Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 17, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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1 NT
'Johnson Estate Heirs Accuse
Him of Wrecking the
Declare That as Trustee and Admin
istrator lie Has .Been False to
His Stewardship, All of
lyiilch He Denies.
The. petition of the Tieirs of A. H. John
son for the removal of William M. Ladd.
administrator, reveals a melancholy con
dition of affairs, and a sad shrinkage of
values In the 11 years that Mr. Ladd has j
been trustee for one part of the estate, (
and in the seven years that he has been
both trustee and administrator.
From the looks of things, the heirs will
got little or nothing after debts and ac
crued Interest shall have been paid to
the creditors, chief of whom Is the bank
of Ladd & THton. whose Interest, much
of It at 10 per cent, has been running
nearly a dozen years, through failure or
noglect of Mr. Ladd to pay the debts of
the estate and thus protect the heirs.
As things stand, it will be remarkable
if the estate, which was appraised at
nearly $800,000 11 years ago, and which had
debts of less than 5300,000. will amount to
much or anything after absorption by in
torost shall have stopped. If that time
dhull ever come.
Vast Estate's Biff Loss.
When A. H. Johnson died in 183. he
signed a deathbed trust deed, conveying to
William M. Ladd. In trust, realties ap
praised later at $422,100, to be devoted to
paying Johnson's debts, the residue to be
turned into the estate. The rest of the
estate, outside the trust, was appraised
at $370,452.
Thus Johnson, as the sands of lifo
wore running out, divided his estate Into
ivo parts, one of them In trust to W. M.
Ladd. to be used for meeting obligations;
the other to go to the heirs. Johnson did
this so that his heirs might be protected
from greedy creditors and litigants, and
he thought that the part he conveyed to
W. M. Ladd In trust would stand between
the heirs and grasping creditors and liti
gants. The appraisement, made after
Johnson's death. Indicates that he thought
he was making ample provision for his
dobts; In fact, the appraisement of the
trust property exceeded the debts by 50
per cent.
Debts Draw Heavy Interest.
But, ever since A. H. Johnson drew his
last breath, his debts have been suffered
to draw Interest by Mr. Ladd. and Mr.
Ladd's explanation Is that he has been
unable to dispose of the trust properties
up to this time, without sacrificing the In
terests of the heirs. Therefore, the es
tate has lain between the devil and the
deep sea, as it were, one of the foes
being forced sale, the other Interest.
Since Johnson's death W. M. Ladd has
been trustee of the one part of the es
tate, and since 1898 has been adminis
trator of the whole. Prior to 1S9S Mrs.
Cordelia Johnson, wife of A. H. Johnson,
was executrix. After her death she was
succeeded by W. M. Ladd. It Is now al
leged by Mr. Ladd that much or the
plight of the estate is due to Mrs. John
son's administration, but the heirs aver
that Mr. Ladd was her chief adviser.
Heirs Make Complaint.
The heirs complain that they have no
knowledge of what property Is still in
trust, or what debts still hang against
the 'estate, or wnat Mr. Ladd. as trus
tee, has paid off. or what interest the
debts are drawing, and that, under ex
isting conditions, they cannot learn.
Therefore, they pray for removal of Mr.
Ladd as administrator.
-The petition of the heirs is now before
the Probafe Court, Mr Ladd has made
answer, and the attorney for the peti
tioners Is drawing up their answer. The
hearing of the case, therefore, has not yet
been set.
The most scathing arraignment In the
petition of Mr. Ladd's administration is
that which refers to the payment of a
$17,000 debt to Isam White, who In 1S94.
but a few hours before the death of A.
H, Johnson, attached the southeast quar
ter block at First and Taylor streets. The
property was sold on execution -sale, with
out Mr. Ladd's endeavoring to redeem- It,
though he appraised It at$35,000, and wad
brought in by a company"whlch the peti
tioners believe Mr. Ladd was Interested In
and which transacted no other business
before or after that time. The Johnson
homestead, which was also attached, Mr.
Ladd saved by lending the estate $16,000.
Thus, for meeting: a $17,000 debt Mr. Ladd
suffered the estate to lose a property
which he himself appraised at $35,000 and
caused the estate to incur a further debt
of $16,000. -
Allegations and Denials.
. In the. petition of the heirs and the
answer of Mr. Ladd, the following allega
tions are set forth:
Petition Said executrix (Mrs. Cordelia John
.eon) was hindered and delayed and unable to
settle the affairs of said estate by reason of
the peculiar relations existing between W. M.
Ladd, as trustee, and said estate.
Answer Denial.
Petition W. M. Ladd has been unfaithful
to his said trust and sufltaln6 personal rela
tions to said estate and is claiming: certain
rights therein ... Inconsistent and Incom
patible with a etrlct and Impartial perform
ance of his duties' as such administrator.
Answer Denial.
Petition The appraisement of the estate Au
gust. 1004 (5370.452.27. and in trust to W. M.
"Ladd. $422,100 additional), by competent ap
praisers sworn to appraise 'each separate piece
and parcel of property at Its true and actual
value, was made at a time when real prop
erty was held at much less value than any
time since. v
Answer The appraisement In August, 1004,
was not made at a time when real property
was held at lesa value than at any time wince.
The appraisement made by TV. M. Ladd, ad.
mlnlstrator In 1699. was much less than that
In 1804 and the true and actual values did
not exceed the sums In the latter appraise
ment. Between the two there bad been a
steady shrinkage in values, especially In thoae
of real property. .
Petition W. M. Ladd has entirely failed to
provide for payment of Indebtedness of A. H.
Johnson, from the trust property, notwith
standing the plain duties and obligations im
posed on him In strict confidence by the con
ditions and terms of mid trust, or to relieve
the residue estate (not In trust) from any of
said Indebtedness, but has allowed all said
indebtedness to be filed and established Is
legal claims against said estate, to be en
'forced ac&lnst the residue estate which did
not enter Into the trust.
Answer It Is not true that "V. M. Ladd has
failed to provide for payment of such Indebt
edness or that he has at any time acted spe
cially In the Interest of himself or of Ladd &
Tllton. or that he haa discriminated between
creditors or those interested therein.
r 'Petition Thirty-eight claims (one of Ladd &
Tllton for $189,128.04) were so filed and es
tablished against the estate, aggregating the
icum of 52Gt3.C09.01.
' Answer All the Indebtedness, allowed against
the estate, Including that to Iam White, wan
allowed by W. M. Ladd's predecessor In of
fice. II rs. Cordelia Johnson.
Petition W. M. Ladd, as . trustee and ad
ministrator, has been acting specially In the
Interest of himself and of Ladd & Tllton.
and unfairly with the petitioners and the
other beneficiaries and to their great detri
ment and ions.
Answer Denial.
'Petition W. M. Ladd hai- wrongfully omit
ted to Include the trust property In his In
ventory or to make any explanation from
which the court or the beneficiaries could
know. In what way the estate Is Interested In
the execution of the trust or how W. M.
Ladd Intends to execute the trust.
Answer Denial.
Petition W. M. Ladd Is claiming to be the
absolute owner of all the real property in
cluded In the trust deed and though more
than 11 years hav pawed since the trust
began, he has failed to perform, the con
ditions comprising the consideration for which
the trust property was conveyed to him.
Answer W. M. Ladd at all times has pur
posed earning out the terms of said trust.
Petition Said Indebtedness etlll remains
against the estate and no pirt of It has been
paid except a email portion thereof, under
execution sale, and at great sacrifice.
Answer Denies and avers that he ha paid
from proceed of sales from thta proceeding
the Just and full sum of $52,SC1.G6 and alnce.
K-0.43t1.CO and Is about to pay $15,121-89.
Petition The beneficiaries have been kept In
ignorance of the doings of W. M. Ladd.
as trustee and administrator.
Answer W. M. Ladd. at divers and sundry
times had meetings with the creditors and
ha fully advised them concerning the con
dition of said estate and at all .times, has
endeavored to keep the parties Interested,
fully Informed.
Petition V. M. Ladd. trustee, neglected to
pay a Just debt of $17,000 'against the estate
and suffered Isam White to attach the j?uth
east corner. First and Taylor, two lots and
the homestead between St. Clair and Ford
streets and to force execution sale of the
Flr street property, meanwhile pursuadlng
Cordelia Johnson, executrix .to set up a
technical and costly defense again the at
tachment. Answer Denies that Mrs. Johnson was so
influenced by the defendant and avers that
the was advised by her own attorney.
Petition The First street property was ap
proved by W. M. Ladd in 1809 at KW.OOO. yet
it was sacrificed to satisfy a $17,000 debt and
was bought at execution sale by the Oc
cident Investment Company, organized a. few
days before the sale for the sole purpoe of
buying In said particular lot for speculation.
Said company shortly afterward sold the
property to J. H. Lambert for $30,000 and has
done no further business.
Answer Denies that W. M. Ladd failed or
neglected to protect the Interests of the" estate
or acted In his own Intercut of Ladd &
Tllton or that the Occident company was
organized for the sole purpose aforesaid.
Petition The secretary of the company who
affixed the company's seal to the deed to
Lambert, was one or V. M. Ladd's attorney,
who had acted for him In a former suit.
Answer Denies that the secretary was one
of W. M. Ladd's regular attorneys.
Petition To redeem the Johnson homestead
from execution sale. V. M. Ladd borrowed
from himself for the estate, as trustee. $1G.
004.58. but never attempted to redeem the
First street property and wrongfully allowed
dje same to be acriflced.
Answer Denies that W. M. Ladd wrongfully
failed to redeem the property and averu that
at the time of the sale, he did not have
the means either as trustee or as adminis
trator, to redeem nor could he procure the
money without mortgaging or selling other
properties at great sacrifice.
Petition In sacrificing a property appraised
at $55,000 and borrowing $16,004.48 all to get
rid of an honest debt of $17,000 W. Ladd
has failed to protect the Interests of the
estate and has acted solely in the interest o'qf
himself and of the banking firm of which he Is
a member. He is purjKsely prolonging hVi
Answer All acts and accounts In connection
with the trust property are open to ex
amlnatlon. M. Ladd did not desire to
serve as administrator, but was pressed to do
to by A. H. Johnson and the heirs assented.
Petition Th administrator has so neg
lected and mismanaged the estate that It
has greatly diminished In value from the
time that he entered upon his duties as such
administrator, notwithstanding that thero
has been marked appreciation In value of
like property!
Anstver There has been no,apprec!ation of
any consequence in like property until very
recently. Almost all the delay In closing
the estate has been ocrasloned by the low
price of the landed properties.
Petition The steady decrease In value of
the trim properties Is shown by the. follow
ing reports of Mr. Ladd. trustee: 189S.
$159,414; 1S99. $134,348; 1000. $110,112; 1001,
$110,703; 1003. $9&S93; 1004. $97,177; 1005.
Answer It Is not true that said estate
has diminished In value Id , consequence of
any act or mismanagement of William
Ladd's, nor do his reports show any such loss
or diminution, lie has made sales as fast
as he could and whenever he could get a
reasonable price.
Petition In Washington County the ad
ministrator has been conducting a general
farming business at great loss to the estate
on lands which could have been managed
with much profit.
Answer Thp lands could ,not have been
leased to a competent and responsible per
son and more profitably managed. All
farming operations have been conducted un
der, supervision of a prudent, practical
Petition Unless W. M. Ladd shall be suc
ceeded by some trustworthy administrator,
the Indebtedness and accruing Interest,
coupled with the manipulations, negleot and
mismanagement of the present administrator,
will soon entirely absorb whatet'er now re
mains of the estate, including the property
In trust.
Answer Denial.
Petition The administrator has been un
faithful and has neglected his trust In that
he has taken no steps to ascertain the con
dition of the trust property and has made no
effort to compel the trustee thereof to re
port his acts or to apply the trust property
to the extinguishment of the estate's In
debtedness, and notwithstanding Mr. Ladd
has been acting as administrator for nearly
seven years and as trustee for more than 11
years without any accounting, the adminis
trator has juletly permitted the trust inter
est and matter to slumber undisturbed with
out investigating orvlnqulring Into the acts of
the trustee, to the great loss of the bene
ficiaries of the estate.
Answer Denies and avers that as trustee
he has known at all .times the exact condi
tion of the property and has given his best
efforts to the management thereof, with the
view solely of the faithful execution of his
trust both as administrator and trustee, and
has sold large portions of the trust prop
erty and applied the proceeds to extinguish
ment of indebtedness and expense of man
agement. Petition The Reedvllle farm In Washing
ton County has been operated at great loss,
but If properly managed Is capable of pro
ducing large profits: Its expenditures have
been $0000 In excess of receipts.
Answer Denies mismanagement and the
loss of $6000. and rivers that the farm could
not have been operated to produce any ap
preciable net revenue and that the farm is
In much better condition than when he as
sumed charge thereof.
Petition Mr. Ladd appraised a city war
rant belonging to the estate as of no value,
but subsequently sold it for $200. crediting
his account with that sum and deducting it
from the balance charged against him as
Answer The money received for the war
rant was a gain to the estate.
Petition Wherefore the petitioners ask
that the administrator be removed and some
trustworthy person be appointed in his stead.
Answer Wherefore Mr. Ladd asks that the
complaint be dismissed and that he recover
his costs and disbursements in this behalf ex
pended. In Aid of Miss Loubet,
The following- adtitlonal contributions
to the fund In aid of Miss Anna Loubet,
who is at St. Vincent's Hospital, suffering-
with a broken back, have been
sent to The. Oregonlan: Mrs. Hanebut,
$3; Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson, $1.
Murine Sye itemed Cures Eyes; Makes Weak
Eji esStreag. Seet&M r Fats; 7eest Satan.
Agents for Butterick Patterns November Delineator 15c
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Largest and Best Store
'Willamette" Sewing Machines None Better at Any Price Fifteen Models $15 to $35
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Immense Line of New Mouldings Low Prices
Trunks and Traveling Bags The Largest and Best Selected Stock in the City Third Floor
Women's Suits at $20 to $ 100 Each
Our display of Women's High-Grade Suits
is the handsomest and most extensive
Portland women ever selected from It
embraces every new fashion, every new
material, every new shade Eton, jacket,
semi-fitting and tight-fitting effects
Medium and long lengths Plaited, circu
lar and gored skirts Fancy gimp braid or
velvet trimmed With or without vest
effects Broadcloths, cheviots, serges,
tweeds and mixtures in reseda, mahogany,
wine, hello, gray, red, brown, blue, black
Exclusive and attractive creations from
America's foremost tailors We can please
everyone at prices from $20 to $100
Hundreds of women's Winter Coats, natty styles
and superior values at this popular price
$16.50 -length effects in empire, half fitting,
tourist, English box and pleated styles,
tweeds, cheviots, coverts and fancy mixtures.
All this season's newest and best j r tZf
garments; exceptional value at. yIOJU
The greatest variety of walking Skirts in the
city. Thousands of them in every desirable
Women's Coats at $ 16.50
style and material. New 'effects that cannot be
found at any other store; C1t C(
prices from $5.00 to . JJ.UU
Raincoats the only satisfactory assortment in
the city; tans, grays andolives; English Rain
coats of craveuetted wool materials; immense
variety at prices from $10 to 60
New plaid Silk "Waists, each... $3.50 to 18
New Silk and Lingerie "Waists for evening wear.
Lace and Embroidery Bargains
"White, cream, and ecru Appliques, Bands, Edg
ings and Net-Top Laces
Values to 35c, on sale for, yard. 9?
Values to 40c, on sale for, yard 18 6
Values to 60c, on sale "for, yard.- 25
Values-to $1.00, on sale for, yard 50
Values to $2.00, on sale for, ynr& 59
Black-Spangled Robes, beautiful fi A 9 c
styles, regular $18.50 values fitr.
White and cream Laee Robes, this season's very
best styles; regular $16.50 J fC
values, on sale for p I J
New Lace Spangled Robes; all prices.
French and Round-Mesh Val. Laces and In
sertions; dainty patterns; great values
Values up to 70c doz. for, dozen yards 45 5
Values up to 80c doz. for, dozen yards 55
Swiss and Cambric Embroideries and Insertions,
5 to 9 inches wide; values up to q
35c yard, on sale for, yard C
4-yard strips of Swiss and Cambric Embroid
eries ant Insertions, from 3 to 10 in. TQ
wide; value up to $2 a strip, strip G
New Allover Laces, Nets, Chiffons.
New Dress Trimmings of all kinds.
$ 1 0 to $50 Pattern Hats at Half Price
Take your choice of this season's handsomest imported and domestic creations at exactly
one-half their value Lace Hats, Flower Hats and Satinette
Hats Maline-trimmed beautiful Parisian novelties for dress
and theater wear Hats for wear with tailored gowns This
season's most attractive, high-class headgear Shapes and
trimmings to please everyone Values from $1G up to $50
each Your choice today at
the wonderfully low price of, each
V-2 Reg. Price
Genuine Beaver Hats, in black, navy and castor; round style, tur
Dans ana poke effects; remarkable value today at $1.49
Shirred Silk ready-to-wear Hats, in tan, brown, green, white nn
and navy; turbans and. shapes; great value 37 OC
Japonette Silk Turbans, velvet-bound; all the leading "shades, trim-
. incti witn pompon ana quiii; go nicely witn the hand- CfV
somest tailored gowns p4)
Tarn O bhanters, Tourist Hats and Middy Caps, in great variety.
Misses' and Children's School Hats; best display in the city.
Wash PeaudeSoie Silks 77c
4000 yards of now wash Pea de Sole
Silks for waists, suits, trimming-,
etc.: splendid quality, all the
leading- shades, white, black,
greens, tans, navy, -royal, light
blue, pink, reseda, wine.
cardinal; reg. $1 quality, yj.c iC
3030 yards of new Mummy Silks for
waists anQ shirtwaist suits, plain
and chnngeable colorings In great'
assortment: regular 11 quality,
on sale' at this low price. yd..S5c,
New Plaid Silks and Dres mate
rials for walbts and .suits. All grades.
35c, 40c RIBBONS 23c YD.
SOOO yards of extra quality all pure
silk taffeta and satin taffeta rib
bons, full five Inches wide. In
black, white, cream, brown, navy,
nile, reseda, royal, lavender, red
and other good shades, every yard
regular 35c and 40c value. Buy
your holiday ribbons during this
sale and save money Tour choice
for two dcys only at this
low price oC
Sole Portland agents for "Per-
rlns" real French Kid Gloves.
Thousands of View Books of the
Lewis and Clark Centennial on sale
today at less than half price. Every
body should preserve a few copies,
they will prove very Interesting- a
few years hence.
Clc View Booka .... 10c
35c View Book....... jsu
50c View Book..... 25c
All Souvenirs on sale at very low
Linen, Towel, Bedspread Bargains
Great odd lot of ' Table 'Napkins in the very best 4y
grade and patterns, $4.50 and-$5 values, dozen
All our regular $3.50 grades Table Napkins, dozen $2.68
100 dozen bleached Turkish Bath Towels, extra heavy, O 7o
size 26x50 inches; matchless value at this price, each. G
50 dozen hemstitched all-linen Huck Towels; bes,t 40c
grade, for this sale at the very low price of, each O&C
White fringed Bedspreads, full size, best patterns; tf i Al
great value for this, sale at this low price H tO
"White Marseilles pattern Bedspreads, hemmed, fl? e
splendid patterns; unequaled value at this price . .r Jw
23c Flowered Organdies in all the desirable colorings, big variety of c
patterns; great value at this price, yard 1JC
2000 yards of Japanese Crope, in stripes and plain colors: best values we t c
ever offered at this low price 1JC
50c Silk Ginghams, in Scotch plaids, for waists and children's dresses; -jn.
great special value at, yard..-. OOC
35-inch Percales, in light and dark colorings, all new patterns; excep- o
tionally good values at this price, yard OC
Cheviot and Madras Shirting and French Ginghams, in desirable to-,
styles; special for one week at, yard! iC
Silverware and Cut-Glass Specials
4-piece Silver-plated Tea Sets, $12.50 values, for $9.78
Silver-plated Fern Dishes, best styles. $5.50 values 54.38
4-piece Silver-plated Coffee Sets, $17.50 values, for... 13.98
Silver-plated Butter Dishes, our best $4.00 values S3.19
Cut-Glass Nappies, with or without handles, $2 value... S1.56
Cut-Glass Bowls, handsome cut, $11.25 values, for S8.76
Cut-Glass Sugar and Creamer, $10 value at, pair $7.89
Five o'clock teas, brass kettle, great values at, each, 1.38
Nickel Teaspoons, 33 set; Nickel Table Spoons, set.... .62
Nickel Dessert Spoons, 54 set; Nutcracks, each 8d
. t . '
5000 yards of "Shaker Flannel. 31 Inches
wide. Regular 10c values for. yard. 7c
27-inch Eiderdown Flannels In plain
colors. All the leading shades. A
35c values on sale for. yard....&4-C
36-Inch Eiderdown Flannels, in the
very best colors. Regular 50c
value or, yard 3C
Great special lot of 75c Walsting- Flan
nels In stripes, p raids, dots and a a
figured effects, on sale for, yard.4C
Men's natural merino wool Half-Hose",
all sizes. Great value at 2 pairs.. 23c
Men's and! boys' heavy-ribbed Sweat
ers In navy blue and maroon. A
Special at 43 C
Men's wocl ribbed Underwear In blue,
pink and natural, all sizes shirts and
drawers. Splendid value. c ort
garment $1.UU
Men's new colored border hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, full size. Extra c
special value at ..DC
Agents for "Hawes" Hats.
15-Inch Towel Bars, each 37c
lS-lnch nickel Towel Bars Sc
24-Inch nickel Towel Bars 70c
30-inch nickel Towel Bars 8Sc
Nickel Toilet Paper Holdeis 8c
Nickel-plated Soap Dishes 95c
Nickel-plated Towel Rings 0c
Nickel-plated Glass Holders 79c
Great lot of nickel-plated Teapots.
Coffee Pots and Tea Kettles in all sizes
at greatly reduced prices. Accident
aboard steamer caused the brilliancy ot
he finish to be taken off, otherwise the
goods are perfect.
The Meier (3b Frank Store
Women's Flannel Gowns Reduced
Special lot of women's Outing Flan
uel Night Gowns, pink and blue
stripes, fancy braid trimmed, all sizes.
Great values at these low prices.
$ .75 Flannel Gowns $ .49 Each
$1.00 Flannel Gowns $ .89 Each
$1.25 Flannel Gowns S .98 Each
$1.50 Flannel Gowns $1.29 Each
Special lot of fine Flannels for
"Women's and Misses' Underskirts, silk
embroidered edgesr light blue, gray
and black. Regular $1.50 and $1.75
values on sale for, the yard.. $1.18
"Women's Lawn Aprons, trimmed in embroidery edgings, inser
tions and clusters of tucks; very neat, pretty styles,
50c values on sale for OZfG
"Women's cambric - Night Gowns, yoke and Bishop styles, trim
med in embroideries, laces, tucks and insertions, high and low
neck styles. Regular 75c and S5c vahfes on sale for 63
Children's cambric and nainsook Gowns, trimmed in embroid
eries laces and cluster of tucks; ages 2 to 6 years; AQ
75c and' .$1:00 values for ?tW
"Nazareth" Knit Underwaists for children of all ages; keep the
uaua in snape warm ana comioriaoie; special value at..Of?
Sole Agents "La Grecque" Corsets
. Sole. Portland agents for the famous "La Grecque" Corsets.
A French Corset for American women. A model for every
figure. The'most comfortable Corset and gives a perfect figure.
Experts to fit you. Second Floor.
Latest News from the Book Stores
Eugvne Field's nonsense book and Tribune Primer 35j
My Mother Cook Book; great special value 19p
Popular new book, "My Friend, the Chauffeur," Williamson.
"The Man of the Hour," by Octave Thanet, per copy... $1.08
"Webster's Imperial Dictionary, superseding all others. .6.25
"His Version of It," Paul Liecester Ford's new gift book 2
Wild Flower Fairy Book, by Esther Singleton, per copy.. 1.50
All the latest copyrighted books sold here at 1.08
Best Values in Women's Neckwear
Japanese hand-drawnwork Turnover and
Cuff Sets, in hemstitched Lawn, 'JQ
new designs; special at, set O-fC
Silk Four-in-Hand and Windsor Ties, in all
colors with souvenir wording and q
flag embroidered on ends, special. G
White Embroidery Collars, new 3-tab effect,
pompadour lace stock, white, tvs
cream and ecru; 35c values for...
Florodora Scarfs, in Crepe de Chine, assort
ed colorings; 2-yard lengths; plain hem
stitched ends; $2-$2.50 values ...1.69
New arrivals in hand-made Stock and Cuff
Sets, white linen trimmed in ecru appli
que and fagotting 1.75 to 6.00
New Feather Boas, black and colors, all
lengths; new Maline Boa and Muff Sets, rich styles for evening
Groceries Right Priced Here
Phone Private Exchange 4
Buy your Groceries here for one month Compare our j
- txl. ...1.-4, ...... A1railaHa TKo 9
prices witn wnat yoit ore asKea 10 pay eiacwucic uc
saving will go long way towards paying your rent
1 lb. Royal Baking Powder 40c
1 lb. Schillings Baking Powder. .40c
Blue Isabel Catsup 20c
Van Camp's Catsup 20c
C. & B. Lucca Oil. qt 05c
I lk t O!lo Ttaaf ?
1905 all Milcher Herring, keg. .'$1.13
Baker's unsweetened Chocolate. .33c
5-lb. pkg. Domino Sugar 53c
2 pkgs. IL O. Oatmeal 23c
2 pkgs. Force for 25c
G pkgs. Press Matches 23c
S pkgs. Searchlight Matches 23c
32-cz. Jar Hill's Pickles 20c
2 pkgs. Malta Vita 23c
C pkgs Grip Matches 25c
2 jnrs McLaren's Cheose 23c
1-lb. comb Honey 13c
1-lb. pkg. California Figs 10c
S cans Van Camp's Soups 23c
pkgs. Grano Salt 23c
Nabisco Wafers, all flavors 23c
2 pkgs. Graham Crackers 23c
Abetta Biscuits, pkg 5c
I -lb. jar Jam or Jelly 20e
w. & B. Vinegar, bottle 23c
Durkee's Salad Dressing, three
sizes 10c, 23c, 45c
10-lb sack Graham Flour 23c
3 pkgs. Grape Nuts 23e
All foods and provisions sold here
at the lowest prices Basement.
Women's $3.00 Shoes $1,98 a Pair
800 pairs of Johnson Bros. famous $3 Shoes for women
on sale today at $ 1 .98 pair Very
newest lasts in patent leather, vici
kid, velour, boy calf Heavy or light
soles, lace or Blucher styles, all sizes
and widths Shoes for walking or
dress wear Every pair standard $3
value For today only
your choice at, per pair
Complete new stock of J. & T. Cousins
fine footwear for women; all styles
and leathers at prices ranging from,
the pair 3.50 to 6
French, Shiner & Urner's fine Shoes for
men. New Fall and Winter models in
all leathers; prices, pr. from 5 to 6
Children's School Shoes at low prices.
Fall Sale of Tapestries Third Floor
$1.25 quality of Oriental and floral Tapestries, 50 inches go
wide; best designs and colorings, the yard ,..-70C
$2.00 Tapestries, floral patterns, 5 colorings, very r r c
heavy quality, 50 inches wide, great value, the yd. .V "J
$3.50 Tapestries and damasks, floral patterns, beau- pft
tiful colorings, 50 inches wide, sale price, yard
$4.50 Silk Tapestries and Satin Damasks, light color- m r
ings, flora! designs, 50 in. wide, sale price, yard &0JJ
$2.50 Verona Velours, reds and greens, large and l ff
small designs, 50 in. wide, sale price, the yard I J
60c Wide Wale Corduroys, all colors, 27 inches, yard 49
All kinds of Upholstering done by expert workmen. Esti
mates cheerfully furnished for reupholstering old furniture, mak
ing cushions, etc. All work guaranteed. Our prices are always
the lowest. Third Floor Take elevator.