t .THE MORNING OBEGONIAy, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1UQ5. I STEEL PIPE WILL E CHANGE Water Board Again Decides to Open Bids and Invites Competition. CASTIRON HAS NO CINCH Telegram From Ttisdon. Iron Works, of San. Francisco, Forces Board to Action,, and Former De cision Is -Revoked. ASKS FOB A CHANCE TO BID. The telegram to Mayor Lane from the RlBdon Iron "Works, of San Francisco, that forced- tho "Water Board to permit competition from the riveted steel manu facturers, followu: "We understand that nil pipe bids have been rejected and that new tend ers -will bo asked for costlron only. We want a chance to bid again on steel pipe and have the bids compared on their relative merit, life and cost ot pipe to be duly considered." The corporation la one of the largest of lto kind In the United States, and ha for yeara been a keen contender for Government shipbuilding contracts In volving millions. Upon receipt of this telegram Wednesday evening. Mayor Lane held a hurried consultation by telephone with. Dr. Josephl and Mr. Bates, members of the "Water Board, and arranged for a special meeting of the body yesterday afternoon, at which time the surrender occurred. Another complete 'back-down from its attitude on the water pipe question waB Teslftered against the "Water Board yes terday. Tho night fcofore Mayor Lane had received a telegram from the Rlsdon Iron Works of San Francisco that loft the Water Board no alternative but to reopen the bids- for material for a main from Mount Tabor to Highland". There was no mistaking the ring of this telegram, hence Mayor Lane got busy with his telephone and soon Dr. Jop'phl and George "W. Bates were In poscsslon of full details. Dr. C. H. Raffety could not be reached, but it Is known that the Mayor felt the necessity of calling a. special meeting of the body for yes lcrday afternoon. The Board hurried through the unwholesome business that called it together with as little delay as possible. It did not tarry long over details, but speedily adopted a resolu tion calling for new bids November 27, or Ave days later than the other one, and permitting steel riveted piping to enter the competition with castifon. There is hardly any doubt that the merits of the two materials will now be freely ventilated. The matter hap received publicity all over the country. and It will have a tendency to- Invite competition from every portion of the L nlon. both in riveted steel and castiron. and that is apparently what the people of this city desire. The Rlsdon Iron "Works has had some of the most extensive shipbuilding and mining machinery contracts ever award ed on this Coast, and has an immense plant at North Beach, on San Francisco bay, large enough to absorb half a dozen concerns of the Oswego type without experiencing any appreciable difference in size. The corporation has been an active competitor for Government ship building, on contracts involving the ex penditure of millions in the construction of warships for Uncle Sam, and it goes -without saying that it will have repre sentatives here prepared to' annihilate some of the Ideas prevailing in the Water noard concerning tho relative merits of riveted steel and castifon. Christian Temperance Union to send tem perance speakers to the different public schools. WANTS WARRANT ISSUED Oshkosh Man Alleges False Pre tenses of Timber Locators. H. Hartzheim of Oshkosh, Wis., called upon District Attorney Manning yester day afternoon and wanted a warrant sworn out for Messrs. W. H. McCrossen and J. W. Gardner, a local firm of tim ber locaters, charging them -with obtain ing money -under falBe pretenses. It seems that Hartzheim together -with ten other men from the same town was induced to come out to Oregon for the purpose of locating timber claims in Douglas County by Messrs. McCrossen and Gardner, and have since found that the land located was barren and worth less. When this fact was discovered, Hartzhelm's companions, J. J. Duzan, Louis Mehdler, J. C. Ansuscn, M. Duzan, F. Steppes, J. H. McManamy and W. H. St. John. compelleS him to execute a deed of trust in their favor for property in Wisconsin valued at an amount suffi cient to cover the expenses of the party to Portland and all they had paid In agent's fees, and left him to secure re dress from McCrossen and Gardner. Hartzheim left the office of tho Dis trict Attorney -with the assertion that he would return later and swear to the war rant but neglected to put in an appear ance and the warrant was not Issued. INVESTIGATE DP0T CASE East Side Traffic Being Looked Into by Officials. The, people of the East Side may have a new depot if the Investigation now bolng carried on by General Manager J. P. O'Brien shows that the volume of business done at that point merits such an addition to the building equipment of the Southern Pacific. The requests of the rcsldonts of that part or the city have not been pigeonholed or refused by the management of the railroad company, but a force of clerks is now at work estimating, from the records of the company, the amount of business done through tho East Side , depot, or by the East Side interests, and if tho PUSS LIE IN COURT Sergeant Taylor Accused of Testifying Falsely. JUDGE SUSPENDS SENTENCE Sensational Incidents In Hearing of G. Farshman, Charged "With. Keeping His Saloon Open After Hours. "PLEASANTRIES" IN CASE. "I peeked through the doors and uw two men drinking at the bar," paid Sergeant Taylor. The officer deliberately lies." re torted G. Farshman. defendant. "I rwear the saloon was closed be fore 1 o'clock." ald rollceman Thompson, of the Upshur-street sta tion. "If Captain Bailey had confidence in this man Thompson, why did he detail Berseant Taylor to close that saloon asked Deputy City Attorney FltrRcraM. "Do you think, Mr. Thomas, that Sergeant Taylor-went on the stand and deliberately perjured himself?" asked Judge Cameron of W. E. Thomas, counsel for the defense. "I certainly do believe he did," re plied Mr. Thomas. After one- of the most sensational hea: ings ever conducted in the Municipal Court, during which the lie was passed between tho defendant and the arresting MATRIMONIAL ACENCY BRINGS JOY TO TWO LOVING HEARTS A LAUREIAVOOD PARK IS VISITED BY MILD FORM OP DISEASE. Family of Lettcrcarrler Cook Is Af flictedHealth ' Officer Quar antines Seven Cases. Smallpox has prevailed at Laurelwood Park, a suburb in the eastern part of the county, for the past month without any report having been made to the authori ties, and tho indications are that there will be a serious spread of the disease be fore it is finally checked. Children from infected houses have been attending tho public school In the district, and the grown people have traveled about freely, not suspecting the true nature of the disease. This state of affairs might have con tinued until there was an epidemic had not Mrs. A. Williamson .visited the office of Health Officer Dudley Evans yesterday afternoon and made a report. She said the had noticed that the children in tho families of Mr. Siebold and Mr. Cook, her neighbors, were afflicted with an eruptive disease, which she strongly suspected was smallpox. She did not think so at first, and especially when Mrs. Cook scouted the idea in response to an inquiry, but when one after another became afflicted and remained so for weeks she became convinced that it was smallpox. The cases must have been of a mild type, be cause all tho children have recovered, and no physician has been called to attend to any of the cases. Mrs. Williamson re marked to Mr. Evans: "I .don't care to have this spread over the whole commu nitj." Mr. Cook is a mailcarrJer, and has been constantly at work. Mr. Evans, with a supply of disinfect ants and yellow flags, hurried at once to the scene, and on investigation ascer tained that there were seven cases of smallpox, and ordered a strict quarantine ef the houses. He will go to the school house this morning, and make an exam ination, and enforce vaccination among all the pupils. Mr. Evans is Indignant that people are so careless in these mat ters, and do not Immediately consult a physician. MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL XV. DUXLAT. Tuesday night, at the home of Samuel XV. Dunlap. at Stewart' Place, near Arista, saw the culmination ot a, romance of love through correspondence that has been going on for some time and which has had a; an agent and co-operator the mall wervlce of 1'ncle Sam between Garnet, Kan., and Stewart's Place. Mr. Dunlap. who Is a Jolly old bachelor of about 50 years, has a fine rnch in Clackamas County, where he lives most of the time, but for the past few months. In fact almost a year, he has been working In the Interest of the Dun lap Bros, grocery store at Stewart's Station, which undoubtedly enjoys a mo nopoly of the highest order. Since his arrival at Stewart's Station, where his father and mother live, he has gradually succumbed to the artful phrases of the publication ef an introducing agency until the climax was reached last Tuesday night, soon after the arrival ot the happy bride from Garnet Kan when Rev. T. B. Ford, of the M. E. Church at Sunnyslde. performed the sacred marriage ceremony at the home of the bridegroom in the presence of the bride groom's father, mother, four brothers and a cousin, besides numerous friends of the family. Mrs. Dunlap's maiden name was Ada XV. Bowen, but Cupid played his part well with photos and letters as his tools and now they are married and happy. After tho ceremony the young people present serenaded the nowly-wedded oouple and many friends arrived to offer best wishes for the future, which, from all outward conditions will surely be realized. The early part of next week will find the happy pair, married under peculiar but ro mantic circumstances, well en their way to the Highland District, where the ranch is located. Preparing for Opening Session. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 26.-There was in tense activity among the delegates to tho convention of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union today in preparation for the opening session of the organization at tho First Congregational Church Auditorium, tomorrow morning. There were brief meetings of the different executive boards today, receptions to del egates by the local temperance workers and evangelistic services at the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. Tho Los Angeles Board of Education figures are favorable for the proposi tion the company may authorize the erection of a combination frolght and passenger depot. Mr. O'Brien stated yostorday that 3ie had not disposed of the .matter in any way and would not until ho had collected the data. If it wore a passon ger depot alone that was desired the question would not be ao serious, but the selection of a site for the erection of a freight-house was another mat ter and difficult. He had directed that the exact amount of business handled In that district, both in the rush sea son and during: the dull months, bo complied for his information, and from that some idea of the justice of tho requests made could be determined. Until that compilation Is made no ac tion will be taken by the company. Mr. O'Brien will meet with the peo ple of the Bast Side during the early part of the coming week, at which time it Is probable he will be able to announce what. the company will do. PERSONALMENTION. 'John and Bobert ilacKenzIe. of Port land, left yesterday for tho East upon re ceiving news or the unexpected death of their mother. Miss Ella Lucille Mason and Miss LouiEe Vaughn have Just left Portland for a trip around the world. They go first to New York, where they will Join Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chase, of Pacific Grove. CaL The party will sail for Na ples, November' 4. and will trarel during the Winter in Southern" Europe. In the Spring they will go north, and return home by way of China, Japan and Ha waii. CHICAGO. Oct. 26. (Special.) Oregon ians registered today as follows: Auditorium H. S. Jordan, Portland. Hotel Morrison E. F. Davis, Oregon. Kaleerhof J. B. Boe and wife, F. B. Slllsbec and wife, Oregon. Briggs House S. XV. Crowoll, Oregon. NEW YORK. Oct. 26. Special.) North western people registered today as fol lows: From Portland W. IL ICennedy, at tho Herald-Square. From Port Angeles, Wash. J. Cain, at the Wolcott. From Tacoma XV. D. Tyler, at the Grand; G. F. Buloy. at the Westminster. From Seattle U. Eckstein, at the Im perial. From Spokane H. Brooks and wife, at the Fifth-Avenue. officer and counsel for the defense de clared his belief that perjury had been committed by Sergeant Taylor, G. Farsh man was found guilty of keeping his sa loon open in violation of law yesterday Prompt relief in sick headache, dizzi ness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, guaranteed to those using; Carter's Little Liver Pills. People who suffered from rheumatism have taken Hood's SarsaparlUa and found lactic? relief A "BAKER'S DOZEN" FOR EDUCATIONAL NEEDS two men drinking at the bar," said Ser geant Taylor, testifying on . the stand. "Officer Johnson ran around the saloon to see what kind of a place It was. When he came back, Z knocked on the door. Farshman. who was behind the bar. grabbed the whiskey glasses and rinsed them, and although I told him wc were officers, he did not let us In until I threatened to break the door." "Sergeant Taylor deliberately lies.' said Farshman. when he mounted the stand. "This is a 'Job,' put up on me by enemies. I sold no liquor , after 1 o'clock; I never do. The men" In the saloon were carrying In wood for me. There were no glasses In sight, and I was not behind the bar." Policeman Thompson, attached to the Upshur-street station, was the star wft- neaa for the defense. He was ."roasted" by Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald for his part in the matter. "I swear that the saloon was closed before 1 o'clock," said Thompson. "I was there about 12:55. Two men were there besides Farshman., When I left reflected in the growth of its educational ine piace was closed." raiimuons. uierKe Musical Institute, al "Tf fnnfaln T)illv tin, I ready equipped With five snlpnrllr! lnmi this man. Thompson, why did he detail S-WK'nT' 1nls ,t.I15c; piano for use iu.om i uut,G vimeron. i a. uie jusuiuic on landers street. It Is "Do you think. Mr. Tjiomas. that Ser- the quarter-grand style Chickerlntr. Mrs. geant Taylor went on the stand and de- Gierke s favorite In both practice and Musical Institutions, Colleges and Schools Select Pianos at Eilers. A Grand and Two Uprights for "Dierke Musical Institute Four Pianos and a Pine Pipe Organ for "Willamette University," One for the "Shaver School," Two for "Albany College," One for "Agri cultural College," and One for Miss Nash. The growth of tho West Is splendidly UDerateiy perjured himself?" asked Judge Cameron of counsel for the de fense. "I certainly do believe he did," replied mt. j. nomas. concert work. At the same time. Mr. Dierke added one more TCImhnll nnii a fine Hobart M. Cable nln.no tn th union. did collection of fine nianos alrendv In ns at the Dierke Musical Institute. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dierke .sneak in warmest "I can't erA with vnnr lw nf t I terms of Kimball nlanos. and f.it tViov- maticr. rrplled Judge Cameron, "and . u " pianos oi inorougn artistic in view of all the circumstances. I wiii QHty, and also of greatest endur- ISfiJK.. dcfcndant and sPend Willamette University at Salem is to sentence. I hav n von- hue, mn.imi tu After Mr. Fitzgerald made his remark I faculty has selector fmir about Policeman Thomnson. thi lnitnr t Eilers Piano House for its muslr do- arose and attempted to defend himself riuenb now m cnarge oi Miss Helen but Judge Cameron ordered him to rft h-a.1?Ee.ath'w?n- the glorious Chickering. down I Muui wnicn-no conservatory is com- vi. .u jiu- nuuuri ji. e,aoie manos. and nnnthp- Vlmhnlt T.- ,. iuxo seen inai woman aouDied un maxe. menuoned unvc hin in tn h with cramps of the stomach and thri I University for many years. Or fmir- TrhlaVI- rHf. i .t .. I Miss Dorothon Vnqh. In f a nf p. TTnTar,- sald Mrs. Cattrina Karir. referring n ?.aJ,'...seJected pr neJ studio, which she Mrs. Carolina F.rm.r nn frii ; ...in" ""A"" Jn& Portland, one of the nrnf. t i excellent Hauaorir pianos. This Is the $.Mno, and bus,vc lanugo at 410 make prominently exhibited and used at ..rl airceu "ie Illinois and California huildlngs. hy. you don't mean to infer that wnIcn has been receiving a great deal she drinks, do your asked City Attorney I ?f commendation from the best musical Fitzgerald of tho witness. fucKf ' . a P,ano wn worthy a place musical "Well, she has crnmn, of tho ntnm.h iV "i? lu0 ,' a Kian such high retty regularly, and whl.cv hrin w n- 'ul .i,1 io mighty quick." was the reply. been acquired from the most cmlnonr fnZ Mrs. Tenner is ajjed 53 vears. hut fmm I structors of London and Berlin. the evidence adduced. It antiMrc fh. . Albany College Is colne to be very aet sho can talk. ,ve ,n musical work this season, under "I don't care to repeat .here w ww " ?,.piS8a"c' lLr.Crooki. and words that woman ao&Tled tn I r"VT,"V"uic ."ment in tne iiands orcn. Mid Mrs. Karg. "What she said merit, who has selected two beautiful until iu De neara oy mtie folfc?. Liiogsn m. i-aoie pianos. "Wc are willing to move from the com- l..Tne Agricultural College at Cnrvallls. munlty." spok un tho husband of th !e m?lca' department of which Is under the able direction rf Prnfoconp -vr Goodnough. has selected a fine Hinze piano. Willamette Unlversltv has nriviwi a COIirSC Of DlDe-Orcan Instnirtlrin nnA tho. order placed by them for a Kimball Tubu i?r ,pe Organ is now being executed by EHcrs Piano House. It 13 expected that the pipe organ will he delivered and set iJP, SP time during the ensuing week. This is a two-manual and pedal organ, containing ail the Hcces.soris that dis tinguish the Kimball Pipe Organ for its extremely light touch, wonderful evenness and beauty of tone. On thrjeels of these remarkable sai?. the pHtPicpo House have Just re ceived aTWirder from the Portland School Board for another (the fourth) Hobart M. Cablei piano. This has been delivered to the Shaver J School, making In all 13 pianos in the rtast week sold by this es tablishment to (educational institutions. ourcutiiy iow prices prevail on an pianos defendant. "In fact, we had planned to move next Monday. Our neighbors are not so vers congenial, anyway, and we waui a enanjre. Upon the agrcemont that th Pormpr' shall move, the cu was continued until next Tuesday, at- which time it will be oismisscd if the move Is made. "There'll be two rooms between us nnrf ril keep away from her said Umhrniia Jimmy bherldan. charged with beating ma wiie. "A policeman will go to the house with you to help you get your things, and mon you must take to the woods," said mt. Fitzgerald. No." replied Jimmy. "Pnrtinnd' mv home, and I refuse to leave it for any body. Xot me: I'll stay in this town. iiu raaiier wnat happens. I promise to and organs of ofcr Exnosltlnn ttnoVWhini, Keep away from my wife, though." embraces o--riitIre line. Including Chlck- Jlmmy was dlssharged, as "his wife I er,nss. Webers of Xow Tork. and the tailed to n nnnn tn 1.1 i wonaeriuiiv noDuiar Kimtwiii rr rhirvn-n v iMVF.-wuitr mill. I iwy I t.-o.. i j , j are ?cow-rin-Mti-. i c..w D j r, I I payments. If desired. . . ... ruiiiuuu. nc I KHr Planx TTs..cA VI Ti-,.l,l. is a iamiuar timiro nhnnt i, "oiii6iuii. mnkfM. hi j . , ' V. I turner x HrK ifc.igm.nj streets, , iuuiiu-i ix-irairiiig umoreuas Frank Fisher proved himself to be a I on them, with a frantic mntorman mnV. irtriar. wncn placed on trial before Judge ng signs that he could not stop. The mini nil th rane nlntfnm f U . 1 Ine car iumnod nff In nfAt- The thma. score passengers inside the car fought wi.dly with each other to escape, block Ilg the doorways'. As the runaway car reached tue rear olatform. those nesr the doorway pulled back the paasensrers who were stepping out on the platform, thereby undoubtedly saving several lives. This platform was split into pieces by ine impact. The sides of the Fourteenth-street car became -detached from the roof and col lapsed Inward, while the root came down cn the heads of the imprisoned passen gers. Men broke out the windows, and. crawling out of these openings, drew the women after them. The Christopher-street car was not so badly damaged, although flying glass cut some of Its occupants badly. The Delan- cey-street police station was converted Into a temporary hospital. J4 injured be ing cared for there by surgeons, who were summoned with ail possible speed. Divide Mineral Exhibit. j-ameron. He was charged with larceny i reiuse to permit this case to co on. sam tne lad, after Deputy Dis trict ' Attorney Adams had placed the prosecuting wlt- nesf on the stand and began question ing him. I haven't entered a plea yet. and I want an at torney present be- before any evidence io produced." ou pleaded not guilty yesterday." replied Mr. Adams. "I did not," de clared Fisher. Reference to the doou siiu wea iner,, . , uuj wan riBin, nu to He lUilroaded. Judge Cameron was obliged to grant a continuance until to. day. Attorney Watts will represent the boy. The latter Is a stranger, in the city, but he said in court yesterday that he had money coming from home nnd Mison tester, the Klondike Quartz that he proposed to fight the case to a' King." who had a large collection of mln finish. He declares he is innocent of the eral specimens at tW Lewis and Clark ONE thing you want in an overcoat is plenty of room. It takes more material to make a Kirschbaum Coat:' big, warm, gener us the height of overcoat luxury inside and out. Made by "The Greatest Overcoat House, in America". Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes (W arranted). Good stores every where, $1 2 tO $25. Look for label) Wear the Eastern Styles. A. B. Kirschbaum & Co. (Makers) Philadelphia and New York KHHH1H tsittiiii((tttattittititiitiittiiciii charge. He 1? alleged to have stolen eome revolvers. s HIGHWAYMAN HOLDS VP HENRY OREGLE AT HOIiBROOK. Fair, and who offered a large exhibit for placement in the prososed memorial building which seems not to be realized. will leavo Portland In a few days for the East. Mr. Foster has decided to divide the exhibit and will give port of it to the Chamber of Commerce for Its permanent exhibit and the remainder as an addition to the exhibit now housed In City Hall. This division will give approximately 2500 specimens to each of the Institu tions. "I Was There A-Watchlnr Them." Ser jeant Taylor. morning. Iri view of the circumstances surrounding the case. Judge Cameron suspended sentence. Farshman conducts a saloon at' 523 North Twenty-fourth street, and Is one of the most widely known liquor dealers In Portland. He has been In the bus iness many years. He was arrested last week by Sergeant of Police Taylor and Patrolman Johnson, of the headquarters staff. Thlo, notwithstanding the fact that the establishment lies in the territory of the Upshur-street station. A tele phone message informed Captain Bailey, commanding the second relief at head quarters, that Farsh man's place, was open and that llqubr was being sold within. -Sergeant Taylor and Policeman John son hurried to the scene on a car, reach ing there at 1:30 A. M. What they found was related In detail during the hearing yesterday. "I peeked through, the doors and saw Follows Manager of the St. Johns Woolen Mill and Confronts Him With Revolver. Henry Orcgle. manager of the woolen mills at St. Johns, was held up at Hol brook at 7 o'clock last night and robbed of $23 In gold coin. Oregle was on his way to Castle Bock, and walked from LJnnton to Hibernians Hear Address. Division No. 1. Ancient Order of Hibernians held an unusually interesting meeting In their "hall at Second and Stark streets Wednesday evening. A pro gramme was given in the early part of the evening with special music and an address by E. H. Deery. Mr. Deery has Just returned from travels In Ireland and gave a vory Interesting account of his trip. Lunch was served at the close of the programme and dancing occupied tho jaio nours ot tne evonipg. jonn Ifarrell and J. E. Malley were In charge ot tho evening's entertainment. mltted the robbery followed him. and as he ncared Holbrook. confronted him with a drawn revolver and ordered him to turn over his money. The highwayman then beat a rapid retreat, and Mr. Oregle re ported the occurrence to the business peo plo ot the town. News was sent to Sheriff Word by telephone, and he dispatched Deputy Sheriff John Grussi to the scene. W. W. Cotton Is a Witness. W. W. Cotton, general counsel for tho O. R. & N.. will leave for New Tork Saturday where he will testify before tho United States District Court in the case of Tt. A. Graham nf fWio "Rnv nnlnnf SMASHED BY RUNAWAY CAR H i. R-.& a old ono iua.1 OAs okq oexore tne courts tor 3Iany Panlc-Strlckcn Passengers In jured In New York. NEW TORK, Oct. 25. A runaway street car on the new Wllllasmburg suspension bridge across the East River today caused the Injury of 23 persons, two of them being fatally hurl. For 1000 feet down the incline on the Manhattan ap proach of the bridge a Christopher-street car ran with Its brakes out of order un til It hit and demolished a standing Four teenth-street car, in which were ia pas sengers. In this latter car most of tho injuries occurred. It was 10 minutes be fore the broken roof, sides and floor ot this car could be taken off from the last passenger who was buried under the wreckage. John Holdcn, motorman of the Chris topher-street car. who remained on the front of his runaway car trying to stop it up to the last 10 yards of the down hill rush, was caught between the two cars, receiving a fracture of tho skull and Internal injuries from which he is expected to die. George Bryld. an employe of the West ern Electric company, also suffered a I fractured skull and was taken to tho hos pital, not expected to live. Tho Fourteenth-street car, blocked by a truck, was standing near the end of the bridge above Attorney street. Its pas sengers saw the other car bearing down number of years, and was brought by Graham In the first instance for an al leged breach of contract by the railroad company. Mr. Cotton will bo away from Portland for six weeks or two months. brtheBaBy Many of your neighbors have used Mellm 8 Food for their children. Ask them what they think of it; look at their children and see the result of using a proper food. . Mellin's Food will give the same good results if you will use it with your baby. Send for a sample, we will send it free of charge. Hnia'c Fl b tke ONLY Ufa r taxa & tf14 mtoal. StELLIN'S FOOD CO- BOSTON; MASS. GREAT STAR ATTRACTION Otto FiechtPs Famous Tyrolean Quintette And other high-class specialties every evening and Sunday matinee. New Ladies' Bohemian Orchestra, eight pieces, under direction of Miss Schroder. The largest music hall in the West, covering a space of 140,000 square feet; cost $130,000. Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 25 North Second street, and 243, 243 and 247 Burnside street. ERICKSON'S MUSIC HALL AUGUST ERICKSON, Proprietor WORLD'S FAIR PRIZES THE JAPANESE EXHIBITS $300,000 "Worth of Gold Medal Winners at the Lewis yj and Clark Exposition are now offered ro you AUCTION The sale begins daily at 10 A. M. in the Oriental building. All the Japanese exhibits will be sold. Now i is the time to get a beautiful and artistic SOUVENIR If you want a Christmas present or a wedding or birthday gift buy now and savo 400 per cent 25 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR is the ruling price. The beautiful and artistic wares and manufactures, : the art treasures of Japan are "going for a song." Now's the time to sing. Y. TDMAJI, Manageft CHAS. H. O'CONNOR, Auctioneer. Los Angeles and New York.