14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1905. PORTLAND MM Oil TEACHERS Meets Every Requirement for Great Teachers' Conven tion in July, 1906.- CITY HAS A GOOD "CHANCE President Schacfer and Treasurer Wilkinson Are Impressed With Advantages Offered and Citizens' Hospitality. Portland "will be, In all probability, the lucky city to secure the annual conven tion of the National Editorial Association, which is to be held about the middle of July. 1906. If such luck befalls, the peo ple of Portland will have an opportunity to entertain approximately 20.000 teachers and persons engaged in the cause of edu cational advancement throughout every part of the United States. "While nothing of the association. It was also said that no community had been found by the committee which seemed to be more thor oughly in earnest In regard to securing tha meeting of tho association than was Portland. The visitors loft last night for their homes in the East. Professor Schaefcr returning to Harrisburg. Pa., and Pro fessor Wilkinson to Emporia Kan. The result of 'their visit to the city will be known when they report their findings to the main committee, about the middle of November. AT THE THEATERS What the Press Agents Ss. "BEX HUR" TONIGHT. Three More Performances of This Stupendous Production. You Tiave three more opportunltlM to ee Klaw &. Erlanger'a stupendous production of General Lew "Wallace's great drama. "Ben Hur." nt the Marquam Grand Theater to night and tomorrow night at 8 o'clock with the last performance Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. This beautiful play has been Crowding the Marquam for the past week and Indications point to a repetition of this remarkable buslnor, although Rood seats may be had fpr all three performances. A Great Romantic Actor. "White "Whittlesey, the brilliant young' star, who is delighting Portland audiences at the BclaAco tHls week In the charming romantlo comedy. "Prince Otto," has won his way steadily to the head of his profession and is now agreed to be one of the greatest ro nrnntlc actors in America. The lqcal public has fairly gone wild over him and no more popular star has e-er appeared here. H appeals to all clashes of theater natrons anji never falls to please his audiences. In "Prince Otto" this week he 1 winning new BOTH LIKE DICING William F. Laisner and Wife in Divorce Contest. dTngle FAMILY SKELETON Husband Charges Defendant With Improper Conduct and Says She .Left Him -3 Times in Eight 1'enrs. "William F. Laisner testified yesterday before Judge George that his wife, Mar tha H. Laisner, left him -no less than 25 different times. He said she frequented dances and associated with other men, and did all manner of things which a dutiful wlfo ought not to do. This and other evidence was given by Laisner at tho trial of his suit against his wife for a divorce. Mrs. Laisner Is contesting the case, and she also asks to be granted the custody of their child, a boy 6 years old. .The litigants were married in Vancou ver. Wash.. in 1S37. Laisner Is a ship wright, and has worked In A-arlous navy yards. He has resided in Portland for PERSPECTIVE PLANS OF THE FLIEDNER BUILDING, TO BE ERECTED AT TENTH AND WASHINGTON. Lady Baltimore I definite Is known regarding what the de cision of the association will be. It sterns to be practically certain that the visit of Professor N. C. Schaefor. president of the association, and of Professor J. N. Wil kinson, Us treasurer, who have been In the city for two days on a tour of in vestigation, will result in the final selec tion of Portland as the chosen place. Four cltler San Francisco. Portland, Salt Lake and Denver are making efforts to win the committee to make a choice favorable to each, and from Indications Portland is now the leader in the race. It Is the wish of the association to come to the Pacific Coast for the 1906 meeting, and, as Portland and San Francisco are the only Coast cities In the race, and as California has already twice entertained the convention. It therefore would appear that Portland is sure to win. .Impressed With Portland. Not only this, but the two gentlemen who have been making and are now to continue an inspection of the different cities striving for the convention, were much Impressed with their visit In the city, and, while they would not tell the snature of the recommendation which they are to make to the executive committee in November, still they are outspoken in their appreciation of tho courtesies shown them and of the advantages seen while here. The committee before departing last aiight over the Short Line for the East, stated that Portland had met with every :requlrcment asked by the National Edu cational Association. These requirements are several In number, and a signed pledge was given to the committee yes terday afternoon. In which it was prom ised that each and every one of the con ditions named by the association, would be met prior to the coming of the conven tion, provided Portland was chosen as the .place of the next meeting. Every Requirement Met. The association requires that an audi torium capable of seating 5000 be provided lor the convention's main assembly head, quarters. In addition to this, ' churches or Hialls are to be furnished sufficient to ac commodate 17 departments, which will number from S00 to 2000 persons each. A room or a scries of rooms must be pro vided large" enough to house the bureau of registration and 15 clerks, a joint rail way agents' office and 10 clerks. Another large room for the accommodation of the executive committee, the secretary and 17 clerks is requested. Entertainment Is desired for the execu tive committee and the board of trustees, and it is further stipulated that a bureau of Information shall be maintained for at least four months prior to the opening of the convention. Besides this, subcom mittees must be provided sufficient to attend to all local interests and details consequent upon the coming of so many visitors and delegates to the city. It is also desired that entertainment be pro vided for 10,000 delegates, at rates rang ing from $1 to $1.50 a day. Hotel rates must also be submitted, subject to the approval of the executive committee. It Is further required that at least 2000 additional members shall be secured for tho association in the States of Oregon, Washington and Idaho by the time the convention meets In July. It is also asked that a one-fare rate plus $2 be secured from the railroads. Entertained at Commercial Cluh. Yesterday the two visiting members of the National Association were shown over the city under the guidance of State Su perintendent Ackerman, City Superintend ent PJgler and Tomf Richardson, "of the Commercial. Club. In the morning a visit was made to many of the grammar schools of the city, while at noon a re ception was tendered to the guests by the Comerclal Club, a large number of the prominent business men of the city attending and meeting the two men from the East Following the reception, a luncheon was given to tho men by the club, during which the general situation of the state educationally was discussed hy those present. It was during' tho luncheon that Pro lessors Schaefcr and Wilkinson stated that Portland had satisfied them as being prepared to meet with .every requirement laurels at each performance and has made a host of friends. Saturday Night Douhtful. Saturday night of this week will undeubt edly be lost to the "Jolly Grass "Widow" Compdhy, which, la meeting' with groat suc cess at the Baker Theater this week, lnce negotiations for & special train may not be successful. At any rate, they will be here every night this week and will give a mati nee Saturday. A Play With Moral Lesson. A play that teaches a moral and stirs, ono to do better deeds, and to be Satisfied with life as one finds It, Is always to be com mended, and this Is what Will C. Murphey has accomplished In his wonderful story of "Why Women Sin," which a being present ed at the Empire Theater this week. The matinee Saturday promises to be one of tho largest in the history of this theater. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Advance Sale for Tho Sultan of Sulu. The "Sultan of Sulu" will be the attrac tion at the Marquam Grand Theater next Tuesday and Wednesday nights, October 31 and November 1. This organization comes with the prestige of a four months' run at Wallack's Theater, New Tork. and from all account the production will vie In eplendor with any of the latter-day lyric compositions, Mr. Ade, the librettist. Is credited with having a most efficient colaborer in musical setting In the person of Alfred Wathall. a young Western composer, whose composition has been awarded most generous praise. The ad vance ale of seat? will open next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Whittlesey in "The Manxman." Commencing Monday night hlte Whlttletey. Portland's favorite actor, will appear for a week in Hall Caine's masterpiece. "The Manxman," supported by the full strength of the Belasco Stock Company. The play will Te superbly mounted and will be one of tho biggest events of the season. Unusual Attractions. The attraction at the Baker Theater next week is known as the "Washington Society Girls," an offering of unusual strength and attractiveness among burlesque organizations. The 30 handsome show girls have been se lected with a care, not alone for their beauty but for their ability to jlng and dance as well. The engagement opens Sunday matinee. A Family Story. The story of "Dora Thome" Is too familiar a one to permit of much comment. As a play It a provoking widespread Interest, and much surprise is manifest that o fnicceseful a novel In the day and time of book plays, has not found its way before the footlights long ere this. "Dora Thome" will be at the Empire Theater all next week with the usual matinee Sunday. Studies Railroads in America. Cilaro Sakuma, who was sent here last Summer by the Japanese government for the purpose of studying railway conditions in the United States, expects to depart for Chicago In a few days. He is quite intelligent, and delivered an Interesting address In English upon tho occasion of the National Convention of Railway Agents, which convened here a short time ago. Although called upon unexpectedly. Sakuma acquitted himself In creditable style, and received the lion's share of ap plause from the assembled delegates. Since then he lias learned a great deal about railroad matters in this country, and this information will probably soon be embodied in a report to his government. Charged With Offense. In a raid on a disorderly house at 289 Taylor street. Detectives Kay and Jones last night arrested the following oh a charge of breaking a city ordi nance: Allie Bell, Carrie Huntington, Mabel Barnes, John Gallagher, Eugene Schwab, Peter Hoffman. Those who wish to practice economy should buy Carter's Little Liver Pills. "Forty, pills in a vial; only one pill a dose. 29 years. The maiden name of the de fendant was Martha H. Taylor. Laisner testified that his wife frequent ly beat him. and threw dishes at him. He told of meeting her at the Oaks In August last. He was dancing with another wom an, and she with another man. Mrs. Laisner struck the woman he was with, and then struck him. Her escort told her to go ahead, and he would see her through. Laisner said he complained to the manager, and the following week was informed that his wife had been barred from further attendance at the Oaks. Laisner told of a similar experience at Cedar Park, and enlightened the court concerning numerous family jars. He called witnesses to prove that his wife had a bad reputation. One of his wit nesses. Violet Myers, took Mrs. Laisner'a part, and said she was a good woman. Mrs. Mary Knless testified that Mrs. Laisner was in the hopfield a year ago, but did not pick any hops. She kept com pany with a man named Smith. Witnesses for Mrs. Laisner testified In her behalf, and said her reputation was always good. These witnesses were friends of from 15 to 20 years standing. It was shown further that Mrs. Laisner put 5550 of her money in their home prop erty at Albino. This she received from her father's estate. Mrs. Elizabeth Grier, mother of defend ant, who had trouble with Laisner result ing in her sustaining a broken arm. oc cupied the witness-stand when the court adjourned for the day. The trial will be resumed this morning. FOR SELLING BOY TOBACCO One Dealer Pleads Guilty Warrants Out for Others. H. F. Taylor, a storekeeper on the East Side, formerly a janitor at the Courthouse, was fined 13 by Judge Frazer yesterday for selling tobacco to Ernest Dubolse. a minor 16 years old. Taylor informed the court that he does not keep cigarettes in stock, and is very careful to obey tho law. and had no recollection of making the sale to Dubolse. Ic stated that he thought tho boy must be mistaken. The boy was detected smoking by Officer H. H. Haw ley, of the Boys' nnd Girls' Aid So ciety, and told Depufy District Attor ney Galloway that Taylor's was ono of the places he patronized. Taylor after telling the court that he did not Relieve he was guilty, con sented to plead guilty, saying it was as cheap as to hire a lawyer and stand trial. The court had no alternative than to Impose the lowest fine. A bench warrant is out for Sam Llchncr on a charge of selling tobacco to Ernest Dubolse. and warrants are also out for E. F. Glblin and Otto and Rudolph Volker for selling tobacco to minors. Tho authorities are deter mined to break up the practice. Goldstein Makes Payment. 'Samuel Goldstein escaped commit ment to the County Jail yesterday by paying $53 to clerk H. C. Smith, of the State Circuit Court, as ordered by Judge Frazcr. The money is for the support of Bctsle Goldstein and her two children. The Goldsteins have a suit pending in the divorce court and Gold stein declined to pay alimony. He said he had no money and was unable to borrow from his friends. All he had was a certificate for $200 which is not due. Judge Frazer told Goldstein to produco 550 before 12 o'clock yester day or go to jail. Goldstein made good at 11 o'clock. The divorce case has not yet been feet for trial. Complications Over a Note. "Is there such a person as L. S. Cleaveland?" Frank Loritz and and John Dltchburn. attorney, want O. XL Smith, a real estate dealer, and John Hall, at torney, to produce L. S. Cleaveland, It thero s' such a man. Mr. Dltchburn, rep resenting" Lqrltz and wife in a suit In which Cleaveland is named as plaintiff. I' ' Vf v 15 v. If . v sr IS MI I MI Mi I MI MI MI f I - ) V Mi Mi I if 5? By OWEN WISTER Author of The Virginian. T WAS at King's Port not 'its map name, of course that Mr. Wister found Lady Baltimore and laid the scene of his love-story of the Carolinas. Imagine the most charming of Southern cities; old and shabby, hushed and gray but peopled with a high-bred society more ex clusive and self-sufficient than that of any court in Europe; a town where the atmosphere and the small talk of the forties are still preserved. In this rarified atmosphere rear a native lover, and at last confront him with a fiancee who spends her summers with the Newport "smart set" playing bridge, drfnking high-balls and smoking cigarettes. JIT A bull in a china-shop would be a more welcome guest Til than was this young woman when she descended on King's Port. Was it any wonder that the old town was set by the ears, that the young man wondered if he hadn't made a-mistake, and as many social tangles presented themselves as a dozen chapters would scarce unravel ? In this week's number of 4 . . THE EVENING TO$T A high-grade weekly magazine, illustrated and beautifully printed. 5 Cents the Copy of Dealers Everywhere THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. filed a motion to this effect in the State Circuit Court yesterday. Loritz borrowed $400 from O. M. Smith secured by a note and mortgage. He paid $100. leaving $200 still due. which Mr. Dltchburn says his client offered to pay and the money was refused. Cleaveland says he holds the note and mortgage, and through John Hall has filed a foreclosure suit. Mr. Dltchburn asserts that he desires to And Cleaveland, and has been unable to do so. Divorce Case Set for Trial. The contested divorce suit of Alice Goodwin against Edward H. Goodwin has been set for trial Monday next. About a year ago Mrs. Goodwin caused the arrest of her husband because he was living with another woman. Some sensational disclosures followed and the criminal pro. cecding was finally dismissed. Then came the divorce suit on the ground of deser tion. Goodwin is contesting the case be cause the wife wants a share of his property and alimony. He says he made a settlement with her in February last for $450. of which he still owes $55. which he is ready and willing to pay. The liti gants were married in New Tork in 1S95. The defendant has been engaged in the. powder (business. Court Brevities. James Preston, a young man. pleaded guilty before Judge Frazer yesterday to unlawful relations with Frankie Mencle, 15 years old. and was sentenced to six months on the rockplle. H. L.,Keyes. a saloonkeeper at Sixth and Oak streets, pleaded not guilty In the State Circuit Court yesterday to a charge of permitting Ina Abraham. 19 years old. to frequent his saloon. The law prohibits females under the age of 21 years from going into places where Intoxicating liquors are sold. The trial was set for November H. Notice of appeal to the Supreme Court was filed yesterday by tho Portland Cracker Company In the case in which Multnomah County recovered a Judgment for $SSt taxes. The cracker company compromised the taxes years ago for $250. The county alleged that it never re ceived the money and never authorized a compromise and sued for the full amount. Jacob Ludwlg. an employe of the Port land Flouring Mills Company, who was in jured In an elevator accident on July 31, yesterday "filed suit against the company in the State Circuit Court for $633 dam ages. He says he was crushed and bruised and his ankle, back and head were injured. The accident was caused by a belt getting out of place, and Ludwlg fell a distance of 12 feet. First-Class Mall Increasing. First-class mall matter handled by the Portland Postofflce during the lifeof the Exposition has Increased about 15 per cent according to a statement made by Post master John Minto yesterday, and stneo the close of the Exposition Just about that amount has fallen off. ' Last May permission was given by the Postmaster-General for an increase of mall clerks. Seventeen were engaged, seven of whom havo been discharged while from the outlying districts threo others have been called In. This leaves the present force only three short of the number when the Increase was ordered. This arrangement is only temporary and an adjustment is to be made soon in How Many Birthdays ? You must have bad 60 at least! Wht? Only 40? Then it must be your gray hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops these frequent birthdays. It gives a the early, deep, rich color to gray hair, checks falling hair, and keeps the scalp healthy. M 1 mb well acquainted with Ayer's Hair Vigor ad I like it Terr aanch. I would espe cially recomsaead it as an excellent dressing for the ha lr, keep Irk it soft sad erooota, and preventing tbe bait from gpIIttlBjr at tbe ends." Mhrsjr Farrz, Yeeaua, 3ich. which a number will be retained for hand ling the steadily Increasing business of the office. Erie Takes Its Xew Purchase. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. At a meeting of tho directors of the Erie Railroad today. Russcl H. Harding was elected vice-president of that company and also of the New York, Susquehanna & "West ern Railroad Company. The Pere Mar quette directorate was reorganized, most of the new directors being In the Erie board. F. D. Underwood, president of the Erie Railroad and Cincinnati. Ham ilton & Dayton Railroad, was elected president of the Pere Marquette. You Can Be Cured You Can Be Cured If you have Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stric ture or Syphilis in any of their forms, stages or complications, we can give you A Positive Cur. "We likewise quickly cure Varicocele and Hydrocele painlessly and without the old surgical methods with the knife. The following- are among- other diseases we cure with equal skill and success: Impoteacy, Nervous Decline and Vital "Weakness, the result of ex cesses or youthful errors, Nocturnal Losses, Spermatorrhoea, Proatatorrhoea and all other related troubles as well as Bladder, Stomach and Kidney affec tions. Piles, Rectal Ulcers, Eczema and Other Skin Eruptions. Consultation and examination free. "Write for symptom blank and book If you cannot call. Office Honrs: 8 A. M. to S P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 12. St. Louis EST Dispensary Cor. 2d and Yamhill St Portland. Or. C. GEE WO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR. Formerly located at 253 Aider Sl, center Third. Has Moved To the larsa brick building at S. B. corner of Flrat and Morrison Eta. Entrance I62J- First St. 1 A ITm Wb. tko ureas taiacw iioitiir liwell known an ?h bout tie U. because , bis won derful and marvePoua cures have been heralded broadcast throughout the lencth and breadth of this country. He tFeats any and. JI tow with powerful Chinese 00t "rb barks and vegetables .that are en tirely unknown to medical science la this country, and thrown the use of these harmless remedies. He guar antees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles. rheumatism. nervousness, stomach, liter, kidney, female troub les and all private diseases. This famous doctor cures without the aid of the knife, without using poisons or drugs. Hundreds of tes timonials on fllo at his offlcea. Call and see him. Charges moderate. CONSTJUATIOK FREE. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circular. Inclose 4c stamp. Address the C. Gee Wo Chinese Medi cine Cc 162V& 1st SU Cer. Morrises. Portland. Or. Pleas mention this paper. DAMIANA Bijt Cilifernls Diolim Sitters is a great restcr atrre, fcyijorator and nerroe. The mostwccderfal asbodtsuc and special tonic for the sezaal organs of both sua. The Mexican reinedv for diseases of the Iddncys and "bladder. Sdls oa its own xsents. NABER. AXFS & BRUNE, Ageatt S23 Mstlcet St San Francisco. Send for circular. Fcr sale by all drurgixts or ilqnor dealers. BITTERS Ml III HI El 6 is a no9.BotH.nmat remsdr for Gonorrhoea, uiaet. opermaiorrncea, WhUei. unnatural dlr i itriatue. cnarzei. or any umarnma- frTau omuiits. tion ot mucous meat ImEmaQHEMlMUla. bransi. Aon-aitrlngent iCiSCimUO.L "J 31 y Dragxlsta, or 8nt In plain wrapper. by express, prepaid, fot 81.00. or 3 bottles. $3.75. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. THE COMFORTABLE WAY. City Ticket Office. 122 Third St., 1'hone 680. 2 OVEELAND TRAINS DAILY O Tho nyer and tho Fast 3IulI. SPLENDID SEHVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COUItTEOUS EMPLOYES- LEAVE. ARRIVE. 8:30 A. M. Portland 7:00 A. M. 11:45 P.M. J Via Seattle 0:50 P. M. 6:15 P.M. I Via Spokane 8:00 A.M. I (O. It. X. Co.) I , GREAT NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. Sailing from Seattle. S. S. Minnesota. Nov. 5; S. S. Dakota. Dec. 16 For apan and China Ports and Manila. NIPPON' YUSEN KA1SHA (Japan Mall Steamship Co.) S. S. IYO MARU Sails From Seattle for Japan, Cbjna and All Asiatic Ports About December 12. For tickets, rates, berth reservations, eta, call on or address H. DICKSON. C P. & T. A.. Portland. Or. COLUMBIA RIVER Portland, The Dalles Route Regulator Line Steamers Leave Portland and The Dalles daily except Sunday 7 A. M., connecting with Columbia River & Northern Railway for Klickitat Valley Points. Direct line foMoffets, Mineral, St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs. Landing and wharf at foot of Alder Street. 'Phone Main 914. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS LEAVE SEATTLE 9 P. M. "Jefferson.' Oct. 10, 20, 30, 0 P. M. "Dolphin." Oct. 3. 13. 23, 0 P. M. CALLING AT KETCHIKAN. JUNEAU. DOUGLAS. HAINES, SKAGWAT. Connects with "W. P. & Y. route for Atlln. Dawson. Tanana. Nome, etc CHEAP EXCURSION RATES. On excursion trips steamer calls at Sitka. Metlakahtla. Glacier. Wrangel. etc.. In addition to regular ports of call. Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska." "Indian Basketry." "Totem Poles." THE ALASKA S. 8. CO.. Frank "Woolsey Co., Agents. 252 Oak St. Portland. Or. S.F.& Portland Steamship Co. Operatlss the Only Passenger Steamers for San Francisco Direct. Sailing Dates From Portland October 28: November 2. 7. 12. 17, 22. 27; December 2. 7. 12. 17, 22. 27. From Alnsworth Dock (End of 3d st,) at 8 P. M. REDUCED ROUND-TRIP RATE. $25.00. Berth and Meals Included. JAS. H. DEWSON. Agt. Phone Mala 263. 218 Washington St. OREGON J&ND 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAIL'Z Through Pullman standards ana touru: sleeping-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo kane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair-cars (seats free) to tha Eait tally. UNION DEPOT. Leavea. Arrive,. Gt0".P0R?1' a:13 A, M. iS P."m, SPECIAL for tfa. Kaat Dallr. Dally via Huntington. ' J" SPOKANE FLYER. 8: I Dally.., J Dally. For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lewlston. Coaur d'Alena and Great Northsra points. ATLANTIC EXPKESS p ,f I-.., . -J StS! v'a HunI- Dr. d KIVEH SCHEDULE FOR ASTORIA andl3:W P. it. 5:00 P. M, way points, connecting Dally. Dally, with steamer for llwa- except except co and North 13 each. Sunday. Sunday, steamer Hassalo. Aah- Saturday, st. dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore-i7:00 A. M. 5:30 P. M. rem City and Yamhill, Daily. Dally. River points. Aah-st.1 except except ioclc (water per.) I Sunday. Sunday. For Lewlston. Idaho, and way points from Bl;arla. Waan. Leave Rlparla 3:40 A. M. or upon arrival train No. 4. Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday. Arrive Rlparla 4 P. M.. Monday, Wednes day and Sa.urday. Ticket Ofloe. Third nnd Washington. Telephone Main 712. C. IV. Stinger. City Ticket Agt.; A. L. Craig. Gen. Passenger Agt. EAST via SOUTH 6:43 P. Si. S:30 6:oo P. Si. 7:30 A. M. 4:50 P. M. 110:43 P. Mr UNION DttfOT. (J Vi.lilV.iJ cv PREbS XHA.UNS 'or bale, liooe lurg. Ashland. Sacramento, wg ita, ua Francis co, Mojuve, Lcm Angeles, El Paso. New urtca4 anj the East. Morning train connect at Wood burn dally except bunday with traia (or Mount Angai. allveriuu. Browns ville, bpringnotd. Vndllng and Ma tron. Eugene passenger connects at Wood burn with Sit. An eel and SUvorton local. orvallls passenger Sheridan paasenger Forest Grove Passenger- 7.23 A. St. '5:53. P. SL 10:33 A. SJL 3:30 P. M tS:23 A. !L tl:50 P. M. Daily. JDally except Sunday. FORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Depot, Foot of Jefferson Street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at A. SI.; IZ.oU. 2:03. 4. o.M. tt:i3. 7:4-. 10-. 11:30 P. M.. Dally except Sunday. 5:J0. S.35. 10:25 A. it. Sunday only. U A. M. Returning from 0weo. arrive Portland, dally o:30 A- M.; 1:33. 3:03. 4:53, C:20. 0:53. tl;10 P. St., 12.35 A- M. Dally except Sunday. 0:23. 7:23. 0:30. 11:43 A. M. Sunday only. 10 A. M. . , Leave nom same depot for Dallas and In termediate points, dallv. o:00 P. M. Arrtv. Portland. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth Motor Llna operates daily to Monmouth and Alrlle. con necting with. S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Independence. First-class fare from Portland to Sacra mento and San Franctsco. 520. Berth. $3. Second-class fare. 515. Second-cJasa berth, S2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe: also Japan China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington street, l'hono Main 712. C. W. STINGER. A. L. CRAIG. City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agt. TIME CARD . OF TRAINS! PORTLAND DAILY. Ocsart. Arrlre.) Yellowstone Park-Kansas City. St. Louis Special for Chehalls. Centralla. Olympla. Gray's Harbor. South Bend. Tacoraa. Seattle. Spokane, Lew lston. Butte. Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kan sas City. St. Louis and Southeast S:30ata 4:39 pa North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta-. coma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Minneapolis. St. Paul and tb East.... 2:00 pm 7:00 a m Puget Sound Limited for Cnenalls. Centralla. Ta- ccma and Seattle only. 4:30 pm 10:53 pr Twin City Express for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo- -kane. Helena. Butte. Yellowstone Park. Min neapolis. St. Paul and tha East 11:45 pm 6:50 ptst A. D. Charlton. Assistant General Passen ger Agent. 233 Morrison St.. corner Third, Portland. Or. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co. Dally, g:00 A. M.I T:00 P. M. UNION DEPOT. For Maygers. Rainier, Clatskanie. Westport. Clifton. Astoria, War renton, Flavel. Ham nfond. Fort Steven. Gearhart Park. Sea side, Astoria and Sea shore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. Arrives. Dally, 11:20 A. SL 0:50 P. SL C A. STEWART. J. a MATO. Comm'l Agt.. 248 Alder st. O. F. & P, A. Phone Main 000. For Southeastern Alaska Steamers leave Seattle 0 P. Si. S. S. Humboldt. S. S. City of Seattle. S. S. Cottage City, October .10. 13. 17, 21, 23. 27. For San Francisco direct. Queen. City of Puebla. Uma tilla. 0 A. M. October 10. 13. 20. 23. Portland Office. 240 W ashington st. Slain 223. C D. DUNANN. G. P. A.. San Francisco. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Steamers Altona and Oregona For . Oregon City. Buttevllle. Champoeg. New'berg. Salem and way landings. Lear Taylor street. 0:43 A. M. dally, except Sun day. Oregon City Transportation Co., Phone Malz 40- rf train Msg? is'