4 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1905. GUIDED If SPIRITS Ronalds Gave Nearly a Million to Miss Blake. SON SUES TO RECOVER IT Strange Contest Follows Death of Aged and Wealthy Father of American Coaching Miss Blake Denies Charge. NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Suit -was begun today by Reginald Ronalds, .son of Pierre Lorlllard Ronalds, "the Father of Coach ing In America," who died In this city October 22, to recover property valued at nearly a million dollars -which had toeen deeded by the cider Ronalds to Miss Elizabeth 27. Blake. The papers served on Miss Blake allege that valuable par cels of real estate had been delivered to her by Pierre Lorillard Ronalds be cause she had led him to believe that tho act was In obedience to the com mands of -spirits .of his deceased rela tives. The papers were executed in ICovomber 1901. Pierre Lorillard Ronalds was 79 years of age. Miss Blake says for the past jiineteon years she had been as a daugh ter to the old man, he affection com forting his declining -days, and that dur ing all that time he had been with her constantly. On his trips abroad, she says, she was constantly by his side. Tho widow of Mr. Ronalds Is at present liv ing abroad, where she has made her home since the separation from her hus band In 16S7. She is known In British and continental society. The complaint of Reginald Ronalds as serts that at the time the deeds were executed the old man was Incompetent to manage his affairs and without suf ficient intelligence to comprehend or understand the effect of the documents signed. Miss. Blake, in an interview tonight, de nied that she had sought to obtain or exercise any undue Influence over Ron alds and also that .she was or ever pro fessed to be a. spiritualist. She said she had received no income from the property deeded to her .and did not even know where the property is located. She had been told that the income would be deposited in a bank to her credit, to be handed to her after the death of Mr. Ronalds, to whom she said she was first introduced by her parents, who were Intimate friends of Mr. Ronalds while he was living at Barlow, N. Y. She said that during the 19 years in which she , was acquainted with Mr. Ronalds she was also on most friendly terms with his sons, Reginald and Pierre Lorll lard .Ronalds. Jr. The property which is in contention is -in the down town section of New York. WILL BE ARRAIGNED ON CHARGE OF ATTEMPT TO KILL WRONG 10 OF LICENSE DOG VARIETY SERVES RURAL SWAIN BRIEFLY. Careless Minister Discovers Mistake When He Goes to File ' Certificate- Prospective rural bridegrooms fre quently apply at the license department of -the City Auditor's office for marriage licenses, oblivious to the fact, in their excess pf Joy, that the County Clark, at the Courthouse is the proper person from whom to secure the coveted document. Tuesday a verdant-looking couple pre sented themselves at the license counter in the City Hall and. timidly asked for a license, without specifying any particular- kind. Deputy Auditor Pierce was on duty and it being during the rush hours, was exceedingly strenous. Owing to the activity of the Poundmaster late ly there has been an unusual demand for dog licenses, and without stopping to consider the matter. Pierce hurriedly Issued one of this kind and turned his attention to the next applicant. The couple sought the services of a minister, and after the divine had joined them in holy wedlock, was handed the paper purporting to be the license. This he thrust Into his pocket as a mat tor of course without perusal, took his iee and repaired to the County Clark's office to record the instrument, when the' startling discovery was made that the couple had been married on a dog license. Agitated beyond expression, the rever end gentleman promptly apprised Deputy Pierce of the situation, and the latter started off post naste to locate the cou ple. About midnight they were un earthed in an obscure downtown room ing house. PERS0NALMENTI0N. Deputy City Auditor "V. S. Lotan has returned from a ten days' vacation tour of the Sound cities, and is again at his post.- "VV. B. Jerome, general agent of the New York Central lines, will reach Port land about the middle of next week, on his annual tour of Inspection of the con dition of the company offices throughout the Northwest. C. A. CogswelJ, who is considered one of the most active members of the Exec utive Board, returned yesterday from a. trip through Southeastern Oregon In time to participate lh the deliberations of the body in connection with the Irvington District sewer bond matter. Judge George H. Williams has so far recovered from a severe attack of a cold and congestion of the lungs, contracted while -attending a banquet at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, that ho is able to be around in his library. Judge Wil liams left his bed, to which he had been confined, yesterday. Dr. A. S. Nichols, the Judge's physician, says his patient has so far recovered that he Is no longer in need Pf medical attendance. NEW YORK, Oct 25. (Special.) North western people registereQ at New York hotels today as follows: From Portland C. A. Morden, at the Marlborough; L. Swctland, at the-'Vic toria. Ftom Seattle F. W. Baker, at the Na varre; D. L. Deanley, Mrs. W. F. Foster, J. Gor,t and 'wife, at the Astor. CHICAGO. Oct 2S.-SpecIal.)-Oregon-ians registered today as follows: Auditorium H. 6. Gordon, F. Woolsey. Portland. f Sherman House J. F. Meyers, Portland. Morrison S. W. .Crowell, Oregon. Xaiserhof W. B. Silsbee and -Rife, Ore gon. 3reat Northern F. T. Kelley and wife, Baker City. MITCHELL TArPAJANAKES. WHO ATTACKED ZACK PANGARES. CharRtd with assault with Intent to kill Zack PangM-ei;. Georjce Mitchell Pap pajanakeR will be arra!g;nd In the Municipal Court tomorrow morning, lie waa captured In the North-End district at 3 o'clock yesterday morning by Captain Bailey. Sergeant Taylor, Tellcemen Price. Johnson. O'Brien. "Vllon and Gaa sctt. He was locked up Immediately. . "When the case was called yesterday morning. A. Wajter "Wolfe appeared as counsel for the defendant, and requested that Friday be' set as the date for arraignment. This was granted. Pappajanakes Is the Greek who disappeared so mysteriously under the docks at the foot of Washington street, after llrlng a shot from a Revolver at Pan gares. In the latter oyster parlors at 102 Fourth street, last week. Pappajanakes quarreled with Pan ga res over the sale of & restaurant In As toria, thinking he was being beaten out of his just portion of the proceeds. After he shot Pangares he fled and was followed by a small army of citizens and offi cers, but evaded them all by running under the docks. From there no trace of him wpi found until his whereabouts was reroaled to the police' by friendly Greeks. He had been In hiding at Fourth and Ankeny streets, where food had been carried him by a friend. This was what betrayed him. REVOLT (Continued From Page 1.) agitators who try to incite them to deeds of violence. Czar Shut In by. Strike. The Czar himself Is a victim of the rail road strike and the situation In which he is placed well Illustrates the difficulty the government may have to face. Nicholas is shut up at Peterhof, and, as no trains can be run, it is Impossible for him to return to the city.. Communication with his Ministers is carried on by messengers on horseback. Should an emergency arise calling for the sudden moving of a large force of soldiers to Peterhof, it would be difficult to get thorn there in quick .time. The tie-up on the railroads has come as a great blow to thousands of citizens. Because of the threatening situation mans of them would leave the country, but It Is impossible to do so. Hundreds left the city In carriages and by using other slow vehicles, but the danger of traveling through the country where there are threats of agrarian outbreaks at any time has deterred many others from mak ing the attempt. A strike of all telegraph operators has been decided upon to begin Saturday, and. ir it Is inaugurated. St. Petersburg and other cities will be cut off from all com munication with the world. Fighting: Jn Southern Cities. This condition of affairs Is not confined to St. Petersburg. In other large centers the situation is as bad as or worse than here. Moscow and Warsaw have been cut off fromall communication with the outside world just as completely as has SL Petersburg. From both these cities come reports of fighting and clashes be tween the people and soldiers. At Riga a state .of anarchy exists. Many persons have been killed in conflicts with soldiers, and the soldiers appear prac tically helpless. At Odessa a general tie up of all roads running Into the city is expected. Men on the entire system have joined In the movement and traffic on Its lines is suspended. La Grippe Tkrice Cared. "I have had the grip three different times," says Mrs. Thomas Cleland, of Al liance, Ohio, and was left with a bad, cough. Every time I was cured by the use f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I can not speak too highly of this valua ble medicine' For sale by all drurctet. HALF OF E3IPIRE PARALYZED Strike Extending on All Sides and Affects All Industries. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct, 25. Over halt of European Russia is in the grip of the striking railroad men, and the strike con tinues to spread rapidly In ail directions. The roads in the Volga region are at a standstill, and today a general strike was proclaimed on the two remaining lines running out of St. Petersburg. Before tomorrow the capital is expected to be cut off from the outside world by way of the continent. This will also involve the suspension of postal communication. The League of Leagues has seized the opportunity to come to he support of the railroad men, and has adopted a resolu tion In favor of a general strike of all professions. The telegraph operators are Joining In the movement, and the suspen sion of, railroad traffic, it is feared, will be followed Dy a complete obliteration of communication between Interior points. The situation is critical and pregnant of all sorts of dire possibilities. The fac tories in the' affected districts have been forced to shut down for lack of fuel, and .Moscow especially races not only a food but a -water famine. Fortunately, St. Petersburg will have communication open through Finland. The British Ambassador, Sir Charles Hardlnge, who bade farewell to Emperor Nicholas yesterday, previous to leaving St. Petersburg on a mission in connection with the proposed Anjrto-Russl&n under standing, wm unabl to start for England this morning, because no trains we re run ning. He left later in the day by way of Finland. Telegraphic communication between St. Petersburg and Khartoff is broken. Petersburg and Kharkoff Is broken. Alexandrovia and Nevsky works struck this 'morning. Government Is Powerless. The Social Democrats believe they have the government at their mercy, since. with the railroads stopped, the authori ties are powerless to transport troops. This Is all the more serious, as bloody collisions have already been reported at various places and a dangerous agrarian movement has brokon out In the gov ernment of Samara. The strength displayed by the Social Democrats has amazed the authorities, who were taken quite as much by sur prise at the evidence of their power as they were at the time of the Gapon re bellion. The distress In the central provinces Is greatly Increased by the enforced suspen sion of the famine relief work. Prince HilKoff, the MinlsWr of Rail roads, whose appeal to the strikers at, Moscow were so unavailing that he could not get an engineer to bring him to St. Petersburg, but who, with a fireman stoking, drove his own engine, arriving here black and dust-begrlmed, is not blamable for the failure of the govern ment to keep its promises made In the Spring to Increase the wages of tho rail road men. That responsibility rests on the Minister of Finance. Students Join Railroad Men. Prince Hilkoff expects to meet the rail road delegates here, but apparently they have already burned " their bridges at meetings held last night and which con tinued until dawn this morning. A dozen of these of the most enthusiastic charac ter were held. The largest, wntcn was held In the university, was attended by about 10,000 persons. Including students who are making common cause with the workmen, and whose leaders are making speeches in favor of a resolution of stu dents to. strike until they are allowed to discuss political questions. The students joined the railroad men In passing a reso lution in favor of the immediate convoca tion of a constituent assembly elected by direct universal suffrage and demanding that the laws governing labor be sanc tioned by the representatlvese. The res olution demands the immediate granting of political freedom, and declares that thus only can an armed revolution be averted. These resolutions were adopted after a deputation which called on Count Wltte had reported. WTltte Talks Frankly. The Count received the deputation as a private individual. He spoke to them wjth his -usual bluntness, and told them plainly that some of their demands would be granted, while the granting of others was impossible. Count Witte informed his visitors that a law permitting greater freedom of meet ings than allowed by the laws of Italy and Austria-Hungary and providing for freedom of the press had already been elaborated. Martial law on the railroads, he said, was an anachronism, which should be abolished. The demand for a constituent assembly, tho Count said, could not be realized, nor could universal suffrage be admitted, aj all the peoplo were not prepared to exercise the right of franchise. Ia this connection the Count spoke of the power wielded by capital in America, where universal suffrage existed. He thought It possible to meet the demands for an eight-hour day. especially for out door workers, and warmly favored the general measures advocated with the view to improving the condition of the work ingmcn, especially in the way of schools, hospitals, etc Count Wltte warned tho deputation that a continuation of the strike could only result In bloodshed, either by compelling tho Interference of the military or by the famine-stricken populace of the cities turning upon the strikers. "Remember." he said, "the government may fall, but with it you will perish also by playing Into the hands of the bour geoisie you are fighting." In conclusion. Count Wltte advised the men to return to work, but his advic was howled down anbf 'the resolution to strike was adopted. Hilkoff .Says It Can't Win. Prince Hilkoff believes that the strike cannot be prolonged, as the men are with out funds. Besides this, he declares It Is Impossible for the men to realize their dream of tying up all the railroads sim ultaneously. With the -assistance of the railroad battalions, some trains, the Prince says, will be run. Some of the-revolutionists here declaro that the present strike is simply a test of strength as a prelude to a complete strike of all the social groups. There was considerable excitement today at al the railroad stations, which were In possession Of troops. Not a train departed. The railroad battal ions were called out and an attempt will be made to man a train to Mos cow and the frontier tomorrow. Col lisions are feared. Great. crowds assembled at the Mos cow station, and gendarmes interfered twice to restore order, but there was no bloodshed. Leaders of the strike on the Moscow and Warsaw lines, after a consultation, have planned a blgr meet ing for October 27. There are 400,000 railway employes In the empire, and their average wage Is $140 per annum. The Minister of Railroads has or dered that an allowance of $1 per day for food be made In the case of first class passengers who are detained en route, and that 50 cents be allowed to second-class and 25 cents to thlrd-cliss passengers. Strike Rapidly Extends. YMs "vaftcrnrton's reports show an enormous extension of the strike. All Poland lines arc tle4 up an J a strike has begun on the Great Southwestern system, coverlnar the territory south ward from Kleff toward Odessa. Tho German Red Cross, which has arrived here from the front. Is unable to leave St. Petersburg. Trains In the Baltic provinces arc not running, and the sit uation Is reported very bad at Riga. and Ltbau. The railroad stations here are guard ed by police and troops, the soldiers In barracks are kept under arms, and squads of Cossacks are in evidence In the streets, which are filled with Idle men. Ir. addition to the strike of the workmen of the Obukhoff, Poutlloff. Nevsky, Alexandrovskl and Kolplno works, all tne employes of the factories on the Schlusselburghaussee w:alkcd out today In sympathy with the strikers. Blood Conflicts Break Out. Bloody conflicts have occurred -at Ekaterinoslav. The food famine Is in creasing. Meat prices are a third higher, than yesterday. The Postofflccs refuse to accept reg istered letters, parcels or money for transmission abroad. The radical papers are in open sym pathy with the strikers. The Nasha Shlsn has been confiscated. The Slovo. Liberal, condemns the strike as a co lossal blunder. "Hitherto," the paper says, "the struggle has been against the beaureacracy. The present move ment Injures the whole nation. Im poverishing tho people and driving them to excesses to get food. It will play into the hands of the reaction aries, as it will arouse against the strikers everybody In need of bread, whether cabdrlver or peasant." Hospital trains having- on board 503 sick and wounded soldiers, from Man churia, are held up near Moscow. The condition of the men Is said to be pitiable. All the cotton mills and " other fac tories on the .banks of the Neva struck this afternoon. Men and women are moving" up the streets, but are perfect ly' orderly, the leaders enjoining quiet. The street-cars In several districts have stopped, but only In the Neva dis trict, where- the roughest working ele mont congregates. Is the situation con sidered alarming. A House Burglar Talks About His Own Business V- FIGHTIXG AT BARRICADES. Strikers .and Students Join Forces Against Soldiers. EKATERINOSLAV, Russia, Oct 23. Two bloody conflicts occurred here today betwecn the troops and demonstrators. The first took place, opposite the munici pal buildings and the second near the Pushkin monument. Numbers were killed or wounded In both instances by the vol leys fired by the soldiers. The demon strators near the municipal buildings re fused to disperse when ordered, and errected barricades. A meeting of stu dents of the schools which are on strike was dispersed by the police, who made free use of their whips. Many students were injured. The town Is In ' darkness this evening and the military are patrolling the streets. Tho telephone and telegraph wires are cut, and It Is reported that the strikers have destroyed the permanent railroad bed. Fifteen persons were killed and 2S In jured yesterday In a conflict between troops and strikers at the Brlansk works, where the strikers' had erected wire en tanglements. The courts, banks and oth er public offices have been closed. It Is reported that the strikers have taken possession of a train which was approach ing Ekaterinoslav and have destroyed the station buildings along the line ROAD TO VIENNA TIED TJP Prince Leopold Has to Travel With Soldiers on Train. WARSAW. Russian Poland Oct. 23. Communication with St. Petersburg Is In terrupted. Russian agitators arc circu lating on the Vienna railroad calling on employes to Join the strike. Strong patrols of infantry and cavalry occupy the streets, and troops are guard ing the railroad and government build ings. Four hundred and forty employes of the Vienna railroad have decided to strike. The last train leaves Warsaw at 5:30 this afternoon. Later It was announced that traffic had been stopped on the Warsaw Vienna line. Prince Leopold of Prussia, on his way home from Manchuria, where he was with the Russian army, arrived today in a train manned by soldiers. The Prince continued his Journey to this city on a special train under military escort. The city Is now completely isolated. The strike has spread to all the rail roads. A meat, milk and coal famine is feared. " v COUNTRY PEOPLE IN CA3IP Thousands Stranded In Moscow and Food at Famine Prices. MOSCOW, Oct. "31 This city today re sembles a state of siege. The price of meat ha? trebled, and there Is great dis tress among the poor. Many people liv ing1 In neighboring ' provinces ' and who come to Moscow arc camping In the streets, and 3000 persons are living In cars. On tho Kazan line, the stations are in the hands of the troops. The Postoffice and telegraph offices are .strongly guarded by Cossacks. The populace Is becoming panicky. A young girl employed at a railroad station fell on her knees before the strikers and pleaded with them not to surrender, declaring that they should continue the struggle, not for material reasons, but for the achievement of human liberty. The crowd respondeJ by singing the "Marseillaise." Much Bloodshed at Riga. COPENHAGEN, Oct. 25.-Anarchy pre- And Tells Housewives What are the Only Real Protective Measures See the NOVEMBER Number of The Ladies' Home Journal 15 Cents a Copy at Dealers - THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. vails at Riga, Russia, according to a dispatch received from there by tho Poll tiken. Conflicts are frequent, many per sons have been killed or wounded and the government spirit shops have been looted and destroyed. The Poljtechnlc School has been closed. General Strike In Southwest. POLTAVA. Oct. 23. A general strike has broken out here. TheN schools are closed and no newspapers will appear tomorrow. ODESSA, Oct. 25. A general strike on all the southwest railways is an nounced for tomorrow. Trains are now only running between Odessa and Tvleff. Mail Service Is Stopped. WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. The State De partment received a cablegram from Mr. Eddy, the American Charge d' Affairs "at St. Petersburg, stating that owing to the railroad strike, mall communication was cut off from St. Petersburg. Xew Deal by Vanderbllts. CINCINNATI. Oct. 25. The Times-Star today publishes the following: The Pitts burg & Lake Erie Railroad Company has purchased the "Little Kanawha Syndicate coal lands and railroads which are in liti gation In the United States Circuit Court ONE TIRE YESTERDAY. Box 117, alarm S:10 P. M. Fire in bottom of elevator shaft ot sas works in terminal yards near Seventh and Hoyt streets, extinguished by depart ment without damage. of Appeals In Cincinnati. The deal was made by Joseph Ramsey, Jr., former president of the Wabash System. Mr. Ramsey and George Gould did not differ on this proposition. The Pittsburg &. Lake Erie Is a Vanderbllt line. It will come Into the new coal field through Pittsburg. The several railroad lines which are Integral parts of the Little Kanawha will be used by the Vanderbllts to make a new line through Virginia to the Atlantic seaboard, co-operating with the Chesapeake & Ohio. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. Few reopIe 'Know How Uiefal It Is la Pre ferring Health aad Beauty, r Nearly everybody knows that char coal Is the safest and most efficient dis infectant and purifier In nature, but few realize its value when taken Into the human system for the same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the more you take ot It the better; it Is not a drue at all, but simply absorbs the gases and Impurities always present In the stomach and Intestines and car ries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating on ions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoaf effectually clears and Im proves the complexion; it whitens the teeth, and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic It absorbs the Injurious gases which collect In the stomach and bowels; It disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money is in Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges; they are composed of the finest powdered willow charcoal and other harmless antiseptics in tablet form, or rather In the form of large, pleasant-tasting lozenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The daily use of these lozenges will soon tell in a much improved condition of the general health, better complex ion, sweeter breath and uurer blood, and the beauty of It is that no possible harm can result from their continued use, but on the contrary great benefit. A Buffalo physician, In speaking- of the benefits of charcoal, says: "I ad vise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all patients "suffering from gas in stom ach and bowels, and to clear the com plexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver is greatly benefited by the dally use of them; they cost but 25 cents a box at drugstores, and. although in some sense a patent prepara tion, yet I believe I get more and .better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than In any of the ordinary charcoal tafeltts." ' 'iooMerefi THE YOUNGSTERS ARE SIMPLY CRAZY OVER THE FLYING MACHINE. It provides them with more fun than any toy they ever used. And all that is required to get one is the cover from a can of Ghirardelli's Cocoa. If you don't use Ghiradelli's get your mother to buy some right away. It is not only an absolutely pure cocoa, but it has a smooth, rich, creamy flavor that the children Jike so much. And every can means a Flying Machine. When you get the cover from the can take it to the KELLEY-CLARKE CO. NO. 4 VINE STREET PORTLAND, OREGON And get a brand-new Flying Machine. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. in use for over 3l years, has Dome tne signature ox and has beenmaueunaer nis per-ijftf-f-f- sonal supervision since its infancy. fcA4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the .health off Infants and Children Experience against Jkperimenfc What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays F.everishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA. ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie KM Ton m llways Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC GCNTAUR COMPANY. TT UUBmTHttT. NCW YORK 6ITY.