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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1905, 13 ERT IS STRONG iers Are Offering Seventy- Four for Club. MERS HOLD FOR MORE Demand From United Klng- Em, South Africa and Orient. Barley and Oats Are Quoted Strong. ' l.'HEAT Local market firm and jhtly higher. RARLEY Demand goodand prices long liATS Firm tone with lair offer- "ROT Plenty of poor grapes on r. rl'TTER City market oversupplled ll weak EGGS Larger receipts o Oregon Ick reported rOILTRY Arrivals clean up at lady quotations. JOPS Big block -of Wa'shlngtons ksigned to New, York. wheat market has a very Arm tone. movement is not heavy. Farmers are to be strong holders, expecting higher later. Dealers yesterday offered 74 for club, bluestcm was quoted at 76"" and Valley at 74 cents. Trading has en heavy, except for one or two short I, since the season opened, and tho I looks for even a slower market from n. A good deal of the buying is for. tilted Kingdom with eomo business doing ith African account. California Is still Ldy purchaser, and wheat buying - for i) shipment 1a also under way. and barley are strong with an upward Icy. There is an active demand for lese cereals. Barley offerings arc llm- ut a considerable quantity of oats are le. foreign position of wheat maintains Its fh, but the American speculative mar- ive not responded fully to the Liverpool es. In France the weather Is teason- character. The country wheat mar- Ire very qujet. but very Arm. but the term market is dull. The Petit Journal Llns that the recent official estimate of lieat -rop was too optimistic, and eays France will have to Import 28,000,000 th's season, sooner or later. I'ollcwing is an extract from a letter re- frcm a traveling man In Russia: "They Sup absolutely everything they can lay lande on but it will greatly diminish ear!y part of next year. There is a disposition to sell out all for fear of troubles. People talk about it .quite in the trains, streets and restaurants. peers more than ordinary people, how lifted they are with the government, so jlution is not far off. For that reason rmra prefer to have the hard cash to vhich is sure to be destroyed. I consider s being one of the main reasons for lavy shipments of late. . I Buenos Ay res Handels-Zeitung of Sep- 1G rays that the weather has Jbeen llavorable for the growing crops, bene- rains having fallen, with a lower tem- The official estimate of the area Ewlth wheat in Entre RIos is 765,000 against 730,000 acres last year. The Re- if the River Plate of September 15 says: rain has fallen. The cold snap has en- the locusts to be combated with greater K The army is to assist in the work of ction. Some further damage has been Id from a few parts in the Center to -from frost. The general outlook cpn- most satisfactory- CONSIGNING OF HOPS. kmlUi Secures a Big Lot in Washington for Shipment East. Smith, the hop dealer, who has been hops in "Washington for consignment York, returned to the city yesterday Ig and left again at night for tho ive secured 1600 bales of Yaklmas and les at other points," said Mr. Smith. hundred and fifty bales of these are Lnd the remainder new hops. I made a advance on a lot .of 195 bales, but lance on the others. All these hops Seen shipped to New York. Any grower bnslgns his hops to roe can be sure to Itter prices than are offered here, a6 I the brewers well and am in position to them to the beet advantage. When I New York if I do not find the market the heps will all go into store and Eicre until I see lit to sell them. I will ast as much Interest in these goods as lops were my own. Harry L. Hart will my representative here while I am in jigton and will transact my business be Oregon growers. dealers are making desperate efforts to the consignments, but it is only a sour grapes with them. They nre all to work consignments on their own but the growers will have nothing ith them. BUTTER MARKET WEAK. d Receipts of Oregon Eggs Reported Poultry Steady. butter market continues In a weakened Ion, owing to the gradual accumulation Ikfl by some of the city creameries and I operating near by. egg dealers report an increase In re let Oregon. Eastern eggs continue in supply, and prices all around are. poultry received yesterday worked oft former quotations. Grapes in Poor Order. Ing in fruit was quiet again yesterday. xet was well stocked with grapes, .most n in poor order. A shipment of lem is received by steamer. Apples were il. but the inquiry was slow. 'Plenty rraae Dananas were offering. Dressed Meats Slow. narket for dressed meats is ruling quiet. while not heavy, arc very liberal le demand Is backward. Prices gener- easy with the weakness most pro- on loins and ribs. Bank Clearings. clearings of the Northwestern cities lay were as follows: Clearings. .51.140.SH9 . 936.934 . C04.231 . 567.245 Balances. 5254,569 230878 89.572 31,737 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc CAT Club. 74c per bushel: bluestera. Valley. 74c t.TR Patents. $.2094.80 per barrel; ts. 53.904.15;, clears. S3.65C3.90: Val- .W!, x&xot& nara wneat, 50,303 7.25; graham. 53.253.75; whole wheat. 53.75 64; rye flour. local, 55: Eastern, 55.50S.tiO; cornmeal. per bale, 5L90&2.20. OATS No. 1 white feed. 525C25.50; gray. 524.50025 per ton. BARLEY Feed. 521 per ton; brewing. 521.50; rolled. 521.50022. RYE-51. 403 1.45 per cental. MILLSTUFFS Bran, 518. per ton; middlings. 524.50; shorts. 519; chop. U. S. Mill. 518; linseed dairy feed, 518; alfalfa meal. 518 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90 pound sacks, 56.75; lower grades, 553 6.2.1; oat meal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, 58 per bar rel; 10-pound sacks. 54.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks, 57.50 per barrel; 10 pound sacks, 54 per bale; split peas. 55 per 100-pound wick; 25-pound boxes. 51-40; pearl barley, 54.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, 51.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, 52.50 per bale. HAT Eastern Oregon timothy. $UQ15 per ton; Valley timothy. 51112; clover, 5S9; cheat, 57.509; grain hay, 5SQ9. Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, 5101.75 per box; persimmons, 51.25 per box; huckleberries. 7c per pound; pears. 51.251.50 per box-, crabapples. 51 per box; grapes, 60c51.25- per box: Concord. 15c per basket; cranberries, 59.5010 per barrel: quinces. 51 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, choice. 54 per box; fancy, 55; oranges, Valencia, fancy, 555.25 per box; grapefruit, 5303.50; pine apples, 52.50 per dozen; pomegranates, 52.25 jjcr box. FRESH VEGETABLES Beans. l$4c per pound; cabbage. llc per pound; cauli flower, 75c per dozen; celery, 75c per dozen; corn, C5c per sack: cucumbers. lo$15o per dozen; eggplant. 51.50 per crate; peppers, 3c per pound: pumpkins. 301c; tomatoes. 30 40c per crate; sprouts. Co per pound; squash. 56 lc per pound. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, 90cQ51 Per sack; carrots, 65gf75c per sack; beets. 85c 51 per sack; garlic. 12c per pound. ONIONS Oregon yellow Danvera, 5101.25 per sack. POTATOES Buying prices: Fancy. 70c per sack; ordinary. 60c. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 7Q9c per pound; apricots. 1212c; peaches, 10iffl2c; pears, none; Italian prunes, none; California figs, white, 400c per pound; black, 405c; bricks, 12-14 ounce packages, 75085c per box; 58 ounce, 5202.40; Smyrna, 20c per pound; dates, Fard. 51.40 per 15-pound case. RAISINS Seeded, 12-ounce packages, S08c: 10-ouncc. 910e; loose muscatels, 2-crown, 77c, 3 -crown 7H0"?ic. 4-crown 808Vsc: un bleached seedlefts Sultanas, 607c; Thompson's seedless unbleached, 8Q8c; Thompson's fancy unbleached. 1212c; London layers, 3-crown whole boxes of 20 pounds, 51.75; 2-crown, 52. Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery. 8O032c per pound. State creameries: Fancy creamery. 25030c; store butter, I6SI6V3C EGGS Oregon ranch. 29030c; Eastern, 240 25c: Oregon storage, 22 23c. CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins, 133 14c; Young America, 1415c. POULTRY Average old hens, 1112c; young roosters, 30011c; Springs. ll13c; dressed chickens, 12Q13c; turkeys, live, 160 17c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 19021c; geese, live, per pound, 809c; geese, dressed, per pound. 10014c; ducks, 14gl4c; pigeons, 51 1.25; equabs. 5202.50. Grocerle, Nuts, Etc. COFFEE MocmV, 262Sc; Java, ordinary. 18022c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18020c; good. 16 018c; ordinary. 10012c per pound; Columbia roast, cases. 100s. 514.25; 50s, 514.25; Ar buckle. 515.75; Lion, 515.75. RICE Imperial Japan. No. L 5c; South ern Japan. 4.850' 5.10c; Carolina, 7c SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talis, $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, 52.40; 1-pound flats. 51.85; fancy. ll-pound flats. 51.80; -pound flats, 51-10; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis, -90c; red. 1-pound tails, 51.25; sockeye. 1-pound tails. 51-70. SUGAR Sack . basis. 100 pounds: Cube. 55.90; powdered, 55-65; dry granulated, 55.55; extra C, 55.10; golden C. 54.95; fruit sugar. 55.55; advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels. 10c; half-barrels. 25c: boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance with in 15 days, deduct c per pound; if later than 15 days, and within 30 days, deduct Vic per pound; no discount after 30 days.) Beet sugar, granulated, 55.35 per 100 pounds; ma ple sugar, J5018c per pound. . SALT California, 511 per ton. 5L60 per bale; Liverpool. 50s, 517; 100s. 516.50; 200s, 516: half-pound 100s. 57; 50s, 57.50. NUTS Walnuts. l5c per pound by sack, lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 16c; filberts. 10c; pecans, J umbos. 10c; extra large, 17e; almonds. I. X L, 16c; chestnuts, Ital ians, 15c; Ohio, 54.50 per 25-pound drum; peanuts, raw. 7 He per pound; roasted. He; plnenuts. 10j?12c;. hickory nuts. 7c; cocoa nuts. 7c; cocoanuts, 3590o.jper dozen. BEANS Small white. 34cT large white. 3c; pink. 3c; bayou, 4c; Lima. 4c; red Mex ican, 5c I , Provisions and Canned Meats. HAMS 10. to 14 pounds. 14c per pound; 14 to 16 pounds. 13$ic; 18 to 20 pounds, 134c, California (picnic). 9c; cottage ham. c; shoulders, 3cballedharn. TZic; boiled picnic ham. boneless, 15c DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, lie; dry salt. 12c" smoked; clear backs, 11c; clear bellies. 14 to 17 pounds average, none; Oregon exports, 20 to 25 pounds -average, Ufcc; dry saU, 12c smoked; Union butts, 10 to IS pounds average, none. BACON Fancy breakfast. 19 He per pound; standard breakfast. 17 He; choice. 16c; English breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 15c; peach bacon, 14c PICKLED. GOODS Pork, barrels. 518; -barrels. 59.50; beef, barrels, 512; -barrels. 50.50. SAUSAGE Ham, 13c per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17Hc; bo logna, long. 5Vlc; weinerwurst, Sc; liver. 6c; pork, 9010c; headcheese. 0c; blood, 6c; bo- lornn matinac llnlr ill. CANNED MEATS-Corned beef, pounds, per i..o; iwo pounas. xz.35; six pounds. 58. Roast beef, flat, pounds. 51.25; two pounds, $2.25; six pounds, none. Roast beef, tall, pounds, none; two pounds. 52.35; six pounds, none. Lunch tongue, pounds, 53.15. Roast mutton, six pounds. 58.50. LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered, tierces. 11c; tubs, llic; 50s. llcj 20s. llr. 10s. llc; 5s. 11T4C Standard pure: Tierces, 10c: tubs. 109ic; 50s, 10Uc; 20s. 10?4c; 10s. 10c; 5s. 104c Compound: Tierces. 0c: tubs. OUc: COs, OUc; 10s. 0c; 5a. 6c Hops, W00L Hides. Etc HOPS Oregon. 1905, choice. 11013c; olds. 9 (ulOc. WOOL Eastern Oregon average best. 19 juwer Braaeu oown 10 i&c, according to shrinkage: Valley. 25027c per pound. MOHAIR Choice. 30c per round. HIDES Drv hM- Vn 1 in up. 16H17c per pound dry 'kip. No. 1, 5 to jv iwuiiuo. jimioo per pouna; ary calf. jio. 1. under 3 pounds. 17016c; dry salted, bulls and stars, one-thlrri than n moth-paten hnrtltr tnt n,-i4 1 j clipped, weather-beaten or grubby. 203c per iiuuim jtooi. cajtea niaes: steers, sound. 60 pounds ana over, 9010c per pound; 60 to 60 pounds and over. 9010c per pound; 50 to GO pounds. 8H09c per pound; under 50 and cows. S09c per pound: salted kip, sound. 15 iu ov pvunus. ifc prr pouna; salted veal, eound, 10 to 14 pounds. 9c per pound; salted (grcen unsalted, lc per pound lees; cull, lc per pound less). Sheepskins: Shearlings, No. a uuicurm mocK, .ookc; snort WOOL wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. 6O0SOo; long wool. No. 1 butchers' 6tock. 5101.50 each. Mur rain pelt from 10 to 20 per cent less or 42 14c rir nonnri! hnnwt MAce witA cording to size. 5101.50; colts" hides. 25050c ratuj KoausKine, common, luiac eacn; An irnra with n-f.l nn "Ml Rfl BEESWAX Jood. clean and pure, 20022c jwr pouna. TALLOW Prime, per pound. 303Hc; No. and crease. 2SM5c FURS Bear skins, as to size. No. X. 52.503; j eacn; cuds. iq: naoger. iycoc; wilfl cat, with hpnrt nrf ort 1,n,j. Mim Rmv. fox, common gray, 50070c: red, 53R5; crostl wtjio; silver -ana niacK, fluwaAM; ma ers. X5?6: lvnr. 54 HO (ti ft- mlnlr trl1r 1C 1. according to size. 5102.50; marten, dark Northern, according to size and color, 5100 15; marten, pale, pine, according to size and vuiui. t-.imt, jnuattrai, targe, ivviiSO otter, nkin. 56010; panther, with head and claws perfect, 5205; raccoon, prime. 30050c; mountain wolf, with head iit-iirei, i..uti); coyoie. ouc'fli; wolverine 58; beaver, per skin, large. 5500; me dium. S34: nmnll IltfT'T Krt- L-li. -n ct r. CASCARA SAG RAD A fChittam bark) 7; ii ot, nvtujuuiK o qua my. Oils. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 74c; 500-pound 101s. c; less tnan &oo-pouna lots, 8c. COAL OIL Cases. 52.05 per case; Iron bar. rels. 15e per gallon; wood barrels, 18c GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 25Hc 72 test. 27c; C test. 35c; Iron tanks. 10c LINSEED OIL Raw, 5-barrel lots, 49e 1-barrel lots, 50c; cases. 55c; boiled, 5-bar rel lots. 51c; 1-barrel lots, 52c; cases, 57c Dressed Meats. BEEF Dressed bulls. 102c per pound; cows. 304c; country steers. ?04Hc VEAL Dressed. 75 to 125 pounds, 707 Uc: 125 to ou pounds, 3H05c; 200 pounds and up, 5303Hc, MUTTON Dressed. . fancy. 6H07c per pound: ordinary. 405c; Iambs. 77Hc runa iiittwu, ivu io litv pounQS, 70 i 72 u , iuu uuu ujj, uwvc iJcr pound. Coffee and Susar. NEW YORK. Oct, 24. Coffee futures closed steady at a net decline of 0 points to an ad vance of 5 points. Sales. 60.000 bags. Includ ing Xovember, 6.i0c; December. 0.7006.80c; January, 6.85c; March. 7.05c 8 pot Rio, quiet; No. 7, SHc; mild. dull. Cordova. 10013c Sugar Raw, quiet and steady. Refining, 2 15-1 6c; centrifugal. 96 teet, 318-16c; mo lasses sugar2 11-lGc Refined quiet; crushsd. . 55.4 powmd, 54.80; granulated. 54.70. DECLINE IS ABRUPT Stock Prices Break in Final Hour of Trading. . MARKET GROWS FEVERISH Speculative Interest Centers In the Eastern Coalers Gold bearing the Export Point Selling of Rock Island. NEW YORK. Oct 25. Today's active mar ket was irregular and uneven up to the abrupt general fall In prlcee in the final hour of trading and the conflicting currents in the market were so striking at times as to give Jt a decidedly feverlh tone. Speculative in terest entered on the group of coalers in which there wu 'come degree of excitement and an advance to record prices in Important members of the group. Including Reading. Delaware & Hudson and Central Railroad of New Jertey. A conspicuous leadership In the operation was held by operators on the floor of the ex change who have figured prominently In the transactions in Reading for many months past. No actual news was forthcoming to ex plain the movement beyond general considera tions bearing upon the trade, but many sur mises were afloat as a reeult of the large de- jnand for Lehigh Valley In Philadelphia. That company's recent purchase of the Coxe Bros. Company and the accompanying movement in the other coalers give riee to the conjecture that mpre effective combinations are working out in this group of properties. The publica tion of an elaborate analysis of the Reading property and of 1U capabilities was another stimulating influence. Reports that the Dela ware & Hudson stocks had eecured an option on the Wilkesharre & Eastern were declared to be without foundation by the present own ers of the property. Trade reports pointed to gr-at activity in the industry, but dwelt with omt insistence upon the action of the com pany in accomulatlag stocks aa a safeguard against possible labor troubles. The market passed over this suggestion with an. equanim ity not always shown towards anything bear ing on the labor question. Some of the" specialties received further at tention, but there was & marked disposition to discriminate among the members of this group which was a result of the uneasiness caused by the low grade of some of the stocks which have been stirred up into prominence lately. Some of theee were influenced by spe cial considerations. There were points of weakness among minor stocks throughout, some of the low-priced issues suffering sharply from movements to take profits. The pressure upon Rock Island was especially threatening. Money continued relatively easy, but as a result of this condition foreign exchange made a further advance to within the immediate neighborhood of the gold export point. A de cline in sterling exchange at Paris and a further rise In the discount rate at Berlin were additional factors 'making' toward gold exports. New York exchange at Chicago also fell to a discount. The cpeclal weakness of the Metropolitan stocks was commented upon. The fall in tnese stocks and the heavy selling of Rock Island were the principal factors In breaking the market and In causing the decline of the last hour, which carried prices comprehensively be low last night's level. Hasty covering of shorts Induced a sharp rally, and the Irregu lar closing tone left price changes very Ir regular and not important except in a lesser number of stocks. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, 53.170,000. UnltodStats 2s declined 1 per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. -Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. bC S4!4 85 Adams Express.....' Amalgamated Copper 80.400 Am. Car & Foundry 7,500 42& 41 H 42SS 00 nreierrea....... lOlVi 32 94 Amer. Cottori Oil.... 500 S2?i 32& do preferred American Express... 227 33 SOTi 31 27 27H 27U Am. Hd. & Lth. pfd. 3,700 700 American Ice Am. Linseed Oil.... 18 40Vi 40 do preferred 200 401 American Locomotive 42.700 71 do preferred ....... 1.500 11091 nm 1163 Am. Smelt. & Refln.. 2S.400 131i 129 143 lV.ioo iiiii iisii m 300 102i3 102 1C2H 3.000 120 118 110, 14,200 KVi ISS 300 205i 105 105 900 165 163H 103 22,400 113Ji 1124 lf3 400 03- 97H 7H 500 77?s 76i 701 7.S00 172A 171t 172?, 2,900 234Vi 236Vi 233 2,500 4tf 45H 45T, 400 105H 104H 104-i 7.600 5S 56t 56 ii 34 300 77 75 76 900 22 21 21H do preferred Amer. Sugar Refln... Am. Tobacco, pfd.... Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore & Ohio... do nref erred Brook. Rapid Transit ijuiaaian racioc.... Central of N. J Central Leather do preferred Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton.... do preferred Chicago & Gt. West. Chicago & Northwest Chi., Mil. & St, Paul 13.100 182 lb0 1S1 Chi. Term. fe Transit 200 18 17 18. do preferred C. C, C. &. SU Louis Col. Fuel tc Iron.... Colorado & Southern do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred... Consolidated Gas.... Com Products...... do preferred Delaware &. Hudson. Del. Lack. &. WtflL. Denver & R. Grande do preferred Distillers Securities. Erie do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred... General Electric 300 40 40 3,400 101H 100 0tf 100 45 27 62 Z 163 U 54 235 4S5 33-4 4H 49 1 72Vi 1SSV 1 ISO 23 81 28 S4 2S 58 25 65 152i 165 764 123 24 SO 136 162 104 32i 6S 49 3Bi 162 55 3,000 40Vi 4Vi WW 400 62U 100 44 400 1S5U 2,400 14H 2754 62 44 1S5 1.400 10,800 100 200 50 54U 237 232 4S5 485 34 34H 4.600 34,300 2,500 45 44K 49 4S 81T4 SIM '00 73 72'i 1.200 1S9U 1SS Hocking Valley 100. 92 92 Illinois Central International Paper.. do preferred...... International Pump.. do preferred Iowa Central do preferred Kansas City South.. do preferred Louisville & Nash.... Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St, Ry.. Mexican Central Minn. & St. Louts.... M., S. P. & S. S. M. do preferred Mlsrtouri Pacific Mo., Kann. fe Texas. do preferred 00 4.200 1,100 181 23T4 S254 leou 23 S2 100 S4T4 SIT 1.500 1.000 26H 25 55 19.200 154 152 19.900 S0H 7Tl 29.300 126H 122',i 2,200 24T4 24 4,500 1.100 100 4,000 104 33 6S 303T4 32Ti 68 46i 37 162 54 National Lead Mex. Nat, K. r. pfd New York Central.... N. Y. Onu & West Norfolk & Western.. do preferred. ...... North American..... Northern Pacific Pacific Mall P., C. C. & St. Louis Prested Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Palace Car. do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred... Republic Stel...... do preferred Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Goods. ...... do preferred....... fchloss-Ehef field .... St. U & S. F. 2d prd St, Louis Southwest, do preferred Southern Pacific... do preferred.. Southern Railway.... do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron.... Texas & Pacific ToI St. L. & West.. do preferred Union Pacific ; do preferred IT. S. Express V. S. Realty U, S. Rubber do preferred V. S. Steel do preferred Vlrg.-Caro. Chemical do preferred.. Wabash do preferred........ Wells-Fargo Express Westinghouse Elec. Western Union Wheeling & L. Brie. Wltconsln Central... do preferred.....:. 400 ST 13,700 354 31.700 56U 24,000 SS& 100 9S 11.000 204 22,300 SO?; 200 82 DO PS 97U 202 202 JOTS 80 1 52 12.400 53 31i 1.100 101 101 1004 250 t 96 2tJ 95 30 73 36 104 71 C7 200 4.900 1.1KK) 54.400 6.000 98i 26 97U 31 "41 98 25 95 24 72 1.200 .WO 1.200 100 72 fiS 23 60 72 67 23 GO 71 110i 3d; 99 S7 35 39 23, CO 71 110 36 99 tS 34 33 22. COO 300 lrovi 700 37 200 05i 1.7O0 400 400 100 63.500 100 s 35 39 58 135 90 564 w 133 134 96 95i 122 100 ps ss 1.700 54 53 300 110 110 63.200 39 - 3SU 18,100 105 104 JUU .16 33 33 500 107 107 100 1,600 22 21 21i 4O0 42U 4liT 42 41 41 230 400 176 174 174 93 17 200 31 30 30 1.000 62 61 61 Total sales for the dar, 1,213,400 shares. BONDS. "EW YORK, -Oct. 25.-iClosing quotations: V. S'ref. 2s rer.103 ID & R. G. 4...l0li do coupon 103 IN. Y. C. G. 3i. 99 U. S. 3s reg lOS&lNor. Pacific 3s.. 7SH do coupon 104U Nor. Pacific 4s..l04i U. S. new 4s reg. 104 H do coupon 104; U. S. old 4s reg. 133 H do coupon 134 H Atchison Adj. 4s 99 So. Pacific 4s... 95 Union Pacific 4s.l35H Wis. Central 96fc Jap. 6e. 2d ser.. 93 Jap. 4H. cer... tfi Stock at Load oh. LONDON. Oct. 25. Consols for money. 58 9-16; consols for account. st. Anaconda ...... CVi Norfolk Wert. 90 do preferred... 95 Ontario & West. 56:4 Pennsylvania ... 74 Rand Mines SI Atchison 81U An nrf erred... 1074 Baltimore & O..106U Can. Pacific 177 Ches. & Ohio... 59 H C. Gt. Western. 22H C M. & St. P .1S7 De Beers 17 i D. & R. Grande. 34 H do preferred... 90U Erie 50 H do 1st prrf. ... S4 do 2d pref 74 H Reading 64 i ao 151 prei.... do 2d nref-... 50 So. Railway 3S I At n referred 102 So. Pacific 73 i Union Pacific... J3T do preferred... 99 U. S. Steel 39 H Illinois Central. 1S5 do preferrea...ius Louis. j& Nash. .157 fwabash ... Mo. Ks A T. . 33?i An nrt erred..- 43 N. T. Central... 137H Spanish Fours... 03 Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. Money cx call, steady, 3H04H per cent; ckwlng bid. 3 per cent: offered 4 per cent. Time money, steady; CO and 90 days, 5 per cent; six months. 4H per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 586 per cent. Sterling exchange, strong, closing steady, with actual business in bankers blltn at 54.SCS504.S69O for demand, and at 5I.S320 4.&330 for 60-day bills. Posted rates. 54.OT& 0I.S4054.S7H. Commercial bills. 54.S304.S3H. Bar silver 62?ic Mexican dollars 48c Bonds Government, easy; railroad, irregular. LONDON, Oct. 25. Bar silver, steady. 2STid per ounce. Money. 3X04 per cent. Discount rate, short and three months bllla 4 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 25,-Sllver ban. 62ic. Draft, sight, 5c; telegraph. 74c Ster ling, eo days. 54.S3H: sight, 54.S7H. Dally Treasury Statement, WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Today's Treasury statement shows: Available cash balances 5130.640.S57 Gold coin and bullion - 75.43S.633 Gold certificates 42.771.590 E GOOD GRADES TAKEN CARE OF, LOWER ONES NEGLECTED. Seven Cars of Oregon Burbank Pota toes Arc on the "Way to " San Francisco. SAN FRA"NCISCO. OcU 25. Special.) Local operators In California wool report an easier market. Good wools are being taken care of. but lower grades are neglected. Prices for all descriptions remain unchanged. Hops show more movement it 10013 cents. Grain speculation was more active than for several month. Trade In December wheat was of big volume, and the price rose to 5L41. May closed at 51.44 bid. Cash prices were firm in sympathy. The strong Eastern and foreign situation was the main cause of strength. Barley futures fluctuated violently, but fell off from the high points. Cash barley was strong. All through the state choice barley is in active demand. Oats were steady. Bran is easier, on account of heavy arrivals from Washington. Hey Is Arm. About 12.500 bunches of Hawaiian bananas arrived, mostly too green for immediate use. The riper portiori is selling brfekly at 51.50 2.50. Citrus fruits are steady. New navel or anges. 53.6084; new grape fruit, 538 Lem ons are easy at 51.50SC.50. Good apples are In fair demand and steady. Grapes are dull and easy, aside from fancy shipping selections Ordinary potatoes are dull and easy, but up per grades are firm. Seven carloads of Ore gon Burbanks are on the way and due in a few days. Dairy products were fairly active on the exchange. Fancy butter was easier. Cheese was firm. " Selected eggs were scarce and high. Lower grades were easy. Receipts. 14.700 pounds buttr, 3800 pounds cheese, 5730 dosen eggs- VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 75c81.23; gar lic. Sf6c; green peas. 3&5c; string beans, 3Q7c; tomatoes, 50c SI 1; okra. 60875c; egg plant. 40360c POULTRISTurkey gobblers. 20? 25c: rooat era, old. 54.603; rooster, youhg, 54.685.50; broilers, email. 53.5064: broiler, large. 53 63.50; fryer. 53.50C4; hen. 5486.50; ducks, old. 54.6085; young. 5466. EGGS Fancy ranch. 49c; Eastern, 20827c BUTTER Fancy creamery, 31c; creamery seconds, 24c; fancy dairy, nominal; dairy sec onds, nominal. WOOL 8an Joaquin. 0814c; lambs. 12815c. MILLSTUFFS Bran. 521.608220: mid dlings. 2082S. HAY Wheat. 511.50810-50: wheat and oats. 511615.60; barley. 55811: alfalfa. 50.5089.50; clover. 5&&11; stock. 55S7; eraw, per bale. 30SS0C POTATOES Salinas Burbanks, 90c851.2S; swet. 75c851.35. CHEESE Young America, J4814c; East ern, 15810c.. FRUITS Apples, choice, 51; common. 40c; bananas. 51-5083; Mexican limes. 54; Cali fornia lemons, choice. 53.50; common. 51.50; or anges, navels, 53.5084; pineapples, 524J3. HOPS-10813C RECEIPTS Flour. 9337 quarter eacks; wheat, 4258 centals; barley, 3S13 cental; oats. BOSS cental; beans, 1S.5GS sacks; com, 1200, centals, potatoes, 1135 sacks: bran, 40.767 eacks; middlings, 130 sacks; bar, 160 tons; wool, 6S2 bales; hides. 1357. Mlnlag Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct, 25. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta 5 .03 Alpha Con 11 Andes 29 Belcher 29 Justice 5 .03 Kentucky con. .0 Mexican 1.35 Occidental Con. .87 Best & Belcher 1.55 Ophlr 5.75 Bullion .37 Overman ...... .in Potosl 15 Savage ....... .51 Scorpion 13 Beg. Belcher... .04 Caledonia .... Challenge Con. Chollar Confidence Con. Cal & V. Crown Point. . Exchequer .... Gould & Curry .45 .15 .15 .75 1.S0 .05 .52 .23 ISlerra Nevada. .33 Silver Hill 92 Union Con 52 Utah Con 5"l Yellow Jacket 23 Hale fc Nor. 1.20 Julia .06 NEW YORK, Oct, Adams Con 5 .30 Alice .37' Breece 43 Brunswick C. .45 Comstock -Tun. .08 Con. Cat & V. 1160 Horn Silver... 1.73 Iron Silver... 3.70 Leadvtlle Con. .05 25. Closing quotations Little Chief 5 -05 Ontario 1.35 Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada. Small Hopes... Standard 3.62 .01 .12 .49 .30 .30 1.75 BOSTON. Oct. 25. Closing quotations Adrenture ..5 S.62 Allouex 45.25 Amalgamated 85.12 Am. Zinc... - 9.00 Atlantic ... 27.0O Bingham . . 31.37 Cal & Hecla 685.00 Centennial .. 32.76 Cop. Range,. 74.25 DalyJWMt H-00 Dominion C. 78.00 Franklin ... 18.37 Isle Royale. . 25.50 Mont. C. k C-5 2.75 North Butte.. 36.50 Old Dominion 31.50 Osceola 112.50 Parrot ...... 26.75 Qulncr 106.00 Shannon .... 8.12 Tamarack ... 126.00. Trinity 9.23 United Cop.. 33.50 U. S. Mining U. S. Oil... Utah Victoria ..... 35.50 10.00 46.50 6.75 18.50 125.00 Mass. Mining lo.izt Michigan 14.50 Winona .. Mohawk 69.00 (Wolverine Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. The London tin market was Irregular with spot closing at 148. 12. 6d. and future at 14S. Locally the market was dull and lower with spot quotations at 32.35832.65c. Copper wa lower In London, closing at 70 7f. for futures. Locally the market was quiet with lake quoted at 1 6. 370 16.75c; electroylytlc at 16.25810.62c and casting at 18.0816.37c Lead was unchanged at 14, 17s. Cd In the London market. Locally the market Itt re ported firm with spot supplies quoted at 6.2085.40c Spelter was steady at 6.1596.36c locally. but was eaaUr abroad at 245. 13. 0d. Iron was lower In the Snfcllth markets, with standard foundry clelng at 51s. asd Cleveland warrants 62. 8d. Locally the market is firm. No 1 fouedry Northern is quoted at 51SJ6818JO; No. 2 foundry Northern. 517.7641 18.00. No. 1 foundry Southern at 51&2631S.M. axd No. 2 foundry SoBtbers at 517.754118.00. FOREIGN Gil UP Russian Disorders Stimulate ' All Wheat Markets. GOOD ADVANCE AT CHICAGO Private Cablegram Reports That Offerings in Czar's Country Have Ceased Altogether. Cash Prices Strong. CHICAGO. Oct. 25. The wheat market was strong from start to finish. At the openinr. the December option was up 1?c to &c at S7837c Higher prices for wheat at the leading European grain centers gave im petus to the market here The advance at foreign marketa was7 reported as mainly due due to news of increasing disorders in con nection with the railway strike In Russia. Cable advices today indicated that as a re sult of the stoppage of railway operations, all shipments of grain from Russia might be shut off In the near future. An English authority reported the cancellation of contracts for two cargoes of Danublan wheat. The situation was given a lltttle darker aspect by a private cablegram which stated that Ruaslan offer ings of wheat had ceased altogether. In the pit the demand for wheat was active and general throughout the greater part of the session. Offerings were chiefly from longs. Strength Qf cash wheat at all the principal grain centers of the United States helped to stimulate bullish sentiment. At &Sc. the December delivery touched the highest point of the day. During the last half hour the market reacted slightly on the profit-taking. The close, however, was firm with December 8e up at 87ic. . May sold between SS and S9c and closed at a gain of c at SSc Urgent export demand caused strength in the corn market, December closed c up at 45c A strong tone prevailed in the oats market. December cloned up at c at 29c. Strength of grain bad a sfeadylng effect on the provision market. The volume of trading, was small. January pork, lard and ribs closed & shade higher. The leading futures ranged as follow: WHEAT. ODen. HIeh. Low. Close. Dec 5 .87 "5 .SS $ .87 5 .87 May SSH .SO .S3'- .53 CORN. Oct. 51i .52 . .31; .51 Dec (old)) .46 .46 .46 .46 Dec (new) .454 .46 .43 .434 May 45i .45 .45 .45 OATS. Oct '.' .29 Dec. 294 .30 .29 .29 May 32 .32 .32 .32 MESS PORK. Oct 10.10 16.12 16.00 16.00 Jan. 12.35 12.40 12.30 12.37 ' CARD. Oct, 7.05 Nov. 6.97 7.02 6.97 ' 7.02 Jan C.77 6.SO 6.75 6.77 3HORT RIBS. Oct 7.65 7.65 7.47 7.47 Jan 6.47 6.52 0,47 6.50 May 6.65 6.70 6.65 6.70 Cash quotations were a follows: Flour Firm. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 56887c; No. 3, 77 ffS7c: No. 2 red. S76SSc Corn No. 2. 53&53c; No. 2 yellow, 54c Oats No. 2. 20 Tic; No. 2 white, 304 ft 31c; No. 3 white. 2930c Rye No. 2. 70871c. Barley Good fetdlng. 38c; fair to choice malting. 42g47i Flax seed No. 1, 92c; No. 1 Northwest ern, 98c Timothy seed Prime. 53.20. Mess pork Per barrel. 516 16.10. Lard Per 100 pounds. 57.03. Short ribs sides Loose. 57.454? 7.50. Short clear sides Boxed. 5388.25. Clover Contract grade. 613.23. Receipts. Shipment. Plnitr hnrrls 46.000 48.000 WIimi. buihels 292.S00 16.300 rum hunhel 133.000 167.100 Oats, busneis i-o,ouv w - -1- iwi j (too Rye. bushel.. Barley, bushels.... !70.700 171.S0O Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Oct, 25. Flour Receipt. 2S. 300; exports. 29.200. Firm, and nominally Wheat Receipts. 4S.C00: exports. 29.200 bushels. Spot firm. No. 2 red. KJVic elevator and B4c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Du- li.m OTil. f .0. h. afloat: No. 1 northern Manitoba. Wic f. O. b. afloat. The wheat market was strong and active today, reflect- mnn.1 hlrhr foreira markets, bullish Russian news and big clear ances. The big addition to the world' stocks nmmniHt late nelllnr. however, and tne close was only teady at c net advance. May closed 92c: December. 934C. Hides and wool Firm. Hop Easy. Change In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. Special cable and telegraphic communications received oy tsraa streets show the following changes In avail able supplies as compared with previous ac count: Wheat United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, increase 4.702.000 bushels; afloat for and In Europe, increased 2.900.000 bushels. Total supply increased 7.002,000 bushels. Corn United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 1.03S.00O bushels. Oats United State and Canada, east of the Rockies, increased 3.732.000 bushel. Grain at SanFraaelseo. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct, 25. Wheat stronger, barley steady. Spot quotations: Wheal Shipping. 5 1.37 8 1.42; milling. 51.5081.60. Barley Feed. 51.1281.15; brewinr. 11.18 9 1.17. Oats-Red. 51-1581.50: white. 51.3581-43; black. 51.6081-75. Call board sales: Wheat. December. 51-42. May. 51.45; bar ley. December. 51.164. Olay. 51.20; core, large yellow, 51.401.43. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct, 25. Wheat. Decem ber. 838S3c; May. S6c; Xo. 1 hard. S5 S3c; No. 1 Northern, S3; No. 2 North ern. 82c , Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Oct, 25. Wheat December. 7; March. 6 lld. Weathtr in England to day was cloudy. Wheat Higher at Tacoma, TACOMA. Oct. 25. Wheat, lc higher; blue stem, 77c; club. 74c; red. 70c. LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Quoted Locally oa Cattle, Sheep asd Hogs: The following livestock prices were quoted yesterday In the local market: "CATJJTLE Good steers, 53.2583.60: fair to medium. 52.7583; good cows. 52,502.66; common cows. 51.7582; choice light calve. 160 to 173 pound. 54.7585; large fat calve. 53e3.23. HOGS Best, suitable for packers. 56.15 6.25: fair to medium grades, 53.756; light fat weight. 120 to 140 pounds. 55.2383.50. SHEEP Good fat sheep are strong at 54.25 4.60. 1 1 EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kaasaa City, Oatafe aad Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 25. Cattle Receipt 1700; market stoady. Native steer. 54 6.50; Western cow. 5 1.75 3.25; Western steers. 52.758-4.30; native cows and heifers. 51.754? 4.75; stockers and feeder, 52.504f4.J5; bulls. 534? 3: carve. 52.80 4V 6.50. Hegs Reeetsta 14,000; mxrktt S10c lew. Bulk of sale. 35.0385.10; heavy. 53.05 05.15; packers, 55.03?5.12 T!gs and light. 5-6563.10. Sheep Receipts 5000; market steady. Mutton. 54.25496; lambs. 55.73 0 7.50; range wethers. 54.60' 6; fed ewe. 53.7584.75. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 25. Cattle Re ceipt 5500: market steady. Native steer. 5485.904 cows and heifers. 52.7504.50; Western steers, 5383; Texas steers. 575 4: cows and heifers. 5283.63; canners. 51.73 4J2.30; stockers and feeders. 32.5084.10: calves, 538-5.75; bulls, stags, etc.. 51.73 3.50. Hogs Receipts 5600; market 510c lower. Heavy. S4.9CQ5.10; mixed. 54.95e5.50: 5595.20; pigs. 54.2305; bulk ot sales, 54.95 3.10. Sheep Receipts 24.000; market steady to easier. Westerns. 53.50 86; wethers, 55 3.50; ewes. 54.50 8 3; .lambs. 567.30. CHICAGO. Oct, 25. Cattle Recelots 22.- 000; best strong, others steady. Beeves. 2.7086.30; stockers and feeders. $2.10 1.30: cow and heifers. 51.1564.50: Texas fed steers. 53.4084.40; Western steers. 53.25 .75. Hogs Recelots todav. 26.800: tomorrow. 22.000; market 5810c lower. Mixed and ouicners. 05.40; good to choice heavy. to.l5tri.40: rough heavy. 54.7584.00: light, 54.00 85.33: pigs. 54.75 0 5.30: bulk of sales. 4.90 5.30. Sheep Receipts 30.000; market weak. Sheep. 543.ap; lambs. 54.7587.65. NOT SO KEEN TO SELL iiAXE coujtty; hopgrowers ARE HOLDING BACK. Buyers in the Field Looking for Bar gains Do Kot Meet With Much Success. EUGENE. Or.. Oct, 25.-(Special.)-The hop market here has taken a slight change for the 'better the past day or two. although prices still rule low. Three sales are report ed to have been made last night by Smith. An derson and LUes. The first' two sold to Horst at 10 cents, and fhe goods grade prime. Several buyers are around trying to pick up some at low price, but growers a a rule are not as keen to sell as they were last week. Hop Sales at Silverton. SILVERTON, Or.. Oct. 25. (Special.) X. Wolf & Son purchased the entire crop of hops of lis bales of John Bonner and 39 bales of Old Bowen at 9 cents. T. A. Ltvesley. of Salem, bought the en tire crop of 330 bales of hops of Richard Harding at 10 cents a pound. Heavy Sales at Salem. SALEM. Or.. Oct- 25. (Special.) There was a hca-y pressure to sell in the local hop mar ket today, and about 1500 bales ef prime hops changed hand here at about 10 cents a pound. Only one lot of choice hops was sold. the Dave Dove crop, 75 bales, to Fltchard, at .12 cents. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. The market for evap orating apple Is firm and It is reported that prime fruit for late October deliveries has sold at 8c Common to good are quoted at 586c; nearly prime at 7gSc and prime. Sc. Prunes are quiet with comparatively little demand for forward shipment from the Coast reported. Spot quotations mnge from 4 to "lie. Apricots are unchanged. Choise fruit is quoted at S?9c; extra choice, 980i, and fancy. 108 lle. Peaches remain nominal with very little fruit available on root. Raisins are somewhat unsettled. It Is re' ported that the combination has offered a limited quanltlty of seeded, raisins slightly under the opening prices. The offerings .are tentative, however, and subject to further consideration. Muscatel (loose) 67c; j. ed raisins. 5U6Sic and London layers at 51.1581-20. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. Coffee futures closed steady at a net loea ot 2$25 points. Sales were reported of 123,000 bags. Including Nov ember at 0.556.65c; December, fl.5ftg6.75c; January, 6.70c: March 0.807.00c; April 7.05c; May 7.0OS7.15; July 7.2007.25; September 7.3067.45; Spot Rio easy; No. 7 Invoice 8c; mild quiet; Cordova 10Q13. Sugar Raw, quiet; fair refining 2.1516c: centrifugal 96 test, 3.1316c; molasses sugar 2.11616c; refined quiet; crushed, 5.40; pow dered, 4.S0; granulated. 4.70. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO. Oct. 23. On the Produce Ki change today the butter market was steady; creamery. 17fi22c; dairy. 1720c. Eggs, firm; first. 21c; prime firsts, 23c; extras, 24c. Cheese, strong; ll"4S12c NEW YORK. Oct. 25. Butter and cheese, unchanged. Eggs, Arm; Western fancy se lected. 25c; do average, best. 24325c New York Cotton 5'arket. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. Cotton futures closed steady at a net advance of 1S&20 points. Oc tober. 10.42c; November 10.45c; December. lO.BOcj January. 10.71c: February, 10.79c; iiarcn. .iv.aac; April, lu.twc; .May, Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 25. Wool, steady. Medium grades combing and clothing 2631c; light fine. 22327c; heavy fine, 19g23c; tub washed 33ff42c INJURED GIRL IS GRATEFUL Furtd Xot Yet Equals Hospital Fees for Unfortunate. The fund for tho relief of Miss Anna Loubet was increasejd yesterday by the sum of 513. The contributions were liberal in proportions, ranging from 1 to 55. The total sum now on hand 13 small, however, still being a trifle less Mthan $225, which is less than enough to pay the hospital fees at St. Vincent's. There has been talk of sending- the unfortunate young woman to the County Hospital, and this she hopes to avoid. "When seen in her ward at the hospital yesterday, the helpless, stran ger In a strange land was propped up with pillows, busy with her needle work. She said she was making some fancy trifles In the hope of helping defray the hospital fees. Helpless and alone, she bears her misfortune with touching fortitude., Her ono fear seems to be that she will' be .sent to the County Hospital; her one hope that she may be given scien tific treatment. It is possible she may never recover tho use of her limbs. Yesterday she was In a cheerful mood at an unexpected pleasure that had come to her. Someone had found the rosary which was under her pil low the night she leaped from tho burning Stateroom Inn, barely In time to escape incineration. The rosary was a gift of her mother in France. This and her Bible are the only parts of her personal effects that were saved rom the Are. "I am grateful to the people of Port land for what they have done for me," she said. "I have no claim to Port land's consideration, and that a people who are not my people take this kindly interest In me makes my suffering eas ier to bear." The subscriptions to the fund re ceived yesterday by The Oregonlan were: Cash, 51; Mrs. C H. Roberts, $2; li. Gerllnger, 55; cash, 51; Charles Marias, 52, and cash, 52. Former Friends Become Foes. ' "Mysterious" JBllIy Smith, the ex-weltsr- weight champion pugilist of the world. and his former backer and friend. Jack Fahie, have fallen out. That is. they had a "slight difference." as Smith puts it. the result of which was that the boxer put his formerjnanager hors du combat with a coupleof his old-time blows. According; to Smith. Fame, who refuses to talk about the affair, had meddled in some of his private business and he de cided to put an end to 'such interference by resortinjr to his ring- powers, at which game Fame is also adept, but the former champion scored first and that was all mat was necessary. According tn v- wltnesses, Fahie went down and out in . couple of punches. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. HARMS-SCHWA vnrn r. t, . . . . V. I) tt tint ins. 30. Cornelius; Lizzie Schwander. 20. ruit'ER-CLARKE-Harry E. Potter. 33. Woodlawn: Maude E. Clarke. 25. tXNTZ-1ROUSCH Engelbert Frantx. 23. 293 Burnslde street: Mary Rousch. 21. BERNER-SEARS Herman C. Berner. 24. 310 East Ninth street: Minnie J. Sears. 27. . .i..vAufcu-wui(.MA. James H. Alex-V nder. 42. 40S Tvpntv.ilTt), .,r-a, - Worman. 35. ' o-,Hr,Fr.MAN-HATCK-Rob,,rt O. HoffmaH. -a. 33 North Park street; Pearl L. Hatch. 19. Births. MURPHY At 330 Clay street. October 23. to the wife of William D. Murphy, a son. TIERNEY At 21U KlYtoonth .tr..l ber 20. to the wife of Dan, Tlerney. a "daugh- Death. M'CLTJRE At Good Samaritan Hospital. October 23. William H. MrClure. a native eC Pennsylvania, aged 38 years. Remains re moved to Ncllgh. Neb., for Interment. Building Permits. W. 3. STEELE. JR. Dwelling. Monroe street, between Rodney and Williams .ave nues, 51400. W. B. STEELE. JR. Dwelling. Monroe street, between Rodney and Williams ave nues. 51400. GEORGE LANGFORD Dwelling. Brook lyn and East Seventeenth. 51230. GEORGE LANGFORD Dwelling, Brook lyn and East Seventeenth. 51250. GEORGE LANGFORD Dwelling. Brook lyn and East Seventeenth. 51250. GEORGE LANGFORD Dwelling. Brook lyn and East Seventeenth. 51230. MARQUAM ESTATE Repair of store. 145 Sixth street. 575. R. B. LA 31 SON Repair of dwelling, 349 North Thirty-second street. 51300. JOHN PEARSON Dwelling. Schuyler and East Twenty-third streets. 54300. ENTERPRISE BREWING COMPANY Warehouse.- Johnson and Thirteenth streets '.North."" 53550. t W P. THOMAS Repair o dwelling, ion and Division streets. S300. OREGON FOUNDRY COMPANY Foun dry. East Eighth and East Alder streets. 5800. Ileal Estate Transfers. P. Hermann and hunband to N. Hen- 10 shaw. lot 0. DioeK -11. cuy J. W. Miller to N. Henshaw, lot o. htArV 0 1 1 rltv 1 1 3.225 1 R. 31. Thomas and husband to T. J. Glover. lot 1. block 24. Woodlawn.. ;. G. Robinson to Security Savings A Trusty Co.. ea3t or, east 101s 3, block 135, Couch Addition A. Splndler and wife to Portland Trust Co.. parcel block 1S5, city ... H. Melster to Enterprise Brewing Co.. lot 2. strip 5 feet wide and 100 feet long south of lot 3. block 137. Couch Addition H. Melster to same, undivided In terest let 1. and 10x100 feet south side lot 14. block 137. Couch Addi tion v;'- J. A. Strowbridge estate to W. T. Bur rls. lot 3. block 5. Strowbridge Ad dition Arleta Land Co. to P. Mayberry. lot 21. block 3. Arleta Park No. 2 Arleta Land Co. to M. I. Mayberry. lot 22. block 5. Arleta Park No. 2... Same to csune. lot 14. block 12. Arleta C. W. Pallett and "wife "to "Security in vestment Co.. blocks 70. 71. S9. 90. Palatine Hill No. 3 C. A. Llndell and wife to J. Llndell. lots 3. 0. 7. block 23. Woodlawn .... Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to C. E. Baughman. lot 10. block 23. Mount Tabor Villa - n 31. Keegan et al. to J. A. Solfelt. lots 6. 7. block 39, Couch Addition J. Stlmeprler and wife to C. Schelde man and wife, lot 7, block 12. Lin cola Park Addition F. Wolf and wife to W. A. Chalmer. lot 7. block 4. Farrell's Second Ad dition Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Co. to T. W. T. Bishop, north lot 33. bloek 24. Cemetery .- Victor Land Co. to H. W. Kaasebaum. lot D. block 3. Cole's Addition to East Portland H. E. Noble and wife to W. Robberd Ing, lot 6. block 6. Highland Park .. 10 330 1 1 100 1 500 123 11.300 30 50 AT THE HOTELS. The Portland J. Mlneret and wife. Chi cago: C. Town. San Francisco; S. H- French. Lamar. Mo.; F. L. Sommer. H. F. Sommer. New York; W. A- White. Detroit; J. M. Moyers. Washington. D. C; J. B. Sharpc and wife, C. E. Price. New York; A. Carter and and wife. San Francisco; F. M. Clapp and wife. Cleveland. O.; G. A. Walz, J. F. How ell. New York: J. B. Adams. Dulutht H. Motter. Goldtleld; J. J. Hayes. Wallace. Idaho: H. 31. Freeman. Chicago: F. Jaynes, San Francisco; Miss E. J. Wrlghtman. Washington. D. C; J. M. Richardson. Bos ton. F. W. Gaston. Tacoma; T. H. Hebert. Chleago; S. J. Freedman and wife. Mrs. Bar ton, elty; R. G. White. S. V. L. Lepprow. New York; H. H. Edmunson. 31l9 A. H. Ed munson. Toronto; J. S. Merrill and wire. Los Angeles; G. W. Donovan. St. Paul; G. K. Burton, city; E. H. Shepardl. Hood River; J. W. Wyman, Pasadena. Cal.; H. L. Valen cell. R. Gaelet and wife. New York: C. K. Henry and wife. HUtsboro. Or.; A. Duchamp. city; E. D. Rood. Seattle; Helen M. Richard son. Boston; J. J. Hall. Denver: M. C. Moss, Milwaukee; J. E. Ransom. E. R. Pels. Chi cago; F. E Brlghtman and wife. Seattle: E. W. Maekey. E. G. Greene, Jamestown; J. N. Mackie and wife. Chicago; N. D. Josephl. New York: H. C. Henry. Seattle; C. Whitney. Ohio; J. S. Baker. W. S. DImlck. Tacoma; G. T. Ramsden. G. O. McFadden. R. J. Mc Fadden. Miss E. J- McFadden, Halifax: H. H. Jaeobson. New York; M. L. Brain. M. E. Monaretz. Minneapolis; W. B. La t man, Ta coma. - The Oregon Charles W. Wilcox. New York; C W. Maynard, J. M. Medler. Che halls; C. E. Brelsford. Plqua. O.: Horace II. Allen and wife. San Francisco: James B. Kerr. J. W. Gragg. St. Paul: Henry Mcin tosh. Pittsburg; C. P. Helnlnger. J. B. Hall. R Hllllker. San Francisco; C W. Stone. Warren. Pa.: Clifford Caust. Parkshlll. N. Y.: W. K. Macfarlane. Seattle; II. Kneugh and wife. Wisconsin: II. H. Hess. J. W. Harris. Denver; Charles H. Davis. Pueblo: A. W. Kugler. Denver; J. A. Kane, D. A. Donetson. San Francisco; M. Ellas. Seattle; W. E. Bollng. M. R. Manning. C. W. Becker. Aber deen; H. T. Moore. Chicago; O. S. Ryerse, W. H. Southard. Minneapolis; P. H. Bernaye, W. O. Speer and wife. San Francisco; J. H. Farquhalson. I. E. "Farquhaison. Buffalo; J. G. Blake, Seattle: A. Fink. Los Angeles; E. Westmeyer. New York; Charles Meyer. Den ver; O. C. Jacobs. Minneapolis: Abe Hyman, San Francisco; Maurice Winter, city. The Perkins H. P. Berg, city; F. A. Louis. Colby. Kan.; Mrs. W. H. Wallace. Mrs. M. J Owen. Tacoma: Emit Brocks. HlllsboroW. H. Farber, Nellgh. Nob.; W. B. Cole, Trout Lake; J. D. Gordon. Dundee: R.' O. Applegate. Kansas City. Mo.: A. C. Shaw. Tacoma; F. D. Wolfrom. San Francisco: W. S. Wood and wife. Miss Wood. Grant's Pass; Mrs. Llttlefleld. ilrs. Bryan, Newberg; F. B. Rowell and wife. Dallas; J-. E. Hlggins and wife. Astoria: G. A. Freedman. San Fran cisco: G. F. Kirabcll. Pendleton: G. W. Goss. Sedan. Kan.; B. Clancy. Perry. Or.; S. P. Edwards. Pendleton; S. L. Oppenhelmer, San. Francisco; P. J. Byrne. H. E. Wilson. As toria; Mrs. J. G. Manllck. Peoria. III.: Laura Belle Manllck. Broken Bow; J. E. Rlchter. Bertha Earnest. Dallas; J. A. McCord. Se attle; J. Crlas. Chicago: H. N. Osle. Seaside: Dr. F. J. Wakeman and wife. Kansas City. Mo.; E. 31. Langemo. P. C. Langemo. Dallas, Tex.; H. A. Chapln and wife. Miss Chapln. Chicago: Vic Raymond. Heppner: L. J. Cromwall and wife. Salt Lake; J. Mott. New York; P. H. Hartman. Seattle; E. O. Jasmer, Chicago; Mrs. E. Grant. Vancouver. B. C The St. Charles A. R. Roberts. Rainier: C. 31. Phillips- and wife. Scott's Mills; J. Day. Rainier; Mrs. Hawley. Miss Hawley, t Central la; O. P. Rich. Orient; Bella New house. Newberg: J. F. King. Aurasvllle; G. L. Ackley, J. Brion, Kansas: J. L. Sheets. Stella: J. H. Gray; F. Ott. Dayton: Mrs. A. B. Clayton. Cape Horn; T. A. 3IcEldowney and "wife, city; W. W. Smith; G. F. Otis. Pasadena; O. Potter. Denver; J. B. Hoss. Salem; C. Rhelnhelmer. Woodland; H. Mc Closkey. Los Angeles; E. Ferrel; C. E. illles. Hubbard; G. A. Warren, Washougal; W G. Rhude. North Yamhill; W. A. Straw and wife. Wasco: J. K. Durllng and wife. Mrs. W. B. Hunsberger. Wadsworth, O.; W. A. Hendrix. Dufur: J. McCuIlock. city: C. Frey, Tekoa; G. A. Rualerholz. Reuben; C. Wright, Washougal. Tacema Hols l. Tacoma. Asasricaa plan. Rata. 33 aad b-b. Hotel Doelly. Tmcosaa. Washtafftsa. Suroptan plan. Ratss 75 cents ta till pet day. 7r 'bva.