Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Prominent Musician Charged
With Embezzlement
of $1569.
Declares St. Paul Fire Marine In
surance Company Knew Ho
Was Embarrassed and
icnt Him the 3Ioney.
Upon a -warrant Issued out of the Mu
nicipal Court at the request ot Gen
eral Manager "W. F.. Zwick. of the
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
Company. Local Asent Lauren Pease
was arrested by Headquarters De
tectives Carpenter and Jteslng at his
apartments In the Hobart-Curtis At
2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon on
a charKC of larceny by embezzlement.
The sum statod in the complaint Is
$15G9.r.4. allowed to have been col
lected on pollclos and retained by the
behalf. Mr. Pease declares that the
company knew since last June that
he was financially ombarrassed. and
that with their knowledge and con
sent he used the money collected from
certain policies. He says he was
Klvon no warning of bis arrest, and
states he is not an embezzler in any
sense of the word.
On a charge of larceny "by embezzle
ment, Lauren Pease, prominent ! so
ciety and musical circles in Portland,
was placed under arrest at his apart
ments in the Hobart-Curtis at 2:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon, and taken
to police headquarters by Detectives
t'arpenlcr and Resins. Municipal Judge
Cameron fixed ball'in the sum of $3500,
which was given by sureties before
ufghtfall. General Manager W. F.
Zwicker, of the St. Paul Fire &. Ma
rine Insurance Company, is the com
plainant. The defendant is local agent
of the concern, and it is alleged he has
iipr-roprlated to his own use funds col
lected from policies to the extent of
$1j69.54. He denies the charge.
"1 am not an embezzler," said Mr.
Pease last night. "1 owe the company
approximately the sum named in the
complaint, but they loaned it to me.
Since last June I have been hard
pressed, and they knew it. With their
full knowledge and consent, I used
the funds, and they have never said a
word about It until today, when I was
arrested without a moment's warning.
I guess the people of Portland know me
well enough to believe that I could pay
a sum like that .in pretty short order, if
giicn the opportunity."
Frank Freeman has been retained
as counsel for the defense, and he
stated last night that he will ask for a
continuance of the case until next Mon
day, at which time he will beroady to
enter a plea for his client.
Sensation In Musical Circles.
No such a sensation has been sprung
In Portland for years in society cir
cles and among musical people here
as occurred yesterday when Pease
was arrested. The charge is a felony,
.nd the defendant must prove his in
nocence or spend a time in the peniten
tiary. It is as a man prominent in society
and musical affairs, with a passion for
driving young women about in fine
equipages that Lauren Pease is best
Known in Portland. He has been one of
he most prominent figures in the world
of music here for the past six years.
?n& is noted for his generosity and
fondness for giving banquets to friends
and making a "good fellow" of himself
Singer In City Churches.
Five years ago, Pease succeeded ex
Municipal Judge Hogue as tenor solo
ist at the First Congregational Church,
and later he assumed the same position
at the First Presbyterian Church. Sim
ultaneously, he accommodated the Tem
ple Beth Israel. He finished his term
in those places last June, since which
time he has not held any choir position.
Perhaps the most brilliant affair
Pease ever managed, was a musical he
ga e for Arthur L. Alexander. This ,vas
a year ago, when the latter reached
Portland from' Paris, to. take up his
residence here. This was given at the
Hobart-Curtis, and was a most gor
geous affair. All of the most prom
inent singers in the city were present.
A recent concert at the White Tem
ple, In farewell .for Miss Anne Ditch
burn, who was about to leave for New
York City, was under the management
of Mr. Pease. It was a complete success.
Says Acting Detectives Kay and Jones
"Were Too Hasty.
District Attorney Manning blames Act
ing Detectives Kay and Jones for the
failure of prosecutions In the cases of
three men recently arrested for living
with fallen women, and the officers, in
turn, think they were "Jobbed" by the
state in the matter. Municipal Judge
Cameron hardly knows what to think,
tut he Is of the opinion that some
thing wag wrong at one end of the line.
District Attorney Manning declares
that he did not have personal supervision
over the cases, and also states that Act
ing Detectives Kay and Jones went con
trary to his advice in the matter. He
says he told them they had best make
two or three weeks' investigation into
the cases of the men under consideration
before filing Informations, but instead of
heeding this, they rushed in and there
by spoiled the whole nlan of nrrvprfnrr
That some one is censurable for th
jamentauiy weak cases made out in the
Municlnal Court, is the
opinion in informed circles. Just where
to lay the blame no one seems to know,
but one thing ig certain the dissolute
trio are at liberty still.
3frs. A. J. 3rontgomery Says Man
ners of Parents Guide Children.
Religious training in the home was the
subject of an Interesting paper by Mrs.
A J. Montgomery before the Home Train
ing Association, yesterday afternoon, in
which she urged mothers to neglect no
opportunity to instill seeds of religious
thought into the child mind. Aside from
the actual practice of religious ceremo
nials,, such as family prayers. Mrs. Mont
gomery feels that much depends upon the
manner In which parents approach their
children, and says they should have "real
religion practice in the course of each
day, making it experimental, Instead of
"We must train children to be Chris
tians by example." said Mrs. Montgom
ery. "We must know the Bible thorough
ly and be able to use It. We may use
Christian literature to brighten us up on
the subject, but these helps should never
be used as substitutes.
"You may hire some one to nurse the
children In illness, but the mother or
father must instruct them in right living.
There can be no substitutes. The Sunday
school may be an aid, but it cannot take
the place of the home.
"We are not here to play, to dream, to
drift. We have a work to "do. Some par
ents say they have no time to devote to
such training. As thy days, so shall thy
strength be "
The discussion which followed the pa
per was of unusual interest, and was
participated in by a number of members.
Miss Brooks, entertained the association
by a recitation, and Mrs. William Reld
and Mrs. D. A. Pattullo were appointed
delegates to the State Congress of Moth
ers, which will be held this evening in
the assembly hall of the High School.
Judge George. Mrs. C M. Wood and Mrs.
B. H. Trumbull will be the speakers at
this meeting, to which the public Is cor
dially Invited.
Ios Angeles to Be the Home of a
, Permanent Information Bu
reau for Advertisement.
A permanent Oregon Information bu
reau in Los Angeles will be established
If the plans are carried out which wore
adopted at a meeting of the oxecutivo
committee of the Portland Board of Trade
held yesterday afternoon. Such a bureau
would maintain headquarters in that city,
where printed matter about Portland and
the state would be distributed among the
hundreds of home-seekers that arrive in
California each year, especially while the
colonists" rates are In force.
The Board of Trade Is willing to co
operate with the other commercial organ
izations of the city in raising funds to
defray the expense of keeping a bureau
of this character. The executive com
mittee recommended that it be placed in
charge of J. G. Carroll, who has ben
very successful In a work of similar char
acter In connection with the Lewis and
Clark information bureau in San Fran
cisco. The executive committee also decided
to Issue a book entitled "Industrial Port
land," to be used in advertising the city.
It will contain approximately 200 pages of
cuts and descriptive matter. P. W. Cus
ter, B. Lee Paget and Seneca Smith were
appointed a committee to collect data
and arrange for Its publication.
John Crawford. Jr., was elected to
membership on the executive committee
to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of L. A. Greenley. Two new mem
bers were received into the organization,
H. M. Cake and L. Samuel.
The following self-explanatory resolu
tion was adopted and forwarded to Peter
de B. Rossi, the representative of the Ital
ian government In Portland:
"Resolved, That the Portland Board of
Trade heartily recommends appropriate
recognition by Congress of the Mliano
Exposition, to be held in 1905. Italy's
creditable participation in the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, and her recognition of
every American exposition should be re
ciprocated by generous American partici
pation in the Milano Exposition from May
1 to October 30."
Large Audience Hears Programme
at St. Helen's Hall.
It has been truly said that "Muslchath
charms," and if this ever were true it
was last night. Harmony in all its ex
quisite beauty, used as a powerful de
scriptive medium, was listened to by a
spellbound audience at the recital at St.
Helen's Hall. The attendance was large,
the spacious study room of the Hall be
ing crowded to its limit.
To Judge from the genuine pleasure de
picted on every face and recalling the
fact that the recital was classical to the
most literal meaning of the word It may
be said that the listeners were of high
educational understanding, evincing their
approbation in repeated applause. Too
much praise cannot be given Miss Snook,
who rendered all parts of the vocal re
cital, and Miss Gheen, who gave the de
scriptive recital of the opera "Faust."
In the latter particularly much appre
ciation was shown because of the inter
esting explanatory remarks of Miss
Gheen throughout the rendition of the
piece. It was a musically educational
concert and more of its character are
expectantly looked forward to.
Body of Noted Portland Citizen
Reduced to Ashes.
ington, Oct. 26. Funeral services
were held in this city this morning
over the remains of Robert W. Mitch
ell, of Portland, who died last Mon
day at Bedford City, Va. Mr. Mitch
ell, after resigning his position with
The Dalles Military Wagon Road
Company, in. Portland, came East last
Spring to recover his health. When
not at various resorts in Virginia dur
ing the Summer, he was visiting his
son, Robert Mitchell, who is usher at
the White House.
In spite of the best medical treat
ment, Mr. Mitchell failed to recover,
but steadily declined. His death was
not unexpected. Mr. Mitchell's re
mains were cremated.
Countcrfeit Dollar Passed.
Mrs. Labelle -Carmen, who during the
Exposition has become familiar to the
eyes of many Portland people as the
snake charmer at the animal show on
the Trail, was taken to the Upshur street
station yesterday under suspicion of hav
ing passed a bogus silver dollar. The
woman had sent a boy, Ernest Conley.
to buy cigarettes with the money and
the clerk notified the police that a bad
coin had been given him.
Mrs. Carmen was found at her home,
SC4 Upshur street, and at -the station
stated that she had received the counter
feit In change at the ticket office of the
Grand Theatre. She held to the story
and was allowed to go while the secret
service men are investigating the his
tory of the money. The coin was a very
poor lead imitation of the real thing,
bearing the date of 1S70.
Hcsrxrss items.
If Babr la ChUIbc Teeth
Be rare and uao that old tsd well-tried rea
t&T. llrt, Window's Soothing Syrup, tar chil
dren tecthlnr. It soothes the child, oftea
the sums, allays all pals, cures wla4 colli
and diarrhoea.
Claim George Antone Did Not
List AN Property.
Attorneys Appear to Oppose His Dis
charge In Bankruptcy and Say
Certain Creditors Had
Undue Preference.
A protest against the discharge in
bankruptcy of George Antone, was filed
yesterday in the United States District
Court by Emmons & Emmons and W. H.
Fowler, attorneys appearing for Stein,
Lauer. Shohl & Co., John McCann & Co..
J. Hague & Co.. Elmwood Mills, Rose
Bros. & Co., and numerous other cred-
itors. of Antone. who charge him with
fraud. Antone was engaged in the mer
cantile business on First street noar Oak,
and filed a petition In bankruptcy on Jan
uary 20. '1904.
The petition protesting against his dis
charge sets forth that he concealed the
fact that S. J. Baseol of Chinook, was
Indebted to him in the sum of 12200. An
tone, It is alleged, owed Mike Shar Jf-00.
and to prevent Shar from opposing his
discharge In bankruptcy, caused Baseel
to pay Shar, Baseel. it is asserted, also
paid 11000 to Mike Ellis, a relative of
Antone, It Is alleged further that Antone
was Indebted to Mrs. M. Baseel In the
sum of 1700 and that to prevent hor from
contesting his discharge in bankruptcy.
Antone sold his stock of goods to Philip
J. and A. Ablan for the alleged consid
eration of 13250: Other like transactions
of a fraudulent character are said to
have occurred.
"Waterfront Lot In Dispute and Its
Existence Denied.
Carrier M. Elwert. who owns lot 5.
block 2, East Portland, at the foot of
East Washington street, filed suit In the
State Circuit Court yesterday against H.
E. Noble and J. Olson, to have determined
her right to the water-frontage. Mr.
Noble, representing P. H. Marlay as at
torney In fact, holds a tax deed to what
Is described as lot 4, block 2, which he
contends is on the river front, and not
lot 5. U. S. G. Marquam, attorney for
Miss Elwert, contends that years ago A.
H. Johnson brought suit against A. J.
Knott, who 'was then the owner of lot 5,
to determine the question of the frontage,
and the Supreme Court decided that there
is no property between lot 5 and the river.
Mr. Marquam asserts that the Noble
claim of ownership of land between lot 3
and the high-water mark of the river is
without foundation, and that there is no
such property as lot 4. The attorney
states further that Noble secured a deed
from William M. Ladd, the administrator
of the estate of A. H. Johnson, and
trustee under a trust deed covering the
supposed lot 4, for a consideration of
about 130). Miss Elwert desires to build,
and wants the use of the river. Hor title
descends from Knott. The controversy
promises to be a most Interesting one.
Contest P. G. Martin AVill.
Three daughters of the late Peter G.
Martin, namely, Mrs. Mary Keller. Mrs.
Cassle Donahue and Mrs. Elizabeth Hall,
will contest his will, devising all of the
property to their sister, Mrs. Delia Hall.
Martin died In this city October 10. The
estate consists of several houses and lots
and money. The' will was admitted to
probate in the County Court yesterday.
Father Black testified that he drew up
the will in April last, at the request of
Mr. Martin.
J. F. Boothe and T. B. McDevltt, who
represent the contestants as attorneys,
were present in court, and told Judge
Webster that they will bring proceedings
later to have the will set aside.
File Stipulations In Hulme Case.
A decision has been reached by John F.
Logan, representing Thomas E. Hulme.
City Plumbing Inspector, who was re
moved by Mayor Lane, with the assist
ance of Policeman John Qulnton. as to
the stipulations which R. W. Montague,
attorney appearing in the Interest of the
Mayor, will present to the State Circuit
Court in a case to have the question of
the right of Hulme to the office deter
mined. The stipulations may be filed in
the State Circuit Court today. Hulme
contends that he holds the title to the
office by appointment of the City Coun
cil, which a month ago passed an ordi-
nance to that effect. The Mayor disputes
this, and also Mr. Montague, and say the
Mayors' appointee holds the place legally.
The court will decide the question.
Court Brevities.
Papers in a divorce suit filed in
Roseburg by Julia Hurley against Jud
son Hurley, were served here by a
Doputy Sheriff yesterday.
Deputy Sheriff Parrott served papers
in a suit brought by G. W. Lynch
against H. A. Kline in Nye County, Ne
vada', to recover $1200, alleged due as
a payment for 60,000 shares of stock in
the California & Nevada Mining Com
pany. The final account of William J.
Wilson, administrator of the estate of
James Wilson, deceased, was filed in
the .County Court yesterday, showing
12353 receipts and $2332 disbursed. The
heirs are John H-, Dan J. and W. J.
Wilson. The property is valued at about
Street Committee of Executive Board
Has Busy Session.
Councllmen Dan Kellahor and A. G.
Rushlight, representing East -Side
property-owners, appeared before a
special meeting of the street commlt-
tee of the Executive Board yesterday
afternoon, and made strong arguments
in behalf of immediate repairs to a
. number of thoroughfares In their
wards, with the result that City En
gineer Taylor was instructed to pre--pare
plans for the Immediate improve
ment of the following streets out of
the repair fund: Grand avenue, south
from East Clay to the bridge: Union
avenue, from East Oak south to East
Stark; aVnd necessary repairs to tho
East Twelfth-street bridge.
! The immediate Improvement of
, Weldlor street, from East First to
. East Twenty-first, was also ordered,
at a probable cost of 15550. according
J to the City Engineer's estimates. This
; matter has been hanging fire some
; time on account of a remonstrance.
nut tue committee decided to go
Judge Northup appeared beforo the
committee in behalf of property-own-ors
opposed to the immediate improve
ment of Nineteenth street, from the
south line of Spring to the north line
of Jackson, and asked that the im
provement be deferred until Spring on
account nf the additional cost if un
dertaken during the Winter season.
Proposals for improving tho street
having already been Invited, the com
mittee concluded that the proper time
to make objection would be when bids
were opened at the next regular meet
ing ot the Executive Board
The Home Telephone Company also
submitted plans and specifications of
some of its proposed underground con
duits. In accordance with certain pro
visions of Its franchise.
Aged Uncle of George Pappajanakes
Buys Ticket to Athens in Vain.
Less than30 minutes had elapsed after
the purchase of a ticket from Astoria to
Athens, Greece, by Nick Pappajanakes
when he heard of the shooting of Zack
Pangares by George Pappajanakes In
Portland, and was obliged to give up his
trip to Europe to remain and assist In
the defense of his nephew.
r The aged uncle reached Portland from
Astoria yesterday morning, and went to
the offices of Attorney A. Walter Wolfe,
where he volunteered to do anything in
his power to help the accused nephew. It
Is not known as yet what the defense
will be. but a stubborn legal battle will
be waced. Nick PaDnaianakes Is a
' wealthy, fisherman, and has lived In As
! torla many years.
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
remedy is always
has carried thousands
of women throusrh
the trying crisis without suffering.
Send for free book containing luforaiUea
ef priceless v&lse to all expecUat aotaers.
The BraHtM RtfNlattr Ct., Atlanta. 6a.
Oregon Exhibit Takes Lead in
Number, of Prizes.
Great Diversity of Mineral Re
sources Demonstrated In List of
Prize-Winners From All
Sections of State.
Almost every-producing mine and oros-
pect of any importance, quartz and placer.
was represented In the Oregon Mining
Exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion. Baker, Josephine. Jackson, Doug
las, Lane. Grant, Wallowa. Curry. Coos.
Marlon, Morrow, Lincoln and Polk Coun
ties were represented. It Is estimated by
F. R. Mellls superintendent of the ex
hibit that a value of annroximatplv SSft-
000 was represented. . It was the largest
ana most comprehensive display of min
erals ever made by any Pacific Coast
state and comprised gold, silver, copper,
lead, cinnabar, cobalt, nickel, molybdenite,
iron and manganese ores, pitchblende,
gold nuggets, bars and buttons native
gold and silver, crrstalllzed cold
gypsum, limestone, marble, granite,' clays.
raw sienna, silicate or alumina. Tripoli
asbestos, auriferous black sand, polished
wood, petrifactions and agates. siell marl,
crystals, mineral soap. Jasper, antimony,
native copper, and practically every va
riety of mineral substance found In Its
native state In the commonwealth.
Medals and awards accredited are far In
excess of the number received bv nnv
other state, as follows:
Gold Medal.
State of Oregon, for mineral exhibit.
Baker County, for collective mineral dis
play. Oregon Smelting & Refining Co.. Sumpter.
Or.. Fred I. Fuller, manager, .smelter model.
Standard Consolidated Mines Co., exhibit
of cobalt ores.
Pacific Coast "Co., miniature coal mine.
Gelser-Hendryx Investment Co.. exhibits of
Jackson County, exhibits of mines.
W. B. Dennis, exhibit of quicksilver ores.
F. J. Hardt. ores from Riverside, Ve
suvius and Colorado mines.
The Adamant Company, booth constructed
of various wall plaster. C F. Beebe, man
ager. The Adamant Company, adamant finishes,
wood fiber, plasters. C. F. Beebe, manager.
Silver Medals.
Conner Creek Gold Mining Co., visible free
gold specimens.
Continental Gold Mining Co., ores, concen
trates and gold buttons.
Josephine County, exhibits of ores.
Eastern Oregon 'Mining Co., average and
Tpeclmen ores.
Greenback Gold Mining Co.. exhibit of gold
quartz specimens.
Fred R. Mellls. exhibits of gold, copper,
silver, agate. Opal, crystals and cinnabar
Lane County, exhibit of minerals.
Reldle & Hegele. sandstone.
Oregon Securities Co., ores from Oregon
Securities properties, Bohemia mining- dis
trict, and concentrates Jrom ore from Cham
pion mine.
W. B. Dennis, model of Dennis quicksilver
Oregon Lime & Plaster Co.. Oregon gyp
sum, manufactured plaster, wood fiber and
plaster structure.
Cascadla Mining A Development Co.. ex
hibit of gold and copper ores.
Fidelity Copper Co.. display of copper ore.
X. E. Imhaus. paper manufactures from
Eastern Oregon bunchgrass.
Bronze Medals.
C. E. Ladd, copper ores from McDugal
Lucky Boy Mining Co.. gold-bearing ore
and concentrates.
Golconda Mining Co., gold specimens and
milling ore.
Indiana Mining Co.. collection of cop
per ores.
United Elkhorn Mines Co. ores and con
centrates. Belmont mine, crystallized gold.
Deep Gravel Mining Co.. exhibit ot
Oregon Sienna Paint Co.. crude materials
and products.
Copperopolls Mining Co.. copper ores.
O. F. Stafford, book on mineral resources
of Oregon.
Carter Land Co., carved sandstone.
Beaver Hill Coal Mining Co.. commercial
Ogle Mountain Mining Co., visible gold
Merchants Gold Mining Co., gravel, sand
and gold nuggets.
Northwestern Granite Co.. polished granite.
Bourne Gold Mining Co.. large quartz
specimens from E. & E. mine.
Honorable Mention.
Virtue, mine gold specimens.
Greenly & Crawford, rare minerals and
Grizzly Gold Mining Co.. exhibit of ores.
Imperial mine. Galenta and gold ores.
Gallce Consolidated Mining Co., group of
photographs. .
Fargo Gold & Copper Mining Co., cop
per ores.
Columbia Gold Mining Co.. gold specimens.
Charles Ogylvy, opallzed wood.
Blue River Consolidated Mining Co., gold
Gold Bug Mining Co., gold quartz.
Newberg Pressed Brick Co.. pressed brick.
Great Northern mine, oxidized and free
milling gold ores.
Richardson & Cook, copper ores.
J. E. McCauley. gold ores.
Gold Hill & Bohemia Gold Mining Co..
ore exhibits.
Great Northern mine, oxidized tree mill
ing gold ore.
North Falrvlew Mining Co., collection of
LeRor mine. cold, silver and catena ores.
Levens Ledge Gold Mining Co.. samples
of gold and sliver quartz.
Montie. Consolidated Mining Co.. gold speci
Mayflower mine, specimens of visible gold
West Side Mining Co.. collection of ores.
Mrs. Florence McDanlel, crystals, 'of Jo
sephine County crystal caves.
Grant County, commercial ores.
Gem group of mines, collection of ores.
Listen Lake Mining Co., copper and gold
Iron Dyke mine, copper ores.
HeDDner It. R. & Coal Co.. bituminous coal
Umpqua, Coal Mining Co.. commercial coaL
Freeland Consolidated Mining Co., exhibit
of gold and copper ores.
G. W. Blodgett. polished Jasper from Jo
sephlne County.
B. F. Glltner. Iron deposits of Scappoose.
Mule Mountain Mining Co.. exhibit of ores.
uaffety Bros.. Iron ore from Scappoose.
Waldo Smelting & Mining Co.. variety of
ores from the different properties.
No woman's happi
ness can be complete
without children ; it
is her nature to love
and want them
as much so as
it is to love the
beautiful and
JBfcf yyJ EjB fjm
flF K S 9 JK fMJK
Crystal Consolidated Gold Mining- Co.,
large collection of cold ores.
Bonanza, mine, exhibit of sold ores.
Hiawatha mine, exhibit of gold ores.
Cornucopia mines, exhibit of gold ores.
Golconda mines, visible gold quarts.
Tabor Reed. 132-pound gold boulder.
J. D. Wisdom & Co.. antimony display.
John C. Lewis, colored photos of Leland
placer mines.
Mrs. Martha II. Laisner Testifies in
Her Own Behalf.
Martha H. Laisner. testifying In her
own behalf In the divorce suit prosecuted
against her by her husband. William F.
Laisner. In the Circuit Court, yesterday.
of Improper conduct, denied all his
charges against her. She said he beat
her frequently and -blacked her eyes and
she called witnesses who saw her when
her optics were discolored and her body
bruised. She admitted that she struck
her husband at The Oaks when he was
dancing with another woman and said
she did so because he called her a vile
name.' She was with another man at
the time. Regarding her associations
with a man named Smith In the Krlbs
hopyards. she stated her aunt was there,
and there was nothing wrong In their
actions. It was purely Platonic frlend-
Mrs. Laisner said she furnished nearly
all the money that went Into their home
at Alblna, having received 'It from the
estate of her father. A. King Wilson,
attorney for Mrs. Laisner argued that
the husband only put a few hundred
dollars In the home, and as he gave It
to his wife, the whole place belonged to
her. 5
Witnesses for Mrs. Laisner were Mrs.
M. B. Oliver, who said she was a good
girl, Mrs. May Scott. Mrs. A. George.
A. King Wilson. B. S. Winkleback and
her mother-ln-law. Mrs. Elizabeth Grier.
The latter had a quarrel with Laisner
and hor arm was broken. Laisner in ex
plaining this occurrence said he threw
the broom out of the house and Mrs.
Grier went with It. The complaint In
the case asks that Mrs. Grier be given
the custody of the child of the litigants,
a boy six years old. The principal con
test b over the property. Judge Gfiorge
took the case under advisement.
3Iayor May Call Special Council
Meeting: for Purpose.
In alf probability Admiral Goodrich
will be accorded a public reception cf
some sort by the municipality when
tne nagship Chicago comes Into port
next week, as Mayor Lane now has the
matter under consideration. Council
man Beldlng broached th subject to
the Mayor yesterday, 'and the chances
are a special meeting of the Clty
Councll will be called to make proper
arrangements, as the cruiser will get
here before the regular meeting of the
It will be remembered that upon tho
occasion of the Admiral's previous
visit here, during the Fair, arrange
ments were made by the Council for
a grand public demonstration In his
honor, but he was obliged to sail un
expectedly without having an oppor
tunity to enjoy the projected function.
and his sudden departure led to a
great deal of criticism. It is thought
the Admiral's presence here at this
time is in a measure for the purpose
of showing that he was not actuated
by any unfriendly feeling when he
went away so hilrriedly.
But It 3Iiw Proven of Interest and
Vnlnn to Thousands.
Common sense would suggest that If one
wishes to become fleshy and plump It can
only result from the food we eat and di
gest, and that food should be albuminous
or flesh-forming food, like eggs, beef
steak and cereals: In other words, the
kinds of food that make flesh are the
foods which form the greater part of our
dally bills of fare.
But the trouble Is, that while we eat
enough and generally too much,, tho
stomach, from abuse and overwork, does
not properly digest and assimilate It,
which Is the reason so many people re
main thin and under weight; the digestive
organs do not completely digest the flesh
forming beefsteak, eggs and similar
wholesome food.
There are thousands of such who ar5
really confirmed dyspeptics, although they
may fiave no particular pain or Inconve
nience from their stomachs.
If such persons' would lay their preju
dices aside and make a regular practice
ot taking, after each meal, one or two of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, the food
would be quickly and thoroughly digested,
because these tablets contain the natural
peptones and diastase which every weak
stomach lacks, and by supplying this
want the stomach is soon enabled to
reach Its natural tone and vigor.
Stuart's DyspepBla Tablets digest every
kind of flesh-forming food, meat, eggs,
bread and potatoes, and this Is the reason
they so quickly build up. strengthen and
Invigorate thin, dyspeptic men, women
and children.
Invalids and children, even tho most
delicate, uso them with marked benefit, as
they contain no strong. Irritating drugs,
no cathartic nor any harmful ingredients.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the most
successful and most widely known of any
remedy for stomach troubles, because they
are the most reasonable and scientific of
modern medicines.
Stuart's"byspepsla Tablets are sold by
every druggist In the United States and
Canada, as well as Great Britain, at 50
cents for complete treatment.
Nothing further Is required to cure any
stomach trouble or to make thin, nervous,
dyspeptic people strong, plump and well.
Walk Easy
You can't do it unless you wear
O'Sullivan Rubber Heels of Brand
New Rubber. Other rubber heels?
Well, they're imitations, and
there's no new- rubber in 'em.
These scrap-heap rubber heels cost
you as much as O'Sullivan's; and,
oh, what a difference in the
resiliency! So, don't forget to say
"O'Sullivan" when you order.
Fifty cents a pair, attached, at all
Lowell, Mass.
wna are not in the lull possession of
sexual strength bodily yijor need is nature's great
restorative. Made from the genuine
Mexican plant. Send (or areolar.
323 Market St.. S. F. Alldraggim
WARD - -
" The Century Is a necessity
to modern men and women
Dlnci from Our Dislillsry io YOU
Saves Dealers' Profits
Provcnts Adulteration
Send us t(ie abova amount and wa
will ship In a plain sealed case, with r.o
marks to show contents. Try the whis
key. Have your doctor test It If you
don't find It alt rizhtandthe purest and
best whiskey you ever fasted, ship It
back to us at our expense and your
mosey will be promptly refunded.
You an have either Ryo or Bourbon
Remember, wa pay the express or
freight charges. You sava money
byordertn?20 auarts byfrelehL
If you cant use so much yourself, P;
set a friend to join you.
coes direct to you from our
distillery, one of the largest
and best equipped in the
world, thus assuring you of
perfect purity and saving
you the dealers' big profits.
It is prescribed by doctors
and used is hospitals and
by half a million satisfied
customers, because it is good and pare and
yet so cheap.
Distillery. Trot. O. Established 1566
502 Capital $500,000.00 Paid In Full
FitS, then
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv"
ine has been so successful jn
curing these brain-wrecking
diseases tnat there is every;
reason to believe that even the
most hopeless cases can be
benefited, if not fully restored.
We will be pleased to refer,
any one thus afflicted to many
who now -enjoy the blessing of
health, after years of hopeless
"I have a son that had brain fever
when two years old, followed by nts of
tho trorst typo, and ho was pronounced
Incurable. I spent hundreds of dollars
for him, Tflthout relief. After about
fifteen years he cecamo so bad that -we
sent hun to LonsclUC hospital for tho
insane, at Losransport, Ind. He "was
there nearly three years, but he con
tinued to grow -worse, so we brought
him home July 30. 1903, in an awful
condition. He had lost his mind almost
entirely. He hardly knew one of the
family; could not even find his bed;
was a total wreck. He had from 6to
10 fits a day. We were urged to try
Dr. Miles' Nervine, and before the first
bottlo was used, we could see a change
for the better. We have given It to
him ever since, and he has had but
two very Ilsht spells since last August.
1303, and then he was not well other
ways. We pronounce him cured, as he
can work and go anywhere. If any one
wishes to ask any questions cqncernlnj;
thls.they are at liberty to do so."
E. H. BUNNELL, Lincoln, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
If you have Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stric
ture or Syphilis In any of their forms,
stages or complications, we can give
you A Positive Cure.
We likewise quickly cure Varicocele
and Hydrocele painlessly and without
the old surgical methods with the
knife. The following are among- other
diseases we cure with equal skill and
success: Impotency, IVervou Decline
and Vital Weakness, the result of ex
cesses or youthful terrors, Xocturaal
liOMKt, Spermatorrhoea, 1'roHtntorrhoea
and all other related troubles as well
as Bladder, Stomach and Kidney affec
tions. Plies, Itectal Ulcers, Eczema and
other Skiu Eruptions.
Consultation and examination free. Write
for symptom blank and book II you cannot
Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 8 P. il.; Sundays,
) to 12.
ii 11
St. Louis EE." Dispensary
Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts Portland, Or.