Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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East Side Improvement Asso
ciation Is Reorganized
for Results.
Membership ot 373 United to Secure
Depot Facilities, Through Street
car Service and Replace
Trestles With Earth Fills.
A general passenger and freight depot
on the East Side. The members claim
that the franehls of the O. It. & .
requires that uoh a depot be main
tained. There are more than 52 Arms
rn the district handling feOO cars of
frelcht per annum.
Filling up of all streets In district
bounded by East Washington street.
Hawthoftie and Union avenuos and the
river where trestles are used. The a
fociatlon will reauest the O.. It. & X.
to All up Second utreeot.
A transfer point on the street rail
way at the Intersection of Grand and
Hawthorne avenues, and a through car
line on the East Side.
The Bust Side Improvement Associa
tion, which w&ss tarted October 12,
1901, with a membership of 375, was re
organized last night at a well-attended
meeting in the East Side courtrooms W.
1. Boise, vice-president, called the
meetlngr to order and presided. Mr.
Boise announced that the meeting had
been called to reorganize ' the associa
tion and place It on an active basis for
work for civic improvement. He called
attention to the extraordinary growth
of the city, romarking that the East
Side now contains the greater number
cf residents and that the time Is ripe
to work for general bettormonts, among
Thi"h the most important are a pas
senger and freight depot and for the
lining up of all streets In the flat dis
trict. Mr. Boise also called attention
to the ned of an all-East Side through
car service by which passengers may
board cars at thv. Southern Pacific shops
and gc through to Woodlawn without
being compelled to cross the liver
twle. "The East Side High School," he
said, "will make this through line a
necessity, besides the population justi
fies its establishment at once." He
commented nn the filling of the streets
in the warehouse district and closing
asked that all citizens put their shoul
ders to the wheel and push.
Association Reorganized.
Councilman Sharkey spoke strongly
along the lines suggested by the chair
man and declared that the association
m the past ht-d been a great power.
Flection of officers took place, result
ing as follows: President, "Whitney I
jo'se, vice-president, Joseph Buchtel;
'ecretary, L. H, Wells: treasurer, H. H.
Xevvhall. The several committees will
be appointed by the prosldent before
Ihe next meeting. On the membership
r .11 thrc are 375 members, mostly rep
resentative citizens and property-owners.
Joseph Buchtel related what had been
c ine toward securing a 4 passenger and
freight depot for the East Side, stating
that the management of the Southern
Pacific Railwavhad rather dlsr-nii
the proposition, although not absolutely
musing to grant tne petition. Judge
John E. Magers. who had examined the
ordinances granting the O. R. & .N. Co.
Its franchise, said that, according to or
d.nance 325, passed by the East Portland
oun'-ll, the company must maintain a
general passenger and freight depot on
the East Side. He alo spoke of the
great ned of a depot, with the great
growth of population on the East Side.
J jge Magers thought that the company
could be required to comply with Its fran
chise and provide the depot facilities re
quired George C. Flanders, of the Standard Oil
Company, who started the movement for
a freight depot on the East Side a year
ago, said that he had ascertained that
re are more than 62 firms handling
0. er S00 carloads of freight in the district
rnnually. He had been surprised himself
wcn he compiled the statistics, and Man
- ger O'Brien also was surprised. Mr.
Zanders said he was not aware that
there was such a provision In the fran-
"ilse of the O. Ri & JC. Co. as quoted, and
1. " did not think that the present man.
.-gemcnt was aware of It. He said that.
!n his Judgment, the management of the
Harriman lines would grant the fcassen-
and freight depot when informed of
IrLs provision. He had done business
with the company, and the officials had
always been ready to do the right thing.
On motion, the following committee was
appointed to wait on Manager O'Brien
again: G. C. Flanders. Joseph Buchtel
?nd John P. Sharkey.
To Fill All Streets.
President Boise announced that he. in
connection with Councilmen Sharkey and
Kellaher. had been securing lists of names
cf all property-owners In the district be
tween East Washington street and Haw
tliorne avenue and Union avtmnn
Vt river With the assistance of the Mayor
i.tuuvo isoara. tne city Engineer
had been Instructed to make a survey
to ascertain how much material it would
require to fill up all these streets. As
soon as these figures are obtained an
effort will be made to get the consent
of the property-owners to go ahead with
the filling. It would be a great Improve
ment in this central district, increasing
Its warehouse facilities. Increasing the
valup of the ground and decreasing the
present high rates of insurance. It is
a Tjig undertaking, and Mr. Boise asked
the association to appoint a committee to
assist In the work. George C. Flanders.
"Or S. E. Joseph! and Samuel World vtrn rA
were appointed such committee. On sug
gestion of the president, .this committee will asceruiin u tne u. H. & Jv.
tjc-r wjlj notfill up East Second
jrj rpot ivfttrTrr "-In now nivNnlol wUVi
1 -festle, so that it win help in the general
riovement to mi up an i0e streets In the
low-ground district.
Through Car Line.
It was decided to ask the O. W. P. &
j Rj Company and Portland Cons, lidated
(Railway Company to make GranJ and
I Hawthorne avenues a transfer point." Jo
seph Buchtel said that President Hurlburt
S!s wining to have transfers Issued at
that point, but the Portland Consolidated
has refused. This matter was considered
highly Important. It was moved that a
Especial committee be appointed to take up
the matters of transfers at Hawthorne
and Grand avenues and the through car
line on the East Side. J. E. Magers. H.
H Newhall and M. B. McFall were ap
1 '
hold meetings eVery Tuesday evening at
7:30 in the East Side courtroom for the
present, as there are a number of im
portant public matters to be considered.
Millionaire Clyde Killed as Vife
Passes on Train.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 21. Losing his
balance as he was about to board'a west
bound train which was approaching the
Fifty-second street station of the Penn
sylvania Railroad, B. Frank Clyde, presi
dent of the William Clyde Steamship
Company, and millionaire clubman, was
dragged under the wheels of the locomo
tive and instantly killed, flls body was
terribly mangled and his : face was
crushed beyond recognition. Identification
being made by means of a tailor's label
on the clothing bearing Mr. Clyde's
While his body was being extricated1
from the forward trucks of the car
under which It had been wedged, Mrs.
Clyde, unaware of the tragic jndlng of
her husband's life, passed thescene t
the accident on a train coming to the
city from Bryn Mawr, where Mr." Clyde
was bound when he met his death.
Mr. Clyde maintained a. city residence,
but spent most of his time at his country
house. He was 53 years of age and mar
ried only three months ago to Mrs.
Bloomficld Mcllvalne. He was well known
In business, society and clilb circles, and
rALt-S. S. D.
An unusuaJly pleasant reunion of long-separated relatives was that of the
two uncles of Mrs. Ben Sinshelmer. who are now visiting her at her home, 18S
Twelfth street. W. C. Strnhorn and J. G. St rah or n are twin brothers, and until
meeting at the home of their nloee this week had not seen each other since
parting in Ackley. la.. SO years ago. . They are Pennsylvanians by birth, but
both have roamed from the slate of their nativity. On leaving Ackley in 1S78,
TV. C eame Wost. going flm to California, then to Southern Oregon, lie has
been alt over the Coast since then, and into Alaska. lie is now making Portland
his home. The ether brother settled in Sioux Falls. S. D.. bis present heme.
was a director of the Central, National &
Delaware Insurance Company.
William P. Clyde, his broth or, will ar
rive tomorrow in w York on the
stoamor Oceanic from Liverpool.
Notice lo Mariners.
The following affects the list of lights, 1
buoys and daymarks, Pacific Coast. 1S0S:
Columbia River Knappton 'Channel
Buoy, No. 4, a red. second-class spar,
found adrift September 25, was replaced
the same day.
Channel East Side Buoy. No. CVt. a rod
first-class spar, found adrift, September
19, was replaced the same day.
Cottonwood Islund Shoal, No. 1, a Mack
first-class spar, found out of position
October 4, was replaced the same day.
Rceder Crossing Buoys, Nos. 4 (rod),
6 (red) and 1 (black), each first-class
spar, found adrift October 4, were re
placed the same day.
Willamette River Nigger Tom Island
Buoy, No. 1, a black, second-class spar,
was established October 4, in 14 feet of
water, as a guide in the channel. Wil
lamette River Lighthouse, NE. U N.;
Nigger Tom Island, right tangent, SE. V
S.; Coon Island, right tangent, N. by W.
Wlllapa Bay entrance Willapa Bay.
outside bar. Whistling Buoy. PS., markod
"Wlllapa" in white, which went adrift
October G. was moved October 2L about
313-16 miles. NNW. VW. of its former
position, and was established in 102 feet
of water, to mark -the entrance to the
North Channel over the bar. Wlllapa
Bay Lighthouse, NE.; Goose Point, tan
gent. E. 4 N.; north edge of troes on
Leadbotter Point. ESE. E.
Gray's Harbor entrance Gray's Harbor,
outside bar, whistling buoy, red. marked
"Gray's Harbor" in black, was moved
September 9 about Vx mile S. E. of its
former position, and was established in
92 feet of water. Lone tree. Point Brown,
NNE. E.; Jetty wharf. Inside the bay.
NE. by E. E.; Gray's Harbor Light
house. ENE. E.
Outer buoy, a PS. first-class can. was
moved September 9 about lVs miles SE.
E. of Its former position, and was estab
lished in 47 feet of water. Lone tree.
Point Brown. NNE. E.; jetty wharf,
inside the bay, NE. by E. E.; Gray's
Harbor Lighthouse. ENE. E.
Inner buoy, a PS. first-class nun, was
discontinued September 12.
Trustee Spit Buoy. No. A, a fed first
class nun. was discontinued September 12.
South Channel, outer buoy. PS. first
class nun. marked "S. C" in white, was
discontinued September 12.
Trustee Spit Buoy. No. O. a red flrst
class nun, was discontinued September 12.
Trustee Spit Buoy. No. 2. a red first
class nun. was moved September 12 about
seven-twelfths of a mile S. by W. W.
of Its former position, and was estab
lished in 24 feet of water. Lone tree.
Point Brown. N. by E. E.; Jetty wharf.
Inside the bay, ENE. E.; Gray's Har
bor Lighthouse, E. N.
Point Brown Spit Buoy. No. O. a black
first-class can. was established September
12 In 40 feet of water, to mark the south
erly edge of .Point Brown Spit, Lone tree.
Point Brown, N. V E.: Jetty wharf, inside
the bay. E. S.; Gray's Harbor Light
house, SE. by E. E.
Clarence Strait Lyman Rock Buoy, No.
2, a red second-class iron spar, was estab
lished September 21 in 34 feet of water, to
mark Lyman Rock, on the westerly side
of Lyman anchorage, and about 175 feet
NNE. V E. from the rock. Vessels should
give the buoy a berth of at least 100 feet.
Lyman Point, tangent, NE. i E.; Saw
mill Point, right tangent. S. M, E.; Fig
gin's Point, tangent. NW. s W.
Wrangell Strait Wrangell North Flat
Buoy. No. 12, a red first-class spar, was
established September 20, in 20 feet of wa
ter, to mark a turn in the narrow chan
nel. Rock Point, tangent, SE. by E.;
Finger Point, tangent. SE.; Green Point
beacon. NW. H Wy distant 17-29 mile.
By order of the Lighthouse Board.
Commander, U. S. N., Lighthouse In
spector. Lockwood Damage Suit,
VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct- 24. (Spe
cial.') a Jury was empaneled for the
Superior Court yesterday and the regu
lar Fall session of court began. Af
ter securing a jury, the rest of the
day yesterday was given to tho dam
age suit of Mrs. Lockwood against the
Washington & Oregon Lumber Com
pany. The case was. continued today,
most of the time being consumed in an
argument for a nonsuit, which was
denied. The case will continue during
a night session.
Marine Bj-e XtemeOr Cares Eye: liakes Weak
Cjtt Stress. Soothes Eye Pain; Doex't Smart.
Orders at Mills Exceed Tonnage
Available Several Ships Load
ing, Others En-Route. .
This month's domestic water ship
ments of lumber will be on an average
with the other high months of the year
and will go far towards making this a
record-breaking season. The clearances
for the month so far show 8.S41.O0O feet
of lumber shipped to California ports,
and the vessels now in port and on the
river will put the total up to at- least
the 11,003.000 mark. The foreign ship
ments will fall far behind those of last
month, jio cargoes having gone out to
date, although several vessels are load
ing. The German ship Arthur Fitger
will cull within a day or two for Port
Pirle with 1.500,000 feet. The largest
essel In the harbor is the Volga, which
will take out 3,500,000 feet for China.
The Northland finished , taking on
900.000 feet at Inman, Fouison & Co.'a
mill yesterday and will leave for San
Francisco today. The schooner Buelah
Is now loading 450,700 feet at those
mills for the same port, and will prob
ably clear tomorrow.
The ship Henry Villard is receiving
l,5d,000 feet at thf Eastern & Western
Mills, and the W. H. Kruger will also
toad there today. The steamer Daisy
Mitchell arrived at Linnton yesterday
for her second cargo of lumber this
A number of coasting steamers and
schooners are now en route here for
cargo. The Portland Lumber Company
hRS four of those under charter, the
schooners Wiillam'Bowden, Eric, Mary
Winkleman and he barkcntlne Geor
glna. The great need at present Is increased
tonnage. The California demand for
lumber continues' unabated and local
shippers are put to their wits' end to
secure the transportation facilities,
Will Enter Oregon-California Ser
vice on November 10.
lie .steamer Olympla. recently char
tered by the CampbelliSanford-Hoalcy
Company, of Portland, for Portland Cali
fornia ports service. Is scheduled to make
her first trip on November 10.
The vessel Is chartered for one month,
with an option of six months additional,
and It Is almost a certainty that tho op
tion will be utilized. Under present. plan
the Olympia will average two trips per
month, with Saa Pedro as the southern
terminus, and It may be that Seattle! will
be Included In the schedule. '
The Olympla has passenger accommbda-
Doe to Arrive. . ,
Steamer From.. Date. ;
Homer. San Franolsco I.-Oct. 23''
T. A. Kllburn, San FranclscoOot. 20
Costa Rica. San Francisco Oct. 28
Redendo. San Francisco 6ct. 30
Nicemedla, Yokohama Oct. 31
Columbia. San Francisco Oct. 31
Due to Depart.
Steamer Destination. Date.
Northland. San Francisco Ootr.23
Homer. San Franclsoe Oct. 2fl
Kruger, San Francieco Oct. 20
Algoa. Hongkong TOct. 27
F. A. Kllburn. San Francisco.. Oct. 25
Costa Rica. Saa Francisco Oct. 28
Aragonla. Hongkong Oct. 30
Redondo. San Francisco Nov. 2
Columbia, San Francisco Nor. 2
NIeomedIa, Orient Nor. 10
'Carrying maly.
tlons for 200 and a freight capacity of 250)
tons, and will carry grain, lumber and
general cargo. A berth has been provided
for her In Portland atthe Allen & Lewis
This steamer is well-known In Portland.
Not long since she was brought before
public attention by fitting out as a blockade-runner
in the Russian-Japanese War,
a venture 4 that proved disastrous flnan
clally. The Olympla was chartered to
carry out from Portland to Vladivostok,
It being understood at the time that she
would have to run tho Japanese blockade.
She took on a full cargo here and went
to the Sound for coal, and while there
met with an accident to her machinery.
While ropalrs were being made the steam
er Tacoma, also a blockade-runner, was
captured, and the further news of the
complete blockade effected by the Japa
nese caused the Olympla's project to be
abandoned. The vessel was then sent to
San Francisco, where the cargo of oats
was sold at a great loss.
The Olympla will aid materially In re
lieving the congested freight situation at
this port. At the end of her charter she
will resume her Alaska run.
Port of Portland Commission Will
3Ieet Tomorrow to Hear Report.
A special meeting of tho Port of
Portland . Commission has been nailed
for Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
at which there will be considered the
report of J. B. C Lockwood, consult
ing engineer, covering his examination
of the dredge Portland.
The Portland has" been badlly in
need of repairs for some time, and par
ticularly to her hull, which is in poor
condition. Mr. Lockwood, under direc
tion of the Commission, has made &
complete examination of the dredge
and will present a report showing
what repairs and Improvements are
necessary and their probable cost. Tho
matter of Increasing the length of the
dredge is also 'under consideration. At
present she cuts a channel of 150 feet,
but It Is planned to Increase her
length so as to add at least 50 feet to
her swing. The .Portland Is working
opposite Vancouver at present.
The damage sustained by the dredge
Columbia has been temporarily re
paired, and she will continue working
untir the Government is through with
her. The dredge will .then be put In
the drydock for a general overhauling.
Ernest Rcyer Strikes Diamond Head,
but Is Saved.
HONOLULU. Oct. 24. The French ship
Ernest Reycr, which arrived, last night
06 days from Newcastle. Australia, with a
cargo of coal, went ashore on Diamond
Head, at the entrance of this harbor.
The officers of the ship tried to save the
vessel without outside aid, but finally as
sistance was accepted, and the united ef
forts of two sfeamers and one tug suc
ceeded In pulling the ship off the reef
where she had stranded. The tug Fear
less and five other steamers had been
working on the vessel, but at the time
she was floated only the Spreckels tug
Fearless and the Inter-Island steamer W.
G. Hall and the private steamer Lehua
had lines out and were engaged In the
work of tugging. Two other vessela had
been hauling during the morning. The
claims for salvage probably will be very
large, ami may be complicated. The ship
Is believed to have sustained little, if any,
Sailors Locked In Forecastle and
Taken to Sea.
SAN FRANCISCO; Oct. 24. The British
steamer Burmah. Captain Jones, char
tered to load, a general cargo at Victoria,
was towed outside this morning with her
crew In mutiny and locked up In the
When the men were ordered to weigh
anchor a deputation from before the
mast told the captain that they had not
shipped for Victoria, and did not propose
to make the trip there at this season of
the year. They claimed that they had
been deceived as to the ?hips destina
tion, and delivered the ultimatum that
not a man would turn to.
After the spokesmen returned to the
forecastle the captain ordered the exits
from the men's quarters barricaded and
signaled for a tug to come alongside. The
ship's officers got up the anchor and the
tug took the vessel down the bay and out
side the heads.
Incenses May Be Revoked.
A lot of dealers In cheap Jewelry are
going to get themselves disliked by the
license committee of the City Council, the
first thing they know, and wake up some
morning and find themselves without au
thority to continue In business unless
they change their tactics very materially,
as the committee is going to get after
the whole outfit with a redhot poker In
short order.
The license department of tbe city gov
ernment has had a great deal of trouble
with this class, and only a short time
ago thre of them were brought up with
a round turn by the committee for swind
ling countrymen in transactions whero
they palmed off their worthless wares at
exorbitant prices. Upon that occasion
they wore severely reprimanded by the
committee, tind It Is thought the next
batch of offenders will receive a severe
Homer Warns Unknown Schooner.
ASTORIA. Or.. OcL 24. (Special.) Cap
tain Donaldson, of the steamer Homer,
which arrived in this afternoon, reports
sighting a. three-masted schooner this
morning off Tillamook close In shore and
heading directly for the breakers, which,
on -account of the thick weather, could
not be seen. Captain Donaldson hoisted
warning signals, and, on seeing them, the
schooner put off shore. The name of the
schooner Is not known.
Two New Oriental Liners.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oot. 24 M. Shlr-
aishl, general manager of the .Toyo
KIscn Kaisha Steamship Line, who ar
rived on the Siberia from the Orient
VeSterrifLV nnirs tha tlllllrllnn- t,i.n
giant liners for the Toyo Klsen Kaisha !
aieamsmp company to ply between
this port and the Orient is to be com
menced next month at Nagasaki. The
two vessels are to bo of 12,500 tons
Lightship Coming to Portland.
In the event of favorable weather and
tide conditions, lightship No. 50 will be
brought out of Baker's Bay Into, the chan
nel on October 27. The tugs Melville and
MendelU the latter belonging to the Gov
ernment, will bo used to tow tho light
ship from her present berth and one of
them will bring her to Portland.
Igorrotes Sail for Los Angeles.
Last night's steamer sailings were the
Alliance for Eureka and way ports, and
the Roanoke. The latter took out a cargo
of wheat and oats. A largo proportion of
her passengers were from the Trail of
the Lewis and Clark Fair, among which
wore tho Igorrotes, now en route to Los
Carries Valuable Cargo.
The Russian bark Fennia cleared yes
terday with 137.2S3 bushols of wheat
valued at 1109,500. for the United Kingdom.
She will be taken down the river this
Investigating Wreck of Alameda.
, 8AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24. The Pilot
Commissioners began today an investiga
tion pf the charge that Pilot Johnston
was to blame for the running ashore of
the steamship Alameda. The Investiga
tion Is being held behind closed doors.
To Inspect Surveys.
Major Rocssler and Captain Fries, of
the local United States Engineer Corps,
left yesterday for Umatilla to inspect tho
survey work being done on the Upper Co
lumbia. .
Marine Notes.
The Oregon will move from the stream
Pears' Soap makes
white hands, gives clear
skiri and imparts fresh
ness to the complexion.
A cake of Pears' is a
cake of comfort.
Cosifert by the cake or in boxes.
to Montgomery No. 2 today to complete
her cargo.
The Clan. McFarlane left down yester
day. "'
The Homer will arrive from San Fran
cisco early this morning.
The Kllburn sailed from San Francisco
yesterday for Portland.
The Northland, laden with 900.000 feet
of lumber from Inman, Poulsen & Com
pany's mills, will leave for San Francisco
thla afternoon. y
The Oriental liner Aragonla, which ar
rived in the harbor Monday night, shifted
from Montgomery No. 1 to Alaska dock
yesterday afternoon.
.The American ship Chas. E. Moody was
moved yesterday into the berth vacated
by the Fennla at Irving dock. The Moody
wlll begin loading today.
The steamer W. H. Kruger arrived at
Greenwich dock last night. The larger
part of her return cargo will be taken on
at the Eastern & Western Mills.
The American barkentlne. Mary
Winkleman.' under charter to the Port
land Lumber Company. Is reported as
sailing from Hllo. October 16, for Port
land. The French bark General de Sonis. 1740
tons, was chartered on the Sound yester
day to load for the United Kingdom. The
rate Is announced a3 26s for wheat with
an extra, for barley.
The German ship Arthur Fltgcr finished
her lumber cargo at the North Pacific
Lumber Company's mill yesterday and
will sail tomorrow. She has loaded 1,500,
MO feet for Port Pirle, Australia.
The- coasting steamer Daisy Mitchell,
from San Francisco, arrived up at Linn
ton last nght for a lumber cargo. Whllo
coming up the river she stopped at St.
Helens and took on SCO0 railroad ties.
Strong southwest gales caused tho
Weather Bureau yesterday to order storm
warnings hoisted ajt all stations north, j
from the volumbla River. It is not ex
pected that the present storm will attain
much severity.
The Oceano shifted from the dolphins
to Montgomery dock No. 1 yesterday. She
will make another move today, and the
Algoa will come from the flouring mills
to Montgomery No. 1. Under present plans
the Algoa should sail by Friday.
The British steamer Knight Errant will
lcavo down the river this morning at 6
o'clock and will go to Tacoma to complete
her cargo for Japan. She has taken on
7E0J tons of grain and flour In Portland,
and will add-4(!CO tons to this In Tacoma
In private advices received at Port
land last night from J. H. Roberts, who
Is raising the wrecked Manzanlta. it
was stated that his barges, trusses and
chains were now all In place and the
actual raising and moving of the vessel
would begin today.
Nothing definite has been done yet
by the Algoa's agents towards sending
her to the Sound for additional cargo.
Should anything be offered her there
before October 27 she will go to Seat
tle or Tacoma, but falling such offer
she will sail on that date direct from
Portland to the Orient,
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 21. Condition of the
bar at 5 P. M.. moderate; wind, northwest:
weather, cloudy. Arrived down at 3 A. M.
and sailed at 2 P. M. Steamer Columbia, for
San Francbco. Arrived at 8:30 and left up
at t:15 A. 1L Steamer W. II. Kruger. from
San Francisco. Arrived at 1 :30 P. 11. and left
up at 4:15 P. M. Steamer Homer, from San
Francisco. Arrived at 1:40 and left up at 4
P. M. Steamer Whittler. from San Fran
olsco. San Francuxjo. Oct. 24. Arrived Steamer
Ventura, from Sydney: steamer Enterprise,
from Hllo. Sailed Steamer Ccata Rica, for
Portland; ship Burmah. for Victoria; schoon
er Mabel Gale, for Portland; schooner Henry
Wllfon. for Cray's Harbor.
New York. Oct. 24. Arrived Astoria, from
Glasgow; Kataer AVllhrlm der Grosse. from
Bremen; Statendam, from Rotterdam; Fin
land, from Antwerp.
Head Hit a Low Bridge.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 24. (Special.) In at
tempting to steal a ride over the road
from Oregon City to Myrtle Point. Fred
Heffner arose to roll a cigarette on the
top of a box-car, and was struck on the
head by a bridge over Pudding River,
near Aurora, and Instantly killed. His
neck was broken. Two comrades saved
the body from falling beneath the wheels.
The body was taken off at Woodburn,
where an Inquest will be held.
No cocoa equals Lovmey's
in strength. Some are blacker
colored chemically but
inferior in real strength.
Lowney's Cocoa is not
loaded with ground cocoa
shells, flour, starch, or other
It consists of nothing but
the choicest cocoa beans
ground to flour fineness.
The result is the most deli
cious, purest and finest fla
vored cocoa possible.
Such cocoa as Xowney's, if
made abroad and duties paid,
would cost double the Lqwney
1m Walter M. Lowney Co.,
Physicians pronounce drunken
ness a disease of the nervous sys
tem. No "will power" can heal
the stomach membranes which
have been burned and seared by
Cures Whiskey and Beer Habit
ORRINE remoTes the craTln? for Honor
by acting directly oa the effected nerres,
restorinfr the stomach and disrestlTe organs
to normal condition, improrinjr the ap
petite and restoring the health. No san
itarian! treatment or publicity.
To cn re -without patient's knowledge, bay
ORKIXE No. 1; for voluntary treatment,
bay O RHINE No. 2. Price $1 per box.
Cure Effected or Money Refunded
A registered guarantee in each box. Book
oa "Drunkenness" (sealed) mailed free oa
request. All correspondence confidential.
OK HIKE mailed (sealed) on receipt of price
by the, ORRINE CO, lac, YFashlngtos, D.
.Oversold by 27
Woodaxd. Clarke Co.. rortlaad. Of.
if . ,
One Coat Only of Each
o V
Today "in two of our eight large display windows we will show
another lot of these single garment one of a kind only. There
is no firm in Portland but us who has the facilities to do this, for,
remember, we own and operate a factory right here in Portland
enabling us to turn out the very latest novelties far in advance of
those who have to run away to New York and hunt foi similar gar
ments we have on display here. These are facts they who dispute
it are black in the face with untruths. These exclusive garments are
made from our gentlemen's merchant tailor stock made of such
goods as your husband or brother pays $30.00 to .foO.OO a suit for.
Now can't you understand why you should give this your attention.
Give attention 'to a firm who has the nerve let alone the ability, to
start and maintain a manufacturing plant here in your city.
Feet Lineal Foot Measure
Is the extent of the racks on which today every 32 inches hangs a
lady's coat. A line of coats over a block long. AVe guess this is
"some coats.1' This does not include suit and skirt racks..
New, elegant tweed mixed coats in gray mixed, etc., $18.50
garments at $10.00
Mail orders describing as near as possible the style of garment
wanted will have prompt attention No samples sent.
Remember. Hve own, operate and maintain a manufacturing plant
for the making of Ladies ' Garments, and have the real man-tailors
to fit you. The garments you purchase in our store will be handled
in an expert manner. You will find no such equipment elsewhere as
we maintain at our store. "We have a splendid line of Silk Petticoats,
Dress Skirts, etc., etc.
You cannot snere a weaker ot Cros
sett shoes with feJry tables. It's the
downright eass, the free fun of
walking, that makes "once a Crossett
aJwaLys a. Crossett" with men every
If yosr deler doea net keep them, we will end ny lyl on
receipt of price with 25c additional to pay forwtrdlnz charge.
W e- miaxantee a cure In every case
free Letters confidential. Instructive BOOK. uiv
Te Sure the worst cases of piles In two or three treatments, without operation.
pfSSSt call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment suo
CC3Office hours. 9 to 5 and 7 to ?: Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12.
Offices in Van-Nov
Cor. Pine.
"You cannot catch old
birds with chaff."
4." MAI
I 11
Ltxadx xxxx. klttWMlMUu
We treat successfully all private nerv
ous and chronic diseases o men. also
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and
tnroat troubles. "We cure SYPHILIS
(without mercury) to stay cured forever.
We remove STRICTURE without opera
tion or pain. In 13 days.
Wc stop drains, nl&ht losses and sper
matorrhoea by a new method. In a week.
We can restore the sexual vigor of any
man under 50 by means of local treatment
peculiar to ourselves. "
We Cure Gonorrhoea
in a Week
The doctors of thla Institute are all reg
ular craduates. have had many years ex
perience, have been known In Portland for
15 veara have a reputation to maintain,
and will' undertake no case unless certain
cure can be effected.
nniirtAke or charge no fee. Consultation
we unueruuje oi i",,.,? ,,,, , ,.
Hotel. b2Vt
?hlrd St..
Portland.. Oi
It was decided that the association shall