, $150.
MRS. M. J. THOMPKINS Repairs to
dwelling. Hamilton avenue and Front street.
L. C. BOFINGER Dwelling. Hawthorne
avenue, between East Fortieth and East Forty-first-streets.
J. B. O'SHEA Dwelling. Tillamook and
East Twenty-fourth streets. $3000.
J. T. THURMAN Dwelling. Going street.
Brooklyn street, between East Twenty-first
and East Twenty-second, 5S00.
MRS. C. R. SMITH Dwelling. Gantenbeln
avenue, between Cook and Ivy streets, $1020.
Incorporation articles of the Oregon Ma
chine Graining Company were filed In the
County Clerk's office yesterday by W. L.
DIel, M. M. Neal and W. C. Graddy; capital
stock. $10,000. The objects announced are
to reproduce the exact and Identical grains
of the choicest hard woods, true to nature,
and to manufacture machines for the repro
duction of graining of the various kinds
and colors.
Lumber Company Wins Suit. ,
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. -(Special.)
The Jury In the case of May Lock
wood vs. Washington & Oregon Lumber
Company, a suit for damage?, returned
a verdict this morning In favor of the
Mill Company. The suit was brought by
Mrs. Lockwood to secure damages for
It Is One of the Real Joys Given Us.
"Postum Food Coffee has done more for
me in two years," writes a Wisconsin
young lady student, than all the medi
cines and treatments I had employed to
overcome the effects of the xxffee poison
ing that was killing me by degrees.
"I had all the familiar symptoms and
suffered all the well-known tortures. My
stomach was wrecked and I could not
eat. my head ached almost continually, I
became the. nervous victim of Insomnia,
and the capacity for study deserted me.
Of course this came on gradually, and
without suspicion, for along time, as to
the cause.
"Two years ago a friend-enthusiastically
urged me to quit using the old kind of
coffee and to drink Postum Food .Coffee.
I have never regretted acting upon the
advice. As soon ae the coffee poison vai
eliminated, the strengthening- and nour
ishing properties of Postum began to
build me up.
"Each day I gained a little, the color
crept back to my cheeks, my limbs
rounded out with new flesh, my complex
Ion grew fair and clear again, my diges
tion improved, and now I can eat any
thing at any time, the nervous Insomnia
has left me and I sleep soundly at night
and wake up refreshed. I have no more
headaches, and mental work has become
a pleasure to me." Name given by Pos
tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason.
Read the little book, "The Road, to
Weilvlllc't la each package.
ARE you looking for a family tree, or a
b Revolutionary ancestor? Would you
like to be a "Selected Salic Scion," a
chosen vessel, a royal seed, one in the
most exalted circle of men and women
upon our coasts? Then remembfwhat
Owen Wister says in Lady Baltimore:
"Whenever a few people gather together and style
themselves something, and choose a president and
eight or nine vice-presidents, and a secretary and
a treasurer, and a committee on elections, and then
let it be known that almost nobody else is qualified
to "belong to it, there springs up immediately in
hundreds and thousands of breasts a fiery craving
to get into that body."
Mr. Wister's new love story of Southern
Society his first novel since The Virginian
begins in this week's issue of
Of All Dealers at 5 Cents the Copy
the death of her husband, caused by the
explosion of a steam pipe.
Exports antl Internal Movement of
Grain and Cattle.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Decided in
creases In trade movements are shown
during September, as well as in the total
for the nine months ot this year, com
pared with periods of last year, by sum
maries Issued by the Department of Com
merce and Labor. The grain exports for
the nine months this year amounted to
103.219.633 bushels, as compared with t.
573,705 for the same months last year.
This year the corn exports have been
82,752,212 bushels as compared with 34.
441,771 bushels for the corresponding
months last year. The September exports
of grain this year amounted to more than
10.0X).000 over September of IS04.
The domestic movement of trade during
September show the same increases.
Nearly 2.O00.O00 head of livestock arrived
at five of the largest distributlnr centers
in excess of September a year ago. while
the Increase In the receipts of grain in
12 important Interior centers aggregated
over 27,000,000 bushels more than the cor
responding month last year.
The Portland E. H. Bradley. E. F. Brlt
tlngham. New Tork: T. H. Monaghan. San
Francisco: P. Slmmj. St. Paul: T. C. Sher
man. Boston: O. C. Morrison. Philadelphia:
R. M. Bode. St. Ixul: C. C. Holysl. Wash
ington: C. Zelmer. San Francisco: J. Davis.
New Tork: W. T. Cary. C. S. Hidden, Chi
cago: T. Holland. Philadelphia: I. Moore. O.
Mayer. New Tork: W. E. Holcomb. San
Francisco: A. Glesler. Dayton. O.: Dr. C. R.
Ray and -wife. Sledford. Or.: N. Krakow.
New Tork; W. P. Anderson. London: G. H.
Gregory. Calcutta: A. F. Grant. New Tork:
Q. Steward, wife and son. Wallace, Idaho;
A. G. Glldden.' Spokane: W. Dent. Seattle;
G. O. Guild. San Francisco: H. SI. Bettes.
Chicago: W. W. Rtdehalgh. Astoria: J. P.
Landy. St. Joseph: R. K. Evans and wife.
V. 3. A.; C H. Sllnto. San Francisco; H. G.
Taube and wire. New Tork; Mrs. J. R.
IVlnchell. SIlss Wlnchell, New Haven; G. J.
Perkins and wife. San Franclnco; R. S.
Corning. Boston: R. H. Teale. Seattle; W.
L. Remington. Tcoma; E. P. Jamison. Se
attle; L Schlewlnger, New Tork; S. C.
Moxcey. Ohiof D. St. Griffith. Cincinnati. O.;
J. Schilling. Boston: N. Scharlan. San Fran
cisco; L. E. Shields. St. Paul; F. I. Dunbar
and wife. Salem.
The Oregon Gust Morton. Tacoma: S. J.
Moiman, Tacoma: C. J. Tyler. Boston: H.
R. Miller. Spokane: F. B. Chapman. F. L
Harrow. San Francisco: A. J. Smith. John
H. Frlscher. Jeanette. Pa.; D. G. Kerr. To
ronto. Can.; E. E. Belmont. New York City:
J G. Brown and wife. Fox Lake. 111.; M. J.
Wilson and wife. Warsaw, N. T.: James
Jackson. Slemphls. Tenn.: George M. Bor
deaux. San Francisco: Elmer E. Hardy,
West Salem. Wis.; Edw. P. Pardls. Ana
cortes. Wash.: A. M. Williams. Denver;
Maurice Winter, G. H. Damaueler. Portland:
L. P. Ketcham. Tacoma": J. A. Miller, Chi
cago; C S. Pierce. Rochester: George B,
Swasey and wife. Portland. Sle.; Alice De
lano. Seattle; Str. C A. Brown. Spokane;
S. JC Taylor and wife. Kamllche: S. O. New
ton. San Francisco; II. W. Storey and wife.
Everett. Wash.; Dr. O. W. McConnelt Ash
land; H. F. Andrews, city; S. H. Kozer.
Salem. Or.
The Ferklas H. P. Berg, city: F. A. Louis.
Colby. Kan.: Mre. w. H. A. T. Wallace. Mrs.
SI. J. Owen. Tacoma; E. Brock. Hlllsboro;
A. A Perrle. Nelson. B. C: J. E. Camp
bell Everett: M. F. Collins. Valder. Alaska;
E. Duforn. Washington. D. C; L. L. Henry.
M. SIcTee. Seattle; L. W1U Boise: E. P.
Daugherty. Dallas. Tex.: SL M. Gartner,
McMlnnvllle: O. E. Burke. Dawson, Y. T. ;
George w. Wllklns. J. D. Culver. Denver:
Gus Anderson, Atlln, B. C: E. Crawford.
Seattle: T. P. Evans and wife. Miss Evans.
Kenton. O.: Paul Fundman. Mrs. J. B. Boise.
H. C. Keefer and wife. Wlllamlna; J. W.
Opp. Jacksonville; Mrs. M. Mosgrove, Mil
ton; L F. Smith. Endicott. Wash.; C. C
Clark. Arlington: A. L Anderson, La Fay
ette: E. H. Prlndle. Cape Horn; M. Waldson.
Spokane; J. E. Warren and wife. Sedalla.
Mo.: Ben Pike. Licking. Mo.: H. L Lorton.
Kansas City. Mo.; Jennie E. Elder, Hepp
ner: J. W. Guessford. Sac Francisco; E. L
Wiley. Wallace: W. M. Kaiser. Salem; G.
F Kimball. I. w. Kimball. Pendleton: E.
M' Mays. Glencoe: I. P. Edwards. Pendleton;
Sirs. Rev. Grim. Astoria.
The Imperial H. G. Van Dusen. Astoria;
A. Coolldge. MIis Coolldge. Sllverton: R. J.
FuIIerton. Rock Island; Martin Both. Rain
ier; J. Leahy. Tacoma; L F. Owen, city;
Nat Goldsmith. St. Joseph: Mrs. L G. Long.
Hlllsboro; A. "C F. Wllklns. Seattle; Sirs.
Virgil Garvin, city; James Withy combe. Cor
vallls: W. H. Ewln. Union: Miss Woodworth.
city; W. G. Rowland, Tacoma: W. F. Smith
and wife. Lawton; H. L. Guenther, SIc
Gowan; W. F. Maglll and wife, Kaloma; J.
C. Clinton. Mis Tesrlo. Mrs. Sandkowen.
M. Hawthorn. Astoria: L. Leeman. Astoria;
Charles Zelmer. San Francisco; Frank Ayl
wln. Tacoma; D. F. Rea. Moscow; A. E.
LucokL Fergas Falls: E. J. Mlckel. Carna
tion; W. F. Slelvln. Seattle; John McCarthy
and wife. Desctiutes; J. M. Stevenson. Cas
cades; S. Fort man. Seattle; L. R. Browne,
Sllverton: C H. Connerr. Astoria: Sam II.
Groser. New York: Frank Lee. San Fran
cisco: Dan J. Fry- Salem: Staggle L Peters.
San Francisco: Frank N. McCahdlews, Ta
coma; J. A. Stein and wife. Hoqulam; C. M.
Stein. Aberdeen: C. H. Park. Eugene; J. D.
Cramming. San Jose; E. T. Nichols, city;
Sirs. K. A. Decker. Chicago; J. F. Walsh
&ad wife, VaUeJo; Cxrl R. Jones, M&rtlaez;
Sirs. Burrows. Rldgevllle; W. F. Young. Chi
cago; L P. DeSIarlo. The Dalles: R. D.
Counter and wife. Joplln: Mrs. Y. H. A. T.
Wallace. Sir. M. J. Crum. Tacoma.
The St. Charle St. A. SIcLaughlnn; II.
Suffle and family. New Rockfoni. N. D.:
I. Wambsgany. Dayton: T. J. Storms and
wife. Chinook: L. St. Martin. V. St. Martin.
Carson; F. Ronald, Oregon City; T. S. Coffey.
StcSIInnvllle: C A. Lawton, Fort Steven.;
R. V. Rhody. Portland; J. J. Yackley; C
Farrich. White Salmon; C. McPherron. O.
Ranford. R. J. Owens, R, B. Jacko. Portland;
K. Landcrback. Sirs. E B.urlingame. Colfax;
C. E. Dick and wire. Big Rock. 111.: H. H.
Zapp. Astoria; B. Saunders. Goldendale; J.
W. Scott. G. B. Huntly. Aberdeen: G. W.
Smith, R. Hosklna. Vancouver: Bella New
house. Newberg; F. Ott. Dayton; A. B.
Haling and wife. Portland; J. Sllnor, Twicken
ham: P. Oakerman. Burns: R. L. English.
A. W. Foster. Portland; H. E. Dana, Greaham;
E. M. Fellows. Barlow; G. B. Linn. Portland;
I.. Wambsgany, Dayton.
The Esmond Edgar Qulgly. Swensen;
Fred Fogel. Clatskanle; Gu A. Lowcngreen,
Stevenson: B. F. Beals, Underwood; W. L.
St. Claire. Brarfen: G. W. Robert, North
Yamhill: C H. Veber. Lebanon; F. B. SIc
Klnley Seattle; S. Smith. Vancouver; Lean
Durand. Tacoma; J. D. Clark. Mrs. Clark,
Jacksonville; G. Warren. Shaw; A. L Staffer,
Hood River: N. Tlllotson. Caroon; E. Nayer.
Wlnlock; W. Williams: Sir. WlHIams: S.
Stump. Independency F. Olson, Buttevtlle;
J. Sweeny, Kelso; J. Lyons, Mra Lyon. New
Tork; W. Irwin. Ten Sllle; H. Porter. Sir.
Porter Stls Porter. Vlsalla; J. S. Bailey. Ash
land: Ida S. Reed. Astoria; N. A. Andersen.
Cathlamet; George Hamilton and wife, Spo
kane: Otto Miller: G. E. Harrl. Slount Dale:
W. Wright. Troutdale; Harry Jenkins and
wife; William Thomas. The Dalles; Sirs.
Fulart and daughter. Hoood River; Hnry
Watson. North Platte; Colonel Harris. Pillar
Rock: A. E. Burnett. Eagle Creek; B. H.
Jacques: J. E. Peachet. Sloro; Alfred Slay,
Troutdale: R. L. Sloler, Van Wyck, Idaho:
I. Rowland. Ashland; J. G. Percy. White
Salmon: Christ Henry. Pillar Rock; SIUw Kate
Deltx. Rainier; S. Archer; G. E. Harris and
wife. Slount Dale; Henry Flsfc, Marcala;
W. S. Wllklns. Albanj-i H. G. Jackson and
-Almost Hopeless Until He Used Dr. Wll-
UyA' Pink Fills and Found a
Permanent Care.
"In the lead mines I was at work on my
knees with my elbows pressed against
rook walls, in dampness and extremes of
cold," said Mr. J. G. Menkel', of 2975
Jackson aTenue, Lmbuque, Iowa, in de
scribing hiB experience to a reporter,
" and it ii not surprising that I con
tracted rheumatism. For three years I
had attacks affecting the joints of my
ankles, knees and elbows. My ankles
and knees became so swollen I conld
scarcely walk on uneven ground and a
little pressure from a stone under my
feet would cause me so much pain that I
would nearly sink down. I was often
obliged to lie in bed for several days at a
time. My friends who were similarly
troubled were getting no relief from
doctors and I did not feel encouraged to
throw money away for nothing. By
chance I read the story of Bobert Yatel,
of the Klauer Manufacturing Co., of
Dubuque, who had a very bad case of
rheumatism. I decided to try Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People, the
remedy he had used. In three or four
weeks after beginning to use the pills, I
was much better and in three months I
was well. The swelling of the joints
and the tenderness disappeared, I could
work steadily and for eignt Years I hare
had no return of the trouble. My whole
family believe in Dr. "Williams' Pink
Pills. Both my sons use them. We
consider them a household remedy that
we are sure about."
What Dr.Williams' Pink Pills did for
Mr. Meukel they are doing for hundreds
of others. Every dose sends galloping
through the veins, pure, strong, rich, red
blood that strikes straight at the cause of
all ill health. The new blood restores
regularity, and braces all the organs for
their special tasks. Dr. Williams Pink
Pills actually make new blood. They
don't aot on the bowels or bother with
mere symptoms of disease. They root
out the cause of disease from the blood
itself. It is through the blood that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills cure paleness, ansB
mia, indigestion, headaches, neuralgia,
rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, partial
paralysis, locomotor ataxia, failing
powers and the irregularities in the
health of growing girls and women. Get
the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People at your druggists' or direct
from the Dr. Williams Medicin C3o.
Schenectady, N.Y.
wife. Tacoma: D. C. Butler and wife, Cath
lamet; I. SIcKay. Ctatekante.
Tacoma notei. Tacoma.
American plan, nates. 3 and up.
note! Donnelly, Tacoma, Washington.
European plan. Rates 73 cents to S2.33
pr day. Free "bus
JL SANTAELLA CO.. Stokers, Tarns a. Zla.
OERSQH & HART, Disiribuiars, Portland, Or.
City Ticket Offlce, 122 Third St., Phone 680.
The Flyer and tho Jfast Mail.
S:30 A. SL Portland 7:00 A. SL
11:45 P.M. J Via Seattlo g:30P.M.
6:15 P. M Via Spokane 8:00 A.M.
I (O. R. & X. Co.) I
Sailings from Seattle.
S. S. Minnesota. Nov. 5; S. S. Dakota. Dec. 10
For anan and China 1'orU and Manila.
(Japan Mall Steamship Co.)
Sail From Seattle for Japan, China and All
Asiatic Porttt About December 12.
For tickets, rates, berth reservations, etc.,
call on or address
H. DICKSON. C P. & T. A.. Portland. Or.
Portland, The Dalles Route
Regulator cLine Steamers
Leave Portland and The Dalles daily
except Sunday 7 A. M., connecting
with Columbia Eiver & Northern
Eailway for Klickitat Valley Points.
Direct line for Moffets, Mineral,
St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs.
Landing and wharf at foot of Alder
'Phone Main 914.
"Jefferson." Oct. 10, 20, 30, 9 P. M.
"Dolphin." Oct. 5. 15. 25, 9 P. SI.
HAINES. SKAGWAY. Connects with
W. P & Y. route for Atlln. Dawson.
Tanana. Nome, etc.
On excursion trips steamer calls at
Sitka. Metlakahtla. Glacier. Wrangel.
etc.. In addition to regular ports of
Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful
Alaska." "Indian Basketry," "Totem
Frank Woolsey Co.. Agents
252 Oak SL Portland. Or."
S. F. & Portland Steamship Co.
Operating the Only Passenger Steamers for
San Francisco Direct.
Sailing Dates From Portland October 28;
November 2. 7. 12. 17, 22. 27; December
2. 7. 12. 17. 22. 27.
From Alnstvorth Dock (End of 3d st.) at
S P. M.
Berth and Meal Included.
hQB Uala. 268. 21S WuhlaxUm SL
Through Pullman stanaarda aaa touru:
leeplng-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo
kane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansis
City; through Pullman tourist sleeping ar
(personally conducted) weekly to Chlcara.
Reclining chair-car Ueats free) to th Hut
6 FECIAL for th East
via Huntington.
tt;15 A. SL 3U P. SL
Dally. Daily.
S:15 P. SL .3:l!0 A. SL
Dally. Daily.
For Eastern Washington. Walla WaUa.
Lewiston. Coeur d'Alena and Great Nortaara
fSfSi ??PSS:15 P. SL JM A, SL
way points, connecting Dally,
with steamer for llwa-1 except
co and North Beach. I Sunday,
tteaxser Hasralo. Ash-j Saturday,
it. dock (water per.) 110:00 P. SL
3:00 P. SL
FOR DAYTON. Ori--)T:00 A. M.'3.SO P. St
gon City and Yamhill! Daily. Dally.
River points. Ao-iUi except I except
dock (water per.) t Sunday. Sunday,
For Lew U ton. Idaho, and way points frora
Rlparla, Wash.
Leave Rlparja 5:40 A. SI. or upon arrival
train No. 4. Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday.
Arrive Rtparia 4 P. M.. Monday. Wednes
day and Saturday.
Ticket Office. Third and Washington.
Telephone Main 112. C. W. Stinger. City
Ticket Agt.; A. L. Craig, Gen. Passenger Agt.
EAST via
PKrlsa XiiAt.Ni,
'or bole, itooo
jurg, ' Ashlaail,
&craraenio, uz
Cen. sua ranct-
CO, SlUjiVO, L04
Ajigelco. tul Pom,
New urltuaa aaa
the EujC
S:5 P. M
7.22 A. SL
8:30 A. SL
Moruuig train 3:5S P. 2L
.onnecis at Wood-
burn ualiy execyt '
suncay w.ih tram !
tur Slouut Aajjel. I
Stiver iuu. Urowtu- i
riile. prinuuia, i
VVendluitf aua Ou
trun. 6:00 P. Si.
Eugens pasaenger
cunnects at Wood
burn with Sit. An
Cl and bllvertos
Jorvallls paaaenger
Efierldan pacaenger
Forest Grov
10:33 A. SL
3:30 P. SL.
S 2i A. SL
1:60 P. SL
TI0M5 P. M.
tl:50 P.
Dally. JDally except Sunday.
Depot. Foot of Jeffsrson StresL
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at J
A. SL; 1:0U. 2:05. 4. o.M. i:U3. f. lw.
ll:ao P. SL. Dally except Sunday. O...J. .
8:33. 10:'-'5 A. M. Sunday only. U A. SI
Returning from Oswego, arrive Peruana.
dally. o:3U A. M.; 1:53. 3:03. 4;33. G U'J. . .
0:55, 11:10 P. M., 1U:55 A. M. Dally ex. et
Sunday. 0:U3. T:23. U:au. 11:15 A. SL Sunday
Leave nom" same depot for Dallas and In
termediate points, dallv. 0:00 P. M. Arrlv
Portland. 10:10 A. SL .....
The Independence-Monmouth Motor Lln
operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. con
necting with S. P. Co.' trains at Dallas and
First-class fare from Portland to Sacra
mento and San Francisco. $U0. Berth. $3.
Second-class fare, 515. Second-class berth,
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe; ilia
Japan China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third antl
Washington streets. Phono Main "12.
City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. AgL
DcsarL ArrimJ
Tellowstone Park-Kansas
City. SL Louis Special
for Chehalls. Centralla.
Olympla. Gray's Harbor.
Eoutb Bend. Tacoma.
Seattle. Spokane. Lew
iston. Eutte. Billings.
Denver, Omaha. Kan
sas City. bt. I.QU1S ana
. 8:30 am -4:30 3 al
North Coast Limited,
electric lighted, for Ta
coma. Seattle. Spokane.
Butte, Minneapolis. Su
Paul and th East. ... 2:00 pm 7:00 a al
Fuget Sound Limited for
Chehalls. Centralla. Ta
coma and Seattle only. 4:30 pm 10;53p
Twin City Express for
Tacoma. Seattle. Spo
kane, Helena. Butte.
Tellowstone Park. Min
neapolis. SL Paul and
the East 11:13 pm 6:30 p at
A. D Charlton. Assistant General Passen
ger Agent. 233 Morrison st.. corner Third.
Portland. Or.
Astoria and Columbia'
River Railroad Co.
Arrives. t
8:00 A. M.
7:00 P. SL
For Maygers. Rainier,
Clatskanle. Westport.
Clifton. Astoria. War-
renton. Flavel. Ham-,
mond. Fort dtuveni. i
Gearhart Park. Sea
side. Aniorla and Sa
Express Dally.
Astoria tspress. o.SO P. SL
Comm'l Agt.. 248 Alder sL G. F. A P. A,
Phone Main 006.
For South -Eastern Alaska
Steamers leave Seattle 3 P. it,
a S. Humboldt. S. S. City
ct Eeattle. S. S. Cottag City.
October 10. 13, 17. 21. -J, 27.
For San Francisco direct
Queen. City of Pubta, Umv
tllla. 9 A. M.
October 10. 15. 20. 23.
Portland Oface. 240 Washington st. Slain 223,
d D. DUNANN. G. P. A..
San Fran clico.
Steamers Altona and Oregona
For Oregon City. Buttevllle. Champoeg-,
Newberg. Salem and way landings. Leara
Taylor street. 0:45 A. M. dally, except Sun
day. Oregon City Transportation Co., Phone
nma sv-
l Arrlvea.