Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Portland Able to Meet All Re
quirements of National Ed
ucational Association.
President Schacfcr -and Treasurer
Wilkinson Declare That Tliea- .
tors, Halls and Churches
Arc Adequate.
"We arc firmly convinced that Portland
is In a. position to meet every requirement
for the holding of the annual convention
ot the National Educational Association,"
said Nathan C. Schaefer. the president
of that organization, wiio arrived here
yesterday morning in company with J. Is.
Wilkinson, troasurer. and also a member
of the executive committee, on their tour
of inspection relative to the selection of
a meeting place for the next annual -gath-vrtug.
Continuing, Mr. Schaefer said:
"We have visited your theaters, halla
and churches and they are more than ade
quate to accommodate the needs of this
great- convention. We are delighted -with
th scenery of Oregon, and above every
thing elee, with the spirit of the people.
I consider that this city would be a very
plejumitt place for our. next meeting."
The two representatives of the National
Educational Association arrived on the
moraine; train from San Francisco. They
were met at the depot by Tom Rlchard-
hi. manager of the Commercial Club;
J. H. Ackeriroui. State School Superin
tendent: Frank Rlgler, Superintendent of
th City Schools; and William McMur
ray. representing the Harrlman lines.
After breakfasting at the Hotel Portland,
ihey spent the day Brlving about the city,
and among other places of interest visited
the Exposition grounds. They had noth
ing but praise for Portland, and it Is con
fidently expected that this city will be
honored with the presence of the conven
tion next July-
In the afternoon at 4 o'clock the visitors
were given an opportunity to ,meot and
address the teachers of the city in the
assembly room at the High School. Su
perintendent Rigier presided and Intro
duced the guests. President Schaefer, who
also State Superintendent of Schools
in Pennsylvania, told of the pleasure It
afforded him to meet so large a corps of
teachers. "At some of the cities we have
visited." he said, "they have confined
themselves to showing us their great
bulktings and resources. I am glad to find
a committee that lets us come in contact
with the real center of Interest the teach
ers of your city."
Most of Mr. Schaefer's remarks were
dvotod to a consideration of the public
school curriculum. "This is the battle
ground." he said, "upon which more than
half of the educational battles of the last
decade have been fought, and it Is time
that we were reaching some definite con
clusions. We have been introducing a
great many branch studies and side lines
in our public schools, and it Is a question
if all of this lias been done wisely. I
myself favor putting the emphasis upon
the fundamental branches 'readln', writ
ing and rithmetic.' I do not mean to say
that I believe In doing away with all the'
more modern branches. Our progress re
quires these, but If a school neglects tne
rudiments for the so-called -reformed
methods. It Is missing Its real 'purpose."
In conclusion Mr. Sohaefor told of his
efforts to secure higher salaries for
teachers. He aseertod that teaching was
the most underpaid as well as the most
deserving of the professions, and that he
believed tlte time is near when the
puMic will recognize and remedy this con
dition. Refuse Iiow Salaries.
Dr. J. N. Wilkinson, who is president
of the Kansas State Normal School at
Emporia, gave an excellent address,
which, though brief, made one point
whlcli was portlcularly well received by
the teachers: "You are a discredit to
the profession If you allow yourselves to
accept low salaries. Hold, high the stand
ard of teaching."
Tom Richardson, of the Commercial
flub, told of the efforts that had been
made to secure the convention for Port
land. At the close of the meeting the
c-vrc2 U4tr anAiru IU tJU ill ruining
places of entertainment for the thousands
who will come If the convention is held
here. They will report to Superintendent
Rigier today, and it Is expected to show
the -visitors that all entertainment has
been provided for, before their departure
this evening.
At noon today a reception will be hold
In the rooms of the Commercial Club to
give the visitors an opportunity to meet
the representative business men of the
city. This will be followed by an Informal
Decision In November.
Both Mr. Shaefcr and Mr. Wilkinson
were reticent about discussing Portland's
chancer of being chosen as the meeting
place of the association. They stated
that nothing definite would be determined
until the latter part of November. From
their general conversation, 'however, it is
inferred that they are looking with favor
upon tho invitation extended by this city.
Fugitive Murderer Is Thought to
Have Received Fatal Wounds
From His Victim.
KInta Kasaoka, the murderer of S. Sa
saki, a Japanese who was stabbed to
death at 2:30 o'clock Monday morning, is
thought to be lying at the point of death
In a room in the North End as the re
sult of wounds inflicted by the murdered
man before he expired.
The detectives base this belief on the
factthat a large clasp knife found by Ed
ward Gassett on the door stop in front
of a poolroom was covered with blood
and was evidently carried by Sasaki. The
knife when found was nearly a block
from, the scene of the stabbing and'un
doubtedly had been dropped by Sasaki
as he fell through the door of the pool
room. Kasaoka Is known to have run up Ev
erett street after the cutting, and as
there is a great quantity of blood along
the sidewalk scattered in spots from side
to side. It is thought possible that ICasa
oka as well as Sasaki was stabbed.
So far the detectives have been unable
to locate the murderer, and the Japan
ese who are said to be working with the
detectives aro also unable to throw any
light on his whereabouts. The Japs are
considered as secretive as the Chinese,
and will not. unless compelled to do so,
glvo any information leading to the ar
rest of Kasaoka. One of the Japanese
said yesterday: "If one Japanese is killed
what is the use of hanging another as
long as the first is dead?"
For two nights the detectives have be
lieved that they would locate Kasaoka,
but so far he is as far from capture as
on the morning of the murder. It Is be
lieved, though, that he as well as Sasaki
was stabbed. -and that he is dead or is
recovering in some Japanese lodging
house. In Trouble Over "Check.
Charles A Landes, a traveling man
from San FrancIsJco, gave to B. J. Monti,
proprietor of the Main Exchange saloon,
a certified check for $250 as security for
a loan of 520, and last night was locked
up on a charge-pf obtaining money under
false pretenses. Monti alleges that the
check is worthless and that Landes has
tried to bunco him. Landes says that
the check is good and requested the police
to wire to San Francisco to substantiate
his word.
The check given to Monti is signed by
C. A Landes in favor of himself and Is
on the paper used by the Commercial Na
tional Bank. Landes was arrested in a
pool joint at First and Madison streets
last night by Detective Carpenter.
Accident at Play "Proves Fatal.
James Cook, the 10-year-old son of
William Cook, at St. Johns, died soon
after midnight as the result of an acci
dent while at play. .He was thrown from
a seesaw, lighting on his head and shoul-
x. c. sciiAEnsn, or nAimisntiRG.
dors. After his arrival at home, whither
he walked with slight assistance, medical
aid was summoned and a broken shoulder
bono set. No other Injuries were appar
ent, but the mother was roused late at
night by his death struggle.
Robbed Poor Old Soldier.
Because he Is paralyzed and Is unable
to give change to his customors, an old
soldier known as "Old John" was made
the victim of hoodlums Monday night
whon they grabbed a cigar box from In
front of the old man's eyes thinking
it was his box of change, and mude
their escape. "Old John" keeps a small
cigar stand at Twentioth and Washing
ton .streets and purchasers of his wares
are allowed to take tholr change from a
cigar box which he keeps for small
change. Thinking that they were get
ting the little box of money the hood
lums grabbed a box of cigars and made
their oscape.
Contract Let for Mill.
ABERDEEN, Wash.OcL 24. (Special.)
A J. West has let the contract for his
proposed sawmill at Junction City, on the
edge of town. The mill and other addi
tions will be constructed on the latest
Improved methods. Especial attention
will be given to Eastern trade.
Charles Kohn Finds' Lessons in Municipalities of Europe and Points Impor
tance of Good Roads to Attract Tourists.
T HE secret of the enormous travol
1 of Americans In Europe annual
ly, making tours of the Alps Instead of
visiting the splendid sconery of the Pa
cific Coast and Anrcrican Rockies. Is the
absence of good roads," said Charles'
Kohn. who has Just returned from two
years travel abroad.
"In Switzerland one sees scores of
Americans touring in 'their uutos and
when asked why they make the yearly
pilgrimage to that country Invariably
respond: 'Why, there -are no such roads
as these at home.' Whose fault Is it but
our own? In that country one can And
good accommodations 'at every moun
tain inn luxuries and .tecessitles of
every manner, shape and form, and 1 11
roads leading to them are of the best
character. The great troublo aero in
Oregon is that wo pay too much atten
tion to politics, devoting our attention
to having elections as freuntly as
possible instead of applying our ener
gies in improving the roads leading to
our grand scenic attractions jiot sur
passed by any in the world. Take ad
vantage of the magnificent rnountcln
scenery possessed and advertise it to
the world as is done in Europe, after
having made it possible for travelers
to reach the beauty spots and peoplo
would soon know of. beautiful Oregon,
which, I am sorry to say, very ow of
those1 who travel extensively know Is
on the map. Less local option and more
license, utilizing tho revenue to build
roads would be better for the country.
"We enjoyed Switzerland immensely
during the Summer months, when its
grand mountains and Its good hotels, to
be found in every nook and corner, but
we have here at home mountain scen
ery equally as grand, but lack the roads
to get an opportunity to enjoy it Where
we do huve mountain Toads they are
for the most part rough, and if not ac
tually Impassible it is hard work in
stead of a pleasure to travel such iso
lated trails and at the end places for
refreshment either are not to be found
or the precinct Is dry,
Fatherland In Advance of Europe.
"Germany, I think. Is by far the most
prosperous and go-ahead country on
the continent. Berlin is the XoremoBt
city with Vienna a good second, and
ranking with Paris as the handsomest
in arcnitecture and civic attractions.
Many Unable to Find Employ
menf Since Close of Fair.
Organization That Protected 1500
Young Women During Exposi
tion Finds That It Must
Continue Its Mission.
The Travelers' Aid Association has de
cided to continue the work it began In
Portland at the opening of the Exposition,
as the need of its services to women and
girls seems even greater now than It has
done at any period. The statement Is sent
out by the officials of the association
pa president.
that the work for 12 months cost 51200.
and that with this amount about 1600
girls and women were saved from deplor
able fates. Mora than half of the inonoy
used was cent from the East, the rest
being contributed here In Portland, but
$200 is still necessary to finish the work
to the end of November.
There is some money pledged which has
not yet been paid In, and it would be an
accommodation If the subscribers would
attend to the matter promptly, as there is
pressing need for It at present.
Mrs. C. R. Templeton, chairman of the
finance committee, is authorized by the
association to make an appeal to the
public for funds to-contlnue this necessary
work. No canvass has yet been made for
money, and It is hoped that there will be
a sufficient number of Interested citizens
willing to assist In this work to volunteer
subscriptions. Since the close of the Ex
position great numbers of women and
girls have been thrown out of employ
ment, many of them without means of re
turning to their homes or finding other
positions. There are more distressing
cases to be attended to than there were
during the Fair, and the Travelers" Akl
feels that it cannot shirk the duty which
lies before It. Those who will lend their
help llnancfally to this work will please
send their money to W. R. Mackenzie.
Worcester building.
"I thought'! would not be so busy when
Nuremburg is different from any other
city, with Its walls and gates and for
tifications still well preserved around
the old part of the city. One Sunday at
the city park at Nuremburg we saw
40,000 men, women and children eating
and drinking and enjoying themselves
and not one Intoxicated person in tho
whole number. Such sights may be seen
there or In Munich dally. In Munich
women are employed as street cleaners,
and In Vienna we saw women carrying
brick and mortar for buildings in course
of construction and saw womon "work
ing on railroad grades. In fact through
out Europe women work more than
men, and it is not unusual to see women
and dogs drawing small wagons, performing-
labor that in this country Is
done with horses.
"Poverty does not seem prevalent in
European countries, with the excep
tion of certain sections of Itnly. We
spent two Winters in the beautiful
South of France and Italy, where so
many Americans Journey. There Is
only one Monte Carlo, and it is a
dream of perfect order, where women
play the games more assiduously than
the men. -where fashion and gaiety
reign supreme, and where one need
fear loss only through yielding to
temptation to play. The famous re
sort is a scene never to be forgotten,
with its great Casino, only approached
by that of Nice, which, however. Is of
much less magnificence.
"Probably an American feels more at
home in Paris than In any other city
on the Continent, because one meets
more of his countrymen there than
elsewhere. There is a lesson in the
method employed there for keeping
streets clean that I have not seen em
ployed in any other city. Gutters are
flushed twice dally and thoroughly
swept, and nt 5 o'clock In the morning
all of the strefets are washed. It is a
most excellent system and makes Paris
a clean, healthy city. In striking con
trast -with our American municipali
ties. Brussels is a small edition of
Paris, where we spent a month with
United States Consul Eder, an uncle of
Mrs. Kohn.
Audience With Pope 'Plus X.
"While in Rome it was our honor
and pleasure to have an audience with
His Holiness, Pope Plus X. who gave
us his hand. We received his blessing
and an opportunity to kiss his ring.
He has a pleasing face and striking
personality, and it was through tho
courtesy of Father McNally, of Port
the Exposition closed," stated Mrs. Bald
win, the superintendent of the Travelers'
Aid. yesterday, "but I find conditions so
serious now that I am busier than ever,
if that is possible. The number of dis
tressing cases is alarming, and it seems
next to impossible to get positions for all
the deserving ones who want them so
much. Only yesterday I sent a girl to a
business house, where I knew help was
wanted, for a certain position, but when
she got there 15 girls were ahead of her.
That will give you something of an Idea
of the unemployed girls there are around
town since the Fair closed."
"Where Is Matilda Schmaranzcr?
PORTLAND, Oct. 21. To the Editor.)
Any person knowing the whereabouts of a
17-year-old girl named Matilda Schmar
anser, who s supposed to have arrived In
Portland Sunday evening, October 22. at
10:55, from Winnipeg via Canadian Pacific
Railway, please notify the Travelers' Aid
Association. Phone Main 5267. The girl
speaks no English and has been in Amer
ica but a short time.
Doubtful if Council Will Incrcaso
Health Officer's Salary.
It looks as if the ways and means com
mittee of the City Council and' the body
as a whole were going to indulge In a
game of shuttlecock and battledore over
the Increase of Health Officer Matson's
salary- A recommendation was made at
the last meeting of the committee. In
creasing Dr. Matson's salary from $20 to
JU0 a month, so as to enable him to em
ploy a young lady clerk in the Health
Mayor Lane had appeared personally
before this committee as well as that of
Judiciary and elections, and made an ear
nest plea in behalf of the Increase. In the
course of which he took occasion to
speak in the highest terms of praise of
Dr. Matson. Both committee? were will
ing, and reported accordingly, but for
some reasoji or other the main
body of the Council saw things In a
different light, with the result that
Dr. Matson is up in the air so far as
getting more pay is concerned, as the
matter was referred back to the ways
and means committee, which consists of
Councllmen Wallace, chairman; Rush
light. Master?. Bennett and Gray. They
will likely report favorably, as before, as
It appears none of them are desirous of
handicapping Dr. Matson In any way. as
he Is regarded very highly by nearly all
the Councllmen. but the city solons are
piqued at Mayor Line for a variety of
reasons, and In consequence the Health
Officer Is liable to get the benefit of a
great many blows aimed at His Honor.
land. an3 Father Murphy, of tho
American College at Rome, that tho
privilege was extended. We enjoyed
every minute of our stay in J tho Eter
nal City, with its wonderful art and
ruins, and a visit to Pompeii.
"Venice, with its wealth of art and
history, where gondolas are one's con
veyances Instead of carriages and
canals are the thoroughfares. Is quite
different from any other city of the
world. Astoria may some day be the
Venice of Oregon. The approach to
the harbor of Naples, with Vesuvius In
the background. Is the finest, most plo
turcsque scene in the whole world, but
the beggars and tilth of the city are
something terrible to contemplate.
"In our travels we met many Oregon
j peupic, out most oi mem returned
j home beforo our trip was finished.
bomcoodj' Has characterized the Ameri-
cans as 'a nation of travelers.' and the
sobriquet Is well merited, for the peo
ple of this country aro among the
large patrons of the celebrated watering-places
of Bohemia, of the German
Empire, and of all the countries of the
Old World.
"London Is the busiest city of them
all, and its streets are keft astonish
ingly clean. The underground trans
portation system Is perfect, and the
traffic of the largest city In the world
is conducted in' a manner to command
admiration. There is much less noise
and far better order maintained than
In either New York or Chicago.
Columbia Far Surpasses Rhine.
"Our Columbia River Is far grander
In its natural beauty than the Rhine.
When we shall have villas along its
banks and vineyards covering Its
skirting, sloping hills. It will surely be
one of the most Interesting and beau
tiful waterways of the globe.
"We made Frankfort our headquar
ters while abroad. There we had the
pleasure of meeting an old resident of
Portland, M. Seller, who Is always
happy to greet his Oregon friends. Mr.
Seller, his Charming wife and beautiful
daughters, cannot do enough for their
friends, and showered attentions upon
"With deep appreciation for the
wonders of the Old World that came
under our observation, we ara, more
than glad to bo back again In God's
country America and doubly so to
again be with our friends in Oregon,
the best section of the best country on
earth. We went direct to Corvallls
from New York, to visit Mrs. Kohn's
family, and are now back to our old
home In Portland, ready to take up the
work where wc left off, and be quite
satisfied to remain for some time to
come. It Is a source of gratification
to note the marked improvement in
tho city, and to know that the Lewis
and .Clark Exposition has taken high
rank among world's fairs as a success,
of. which I learned In New York on
my homeward trip.'"
Students at Night School Ear
nest and Diligent.
Attendance Is Made Up of Workers
Who Aro Anxious for Educa
tionTwo Hundred Pupils
Arc Enrolled.
A school where there are 'no tardy
marks given, where pupils may come
when they please and leave when they
please, where there are no rules at all. In
fact, beyond the simple requirement that
the pupils behave themselves as ladies
and gentlemen the mere idea of such a
school would have a charm for many a
boy and girl who Is bearing the memory
of sharp reproofs received for tardiness,
whispering or iome other misdemeanor
tabooed by the usual school regulations.
Yet there is such a school, and It meets
each evening In the High School building.
There are no rules, because none are
needed. The pupils who attend are work
ing boys and working girls, who are. there
for business, without the slightest
thought of play.
Last evening at the High School was
held the second session of the free night
school, which will continue during the
next five months. There was an attend
ance of 134, nearly twice the number pres
ent on tho opening evening. Two other
schools have 35 each. The enrollment is
made up almost exclusively of those who
work hard throughout the day, who have
no time to attend the day school, but arc
unwilling to neglect an opportunity to
secure an education, even though it ne
cessitates hard study after long hours of
work. These young people, ranging in
age from 10 to 30 years, come from the
offices and workshops. Many are em
ployed In the factories of the city, and
some stand behind the counters In the
department stores all day before going
to recite their lessons. Then there are
newsboys and messenger boys, but not
Many Foreigners Present. -
At the night school there Is a large
percentage of foreigners, representing
many nationalities. There are Danes.
Norwegians. French. Russians. Germans,
Japanese and Swedes. Many of them
cannot read or speak English when they
first come to the school, and It Is neces
sary to provide teachers especially
adapted for Instructing this class of pu
pils. All are anxious to learn, however,
and Professor Edgar A. Mllner. who Is at
the head of the night school. telLs of many
cases where the eagerness of these for
eign children to learn the language of
their new home Is almost pathetic No
other class of pupils, he says, are so
anxious to learn and so polite and cour
teous In their behavior.
The studies taught In the night school
Include only the common grammar school
branches with the addition of bookkeep
ing and commercial arithmetic. A few
years. ago algebra, geometry, physics and
Feveral other of the higher studies were
glvon but have beep discontinued as there
was small demand for them. Most of the
students are simply trying to get the
rudiments of an education.
Xo Trouble With Pupils.
"We very seldom have any trouble with
our pupils," said Professor Mllner. "A
boy or girl who willingly spends his or
her evenings at school appreciates the
worth of an education. They waste no
time; it is too precious to them. Tho only
ones who ever bother us are the newsboys
and the messenger boys who are com
pelled to come In some cases by their
parents. They usually create a disturb
ance before they are here more than four
nights and have to be expelled. There are
some exceptions, however, and some of
the most Industrious students we have
had arc of this class of boys. Our only
rule Is that those who come must brhave
and If a pupil breaks this he is tumed
out and never allowed to return. We are
so busy that we have no time to bother
with pupils who are not In earnest In
their work."
Professor Mllner has four assistants.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Alderson. Mrs. J. B.
Comstock and Mrs. Mary Leonard.
Among them the pupils are evenly divided
but there is no attempt at forming
classes. The work Is -all individual. No
other method is possible becuuse of the
Irregular attendance. A pupil may come
as many or as few nights each week as
he desires. Last year the attetndance
reached SCO and Professor Mllner expects
It to be as high this Winter. If It fe.
more teachers will have to be employed.
Night schools are also In session at the
Williams-Avenue and Sunnysldc school
houses, with an attendance of about 35
Frenzied Finance and Extravagance
Limited to a Few of the Companies.
PORTLAND. Oct. -24. (To the Editor.) A
subject of deep and genera! interest at this
time is that of the conduct of life insurance as
brought out by the investigating committee
of the New York Legislature, the press com
ments thereon, and the proposed action of
tho executives of several states to revoke
licenses without waiting the result of pend
ing investigations.
We have heard much during the past year
of "frenzied finance" and Its evil result, but
It bear but small proportion, to the whole
business of our great country, which to trans
acted on a legitimate basis.
There has been "frenzied banking." by
which a few great banks have been wrecked
and their depositors suffered great loss, but
their number Is trifling compared with thoso
unquestionably sound, and no one thinks of
denouncing our banking system on account
of dishonest management of a few.
The pending investigation is showing there
has alto been "frenzied life Insurance" In the
management of a few targe companies, oper
ated on a hlgh-pretsure plan, but It remains
to be hovn -what proportion the companies
Involved bear to the whole, number of com
panies and amount of business transacted.
It Is the legitimate province of the press to
report the evidence brought" out In all In
vestigations and to comment thereon, but un
less" quite well grounded In the principles and
mathematics, of life Insurance, they are -apt
to strike blindly and hit wide of the mark
when dealing with questions of rates of pre
mium, cost of Insurance, adequate reserves,
and surplus. Even the usually accurate Ore
gonlan maken a wild shot in Iti attempt to
define surplus1 and explain the sources from
which it tx derived. Lacking generally In
such technical knowledge, and zealous to
make the most possible for their respective
Journals out of the newest sensation, news
writers have made an indiscriminate attack
on all life Insurance, confounding the good
with the less good, the economical and con
servative with the extravagant and reckless,
causing unnecessary suspicion In the mlnda
of policy-holders and prospective Insurants,
and hampering the efforts of a corps of hard
working agents and solicitors engaged in a
legitimate and very ureful profession.
No one In the profession wishes to excuse
or condone tbe guilt or extravagance of un
faithful official", but so far as yet developed
the charge of paying extravagant salaries to
officers, excessive commissions to agents for
new business, and other kindred evils, will
He only against the management of teas than
half a dozen great companies madly compet
ing ior supremacy.
Nor is there any doubt of the ability of
even those companion to pay the face of
their contract a they mature, their lavish
expenditures serving merely to reduce the
amount' of surplus for apportionment at ma-
lifl feSI Jill
Yearly subscriptions should begin with this number
SS cents a copy. S4.00 a year. Tic Century Co.. Xcif York
J?300,000 Worth of Gold Medal Winners at the Lewis
and Clark Exposition are now offered to yon
The sale begins daily at 10 A. M. in the Oriental
building'. All the Japanese exhibits will be sold. Now
is the time to get a beautiful and artistic
If you want a Christinas present 01 a wedding or
birthday gift buv now and save 400 per cent 2.")
CENTS ON THE DOLLAR is the ruling price.
The beautiful and artistic waxes and manufactures,
the art treasures of Jnpttn are "going for a song."
Now's the time to sing.
turlty ef contracts or termination of Uw de
ferred dividend period.
Excepting then above mentioned, companies
generally pay small salaries to offtven and
moderate commkwlona for new buwinea, and
persons of long service in the proft6n have
always been well aware that the bast results
to poltcy-hoIderH were to be attained la com
panies of the second or third magnitude n
amount of awetu. With ! yearn t
perience and observation in life Insurance
hlH entrance Into the profession beinjr coin
cident with the advent of the km period;
deferred dividend plan the writer of tMa
article feels confident he can poiat out h-y-eral
of the oldest life companies. Hch wtfc
OEsetc materially below the 51f.oiO.(tK mark,
thut have always been and ittill remain mod
els of conservatism and economy in thlr
management, have abstained from "frwfcd"
plan:-, and aa a result have given tmtlraly
satisfactory results to their patronn.
It Is quite probable that the thorough In
vestigations now in progress will remit in
abollllon of not only extravagance ia man
agement, but alsft in eliminating some t
the high-priced Investment contracts, and lay
ing greater stress upon protection to tht fam
ily, the early and more legitimate province of
life Insurance. C E. CAUKIX.
Continued From Page 1.)
been made to him In regard to the dis
posal of his dividends, he said: "I have
heard nothing; said about tho matter,
"Will,' said the questioner, "I did not
know whether anything had been said
About It. It Is now reported that those
who have stock In both the American Inn
and the Exposition are about to decide to
take their dividends from the Fair cor
poration in order to assist In a small de
gree towards overcoming the los sus
tained by the Inn. Has such a question
come up among the stockholders?"
"I doift caro to say anything about
that." replied Mr. Ladd. "It Is a matter
of private business, and I don't wlah to
discuss it."
Judging by the apparent attitude of the
stockholders. It would appear that there
is small likelihood that the land will be
bought for a park, but instead each stock
holder will receive what Is coming to him
as the dividend return for his investment
In Exposition stock.
Charge Is Modified.
"Jolntlo" Hlggens. groundkeeper for
the Portland Baseball Club, who as
saulted Secretary Bon C. Ely, will be
compelled to answer a charge of intent
to commit murder with a dangerous
weapon Instead of assault with Intent
to kill. The former charge Is considered
a more serious one. Although Ely's
condition remains critical he Is thought
to be out of Immediate danger, and as
soon as he is able to leave his bed will
appear against his assailant.
Iitimber Mill Destroyed.
(Special.) Fire destroyed the entire plant
of the Fraser River Lumber Company
here tonight. It was owned by Talt &.
Co. The damage Is $15,000. It was in
sured for half.
Helpless Man Robbed.
"While "Uncle John" Conroy, who con
ducts a small variety store at East Mor
rison and East Twentieth streets, was
partaking of hi3 renast Sunrinv nicht tn-n
young hoodlums entered his prerafsea' and
E IN 1 R
Los Angeles and New York.
ran off with a box of cigars. Mi Cor.ny
is badly t-rinplel with rheitmati-ia ar 1
was utterly helpkvs to prevent the tL-'t
He te a sort of "neighborhood hxt :rr "
and the residents thereabout!! are sr. .it.y
Incenwd over the outrage.
$3.00 Hat
For Style and Quality
. Leads Them All.
Corner Third and Morrison
0 'Sullivan heels of Xew Rubber
are never all worn out. In everj
case they are discarded only with
the coining of new shoes, and then
only because the grateful wearer,
with gratification at having had
more than his money's worth, con
siders it a good investment to ha e
a new pair attached.
oQc, attached, at all dealers.
' Lowell, -Mass.