THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, SYSTEM ffllSIO An Ideal of Public Duty That Ouf ht Wot to Be Ignored. T. W. DAVENPORTS LETTER Jlcre Is Matter llliat Ought to Gie Paic-'aiHl Bring Itc f lection 15a ok to the Citizen. FILVKRTOK, Or- Oct. JM-KTo the T,tlit-.r.) Ver runny welJ-mcaniiig and L rf ful peopk? are sadly ct down by prevalent spirit of gmtl seemingly J in tbe land, for ft mill titles so - 1 y against their opinions. habit - x pressed, that' progression i the i human nature, and that mast I J is- getting better and "wfnor, not v, a' -landing occasional iRfwos Into I . r n,,nsm. . soltn e for such spells of de I" - "n, thr-e jcood people must mod c :lieir f xpeclationft ae to the rate if pi offreuis, inuat lake Into considers - 1' tln-re are fluctuations, even n i advan .!) tide; and. Indeed, they i: tease t.( consider progression as ii f .i fact n.J' )is volen. for whether t - .-.-. 1 Id l i ".v elevates or depresses a r wli'-'.lii-r it be one of progres- .! reti f''r s8ion for man. depends Lr .i I'lt- trond of his own exertions. Jxjlciit.; moral" principles to the fro : :.nd v"ufrglitig to reach them Ti Ui-i.irned face, may mean I ti.i. is, if we rate human i ;in more than that of the If . uin.iii the back to them and ... to ?' Ki'.ivitatlon of exces- e "'l:inh"' --. viii surely land us in ;,e 'I'.iili ..I' moral despond. i . . ii. . . rn.'.ke compromises with e 4 H-n t - j.i.d yet o up In the f be nK. thev are always to be ' .iiiu riveted. A man or nation loV . II..- t . ' it suh .iiiiiiiK a relapse. Why do ple this Irrevocable, un- t - c ildo i.iw i.f their being: when all ni 'It individual experience f 'i- .- no; .i injrfe Instance to the .-.ssuiMM't ion Uiat the law of evo- i is a' i i:iec;ip:blo force or cos- ins- i i,. . . raising; man from sav- -'prj" !i-s .f bis help or hln- ' . ilio .K , s..m'what of a fad. Is, Uie ) -Aft :,n absurdity to all :iniO(! l).irwii:iana. Indeed, how i r ; h .in ;snmption cohere with 1 c o.- .y a. y fact patent to every wipiria i :oul child, that exercise, t - . v ise j.ine. is the only key i . elevitf-d rr-g-toas of humar. en Or it true that we gr.ther - "f tl 'ins snd flics of thi&tleti. pe. mind by the tumult r '-'on cr :td.twe in brotherly love i ir-ioiiii,cr filters of their projerty r.ulits? The exerrise of a faculty r '. v- it stiuiig', inaction makes it A. i. ron devotes hit life to - - -frcttlji' Mtt becomes exeeslve- .ious; his altruistic faculties are ied and the result is a moral c t. :t loj -led human being. 15vo 1 r. , ran - ive no relhf without a c' re of effort, of discipline. r, ruth- h ba klidliur ! phatfe of the t . 1:.W. ' crvice 1 not, stitiicietit If It r-r-. J.dui D. Itoclcefeller tnlKht he diM-ed . Christian. Iiut John D. ii r. "f out cf line wia the times. Tie 5 in an cv ptloui! hypocrite, for. - I ;iH tlu rafiiupr and other forms f .'iiiption there is no jnck of etlri- 1 nT ifcssii.n Our principles ar" un c c tit.riablp Most people, including: li ' ''eller, think that is sufllcler;, - 1 r, sist i, h- a plication of them to f-'c' e Ai.j li. d Christianity is one T 'n lost . riv; profeesloual Christi- - ' acdiiiuc. is. easy. It tits the r f Irin:' on your tainted money." '1. com iii.oi. ement oratr at Har ! 'and v.ill sanctify it." u-t con t rarity means hypoo- f tile 1.:i-et sort, goes without t It js everywhere, in the i t tlht- shop, in the schools, in r.'iipit. in the oollegres. In the Gov t and ' is so befogged the aver - " t.1 man there is no unvarying . ,t stvm'ard of riBit and v rung. I d ther is no expectation or pre-r- iliat m,'ii will he guided by the fi rule and love each other as ers. It is aufllcient If we koep the .nlw and penitentiaries, and standnrd of conduct may moan 1 i a re-pects the merits or de . " s of me n. declair.-d purpose of government . I'nlt.-d States Is to establish . e and )f the word Justice does - in e i'i tlnew; it has no" shynM ' Kut '.f all the times since the V- ;in Constitution made that tV "'.itlon. the most uneiualiiess is - Kverj Inly knows it. and there t -n:Tle si -ns that the cataclysm of , , 1 i- beKittning to re4ede. Highly - T'. :tnt. is It not. of the hoggish - s .f the times, that the President ' '" ( 1'nited States deems It neces "d tit to repeat the exhortation ' , oountrj'inen for a "square deal," i mo that words without deeds are ifs and that some strenuoslty is 't 1 to produce results? v n earnest of his purpose to es t 1 ph justice, he I doing )jIb part hy r -dhng up" the grafters and apply 'F, " ( i rimlnal brand to them. He Is a; quite a large lot of them In ((ki"- but the meshes of the law ar - r - us and will permit many to e.s- e And. indeed, the law at best is t , successful separator of the 5" - p from the goats. does not c ' h ill the delinquents and ontan r r -mc who are less guilty. Pei 1 i - t 'a? is pnavoidablc as an lnci-c1- t ten of an Intentionally Just o: ftiiripnt. but the habit of judging t - -s by the prude sanctions of stat--j ' ''w instead of the rules of rational '! " is responsible for mucii of the r. ' .lid miscarriage of government. M c ves are now turned upon the ac f i iiiid much remark is caused by ' t 1 .rp- number of them and their -r'Mnnc in Government and society. 1 it very fact only goes to show i v r conditions which produce critn 1" " arc broadly spread and of long ft r.g Such harvests are of no mush r i p rowth. no kin to Jonah's gourd. TT 1 've been cultivating them for i century. Swamp-land fraudt nd frauds, desert-land frauds, "-culture frauds, pre-emption and r ' -tt-aj frauds why. all those are est nut, and the people have f r -id aad bore them, for the sake of 7- ditical parties, which gave the '7T . a shelter. In the Interest of But partlsatiism is declining ' Mit transgressors must stand tT Mt ir merits. A few years ago if - f- r made public protoet against r- ;ftr In his own party, he was set as a dlsturbon of the partisan and- I doubt If j ten years i nn Oregon Jury cpuld have i ; f und to convict Sonator Mltch ' v ith all the proof exhibited Mr. Honey. Then the prosecutor v. Id not have had the active support c National Administration and the 1 ppnKition. now faintly perceived. J have baffled him entirely. And " not a little ' queer that Sonator T' .'s'ua should emphatically ropcat t.s Frnalor Mitch oil's offonse was not -i ttffit lmnr.orhl, that at most It was iTiCKly technical? Must wo conclude that the prevailing depravity has blind ed every mnn in the United States Sen ate? How uplifting It would be of the whole commonwealth If persons would regulate their conduct by the ought and ought not of the moral laws that are Inherent in the nature of things and consequential -of the social state, in stead of groping along the statute's boundaries seeking how far they may deviate from rectitude without coming into contact with its penalties. ProlMibly a majority of people have small inclination to Improper conduct and therefore feel no restraint from penal statutes, and It would be well, if public opinion derived from such seif regulatlng units held to strict account the wabbling fellows prone to disorder. But sorry to ay they are not under the social ban until they get caught by a statutory penalty. Such relaxation of social restrictions is not only a damage to aoclet by Inviting disorder but Is unjust to the apprehended transgressor n;ho may be far lees a disturber of the normal social status than one whom the false public opinion tolerates and accepts. The dereliction of duty charged against Senator Mitchell- is slight as compared with that of Senator Fulton. aa.I yet Uie latter passos as an honor able man. One infringed a statute hav ing a penalty and is therefore a crim inal, the other disobeyed the constitu tion of his state and violated his oath LOST FOR HOTEL liriLIHXO THAT TOOK VOYAGE OX SCOWS. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. 24. (Special.) Ocosta and Cosmopolls have, within two years, contributed In a small way to the upbuilding of Aberdeen and HoquiRin. In the palmy days of Ocosta. when "values reached a wild and ruinous point, and when the crash came and brought destruction to many, a large hotel was built, which, since the coHap) of the boom, left the building, with many others, vacant. More than a year ago it was decided to move the hotel from Ocosta to Hoquiam on scows, and the structure was cut In two. hauled to thTwater's edge and put on the Hat ships of commerce. All was ready one night for an early start in the morning, with six men to sleep aboard, ready for work when dawn should break. In the night a storm came up suddenly, the scows wre torn from their mooring, and. suppos edly, carried out to sea. Nothing was heard of men or craft for 24 hours, although searchers had been sent uu but later on the buildings were located, high and dry on a sandbar, in an Inner harbor bay, with little or no damage and no loss of life. . The building was eventually (owed 'to Hoquiam, where it serve the purpose for which it was Intended originally. Another novel experiment was the removal from Cosmo)olLs to Aberdeen on scows of the residence erected by Dr. Nuns -la the days of llctklous values and excitement, the collapse of which ruined the owner of the house, as well as others. Dr. Kims erected the building at a cost of $20,009. It was one of the how places of the harbor 12 years ago. and Is splendidly constructed and equipped. of ofnee, for which there Is no legal penalty. Jar. Fulton-is an experienced lawyer, and has the skilled habit of probing Into the .iffair.s of men and discovering the motive therein, and he should not object to being judged more critically han one not so disciplined. His profes sional practice hus made him an adept at tracing the causes and tendencies of human conduct, moral and immoral, and he mut be held as intending the conse quencets of his actions -when he pro-, motes an Immoral game. It Is not neces sary, therefore, to tell him the purpose of the fnuners of our constitution in declaring numbers of the Legislature ineligible to ofttces elective by the As sembly or created by it. during the time for which they were elected. He knows that It was to preserve the legislative body free from the distractions that must xrise when the members are per mitted to engage in office seeking, and as a consequence the perversion of the power and Influence of public function to private uses. To what extent Mr. Fulton's candi dacy s responsible for the log-rolling legislation of that session, which was in exeetis of any preceding one. may not be determined, and though the Sen ator may declare his innocence of any Improifer enticements or bargainings, he should Itnow and probably does know that the mere fact of his being a cai.dldate with a strong following con ferred a silent power over legislation which no prudent legislator would ig nore or offend and thus multiplied the source of corrupt legislation. Add to this that a United States Senator can reward his friends with official posi tions and punish his enemies by a de nial of them, and we have a combina tion 'of promotive deviltry that should appall anyone not given over to hard ness of heart and a reprobate mind. And this departure frqm the consti tutional way by Mr. Fulton was not the immediate result of a hasty impulse or a seeming necessity to solve the po litical complications which sometimes arrest the governmental experiment On the contrary it was done with delibera tion, after months of preparation and labor, and against a popular expression In favor of another person. He pro cured or accepted a nomination for the State Senate, to which he was elected; took the oath of office to support the constitution of the state and. faithfully perform the duties of that office, but with the intention formed months be fore to violate both constitution and oath; oontestod stoutly through the whole of the legislative sossion for an election as United States Senator and since has been rewarding his support ers witlnthe spoils. To find a more pertinacious contempt for constitutional requlromonts and the proprieties belonging to the public sorv lce, one would have to go outside of the state, perhaps as far as Delaware or Pennsylvania. Of the 46 legislators who voted for Mr. Fuljon. not one of them but knew lie was doing wrong wrong with ref erence to the constitution and his oath, and wrong with reference to his obli gations as a citizen and especially as a public servant. Not one of them but knew !t was an act of civic unright eousness, and not onc but would shrink from the task of publicly defending it. And as these men stand well In society and In their private affairs are consid ered honorable and above "ways that arc dark and tricks that are vain," how are we to explain their departure from rectitude when trusted by their fellow citizens with the performance of a pub lic duty? Many a sharper in his private dealings will feel himself In honor bound to be faithful to a trust, and wo think, such is tho tendency of every kindly-disposed citizen and every self respecting rogue before they have been drawn into the current of moral de cadence which every community and nation must experience when they rest on their oars and cease to pull against the tide of human selfishness, when they cease to have an aspiration for collective progress. The time was In the early stages of our history when no citizen who stood high enough with his follows to receive their suffrages for a ent In the Legislature would knowing ly prostitute the public service for prl vato gain. But such things for more than a quarter of a century have been of common occurrence, and In general the people have not entered serious, protest. More often the rascals havu been confirmed by continuing them in office while the so-called klckors have been sent to the rear. Possibly the people of Orcgan may consider the language of this article rattier severe as applicable to our pub lic servants, but "The System which receive -the excoriations of Tom Law on, though more disastrous to the finances of a few thousand persons, is mild-mannered and orderly in compar ison with the one I have beon ventilat ing, for it vitiates the whole fabric of representative government. Through our failure to hold public servants to a strict accountability by the enforce ment of legal and social penalties, we TWENTY - FOUR HOURS ON GRAY'S HARBOR have been drifting away from the rep resentative system. Can we get back? Can we recover the lost .ground? T. W. DAVENPORT. RAFFLES IN REAL LIFE. Soeiul Leader in Jersey Town Con fesses Many Burglaries. M1DDLETOWN. N. Y., Oct. S4. By the alleged confession of Charles Boos, until a few days ago superintendent of the Walklll Transit Company's lines in Or ange, a spectacular police mystery has been solved. According to the police he admitted to them yesterday that he had robbed one of the largest deiMrtxnent stores In the city, beside several resi dences In the last few months. Boos Jestingly reminded the police that he, himself, had raised the hue and cry one night a few weeks ago. when a burglar was chased out of the residence of F. p. s. Crane, a wealthy man. He said the jKrtlce were so close to hint be fore he got out of the liouse that he ran ahead of them shouting "Stop, thief; catch that men!" This ruse worked so well that Boos resorted to It again a few nights later when he had forc.d his wav into the home of J. L. Pendleton, and from which he was frightened bv an alarm. Boos is regarded as a modem social highwayman. He drew a large salary as superintendent of the big transit corpo ration and Jived In good style -In apart ments on one of the best streets in the city. He was popular In society and dressed in the latest fashion. He wag ap parently one of the busiest men In the town, had no time for anything but his work, and seemed an exemplary man of business. Great was tho amazement when It be came known last Friday that Boos had been arrested and locked up. The cltarge against him was made by officials of the Transit Company. Jt was charged that the superintendent had stolen a large quantity of copper wire from the com pany nnd sold it to? a Junk dealer. A sub sequent search of Boos' fine apartment revealed plunder for which the police had long been looking, and which, it Is al leged, was taken from a department store and private residence. Confronted with the goods. Boos, it Is said, confessed. Boos' bachelor apartments were the best in town and incidentals he had add ed to their comfort by tripping the wires of the company, from which he drew a large salary, and furnishing his rooms with five Incandescent lights. Prosperity In Tutulla. TUTUILA. Samoa. Oct. 10, via San Francisco, Oct. 24. Tne quantity of copra produced in the Island has so far this year exceeded the production of all former years, and before the end of the season In January' next. It Is expected that the output will be 50 per cent greater than last year. The natives have abundance of money, and are spending it In feasting One small village of a little over 200 pe pie has ordered 100 barrels of beef to com memorate the prosperous year. Governor Moore has ordered a mectin of representatives of tho Islands to con vene toward the end of the present month at Pago Pago for the purpose of discuss ing Island affairs. The people are now appointing the representatives to attend the meeting on their behalf. There will be about 50 delegates to the Congress. CPSINCSS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cattlnc Teeth Bp eurr and use that old and well-tried rem. edy. Mn. Wlnlow Soothlnc Syrup, for chil dren teething. It oothet the child. orten the cum, allays all pala. cures wind calls and dlarrhc-ta. i IDS ON BRIDGES County Commissioners Have No Jurisdiction. - 1 JOY CONTRACT IS ILLEGAL Judge Webster nnd Mayor Lame Find Supreme Court Decision Gives - City Control of Bridges nnd J'crrics. There will bo no advertising signs placed on the draw rests of the Madison. Morrison and Burnskle-mreet bridges. The bridges and ferries are the property T i; of the City of Portland, and the contract let by County Commissioners Barnes and Lightner-to Allan R. Joy. attorney, for one year, is of no effect. This fact was brought out during a conference between Mayor Lane and County Judge""Vebster. both of whom oppose glaring advertising placards cn the bridges, and Mayor Lane ban since declared tliat he will not per mit .the advertising Hans. The Oregon Supreme Court decided years ao that the bridges and ferries belong- to the City of Portland, and that the County of Multnomah, by Legislative act. is required to operate and maintain them. The county In the beginning de clined to have anything to do with the DOCTOR CURED JEM Maryland Physician Cures Himself of Eczema with Cuticura Remedies. Prescribes Them and Has Cured Many Cases Where Other Formulas Have Failed Dr. Fisher Says: CUTICURA REMEDIES POSSESS TRUE MERIT " Jfy face was afflicted with eczema in the year 1S97. I used the Cuticura Remedies, and was entirely cured. I am a practicing physician and very often prescribe Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Soap in cases of eczema, and they have cured where' other formulas have failed. I am not in the habit of endorsing patent medicines, but when I find remedies possessing true merit, such as the Cuticura Remedies do, I am broad-minded enough to proclaim their virtues to the world. I have been prac ticing medicine for sixteen years, and must say I find your Remedies A No. 1. You are at liberty to publish this letter, or any part of it. I remain, very truly 3'ours, G. If. Fisher, 31. D., Big Pool, Md., May 24, 1905." CUTICURA-THESET,$1. Complete Treatment for Every Humor from Pimples to Scrofula Bathe the affected parts with hot "water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle; dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set, costing but One rlnllfir fa nffon cnifti7nt i cure the most torturing, disfiguring, """"tit uuraing, ana scary son, scaip, and blood humors, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. ?r2? SP- Olataed, Rmtreat Xc (la ijrm of ChoeoUie Cotttd mi, Stc per tUI of 16), tn nld brioges and ferries, and the courts were appealed to to decide Ihe respective posi tions undor the law of the city and coun ty In the matter. The Supreme" Court having sakl that the city owns the bridges, a contract for advertising on the bridges cau only be let by the dty. and not by the County Commissioners. Mayor LatK coincides with the opinion expressed by Judge Webster, and says there will be no placards, and If Mr. Joy. who probu Wy represents the billboard trust, seeks to enforce his contract, he will havo to appeal to the courts and reverse the -former decree before be can proceed. The Taxpayers' League and Chamber of Commerce organisations opposed the scheme. .nd the outcome will no doubt bo a source of congratulation to all citL zens who believe in civic improvement. TYPHOON WASTED GUAM Salpan People Are Threatened With .Famine Buildings ISnzcd. AG ANA. .Guam. Sept. 27. via San Fran cisco. Oct. 31. A severe typhoon 'pre vailed from August to 3 In this vicinity. No damage was done on this Island, but on Scruembcr -t a Japanese schooner arrived in the port of Apra dtsmaated and much damaged, reporting that in the neighbor hood of Sal pan the gale bad been par ticularly severe. Governor Dyer then dis patched the station ship Supply with medical and other store to the relief of that island and cabled to Governor SenpSft. of Yap. who Immediately wont to the assistance of the people. It was found on his arrival at Sjipau that while the damage dene was extensive no im mediate need was felt, as a German steamer from Hong Kong had arrived two days after the storm and provided them with necessary stores and medi cines. While the year's crop of copra and other products bad already been gathered the cocoanut trees, which are the main dependence of the isfctnd. are In such con dition that they will not produce for the next two years. The government house, store bouses, church and . many native dwellings are in ruins. A hospital aid association is being or ganized among the moat prominent native women of the island. The Governor. Commander George L. Dyer. U. S. X.. has requested relief on account of the state of his healith and will leave for San Francisco with his family on the station ship Supply at the end of October. Bryan and Togo .Meet. TOKIO. Oct. 21 (C P. M.L-W. J. Bryan was present at the reception in honor of Vioe-Admiral Togo today, and he was in troduced to th Admiral by the Mayer of this city. There was a cordial exchange of sentiments between the two. tne Ad miral expressing himself delighted at the unexpected presence of the distinguished American. Pleads Guilty and Takes His Dose. HONOLULU. Oct. 17. via San Francisco. Oct. 24. Henry Kapea. the young Ha waiian who was recently extradited from London on a charge of embezzling 15030 In securities from the Hawaiian Trust Com pany, pleaded guilty and was sentenced by Judge Robinson to 2fe years hard la bor. Say "No" when a dealer offers vou a substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilln. Insist unon Hood's. RATIONAL- TREATMENT or . Stomach Diseases MEANS : Discard. Inj-uriotas Drugs USE A Harmless Powerful Germicide Endorsed by Leading Physicians. Send twenty-five cents o pay postage on Frte Trial Bottle. Sold by leading druggists. NOT GENUINE WITHOUT MY SIGNATURE: 62M PRINCE ST.. NEW YORK. YVxrrr ton Fun Oooxirr oh rational TntAmtxr or Disuse. Turn? SUILJ We treat and cure hundred. rjerj month who aunr from 1'clvic nnd ctber dictates or men, uch a Iljdro cele. "Varicocele. Stricture. Mouiuca. Ultlney ana Uladdrr ArXtutiou, ital Weakness. Nervuu Decline. tiDyu ttuvy. Nocturnut JLusm; and all iuj.1 lotti; train o syibjnuiMs and trounies nhich arie from uuihXut error. or c;ser excesses. We have a new speciae treatment for Gonorrhoea vhlch u prompt, sure, saft nd painless. ' byphllls and all blood taints wo cars to stay cured, and do not resort to pol toaaui minerals. Varicocele. Hydrocele; riles. Rectal Ulcers and Cuucers vta euro elleetu aily and without the use of the knlfa. Consultation and examination frr. Write tor symptom blank and book tx you cannot calL Ofnea Hours; 3 A. M. to S P. ILj Ecnday. 10 to 12. St.LoDis HeJicaiaaa n:,rt Sartfca! UttLt M V j Cor. id and YamhJU Sta- Tertian!. Or. WE CURE IVlEfN 4 y Out skill has no superior and tout tew equals In the practico of our specialty diseases of men. To tho study and treatment of chronic, nervous, blood and skin diseases wo have devoted special effort during our entire professional life, and have been rewarded by the discov ery of the very best methods used In specialty practice that elves us complete1 mastery of these diseases. Our system of home treatment Is successful and strictly private. Consultation In person or by mail FREE and SOLICITED. State Medical Institute 202 Second Ave.. South. SEATTLE. "WASH. l,0I10r ff Pns, yfek live mnmiiiwinrrpTiir'iiiwniiiiii! ii'ii'iiiii'iiiin hi iimm nr jar j&HfeDk mffij'A i Union Pie HEADY OCTOBER Zl Reward -will be paid to any person who can find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform in any form in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered because certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is under stood that this reward applies only to goods purchased in the open market, which have not been tampered with in any way. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their soothing-, nourishing, strengthening and invigorat ing effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralyzing and weakening the nerves as would be the case if these drugs were used. For. this reason Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are universally considered the best pain remedy "I have suffered for 25 years with Fvero ptins In my head, heart and back, snd have tried everything I could gf t and could not find any relief unUi 1 got a box of Dr. Miles Anil Pain Pills. I suffered as long as 12 hours at a time with such severe pains thst I fearrfl I would lose my mind. The Anti-Pain Pills gave mo relief In from 10 to 20 minutes. I do not have to we Morphine any more. I wish you would publish this so that other sufferers may nnd relief." I. A. WALKER. R. P. D. No. t. Salem. Ind. . Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are 6old by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package vll benefit. If It falls he will return your money. 25 doses. 23 cents. Never sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind iAPOLIO FOll TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the soflcsi skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin In perfeel condition. In the bath gives all tha desirable after-effects or a Turkish bath. It should be on every wash stand. LL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS TRA VELERS' OUIDE. S THE COMFORTABLE WAY. City Tickrt Ofilcc. 12i Third St., Phone 0S0. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY O The Flyer and the Fast Mull. S1I.ENI)H) SKKVICK Ul'-TO-DATK EQUIPMENT COLRTKOUS .EMPLOYES IiKAVB. I S:W A. M. 11:43 P. M. ARRIVE. i-.m a. m. :50 P. M. Portland Via teat tie J:I3P. M-f Via Spokane J (O. It. & X. Co.) GRKAT NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. Sailings from Scuttle. S. S. MInneiota. Nov. o; S. S. Dakota. Dec. 10 Fur upan and China Ports und Manila. NIPPON YU.SEN KAISHA (Japan 3Iall tteamlilp Co.) S. S. IYO MARL Sails From Seattle for Japan, China and All A.tiutlc Ports About December 12. For tickets, rates, berth reservations, etc.. call oa or address II. DICKSON. C. P & T. A. Portland. Or. COLUMBIA RIVER Portland, The Dalles Route Regulator Line Steamers Leave Portland and The Dalles daily except Sunday 7 A. M., connecting with Columbia Eiver & Northern Railway for .Klickitat Valley Points. Direct line for Moffets, Mineral, St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs. Landing and wharf at foot of Alder Street. 'Phone Main 914. ALASKA FAST AND TOPt LAR STEAMSHIPS LEAVE SEATTLE P. M. "Jefferson." Oct. 10. 20. 30, 3 1. 31. "Dolphin." Oct. 5. 15. 23, 0 P. 31. CALLING AT KETCHIKAN. JUNEAU. DOUGLAS. HAINES, SKAGWAY Connects with W. P & Y. route for Atlln. Dawson. Tanapa. Nome, etc CHEAr EXCURSION KATES. Oa excursion trips steamer Calls at Sitka. Metlakahtla. Glacier. Wrangel. etc.. In addition to regular ports of call. Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska." "Indian Basketry," "Totem Poles." THE ALASKA S. S. CO.. Frank Woolsey Co., Agents 232 Oak St. Portland. Or. S.F.& Portland Steamship Co. Operating the Only PassenKer Steamers for 3 an Fruncloco Direct. Sailing Datea From Portland October 2S; November 2. 7. 12. 17, 22. 27; December 2. 7. 12. 17, 22. 2T. From Alnsworth Dock (End of 3d st.) at S P. 31. REDUCED ROUND-THIP RATE. 523.00. Berth and Men! Included. JAS. II, DEWSON. Agt. Phone Jlaln 268. 246 Washington St. HAND TXAVELEK'S GUIDE. mc 3 TEAINS TO THE EAST BAILT Tbroush Putlmaa at&ndaxda ana tourist lecplaccars daily to Omaha. Chicago, apo kaae: tourist IeeptnB-car dally to Kansa City; through Pullman tourist aleeplnc-car (personally conducted) -weekly to Chtcaca. Rrcllnln- chair-cars Ueat free) to tho Eajl telly. UXIOX DEPOT. CHICAUO-PORTlxn Leaves. U:15 A. M. SPECIAL, for tho ral I via Huntington. iiM P. it. Dally. Daily. fiPOKANE FLYER. 0:15 P. 1L 1S:W A. it- Dally. Dally. For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Letvlston. Coeur d'Alenu and Great Northara tor th East vu Hunt- 3 '11?.L T:13 A. if. Dally. Kl Villi SCllKUULK FOR ASTORIA andt:OU P. M. 3:u P. way points. connecUng Dally. Dally, except Sunday. with ateamer for llwa co and North Bea-h. steamer Ha&salo. Ash st. dock (water per.) except Sunday. Saturday. 10:00 V. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore-I:00 A. M. on City and Yamhill I Daily. Hirer points. Aan-scj except dock (water per.) Sunday. i:30 P. it- Dally, except Sunday. For Lewis ton. Idaho, and way polnu frota Rtparla. Wash. Leave Rlparia 5:40 A. M. or upon arrival train No. 4. Sunday. Tuesday and ThursKlny. Arrlve Rlparia 4 P. M.. Monday. Wednes day and Sa.urday Ticket Office. Third nnd Wah!nctm. Telephone Main "12. C. IV. Stlncer. City Ticket Act.; A. L. Cralr. Gen. Tassencer Act. EAST via SOUTH U t U X.-.V.- 'or le. rtuac Jure. Asbtund. Sacramento, acu. can Ir'ranu cw. ixojavt), Lu Auseletf, 1 Paso. New urlcaiu oUJ the EodC Morning 'train .QUUccU at Wood, burn dally except eunaay with irxi& tor ilauut Acal. silvcriou. iirowas vltle. bprinkUtfia. Wcndlln ua Na tron. Eugene pa&senrer Connects at ooJ burn with ilu An Cet and- Sllvartoa local. Jorvullis paasenser Sheridan (umri;; Forest Grovs Passenger. S:43 P. II. 7.23 A. it S:30 A. it- 3:53 P. iL 'S :00 P. iL 10:32 A. U. 7:30 A. M. :50 P. M. tl0: P. il. 3:50 P. II. !S:23 A. It- 1:50 P. M- Dally. jDaily except Sunday. PORTLAND-OS WECO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Depot. Foot of Jefferson Street Leave Pertland dally for Oswego at 7:30 A. it.; l-;ul. 4. ti:33. 7:43. 1U:l 11 :M) P. M. Daily except Sunday. 3:30. GiSO. J;33. 10:5 A. it. Sunuay only. 0 A. M. Returning ttax 0wck. arrive Portland, dally. b.JO A- M.; 1:33. 3:03. 4:33. 0:20. 7-iK. a. 33. 11:10 i it-. 1U:33 A. il. Dally except Sunday. :U3. 7:1!3. 0:30. 11:43 A. M. Sunday only. 10 A. '. Leave fiom same depot for Dallas and in termediate, points. daliN, 0:00 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:10 A- M. The Independence-Monmouth Motor Lln operates daily to Monmouth and Alrtle. con necting with S. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas and Independence. First-class fare from Portland ta Sacra mento and San Francisco. $20. Berth, ii. Second-class fare. 513. Second-class berto. 52 30. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe; also Japan China. Honolulu nnd Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington xtrcets. Phone Main 712. C. XV. STINGER. A. L. CRAIG. City Ticket Acent, Geu. l'u. Azt. TIME CARD OF TRAINSi PORTLAND DATLT. DcsarC Arrlr.) Yellowstone Park-Kansas City. St. Louis Special for Chehalls. Centralla. Olympla. Gray's Harbor. South Bend. Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane Lew Iston. Butte. Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kan sas City, St. Leu Is and fcoutheojt 8:30 a ra 4:30 pa North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte, Minneapolis. Su Paul and the East.... 2:00 pm 7:00 a a Puget Sound Limited for Chehalls. CentrallaT Ta coma and SeattU only. 4:30 pm 10:33 p a Twin City Express for Tacoma. Seattle. Spo kane. Helena. Butte. Yellon-ston Park. Min neapolis. St. Paul and tho East 11:45 pm 6:60 p a A. D. Charlton. Assistant General Passen ger Agent. 223 Morrison st.. corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Daily. For Maygers. Rainier. Clatskanle. Westport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Gearbart Park. Sea tide. Astoria and Sea shore. Express Dally. Astoria Express. Dally. Dally. 6:00 A. M. 11:20 A. IL :00 P. M. 9:50 P. M- C. A. STEWART, J. C. MAYO. (Comm'l Agt.. 243 Alder st, G. F. & P. A. Phone Main 800. For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers leave Seattle O P. M. S. S. Humboldt. S. S citv Wkot Seattle. S. S. Cottage City, October 10. 13. 17. 21. 23. 27. For San Francisco dlxee ,p Queen. City of Puebla, I'uu. tllla. U A. il. October 10. 13. 20. 23. Portland Office. 240 ashlngton st. Main 229. C, D. DUNANN. G. P. A., San Francisco. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Steamers Altona and Oregona For Oregon City. Buttevllle. Champoeg. Newberg. Salem and way landings. Leav Taylor street. 0:43 A. M. dally, except Sun day. Oregon City Transportation Co.. Fbons Mala 40. n m