IB THE MOKSING OBEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, TOR KENT. Rooms. SWELLEST ROOMING HOUSE IN PORT LAND. New stone and brick building, elegantly furnished, handsome suites and single rooms, electric and gas lights, hot and cold run ning water In every room, furnace heat, ele gant porcelain baths. HOTEL. ARMINIUS, 410& MORRISON ST., Comer Eleventh. Mia S. "Wood, Manager. Phone Main 5203. NEW LANGB HOTEL. (EUROPEAN PUM cor. Oth and Washington; ratea 30c, 75c, l per day; special rates by the week or month; electric lights, steam heat, bells and ele vator; baths free; office .rooms for all pur poses, single or en twite; baths and phones on every floor; elegant cafe and bar In con nectlon. F. Lange, proprietor; Sam Bauman, manager. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S 3d. bet. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant furnished brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms, free batna. rooms with private baths, electric light, ele vator; rooms for two. $1 day, 3.o0 week up; reasonable by month; tourists soilcuea. AatEL. AVALrON (EUROPEAN). 413 Washington st.. 4 blocks west, of Imperial Hotel Newly furnlhsed rooms, single or en eulte; hot and cold water, steam heat, electric light, bath and all modern con enlencos; permanent roomers and tourists solicited. THE CLAYTON. 15 10TH ST.. TWO BLOCKS north of Washington st Furnished frnt rooms, heated by furnace, free porcelain baths; also unfurnished and partly fur nished housekeeping rooms. Phone Pacific C01. Mrs. W. A. Jarvis. prop. , HOTEL MONTGOMERY. 304 ALDER ST., cor. 10th -This well-known family hotel has opened as a first-class rooming-house, with batha and all modern conveniences; O" reasonable rates by the week or mouth. 212 7TH ELEGANT LARGE SUNNY ROOMS, steam heat, porcelain ba'ths and all the com forts of home; very reasonable prices for permanent roomers; 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, Postofflce -and Marquam Grand. wnTPI. PALMER. Centrally located at the corner of Alder and Park sts.; steam heat, hot and cold WAter; free porcelain baths: room, vc, 75c and $1; special weekly rates. VERY COMFORTABLE. WELL-HEATED i i.v..ut rruim, of r cojmn abl e prices, lo cated in quiet resident section and only 10 minutes' wsik xrom cemcr ui Columbia fit. FOR RENT-NICE. LARGE FURNISHED front room: well lighted. hot and cold water; flrst floor; 00c per day; good neigh borhood. 30U nowaday, near fliwi u"i'-' U car. -K-Tr-r v TTiTTJ'CTSWEri FRONT PARLOR. with piaro. gas. heat, phone and bath; $10 per month; suitable for two. near 23d. Take any Fair car. 742 Vaughn. i -nnrtxt: T'PSTAIRS FOR RENT. FUR nlshed or "unfurnished, with use of kitchen; no children; well lighted, walking distance from car line. t&z bin su THE KING. 309 JEFFERSON ST. NEW h.iitinr with pverv modern convenience; only 4 blocka from the Postofflce; very low rates by the week and month. Mr-PT.Y Tri'RVISHED DOUBLE ROOM, with gas. heat, phone and bath. $10 per month, suitable for two. 742 Vaughn, near Tid. Take any Fair car. ii.VASAXT BOOMS WITH USE OF SIT- tinir-rnnm home comforts, porcelain bath f ur block? from Postofflce. Call afternoons and evenings. 250 Oth. UROE BAY WINDOW ROOM. NICELY fnmiMiiMit iiut the thlntr for two gentlemen tne i.hone and bath. 210 7th St.. 2 blocks outh of Portland Hotel. ?i iivHT.v Bnnws to n GENTLEMEN: SE- lect neichborhood: modern home; no other roomers; good transportation; look this up. 1H4 North iHtn st HEAt'TIFl'LLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN brick building. $2 per week and up;, bath. electric light and phone. J.ne ew jjci mont. 103 let st. 1MU 1ST ST. COR. YAMHILL NICELY furnished rooms, en eulte or single, brick building, porcelain bath, reasonable, perma r.i-nt or transient. NICE SUNNY ROOMS. NEW HOUSE. NEW furniture: gas, porcelain bath and furnace heat; popular prices to permanent peopie 414 Jefferson' st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. HOT AND cold runnlnc water in each room; furnace heat, rent reasonable, by the "flay or month 2"7 14th st. ELEVENTH ST.. NO. 258 NICELY FUR nlshed front alcove room: also slderoom modern, private family; choice location; gen tiemen only. 25SV. 18TH ST. PRIVATE HOME. ELE cantly furnished front bedroom: also side - and fimall rear room, flrwt'clasa, new, . rea' sonable. THE DORMER. 13TH AND JEFFERSON Elegant furnished rooms, modern brick. steam heat, bath: reasonable. Main 0450. TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 PER week; bath and telephone free, at 046East -utn; taKe i'owcii-oi. car. iu. ioiu. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS Heat eas. nhono: two blocks- from Hotel Port land; rate reasonable. 304 Taylor. MODERN RESIDENCE. "WALKING Dis tance, rooms $0 up month. Including bath and heat. 202 10th. near Jefferson. THE MAYF AIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building, modern conveniences 203 Stark, cor. 5th. Main 205i. 408 TAYLOR ST. NEWLY FURNISHED front and side rooms, furnace heat, modern conveniences; rent reasonable. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI vate family, everything first-class, walking distance. Call 340 Cth bU LARGE FRONT ROOM. BATH. GAS phone, furnace heat: beautifully furnished, reasonable. 204 .th st. ROOMS SUITABLE FOR TWO. FOUR OR six gentlemen or couples; awo single rooms modern. 175 Fourteenth. PLEASANT ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAM- lly, 3" blocka south Hotel Portland; .every convenience. 248 Oth uu FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALL MODERN conveniences. Heat, bath and phone; prf vate family. Main 322 1. TWO ROOMS. RENT EN SUITE OR SEP- arately. housekeeping If desired; bath, pri vate family. 2C Clay. LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUIT- able lor two or more persons, all convent encee. 389 Alder st LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM IN new. modern, private home; board If de- sired. 785 Irving st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED OUT- eiae rooms, very reasonable to steady room ers. call at 72 7th st. FRONT ROOMS SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. nouseKeeping rooms. -&tii wasmngton st. r.nts reasonable. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, puiiaDic i or two. uoiumoia; nice walk lnr distance. FURNISHED ROOMS, suite. 280 10th St.. SINGLE OR EN 500 FLANDERS NEATLY room. $5 per month. FURNISHED FINEST FURNISHED 470 Taylor St. ROOMS IN CITY Rooms With Board. THE COZY 193 7TH ST IS NOW PREPARED to receive boarders as well as roomers. This w the most homelike resort In the - city nay THE HAWTHORNE ROOMS "WrTH BOARD, good home, cooking; reasonable, central on car line. 221 13th. 293 10TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two, best of home cook ing, furnace heat. FOUR GENTLEMEN TO OCCUPY 2 LARGE llcht rooms. First class table. Reasonable. Phone. East 01S. EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD, $4.50 PER week, 4 blocks from Hotel Portland. 225 "West Park. LARGE BRIGHT ROOM WITH BOARD; best residence part city. 275 -22d St.. north. Main 1001. ' 305 MORRISON LARGE FRONT ROOM, running water, also nlngle room, with board. Desirable rooms and board, modem, private home, walking distance. 120 lSth-GHsan. IF YOU LIKE GOOD HOME COOKING, try 500 Everett st.; nicely furnished rooms. THE OZARK. 223 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD; terms reasonable. 388 7th. BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. 189 10th. near Taylor. BOARD AND ROOM 113 N. 18th St., $20. TOR RENT. Rooms With Beard. THE COL.ONIALr-ASEL.ECT FAMILY HO- tel. 165-1C7 10th st.. cor. MorriMii; engage ments can now be made for the "Winter; pleasant rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat, porcelain baths, plenty of hot wator: hand pome dining-room, with flirt-class table and service. THE HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. A select family hotel, pleasant rooms. steam ' heat, running water ana ejecine lights, permanent engagements can be made at reasonable rates. Phone Main 139S. THE GLENDORA Is now receiving resident guests; first-class table service; free mi-llard-room. phone and bath; large parlor for private or social parties. Rates rea sonable. 10th, near wasningion. BLAKELY HALL. 270 GTH ST. PLEASANT rooms, with or without noara; nm-a every reepect; one suite with Data aajow Ing; one or the nicest private boarding houses in the city. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 4BS WASHINGTON Pine furnished rooms, tree Daws; reason able rates to permanent guests; transient; open all night; dining-room In connection. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH TBAR; rooms with board; use of aewing-room; uo of library: Woman s Excnange. aouitm Mrs H. B. Hamlla, Supt, 310 Flancers- WOODLAND. 265 CTH. IN BEST Resi dence district four biocxs xrom we land Fine rooms, with running water; first class board. LARGE. NICELY FURNISH BO trtui l room, wltn board, suuame icr jkiuch sonable. Phone Main 5400. 305 Oth, or. Har rison. PLEASANT ROOMS. PORCELAIN BATM. modern, excellent boarc; permanent, or irui- slent; prices reasonable. l.i urn su ROOMS. "WITH OR "WITHOUT BOARD BY day, week or monin. ai ziui-ci -uctk. and Alder, after October 2. THE ILLINOIS. 108 1 OTH LARGE HAND- m front rooms wun ooaro. ursi-ciawi home cooking; reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD IN NICE HOME. Phone Main uoia. ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD. 147 N. 2Sd 6t Flats. ONE C AND ONE 8-ROOM FLAT. ALL MO D- ern Improvements. 10 rem. bicu-uu. iTth nnri oiisan. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT 5TH AND GRANT, FINE. NEW modem flat; gas ranges; everyinujs innir nvstem Investment Co. WJ Cth sU 40 TAYLOR-FINELY FURNISHED FOUR- rooxn nat, nam. Ka. wtcmuw ... Music Store. 328 Washington. MODERN FLAT 0 ROOMS FUKMbHS-u complete, between 3d ana 4in, en uiimum. Phone pacinc 40. spr.ifvnm SEW. FLAT. THOROUGH modern. S rooms, liin near Tel. Main 2304. NICELY" FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT. GAS, bath. $20 month. 080 Front; fc car moih. MOT1ERX !i.nOOM FLAT FOR KENT. -ul E. Burnside. cor. Sth. Hausekeeplnc Itooms. TWO OR THREE CHOICE UNFURNISHED rooms for man and wire in new. raoaera, nrivnto hnmp on ttro car lln. walklnR elf- tance; references; answering give ihoae number. K 5. Oregonlan. wn.T.TT.TOS' COURT. 15TH AND EVER ett Handsomely furnished 2-room nouseKeep lng apartment posneeMng modern conveni ences; excellent neighborhood and surround ings; no children. iRTwn riVCEPTlONALLY NICE FUR nisnea nouseKeepmp roora; jitou. tai nnH nhanr Aim 2 unfurnished houssokeep- lnfr moms, nrlce $10. 575 West Main. Look this up. rwMirnnTATttr FURNISHED SINGLE AND housekeeping roome, fine river ana mouniuir? t view; gooa car service, onrap rent, vk.it-. 1st st. South; take S or Ctb-st. car. 372 FIRST TWO OR FOUR NEWLY. l'A- pered furnished bay-window nouseKeepinK rooms; also two unfurnished; very reason able? respectable people only. HOTEL NORTHERN HOUSEKEBrlMi rooms. $10 arm up; free pnone, oain, anu electric light. Also transient, with board. Corner 12th and MarshalL 321 12TH ST.. COR. CLAY SUITE OF TWO rooms, nicely furnlphed for housekeeping; every convenience; very reasonable to per manent people. $11 PER MONTH 4 FURNISHED HOUfatJ- . Keeping rooms-, wun jarxc .ru &iju 100 East 30th; take Sunnyslde-Mount Tabor car. THREE NICELY FURNLSHED House keeping rooms: every convenience; reason able walking distance. No children, 403 4th THREE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. nicely furnished. 1st floor; bath, pnone. gas, heat, pantry, sink; reference. C35 Irving st. THE HEILER. 280 GRAND AVE. FUR- nlshed suites for housekeeping: eitner - or 3 rooms; gas ranges, private bath; low rent. $2.50 WEEK-3 LARGE WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, phone, ground floor. East Side, close In. 118 Ablngton bldg. "v. THREE NEWLY FURNISHED House keeping rooms, all modern conveniences; no children. 405 10th. Phone Pacific 513. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. "WITH ALL CON Yonlencc. best location In the city, one block from Oregonlan. 340 AMer et. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE keeping suite, modern conveniences. 428 Yamhill, bet. 11th and 12th sts. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE IN NEW. MOD ern house, furnace, etc.; walking distance; bring referencea. 307 3d st. NICELY" FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE keeplng rooms, suitable for two; gas ranges; rent reasonable. 300 4th st. 388 JEFFERSON FOUR ROOMS. FUR nUhed complete, close In. bath, gas, phone; also single room; references. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ALL MODERN conveniences: hot baths. Phone East 4301. The Yale, 201 Grand ave. ONE LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng room, gas etove. no children. 48S Everett. Phone East 4S31. THE ILLINOIS. 108 1 OTH THREE COM pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, two double bed, reasonable. THE ALCOVE FOR RENT. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms-, gas and bath. 103 Park St., corner Morrison. A SUITE OF CONVENIENT AND NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; telephone, gas and bath. 206.12th. THREE OR FOUR NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; central, gas, bath, phone. 143 11th L TWO SUITES CLEAN. MODERN HOUSE keeplng rooms; close In; no children. 73 Sth st-. cor. Oak. FURBISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS OR will give board with rooms. 205 N 22d; phone Main 1338. 184 4TH SUITE HOUSEKEEPING LARGE front rooms, suitable for 4 gentlemen and slnzle rooms. $11 TWO FURNISHED BASEMENT ROOMS for housekeeping; pantry, bath; wood room. 101 Park. SUITE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ICS 13th, near Morrison; references required. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; very convenient; central location. . THREE VERY- NICE FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms. The New Grant. 2d and Grant. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING mcnts for quiet homelike people, ett ot. APART- 70S Ever- 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN prix-ate family. l Everett et. Phone and water. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. COMPLETELY furnished; modern; East Side, 002 Missouri ave. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. '254 Montgomery, cor. 3d. Call after 5 P. M. "WITCH HAZEL. First and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. LARGE. NEW ELEGANTLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 503 Alder. TWO OR THREE FUHNISHED HOUSE- kceping rooms. 07. . Oth. Call after 10 A. M. 2 . OR 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent, partly furnished. Call at 72 7th st. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 700 .bast lamnui st. i'Done cast kos. TOR RENT. llousekccplnr Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM- hlll New house, elcganuy rurnianea apart menu. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat, baths; free phone oa each floor. THE JEFFERSONIAN, 314 JEFFERbON St. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room lurnis-i-d houekeeplng apartments with beat and hot water and phone, elegaat porcelain bathtubs. Phone Main 5432. 0 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Phone and water. 353 Wcot Park. 475 TAYLOR, COR. 14TH THREE HOUSE- kceiitne rooms for rent. TWO VERY DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 007 Irving eU Houses. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS, STORSS. ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR RENT. T.!r vAr nrooertv with urt to tee rented. The domand la rreater than We can KlBPly. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street. Phone Main FOR RENT SEVERAL 3 TO S-ROOM houoas In different parts of the city, can and see list at office. M. E. Lee. S17 Fen ton toldr., S4 Oth st. Phone Front 172. C04 2D ST.. CORNER MEADE S ROOMS. cement basement, gas, batR. nrepmce. otg attic, modern, first-class- condition, owner. 300 Morrison st. Phone Main 1013. 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON EAST SIDE In good location $18 per month; inquire Hortman. Thompson & Power. 3 Chamber of Commerce NEW. UP-TO-DATE MODERN 7-ROOM house; gas, electricity, large, ligat oase ment, large yard. Inquire 213 Lincoln, near Third. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE ALL modern conveniences. 320 23th st-. next to Qulmby. $35 per month. Phone Main 2707. A MODERN SEC-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH and basement. 224 E. 2d st.. north, near Steel bridge. Inquire room 391. the Dekum. G-HOOM HOUSE. 300 17TII ST. RECBNT- ly renovated; new bathroom and modorn plumbing. Call 434 Mohawk bldg. Main 1037. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and fsrnlture movers. Phone Main 10S3. Office, 110 N. Sd sU DONALD G. WOODWARD, 248 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone iiain o. ADMLNJSTRATOR OF ESTATES. COTTAGE. fO N. 15TH BASEMENT. AT- tlc. pas, electric, laundry, wood elevator; $30. Drake's. 203 Washington. $25 NEW. MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSR East Side, near car lines; ready November 10. Addreas W 1, Oregonlan. A MODERN 0-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. $23 a month: range and window shaded for rale reasonable. 420 4th st. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. 407 ROSS ST.. 8 blocks from. Steel Bridge (East Side). Key at 3S3 Benton st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 907 EVERETT jU Inquire N. D. Simon. 510 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE COTTAGE. NOV. 1. EAST ANKENY near 21st; permanent tenant. Apply 344 Fen- ton bldg. DESIRABLE FURNISH KD ROOMS FOR housekeeping; 533 Yamhill st. Phone Main 4413. C-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. GAS. NEW bath. 10S E. 11th. cor. E. Aider. Call at 118. S-ROOM HOUSE. 034 E. ASH ST.. $27.30. Inquire 127 E. 10th st. Phone Union 1010. HOUSE OF 0 ROOMS AND BATH. 773 IRV- Ing St.. near 22d. Apply 132 0th C FOR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. 20 Whlttakor st. Apply 821 Front st. FOR RE NT Park. $10. (-ROOM HOUSE IN FULTON Inquire 334 Aider st. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH BATH, $13. HAT- fleld & Smith, 4tn sr. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. FINK LOCA- tlon. Phone west -183. Furnished Houses. PART FURNISHED HOUSE (3 ROOMS); free water, phone, bath and kitchen fuoL For terms inquire 751 B Pine. cor. 22d. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSB 8 ROOMS, modern conveniences; rent $35. 5S0 Third St., corner Grant. Phone Main 44. THREE NICE LARGE SUNNY ROOMS, nicely furnished for housekeeping, modern. 515 20th -. Portland Heights. A GOOD FURNISHED HOUSE 1STH AND East Pine. $30 per month. Apply Portland Trust Co. of Ore.. 109 3d. $20 COMPLETELY" FURNISHED FIVE reom cottage, neat and dean. 210 E. 10th st. Phone East S5S. FOR RENT AFTER NOVEMBER 1 EIGHT- room furnished house In North Portland, M 4. Oregonlan. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE; ELEC trlc lights, bath; central. Inquire 273 7th. Houfces for Rent Furniture for Sale, WB PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR FUR- nlture; also take same on consignment. Portland Auction Rooms. 211 1st st. Phone Main 5035. RUMMAGE PRICES ON FURNITURE THIS week, closing out nice clean stock at bar gains to dealers or consumers. 290 1st st. 0-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY FURNISHED. rent $30; payes good; price $I54. J209 caeh. balance 1 year; great bargain. F S. Ore gonlan. 12 ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE: rent $30; price $300; must be soM. 440 Sth. cor. College SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MONEY-MAKE!.; "WILL sell very reasonable; nne location; very central. 428 Alder. FURNITURE 0-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE for ale or rent furnished. 443 Taylor, bet 12th and 13th. THRBE ROOMS. WITH PIANO, PRIVATE family: no children, 432 Bumslde. bet 10th and 11th. MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDR. furniture for sale cheap, at 24G Grant st Main 3m. PIANO AND FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM house: rent $20. 314 Madison. Phone Main 3540. FURNITURB C-ROOM FLAT. NEARLY new. $273. Hatfield &. Smith, 1S3 4th st Stores. CHEAP PLACE AND GOOD LOCATION Just the thing for a delicatessen and cof fee-house, with living room, at $15 per mo. Opposite Rureell-strcet School. J. Kr&eraer,- ciace ai (commercial niocic. FOR RENT A STORE WITH GOOD DRY basement, rent reasonable. Inquire 351 Mor rison st OfUee. FOR RENT DESK ROOM AND EVERY- thlng furnished. Ev S. Jackson fc Co.. 240 stark st FOR RENT TOP FLOOR BRICK BLDG., 5th and Flanders. Povey Bros. PERSONAL. MISS LA FERE. CHIROPODIST. MAGNETIC healer, scalp massage, facial treatment, 22 jiiacoma. nouse. -uss btarje. THE OREGON DETECTIVE SERVICE. OF- flees 314-315 Columbia bldg. 305 Washington su rnonc juain ubiii. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main. 5473. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor, 127 11th. TeL Main 4S5S. MISS MAKL graduate, of Finland, masoag ana oauus taaies oniy. iKXj Ablngton bldg. DR. FLETCHER'S CHIROPODY PARLORS, rwcnmson Bjnoa uukul .lib Allslcy bldg. Winona Mills Seamless Hosiery. The Direct Supply Co. 'a underwear. 311 Commercial blk. DR. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF WOMEN and surgerj". owu aus- oigg., and JlOITlSon. TWO IOUSG GIVE FACE AND. scaip rouMgt no, sui. cor. Washington. TWO lULU LAUlliS GIVE FACE AND scaip massage, jjuia -tn. cor. wasblngton. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- easea 4 Aiaer st. i'none lain 4S32. BOOKS BOUGHT.. SOLD AND EXCH AN G E D ax tne uia noon .ore, lamnill st SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLL.V- baugns, -UiS iayior, bet 3d and 4th. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE, GBADUAIC dermatologist; sclentinc. featurai. correc- tlonlst. beautlfler ana restorer oi puuuui ness. may be consulted daily free; every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessfully treated: mature wnnKies. scars. blemishes, etc., removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology in connection, -t -u-lors 364 Morrison. Phone Hood 2S2. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas. iloK womieriui aiscovery wi IHUzles medical world. Rheumatfeaai. paraly sis, spinal afTecUons, cryulpelarf. neuraUia, catarrh, cancer, burns. oW sores, . yield to this oil like magic: cures In 8 t"2 days; sample ran, 30c, postpaid; testlmomaw free; agenu wanted. M. E. Clinton. 515 E. Couch st.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 3452. THE WORLD"S GREATEST INVENTION. the Electro-Radiator t realm en u tor iae cm of rheumatism, lnmbago. Beuralgla. sciatica, blood and feln dleas-. ilropny. kklney and liver complaints, stomach trouble, night sweat female dteease1. nciroys and chronic afflictions of every nature. Parlor 2. 3 North 3d st.. corner of Couch. DISEASES OF "WOMEN A - SPECIALTY; maternity cases Riven special attention, private hospital accommodation: profes sional lady nurses In attendance. Consulta tion free, X-Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder, entrance 233 Al der st., Portland. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HBLSING- fors graduate. . positively cures rnewnatieBi. nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing and hot bath: both sexe. 7 E. 11th st.. two doors from Baot Ankeay car line. Phone East 2. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MAKE FROM $3 to $3 per day selling the my gas man tel la the world that lights -Itself: no matches required; they prevent the poeribil Ity of asphyxiation. 431 Washington. Tel. Pacific 515. -Book of Nature." "A Social Lion. "ForWd- dea Fruit." "Woman of Fire." "What Dora DW." "Agnes." "Dangerous Delights." "Her Fatal Passion," 50c ea. - Hoadnuarters for souvenir poet, cards. A. W. Sohmale Co.. 220 1st. - MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM "LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and- boas cleaned, curios and dyed; best 6f work; satisfaction guar anteed. 100 Cth. Portland. Or. Phono Clay 303. Residence. 240 Harrison. Main DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $ I a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. S47 Washington, opp. Cordray's. HAIR RESTORER FADED. BLEACHED and gray hair restored the color It was be fore turning gray. Sent anywhere, express prepaid, for $1.00. San Francisco Hair Store. 1401 First ave., Seattle. Wash. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES ELEC- trical, thermal, alcoholic and . medicated treatments; chiropody, pedicuring and mani curing. 10 and 12 Benson bldg.. Sth and Morrison. Phone Pacific 233. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY .DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globles. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 month's. $5. Sent securely coaled by mail. Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. YES. SEXINE PILLS "WILL MAKE YOU sleep, eat. feel happy and strong. Price, $1 a box, 6 boxes $5. with full, guarantee. Ad dress .J. A. Clemenson. druggist. 2d and Yamhill sts!. Portland. MANICURING BY NEW ROTARY PROCESS. hand massase. vibratory body. face, scalp massage; free demonstration. Vlbratorlum. rooms 2S-20. Lewis bid;., cor. Park and Morrison sts. STYLISH VISITING CARDS PRINTED TO order. 50 for 35c. 00 for 50c: business cards. 230 for $1. 500 for $1.75. The A. W Schmalc Co., 220 1st; bring your order to day. LOST POWERS " RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorcnz Nerve Tonic Tablets: 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Phar macy. 227-lorrIson st. between 1st and 2d. THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMEDY restores gray and faded hair to itn natural color, promotes the growth of hair; not greasy. Paris Hair Store. 3US AVashtagton. SUPERFLUOUS HAIK. SIOLES. ETC RE xnoved by electric needle: lady operator; 11 years experience In Portland. Parlors 2 IS Cth it-, near Main. Phone Main 1100. MISS ENGLISH. HEALER. CURES RHKU mutism and nervousnetz. Also Turkish steam hatha and magnetic treatments. 143 0th. rooms 24-2S. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- Ias: repairing and recovering; two stores. "Washington and Sth and Morrison and 5th. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c Ladles' skirts pressed, 5Bc Gilbert, llniyr Sth st-. next to the Quell. JPhosojay 303. MKN-WB CHALLENGE ITS EQUAL. THE Electro Vacuum Devetopor, at Watson's Pharmacy, 103 North Oth sc. Portland. BROTHER WILLIAM. THE QUAKER prophet, clairvoyant, medium: tells thee all things; treats diseases. 313 "Washington. ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? Mrs. Stevens, Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant cau help you. IDS 7th. MARRY"? JOIN OUR SOCIETY AND MEET reputable people. Matrimonial Rectater loc. October issue. 24 itussei wag., ir&v- 4th. LADIES WHO EMBROIDER TO BARN money at home. Write tor particulars. The Needle Craft Shop,- ror Aiisky . bids. COULD NOT MEET YOU IN LOBBY AS agreed; write here where I can phone or write. J. t. is a. uregon is n. DR. LAMOTTFS French Corn Paint, the bast corn euro, 23c All druggists. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount oa from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced ao building progresses; mortgage taken up and replaced. FRED II. STRONG. Financial Agent 242 Stark Street LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions -and responsible Arms; easy payments and strictly confident tit!; also CHATTEL LOANS en personal property: romlss-lsouses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 203 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get os his note, without mortgage (Conndenllr Month. V-month. Week. 130 Repay to us... $13.33 or $0.03 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us...$ 0.03 or $3.23 or $1.03 $15 Repay to us... $4.00 or $2.00 or $1.60 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. r THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 ORBGD- nian biag.. loans money 10 reiiaiue salesmen, trainmen, motorrncn. conductors or other sal aried employes. Just on his note. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable In convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments us pended in case 'of sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT- ratrit you can afford; money loaned on rur nilure. piano or personal property; best terms in city. Rooms 21S-220 Ablngton. Red 172G. LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly coaa dcntlal. Employes' Loan Co.. room 716. the Dekum. 3d and AVash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc. without security; easy pay ments: largest business In 40 principal cities. Toiman. 223 Ablngton. Main 0457. MONEY TO LOAN ON "REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; email Duiraiag 10a ns a specialty. "W. IL Nuan. 352 Sherlock bide Phone Clay 520; - GUARANTEED 0 PER CENT NET GOLD Denomination; Investigate this now. lorter.TF?K Box 441. city. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP room 10. Washington bMg. .Phone Clay 415: LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND. other securities-; lowest rates, s. w. King, room 43. "Washington bldg. Phone Main 0100. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROMJS TO $500 on al securities, it j, sckersoa 4: Co..tl room 5. "Washington owg. rnone uiap 73. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE. pianos, other securities. 44 Sherlock wdg. 'Phone Clay 523. -fo "rral cstato loans. "WILL LOAN- $3000 PR LESS. C PER CENT. real estate. Farrlngton, 318 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY ON MORTGAGE; CITY OR SUBUR ban; easy terms. W. S. Ward, the AlUky. State funds loaned. C per cent W. E. Thomas state agt., Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com $300,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 0 PER CENT Wra. G. Beck, room 307, - the Falling- bWg. .MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- ; curlty. W'm. Holl. nn. 9. Washington "bUg. A $50,000 TO LOA AT REGULAR RATES The Portland' Loan Office. -74 3d st BUSINESS CHANCES. SO-ROOM HOTEL OTH ST.. NEAR WASH- iBKtoB. one of the best money-makers In the city; If isotd this' week will roll at groat sacrifice. SMITH BROS 122fe 0th. cor. Washington. GOOD MONEY-MAKER. 12 large room, corner or Jkl. near a a ni hil L. Am ttuiwient houo. pouhlvely clearing $19 iter soontfc: very cheait rent: lease uatll Ahkbp '97. Sxtm well fMrntohed; this is positively the bvsi buy In the dty for the prKse. $1100. Phone Main ISC Room 12&. Ablngton. , INFORMATION ON BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES. The Ames Mercantile Arescy is In touch with trade, elty and country. They are In a position to give valuable advice regard ing purchase, or sale of a business. Only le gitimate propositions considered. THE AMES MKRCANTXLE AGENCY. a Ablngton Bldg. V GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. I 32 raonM hMn rnt Imm . WTJs?tn' heat. I nice lance sonny room?, earner house) extra I well furnished and clearing $2wf. pervmontlu. 11 ere is a Brst-clasH proposition 3ao wjii hear investigation; price $23co. Phone Main 13. room 12S. Ablngton bldg. YOUNG EASTERN MAN CAN INVEST WITH cervices from SIOOO to SICCO In a pood er tabllehed business of any description: lum bering or stock proporttiona considered. Ad ore wiut lull particulars and details 11 11.. uregon iiotei. GREATEST BARGAIN YET OFFERED 83- room roomlnc houe. excellent furnlohlneu. has always) clear-mi $1G0 to $200 aHMHrth above all expenses-: can he had now at one- thirri cost. Inquire Ellis, room 21. 2S4 Mor- ryon m. FAMILY HOTEL. 09 rooms, bon-ton location, house- full of steady peoole. at nood nric": steam heat. hot and- cold running water In every room; int is an oM-estahlMied house awl has al ways been 3. good money-maker. Price SftluO. Main 13S. room 125 Ablngton bide. FOR SALE FURNITURE AND LEASE OF A 48-room botol an Washington sc. with ele vator, electric belb electrfo llshts. gas. steam beat and n w porcelain baths en every boot, inoae Main 3311. B 7. Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN AN OLD ESTAB- Itsbed business; must be energetic and able to give references; $1000 required; purchaser can depend upon receiving from $! to $2W) ntontaiy. particulars llt 3d St.. room a. SWELL PLACEl 2h rooms, fine location for good, steady roomer cheap rent, new hulMtmc. nicely furnished, making good .money: thM will nsaketany one $100 per month clear. beMs J4nlm home and a good living; price $2W0. noom ira. AOinrton bidet A MODERN 5UOB STORE. IN" A PROGRBS- sny town in Oregon, population 3OU0; rut!-, road division: good payroll ; up-to-date stoeJr.-f ln-olee about $4500; good reckHis to &.!!; easy terms-, o loo, Oreiconlan. SEB THIS: 7 ROOMS. $300 A WELL "Lo cated nouse. elaborately furnished; rooms always" rented and urn SKl awr rent. Own er moot leave and says $200 takes it. Bill, 21. 24 Morrlfon nt. SWELL FLACE FOR $050 15-ROOM ROOM- ing houte near I'ortland Hotels nirnkhl new and extra good rt months ago; rent only 4b. Fine place for steady roomers , EI He, mom i. jHorrvon st. NICK OFFICE BUSINESS WELL ESTAB- lished. a one-half Interest with uartner of lensr experience for $&; pay $10ir a month for each; suitable for man or woman. Ad dress M W 70, Oregonlan. $300-OWNKR. BECAUSE OF GROWING 'bostaes;. will -?ell half Interest to active man; purcbaesn la sure of $100 a month and tlu. ikitU. fm4 .11.. 1..,. J tn..L...lK.- 1BB 3d st.. room A. y RESTAURANT. Brick huiMlmr.'- furnishings . extra good, right In- center of city, steam bra tS and mak ing-money;-will elr for part cash or trade ror real estate. For further particular call room. is. AMngton hWg. Phone Main 150. BARBER SHOP Otk street., 3 chains. price only $ss. SMITH BROS.. ISSK Oth. cor Washington. FOR .-ALK-Fir.gT-CI.ASS STOCK IN FUR- nlture factory: tmrchaser ceUi esnnlowment: also in woodworking wttablhthment and hne retail yard system. Addret Y led, Orego- WE. . TAKE" NOVlCE. VAei have nuk nwloacra Tar le. 1?. 17 room houeestsnll you hstve to do is to lains them In and get your caeh. providing "they are at reasonable prices. Phone Main 15U. ISO. AbmKton Mdg. SALOON PARTNER WANTED: IURB chance for a reliable man with $30)) make $1711 to SaOO x month; previous ex- perlencf not necessary, ("all 24S Stark st. KNBRGETIC AND TRUSTWORTHY MAN with $Qi cash, manage,, mercantile branch ' for old -orporatloo In California; state aze. jocmer occupntton, v 3. Oregonlan. - FLNB BUY. 20 rooms, right in heart of city: very cheap rent, nicely furnished, steam heat; thle la tne very- best buy in the city, and you can buy it ror the Tor the extreme low price of $1440. ln 130. room' 125 Ablngton bl-r. Phone WEljLnESTAW.ISHED BUSINKSS MAKING concrete novelties, cement laundry trayu specialty: only businefA of Its kind in Orii- gonp-mrafTtgate. J uSvUregonmn. WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND SHARES of .Oregon Securitlee Co. stock for sle at Mteacttve Sgures. L. Y. Krady &. Co., 31-52 UMon blK. 3d and Stark sts-. " ' EXTRA- FINK. 12 rooms. W'sdUngton st. steam hent.' hot and cold water and furnished Mne; thlts k a" fine houce and will not last kmc; Mice $8e. Phone Mnln 13f, room 123 Abinxton Mdg. $33-FULLY aOCIPPED RESTAURANT. 0th st. good business, established 3 years; -nice place: burgnin. Phone Main 4780. Pit- -jtger. 243; Morrison st. GORNER CIGAR AND FROIT STORE. J best kvntloa In town; must be eotd I at once; owner leaving town; bargain. R OS. Oregaotan. FOR SALE" OR EXCHANGE OFFICE Bus iness: va!ud Sluoo, clearing $l0o month. What have you to offer. V 12. Oregonlan. A COUNTRY STORE BAST OF THE MOUN- talnsv doing' a good business. Inquire of J. D. Kenworthy at Wadhams & Kerr Bros. FOR SALE BEST PAYING HOTEL BAR ber shop In city at your own price; best rea son for .selling. Barber shop. 02 N. 3d st FURNITURE OF NICE MODERN 7-ROOM flat south of Portland Hotel $250. new one year ago. Ellv. room 21. 24 Morrison st FOR SALE HOARDING HOUSE OF 12' rooms, all full and doing excellent bustnest). Next door Portland Hotel Annex. 1SS 7th. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. FINE LOCA tton. nice trade, going to sell: other business; Investigate thla. Addrera 31 8. Oregonlan. Wanted partner for cash business. $739' renulred: dutie easily learned; pay you $lfiO moath. Call 218 Stark st WILL EXCHANGE SPLENDID ILVRDWARB .business for cash or real estate. Inquire Northrup. 211 Commercial bldg. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent: terms reasonable, with large pantry and hatbv 331 Morrison st RESTAURANT IN HEART OF CITY, owner going South: best offer takes It Ad dress Y S. Oregonlan. SALK BUILDING ICOxSO. rr.Rin lumber-cheap. Inquire GoMgraber. penny ar cade. F4r groumw.-. - $ FOR SALE BURNS COTTAGE; FAIR X?"- W3? rM!4?,vetl b AIex- T. Smith. OLD EST AB LISt ISO RESTAUR.VNT ON STH st. near Washington; Invcntlgatc. W 7. Oregonlan. . I WANT TO BUY" A LODGING HOUSE, hotel or restaurant Pan Smith, Postofflce Box 47. $450 BUYS NEWSPAPER PLANT IN GROW lng Idaho town. Carrier, 300 5th. Main 522S. 2-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED: central; .$1300. Hatfield & Smith. 105-4th. $230 SALOON, GOOD-PAYING PLACE; don't fall to see It. Andersen. 101 Morrison. MANUFACTURING PARTNER WANTED $1300: rare .chance. Call 24S Stark st SHOOTING GALLERY, DOING A GOOD business, near depot. 110 N. Cth st $1.250 CORNER CASH GROCERY PARTNER wanted: no risk. 24S Stark at CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT. SMALL capital 200 McKay bide OST AND FOUND. :EN DOLL.VRS REWARD THE OREGO r.Un will pay $10 reward for the arrest and ccnvlctlon of any cae caught stealing The . Oregonlan- from the doors o lta aubasrloerj. Circulation Mnnnaer. LOST SATURDAY, OCT. 14 BY CHAS. S. Carter, one black hill oook containing r.. R. ticket. I. O. O. F. receipts ana otner papers. Return to Oreonten and receive reward.- -LOST SEVERAL DAYS AGO. ILK UM- treiia. gom-mounte norn ninflie, o mui " name engraved on mowntinar. Return 411 10th ft., or call up Main" 4722: rownrd. LOST LKMON AND WHITE POINTER dog. S months old: name of L. C. Henrys on collar. Return to- 4S Third, and receive reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresse renovatea ana reiumea sauna u. Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST SUNDAY TAN AND WHITE SCOTCH Collie: name W Eoetman inscnoea on col lar; bring to 415 Broadway: rewara. LOST FOX TERRIER PUPPY. SMALL black spots on back, and one blncK ear. w- -turn to 777 Overton St.; rewara. -LO6T A COCRTER SPANIEL PCP. SIX . month? old. mmed Major, fram vtrtnltyot Rrttoklvn: rewsafd. Scott 2t2. ... ' LOSTt SATURDAY", LEATHER. COVKR CON taintag moter reading. Return to PorUand" General ABiectrK .j. iJVJT-COLn FOB CHAIN WITH K. O P. rharm. letters F. C. .: rewara as i Fenton bide;. LOST SUNDAY. A RUBY (RES) RING. TtfTany setting: reward, re -K- isumstae. Phone East 2S5S. IX)ST UMBRELLA HANDLE. IVORY , AND snake skin. Retam to 23 I2tn st. : rewara. ,FUR IN RESTAI-RANT. OWNER RING Muln 393B and pay advertisement SPECIAL NOTICa. Proposal Invited. NOTICE OF PROPOSALS FOR SBWER3 Sewer bids will be received at the utXlce of the City Clerk of Boise City. Idaho, up to noon. 34onoay. .Novemoer . ivuo. lor buii-j inc lateral M-went ant appurienancn antr plans and specincatKns on nie In this u"x. hies to be opened at tuw o cwck in we eve- nine by the Common Council of BoIm City. 1 811 ho. The work includes auprmumateiy 2o.3H7 lineal fet-t of b-lnch vitrinxvt pto sewers, not includlntr Y: ISM linear 10 inch vitrlned llpe ewenn not including Y; 107 HMtn holes. 1 riuh line. Each bid must be accompanied, by certified check tor $lftou on one of th- banks- of Holse city, nmce pej able to the City Clerk, without any conditions-attached thereto. Bide must be made In accordance with and be governed by legal net tee in local papers. Forms of proposals and tioecincntloiM may be obtained on appli cation. Plana will be on me m ma ".- J. A. Beal. City Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Or nee of Constructing tuartermnster. Fort Wrlnht. Wash.. Sept. 20. 1903: Sealed pro posals in triplicate will be received here unfit 11 "o'clock A. M.. Monday. October 30. 1943, and then opened In the presence of attending bidden for the construction and plumbing of one lire station at Fort Wnxht. Wash. Plans and specincations . ami full Information will be furnished on application at this otnee or at the Cjuartrr- master s offices at Port U ml. ur.. ana sc attle. Wash. The United States reserves the right to accelit or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes should bo indorsed "Proposuls for Con struction' and addressed to the under signed. Edw. A. ahuttleworth. Captain, Quartermaster, C: S. A. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF hce, Vancouver Burracku. Wash.. October 23, 1008 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A M.. November 22. 1905. and then publicly opened, for the extension of the water sup ply and sewerage yystenw at this poM. Fult information will be furnished on appllca tlon to this office. Envelopes containing proposals .dtouhl be indorsed "Proixxatle for Water and sewerage Systems, ami aa dressed u the Constructing Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks. Wash. Stockholders Meeting. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that a special meet Ing of stockholders In the Centenlat In vestment Company will be held at room 61 1 Orcgonten building. Portland. Or., on Thurs day, Oct. 2. 1003. at 2 P. M.. for the pur pose of voting on a resolution to be sub mitted by the board of directors increasing the capital stock and of transacting such other business may properly come befot .mid meeting. Portland. Or.. Oct. IS. louS O. C. Merrick, Secretary, L. K. Hodgcd I'reaident. MIcelhtneou RECEIVBR'S SALE-rlN PURSUANCE OK an order of court nwde and entered this- day the undentJgned win sell the buulhess. fixtures and stock of merehandlue of toe Muck Hardware Company. Seated bide will be received up to noon of Monday. November ft, 15WC. Inventory and property can be seen at More. srsag Morrison Street. Portland. Oregon. No hid will be considered unlets- accompanied by a certtned check for an amount equal ten per cent of amount of bid. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. B. O. WOODS. Receiver. Portland. Oregon. October 24. UXJ6. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Afternoon Kindergarten. THE MATTINGLY AFTERNOON KINDER garten. Main 3803. 200 14th and Jefferson, Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. Sucttm and compressed air comotned: carpets clean ed on Itoor without removal. Main 3&S4. East 2S04. Carpenters and Hulldrrs. GEORGE E. HUTCH INGS CO. General contractors In all kinds of cement work; one of the oldest nmu in the elty. give us a " call and get estimates of work before contracting: our motto la to try to please eur patroiu. Room 7. 21S Morrison street CHICAGO DRAFTSMAN WILL DRAFT buildings, plans and store Itxtures, on rea sonable terms. Ruesell Carrier. 300 Fifth. Mam S22S. New homes built old ones renewed, prop erty bought and sold. Gordon. 203 4th. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, gener al jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 5881 Assayors and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 2ol Washing ton trt. MONTANA AS6AY OFFICE. 1S MORRISON- tit. Best faculties. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND lyst Gold dust bought. 00 1st st. ANA- Chiropodiat and Manicuring-. YOUNG LADY "GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, eal leore. ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring, face and scalp speclallot Pa ciac '285. 10 Benson Mug.. 3th and Mor rison. "WM. DEVENY Sc. ESTELLE DBVXNY. THE only sclentinc chiropodists; parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 102 3d st. Phono Main 1801. Thin is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are . looking . for. Clairvoyant. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. THE GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT Advisor of two continents; established eeven years in Portia ml and has read for more people than any other clairvoyant. He will call you by name, tell you all you wish to know or charge you nothing. 308 WASHINGTON. GYPSY ZENOBIA, NATURAL BORN. CLAIRVOYANT 322-323 ALISKT BLDG. Commission 31crchants. HBKiIA- Jiciiutn, 1 l KCHASER OF nioes, pens, ittia. wwt, raooair. tallow, old rubber and old metal and trenera 1 nunmL. elorf merchant Front st. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg Portland. Or. . 1 ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and David sts ' Portland. Or. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, formoet frater nal society of N. W.; protects the living, j" L. MltchelL Sup. Sec. 012-015 Marquam bldgl Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDKS. pelts, wool, furtv. tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front st Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS no agents; 20 per cent saVed at Weeks. 72 Sehool; take S car, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dancing'. WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMY Western Academy of Music Hall, Monday ana lnursaay; gents, 12 lessons, $5; ladles. ' -7 -v. w. . u aim jiurrujou. Coal Dealers. KING COAL CO., SOLE AGENTS FOR THFI famous diamond coal; try It and von wm always buy it; "Wyoming and Washinan. bouso coals. West Virginia and Washing ton smithing: coals. Telephone Main -uS A. L. Stephens. Mgr. Leather and findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. -Es tablished 185b. Leather and nndlngs; Stork ton sol leather and cut stock; full Uno Eastern Jumbos, lbt) Front st. THK BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOT.R and upper leathers of all kinds: cut stotk. findings and shoe tore supplies. 72-74 Sth st. Harness and Saddles. THK GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- sate t-aooxes ami harness mfrs.. leather anl saddler- hardware. 80-80 1st. Main 226. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- saier saaoies and harness mfrs.. sadJIery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 3th st. Machinery. . TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW ralll, togging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. a 1 THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECON'n.TTANT machinery, sawmills, etc. 243 Grand ave. Northwest Viavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON s. tali -or sond stamp for Health Book. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. 4IO FAILING bldg. Phone Clay 138; graduate of Klrks vWe College of Osteopathy. A specialist on rheumatism, stomach troubles, all femaio diseases; consultation free; lady attendant. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 413-10-17 DE- kitm bide.. 3d and Washington. Phones: Ofhee. Main 340; residence. Main 1303; EaoC 1023. Exanw. free. Sundays by appointment. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graduates Klrksville. Mo., 4UD Oregonlaa bide- Phone Main 1242. Paints, Oil.- and Glus. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. glass, rtasft ami doors. Lor. 2d and Taylor. F. B. Bench & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co.. win dow glass and glazing. 133 1st. Main 1334. Patent lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patent; Infringement caes. 004 Dekum. T. J. GBCSLER. COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. 52VN 300 Chamber of Commerce. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. MAIN 10. Send for catalogue No. 23. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC trus: perfect retainer; positive cure; book fiee. Address Dr. Pierce, 201 Kearney st. S. F. Safes. DIBBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH 8- inch thick doors, tire and burglar-proc C work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison work, lockouts opened; repairs. J. K. Davis. 00 3d. THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALJ cheap. S4 3d st. Secontl-IIaml Jfachlnery. J. SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL ktadi of second-hanil machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, tacts; highest price paid for satrap Iron and metals. 214 Frun.. Main 2002. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. Oth and iloyt. Phone Main 1I0S. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., 348 1st. near Market. Phone Clay 1044. Spiritualists. 31 RS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on. all affairs of life, business. love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 217 1st; hour, !) A. M. to S P. M. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON aulted. 33 Selllng-IUrch bldg. Main 6170. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant. Ittft 7th. cor. Yamhill MRS. C. CORNELIUS WILL BE AWAY FOR a few days, but will return. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped: all work guaranteed; largo 2-stry brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of. ace 123 1st. C. M. Olsen. Tel. Main 547 C. 0. PICK, OFFICE SS 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone :'M Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED B1CKEU STORES AT 34 N. FRONT st.. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunk, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, alt makes, rented, sold an! repaired. Coast-Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 14C7. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE grocery, cor. N Front and Davis stn. Portland, Or. BANKS. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Thinl and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business Draft? Issued, availably in all cities of t United States and Europe. Hongkong and Ma- '''"collections made on favorable terms. President J- C. AINSWORTH Vice-President t.."W. B. AYBR Vice-President R. LEA BARNF3 Cashier R. "W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Dopceltary and Financial Agent of the United States. President -- J,Ml LL3 Cashier J- W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier TV. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVEN3 Letters 8t credit Issued available la Eu rope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sola on New York. Boston. Chicago. St Loute. St Paul. Omaha. Son- Francisco and th principal points of the Northwest. Stsht and time bllUt drawn in sums to suit on London. Farls, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Christians. Stockholm, St Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections- made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,230,000. General banking business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates is nued 3 to 4 per cent: special certificates (not under $800). 3 to 4 per cent on short calL Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 433. 100 Third st. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS -ESTABLISHED IN 1830. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on tlmo deposits. Collections made at points on favorabls terma. Isttera of credit issued available In Europe and all point? in the United States. Sight exchange- and telegraphic transfers vld on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and vurlou? points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho- Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin. Frank fort. Hcngkong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON PrcsHent R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. -HOYT Cashier GEORGE V.. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a npeciaity. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established in 1SG4.T HEAD OFFICE. San Franeiseo, Oil. President HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. of Branches. . -W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $1,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $0,323,000 A ' general banking and exchange business transacted. Lettem of credit Issued available In all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts . opened for sums of $10 and up wards. . . W3L A. MACRAE Manager "J. Ty BTjRTCH AELL Assistant Maoager