Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1905, Image 11

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Powerful Steam Shovels Used
on' Riparia-Lewiston
Lou Water In Snake Illver Retarded
Progress and Difficulty Has
Been Experienced in Se-
curing Workmen. -
Work on the Riparia-Lcwiston branch
of the O. R. & N. Is beingpushed as rap
idly as possible. In the face of somewhat
adverse conditions, and at the present
tlmethree miles of the roadbed have been
entirely finished, whH'e-rails .have Teen
laid for two miles of -that distance. The
rough work has been done for the greater
part of the way between Rlp'arla ''and
Lewiston, while .the survey has been
opened for the entire length of the -line.
Today two new 90-ton steam shovels
will be started -to -work by the contract
ors, one at Rlparia and the other about
13 miles up the Snake River. Both, of
these shovels were recently purchased at
Marion. O., and have been waiting' for
some time for the river to reach such
a stage that they could be taken up to
the place where their services are re
quired. Besides, these two shovels the
company npw has another large one at
work further up the line.
For the transportation of the shovels
from one place to another along the line
of the grade, the engineers have Just built
a large barge 60 feet in width by 160 feet.
in length.- This barge cost more than
$4000, and will be uied throughout the
construction work, as the shovels are
too heavy and cumbersome to be loaded
upon and unloaded from the steamers
plying the upper river.
There are now approximately 600 mon
employed In the construction work, and
during the past Summer the contractors
have been having difficulty in lindlng la
borers. Now that the harvest work is
done and men are more plentiful, it Is
the Intention of those in charge of the
work to increase the force until from
loOO to ISOO will be employed.
The entire line from Iewlston to Rlpa
ria was to have been completed by April
1. but, owing to the low stage of the
Snake River, which Interfered with or
prevented the transportation of construc
tion tools and material for four or five
weeks, the end of the task will be put
off for about that length of time. It is
now expected by the engineers in charge
that the last spike will be driven between
the first and the middle of May.
The work Is being helped along In some
measure by the existing grade, made some
live years ago, parts of which are still
Intact. Owing to the fact, however, that
the new survey diverges from the old In
many places. In order that a hlgh-ppced
line could be constructed, not so much
of the old grade could be utilized as
would otherwise have been the case.
Pacific May Enter Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash... Oct. 24. (Special.)
A "common-user" clause in the franchises
of the Hill roads entering Seattle will
make It possible for the new Pacific Rail
road and the interests behind that enter
prise, to enter the city if the Council
grants a franchise. The ordinance pro
vides that tracks on public streets may
be used upon a lAutually agreed or arbi
trated basis by any new line granted a
. franchise by the city and reaching those
This would permit the Pacific road to
reach Its terminals here over tho Hill
linos, for they are laid on public streets.
The terminal tracks of the Hill lines laid
on private property are exempted from
the common-user provision.
Spends $100,000 in Advertising.
The Southern Pacific Company has just
spent what Is. perhaps the largest amount
ever expended by a single rallrond for
special foreign advertising. In tho cur
rent numbers of the London magazines
large advertisements are appearing de
scriptive of the things to be seen on the the Southern Pacific from Portland
to Los Angeles. All of the advertise
, monts are full page expositions of the
country- through' -which the line passes,
and are entitled, "A Land of a Thousand
Wonders, Portland to Los Angeles on the
Southern Pacific." For these few adver
tisements the company has spent by spe
cial appropriation 5100,000.
Boys Trespassed in Order to Watch
Actors Through Skylights
and Were Caught.
Six small boys, all" under the age of
IS years, while gazing with rapture
tnrough the skylight of the Grand
Theater at the production beneath, and
all unconscious that policemen were
watching them, -were arrested last night
and takon to police headquarters where
a charge of trespass was placed against
tnem. unable to raise the price of 10
cents to go through the front door and
anxious to. see the show the four
perched upon the skylight and were
criticising the actions of the actors and
actresses when interrupted.
Angry mothers and irate fathers,
upon being notified that their sons were
at the station, hurried there forthwith
and demanded to know why their off
spring 'wore under arrest.
".What is my -son In here for?" de
manded Mrs. Smith, whose boy. Dean,
wag sitting on a bench eating peanuts.
'iHe 'is arrested for trespass, madam.
and you are hereby notified to take him
before the Juvenile Court at 10 o'clock
.tomorrow." said Captain Moore
"Well, this is a nice show," I must
say,' said Mrs Smith. "Do I have to no
tlfy you policemen every time I let my
boy out of the house after 8 o'clock?
Dean, you come home with me, I'll see
about this."
"Say. is this the police tatlon7" tel
ephonou Mrs. Hoover, nvhose son
Charles whs receiving peanuts from
Dean at the time.
"Well, I heard about you arresting
Charlie and I want him sent home this
mlnuto. Charlie Is a good boy, do you
hear? .you have no right to arrest him.'
"Come to the police station," 6ald
Captain Moore.
Mrs. Hoover hurried to the rescue of
3ier son and taking her boy affection
ately -by the hand, and looking daggers
at the captain, hurried Ahe youth
through the gates, saylngj that she
- 'NO. Ill
i '"' ' ' , i
Come hither, brothers and sisters, while we endeavor to torture the
long-sufforing Queen's English Into yielding up a few lustrous contribu
tions to our land's literature. My purpose on this exalted occasion is to
toll you what I don't know about Charles B. Moores.
According ta all the misinformation I have been able to annex, Mr.
Moores sneaked Into being in the state that Joe Folk made famous. He
was quite young at the time of his birth, but has since got over It to the
extent of about 55 Summers. At the age of half-past-three he took his
parents by the hand and hit the trail for Oregon.
Moores' ancestors are so entangled with the history of this state that
one can scarcely wander back three paces along the corridors of time
without bumping Into great-great-grandfather, or some other branch of
the genealogical tree.
Our subject's assertion that he has Irish blood in his veins Is fully
substantia tod by the singular grace with which he holds public office. His
zeal for the people's welfare has led him to accept at different times, the
office of Councilman of Salem, trustee of "Willamette University. Speaker
bf the Oregon House of Representatives, shortstop in Al Crossman's la
comparable baseball nine, and Register of the Land Office at Oregon City.
In addition to thus bunch' of fame, Mr. Moores Is also credited with hav
ing, aided by some black paint and a brush, and in tho Interest of art, con
verted Dr. Towers' white mare Into a zebra. A few of Moores detractors
maintain that this honor rightfully belongs to W. D. Fenton. but the evi
dence rests conclusively with the former.
In his candidacy for the Congressional nomination. Moores has an
nounced In unequivocal terms that he favors deeper water and a porcelain
bottom for every river and harbor In the state. The citizens of Coos
Bay, Ncstucca, Tillamook. Yaqulna and Alsea. appreciating his noble
stand, have drawn up resolutions Indorsing him In the most enthusiastic
manner. Each of these future metropolises has received positive assurance
that Congressman Moores' ' first official duty will be to make It the lending
port -of the NorthwcSt.
Moores is a graduate of Willamette, Pennsylvania and Michigan Uni
versities. The way he loots the alphabet In order o represent his various
titles and degrees is absolutely Inhuman.
Tho future Congressman (perhaps) has but one vice, that of attending
pioneer reunions, state fairs and alumni banquets. In the accompanying
masterpiece I have assassinated him In the act of presiding over one of
the latter. HARRY MURPHY.
would take her son before the Judge
but that the - police would suffor.
"Georgle, want arc you doing bore?
askn.1 Mr. Boozor. senior, of Boozer,
junior, as tho former rushed through
the gate.
"Aw I didnt do nothin'." aald Goorgie.
"we wanted to soe tho thenter and the
cops arrested me."
"Well. I'll attend to him captain.
George come with me."
"Those bovs are bad eggs." said Cap
tain Moore, as the parents of Joe Spady,
Eddie Tllden and George Olson bristled
up to the desk and demanded to know
the reason why.
One after another the young Ameri
cans vanished from the oyos of the up
holders of, the law after a promise had
been obtained from tholr parents to
bring them before Judge Frazer of tho
Juvenile Court.
Prominent Portlund Physician Se
cures, a Beautiful $1000
Pianola Piano.
The recant achievements of the
Ellers Piund House In bringing to
Portland a largo and beautiful collec
tion of the world's best instruments
has met with most hearty response
from the cultured people of the city
and vicinity, and a day never passes
without several of the finest instru
ments of the Eilors Piano House find
ing buyers. 4
Yesterday Dr. W. L- Wood, of- 450
Tenth street called at Ellers Piano
House and, after a critical examina
tion and comparison of Instruments,
chose a $1000 Weber Pianola-Piano,
his selection being one of the most ex
pensive styles of this make.
It is cased in mahogany, whose rich
and handsome markings afford a most
effective decoration. The Pianola
Piano hns been Justly termed the
"first complete piano" for. as its name
indicates. It is a pianola within a
piano, and is played with perforated
rolls of music or otherwise. The
Pianola-Piano is sold only by Ellers
Piano House.
These Marriages Are Failures.
George E. Linn has sued Emma E. Linn
for a divorce because of desertion, be
ginning three years ago. They were mar
ried in Vancouver, Wash., in 1889.
Henry E. Gordy yesterday brought suit
in the State Circuit Court against Ger
trude Gordy for a divorce. They were
married in Wisconsin in 1S97. and lived
together only a year. They have no chil
dren. Fire Costs One Life and $00,000.
M'KINNEY. Tex.. OcU 2. (Special.)
In an Incendiary fire today. William
Lowry. a college student, lost his life and
property worth 5C0.O0O was destroyed. In
surance $35,000.
Those unhappy persons who. suffer from
nor-ousness and dysponsla should use Car
ter's Little Nerve Pills, made' expressly
lor this class.
Sum Now Available Is Only Half
Enough to Care for Needs of
Injurqd Frenchwoman.
The sum of $14 was added yesterday to
the relief fund for Miss Anna Loubet, the
young Frenchwoman who sustained a
broken back through a recent fire at th
Statehousc Inn, near the Exposition
grounds. The sum now available for the
sufferer Is less than $225. barely half
enough for the expenditures necessary to
pay hospital fees and remove her to the
French hospital at San Francisco for sci
entific treatment. Yesterday's contribu
tions received at The Oregonlan office
totaled $9. Five of this amount was sub
scribed by Mrs. "G. W. L.," $1 by
Miss L.." and $3 by "Cash. The sum
of $5 additional was left at tho office
of Secretary' Heed, at the Exposition, by
Paul Wesslnger.
While a number of Portlanders re
sponded promptly and liberally It Is be
lieved funds have been received more
slowly than the cause deserves. Miss
Loubet Is an orphan, without friends or
relatives in America. The fire destroyed
all her personal effects excepting a Bible.
which she saved. She. sustained a broken
back by leaping from a second story of
the inn to prevent Incineration. She is
now confined to a hospital ward in a
helpless condition.
Contributions will be received as before
by The Oregonlan and the money, when
a sufilclent sum has been received, will be
turned over to French Consul Labbe. He
will arrange for the care of the hapless
sufferer in a strange land, and for her
removal to San Francisco.
Great Former Sentenced to Prison.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 24. W. IL Har
roun. charged with having forged $700,000
worth of bills of lading and obtaining
money on them, was found guilty by a
Jury tonight and the penalty fixed at
five years In the penitentiary, The forger
les were committed a year ago and were
principally on Burlington bills of lading.
Oklahoma Town Scorched.
GUTHRIE. O. T.. Oct. 24. (Special.)
The town .of Texola, In Southwestern
Oklahoma, had a $50,030 fire today, two
business blocks being destroyed with but
little Insurance.
Could Not Bo Better.
The uniform success of Chamberlain'
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
has won for it a wide reputation.' and
rvtfinv nnnl tlitvkn iVimit ft, ,rttti.
agree with Mr. Charles W. Mattlson. of
Ml! ford. Va.. who says: "It works like
magic, and Is the best preparation I know
vised to try a bottle of this remedy, which
ne aia. wim me resuu. inui immeaiate re-
iiei was uuiainca. ror sate uv ail nnir
Samuel Goldstein Has Until
Noon to Make Payment.
Deposit $50 In Court or the Alterna
tive Is Jail Sentence for Con
. tempt of Court Plain
tiff Is a Tailor.
If Samuel Goldstein, a tailor doing.
business at 267i Everett street, does
not pay $50 for the support of his wife
and two children before 12 o'clock to
day to the Clerk of the State Circuit
Court, he will be committed to the
County Jail for contempt of court.
Judge Frazer made this declaration
yesterday ufternoon, after hearing ar
guments of attorneys for. the wife, Mrs.
Betslc Goldstein, on a motion for ali
mony, and hearing the evidence of a
number of witnesses. A certificate of
deposit In a local bank in favor of
Goldstein, not yet due, which was In
possession of Mrs. Goldstein, was
turned over to the Court Clerk, to be
held for her benefit. Goldstein said he
had. tried to borrow $50. and said M.
Kutner, Ben Klegman. 51. Ostrow and
L. Ryan had all refused him. Wit
nesses contradicted this statement, and
said Goldstein had readily borrowed
$150 on one occasion. Goldstein also
said his wle had J 1000 in a safety-deposit
vault, which she denied, and said
that In April last she gave hlnvJSOO
under strong persuasion on hls'rpart.
saying at the time: "Now you will be
good to me, won t your
Judge Frazer was inclined to the be
lief that the certificate of deposit for
$200 represented a part of this $o00.
Addressing- Goldstein, the court said:
'I think you can borrow money if you
want to, and I believe that you have
money. You must pay $50 Into court
by 12 o'clock tomorrow for the support
of your wife and children or I will
commit you to Jail for contempt. There
has always been some question of the
right of a court to do this in a enrse
of this kind, but In the present In
stance I think the court would be
justified in taking such a step, and I
think the court has the authority, lou
must support your wife and these chil
dren, and if you do not pay $50 .into
court by 12 o'clock tomorrow, I will
6end you to Jail.'
The Goldsteins were married In New
York in 1S94. In her complaint for a
divorce. Mri Goldstein accuses her
husband of beatlnir and abusing her.
and says ne threw dishes at hor and
threatened to take her lite.
Goldstein, in his answer, alleges that
his wife paid the fare of one Harry
Goldman from Kw York to Portland
and has exhibited much friendship for
him and offered to assist him finan
dally. Harry Goldman has a wife ami
children In New York. Goiaman suys
G. A. Du Rctte Invested $1500, With
Promise of Continuous Work.
rv A. rn Rette has invoked the aid of
the law to recover $laW which- he alleges
h Invested In the Pacific Mall Order
Company, of which James R. Greenfield is
nrfsirfont and Georrrc L. Rees vlct-presl-
denu Du Rettc says he purcnaseu id
chnrM of stock In the company on No
vember 2U 1SH. at the price of $100 per
share, with the agreement mat ue was
to be employed In the store and receive
irn mr month waccs until January. 1803.
and $75 per month thereafter, and was
to hold his position as long as" he owneti
stock In the corporation. He avers that
in sntombpr last he was Klven a vaca
tion for one month with the understand
ing that at the expiration of that period
ho viran to return -to work, or otherwise
would buv his stock. He as
serts that he was discharged on October
3, and was refused the return of the $1M
which he Invested. Yesterday uu Kctte.
ti,rmieh J P. Kavanaur-h. attorney, filed
suit In the State Circuit Court against
th Parlfle Mnll Order Company for rta00
and the complaint recites the facts here
Administrator Appointed.
FVrrl Honxhaw was appointed In the
rmmiv crourt vesterday administrator of
the estate of Catherine Miller, who died
March 23, 1SSS. leaving property described
as lot C, block 211, Portland, valued at
$10.00). ills appointment was made on
the petition of his wife. Xellle Hcnshaw.
.nu n rtmtphtpr nf Catherine Miller.
The petition states that the husband.
John W. Miller, ana tne cnuaren. noun
Hcyneman and Retta French, of San
Francisco, and Frank Miller, of Seattle,
have all transferred their Interests In
the property to Mrs. Hcnshaw.
Filed Inventory of Company.
Bf O. Woods, receiver Of the Muck
Hardware Company. Hied an Inventory
In the State Circuit Court yesterday,
showing $17,110 atvets. which Includes
$14,110 stock and $3003 accounts. The lia
bilities amount to $(i.oi4; these Include
$274 labor claims, $300 rent and $44,000 due
sundry creditors. The suit for the ap
pointment of a receiver was instituted by
the Marshall-wells Hardware company.
Damages for Personal Injuries.
Suit for $10,000 damages for personal in
juries was filed In the State Circuit Court
yesterday by William Vaughn against
tho Peninsular Lumber Company. Vaughn
was employed In tho mill attending the
rock saw. He alleges In his complaint
that he was oiling the machinery, when
the oil can spouted and became entangled
in the saw and his hand was drawn In.
He lost several lingers and the thumb.
Son of a Governor Bankrupt.
With no assets-, excepting wearing ap
parel, valued at $50. and with liabilities to
the amount of $2535, John H. Whlteakor,
son of John Whlteakcr. the first Gov
ernor of Oregon, has confessed bank
ruptcy In the United States His trie t
Court Brevities.
Milton Sunderland, executor of the will
of A- M- StansbcrjV deceased, filed his
final report In the County Court yester
day, showing $0X0 on hand for distribu
tion among the heirs.
,The Inventory and appraisement of the
estate of. the late Silas Jones was filed
In the County Court yesterday. The prop
erty In Multnomah County Is valued at
$20,59. and In Gilliam county at $7230.
Charles Harding has sued Ida M. Stacy,
nee Glover. In the State Circuit Court, to
recover $60. money loaned between Au
gust. 1S03. and June, 104. and $55 due to
Isaac Newman on account of money
E. J. Williamson. E. G. Brayton and L.
J. Barber filed articles of Incorporation
of the Western Publishing Company In
the County Clerk's office yesterday: cap
ital stock. $5000. The objects" announced
are to publish magazines, do Job printing,
The Pacific Soap. & Chemical Company
Special Inducements in Order to
Close Out Remainder of Ex
position Instruments
Now Is the Time to Select Your fa
vorite Instrument at a Saving of
30 to 60 per cent. Easy Payments.
Buy Now and Have" It Set Aside
for Christmas
The many fine Dlanos Grands. TTnriehts.
Pianolas. Pianola Pianos and Orchcs
trelles used in our glorious Exposition In
the Oregon. California. Massachusetts.
Washington. Illinois, New York. Idaho,
Maine, Oriental, Y. W. C. A.. X. C. R.
Co.'s and other buildings, and in the
homes and apartments of the Commis
sioners and their families. In the success
of whose social functions they have con-
triDUted no small share, are to be closed
out at Ellers Piano House at once.
Please to remember that these Pianos
are In every respect as good as new. All
are perfect. Thev have not been In a
booth or In an exhibit or on the Trail ex
posed to dampness, drafts and heat, but
were placed In the various state buildings,
carefully protected and guarded, as they
would be In the parlors of our finest
homes. Many of them were specially se
lected by great artists, musicians and
connoisseurs, and every one of them rep
resents in every respect the very highest
grade and character of the very best In
American plano-makihg.
I ne tilers Piano House positive guar
antee accompanies each Instrument sold.
-Money back It instrument purcnascd is
not found, after delivery, exactly satis-
iactory or as represented.
Reductions Positively Genuine.
Remember, we offer during this sale a
bona fide reduction of from over 30 to 60
per cent on the very lowest cash retail
prices that these and other same grade of
nigh-grade Instruments regularly retail
ior in mis or any otner city.
Any Instrument In this' sale may be pur
chased on time payments. Three years
allowed to complete the purchase at cash
prices, plus simple Interest on deferred
Pianolas Greatly Reduced.
All Metros tyle Pianolas and also all reg
ular Pianolas that have been used at the
many successful recitals are to be dis
posed of at a discount of from 20 to 40 per
cent from regular retail prices. Every
thing must go.
Bahy Grands Also.
Several very fine and costly Baby
Grands are contained In this sale. The
tine Chlckering In the Massachusetts
building, the fine Chlckering In the Ore
gon building, and the instruments In the
America Inn. etc.. etc.. are Included In
this cut-price sale. The first opportunity
ever presented to purchase the most cost
ly types of Chlckering, Webers. Klm
balls and other high-class Grands, vir
tually new and strictly up-to-date, at re
ductions equal in several cases to almost
These Are Used Ones.
Our .sale or "exchanged" Pianos will
also be continued during this special
event. In the collection may be found
Upright Pianos of the latest designs, of
various high-grade make3, that have come
to us of late In part payment for new
Pianola Pianos. Baby Grands and fancy
exhibition styles of Upright Pianos.
Among these used Pianos may be found:
Fine $400 Hardman. now $2S6: Estey
(nearly new). $1S5: largest size $375 Emer
son (virtually new). . $240; elegant rose
wood Steck. splendid case, a trifle out of
date. $350 style. $235; largest walnut case,
latest style Fischer. $215; elegant, largest
sized mahogany Knabe. usual price. $C0O.
now $2S5: splendid medium-sized walnut
Vose, regular prh'e $3t. now $1S2; oak
case, largest-sized $TC0 Everett, $186; beau
tiful Omaha Exposition style mottled wal
nut $575 Kimball, shows but little use,
$31S; splendid little $300 Emerson. $143; an
other Emerson, mahogany $200; very
showy, brand-new walnut -Starr. $215;
three Flamilton Pianos, that were once so
popular, every one like new. $155. $163 and
$172, respectively; splendid large walnut-
cased Hardman. 26; beautiful little Vic
tor. $13S; largest-sized nearly new mahog
any Kingsbury. $137: elegant mahogany
Bailey, only slightly used. $19G; good fancy
inanogany Jacob Don upngnt. iw. wing
& Son. new. $145; another Knabe. rose
wood case. $235; great big oak-cased laid
wig. $163; splendid English mottled walnut
cast Kimball, colonial, equal to new. JJbi:
splendid mahogany-cased exhibition-sized
Lester, case somewhat marred, the $575
style for $323: other Uprichts In cood
shape, of more or less musical value, at
jirlccrv ranging from $135 down to $5. We
want an oi mom out oi ine way. fay as
own suits your convenience.
Here Are Organs.
Excellent used Parlor and Chapel Or
gans are being sold at less than half price
now: An Estey. $2S: Sears-Roebuck. $23;
splendid Kimball. $15: Mason & Hamlin
$IS; Newman Bros.. $3S; solid oak-cased
Kimball, cabinet style. $&4; and others
too numerous to mention, an on payments
or $2. $3 or i per montn.
Remember., there's no time to lose. The
Pianos are here, the reductions cenulne.
and there will be hundreds of homes anx-
t lous to secure one of them. If you're
coming, aon i aeiay. come, write or tele
phone at once, tillers Piano House. Re
tail Department. 351 Washington street.
"A Quarter Block of Fine Pianos."
filed Incorporation articles yesterday 'in
the Countv Clerk's office: canital stoplc.
$10;000. The Incorporators are Rudolph
Becker. J. M. Parke and S. B. Smith.
The objects are to manufacture soap,
chemical compounds and preparations.
W. I. Bnrtlctt and M. E. Palmer, De
fendants, Contend That the
Leak Was Xot Mended.
A plumbing bill for $7 was the basis
of a suit tried before Judge George
yesterdny, and the evidence was so
conflicting that the case wa!s con
tinued until today for further testi
mony. The plaintiff was G. W. Far
rier, a plumber, doing business at
Montavllla, and W. I Bartlett and M.
E. Palmer the defendants.
Farrier contends that nearly a year
ago he repaired a leaky pipe so that
water would not drip under a sink,
and run out onto the kitchen floor. He
testified that he removed walnscottlng;
which was tongued and grooved, and
to do so and make a neat Job. sawed
the tongue oft one of the boards, and
after taking It out replaced it in good
style. Farrier said he found the coupling-
cracked, and replaced It with a
new one. He said the job was well
The defendants contended that the
leak continued, and that they did not
believe Farrier ever made the repair
at all. Farrier said there was no
further leak, but that water splashed
from the sink and g6t under it because
there was no splashboard. The de
fendants asserted that there was al
ways a splashboard, and Farrier said It
was put there after this trouble com
menced, and that this -was evident, be
cause the wall behind It Is hard-finished,
which would not have been the
case If the splashboard- was put in
when the house was built. To further
complicate matters, In February last
the plpe'frozc and was taken out and
replaced. This was after Farrier's Job
was done, so It cannot be seen by the
present appearance of things what was
Take as Long as 1
PIT You Please nil
mm mm.
itV .-v- fjy. -.0.-1 -r-.'rr xr "
g-JiS? In frying White River
! p --ou to sansry yourseir
TV ilwUlv4 lb IO
any other flour you have
ever used.
The risk is entirely ours,
as your money will be re
turned by your grocer
Kfev vacting tor
jglllJ question or quarrel if, be
WMMM living it is not better, you
mmpm wiiibekind
turn the sack with the
unused flour.
Use half the sack or
more if you want to.
"Every tiny granule of Vhite
River Flour ha 8 undergone
treatment by electricity, which
renders it easier to digest.
(fell .
and Clark county, Washington
1MI Allen &L
Wholesale Grocers
Selling Agents
l?.& Portland, Oregon
Whife River
... PF
White River Flour Makes Lighter, Whiter Bread
the state of the walnscottlng and pipe
after Farrier finished repairing the
pipe. The defendants concede that the
wall behind the splashboard Is hard
finished, and also that tho tongue was
cut off a board In the walnscottlng.
Judge George desires to hear the
evidence of a carpenter who worked
In the house as to when the splash
board was tmt In. The witnesses who
testified were G. W. Farrier, William
Farrier. "A. C. Carson, J. W. Llndsey,
G. F. Brown, W. L. Bartlett, E. A.
Beals. Miss M. E. Palmer, W. G. Lof
tus, J. I Bartlett,
Deposed Director Cries Frautl.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct. 24. Anthony J.
McMillan, the deposed managing director
of the Le Kol Mining Company, the Eng
lish corporation operating the big gold
copper mine at Rossland, B. C, has
brought suit to prevent the dismantling
of the Le Rol'o smelter at Northport,
Wash. He alleges that the directors are
fraudulently going ahead to amalgamate
the mine with other Rossland properties
and with the Trail (B. C.) smelter.
Judge Polndexter has granted a re
straining order until November 6, when
application for a temporary Injunction
will be heard.
South Bend Man Dromied.
SOUTH BEND, Wash.. Oct. 2L (Spe
cial.) The body of Frank Johnson, a
well-known young man, was found float
ing In the river here today. He had been
missing for over a week.
It is the supposition that he started
across the river to visit his mother, who
lives on an Island, some night within a
week, and fell from his boat and was
drowned. The body was Identified by the
clothing. Johnson was about 25 years of
Montana Iiand to Be Irrigated
WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. The Secretary
of the Interior has withdrawn from entry
25.000 acres of land in the Miles City.
MonL, land district, on account of the
Ekala'ska Irrigation project.
Surveying the AYHIapn Channel.
SOUTH BEND. Wash.. Oct. 24. (Spe
cial.) "United States Engineer Carpenter
and a crew of men are here for the pur
pose of surveying the channel of the
Wlllapa River and taking soundings and
making borings between here and Ray
mond, with the view of deepening the
channel between these two cities. The ex
us) without
a sack in Multno
mah and Clackamas
counties, Oregon,
U. S. A.
amlning board of engineer was h. to
about two months ago. The cost ('ft
survey will be about $300.
To Vote on Yakima Courthouse.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Oct :i -(Special.)
The Commissioners have t'e-
clded to put to a vote of the people rT:
question of issuing monds tor $w.f)w ror
the construction of the new Courthojsr
The contract for the building to cost
$S3.C00 waa let two weeks ago to "W
Felton. of this city.
A year had been spent In getting th'nsr
ready, and at the final moment It w is.
learned that the indebtedness to be In
curred would be larger than the limit
allowed by law.
Almost every little stream In rural Fran s
has washhousos on Its banks, where t. i
women o the nelghDornooa wash rn -
clothes. They use a great deal of oap a-
chemicals. These so contaminate the watf
that sometimes the milk of the cow; s
Mllwaukle Country Club.
Eastern and Seattle races. Taka Sell
wood and Oregon " City cars. First and
Scott's Emulsion is a care
ful blend of the purest cod
liver oil, hypophosphites of
lime and soda, glycerine and a
dash of flavoring. Tire com
bination of these valuable
ingredients emulsified as in
Scott's Emulsion represents
the 'greatest remedy yet dis
covered for weak lungs, poor
blood, low vitality, child
weakness and all wasting
- SCOTT & BOWSE, Pearl Street, New York.