Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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One of Her Diplomats Defines
Policy of Empire.
Such Policy Ajralnst Japan's Inter
ests Does Xot 'Claim Exclusive
Influence Over China I m
.migration Will Decline.
CLEVELAND. Oct SI. EM HJokl, first
secretary of 'the J&panese Legation at
Washington, delivered an address to the
members of the Cleveland Chamber of
Commerce this evening, bte subject being
"Japan, America and the Orient." In
view of the fact that Mr. Hlokl's address
was practically the first official utterance
trom a Japanese source concerning the
situation in, the Far East since the close
of the war. It was considered significant,
and attracted much attention. Mr. Hioki
said, in part:
Seeing that certain questions are receiv
ing more or leas attention of the thinking
class of people in this and other countries,
it may not be without value to express at
tliis opportunity my humble views on
One the yellow peril: In spite of the
influence which nnc- it gained, the doc
trine of the yellow eril awms to have
practically lost its hold on men's minds,
at least In America.
Would Tiol Fight Beat Friend.
Two Japan has no designs on the Phil
ippines: If a bona fide statement of re
sponsible partie tails to convince, let us
try a brief argument. Laying aitfde en
tirely for the moment, for the sake of
argument, the consideration of the motive
ot Japan regarding tne present subject,
let me ask you a question. Can you be
11 eve that this great American people,
who glory in their National .spirit, in their
gigantic strength. In their boundless
wealth, in their marvelous development,
and who look forth with proud ami con
lident anticipation to the lime when they
shall be the first in the race civilization
has set for man to run, would allow her
Hag to be lowered, be it in the Philip
pines or any other place which legitimate
ly belongs to her by any hands but hers?
No. most emphatically, no. That is the
spirit with which you cling to your new
x)ssessions in the Pacific, and that ought
t'i be more the .spirit of the Americans
than the Japanese.
Therefore, if Japan harbored such a. sin
ister design as is attributed to her. .he
must be prepared to plunge in a war
far more gigantic than the one Just end
d, against a nation to which she owes
much of what site is -today, and to whose
people she owes that moral and financial
support so unreservedly given at the most
critical period In her history- No. The
Philippines are not worth the sacrifice of
such a valuable friendship as that of
America, and the enormous losses in men
and money which such a war would nec
essarily entail.
Japan's Influence in China.
Three The open-door policy In China:
The increased prestige of Japan turned
the eyes of the world toward the problem
of what Influence Japan will wield over
China. Without questioning the value of
the principles contained in the so-called
Monroe Doctrine or Its applicability to
the Western situation at present, I can
simply say that such an idea lias not en
tered into Jauaness minds.
Four Japanese influences in China ben
eficial to the whole world: It is a mat
ter for congratulation for Japan as well
s for all other nations that there is a
fair prosHct of the increase of Japanese
influence in China as a result of her In
creased prestige.
Five Industrial and commercial devel
opment of Japan: The last war with
Russia has Increased the national debt of
Japan to the amount of 0.OO9.OOO. whose
interest alone requires nearly JSO.OW.OOO
annually. It is. indeed: a heavy, an enor
mous burden, and every dollar of It. in
terest and principal, must be paid.
Immigration Will Increase.
Sixth Japanese immigration into the
T'nited States: It is se ri frequently print
ed in newspapers that, when the war with
Russia is over and the army of 700.090
men in Manchuria is disbanded, the Pa
cific Coast will be flooded with Japanese
immigrants. Such a statement cannot
be regarded as an expression of a serious
opinion, because, uules that enormous
army o.f Japanese had at once descended
from the sea just for the purpose of war.
there can be no reason why its disband
ment should cause any increase of Immi
gration to the United Suites, or anvwhere
else. There Is every reason to believe
that Immigration to the United
State will considerably decrease.
Seven The future of the Orient: The
Orient, with more than half the popu
lation and more than one-third of the
land of the entire world, and commerce
amounting to onlv $X.0.09.0&0 annuallv.
that Is. only a little over one-seventh of
the total trade of the world, offers al
most unlimited fields for future develop
Von Sternberg's Opinion or Anglo
Japancsc Alliance.
BERLIN. Oct. 24. Baron Speck von
Sternberg left Monday on board the
Kaiser Wilhelm II for his post in Wash
ington. Before leaving he stoutly denied
the condition of his health was such as
to prevent his returning to his duties. It
bring much the same as usual.
He paid a long visit Sunday night to the
Hofta Sanitarium to take leave of his
wife, who is remaining In that institution
until fully recovered from a recent opera
tion, after which site will Join her hus
band. Baron von Sternberg is the author of a
very striking definition of the situation
reated in the Far East, Jn conversation
with a friend, he aaid: j
ruswus umer powers. ie Anglo
Japanese treaty means that these coun
tries have established a Monroe doctrine
in the Far East."
He expressed himsolf hopoful that a
tariff war between America and Germany
wiuid be avoided. .
BREMEN. Oct. 24. The North Herman
Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhelm II. which 1
sailed from here today for New York. j
had among hei passengers the German i
Ambassador to the United States. Baron
bpeck von Sternberg. Mine. Gadsky and
Jean Gerardy, the violinist.
Scottish Rite Masons to Conduct
Services Body Lying in State.
WICHITA. Oct. 24.-The funeral of ex
Congressman Simpson will be held tomor
row afternoon at 2:30. The funeral ora
tion will be delivered by Congressman
Murdock of the Seventh District. There
will be no religious ceremonies. The
Scottish Rite ritualistic service for Sii
degree Masons will be given in full.
Thousands of persons passed through
the reception hall to view the remains at
the Scottish Rite temple, where the body
lay in state this afterpoon.
Telegrams of condolence have been
received by the" widow from scores of
former associates of the Oecoasod in
business and politics. City and county
offices "will be closed during the fu
neral. Bert Curtis, the tralnrobber, was re
leased from the Dotrolt House of Correc
tion yesterday, his Hfo sontonco having
been commuted bv President McKinley.
OF HIGH ART POTTERY From the Exposition Continues on 3d Floor. Take Any Elevator. Regular Values 75c to $20, SPECIAL at HALF PRICE
Third Ploor.
Dr. Alice Goodwin's exhibition of AVis
"dom's preparations for the toilet 1st floor.
Voting Contest
TER1JAY: James Winston. Harrison lOCSIKt
Robert Holmes. Harrioon -13.4TG
Wright Brown. Clinton Kelly :iriS3
George Slater I.dd 37.3U1
Truman Cook. Failing 03.751
Sidney Crinn. North Central Iium4
Marion Ogden, Oekley Greea m,lS4
Roland Malm. Sarside 17.440
John Wilhelm. Couch 10,074
Henry Hawkins. Davis SJ)0H
Siafcrlns 31,402
Total 3JS,SSo
Dependable Fabrics
When dpendable Drewi Fabrics can be
bought at the price we quote below for
today's celling, then It's time to buy.
and buy liberally; otherwise, some day
later on when you need, the fabrics Just
the on en ycu may buy for half today-
you will say: OhI Why didn't I buy
thoae good the day they were on sale
at half price and save the other hair of
the pu rename money for other needs?"
Don't take the chance of vain regret.
Come today and share. Hear the lo
gan that calls?
Dress Goods at Half-Price
The Kind You Want
Durable, down-to-date Dreaa Fabrics. In all
wanted colors; odd pieces left from the
greatest tteaaon's celling: we have ever
Regular 7e values t. the yard 37Ve
Regular Sl.M values at, the -ard....SOc
Regular $1.2? values' at. the yard..02c
Regular $1.M values at. the yard 7.1c
Regular ?1.73 values at. the yard . .STyt-c
Regular $2.o values at. the yard. .$1.00
Greatest Values in Black
Dress Goods Found in
Ail the Northwest
New Black. All-Wool Dress Fabrics; every
yard fast color: consisting of shadow
check Panania. shadow striped Panama
and worsted poin telle Panamas; also
French Imported Voile
$1.J regular value; special, yard.. . .l)c
$1-22. regular value; special, vard . . .7c
Jl.riO regular .value; special, yard SISr
These fabrics cannot be duplicated in
the city at our regular prices, and at the
low special price marked will, as usutol.
bring ciowds to the Black Dress Gocxl
Sect. on.
Smart Shoes for Dressy
Men and Stylish Women
The "Boote Shoppe" 1st Floor, 6th-St. Annex.
Two things are absolutely requisite in the dress
of men who care for that personal appearance which
means so much to success in life. No matter how
carefully the tailor has looked to the clothescraft
-of the garments that help to constitute a man's
wardrobe, if the hatter ami the shoemaker have not
been called in, then the effect is spoiled. A hat oft
times covers a multitude of sins of omission and
commission in the male garb that a perfect-fitting
pair ol smart shoes helps to ex
cuse. It costs no more to dress
the feet correctly and comfort
ably than it does to make them
look gawkish and feel uncom
fortable and really ill. But you
must come to the store that
knows how. This store is in the
shoe business with all its might ;
is better equipped in every way
than ay other AVestcm store to
do shoe business as it should be
done. New models are here such
as you'll see only in the leading
footwear shops of the East
shapclv. stvlish lasts that are
exclusive with Olds, AA'orlinan & King m Portland. Y
man's shoe trade, and o'm to have it the grapples arc
than-elsewhere prices.
High-Grade Shoes
for Women
Even the exclusive shops cannot boast
or diversified as here. Shoes at $3.50
ones at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 to be sure and cheaper
ones at the lowest prices quoted in the city on shoos of quality.
But the shoes at nrri invested with us mtinli irrai-n
as much style and as much exclusive character as any fivo-ddllar shoe of which we
know, other than ours.
' Take, for instance, the world-famous "Gloria" Shoes; loader in C
quality and style, Queen of the Pingree family of shoes yes vf0Ov
A few distinctive mentions in shoos for men. ,
A Rare Bargain in
Hlfrh-grade. custom work; all leathers;
very r.cwest deslgrn; full dress; both
button and Jace; stout soles for (1 CC
street wear Value at, the pair
Jut received a new lot of Black Kersey
Over 'Jailers; ood fitting Values 5S?
at. the pair. 50c .and UvJ-
Large assortment of Women's, Misses' and
Children's Leggings.
Children's Astrachan Leggings, In white,
blue, tan, etc.
Mss Wopfinaa & Mug S1f BalMii
ETfie Different Stored FIfih3 SL&fh and Washington
Storo Opens
a S A. M
This Month We are Determined to
Beat AH October Selling Records
That this has been a record year goes without saying but we are insatiable.
AAre recognize ony progress here :fcnrw tfnlj; advancement, improvement. And now
we start upon the last week of the passing mouth to wind up a record-breaker
with a garrison finish. Prices must prove inducements backed by style and qual
ity. This announcement can only touch npon a bargain here and there among the
multitude of wonderful values that vibrate thro 'out all the house overwhelming
evidence of positive value leadership!
In the Garment Salons
Stroiifr statement, 'perhaps, but backed by facts. If in doubt, investigate. No won
der, t'.ien, wo have such masterful control of the markets and are absolute arbiters of
low pricos on! atliro bearing tho etiquette of style and quality.
Monday's express brought to the store the largest single
shipmont of AVomen's Coats and Tailored Suits ever received !'
by any Arcstern 'house. Sent on by our buyer, Miss L. Bernard. J
now in New York. AVe shall start-today an unusual sale of Jj
AVomen's Coats and Suits medium priced. Unusual because of jj
the fetching new styles at the modest pricos Conts at $12.50, ji
$15.00, $16.50, 18.50 -and along up to $60.00. j;
Suits in the lot of swell arrivals ranging up from $15.00
to $75.00.
Priced Coats This Morning m $12.50, '$15, $16.50, $18.50, $22.50, $25
es, we're hot after the
out "Style" ami lowor-
of a stock so large
are our leaders, boiler
Shoes for Women
Equal to any 53.60 Shoo In tho, market:
made wlih the grain left on the sole; in
finishing them In this way they wear and
stand the wet weather much better: all
shapes and leathers Our a. rr
value, the pair 5r.UU
We are introducing a new line of Women's
Shoes, made specially for us by one
of the leading manufacturers ln the
country. They are In seven styles; nil
sizes and widths Regular value t rvt
$3.03; special, the pair I .tlO
' "Ov I .
I Mi
Entire Main 2d Floor.
Portland's Largest and Foremost
Distributors of
This Store Selis More Garments
for Women's Wear than Any
Tavo Portland Stores Combined.
Exquisite $4 Trimmed Creations $2.95
"Bijou" Salons Annex, Second Floor.
The choicest productions of the milliner's art are here tho
work of foreign artists- ns well as the clever conjurings of
our own experts a superabundance, of selection not even
approached by any other Portland store. A description
here of evon a fraction of the magnificent creations is not
possible. Suffice to say, if you nre interested in charming
millinery and what woman isn't? you'll find a visit here
to the "Bijou" Salons both pleasant and profitable. AYe
shall offer a great special value today that is sure to
meet. a popular demand. A stylishly trimmed lot of chic
Turhnns hand made of silk, velvet and chenille braids,
prettihy trimmed with fancy feathers, wings, pompons, etc.
All fashion's favored colors embraced a grand value at
$4.00 (most milliners would says $5.00) Arr
Special here, AArednesday, at fa.vO
The Great Silk Sale Continues
NeAv Lines are Brought Forward for First Snowing
Annex Fifth Street.
These are busy days in the Silk Store. Fashion has never known such a sea
son for silks, and it seems as tho' this store was doing most of the providing, not
only for the wearers, but for the dressmakers who, in turn, provide for their pa
trons. The dressmaker knows best silks and the store that carries thenr; one of
the strongest proofs of the superiority o our stocks is that this house sells fully
UO por cont of Portland's leading modistes. But even with our splendid facili
ties, we were unable to show the entire 1 if )eeial values cither last week or
Mondaythe balance goos on sale bright and early this morning. Silks
.--.r "'Iks for street or evening wear at prices that must send hundreds Jiurrying
here today. .Bead:
Portland's Greatest and Best Silk Store offers for Wednesday and the balance
of October, our entire lino of Novelty, Figured Suit Silks, every yard new Fall
designs and colors, not a lot of old styles, but new, crisp, pretty Silks. Our
regular .?2.00 grades, in light and dark grounds, all new styles I ftCk
and, color combinations Special, only, yard I .OJ
Our regular $1.75 grades, in light and dark grounds, all new i rr
styles and color combinations Special, only, yard 0
Our regular $1.50 grades of Novelty Crepe de Chine, Novelty I O T
Chiffon Moirie, etc Special, only, j'ard " I JLJ
Our Regular $1.25 grades of Novelty Crepe tie Chine, Novelty I
Chiffon Moirie, etc. Special, only, yard '. m v'O
Also ton exclusive Silk Suit Patterns, very swell imported goods for evening wear.
Begular $S5.00 patterns Special, only, 70
the pattern ! i JL
Midweek Bargains for Men
The Jlnlcrdn?herle" Sixth-Street Annex.
First Floor.
Ak handy as the pocket In a shirt
Just Inside th Sixth-Street Entrance. An
all right nook for bashful men who want
to dress well at slight cost, for. prices
In our Man's Store are less than else
where. Special Wednesday
Men's Wool Underwear. In natural gray:
Winter weight Regular value 75c; spe
cial, the garment C3c
Or, the suit 91.35
Bfrm Ciisti
at 6 P. M.
New end Charming Veilings
First Floor.
Swell Tuxedo 3Icsh Veiling. With One
chenille dots; are very popular. Priced
at. the yard 25e and ar.c
Elegnnt New Single Thread Veiling In
blnck. white and colors; with or without
chenille dots. Prices, the yard, up
from . ....2."c, 3,'e nnd ,"50c
Svrellest of Chiffon Veiling IS Inches '
wide: In black, white and colors. Priced
at. the yard 25c, 50c, 7.1c and I.oo
Ne"ir Chiffon Automobile Veils Very sub
stantial quality; three yards long; ends
handsomely hemstitched: in white, black
nnd c-.dors. Priced at. ea $2.00 to 5.Q0
I A little light
m on Women's
m Apparel
Prices that make for mutual helpfulness. You are always
served best here, even at the "medium prices," else this store
would fail in it's time-proven purpose of pi ugressiveness. Hand
some, swagger Coats, in loose, boxy effect; Scotch mixtures,
tweedish and cheviot fabrics; sturdy, natty, roughish goods in
invisible plaids, stripes and mixtures. Some with velvet collars
edged with broadcloth, with gilt ornaments at lapel. Cut-steel
buttons seem favored by the makers. Broadcloths also figure in
the materials. Of course, there are other coats than these we
tell of hundreds. But perhaps the few will interest the eco
nomical to come and see the monster display.
Men's Outing Flannel Gowns, In cream col
or, with pin stripe; extra good quality
Regular value $1.00; special, each.-.ttOc
- MENS 20c IIOSB Viy.c
Men's Fine Wool Hose, in natural gray
Hegulur value 20c; special at.. 2 pair S5c
A line of Men's Pretty -Silk Handkerchiefs,
with fancy colored borders Regular
value 50c; 'special, each 35c
Makers and Trimmers in Millinery work
rooms. Must be A-l. Apply to" Super-
Bonnet et- Cie's Silks, Roval AVorcester
Corsets, "Quick-Meal" Steejl Ranges and
Heaters, Richardson's Belfast (Irish) Linens.
A Sweeping Sale of
First Floor.
The tremendous
ing of the past month
has reduced many lines
to mere remnants
oddments and end
ments as it were. Some
of the best sellers
cannot be replaced a:
this late day from the
mills. AVe never allow
our stocks to become
encumbered by odd
lots or ends of lines
rather a loss now, all
at once, and over with
it. AArhat seems a remnant to us would
do some -smaller stores for a line, and
there's plenty of all sizes for the indi
vidual patron. But we must close all
broken lines and propose to do it in one
determined, sweeping slaughter. It
starts today. Thousands of dollars'
worth of women's seasonable weights in
new knit undergarments, from the best
and largest mills in America; also some
grades of imported underwear at less
than mill or import prices. All arranged,
for quick selling on one long special table
in Knitwear Aisles First Floor. Some
of the special values are:
Women's 2.00 Vests and Pants $1.39.
AA'hite, silk-plaited "Merode" A'ests and
Pants; regular value $2.00, snecial at,
each .'.1.39
Women's 2.00 Vests 1.25.
AAliite, fine wool, "Zimmerli" A'csts;
high neck, short sleeves; regular value
$'i.00, special, each ...$1.25
Women's 3.25 Pants 1.25.
Extra fine white Swiss-ribbed wool
Pants; regular value $3.25, special at,
the pair .$1.25
Women's $1.75 Union Suits 1.25.
"Munsing's" Natural Merino Union
Suits; regular value $1.75, special,
suit 51.25
Women's 3.50 Union Suits 2.25.
"Munsing's" natural all-wool, heavy
weight Union Suits; half-open front
and open across bust; regular value
$3.50, special at, the suit 2.25
Women's 50c Vests 42c."
AA'inter-weight, Mnco Cotton Arests, in
cream-tinted and blue-gray; regular
value 50c, special, each 42
Women's 25c Vests and Pants 19c.
Gray Cotton A'ests and Pants; regular
value 25c, special, each 19c
Misses' 60c and 65c Union Suits 39c.
Misses' Gray Cotton Union Suits; in
large sizes; regular values (0e and 05c;
special at, the suit 39
In Domestic Aisle
Special Sale of $1.50
Bedspreads, $1.19
A sale opens Wednesday morning In the
Domestic Shop First Floor-- that should
Interest hundreds of housewives and
prospective brides who have bed milli
nery to purchase. With the price of cot
ton soaring, and no .signs or prospects
of u descent, it certainly seems advis
able to provide for all wants In the lines
affected at once, especially when special
salc-s are offered as here tod-iv.
Handsome Crocheted Bedspreads in the
popular Marseilles patterns, full size and
full weight not the stingy, skimped dis
appointments soma storekeepers offer for
toe sake of a few extra cents of profit.
The best $1.30 values In full, generous
sizes. Special today j j q
See the lledprend Display In a Sixth
Street AVlndotv.
Other Stirring Specials in
the Linen and Do
mestic Aisles
Size 27x27 Inches; special at, each :Sc
Size 30x30 Inches: special at, each. . . .-ISe
A lot of Linen Toweling: special at.
the yard JOe, 11c and 12!c
30c BATH TOWELS 2.1c.
Large Size Brown Bath Towels: hemmed,
good Quality Regular value 30c; special,
each - 23c
New line ot Wool Moreens for skirts.
New Plaids for waists and drosses.
Thousands of yards of New Flannelettes.
In handsome floral. Persian and striped
effects. Special at. the yard 10c
A line of New Dress Ginghams, In plaids,
checks, stripes, plain colors and fancy
raised effects; special at, the yard'. ..lOe
Pick-Ups for the
Penny Bonks
Flrut Floor.
There's many a saving to buyers In the
Small Wans Shops. Among others, these
special for Wednesday
Ulan Velveteen Skirt Binding, with brush
edge; In black, navy, brown, etc Our
12c value; special at, tho yard Sc
JnpnneMc Tooth BriiMhe Medium sizes
Our 15c valae; extra special at.
Box Wrltlujr Paper Plain white, smooth
finish; plain or ruled Our ISc value;
special as, the box 12c
31, ' V