THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 26, 1905. 13 FOR KENT. Roosts. NEW LANGE HOTEL. (EUROPEAN PLAN), f -sr Cth and Washington; rales 50c. 75c. $1 prr day; special rates by the week or month, electric lights, steam heat, bells and elevator; baths Irce; office rooms for all purposes, single or on suite; baths and phones on every floor: elegant cafe and bar in connection. F. Langc. proprietor; Sam Bauman. manager. SWELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT LAND. Stone and brick building, elegantly fur nished; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace heat, porcolain baths. HOTEL, ARMINI17S. 4 IQ -MORRISON ST., COR. 11TH MAIN 52C3. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 3d, bet. Taylor and Salmon, 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant furnished brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in rooms, free baths; rooms with private baths, electric light, de lator, rooms for two. $1 day. 3.50 week Up, reasonable by month; tourists solid tea. THE CLAYTON. 15 10TH ST.. TWO BLOCKS north of "Washington st. urnlshed front rooms, heated by furnace, free porcelain baths; also unfurnished and partly fur nished housekeeping rooms. Phone Pacific C01 Mrs. W. A. Jarvla. prop. HOTEL MONTGOMERY. 394 ALDER ST.. cor- 10th This well-known family hotel ha opened as a first-class rooming-house, with baths and all modern conveniences; very reasonable rates by the week or month. 212 7TH ELEGANT LARGE SUNNY ROOMS, steam heat, porcelain baths and all the com forts of home; very" reasonable prices for permanent roomers; 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Fostofflce and Marquam Grand. HOTEL PALMER- m Centrally located at the corner of Alder and Park sts.; steam heat, hot and cold ater; free (porcelain bathe: rooms, 50c, 75c and $1; special weekly rates. A RY COMFORTABLE. WELL-HEATED uvi lighted rooms at reasonable prices, lo ra'ed in quiet resident section and only 10 minutes walk from center of business. 30 c - umbla t. FOR RENT NICE. LARGE FURNISHED front room; well lighted, hot and cold water: first floor; 50c per day; good neigh borhood. 303 Holladay. near Steel bridge. U car. THE HARTMAN. 426 ALDER ST. NEWLY papered and renovated rooms, with furnace heat, free baths, reasonable rates and a nice home for gentlemen or ladles. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, with ptaro, gas, heat, phone and bath. 510 per month; suitable for two. 742 aughn. near 23d. Take- any Fair car. 3 LOVELY ROOMS TO C GENTLEMEN; SE-l-vt neighborhood; modem home; no other roomers; good transportation; look this up. 184 N 18th fit. Main 3410. NICELY FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM, with gas. heat, phone and bath. $10 per month, suitable for two. 742 Vaughn, near 23d Take any Fair car. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN trick building. $2 per week and up; bath, elecirlc light and phone. The New Bel mont. 193 1st st. DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR ONE OR TWO persons, new, modern, porcelain bath, gas electric lights. Phone Main 3563. J' ferson st. neu. isth KT PRIVATE HOME. ELE gamly furniehod front bedroom; also side and small rear room, nrsi-ciase, new, ic f-cnablt. THE DORMER. J3TH AND JEFFERSON Elegant furnished rooms, modern one., rteam heat, bath; reasonable. Main 0456. h,t-t .tniTTtriTT. vantiT TinOM WITH PRI vate porch, light housekeeping for refined woman: reasonable: roiercnces. aiain .two. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL-A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 1G5-167 10th st.. cor. Morrison; engage ments can now be made for the Winter; rieatant rooms, nicely furnished, eam neat, norrpiain baths, nlentv. of hot water: hand- pome dining-room, with first-class table and sen ice. THE HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. A srlert family hotel, pleasant rooms, with f'fam heat, running water and electric llshts. permanent engagements can be made at reasonable rates, rnone aiain jjwo. THE GLENDORA Is now receiving resident irtiffKtK: flrst-rlnKs table service: free bll- :lard-room, ph6ne and bath; large parlor f .r private or social parties, naies re vonabie. 19th, near Washington. B LAIC ELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEASANT rooms, with or without board; first-class in ex cry respect; one -suite with bath, adjoin ing, one of the nicest private boarding- houses in the city. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 48S WASHINGTON Fine furnished rooms, free baths; reason able rates to permanent guets; transient; open all night; dining-room in connection, PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board: use of sewing-room: use of library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs E. B. Hamlin, SupU, 510 Flanders. WOODLAND. 265 CTH. IN BEST RESI dence district, four blocks from the Port landFine rooms, with running water; flrst- iass board. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT n tun with board, suitable for 2. prices rea sonable. Phone Main 5490. 305 Cth, cor. Har rison. PLEASANT ROOMS. PORCELAIN BATH modern, excellent board; permanent or tran sient; prices reasonable. 175 14th st. FINE ROOMS. HOME COOKING. MODERN plumbing, central. East Side location, nice purroundlnge. 487 East Anky. NICE. CLEAN ROOMS. WITH OR WITH out board, In private family; modern oon enlences. 515 Yamhill. THE ILLINOIS. 1C8 10TH LARGE HAND Eome front rooms with board, flrst-class hon'e cooking; reasonable. THE HAWTHORNE ROOMS WITH BOARD, good home cooking; reasonable, central on rar line. 221 13th. W ELIj-FITRNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD, good location. 401 10th St.. cor. Harrison. Pacific 568. LARGE BRIGHT ROOM best residence part city. Main 1091. WITH BOARD; 275 22d eU. north. 895 MORRISON LARGE FRONT ROOM, running water, also single room, with board. Desirable rooms and board, modern, private home, walking distance. 120 18th-Gllsan. 3F YOi: LIKE GOOD HOME COOKING, try 500 Everett st.; nicely furnished rooms. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE men; private family. 135 llth st. ROOM AND BOARD Phone Main C513. IN' NICE HOME. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM AT Flanders. 706 BOARD AND ROOM 113 N. 18th st.. $20. Flats. DNE 5 AND ONE 8-ROOM FLAT, ALLMOD crn improvements, to rent; steam-heated. 17th and Glisan. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT 5TH AND GRANT. FINE, NEW modern flat; gas ranges; everything flrst class. Apply Western Investment Co. 66 Cth st. 549 TAYLOR FINELY FURNISHED FOUR room flat. bath. gas. electricity. Graves' Music Store, 328 Washington. MODERN FLAT 6 ROOMS- FURNISHED complete, between 3d and 4th, on Columbia. Phone Pacific 407. SPLENDID. NEW, FLAT. THOROUGHLY modern, 8 rooms. 17th near Washington, Tel. Main 2364. 187 CHAPMAN. NEAR MORRISON 4-ROOM unfurnished lower flat; bath, ateei range. Phono Main 5220 FOR RENT UPPER CORNER FLAT AND attic. 110 North 18th fit. Call between 11 and 2. COMPLETELY FURNISHED THREE-ROOM nat. close in. inquire ICS w. I'ark st. NICELY FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT. GAS, oatn, y.'0 month, CSG Front; S car south. 144-14C 11TH, THE BUCKEYE FLATS furnished for housekeeping. Housekeeping Rooms. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 555 Yamhill "kt. Phone "Main 4415. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, .with gas and bath. 406 4th st. 2 OR 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent, partly lurnisned. call at 72 7th at. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING modern. Main -4492- ROOMS, TOR KENT. HousekeetUBr Room. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM- I hill New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range In each kitchen; (team heat, baths; tree phone on each floor. 4 IWFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS reasonable; gas. bath, phone and use or basement; good location, between two car lines; mum be permanent. Call after o. evenings. 331 12th st. Phone Main 3699. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In best brick block on East Side: gas ranges, bath, etc; no transients; prices moderate. Logan blk., 108 Union are., corner B. Alder. Phone Union 3203. THH JKP"FEIlROXIAN. 514 JEFFERSON st. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room rurnisn cd housekeeping apartments with heat and hot water and phone, eicgont porcci" bathtubs. Phone Main 5432. 518 TWO EXCEPTIONALLY NICE FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms; nrui, . ,nr ntinn Aliw 1 unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, price $10". 575 West Main, Look this up. 372 FIRST TWO OR FOUR JSEWL.1 r.- I nered. furnished baV-wlnflOW nouscKcepmB 6 rooms; also two uniurmsnea; wit h-"""- i able; respectable people only. TWO OR THREE LARGE BAY-WINDOW rnnm. trlf h ntr-nve. -furnished for house keeping; modern; select neighborhood: walk ing dietance. 390 Park st. rooms, $10 and up: free phone, oatn. anu electric light. Also transient, with board. Corner 12th and Marshall. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. gas. telephone, good location, on car line. $10 to $15; also four connecting, two beds. $25. 544 Overton. 191 CTH. HALF-BLOCK SOUTH OF PORT- land Hotel Desirable housekeeping une on ground floor; also single rooms at rea sonable prices. $11 PER MONTH 4 FURNISHED HOUSB- ireoDing room.-, witn large yarn ana waier. 190 East S9th; take Sunnyslde-Mount Tabor car. THREE NICBLY FURNISHED HOUSE- unlnc rooms: even- convenience: reason able walking distance; no children; 403 4th fit. THREliT LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. nleriv furnished, lert. floor: bath, pnone. gas. heat, pantry, sink; reference. 655 Irving st. THE HEILER, 280H GRAND AVE. FUR- nlshed suites for housekeeping; eitner or 3 rooms; gas ranges, private bath; low rent. $2.50 WEEK 3 LARGE WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, phone, ground floor, East Side, close in. 118 Ablngton Wdg. : DESIRABLE SUITES OF HOUSEKEEP- inir rooms. X4.50 ner week each, parties wit fl out children. Phone Main 495S. 02 N. 17th- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS NEATLY FUR- nUhed suite for 1 or 2. central. ...lo; re spectable people only. ICS W. Park: IF YOU WANT CLEAN. LIGHT. FRONT housekeeping rooms, gas and wood ranges. reasonable price, call at 3wbi 4tn sx. TWO PLEASANT CLEAN ROOMS. FUR- nlhed for housekeeping; also nice sleep- ing-room; no children. 354 Salmon. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE lwplng suites, modern conveniences. 428 Yamhill, bet. 11th and 12th ste. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. one 4ngle furnished housekeeping room, cen tral, gas. bath, phone. 435 Mam. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE IN NEW. MOD- ern house, furnace, etc.; walking distance; bring reference. 367 3d st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE- keeplng rooms, suitable for two; gas ranges; rent reasonable. 30OV4 4th fit. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ALL MODERN conveniences; hot baths. Phone East 4301. The Yale, 291 Grand ave. 388 JEFFERSON I ROOMS. FURNISHED complete, close In. bath, gas, phone; also single room; references. THREE. ROOMS AND BATH. NICELY FUR- nlshed, strictly private, vory desirable, rea sonable, zzo urant st. FRONT ALCOVE FOR HOUSEKEEPING; albo furnished basement; very convenient. 3-! N. llth. Main 4500. THE ILLINOIS. lGSVi 10TH THREE COM- pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, two double oeoA, reasonable. A SUITE OF CONVENIENT AND NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; lelophone, gas and -batn. i-oo iztn. THREE OR FOUR NlCELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: central. gas, bath. pnone. l-us1 um eu FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR family or 4 grown people; close In. 51 N. 9th St.. nr. Couch. FOR RENT A SINGLE HOUSE-KEEPING room, with panty, bath and phone. Inquire jaornson fi. 2 LOVELY FRONT ROOMS. COMPLETELY furnished for housekeeping; gas, bath, $14. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roomn; sink, gas and phone. 254 Mentgom- cry. cor. so. 1S4H 4TH SUITE HOUSEKEEPING LARGE front rooms, suitable for 4 gentlemen and uncle rooms. TU!?E 5"2t. PiVAI? family, no children, 432 Burnslde, bet. 10th and litn. SUITE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ICS 13th, near Morrison; references required. 435 ALDER NICBLY FURNISHED HOUSE- k-eplng rooms; very convenient; central location. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 55j lamhlll st. Phone Main 4415. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TWO PITH. irif hod rooms, with gas and wood stoves. 322 i4tn t. THREE VERY NICE FURNISHED HOUSE- xeeping rooms, xne jew Grant, 2d and uranc FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ments for quiet homelike people, ctt st. A PART- JOS Ever- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. COMPLETELY furnisneo: modern; East Side, 002 Missouri ave. WITCH HAZEL. First and Madison Houee- Keepmg rooms, transient; bain, electric MghL LARGE, NEW ELEGANTLY FURNISHED nouseicecping rooms, reasonable. 503S Alder. FRONT SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; eieoiric iignts, nam, pnone. 310 loth st; C UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS rnone ano water, soo West Park. House. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. iienu ana insurance, raone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE3. COTTAGE. 89 N. 15TH BASEMENT .-AT. tic. gas, electric, laundry. Wood elevator; $25 NEW. MODERN SIX-ROOM nonsa East Side, near car lines; ready November iu. Address w 1, oregonian. A MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. S23 a , month; range and window shade for saie reasonable. 426 4th st. 9-ROOM HOUSE. 305 12TH ST.. NEAR Co lumbia. Apply Mrs. J. B. Hlrsch. Hobart- vurus. mn ana jenerson. MODERN HOUSE. 11 ROOMS. AT.T. ruin. lng off the hall, central, reasonable. Wake- neia, f ries, zv suric A BEAUTIFUL JfEW RESIDENCE. 8 rooms; Willamette Heights; on car line. Appiy iiua inurman st. MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE, 407 ROSS ST., atTaS3Bfltm Stl Brt3s:e East S,ac- Ky 522.00-XEW 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, gas. electricity. 74 E. Clinton. Woodstock. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUS3. C97 EVERETT Ht. inquire N. D. Simon. 610 Chamber of wuniiucrcc. CHOICE COTTAGE. NOV. 1. EAST ANKENY near -ist; permanent tenant. Apply 304 Fen- ion uiug. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. GAS. NEW oatn. juo e. litn. cor. E. Alder. Call at 110. 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. FIREPLACE. cor. r.. jvn ana join, inquire jsi E. 16th. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 206 wnittBKer st. Appiy oi xroni st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE IN FULTON MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. VERY CEN- tral. Wakefleld. Fries, 229 Stark. FOR RENT. Houses. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS. STORES. ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR RENT. List your nroaerty with us to be rented. The demand is rreater than we can supply. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third treet. Phone Main 453. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON BAST SIDE in good location $18 per month; inquire Hartmon. Thompson & Power. 3 Chamber of Commerce. NEW. UP-TO-DATE MODERN 7-ROOM house: ras. electricity. Urxe. light base ment, large 7rd. Inquire 243 Lincoln, near Third. FOR RENT 12-ROOM MODERN HOUSE: large and beautiful grounds, on Holladay ave. Apply 229 Washington st. Pbcse Front 182. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE ALL modern conveniences, 326 25th st.. next to Quiraby, $35 per month. Phone Main 2707. A MODERN SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH and basement. 224 E. 2d tit., north, near Steel brldre. Inaulre room 301. the Dekum. - KOOM HOUSE. 30C 1TTI1 51. KEV.B.T" ly renovaiea; new Daiorwui ana buhhh plumbing. Call 434 Mohawk bldg. Main 1957. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1CS5. Office, 110 N. 3d st. C-ROOM UPPER FLAT. OWNER. 290 14TH st. rnone Main 305. Furnished Housea. C-ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR UN- furnlshed. or will sell part or all of fur- m nlture. 33 X. Pt'j st. Call after 1:30 P. M. A GOOD FURNISHED HOUSE 18TH AND East Plae. $30 per month. Apply Portland Trust Co. of Ore.. 109 3d. $20 COMPLETELY FURNISHED FIVE- room cottage, neat and cican. zio e. lum st. Phone East S5S. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE: ELEC- trlc light., bath; central. Inquire 273H 7th. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. WB PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR FUR- nlture; also take aunt on consignment. Portland Auction Rooms. 211 1st tt. Phone Main ,5655. NICELY AND COMPLETELY FURNISHED 9-room modern house, rent HO per xnontn. doing good business: price $000; win take $150 cash or diamond as first payment, bal ance one year. This, place win bring at auction $400. so you can't lose. A BARGAIN DOUBLE HOUSE WITH 6 flats; large rooms; rent only $0; parties going away. Inquire at 392 Jefferson St., or at Calef Bros., 360 E. Morrison st. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE and house for rent; must sell at once. E. E. Clinton. 2d house west of FIrland station. MU Scott car line. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 23-ROOMED hotel; must sell on account of health; cheap for cash. S. A. Goodnoe, Vancouver, Wash. 11-ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE FOR ROOM- ers and boarders, centrally located, on 10th st.. furniture for sale. O 13. Oregonian. 12 ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE: rent $30: price $300; must be sold. 440 5th. cor. College. FURNITURE 9-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE for sale or rent furnished. 448 Taylor, bet. itn and i3in. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN THIS WEEK 21 rooms of furniture for sale at a sacrifice. 71 Thurman at. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDE. furniture for eale cheap, at 246 Grant st. Main. 5777. FURNITURE FOR SALE. 5-ROOM HOUSE for rent, with 3 boarders. 462 E. Washington st. Stores. CHEAP PLACE AND GOOD LOCATION Just the thing for a delicatessen and oof- fee-house, with lmng-roem. at $15 per mo. Opposite Rustell-st. School. J. Kraemer. office 51 Commercial blk. FOR RENT A STORE WITH GOOD DRY basement, rent reasonable. Inquire 551 Mor rteon st. OfSee. OFFICE FOR RENT AND OFFICE FOR niiur tor aie reasonable, inquire 10 A m.. -zvz Abington bidg. FOR RENT DESK ROOM AND EVERY- thlng furnished. E. S. Jackson & Co.. 246 saric si. FOR RENT TOP FLOOR BRICK BLDG stn ana i- ianaers. 'ovey uros. rERSONAL. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES ELEC- tricai. thermal, alcoholic and medicated treatments; chiropody, pedicuring and man! curing. 10 and 12 Benson bldg.. 5th and Morrison. Phone Pacific 235. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globles. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months'. $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. "Woodard. Clark & Co., Portland. Or. YES. SEXINE PILLS WILL MAKE YOU eI. l. feel happy and strong- Price. $1 a box. 6 boxes $5. with full guarantee. Ad dress J. A. Clemensoni druggist, 2d and .Yamhill sta.. Portland. STYLISH VISITING CARDS PRINTED TO order, 50 for 35c. 100 for 50c; business cards. 250 for $L 500 for $1.75. The A. W. Schraale Co., 229 1st; bring yur order to day. Gussle Johnson, scalp treatments.- manicur ing; win visit your homes forenoon; office hours 2-5, 7-8 V. M. The Frances, cor. W. Park-Morrison, parlor 7-8. Thone Pacific 1C5. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenz Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25o a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Phar macy. 227 Morrison St., between 1st and 2d. THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMElJY restores gray and faded hair to lln natural color, promotes the growth of hair; not greasy. Paris Hair Store. 303 Washington. MISS ENGLISH. HEALER, CURES RHEU- roatlsm ana nervousness. Also Turkish steam baths and magnetic treatments, 145H 0th, rooms 24-25. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. GENUINE PSY- chomestrlst, eerees and true prophetess, will open parlors next Monday at 34314 7th. cor. Yamhill. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S TIMBREL- las; repairing and recovering; two stores. Washington and 6th and Morrison and 5th. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50a. jluic sitircs presses, avc. Ulloert. 100 H Oth St.. nuxt to the Quelle. Phone Clay 303. MEN WB CHALLENGE ITS EQUAL. THE .t.i.v vEic.vr, hl waisons Pharmacy, 105 North Oth st.. Portland. MARRY? JOIN OUR SOCIETY AND MEET repuiaDio people. .Matrimonial Register 10c. October issue. 24 Russel bldg., 1C5 4th. LADIES WHO EMBROIDER TO EARN money at home. Write for particulars. The Needle Craft Shop, 207 Allsky bldg. THE OREGON DETECTIVE SERVICE. OF- nces siwio uoiumoia Dicg, 305 Washlmrton st. Phon Main 5615. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; diamonds bought. . 11. Lesh, 513 Dekum. Clay 99, Miss La Pere, chiropodist, magnetic healer. scaip murage. lacoma House. 26SVfc Stk DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist, sanitarium i., J. l.'in. ilaln 5478. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR r.omrn. joa xvciuur, ii ilia, Itl. Alain 4S5S. MISS MAK7, graduate of Finland, massage SB DiiUB, liLulcs uuiy. ADingloa, bldg, DR. FLETCHER'S CHIROPODY PARLORS. uvcnatvuu ctnuii uuiiak jib AllSlcy Oidg. Winona Mills Seamless Hosiery. The Direct uuppiy co. s unaerwexr, -ail commercial blk. DR. AUSPLUND, DISEASES OF WOMEN and surgery. uo ajukj oiag.. sa ana Jdorxlson. TWO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND scaip mu&ge. ixu- iin,. cor. Washington. TWO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND scaip massage, iiva a, cor. Washington. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 431 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store, 229 Yamhill sU KwnnK HAIJ SOLED frOR Son at ho't-tTI j baurh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. MISS EFFIB HILL. EXPERT MANICURIST. DR. LAMOTTETS French Corn Paint, the best corn cure, -mc aij arugguns. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-R1BBECKE. GRADUATE dermatoTogist: scientific, featural correc tlonlst. beautlfier and restorer of youthful ness. may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessfully treated: mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc.. removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology In connection. Par lors 364 Morrison. Phone Hood 282. THE -RYmT.TVH GREATEST INVENTION. the Electro-Radiator treatments For the cure of rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, few nv kin iia.M. droDsr. kidney ana liver complaints, stomach trouble, night rwet. female disease, nervous and chronic afflictions of every nature. Parlor 2. 30 North 3d st.. corner of Conch. DISEASES OF "WOMEN A SPECIALTY: maternity cases given special attention. rrivAt hosnital accommodation; -profes sional lady nurses in attendance. Consulta tion free. X-Radlum 'Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder, entrance zsa Ai der st., Portland. DBS. V. A. XISBETU. Swedish specialists. cures rheumatism, kidney, stomach and liver troubles, chronic consupauon. 003117 anu u chronic and nervous diseases: no drugs: no knife; $10 per month. Consultation and dem onstrations free. Hood 1922. 411 Morrison st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HELSING- fnr mrfnittj, TWMitivelv cures, rheumatism. nervous disorders and stomach troubles by nand-rubblng and not Daws; Doia cis E. llth St.. two doors from East Ankeny car line. Phone East zso. "Book of Nature." "A Social Lion." "Forbid den Fruit." "Woman of Fire." "wnat uon Did." "Agnes." "Dangerous Delights." "Her Fatal Passion," 50c ea. Headquarters for souvenir post, cards. A- W. SchmaU Co.. -Z8 1st. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed: best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. 106 6th. Portland. Or. Phone Clay 363. Residence. 349 Harrison. Main 4443. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $ I a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347Waahlngton. opp. cot-drays. HAIR RESTORER FADED, BLEACHED and gray hair restored the color It was be fore turning gray. Sent anywhere, express prepaid, for $1.00. San Francisco Hair Store. 1401 First ave.. Seattle, Wash. BROTHER WILLIAM. THE QUAKER prophet, clairvoyant, medium: tells thee all things; treats diseases. 313Vs Washington. FINANCIAL. MONEY TOXOAN. On Improved city property or for building purpose:. Any amount on from 3 to lo years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgage taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent, 242 Stark Street. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payment and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; romlng-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on bis note, without mortgage (Confldeniiaij Month. V4-month. Week. $50 Repay to oe.. .113.33 or $6.65 cr $1.25 $25 Repay to ut...$ 6.05 or $3.25 or $1.65 $16 Repay to us...$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO- nlan bldg.. loans money to reliable salesmen. trainmen, motormen. conductors or other sal aried employes. Just on bis note. In sum of $10 to $100. Returnable In convenient weeklr or monthly payments. Payment sus pended in case of sickness. ConfidentlaL No Inquiries, . MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rate you can afford; money loaned on fur niture, piano or personal property; best terms in city. Rooms zis-zzo Ablngton. lira ii.-u. LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried oeoDle: lowest rates: strictly confl- dentlaL Employes' Loan Co.. room 716, the Dekum. 3d and Wash. st. Phone . MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc.. without security: easy pay ments: largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolmtn. ZZ3 Ablngton. aiain wo.. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities: email building loans a specialty. W. IU Minn. 002 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 529. GUARANTEED 6 PER CENT NET GOLD bonds, security unexcelled, $100 to $10,000 denomination; investigate this now. Porter, Box 441. city. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP on all kinds of security. . A. Hathaway. room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. . King. room 45. Washington bldg. Fbnne Main 6100. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500 on at securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE. pianos, other securities. 440 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay aiso reai estate loans. WILL LOAN $3000 OR LESS. 6 PER CENT. real estate. Farrington, 318 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR SUBUR- ban; easy terms. W. s. ward, the Allsky. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E.. Thomas state agt.. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. a. BecK. room sot. tne .raiting oiag. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity. Wm. HolL rm. 9. Washington bldg. $50,000 TO LOAN AT REGULAR RATE3 The Portland ioan unice. it m il LOST AND FOUND. Trv TM-IT.T.AR.S REWARD THE ORBOO- nlan will pay $10 reward for the arret and conviction of any on caught stealing The Oregonian frcxa the doors of Its subscribers. Circulation xanaxer. LOST ENGLISH SETTER DOG. HEAD evenlv marked, body tlcksd: license tag No. 749. Return to U. G. Schade. 401 Tilla mook t., and receive reward. LOST ROUND. GOLD LOCKET. SET WITH diamonds: liberal reward if returned to Mm. Seltz. 379 Aspen et, Ve. End. Franklin, Willamette Helen ts. LOST MONDAY. LADY'S GOLD-FILLED watch; initials "M. E. A.- gold chain bracelet attached: $5 reward. Phone Main 4223. 91 10th st. f LOST LEMON AND WHITE POINTER dcr. 8 months old: name of L. C Henrys on collar. Return to 46 Third, and receive reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovated and return same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST FOX TERRIER PUPPY. SMALL black spots on back, ana one black ear. Re turn to 1 i overton sr.; reward. LOST TUESDAY SMALL PURSE WITH ring In It; also money. Return Oregonian office, receive reward. LOST SATURDAY. LEATHER COVER CON- tainlng meter readings. Return to Portland General Electric Co. LOST ON TUESDAY MORNING. GREEN enameled crown, pin. 615 Chamber of Com merce. BUSINESS CHANCES. GREATEST BARGAIN YET OFFERED. 55-room rooming-house, excellent furnish ings, has always cleared $150 to $200 a month above all expenses; can be had now at one-third cost. Inquire Ellis, room 21, 204 Morrison st. SEE THIS 7 ROOMS. $200. A well-located house, elaborately fur nished; rooms always rented and pays $50 over rent; owner must leave and saya $200 takes it. Eius. room 21. 2tH Morrison st. FOR SALE BUILDING 100x50. CLEAR lumber, cheap, inquire oojidgraber. penny ar- caoe. jrair gruunu. BAKERY FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS. Re tiring from bustsMJL Derr & Genge. Vascou-' vr, waab. 144-146 11TH THE BUCKEYE FLATS FOR sale cheap, on account of other business (FumUbed.) OLD ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT ON 5TH st., near Washington; investigate, w t. I WANT TO BUY A LODGING HOUSE. hoteL or restaurant. Pan Smith, PoitoCfflce nox. 41. CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT, capital. 206 McKay bldg. SMALL GROCERY FOR SALE INQUIRE AT 61 N. 'ATIC BUSINESS CHANCES. CO-ROOM HOTEL 6TH ST.. NEAR WASH- lngton. one of the best money-maicers in the city: If sold this week will sell at a great sacrifice. SMITH BROS., 1221? 6tb. cor. Washington. INFORMATION ON BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES. The Ames Mercantile Asener Is in touch with trade, city and country. They are In a position to give valuable advice regard ing purchase Or sale of a business. Only 1- - gill mate propositions considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCT. Ablngton Bldg. GOOD MONEY-MAKER. 12 larze rooms, corner on 3d. near Yam hill. One transient hotwe. positively clearing $100 per month; very cheap rent: lease until August. "87. Extra well lurnieneo; inis w positively the best buy in tne city tor me price. $1100. Phone Main 156. Room 125, Ablngton. FAMILY HOTEL. CO rooms, bon-ton location, house full of steady people, at good prices; taeam neai. hot and cold running water in every iw, thl.i Is Jin old-established house and has al ways been a good money-maker. Price $3950. Main 150, room 125 Ablngton oidg. SWELL PLACE. SO rooms, fine location for good, steady roomers, chean rent, new building, nicely furntahrl- nwlilnr rood monpV. this will make any one $100 per month clear, beside a nice home and a good living; price .m "Room 125, Ablngton bldg. 51500 RARE OPPORTUNITY" FOR RELI- abl man to secure position paying iiw monthly salary and interest in an estab lished manufacturing business; highest, com- mericlal and bank references turnwnea; du ties easily learned. Particulars, 24S Stark. TlESTAt!RANT. Brick hnlldlnr. furnishings extra go5d. rirht In center of cltr. steam heat and mak ing money; will sell for pan casn or iraoe for real estate. For further particulars call room 125. Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 150. fime Birr. VI wvnma rlo-h In honrt fif r4tv; VerV chean rent, nlcefy furnished, steam heat; this U the very best buy In the city, and you can buy It for the extreme low price of $1400, Phone Main 150. room 123 .votngton diiok. TAKE NOTICE. We have cash customers for 10. 12. 15- room house, all you have to do Is to bring them in and get your casn. proviamg iacy are at reasonable prices. Pnone Jiain 100, room 125, Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE FURNITURE AND LEASE OF A 4 9-room hotel on Washington st.. with ele vator, electric bells, electric lights, gas. steam heat and new porcelain baths on every floor. Phone Main 3311. B 7, Oregonian. SWELL PLACE FOR $650. 15-room roomlnir-house near Portland Ho tel, furnished new and extra good 0 months ago: rent only 565; nne place ror sieauj- roomers. Ellis, room zi. -o jiornson si. nOT.TlRV OPPORTUNITY. 22 rooms ohran rent, lease, steam heat. nice, large sunny rooms, corner houae. extra well furnished and clearing $200 per month. Here Is a flrst-class proposition and will bear -investigation; price $2500. Phone Main 156. room' 125, Ablngton mag. SALOON OWNER PREFERS PARTNER TO Keeping neip ana win sen nan micresi. tor $1000; experience unnecessary, but purchaser must be honest, owner can iurnisn Dame references. .Particulars 24Sls Stark et. BIO MONEY-MAKER DOUBLE HOUSE of 6 flats, furnished for housekeeping: clears $75 ner month any old time. For particulars inquire at 302 Jefferson St., or at Calef Bros.. 360 E. Morrison. EXTRA FINE. 12 rooms. Washington st-. steam heat, hot and cold water and furnished fine; this Is a line house and will not last long; price $550. Phone Main 150. room 123, Ablngton fcldg. NICE OFFICE BUSINESS WELL E3TAB- lished. a one-half Interest with partner of long experience for $400; pay $iou a montn for each; suitable for man or woman. Ad dress M W 70. Oregonian. FOR SALE A GENERAL MERCHANDISE business In a country town: very desirable location; owners have other business that require their attention. For particulars call at 104 North Cth st. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR POSITIONS In Oregon; 10 men wanted to prepare for coming examination; beginning salary saw. See at once E. O. Heynen. 12 Breeden bldg:. 253 Washington st. WANT TO PURCHASE THE LEASE AND furniture of a large hotel. Address J 13. Oregonian. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS PARTNER wanted: $2500 required: this business will stand your fullest Investigation and pay you $200 a month. Particulars 165H 3d st.. room A. ENERGETIC AND TRUSTWORTHY MAN with $600 cash, manage mercantile branch .for old corporation In California; state age. former occupation. W 8. oregonian. PARTNER WANTED CASH BUSINESS: onwer prefers partner to hired help and will guarantee purchaser $150 a month; x,50 re quired, secured, call Z45i stark st. 17-ROOM HOUSE. $400. In extra good location for transient busi ness. This la a pick-up at prfce named. Ellis, room 21. 204 Morrison st. WELL-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS MAKING concrete novelties, cement laundry trays a specialty; omy ousineM of its kind in Ore gon; investigate, j us, oregonian. WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND SHARES of Oregon Securities Co. stock for sale at attractive figures. L. Y. Keody & Co., 51-52 Union blk. 2d and Stark sts. OWNER OF A CASH BUSINESS WANTS A partner $350 required, with service? and reference; will pay $20 weekly. Full par ticulars icatt 3d st., room A. NEW INVENTION. SMALL ARTICLE. EV- ery woman wants. Inventor needs 200O to properly place oa market. Immense profits $350 FULLX EQUIPPED RESTAURANT. Oth St.. good business, established 5 years; nice place: bargain. Phone Main 4780. Plt- tenger, 245 Morrison st. $1000 WITH SERVICES WILL BUY WORK- lng Interest In an established cash business and make you $150 eVery month. Particulars 165 3d st.. room A. $1400 ONE OF THE BEST PRIVATE ROOM- ing and boarding-nous in Portland for the money. It will pay you to Investigate. B 12. Oregonian. CORNER CIOAR AND FRUIT STORE. best location in town; must be sold at once; owner leaving town; bargain. R 93, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE OFFICE Bus iness valued $1000, clearing $100 month. What have you to offer. V 12. Oregonian. A COUNTRY STORE" BAST OF THB MOUN- taina. doing a good business. Inquire of J. D. Kenworthy at Wadhams tt Kerr Bros. $125 BUYS PARTNERSHIP IN OLD Es tablished real estate and employment omce, experience not ncceMary- 191 Morrison st. FOR SALE BEST PAYING HOTEL BAR- ber shop In city at your own price; beat rea son for seumg-. Barber snop. 82 . 3d st. FURNITURE OF NICE MODERN 7-ROOM flat south of Portland Hotel $250. new one year ago. Ellis, room 21. 264 Morrison st. FOR SALE BOARDING HOUSE OF 12 rooms, all full and doing excellent business. Next door Portland Hotel Annex. l&S 7th. $200 RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED; will pay you $20 to S25 every week; experi ence unnecessary, call 248 stark st. A FIR3T-CLASS SALOON DOING A CLEAN trade. In central location, for city or su burban property. J 13, Oregonian. WANTED PARTNER FOR CASH BUSINESS, $750 required; duties easily learned; pay you $150 month, call 248 stark st. $550 CORNER GROCERY 3 LIVING ROOMS. complete clean stocic. cneap rent, wortn $300. J. Andersen. 191 Morrison. WILL EXCHANGE SPLENDID HARDWARE business for cash or real estate. Inquire Northrop. 211 Commercial bldg. M10 CONFECTIONERY". CIGAR AND GRO- cery store, living rooms turnisnea. rent good location, iai jjomsoa. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent; terms reasonable, with large pantry and bath, fiol aiornsoa st. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE; 2 CHAIRS and bath: best location; established. 12 years. B 13. Oregonian. . RESTAURANT IN HEART OF CITY. owner going Bontn; oest oner taxex it. Ad dress I 8, oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. PERSON "tilTH $10,000 OR MORE TO JOIN with me in ral'road construction work; have contract and man of years' experi ence to take charge work and make money for term years; don't answer unless you mean business: correspondence confidential and returned It desired. V 14. Oregonian. SNAP CHOICEST ROOMING-HOUSE AND best located in the city: excellent opening lor a swell restaurant or private boarding house; in fact, will answer requirements to cater to the very best trade. For further particulars call at once. The M. S. Rent- ery. Sherlock bldr. 9-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED COMPLETE; rent $30; pays well; price $400; steady boarders; close in. Y 14. Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF PROPOSALS FOR SEWERS bewer bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk of Boise City. Idaho, up to noon. Monday, November 9, 19C5, for build ing lateral sewers and appurtenance alter -plana and speclncatlons on tile in this office, bids to be opened at 7:30 o'clock in the eve- sing by tne Common Council of" Bolae City, Idaho. The work Includes approximately Zu.337 lineal feet of U-lnch vltrlUed ploe sewers, not Including Ys; 1600 linear 10 lnch vltrifled pipe sewera, not including Ys; 107 manholes. 1 flush line. Each bid muat be accompanied by certlfled check for $1500 on one of the banks of Boise City, made pay able to the City Clerk, without any condi tions attached thereto. Bids must be made In accordance with and be governed by legal notice In local papers. Forms of proposals and specifications may be obtained on appli cation. Plans will be on file In tbia onjce. J. A. BeaL City Cleric. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF- flce of Constructing Quartermaster. Fort Wright, Wash.. Sept. 29. 1905: Sealed pro-' posals in triplicate will be received here until 11 o'clock A. II., Monday, October 30, 1905, and then opened In the presence .of attending bidders for the construction and plumbing of one Are station at Fort Wright, Wash, Plans and specifications and. full Information will be furnished on application at this office or at the Quarter master's offices at Portland. Or., and Se attle. Wash. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes should be Indorsed "Proposals for Con struction' and addressed to the under signed. Edw. A. Shuttlewortb, f Captain, quartermaster, U. S. A. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF- nce. oncouver Barracks. Wash., October 23, iwo-Btweu proposals, in triplicate, will be received at tnts otflce until 11 o'clock A. M.. November 22. 1905. and then nublielv opened, for the extension of the water (sup ply ana sewerage systems at this post. Full Information will be furnished on applica tion to this office. Envelopes containing proposals 3houId be indorsed '"PropoHals for water and Sewerage Syetems," and ad- areaeea to tne Constructing Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Miscellaneous. G. K. WRIGHT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. room uaKewell law building, Pittsburg. i-a. in re estate of Andrew M. Smith, an absentee. In the Ornhans Court, of Al legheny County. Btate of Pennsylvania. No. 1SU. October term. 1905. To Andrew M. Smith. If he be llvlntr and if not. then to his heirs: You are hereby notified to appear in me urpnans court or Allegheny County, State of Pennsylvania, on Snturdav. nv.m- ber 25. 1905. at 10 o'clock A. M., to answer a pemion niea by ueorge u. Smith and others, asking for leave to sell any Interest wmcn Anarew m. smith may have In real estate belonging to the estate of his mother. in default of such appearance the court will proceed to Judicially determine whether th said Andrew il. Smith, be alive or dead. ueorge u. Stengel. Clerk of the Orphans' V.OUIT. RECEIVER'S SALE IN PURSUANCE OF an order of court made and entered thl day the underalgned will sell the business, fixtures and stock of merchandise of the .muck Hardware company. Sealed bids will be received up to noon Of Monday. November 6. 1905 Inventor and property can be seen at store, 233-235 Morrison Street. Portland. Oregon. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check for an amount equal to ten per cent of amount of bid. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. B. O. WOODS. Receiver. Portland, Oregon, October 24, 1905. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion I'lalUng. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.: accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Afternoon Kindergarten. TUB MATTINGLY AFTERNOON KINDER garten. Main 3893. 269 14th and Jefferson. Art Emporium. Prof. R. Max Meyer, portrait and landscape ar- tlt. 34S Aider, .uay ana eve. classes. Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. Suction and compressed air combined: carpets clean ed on floor without removal. Main 5534. East 2394. Carpenters and Bulldrrs. - GEORGE E. HUTCHINGS & CO. General contractors in ail kinds of cement work: one of the oldest firms in the city, rive us a. call and get estimates of wort before' contracting; our motto Is to try to please our patrons. Room 7. 245 Morrison street. CHICAGO DRAFTSMAN WILL DRAFT buildings, plans and store nxtures on rea sonable terms. Russell Carrier. 300 Fifth. Main 522S. New homes built, old ones renewed, prop erty bougnt ana soia. uoraon. 20s 4th. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, gener al joooing. contracting, jju HtarK. Main 55SI Assoyers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 204 Washing ton ot. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 1S6 MORRISON st. Best facilities, races reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst Gold dust bought. 90 1st st. Chlropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, cal louses. Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring, face and scalp specialist. Pa cific 233. 10 Benson bldg.. 5th and Mor rison. WM. D EVE NY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists: narlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist; all Instru ment sterilized. U2 Marquam. Main 5236. Clairvoyants. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. THE GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT. Advisor of two continents; established seven years In Portland and has read for more people than any other clairvoyant. He will call you by name, tell you all you wish to know or charge you nothing. 303 WASHINGTON. GYPSY ZENOBIA. NATURAL BORN. CLAIRVOYANT 822-323 ALISKY BLDG. Commission Merchaats. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, lum. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front at., near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission mercnants. snerlock bldg Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce mercnants. rront and Davis sts Portland. Or. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, formost frater nal society or r. v..; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec 612-615 Marquam bldg. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK tt CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool. rura. tauow, oia ruosers. met als and sacks. 312 Front at. Marble asd Granite. MARBLE AND Q RAN 1TB MONUMENT3; no agents; m per cent savea at weeas . T-D Front, opposite Falling School; take S car. Dancing. WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMY Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday and Thursday; gents, 12 lessons. $5; ladles, 10 lessons, $2.50. Cor. 2d and Morrison. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC- lag, 2m 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltzing a specialty. Musical. VIOLIN. CORNBV. CLARINET. ?IANO. guitar. Prof. E. A, Smith, musical director, Columbia University. 234 12th. Phone 4700, . BU is IN KisS JU1RECTORX. Coal Dealers. KING COAL CO.. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE lamous diamond coal; try it and you will always buy It; Wyoming and Washington house coals. West Vlrgiitfa and Washing ton smithing coals. Telephone Main 1425. A. L. Stephens. Mgr. Leather and Findings. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO.-E3-tabllshed 1S38. Leather and findings; StotK ton sole leather and cut sIock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 1S9 Front st. THE BRBYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLH and upper leathers of all kinds; cut stock findings and shoe store supplies. 72-74 5th st. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- saie saddles and harness mfnt.. leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 226. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WIIOLE- saie saauies ana harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th w Machinery. B. TRBNKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW- mlll. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THB H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 243 Grand ave. Northwest Yiavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON ats. can or send-stamp for Health Book. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. 410 FAILING bldg. Phone Clay 138; graduate of Klrks vllle College of Osteopathy. A specialist on rheumatism, stomach troubles, oil female diseases; consultation free; lady attendant. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 413-16-17 DE- Kum oidg., 3 and Washington. Phones Office. Main 340; residence. Main 1503; Eat 3028. Exams, free. Sundays by appolntmenc DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graduates KIrksvllle. Mo.. 4U9 Oregonlaa bldg. Phone Main 1242. Points, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. si 63, fttsn ana doors. Cor. 2d and Tayiv.r. F. Ev Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co.. win dow glass and glazing. 135 1st. Main I3G4. Patent lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patent; lnirlngement coses. 004 Dekum. T. J. GBISLER. COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. 523- chj cnamoer ot Commerce. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. MAIN 10. Send for catalogue No. 25. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truas. periect retainer; positive cure; book Ir. Address .Dr. Pierce. 206 Kearney st.. S. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH fl inch tthtck doors, fire and burglar-proof work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison work, lockouts opened; repairs. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE cheap. 84 3d st. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO., DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, sacks; highest prUe paid for scrap iron and metals. 244 Front. Main 2002. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. Cth and iloyt. Phone .Main 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 343 1st. near Market. Phone Clay 1644. Spiritualists. MME. AD WARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, lov. matrimony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; tntlsf action guatan teed; readings 50 cents. Hours 10 A. M to S P. M.. dally and Sunday. Parlor 14. The Berkshire. 232 1st St., cor. Main. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S moat reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business. love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 247 1st; hours, 'J A. M. to S P. M. Mrs. C. Cornelius, spiritual test medium, sit tings daily. 333 Oak. cor. Park. Hood 1943. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON sulted. 53 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant. 109 7th. cor. Yamhill Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for chipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 12S 1st. C. M. Olsen. Tel. Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 63 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596 Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 N. FRONT St.. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis staL, Portland. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A- MILL3 Cashier J- W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available In Eu rope and the Eastern State. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston, Chicago. St Louis. St- Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bllto drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,250,000. General banking business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates Is sued, 3 to 4 per cent; special certificates (nat under $300). 3 to 4 per cent on short call. Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 433. 109 Third st BEN J I. COHEN President H L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United State. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers told on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Montana, and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort, Hongkong. Yokohama. . Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Caihler TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a upecialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 1834.) HEAD OFFICE. San Francisco, Cal. President HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. of Branches. ..W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,525,000 A general banking and exchange business transacted. Letters of credit Issued available in all parts, of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a Genera Banking Business Draft issued, available in all cities of t- United States and Europe, Hongkong and Ma nila. Collections made on favorable terms. President , J. C AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYBR Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier .' R. W. SCHMEER . Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT ; Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT