ttpiiinn VOL. XLV.- NO. 14,004. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SOCIAL REVOLT SHAKES RUSSIA St; Petersburg tut Off - by Strikers. PEOPliE CLAMOR FOR LIBERTY Witte to Take Helm and Seek to Rule Storm. , BLOODY FIGHTING IN SOUTH Nearly Every Railroad Tied Up. Rioting in St. Petersburg, Riga and Ekaterlnoslav Czar May jLcave Empire. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 25. An en counter took place this evening be tween strikers and englnedrHers who were preparing to take out trains. Re volver shots -were ozchanged and a number of persons were killed or wounded. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct 2C (G A. (Special.) South Russia Is in open revolt. Workmen have erected fortifications .and wire entanglements. St. Petersburg's citizens have become panic-stricken, fearing the downfall of the government and the proclamation of mob-rule. LONDON', Oct. 25. (Special.) Dr. Dillon, correspondent of the London Telegraph at St Petersburg, wires: "NobSdy any longer questions the reality of the revolution, or the reign of anarchy. The government is blind and palsied, purblind and frenzied. Anything, even monstrous doings such as history has never yet recorded, Is, to put It mildly, quite possible in the Czardom of today." ST. PETERSBURG. Oct 26.-(4 A. M.) Confronted by a situation more serious lha.n -any since the beginning: of the political and social upheaval of Russia,. which at the time this dispatch Is filed shows no signs o amelioration, the Emperor's ministers, under the leader ship of Count Witte, spent almost all of yesterday In conferences In the hope of finding some way out of the crisis Into which the revolutionists and the Social ists have cast the country. The general strike on the railroads Is complete ex cept in a few border provinces, and St Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities are almost as closely beleaguered as If they were invested by beselging armies. At the same time the industrial strike has assumed large dimensions and the turbulent elements in several locali ties arc forming open resistance to the troops. The ministers who had bee'n In session during the day resumed their meeting after a short interval for din ner and continued deliberations until long after midnight The result of these de liberations is not known. Witte Appointed Saturday. The ministers were summoned to meet, not as the Committee of Ministers, of which Count "Witte Is president, but as the Council of Ministers, 'of which Count Solsky is president, and . the selection of Count Witte to preside, which was done by direction of the Emperor, shows that a ministerial cabinet is actually though not formally an accomplished fact It Is understood that an edict formally establishing a ministerial cab inet which will bear the old name of "Sovyet," or council, will be published in th'e official messenger Saturday next, together with an imperial rescript ad dressed personally to Count "Witte, on trusting him with the simultaneously created position of premier, There ap pears to be some question as to whether the Count will take the portfolio of Finance or that of Minister of the In terior. The Finland railroads to Helslngfors arid the steamers constitute St Peters burg's only means of communication with the outer world this 'morning. The postal authorities are now 'refusing to accept ordinary mail and international correspondence is at a standstill. The strike' Is completed from the fac tory region on both banks of 4he Neva above the city and In several other in dustrial quarters. Forty thousand men are out but they are conducting them selves In a most orderly manner. The Store Clerks Union tonight proclaimed a two weeks' sympathetic- strike for politi cal rights, but It Is probable that it will be only partially observed. Prudent Inhabitants are laying in stocks of provisions so as o prepare lor emer genclcs. As a consequence, the prices of provisions have risen sharply. Large meetings, mainly of workmen. were held last night in the university and the higher schools, at which the sen tlment was unanimous for continuing the strike on the railroads to the bitter end, The proceedings at several of the meet ings wore of a strongly revolutionary character, the orators calling on their auditors to slay all chlnovnlks and the police and to meet the-troops with armed force. These speeches were received with enthusiastic cheers. The police were powerless to Interfre. the predicts of the university being forbidden ground to them under an Imperial ukase. A new sensational drama by Maxim Gorky, entitled "The Children of ,the Sun," dealing with revolution In Rus sia, which four months ago would-probably have landed Its author In prison, was presented here for the first time las,t night and seajs for It were sold out several weeks In advance. The play satirizes the Russian higher classes and for the first time a scene Is allowed to be presented on the Russian stage In which the people rise In revolt against the directors who are endeavoring to save them from cholera. This scene shows the superstition and brutality of the Russian moujik when, once aroused. The play, though finely presented, is brutal and' hideously realistic in char acter. The audience madly applauded every allusion of a political character. Maxim Gorky was not present His health has again collapsed under the trying climate ot St Petersburg and he has been forced to leave suddenly for the Crimea In order to save his life. IGHT OF TERROR IN CAPITAL Czar 3Iay Flee, Leaving "Witte to Rulo Empire. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct 26. (Special.) After a night of Inexpressible terror, Russia today Is plunged Into the deepest gloom. Following the declaration by the workingmen yesterday afternoon of a general strike to reinforce the railway strike -which has paralyzed the Industry of the country, rioting and street fighting kept the city In a state of terrible unrest all last night. "What makosHhc situation seem hopeless Is that the crisis, appar ently, Is not yet reached. So serious are the conditions that It is said the Czar will soon leave Russia, pay ing a two months' visit to Denmark. The .Czar's visit will be ostensibly to recuper ate from the strain of the last two years. In reality. It is said, those behind the government desire him out of the way and In a place of safety should an uprising evolve Itself out of the present labor diffi culties. Count "Witte, according to Infor mation from Peterhof, will hold an office equivalent to that of regent during the absence of the Emperor and will hold full powers as head of the government Must Make Concessions. A meeting of the Council of Ministers was held last night under the presidency of Count "Witte to discuss the strike situa tion and the danger which threatens the empire unless the movement can be checked. It Is understood that no at tempt was made to disguise the fact that the government faces, a crisis and that only radical concessions to the strikers and the people generally can have any effect in bringing order out of the present chaos. Since this warning was uttered, the sit uation has grown immeasurably worse. Thousands of additional men are on the streets, where they become the prey of (Concluded on Page 4.) CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER t JiV. ' TheC ; "Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum Jemperatur. 57 deg.: minimum. 40. Precipitation,. 0.0D of an inch: ' " TOr.r vittt "Bht frost ,n morning. Isorthwesterly winds. Railroad strike cut oft capital and cuts communication with Vienna. Page 1. Riots in St Petersburg and several other cities. Page J. Strike spreads to all factories and profes sional men Join. Page 1. Czar gives Witte supreme power and may flee the country. Page 1. Foreign. France expects Intervention in Venezuela will succeed. Page 8. Great slaughter In riots at Santiago de Chile. Page S. .National. Roosevelt speaks at tittle Rock on lynch law and rich criminals. Page 3. Wide effect of new civil service rule. paKe i Congress may reform land laws next session. Page 1. Taft denies he will resign to campaign for Presidency. Page 1. Cotton bulletin causes flurry on market and charge of scheming. Page 2. Politics. W Attempt of railroads to' pack Interstate Com merce Convention may cause panic. Page 3 Flemmer withdraws in favor of Jerome. Page 5. Domestic. Mutual ILife starts investigation of Its man agement Page L Actuary tells why Mutual Life dividends grow smaller. Page J.' Students fight police who -stop class .rush. Page -4. Harriman and Miss Roosevelt reach Chicago ahead of time. Page 8. Son of millionaire says he gave away wealth at suggestion of spiritualist 'age 4. Civil and criminal suits against Enterprise bankwrcckers. Page 2. . Sport. Oregon Agricultural College team goes to play Berkeley. Page 7. Pacific Coast scores: San Francisco 7, Port land 1; Tacoma 8. Oakland 2; Los An geles C, Seattle 2. Page 7. Toung Erne- knocks out Young Corbett Pago 5. Pacific Coast. Idaho land-fraud trials go over until Spring term; grand Jury in session. Page 1. Secret Service agents -working on land-fraud cases in Washington. Page 6. Vashon Island Italian girl; glad to go home, denies story of drowning of drunken men. Page C. Oregon Land Board votes to validate sale of land bought by "innocent purchasers." Page 0. ... Mixed red wheat will not be called bluestem by .Washington Grain Commission. Pago 0. J. W. Prall, of Medford, Or., and Dr. J. H- Messner convicted of conspiracy at Sdo-M kane. Page 6. Commercial 'ami Xarise. . Local wheat market Arm but not active. Paga 15. Russian disorders stimulate Eastern -wheat prices. Page 15. Sharp drop" in stockB at New York. Page 15. California wpol market easier. Page 15. Lane County hopgfowers not selling. Page 15. Schooner Maid of Orleans In distress. Page 7. Cruiser -Chicago to arrive next week. Page 7. Portland aad Vic laity. Surveyors at work on Coos Bay line; 10.000 tons of steel rails ordered. Page 10. Members of Society of Japanese Art Ad mirers raise' cry of bunco. Page 10. Chances bright Xor Portland winning Na tional Educational Convention. Page 14. Japanese murderer is caught Page 10. "William F. Lalsner's action for divorce from Martha H. Lalsner being heard in Judge George's court Page 14. Rev. James Edmunds denies having spoken disrespectfully of G. A. R. veterans and repeats language used. Page 9. Councilman Shepherd refuses to defend woman charged with violating city or dinances as contrary to -his own ideas of propriety on the part of a city official. Page 3. - Oregon wins manyawArjgs inihorflculture at ' tho Exposition.' PagevlL CAN DISCKE INCOMPETENTS New Civil Service Rule Greatly Increases Cabinet Offi cers Power. NO APPEAL NOW ALLOWED Knife Fell First on Obstructive Chnuffeur and Clerk AVho , "Sasscd". Taft Much Red Tape Out of the "Way. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Oct. 25. President Roosevelt certainly set the tongues wagging whenvhe issued his order amending the Civil Service rules so as to permit Cab inet officers to remove Government clerks and other subordinate officials whenever they deem such removals In the interest of the service. This Is the most sweeping- OIvIl Service rule that has been forthcoming In many years; its effect Is more far-reaching than Is generally supposed, and In some re spects it entirely does away with tho proltectlve feature of the Civil Service law. In an administration of spoils men this rule may, work great havoc; but it Is not believed any danger will result at this time, for Mr. Roosevelt Is a. Arm believer in the merit system, and he would not consent to the adop tion of a spoils system In appointments, even though he does bestow great au thority upon the members of his Cab inet. "What Pcovokcd Order. Various reasons are advanced why 4hc President Issued this surprising order. One story relates that, while driving down a prominent residence street with Mrs. Roosevelt, the Presi dent was annoyed by the driver of a Government automobile repeatedly crossing In front of his carriage. In the face of a caution from a secret service officer,-who was following the President. - This chauffeur, whether re sponsible for the new order or not, felt Its full force, for the very day the order was promulgated he lost his Job. Another story Is that Secretary Taft threatened to dismiss a clerk in his department - for. - grass . mlsconduco purely tof a personal character, how ever, and In no way connected with his work in the 'department. The clerk promptly informed the "Secretary that he was protected by the Civil Service law and. Inasmuch as his work as a clerk was satisfactory, the Secretary could not remove him. The Secretary Is reported to have replied that he would show him what he could do. The story goes that In a few days the Pres ident's order was forthcoming, and Mr. Clerk was pfliptly dismissed and had no redress. Obstacle to Efficiency Gone. This orfcer. while It may seem rad ical, has many good points. Under the old method, when every clerk, before being dismissed, had an opportunity to reply to written charges, dismissals were difficult to bring about, except In very clear cases of misconduct or In efficiency, and the Civil Service Com mission, which acted as Intermediary between the Cabinet officer and the employe, usually threw its influence to the latter. Now the Civil Service Commission has Nothing to say about it, and the dismissals can be brought about speedily and at the mere direc tion of a Cabinet officer. This will do away with protracted correspondence and explanations, will reduce the effect of influence on -.behalf of accused em ployes, and will give the members of the Cabinet a free hand to weed out In competent subordinates as well as to dismiss many persons who are unfit to hold Government positions from other causes than Incompetency. ; There is no reason to expect a gen eral sweeping out In the Federal serv ice; It is not believed that such a thing wa3 contemplated, but In the future there will be more dismissals than In the past, and clerks and others who wish to. regain their positions will Je more careful to meet requirements than they were when they could fall back on the protection of the Civil Service law. REFORM PUBLIC LAND IiAAVS Time Is Opportune for Congress at Coming Session. . OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Oct. 25. There Is some doubt in the minds of members of the Public Lands Commission as to their ability to make a ifnal report to the President be fore Congress convenes on December 4, but there ls little, doubt that the Presi dent, in his annual message, will forcibly remind Congress that It has a duty to perform in redrafting some of the public land laws which are now so drawn as to foster and encourage fraud. If the Pub lic Lands Commission makes its last re port during the coming seseion. the Presi dent will send that report to Congress with a special message, and will renew and Tetaforce what he has to say on that subject In his message at the opening of the session. The President Is more determined than ever before to have the land laws revised, especially the laws that permit the dis posal of Umber lands at a. nominal price, and which, furthermore, offer so many opportunities to speculators and thieves. In light of the convictions at -Portland and of other convictions soon likely to follow both in Washington and In Port land, It would seem that the coming ses sion Is the proper time for land law re form. With several notable examples of land thievery clearly fixed In the public mind, there will be more Incentive to remodel the laws now than there will be a year or two hence, and a reform brought about nxt session Is more apt to be satisfactory than one that Is se cured after the public has forgotten about the case of Senator Mitchell and other prominent men who have fallen Into the clutches of the law. The coming session affords an Ideal op portunity for taking up and disposing ot the land law question. There will be plenty of time, for It I? a long session, without limit; there will be adequate op-, portunlty for discussion and debate; there Is no reason why" a systematic reform cannot be made before adjournment. A great part of the discussion of this Im portant question will take place In com mittee, and. while the Interstate com merce commltteels wrestling with the .rate problem, while the ways and mean? committee Is casting about for an excuse to sidetrack the tariff, while the Immi gration committee is talking over the Chi nese exclusion puzzle, and the merchant. marine committee Is giving hearings on the ship subsidy, propaganda, the public lands committee, with the message of the President and the report of the Commis sion before It, will have a splendid op portunity to frame a bill which will bring the land laws up to date and cut out the numerous Incentives which are held out to thieves and corruptlonlsts by the 'ex isting statutes. There Is. It Is true, a widespread differ ence of opinion among Western Senators and Representatives as to how the land laws should be reformed, but on several Important Issues there is an almost unan imous sentiment. An earnest and an hon est effort on the part of the public lands committee would result in legislation within a reasonable time. It would prob ably have to "be . compromise legislation, but It would be a compromise that would meet general approval. , For Instance, while It Is acknowledged by almost every one that the timber and stone act Is bad law, there Is a wide dlf ferce of opinion a to what form of law should be substituted. To repeal It out right without providing some other method of acquiring public timber would work a hardship and practically put a stop to the revenues which now go to make up the reclamation fund. Some favor selling Government Umber at stumpage value; some favor auction sales; others have different ideas. But those views could be harmonized. The iame Is true of the conflicting Ideas as to the desert land law, which Is condemned In some quarters and upheld In others. And so on through the whole list- The Public Lands Commission Is going to show how every one of these laws oper ates; will point out Its shortcomings, and will leave no doubt In the minds of fair persons as to where corrections should be made. If the House committee re'porto a new set of public" land' law. It will take only a few days to get the bill through the House, for that hodythas a way of dlspo: Ing of legislative problems in a remark ably short Utne. when It gets started. Then there. would have to -be the same, committee discussion and readjustment In the Senate before the bill went into the open Senate. Xow. the Senate this Winter will want something to talk about. The public land laws afford a wholesome subject, though to some a personal subject. Why not talk about land law reform when the Senate docs not want to talk railroad rates? The land law bill could be used for filibustering purposes: .that is, -the Senate could talk land laws, to the ex clusion of rates. Panama.- etc., and yet It would be serving a good purpose, for. when the topic was exhausted, the bill could be passed, and some other subject for discussion could be brought forward. The land laws could be reformed at the approaching session without Interfer ing with any other important business. And President Roosevelt will probably do his 'best to see that this subject 1? not only considered, but disposed of before the next adjournment. NOT SEEKING PRESIDENCY Taft Denies lie Will Resign or Cam paign for Office. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. The Post to morrow wlllsay: Secretary Taft has an nounced: "I have no Intention of resigning from the cabinet to make a campaign for the Presidency and. furthermore. I have no Intention whatever of making a cam paign for the office of the naUon's chief executive." EL-KINS CALLS HIS COM3IITTEE Senators Will Consider Testimony on Rate Question. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. Senator Si skins, chairman of the Senate Comralt- iee on iniennaie commerce, today called a meeting of that committee for November 21 for the purpose of consider ing the iteaUmony taken early in the Summer 'relative to the regulation of railroad rates, with the ulUmate view of reporting a bill to the Senate. Young Court-Martial Trial Ends. MARE ISLAND, Cal.. Oct. 2X For an hour and a half this morning. Captain E. E. West addressed the naval court- marUal trying Commander Luclen Toung, his argument for the prosecution bring ing the trial to a close shortly before noon. He pointed out that Jnasmuch as Captain Young knew the boilers were In a poor condition and Ensign "Wade had not had previous experience In the engineer department,, there was a lax state of discipline. The captain should have had papers to show that he had made frequent inspections. The court will meet in closed session, later and, when a finding shall have been reached. the case of Ensfgn Charles G. Wade will be taken up, probably on Friday morning. Slionts III From Overwork. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. Chairman Shonts. of the Isthmian Canal- Commls. si on, has been confined to his residence In thts city tor several days, although yes terday he had been transacUnc- the more Important business concerning the canal Secretary Taft called on -Mr. Shonts this morning, but. did not undertake to dis cuss canal affairs. Mr. Shonts has been working hard and his IndlspoelUori1 Is due to the close attention' he has been giving to business. M'GURDT STARTS B Committee of Mutual Life Will Investigate Its Man-agement.- EQUITABLE SHOWS GAINS Increase In Receipts and Decrease in Expenses Actuary of 'Mutual Iiife Explains Decline in Dividends on Policies. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. More startling than the testimony before the legisla tive committee Investigating the meth ods of insurance companies today was the announcement by President Rich ard A. McCurdy, of the Mutual Life In surance Company, that a committee, of the board of trustees of his company had been appointed to investigate the company and Its methods. The members" of the committee are William H. Trues dale. Effingham B. Morris and John W. Auchincloss. all prominent in the finan cial and business world. This action was taken at a meeting of the board today and was the result of the Insurance Investigation. The matter was brought before, the board by Mr. McCurdy and the committee will begin its work at once. Still another Interesting thing In in surance matters was the statement Is sued today by President Morton, of the Equitable Life, showing that the rccelpt3 of that company for the nine months of this year exceed .expendi tures by $16,723.10". an increase of over $600,000 compared with the same period last year. Receipts from premiums on policies for 'the third quarter of this year were ver $1,000,000 less than In 1904. The expenses of the third quarter was $S39.91S less than last year, but for the first six months there was an Increase over last year of $424,913., After an entire day given over t6 the examination of Emory McClintock. act uary of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, and to the reading of column after column of figures, he legislative committee adjourned until November S, the day after the municipal election. Explains Deferred DLidIj.-. Emory McClintock was the first wit ness. The subject of dividends was again taken "P- The argument against deferrej dividend policies-Contained In the Frlok 'report on .the Equitable Life Assurance Society was read to the wit ness. The Frlck report In substance de clared that there vfas a potentiality of evil In the system which defers the distribution of dividends for a period of years; that the policy-holder who survives benefits, but those whose poli cies lapse suffer a disadvantage. Mr. McClintock said the use of the word ."surplus" had been a .great detri ment to the Equitable because It was generally misunderstood. He said It implied that the amount of surplus was available for Immediate division. Other companies, he continued, had a reserve. and determined what amount should be divided among the policy-holders .and what amount --should be reserved. Mr. McClintock said that, as each man understands the conditions of the deferred dividend policy before 'he takes it out, there did not seem any real objection to the plan from the moral point of view, especially as each policy carries Its own surrender value. It appeared to him that the companies might properly state the total amount of premium- on each class of policy that have not yet received their divi dends. He estimated the amount of such in .the Mutual at $322,000,000. This would not enable the policy-holder to compare his dividend with that of others, or of other companies. Five years ago, Mr. McClintock said. the Connecticut Insurance Company began to consider that all not needed to meet Immediate losses and debts must be surplus, but this, he said. leads to misapprehension. Mr. McClintock said -the words "de ferred dividends" were ambiguous, and lad the policy-holder to believe that there were dividends accruing that would be paid to him at the chd of each year. The New York Life Insurarico Company, he said, has stated Its accu mulation of deferred dividends -for several years. This was sometimes re garded. as a legal liability and some times not. When he became connected with the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany there was no calculation of this accumulation until the end of the dis tribution period, so that there is no recognition of legal liability except for the purposes of bookkeeping. Why Dividends Decrease. Mr. McClintock said the Mutual Life Insurance Company In writing a policy reserved to itself the right to say what amount shall be apportioned at the end of the dividend period. One reason for decreasing dividends was that policies that had been In force three years did not lapse on the failure of the policy holder to pay premiums, as formerly. Mr. McKeen read a letter from a policy holder whose dividends had decreased from $304 In 1SS3 to $10 in 1504. "From the apparent diminution of dividends." said Mr. McKeen. 'it would seem that the companies either are 'spending too much or getting too little. The com mittee would like to know if that Is so and what can be done to stop it, lest eventually the reserve be infringed upon." In reply, Mr. McClintock recited the efforts he made to secure an agreement between the New York Life Insurance M WIN Company, the Equitable Society and the Mutual Life to limit the amount of bus iness each company should write first to $1,OCO,000.000 and then to $1,500,000,000. but first James H. Hyde declined to assent and then George W. Perkins, vice-president of the New York Life Insurance Company, jobjected. Mr. Hyde told him it was his Intention to make the Equit able the largest business concern In the world and then to make It -the best com pany. These views , expressed by Mr. McClin tock did not coincide with those ex pressed by President McCurdy of the Mutual tilfe "insurance Company, when he testified jf- few days ago that he did not think the life Insurance business should be limited even at the point where It failed to be profitable to the com pany. The philanthropic part of the- in surance business. Mr. McCurdy said; de manded that Its benefits be extended as widely as possible. Reverting to the computation or divi dends, Mr. McClintock said that the Northwestern Mutual had gone back to the annual dividend plan. How Dividends Are Adjusted. The total gains of the Mutual Life In surance Company In 1904 were $6,624,676, said Mr. McClintock. and It applied about $SCO,000 or $300,000 of that to dividends. Including the gain In the market value of securities, the total gain was $9,159. 95S. He said the proportion paid on divi dends was selected upon his judgment. It was not a matter of exact calculation, but was based upon the figures of previ ous years. In reply to a question how long the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany kept the policyholders contented In spite of the fluctuations in the earning ,capaclty of their policies, Mr. McClin tock said: "Suppose the earnings of the Mutual are this year $6,000,000, last year 6,250,000, the year before $$,3CO.0CO. ws take what we consider a fair average of these re sults. We take the figures we think will maintain- a substantial degree of uni formity in the results." "Now," said Mr. Hughes, "when you determine the amounts to be paid paid up policies, do you consider the exact amount of interest earned by your com pany?" "I d not figure it with great' exact ness. Merely fair allowance." Mr. McClintock said the-net percentage of Interest gain had been calculated at 4.1 per cent, while according to the methods In the State of ConnecUcut It was probably 3.S9 per cent. Surplus Earnings Decrease. Mr. McClintock said the reason for the large reduction In dividends on ordinary life policies entlUed to annual dividends was the gradual reduction In the propor tion of surplus earnings to the total bus iness. There wis a reduction In the value of the company's securities In 1903, but witness said this did not Influence him In the amount of the reduction of the dividend. Hesald this was an ele- 'menfrof danger and. tended to make his mind mare cautious than it would other wise have been. WILTj INVESTIGATE ITSELF. Committee of Mutual Idfe Appointed at McCurdy's Request. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. The affairs of the Mutual Life Insurance Company are to be Investigated by a committee of three members of Its board of trus tees. A resolution providing for such an Investigation a3 a result of testi mony before the legislative Investi gating committee was offered for con sideration befpre the board today by Rlcljard A. McCurdy. president of the company, and was unanimously adopt ed. The members of the committee are William H- Truesdale, Effingham B. Morris and John W. Auchincloss. At the close of the meeting at which this action was taken the following state ment was given out by direction of Mr. McCurdy: . "The president called attention- to the inquiry by the Joint committee of the Legislature of the State of New York into the affairs of the company and to the public Interest and com ment with respect thereto. He urged that the board should take cognizance of the testimony elicited with a view to such action as might be found ad visable In the Interest of the com Danv nnd Its nol lev-holders. Tha president asked the consideration by the board of the following resolu tlons: Resolved. That a committee of three be and they hereby are appointed as a. commit tee to examine into the organization and management of the affairs of the company and to report from time to time to this board their recommendations In reference thereto. with power to add to their number and to fill vacancies. "The resolution was then moved by a member of the board, with the ad ditional suggestion that Messrs. Trues dale, Morris and Auchincloss Consti tute the commltee, and was unani mously adopted. "The committee will proceed at once to discharge Its functions and to re port speedily to the board. "RICHARD A. McCURDY, "President." The three men named as a commit tee occupy high places In business and financial circles. John W. Auchincloss, New York City, merchant. In addition to his connection with the Mutual. Is Identified with several other large cor porations In the capacity of director, William H- Truesdala Is president of the Delaware. Lackawanna & West ern Railroad, and also Is an officer or director of several other corporations. His home Is in Greenwich. Conn. Effingham B. Morris, lawyer and financier. Is president of the GIrard Trust Company, of Philadelphia, and Is Identified with- several corporations as director, among them the Pennsyl vania Railroad" Company, the Cambria Steel Company and the Pennsylvania Steel Company. 'His home Is In Ard more. Pa. CONDITION OF THE EQUITABLE Morton's Financial Report for Nine Months of 1905. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. At the monthly meeting today of the directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, Sir Wil liam C. Van Horne. of Montreal, J. D. Kcrnan. of Utlca. and William C; Red field, of Brooklyn, were nominated -to fill vacancies. They will be elected to the board at the November meeting. At the meeting today President Morton and Controller Day submitted statements dealing with the company's business the first nine months of the current year. There also was a statement covering the: society's real estate loans from January Concluded on page 2.) DAHQ TILS TO GO ON IN SPRING Government Is Not Ready to Proceed With Investiga tion of Land Frauds. CASES PREPARED -HASTILY Rumor Grows Alleging That Senator Heyburn Accepted Fees for Pressing Land Claims Be fore the Department. s MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. 23. (Special." At the request of District Attorney Ruick the trials of Dexter. Kettenbach, Dwyer and O'Keele will go over unUl next Spring. Thts morning was the time se lected by Judge J. H, Beatty for the United States Attorney to state when the Government would be ready for trial and designate the order In which the land fraud cases. In which George H, Dexter. William F. Kettenbach, William Dwyer and Jackson O'Keefe are defendants, were to be tried. Attorney N. W. Rulck. In the outset of his address to the court, stated that the Government would not be ready to try these cases at the present term of court. He said these Investigations were forced before a special Judge at Boise last July, for the reason that the charges were of such a date that the statute of limitations would run before the conven ing of a regular court. They were hur ried and confined to just such cases: that the representatives of the Interior Depart ment intimated that they were not com plete, and that whenever convenient the Government would have a large number ol witnesses to appear and submit evidence before a grand Jury Work for the Grand Jury. "This." he said, "is the occasion for the presentation of that testimony, and I may state to the court that there are some thing more than 100 witnesses who have been subpenaed In these particular cases. The grand Jury has not yet found It con venlent to enter upon this investigation. Other business has occupied their atten tion, and probably will during the remain der of the day. "And I will state further to the court my opinion that the self-same de fendants who were Indicted In July are to be subject to in-st!gaUon by this grand Jury upon other charges of a similar char acter." Continuing, District Attorney Rulck stated that for these reasons It was im possible for him to say what cases he would try, that he could not determine now whether the present indictments would ever be prosecuted, for he might see fit to prosecute other Indictments should they be returned by the grand Jury. To be forced into trial at thlstime, he said, "or to decide which one of these cases should be tried first when there are sim ilar cases against these defendants under InvestlgaUon. would seem to be unjust to the Government." Mr. Rulck continued that he found the trial Jury list contained names that had been In the jury box since 1S93; that some of the men were no longer residents of the state, and the Marshal was only suc cessful in serving 15 out of 21. Another 'feature of which he spoke was that a large number of entries, of timber land had been made in this district, and that any person who had filed a claim under those circumstances could not act as an impartial juror in these cases. Difficult to Get a Jury. The District Attorney thought great dif ficulty would be experienced In obtaining a jury, and that the Government "wanted Jurors who are not In any wise trammeled by participation in transactions of a char acter similar to those with which the de fendants are charged." When the proper time came, he stated, he would ask the court to make an order that the Clerk and Commissioner of the court select not less than 500 names of persons to serve as Jurors, and to procure those who. In the opinion of the court and counsel, would bo eligible to serve as jurors on these cases. Mr. Rulck concluded by saying that un der these circumstances It would be un just to force the representative of the Government Into trial: that nothing would be gained by a special session, and sug gested that the cases be tried at the Spring term of court. The defendant's attorneys, 'In re sponse to this, statement, said they were very much surprised, as they had come prepared to try the cases, that their clients were prominent business men of high standing, and anxious to meet these charges and before an nouncing their procedure asked for a consultation until 2 o'clock In the af ternoon, at which time they appeared and agreed to a continuance until next Spring. No Indictments Yet Returned. No Indictments other than some per taining to minor matters have been found by the grand Jury, and it is un derstood that up until now no land fraud cases have been submitted to them for their consideration. Many are anticipated and are looked forward to -with' anxiety and eagerness. The rumor still lives connecting Senator W. B. Heyburn's name with the land fraud investigations, and an article appearing In' today's Spokesman-Review, in which It is stated, "There is no evidence whatever in the possession of Government officials at this time connecting Senator Heyburn with the alleged timber frauds In thia state," has but served to stimulate rumors and create more comment in the direction of that individual. It has revived n in the minds of citi zens of the place a rumor concerning a' letter which was exhibited, it is said, to prospective settlers by a Io- Concluded on Page 3.)