Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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pd -until hi wnn out of sleht. and then
began tacking- tip the bills.
James Campbell, -who was arrested Mon
day nlshp for stealing photographs oi his
two children from the trunk of his former
wife In the "Witch Hazel House, was sen
Quaker Maid Rye
tenced to serve a term of three months In
the County Jail.
Judge Cameron Lectures Lads
Found in Saloon.
H.-R. Kincaid Buys Beverly
and the Southern.
What the Press Aeratta S.
Tries to Make Stranger Drink
Against His Will Campbell Gets
Three Months for Break
ing Into "Wife's Room.
Frank Mack and Preston Boozer, the
3ret defendants to. come before Municipal
Judge Cameron under the new rule that
minors who enter saloons shall be pros
ecuted, were severely lectured by the
court yesterday and- sentence suspended
pending their good behavior.
Both boys, aged 18 and 19 years respect
vely, were caught In the Elk saloon,
Third and Yamhill streets, and were ar
rested T. G. Bligh, the proprietor, is
under arrest for selling them liquor.
O P. M. Jamison appeared as counsel
for the boys, and pleaded guilty for both.
He urged leniency, saying this was their
first offense, and said that the disgrace
had been keenly felt by themselves and
their parents.
Judge Cameron replied that he had In
formation to the effect that the lads had
been ordered out of the Elk saloon, but
mat they declined to go. and that in con
sequence the proprietor was arrested, as
well as they. He said that he had often
thought that boys who deliberately go
into saioons ana say they are of age.
are almost as much to blame as the man
who sells them liquor.
Judge Cameron stated, however, that
he was not inclined to impose a fine at
this time, as he wished, rather, to put
the boys on their honor and demand of
them that they behave themselves in
future. If they are ever brought in again
he said, he would be inclined to Inflict
severe punishment.
"Have a drink with me," said D. C.
FIsk. otherwise .known .as "Frisco." ad
dressing "W. W. Talt, who was Just post
ing a letter at sixth and Davis streets,
I don't drink,
sir," replied Talt.
who was a total
stranger to "Fris
co." "I'll drag you Into
a saloon and make
you drink," angrily
retorted "Frisco."
The latter then drew
back his fist and
struck Talt in the
face, Policemen
Burke and Hill ar
rested the assailant,
and he was before
Judge Cameron for
"I was Just drunk,"
paid "Frisco,' In. ex
planation. "I meant no harm. I apolo
gized to the gentleman this morning, and
he don t seem to feel hard toward me."
Judge Cameron fined "Frisco" 515.
"Frisco" is a vaudevllllan.
It is the intention of the' Municipal
Court 'Officials to break up a gang headed
by "Bob" Lucas, that has been making
considerable trouble in the vicinity of
Fourth and Sheridan streets. South Port
land. "Bob" and his brother, Morton, as
well as John Sheeland, were "before Judge
Cameron yesterday morning charged with
vagrancy. There was not sufficient evl
dence to hold the others, but "Bob" was
held, and this morning further Investi
gation will be made. The Lucas brothers
claimed they had been staying with their
mother, who is said to be quite ill. Mr.
Fitzgerald told them they ought to keep
near her. Instead of going to saloons and
carousing, as their reputations were bad
and they would surely be suspected of
criminal operations.
"Beams of sunshine for sufferers," read
a catch-line in a bunch of handbills that
Policeman E. Burke
found nailed to barri
cades along Grand
avenue, where the
streetcar trestle was
recently burned
Carefully scanning
the reading matter.
the officer saw that
it was printed in the
Interests of a certain
alleged medical com
pony, and he pro
ceeded to tear down
all the bills he could
find and throw them
into the gulch. Then he hurried to the of
fices of the concern, where he ascertained
that James Martin was the individual
who tacked up the bills. Martin was ar
rested and had a hearing before Judge
Cameron yesterday morning.
Upon motion of Deputy City Attorney
Fitzgerald the case was postponed until
this morning, at which time further evl
dence will be introduced by the city. Mar.
tin and his employer declare that they
are not responsible for the violation of
the ordinance governing bill-posting, and
intend making a hard fight.
Policeman Burke said that Martin wait
Frank Mack and Preston Rooxct.
'Ben Hur" Both Afternoon and
Evening at Marquam Grand.
A special matin c-e performance will "be given
at The Marauam Grand Theatre thli after
noon at o'clock when The Klaw & Erlanrer
Co., (Inc.) stupendous production of General
Lew wauaces great anna atn iiur wiu
be presented. There will be three more even
Ins performances of the beautiful play which
will 'close a most auccemful engagement of
eleven performances with the matinee next
Saturday. The curtain wfll rie promptly at
8 o'clock " every evening.
Bargain Matinee Today.
Today the Baker Theatre offers another of
Its .bargain matinees which, have been tn
popular at thin house. That standard attrac
tion, "The Jolly Grass "Widows," which Is
attracting to much attention this week Mid
causing theatre roTH in general to talk will
be the offering. The bargain matinees at this
house have been building up each week, and
It Is not an -unusual sight to foe tor stand
ing room sign displayed, which Is a Are thing
at matinees. The management vr trying to
arrange for a performance on Saturday night
of lhla week, which at present lookn doubt
ful. During the past several weeks Saturday
night performances naye been given, out it
was through an arrangement with the rail
road company that a special train was se
cured, but since the Exposition travel In over
It seems doubtful If this mce can ne se
cured. "Whittlesey Great in "Prince Otto."
There haa never been . a more satisfactory
play presented in Portland than "White "Whit
tlesey's great ftuccess at the Belasco, "Prince
Otto." An old theatergoer remarked last
night that he liked "Whittlesey's performance
better than Otis Skinner's and the play was
written by Skinner for himself. The Be
lasco Stock Company Is doing flne work sup
porting the brilliant young star and Is adding
nightly to its laurels. The scenic settings
are the wonder and admiration of all, ana
the elegant gowns worn by Miss Lawrence.
Miss Angus and the other women In the cast
represent an enormous outlay. More than
f0 people appear In the production It being
one of the most elaborate presentations evrr
seen here. The audiences are Increasing In
else and th S. It. O. sign will nrobablr be
up before the week Is over. Whittlesey in
"Prince Otto" at the Belaco every nlgnt tnis
week. Matinees Saturday and Sunday.
Found a Drawing Card.
In preent!ng "Why "Women Sin" at the
Empire Theatre this week Manager Seaman
has found a drawing card fully &e attractive
as any he has produced for the benefit of his
natrons this season. This play tr m c
Murphey, written for the purpose of pointing
a moral. Is replete with thrilling rftuatlons,
and Is presented by an exceptionally clever
cast. The handsome evening dress worn m
the first act of "Why "Women Sin" by Mlts
Bernlce Howard as Flfl Folllette, Is a crea
tion of Madame. Lamolne of Paris. The Sat
urday matinee will no doubt be largely at
tended by the ladles and children a the play
appeals to them. '
"The Sultan of Sulu."
The "Sultan of Sulu" will be the attrac
tion at The Marquam Grand Theatre next
Tuesday and "Wednesday nights, October 31
and Nov. 1.
This organization comes with the prestige
of a four months' run at Wallack's Theatre,
New Tork. and from all accounts the pro
duction will vie In splendor with any or the
latter day lyric compositions. Lavish cos
tumes, gorgeous gowns designed by "Will
Barnes, dainty lingerie from Austrian and
French looms will be exhibited In unique
groupings, while the scenery will truthfully
represent In color the tropic glories of the
Island of Bulu. Mr. Ade the librettist la
credited with having & most efficient
colaborer In musical setting in the person of
Alfred Wathall, a young "Western composer
whose composition has been, awarded most
generous praise. The advance sale of seats
will open next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
Bertha 31. Clay's "Dora Thome."
Manager Seaman of the Empire Theatre has
secured "Dora Thorne" for all next week
starting Sunday Matinee. Not since the days
of "Puddln' Head Wilson" has so much In
terest been nhown In dramatizing a novel as
that of "Dora Thome," by Bertha M. Clay.
All who have read the novel will be delighted
to see the well-known characters In real lite.
The construction of the play has been most
careful, the hackneyed style of dramatizing
a novel being eliminated In "Dora Thorne."
No one should miss seeing this dramatic gem;
it broadens the mind and strengthens the In
tellect. A selected cast composed of MUs
Cuba Neblo. who plays the title role, sup
ported by Miss- Maud Truax. Mlrs Beinle Lee
Dean, Mr. "Win. Cornell, Mr. E. M. Crane, Mr.
J as. Byrnes, and others of sterling worth, In
terpret the various roles.
"Washington, D. O., Society Girls.
When you combine harmonious mulc. catchy
songs, a weaitn or scenic ana electrical effects,
an unlimited display of gorgeous costumes.
many pretty and shapely young women who
can sing and dance, and funny comedians
who. with lines and situations, make you
laugh without stooping to vulgarity, you have
a show certainly worthy of the patronage of
me puDiic. All these elements of popularity
are said to be possessed by the "Woshlncrton
Society Girls?- who begin a limited engage
ment, oi one ween starting next Sunday
matinee at the Baker Theatre.
Safety Device Saved Drop.1
Loaded with human freight an elevator
In the Worcester building was caught by
a saiety ureaK last night ana nn accident.
which might have proved fatal to 14 men
who were In the cage at the time, was
The cage was filled with passengers at
the third floor. The elevator boy, in a
hurry to reach the first floor, let the
elevator go at full speed. "Wliile it was
descending the safety brake caught the
rapidly descending cage and held It sus
pended between the first and second
floors. The brake was released after a
few minutes and the passengers were
lowered to the first floor badly frightened
but not Injured.
Sawmill for St. Helens.
Unless the present plans of James
Muckle. a well-known lumber merchant,
of C2 Ella street, miscarry, St, Helens is
to have a sawmill with a capacity of
about 150.0M feet. The plans for building
the mill are not yet completed, but Mr.
Muckle expects to consummate the deal
within the next couple of weeks.
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the ase of Mother's Friend,
a scienunc liniment lor external use
pnaoio au me parts, ana
assists nature in its sublime
work. By its aid thousands
of women have passed this
great crisis in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at $i.oo per
bottle by druggists. Oar book of priceless
value to all women sent- free. Address
In Partnership With rhll Mctschan,
Acquires Half Block on North
Ninth Between Everett
and Flanders.
H. R. Kincaid, editor of the Oregon
State Journal, at Eugene, is one of the
citizens of Oregon who Is very confident
of the future of Portland, and Is invest
ing heavily in property here. Yesterday
he purchased from Mm Lizzie "Wells two
three-story rooming-houses at the south
west corner of Yamhill and "West Park
streets the Beverly and the Southern.
This property has 50 fet frontage on
Yamhill street and 100 feet on west Park.
The price paid was JS.000.
Mr. Kincaid. In conjunction with Phil
Metschan, one of the owners of the Im
perial Hotel, has also Just concluded the
purchase of a half block on the cast side
of Ninth- streot, between Everett and
Flanders. This property was formerly
owned by the Pacific Coast Abstract
Company, P. Moran and "W. J. Miller.
It was a part of the property on which
options were obtained for the big ware
house project which has been partially
If not entirely abandoned. The selling
price of this property was $32,50). The
only buildings on it at present are some
residences of small value. Mr. Kincaid
.stated that If he retains the property for
as long ns six months he will construct
upon It substantial business buildings,
but that he might dispose of It before
that time. Both of these transactions
were made through the agency of A. F.
"I have held property in Portland for
35 years." said Mr. Kincaid last night,
"and I expect to keep money invested
here. I believe that Portland has the
greatest future' of any city on- the Pa
cific Coast I expect that Portland will
have as largo a population as San Fran
cisco. The citizens of this city did not
appreciate the advantages and opportu
nities open here until Eastern capitalists
began buying their real estate."
Rev. H. A. Bartlcn Denies James
Edmond's Aspersions on G. A. It.
PORTLAND. Oct. 23. To the Edttr.)-As
the press has given publicity te Mr. Bd
mond's attack on the character of the vet
erans of the Civil War In a recent speeeh
before the Washington and North Idaho Bap
tist convention, being myself a Baptist
clergyman ' and department chaplain of the
Oregon G. A- R-, the department oemniander,
T. E. Hills, has requested me to reply to
Mr. Edmond's statement In behalf of the De
partment of Oregon, G. A. R.
Will you permit a brief reply In year ex
cellent paper In defense of, the fair name and
personal character of the old soMlers, un
righteously aw I led by James Edmonds?
I am aaked who Is James Edmonds, wba has
recently slandered the old soldiers by dasI
fjlng them an the "polluted, steeped-ln-to-baeco-and-whtaky
veterans of the Civil War.""
Mr. Edmonds Is not a Baptist clergyman.
He was never ordained and sot apart to the
Christian ministry, and therefore he dees not
represent the spirit of our ministry. The
spirit of the ministry Is the spirit of Christ,
and the object of the ministry Is to seek and
to save the lost. The great work of reaching
men and reforming tiem can never be ac
complished by Mr. Edmondrf spirit and abus
ive language, which he recently flred Into
the souls of the old soldiers. Mr. Edmonds
Is only locally known, being the general mis-'
slonary of the American Baptist Pubttc&lUn
Society of the Sunday school department 4on
the Northwest Pacific Coast. But the did
soldlen have been known In all the" land for
40 years, and during this long time annualiy
at National encampments, as they- have
marched they have been honored by an ap
preciating people. - And why? Has it been;
mainly because theye were once brave soldiers
and saved the country? "Would the thousands
of our beit people at annual encampments
etand by the hour to witness an army of
"polluted, steeped-ln-tobaccc-and-whlsky vet
erans" paw by? No, never!
They are honored, not only because they
belonged to the great Union Army, but also
as a body they are men. Out of this noble
body of men the people of this great country
have chosen sir to be Presidents of the Uni
ted States many to be United States Senators
and members of Coqgress, many to represent
the United States in foreign courts, -many to
be teachers In our colleges and schools, thou
mds ordained and set apart to the Christian
ministry, thousands became honorable and
successful business men; many have come to
fame In state, many In the legal profession.
Tho Grand Army of the Republic has given
to the Nation and to the people a Memorial
day In memory of the dead. The G. A. R.
has caused the National emblem, to be placed
on every rchool building In the land. These
old soldlera by their presence have set on fire
the spirit of patriotism In all our schools.
Among them are many orators whom children
ana people are delighted to hear and to honor.
At the late- G. A. R. encampment hefd at
Denver on the day of the memorable march
of the veterans with -10,000 In line and with
63,000 people to witness, there was not a
drunken veteran seen on that great event.
The statement is a marvelous one and may
It not remain as a memorial In history f
what the Grand Army has been and Is In
fame and character? May It not also show
the high regard 53,000 people held of the old
soldiers as they marched, thousands of them
lor the last time?
In our own beautiful city there are old so,
dlera occupying high places In business, and
the professions. In the Christian ministry, the
legal profession, professors In our achools,
and not an old soldfer as a saloonkeeper In
the city. In our cemeteries are at rest many
heroes of many battles, many of them who
were pure and clean In character. Such com
rades as are remembered and beloved. Rev.
George IV. Gue, D. D.. chaplain One Hundred
and Eighth Illinois Infantry. It Is painful
to have our lamented dead, whom the Nation
and the world have revered, slandered. It Is
painful that young children should hear state-
I the joy of the household, For without
it no happiness can bo complete. How
sweet the picture of mother and babe,
angels Knife at and commend th
thoughts and aspirations of the mother
bending oyer the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pass, how-w
erer, is so full of danger and suffering that
she looks forward to the hour when efm shall
only, which toughens and renders
The Whiskey
with a Reputation
ments mrirchlng the characters of men whom
they love to see and- to -honor. In behalf of
the Department of Oregon, G. A. K.
Department Chaplain.
Bankruptcy Due to Suicide.
NEW YORK. Oct 24. Involved, It is
said, because of the death by suicide In
Paris last August of Ernest Cronler, a
large sugar operator whose debts amount
ed to J20.TOO.000, tho Arm of Reboulln. FIIs
& Co., manufacturers of fruit glasses.
with onVes in tbtx city, has passed Into
the hands of receivers. The firm was In
aroma of cigars is largely a difference in the methods of ferment
ing and blendingihe, various qualities of leaf tobacco used.
The American Cigar Company has the onry scientific and perfect equipment for the
proper fermenting and actual blending of tobacco immense, perfectly-appointed " stemmeries,"
where the ideal Cuban humidity of climate and temperature is duplicated and constantly maintained. '
. Thus the smoker is assured rich, fully-ripened, thoroughly-matured and smooth, delicately
blended, tobacco in every .cigar produced by the American Cigar Company's system.
The "Recruit" Cigar, five cents, is one of the brands benefiting by these new, exclusive
methods of tobacco culture. The first few puffs will reveal the superior goodness and uniformity
of quality.
"Recruits" are stationed wherever good cigars are sold.
product of this
corporated under New Jersey laws In 1902
with a capital of $1.20C,CCO. Only as a
precautionary measure. It Is said, are the
receivers, appointed, as the corporation
has ample assets to pay all of its liabili
ties, but as Mr. Cronler was the head of
the Paris house of Reboulln, FIIs & Co.,
the crash that came after he committed
suicide has brought about legal compli
cations. The corporation has a factory
at Elizabeth, N. J.
f ,
Kockcfcllcr Gives a Dinner. j
NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-The first of a
perica of entertainment? which It was
tobacco leaf. The
VFit for Jlny Company"
i Trade supplied by TILLMANN CB. BENDEL, Pacific- Slope Distributers, San Francisco,
This "Triangle A" on a box of "Recruits' ' cigars is the distinguishing mark of excellence.
new system of making better cigars
Kansas City, Mo.
reported some time ago would be
given nt Boxwood, the country home of
John D. Rockefeller, at Pocantico Hill,
took place yesterday afternoon, when Mr.
and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. enter
tained a party of friends at dinner.
XotctI Bunkrobbcr Captured.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21. An American, be
lieved to be the noted Joseph Kllloran, Is
under arrest at Vienna, charged with be
ing leader of a gang that recently stole
51C00 from a Vienna bank. The American,
during the busy hours, engaged in con
versation with a depositor who had just
The fragrance the pleasant taste
and exquisite aroma of tobacco is
produced through fermentation of
difference in the
for the smokers' money, no matter
A Whiskey unsurpassed, in
quality At bars, cafes, clubs
and drug stores
taken about W0O to the cashier's wirulnw.
During this conversation, ronfolrrai-s
took the money while he occupied in
owner's attention. The man gave tht
name of James Howard.
Joseph Kllloran. on July I. 196, together
with the other prisoners in the ludlow
Street Jail of New York, with no ottn-r
weapons than pieces of brass pipe whlo'i
they made believe were revolvarw, cowi-d
the guard and walked out of jail.
Do not purge or weaken the bowels, but
act specially on the liver and bile. A lr
fect liver correcter. Carter's Little Liver
"flavor" and
It identifies the
what the price.