12 THE MORXES'G OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1905. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Oct 10. Maximum tempera ture. 33 dec; minimum, 43. River reading at 11 A. JI.. 3.0 reet; change In past 1.4 hours, fall, 0.4 of a foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since Sep tember 1. 1905. 7.40 inches; normal. 3.o0 inches; excess. 3.00 inches. Total sunshine October 15. 7 hours and 10 minutes; pos sible. 10 hours and 57 minutes. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. t Se. S STATIONS. S Es J 3 ' ' ' c J? Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C. North Head Pocatello...... .. Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City." San Francisco. . . Spokane Seattle Tatoesh Island.. Walla Walla 4tNW 4tSE I Cloudy Snew Clear Clear IPtnCldy. Cloudy PL CIdy. Clear IPU Cldy. (Clear JCleor (Clear Clear (Clear jCloudy (Cloudy (Cloudy PL Cldy. .Mo.ooIicIn . .14410.011 -U5W . HOlO.OOl.. . 5410.00!10W lAAi T I -lIK '. 15410.00! 4W . 0Si0.HU, b . tr.s-in nni 4 N . IOSIO.00 ol NW INW . . 4810.001 C itoinnntu IW !44fo!oi 4SW . .iO-lU.WUIl-li3 . .r,2!0.00!22!W . 1541 i' ( K T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer Is falling: rapidly over West ern Washington, and cloudiness is increas ing in that .locality, but no rain has yet fallen. Light rain occurred during the aft ernoon in Northeast Washington. Southeast Idaho and Montana, and at Bismarck, N. D., snow was falling at 3 P. M. The changes in temperature since yesterday have been unimportant The indications are for rain Tuesday In Washington and extreme Northern Idaho and for increalng cloudiness followed by rain in Northern Oregon and the north central portion of Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the -8 hours ending at midnight, October 17: Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudi ness followed by rain. Southerly winds. Oregon Increasing cloudiness followed by rain north portion. Southerly winds. Washington and Northern Idaho Rain. Southw esterly winds. Southern Idaho Probably fair. AMUSEMENTS. McrZT THEATER td Grand IHLttli-U C. Heillj.rrtiWtnf Morrison Street, between Cth and 7th. Phone Main SOS. W. T. Pangle, Res. Mgr. TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK, Laht Performance Tomorrow Night Special Trice Matinee Tomorrow The Dashing Western Musical Comedy, "The Tenderfoot" With OSCAR FIGMAN RUTH WHITE. 50 Singing Company 50. Evening Prices 23c. 33c. 30c, 75c, $1.00, $1 30. Matinee Prices 23c, 33c. 30c. 75c. $1.00. Seats are now selling. Marram Grand Theater October 10 o 25. With Matinees Saturday and Wednesday. Klaw 8 Erlang'er Co. (Inc.) Production B E IN HUR SEATS ARE NOW SELLING. PRICES. BOTH MATINEE AND NIGHT. Lower Floor, first 12 rows .$2.50 Loner Floor, last rows ...... Balcony, first 3 rows Balcony, 4th, 5th and Cth rows. 2.00 2.00 1.30 LOO Balcony, last 0 rows Gallery, reserved 75c. balance 50c 3o soats laid aside. No telephone orders taken. Mail orders with remittance filled after regular sale opens. Curtain at 8 and 2 P. M. No one seated after the rise of the curtain on the first act. BELASC0 EEUSCO & MATER MOf'S TelepheiM Main 311 Fourteenth and Washington Streets. E. D. PRICE, Genenl Mgr. E. L. SACKETT, Resldmt Mgr. TONIGHT AT 8:13, HITE SECOND WEEK HITTLESEY With the BELASCO THEATER STOCK CO., Presenting E.) 11. Sothern's Success, ''Sheridan, or the Maid of Bath" First Time in Portland. Evgs., 25 r to 73c: Mats Sat.. Sun.. 23c to 30c Next Week WHITE WHITTLESEY In "PRINCE OTTO." BakerTheafer'T&r" Phone Main 1007. YAMHILL AND THIRD STREETS. THE HOME OF MUSICAL BURLESQUE. EVERY NIGHT THIS W.EBK, Matinees Sunday. Wednesday, Saturday. NOTE Bargain matinee Wednesday, 2:15 P. M. 25c to any eat. STAR SHOW GIRLS. Mostly girls wjth lovely faces and exquisite forms and a number of comedians thrown in to make a good measure. PRICES Evening. 25c, 35c 50c. 75c Sun day and Saturday matinees, 15c, 23c, 35c, 50c " ednf-sday matinee. 25c to any seat. NEXT WEEK "The Jolly Grass Widow." Empire Theater Twelfth and Marritcn rbsm Main 117 MILTON W SEAMAN. Manager. EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. REGULAR MATINEE SATURDAY. 2:15 P. M. KLIMT & GAZZOLO'S Romantic Comedy, "JIONKST HEARTS. ALMA HEARN As "Dad's Only Girl" A Brilliant Company supporting the Celebrated Comedienne. PRICES Evening, 15c 25c 35c and 50c; matinee. 10c, 15c and 25c Noxt attraction the dramatic sensation, "WHY WOMEN SIN." THE GRAND The Great Santell 4 La Montg 1 Brccn & Rogers Bessie Tanncrhlll Wlngate Fred Prulnton GrandIwoie General admission, 10c; reserved scats, 20c Dally matinee. 10c to any scat except boxes. Box seats, 25c Sundays continuous. 2:30 to 10:45 "P. M. THE STAR Courtright & Lee Allen Sistem Ida Russell Powers & Treed Harry Clinton Sawyer Frank Confer Staroscope General admission. 10c; reserved scats. 20c Daily matinee, 10c to -any seat except boxes. Box soats, 25c Sundays continuous. 2:30 .to 10:45 P. M. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth PORTLAND VS. SAN FRANCISCO ADMISSION. 35c OCTOBER 17, 18, 10. 20. 21, 22. GRANDSTAND, 25c CHILDREN. 15c Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at box office Daily, 3;15; Sunday. 2:30. NEW TODAY. HOTELAND RESTAURANT For Sale or Exchange A 16-room hotel and restaurant at Ba )cer City for sale at a great sacrifice if sold at once, or will exchange for Port land property or a Portland business. MALL & VON BORSTEL 393 EAST BURNSIDE ST. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm, insurance in Ail Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 202-3 McKay bldffM Third and Stark sta. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO. Special care with children. Parlors 0 and 10. 3423 Washington St. AUCTION SALESTODAY. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 1st su Sale at 10 A. M. C. L. Ford, auctioneer. At Gilman's Auotion Rooms, 413 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. X. Gilman. auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson at 431 Montgomery street at 10 A. M. Sale at 380 Davis su. cor. Park st-. at 2 P. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. & RITE. AINS- WORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, NO. 1 Regular meet ing in Memorial Hall. Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening t S o'clock. By order Wise Master. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. S3. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion this (Tuesday) evenings 7:30 o'olock. Work In the Fellow Craft degree. "All Fellow Crafts Invited. Visitors welcome By order W. M. I. W. PRATT, Sec IVANHOE LODGE. NO. 1. K. OF P. Regular convention tonight at 7:30 o'clock In Pythian Hall, eighth floor Marquam bldg. Visiting Knights cordially Invited. L. E. CROUCH. C. C. FRED P. HOLM. K. of R. and & MARRIED. WAMSLEY-ILLINGWORTH At the home f Mrs. Delphlne Whalen. In Portland, Thursday. Otcobcr 12. Byron C. Wamsley. of this city, and Mrs. Cecil Illlngworth. ef Tillamook. Justice Seton officiating. The bride Is a grand-daughter of the late Dan iel D. Bailey, an Oregon pioneer of 1S45. DIED. BROADWELL At Amity. October 15. Ima, daughter of Clara and the late E. R. Broad well, aged 15 years. HOOVER At Ballard. Wash.. October 10. 1003, T. W. Hoover, father of Mrs. C. W. Bateb eller. Notice of funeral will be given later. KEXWORTHY At his late residence. 7GS E. Pine, October 10, 1005. John Kenworthy, aged 85 yeas. 11 months and 22 days. No tice of funeral will be given later. FUNERAL NOTICES. TAYLOR In this city, at the family residence. 003 IfH st., Rlahard B. Taylor, eond son of Douglas W. and Alice F. Taylor, ased 18 years, 8 month' and 8 days. Funeral services at residence today at 10 A. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. STOUT Friend and acquaintances are re. ppectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices of Ella L. Stout, which will be held at St. Patrick's Church, corner lth and Savler st., at 9 A. M. today. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. BOLINSKI In this city. October 10, 1005, John Bollnskl. aged 84 years. Funeral serv ices will be held this (Tuesday) morning at o'clock at St. Francis" Church. Remains will be shipped tomorrow morning by Zellar Byrnea Co. to McMlnnville, Or., for inter ment. DUNNING. M'ENTEE & GILEAUGH, Suc cessors to Dunning & 'Campion, undertakers and embalm em; modern In every detail; 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD IIOLMAX CO.. Undertakers and embalmera, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. riNLEY & SON. Funeral Director, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady afciJstaat. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNLXG, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assUtant. Telephone East SS. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. Undertakers. Em balmer. 273, Rukhell; East 1088. Lady am'u NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry re paired. Uncle Myers, Jeweler. 143 3d-Alder. A Fine Business Property We are Instructed to sell the fine busi ness property on East Morrison st, be tween Union and Grand aves. This prop erv has a frontaee of 100 feet on Union ave., 190 feet on East MorWson St.. 200 feet on Grand ave., 100 feet on Belmont, having a total frontage of 590 feet. For further particulars see us. MALL & VON BORSTEL 293 E. BURNSIDE ST. GEO. BLACK FUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block Phono Clay 22G. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BUNGALOW GLADE One bloek from Hawthorne-ave. car line, 10 minutes to heart of city; owner grades streets (also parked) and lays cemont side walk. In beautiful neighborhood of fine residenaes; lots $500 on terms; must be sold. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO., 222 Falling Building. FOR SALE On Irving street, a comfortable heme In excellent condition and modern In ever' respect. To the owner we assure pleas ant surroundings, high-grade Improve ments, unexcelled car service and thor ough satisfaction. Call at the bank for full particulars. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 100 Third Street. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 100x100. 10-ROOM noufe. moaern conveniences, electric lights furnace, small barn, fruit trees, shrubbery 3 blocks of 2 car llnfe; $4000; easy terms. Address Owner, F S3. Oregonlan. HERE'S A BARGAIN 7-ROOM MODERN nouse on iuuxiuo ground; torraced and only one-half block from a car line; $300 cash balance monthly, name as rent. Western Land Co., 24SV4 Stark sU MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. HIGHLAND; Improved streets. sewr, gas, shade trees, etc.; $2200. 3-roora cottage. Lincoln Park Annex. $1150. Residence lots cheap. Own er, phone Scott 3125. 0-ROOM HOUSE. BATH AND HOT WATER. xurnacc ncai; lot ouxibb leet; small barn, fralt and hruhhprv: n jinlonrtM Vima. . If desired; $3500. Hatfield & Smith! 103 tin si. FINE. NEW. MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT- tnr, fa hnititmpnt holi ..rvl ..I Hood. $1750200 down, balance monthly payments, w. jr. cmim, wasmngton 6U FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY IN CEN ter of city; all latest Improvements: in come $2500 a year; for a few days at $18,000; no agents. A 02. care Oregonlan. $2300 LOVELY CORNER LOT AND LARGE mc-iuum ii uuc rcniacncc cistrict, near In. on East SJde: $900 cash, balance cwy lerniB. -au taai join. cor. Main CHOICE HOME 7-ROOM MODERN HniTKR furnace, etc; lot nicely terraced. In a choice location; price $3750; easy terms. Western iano. vo., bultk st. BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE FINEST corner on Base Line road. 152x158 feet 1 djockk. oi wiDcrg iane; owner on prcm Ises. F. A. Vanklrk. FOR SALE MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished: large lot. cUa in East Side. Inquire Owner, 107 6th st. Port land xrunK uo. FOR SALE FINEST LOCATED 3-ACRE tract, Oregon City car line; 0-room house, fruit, berries, running water. N 80, Orcgo- iiia.ii FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. GOOD 5- Toom cottage In North Irvlngton. The Ames Mercantile Agency, ACington blcg. 6ELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a montn; rrom tto.w to -w.uu. bell wood Townsne o. rnont East itch. ' $1400-FINE HOMES. EASY PAYMENTS; 0 oiocKs .uifcuiiLiiu benoou uwner, liw bncr- lotK mag. inone juun 1277. $7500-THREE MODERN G-ROOM HOUSES, close In. yearly Income $000; for terms apply SC000 2 NEW HOUSES. COMBINATION gas-electric fixtures; rents $60. 20th st. x bi, uregonian. ACREAGE NEAR CAB. XJNB. 6 Xross Morrison . briasr. 1Z. HUUrfi. jdjjwauiue. w. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 7 ROOMS. ON CAR line, lawn, flowers, etc.; easy terms. 0S7 Corbett st. GOOD-PAYING PROPERTY ON FRONT ST.; win sen reasonable, juwwtr 17s ioro rc. particulars. FINE RESIDENCE LOT; WEST SIDE; IN good location for jale. Hatfield & Smith, itsij 4 in st. S-ROOM HOUSE AND ONE AQRE, TVBST siae; aft bcs rs.t uwner, 4i Mc Kay biag. FOR SALE REAL ESTATK FEW CHOICE BARGAINS. S-room house. full U btock. Irvlngton. modern home In every respect, cement walks, lots flowers, a goad proposition at $7000; our price $5750. S-roem modern house. Holladay Park Add. elegant home; price only $3S0O. 0-room house, good and modern In every way on East Yamhill: good buy. only $2S50. 5-room cottage. Sunnyside. big bargain, all modern, only $1600; easy payments. 5-rooro cottage. East 35:h M.. near Bel mont: this Is one of the nicest little place In Sunnyside; only $1000. .Choice lot. HeUadays Add., close In; streets all improved. good surroundings; priee only $S50. Orner lot on Tillamook. 50x125; streets alt Improved; lays fine; only $540. 2 lets, best part of Highland; only $650. Acreage on car line In H-aere tracts all Im proved;' plenty of water: this' Is the beat prvpoeitlen in the city; prices range $250 to $100 per Vi-acre, email payment, baL monthly; gravel street, right by place. TAFT & CO.. 122 to 126 Ablngtan btoek. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or ouUias. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co -Inc.- 110 -d U HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO- lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots. In beat portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phena owner. Main 5S5. or call 100 Sherlock bldg. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. HOLLADAY PARK Polished floors, fireplace, all modern con venlenccs; grounds 50x240 feet; Ideal for garden or chickens; no agents. SIS Mult nomah. COME IN; GET PRICES ON THAT CHOICE y-room residence, nearly new. East Asa. near 16th; also choice corner lot. East 15th and Main. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bide. $40 EACH ALL OR PART OF 10 FINE lets, 25x100. near Vernon line. Adjacent lots selling $00 to $300; must realize. US Ablngton bldg. $260 TAKES SMALL NEW HOUSE AND 2 large lots near car line: $50 down, balance small Installments, lib Ablngton bjdg. Houses built on easy psymmts; lots furnished 11 cesirea. commercial Diflg. Alain l&io. FOR SALE NEW MODERN HOUSE. SUN- nysiae. I'none East 4214. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE FINE 33-ACRE VALLEY farm, about 200 acrej bottom land, about 1C0 In cultivation, balance nearly level, part, ly cleared and In gras; gd buildings, lesces and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 cords fir and ash timber: electric llxbt and telephone: dote to rail, churches and schools; 26 miles to Portland: $4.per acre, r will aell part; terms. B 72. Oregonlan. II MDL.ES FROM CITY-FOR SALE OR rent to responsible party, bu acres; WJ acres under cultivation, 5 acres orchard, fine soil, fine bourn, large cement cellar, sewer pipe, running water and spring, good chicken, mllkhouse and barn; renditions to right party reasonable. Addrelx H. Trenkman. 460 Clay st. BARGAIN 4 00-ACRE RANCH. 40 ACRES 1M- proved. 200 pasture. 160 timber, all Inclosed. 10-room bouse, barn 40x80. 24-foot wall. 2 miles board fence, issg-dlstance telephone; 17 cows. 6 2-year-olde, span horses, wagon. 45 tons hay. 10 miles from S. P.. Washing ton Co.; $7000. D. W. Price. Scappoosc. Or. FRED GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to Hettlement; level valley land; no rtone or timber: water and soil first-class. Room 06. Labbe bldg., cor. 2d and Wash. SEVENTY ACRES. PRICE $2100B ACRES cleared. boue and outbuildings, S miles north of Exposition on good county road; terms. Write E SS, Oregonlan. A 20-ACRE FARM ALL IN CULTIVATION; 6 miles from u. u., 1 mue xrom u. w P. & Ry. Co.. $2750; terms to suit. Jno. P. Sharkey. 701 a Of a SEVERAL TEN-ACRE TRACTS IN HOOD River fruit belt; desirable terma. Address Mrs. M. B. Potter. Hood River. Or. FOR RENT 10 ACRES AT MT. TABOR. part in orchard, email nouse. Hart Land Co.. 100 Sherlock bldg. MAKE MONEY IN WALLOWA COUNTY I Ir rigated and dry land. Enterprise Realty Co., Enterprise. Or. TO EXCHANGE. 40-ACRE STOCK AND FRUIT FARM. 15 acres ouim-aied and in meadow. 20 acree more easily cleared. Large burnt tract for outrange. 8 miles good R. R. town; 39 miles oi Portland. Team, cow. chickens. 25 tons hay. grain enough for Winter feed. Will take part In city lots, favorably situated. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder si. EXCHANGE 160 ACRES LAND 1U MILES from railroad; 2 trains daily; Kern County. California, in artesian belt; price. $10 per nere. What have you In real estate, city property? Y 0. Oregonlan. WILL EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS RESTAU- rant. aoing ursi-ciaui oueiness. xor city reaj estate or farm property, value $2000; beat lo catlon; a snap. M 70. Oregoplan. v PORTLAND BUSINESS AND .RESIDENCE property bringing 8 per cent Interest for Los Angeles property, Address G 01. care Oregonlan. ' WILL EXCHANGE GUARANTEED 6 PER cent net goid bonds for Improved city prop erty: Investigate this now. Porter. Box 441. CALIFORNIA ORANGE GROVE3 Ex changed for Eastern property. F. M. Slmp mo & Co.. Los Angeles. Cat. TEACHER WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF piano exchange for use of It; no children. W 0. Oregonlan. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. GUARANTEED SCRIP FOR ALL KINDS OF Government land, surveyed and unsurveyed; lowest prices. Moulton & Seobey, Columbia bldg., 365 Washington st. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDZ. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, publls land prxc tlc. Collins Land Co.. Stearne bide WANTED REAL ESTATE. TO BUY OR RENT ABOUT ONE ACRE with small house, in suburbs. A HI, Orego nlan. WANT TO BUY HOUSE ON 2 OR 3 LOTS; easy terms. L 92. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE KNOW OF ABOUT 100 FINE TIMBER claims or homesteads that have been over looked, close to tidewater. Full particular. H. Ilenker, itn st. FOR SALE. Horse, Vehlckles, Etc FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE hides by the day, week or month; harness raddles ana zuo new ana secona-nana rigs for sale or exchange. TomUnson & Cass! day. 211 Washington st. $45 BUYS NICE BAY HORSE 7 YEARS old. weight 1100; $25 buys nice gentle pony xor cnuarcn. can today. Fashion btamcs. -Uth ana Washington. FOR SALE A NICE WAGONETTE OR Ho tel bus: alfio a man of well-matched horses and harness; will sell separate. 455 Alder tu HORSES AND BUtSOIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month; special rates to bust ness nouses. Bin. ana Jiawtnorne. Tel. East 72. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or excnaRxe. Hubert & Hall. 260 Fourth. FOR SALE ALL KLVDS OF HORSES AN5 w axons. 380 water st. FOR SALE SORREL MARE, CHEAP, VERY gentle, i'none Main 3304. Miscellaneous. FOR ALD A SCHOLARSHIP IN A LEAD lng business college In Portland; reasonable alscount. J 73, uregonian. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE tet tinners tools and macblnes. Address Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and & bargain. 224 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE CRITTENDEN HACK OR LAN- dau. In good order. Fashion Stable. 20th and Washington. A $300 SET OF J. C. DEAGAN ALUMINUM chimes for sole, $100. Seth J. Story, 351 ashlngton su. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM- i)r of Commerce, or phone Mala Z34K. FOR SALE. MlftceUaaeess. FOR SALE THE FURNITURE OF A SIX- room flat; been used only -j months; an $85 Davenport bed for $37.50; an oak dresser, cost $16. for 5S.50. etc. Have Iron beds, springs, mattresses, two-door bookcase, lady's desk with three drawers, a Jewel gas range, a steel range, a steel couch, cost $0, will sell for $4.50, and other things In proportion. Address 404 Clay st. Phone Main 04 S7. UO - )l U ROOF LEAKT Cover It wltb Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there Is nolhlc better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will atop small leaks. National Mastic Roofisr Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldr- EDISON PHONOGRAPHS & RECORDS. AT factory prices, delivered tree anywhere on receipt of full amount of retail price; largest stock of Edison records west of the Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Bacag alupL. wholesale and retail. 7SU Mission it, San Francisco. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 10 3d st. FOR SALE STEAM TUG IN GOOD CONDI- tlon, suitable for towlnc barges and rafts. For further Information Inquire at 322 Wor cester bldg. Phone .Main ISMS. FOR SALE. $10 TONGUE AND GROOVE ouiiding 10x12 ft.; Exposition grounds, just below American Inn Gate, St. Helens road. SAFES 2 NEW FIREPROOF SAFES (NOT of our manufacture) very cheap; 5 second hand safes. Portland Safe Co.. 70 6th st. FINE SEALSKIN SACQUE. LARGE SIZE. $100. A Lyons. 310 Washington at. CALIFORNIA OPEN. 100 CASES OLIVE oil. 200 cases wine for sale. FURNITURE OF 3 ROOMS CHEAP RENT $s. 43 First st.. room 20. FOR RENT PLVNOS. 303 MORRISON. COR. 10TH NEARLY NEW upngnt Hailtt & Davio piano to rent, wainut case. HELP WANTED MALE. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCE3SFULT treated; discharges pofltlvely cured In frost 3 to & days; consultation free and strictly confidential; eend for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder iti., entrance 253 Alder st., Portland. BY MANUFACTURING HOUSE. TRUSTY assistant for branch office. $18 paid weekly. Position permanent. No capital required. Previous experience not essen tial. Address Branch Manager. 325 Dear born. Chicago. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TOt EARN $3 cay; alter two month instruction: position guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co.. Plumbing Schools. New York. Cincinnati. O.. SU LouU. Mo. (Free Catalogue.) PARTNER BY CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT Co.. to open office In San Francisco; big It. R. contract and other work to start with; must have $500. Apply at 249 Bum side su Main 3474. WANTED A MANUFACTURING JEWELER. also wanted an engraver and clock man. Ap ply at once or write George R. Dodsqn. Jeweler. $17 Riverside ave.. Spokane. Wash. SEVERAL BOYS TO CARRY SAN FRAN- clsco papers In the evening; must be be twecn 14 and IS years old. See W. Mc Collough. room 7. 253c, Washington. MET and women to learn watchmkx. en graTlnr. jewelers wk; only prac. school for Jewelers; money made learn' g. Walchmkg Ecgrav. School, P. I. blag.. Seattle. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS OPERATOR to manage photo studio in Tacoma. Wash.; recommendations required. A. Gylfe, 003 '.4 Pacific ave, Tacoma, Wash. PACKER AND CLERK FOR WHOLESALE grocery and feed; must be strong, active and experienced; give age and references. P 62, Oregonlan. WANTED SINGERS, PIANISTS. DRAMAT IC people, novelty acts, etc; big salary. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit. 330 ti Mor rison. WANTED A GOOD BOOKMAN. ONE WHO can earn $200 or more per month on a high grade proposition. Addrem M 00, Oregonlan. WANTED HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR mens cast off clothing, old shoes, trunks. Uncle Joe, 50 3d. nr. Pine. Phone Pacific 40. California wine depot: headquarters bakers, csoks. waiters, bartenders. All wines 5a per glaL P. LoraU. 143 4th. Clay 1503. Wanted Men to learn baroer trade; steady practice: expert Instructions. Write for terms, Gtllman's College, 627 Clay sU. S. F. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throusbout ttate to solicit busi ness. Call or write GOT McKay bldg. WANTED SOLICITORS. $3 TO $5 PER cay; salary or comnuuion. uau or write. Room S. Labbe bldg.. Portland. 50 BOLT-CUTTERS WANTED. APPLY AT Oiog., oui ana jigiruva sis. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN; must be acquainted with city. Call bet. 12 and 1. 204 Stark, room 3. LADIES TAILOR. FIRST-CLASS COAT maker. at once. Address Anderson, Blom qulst & Co., Boise, Idaho. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALES- man; rfood references: salary jnu per mo. 20114 Morrison, room 11. WANTED UNION BARTENDER; MUST rpcak German. Apply iiiacK Diamond Sa loon. 234 Yamhill st. SOLICITOR ENERGETIC MAN WHO means business can find good position. Ap ply 40S Washington. WANTED PHARMACIST REGISTERED IN Oregon; a good position for the right man. L 52, Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD REAL ESTATE SALES- man: one wiui ciksicu uu icicnruccs. rw. 81, Orezonlan. nRSTLASS nROIL.BR AND LUNCHMAN. Addrces G. M. CampbelL -220 James su. Se attle, Wash. WANTED A BOY. GENERAL STORE AND errand work. 26S Washington St.. beu S and 0 A. M. AT ONCE 6 GOOD HUSTLERS. MUST BE reiiauie; cnsncu m juiouk. hukiivmh. 01a. $S5 PERMANENT SALARY to reliable men In outside towns. H. iienKer, room o. ,uu Coyne Bro. Co.. New York. Cincinnati. Su Louis, will furnish plumpers on snort notice. ED ZILKE. BLACKSMITH. WANTED- Hansen's Employment Office, 28 N. 2d u WANTED TWO BOYS. HI TO IS: STEADY Indoor work. 40 Front, cor. Davis. SHIRT OR OVERALL CUTTER. MT. HOOD Factory. 2d and Couch. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FEW MORE EARNEST AMATEURS WANT- ea oy loagc giving wn -wi uranauc per formances; fine opportunity for professional experience, oi, , v. ..- AMATEUR ACTORS .DESIRING STEADY work and good salary during Winter see "Manager." suite 32. Lewis bllu. Park and Morrison. WANTE D LAD Y AND GENTLEMEN SO Li enors at once: no experience needed; salary guaranteed. E oi, uregc-aian. EXTRA HOXET WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME or position; no publicity. Address J ST. oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL WANTED FOR DINING-ROOM AND uo-stalrs work. Ho litn su nam 2623. WANTED MILLINERY TRIMMER; -ALSO an apprentice. BepKer. sa ana baimon. LADY TEACHERS FOR CHINESE MISSION, Apply 200 2d u from 7 to 0 P. M. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE Mis sion. 223 2d su; 7:30 to -J.-3U v. ii. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral aoufework. lol East iwn eu WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 787 Gllsan su, near -tn. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 303 nth sU DRESSMAKER WANTS EXPERIENCED skirt hand at 420 Tiiiamoo su WANTED GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK IN small family. 774 Hoyu EXPERIENCED COOK. APPLY 674 EVER ett st. WANTED K1TCH EN HELP. ISO 5TH ST. HELP WANTSD FEMALE. WANTED 1ST-CLASS SALESLADY AND manager for corset and underwear depart ment In one of the leading stores on Puget Sound. Apply N. G. Kaufman at office of Dr. Loeb. 20U Columbia bldg., 363 Wash ington st.. cor. W. Park, beu 12 and 2, or 702 Marshall su after 7 P. M. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY; MA- ternlty cases given special atentlon, private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurses In attendance. Consultation free. X-Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder, entrance 253 Alder su. Port land. LAUNDRY HELP. EXPERIENCED: CHAM- bermaid. houseglrls. waitresses, cooks. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Main 2602. 313 Washington su, cor. 7th, upstairs: COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS and domestics, of all kinds, city and coun try. See out new address. Canadian Par lors. 221H Morrison. Main 1323. LADIES WHO ARE COMPETENT TO TEACH embroidery; permanent, remunerative poav tlon. Address for particulars?, The Needle Craft Shop. 207 Allsky bldg. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN ABOUT 30 years old as housekeeper for gentleman and little girl; must be well recommended. Apply P., room 440. Sherlock bldsr. NOTICE WE HAVE MOVED OUR WOM- an department and branch office from 226 Morrison across the street to 221 Morrison su, room 10. Main 1323. WHITE. CHINESE. JAPANESE COOKS, crew city, out; waltresnefl, chamberworK, housework, farmhands, dishwashers. Drake, 203 Washington. YOUNG LADY GOING TO SCHOOL CAN get board and room In exchange for assist ing at housework; two In family. 311 Sherman sU WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK- ns and general housework. Call 812 Kear ney, beu 24th and 23th sts. Telephone 210. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAI3N ers, cnamDermaius. general worxera. su Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY -REPRB- entatlvea In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED SEWERS ON cloaks. and suits In our alteration: depart ment. Sllverfield Co.. 4th and Morrison. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL first-class family; wage $25; Swedish pre ferred. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED A NICE YOUNG LADY ROOM- mate; one who would teach In Chinese mis sion' evenings. M 02. Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work :n family of two. Cnl forenoons, 35a N. 32d su, Willamette HUeMp. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington at, cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED FIRST-CLASS GIRL. MUST BE good cook; good wages. Apply 554 East Morrison, corner East 13th. WOMAN. ENERGETIC. RELIABLE. TO take charge of viavl office. Call or ad dress room 23, Lewis bide WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; small family: good wages. 571 Jack een. Phone Main 3525. WANTED YOUNG GIRL ASSIST HOUSE- work. sleep home nights, East Side. Call at 457 Rodney ave. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: wages $25. i3u Kearney su Phone Main 2842. GIRL TO DO COOKING AND GENERAL housework, small family. Call after 1 o'clock, 471 Main. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE of little girl 3 yearn old. Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sts. WANTED GIRL FOR COOK AND GEN- eral housework; no washing; good wages. 714 Everretu YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. Meep nome. Apply Hi west raric su im mediately. 395 MORRISON. COR. 10TH GIRL TO WAIT on table and assist with housework; no cookln?. WANTED GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK AND aasist In care of child; small family. 200 Park sU WANTED GIRL TO COOK AND GENERAL housework. 46 Ella su. bet. 20th and 21sU DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF women and surgery. 3d floor. Allsky bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK PART day. sleep at home, wages $12. 651 Kearney. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER AND OF ficeman, thoroughly experienced In rail road and mercantile work, wants position: accustomed to handling correspondence: Al references. K SO; Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT OF- 11 ce man. uooxKctper, casnier, etc, single, very accurate and energetic, de sires position about November 1 or later. Address V SS, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED MAX VISITING PORT- land. 12 years in charge of office work, bookkeeper, stenographer and typewriter; owna No. 0 Remington. C 84. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN WHO has had 17 years business experience, office and outIde work; can furnish best refer ences. Address H 01, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT DESIRES position: capable of taking charge of office or any branch of office work; age 33; ref erences. C 01. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKEEPER. , cashier, etc; 13 years experience; com petent and accurate. Address P. O. box 131. DRUGGIST. 5 TEARS EXPERIENCE, Su burban or country town preferred; large sal ary not expected. E 76, Oregonlan. REGISTERED PHARMACIST IN THE city desires position. B 00, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK, WORK ed In' private family for many years, wants situation In private family, city or coun try: speaks English: has best references; wages $30 and tip. H 00. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS engineer, experienced In all kinds machine work; 'cold storage or brewery work pre ferred; first-class references. H 92, Ore gonlan. I CAN AND DO VARNISH AND ENAMEL furniture, paint and hang paper for less than you can buy the material and do It yourself: estimates free. E 79. Oregonlan. WANTED WORK OF ANY SORT BET. 6 and 11 A.' M.. In exchange for permanent room In private family, by young man start ing ouu L 79. Oregonlan. TOGO. THE JAPANESE HOUSE CLEANING Co.. wash windows, cleaning carpets, etc.. and general labor contractors. Phone Pacific 622. 62 N. Third su YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS Posi tion as school boy; understands housework; speaks English. Address 243 Couch sU, city. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF fice furnishes all kinds reliable help. Henr7 Tahara. 267 N. Everett U Phone Pacific 540. A GOOD JAPANESE BOY WHO KNOWS- how to cook well wants posKIon as school 'boy In East Portland. 60 Russell sU, city. WATCHMAKER WITH TOOLS AND MATE rlals wants position, commission or salary. W, care Pcotman No. 4. Vancouver. B. C YOUNG MAN ATTENDING SCHOOL WANTS place to work for board. Call at Portland Business College, or telephone Main 664. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN fain! a domeetlo aervaBia, farmers also: al klxda of help. Clay M3. 2U8 Everett iU HONEST JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION to do housework and any other kind of work. E 90. Oregonlan. RELIABLE GERMAN MAN WANTS H0U3E cleanlng, office, stoce or garden work by day. Phone Main 1076. GOOD JAPANESECOOK WITH 10 YEARS; experience wishes position In family. K S2, Oregonlan. STATIONARY ENGINEER WANTS EMPLOY ment. can furnish good references. D SO. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION AT general housework. Address P 91, care Oregonlan. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOYS WANT GENERAL housework In city or -country. 264 Davis sU JAPANESE COOK WISHES SITUATION IN bmall family. Address N 90, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION AS SCHOOL boy. S 92, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTE r MALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL- lege wants place to work for board ana room. Q 81, care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ARTISTICALLY' INCLINED would like position with advertiser or de signer. X 00. Oregonlan. JAPANESE. GOOD WOODCHOPPER. WANTS contract to chop wood; call mo at once. Kato, 207 Everett st. POSITION IN GROCERY OR GENERAL merchandise store; young man with experi ence. J 02. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY experienced stenographer: knowledge of bookkeeping. Phone East 430. BY LADY STENOGRAPHER AND A5S1ST ant bookkeeper; 5 years' experience In bank; references. R SI. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE COPYING to do on typewriter, at home. A S3, Ore gonlan. Nurses. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED Hecond girl. Infant's nurse, capable cham bermaid; housekeeper, widower. 230 Yam hill. Main 5413. Dressmakers. LADIES HAVE YOUR SKIRTS MADE TO order; a saving of 25 per cent; a better skirt, better made and stitched with silk. Mrs. Lizzie Kerley, 230 12th U, corner of Main. Domestics: WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. WORK AS nurseglrl. second work or assist In house work. Address 351 Monroe, beu' Rodney and Union aves. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED family second girl; capable Swedish girl, family cook. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. GENERAL HOUSEWORK WANTED BY A good girl, experienced. 234 Lincoln st. Housekeepers. REFINED. EDUCATED. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires situation an housekeeper, companion to Invalid or housework. Ilzht place. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. AS HOUSEKEEPER IN SMALL FAMILY or to widower with one child. German widow 36 years of age wants position; Is very good cook. L 84. Oregonlan. WANTEDSITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER In hotel or to take charge of roomlnx house; can give cash bond. D 00. Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE. MIDDLE aged woman as housekeeper for widower's family. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE keeper. E 01, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY WANTS STEADY POSITION to work ia office; no objection to laundry, real estate or doctor's office; $2 a day re quired; but the. place must be respectable. Phone Black 1073. SITUATION WANTED BY WIDOW. 33 years of age. with 10 years' experience In hospital college or some other large In stitution as housekeeper or kitchen leader. K 84. Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR WAITRESSES, chambermaids, cooks, dishwashers, house work help, offices, factories, laundry. Drake'a. 205 Washington. GOOD JAPANESE GIRL WANTS SITUA tlon where, she can attend the night school. Japanese Mission. Phone Clay S54. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED girl: strictly chamber-work, first-class place. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. A DOLLS' HOSPITAL HEADLESS. WIG- lew. eyelfM and legleos dollscared for. Cor. Yamhill and West Park. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY DESIRES Po sition; small town preferred; wages reason able. E S3. Oregonlan. BY WOMAN. WITH CHILD 4 YEARS. AS chambermaid 'In hotel; state price. Box 41. Cornelius. Or. DAY WORK WANTED BY REFERENCED woman; $1.50. for S hours. Phorie Scott 719. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Phone Scott 3840. Mrs. S. M. ScotU LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy Ironing. Phor.e Main 3740. POSITION BY YOUNG LADY AS OFFICE girl. H 80. Oregontan. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL "SERMONS by the Devil.'1 The fastest seller on the mar ket: 45 per cent commission; outfit free. W. R. Taylor & Co.. Labbe bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED A GOOD BOOKMAN. ONE WHO can earn $200 or more per month, on a hlgb'Kiade proposition. AdJrcss M 90, Ore gonlan. LADY OR GENTLEMEN SOLICITORS: salary and commission; 10 to 12 A. M. and I to 7 P. M.. room 7. Gilman Hotel. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or fiats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recog nized Institution In Portland, hundreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable quar ters. AVe make no charge whatever, and landlords should take advantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our information blank: leave the reet to us; we will aecure a desirable ten ant; we want houses In all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or aprtment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It to remain long Idle. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 1S5 to 191 1st st. WANTED OFFICE ROOM EVENINGS BY lady with own machine to do extra work for October. November and December; must have light and heat: Oregonlan bldg. preferred: will pay liberal compensation. Address W 01. care Oregonlan. WANTED PERMANENTLY BY 2 YOUNG gentlemen, board only. In a neat and respect able private family. Must be on West Slda and within 5 minutes' walk from The Orego nlan building. E SO. Oregonlan. WANTED PERMANENTLY BY 2 YOUNG gentlemen, board only. In a neat and respect able nrivate family. Miwt be on West Side and within 5 minutes' walk of the Oregontan building. E SO, Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSE kecping rooms not more than 10 blocks from Madison bridge, with gas and bath; West Side; no children. J 01. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND board for family two adults and child of 8 In neighborhood where child could attend Holladay School. D 01, Oregonlan. WANTED-r-TWO OR THREE HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, close in. West Side, by man and wife, no children: permanent, and rent must be reasonable. Phone Main 4080. WANTED BY REFINED YOUNG COUPLE. 2 or 3 unfurnished or partly furnished rooms, centrally located. Address F 02, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. NOV. 1, A MODERN 6-room house, no children; state location and . price; beirt of references. J 82, Oregonlan. YOUNG COUPLE WOULD LIKE BOARD and room In nice private family; walking distance. D 92. Oregonfas WANTED TO RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE north of Hoyt. beU I4th and 20th, West Side. K 02, Oregonlan. WANTED-TWO TO FOUR ROOMS. BASE ment and barn; state price and location. O 91. care Oregonlan. WANTED COTTAGE 3 OR 6 ROOMS. MOD ern Improvements, not far from City HalL R 86. Oregonlan. WANTED 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP-ing- rooms; state price; describe fully. B 92, Oregonlan. UNFURNISHED MODERN 6 OR 7-ROOM house or flat; Wcat Side: permanent. N 66. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED $2000 ON IMPROVED FARM; Al security. 0 per cent, for, 3 years; no brokersy N 83. core Oregonlan. WANTED QUANTITY MODERN BABCOCK hand fire extinguishers; must be cheap for cash. Box 237. city. WANTED FOR ONE YEAR. LOAN OF $0500. good security. 10 per cent interesu P 92, Oregonlan. WANTED 13 TEAMS AT 11TH AND AL der; wages $6 per day. E. M. Skinner. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED INVENTORS TO SEND FOR our free Illustrated handbook, a syn pss of patent laws and regulations. Mile it. Stevens Co., Attorneys. S51 14th sU. Wash ington. D. C. WANTED PUPILS TO TUTOR IN WARD and high ochool atudie?, make-up work or advance grades; coach for examinations, reasonable. 375 11th st. Mips Harter. SMITH BROS. CAN SELL YOUR REAL estate or business, no matter where l cated. Call and eee us. Smith Bros . 122 6th st., cor. Washington. WANTED HOUSEHOLD. HOTEL OR RES- taurant furniture In large or small quan tities at once; highest cash prices pall. Call up Main 504. WANTED TO BUY FINE FURNISHED rooms near business district; state cash price wanted and other particulars. Bex 237. city. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOT II IN J and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 317. I WANT OFFICE DESK. ALSO STANDING desk; want a big old cheap safe, a'.o typewriter. Address J 00. Oregonlan WANTED $5000 WORTH OF GOOD ond-hand furniture, carpets and stoves, t3 ship out of town. K 87. Oregonlan WANTED HOME WITH A WIDOW OR V childless couple for a girl 11 years o'J. Mrs. Gardiner. Phone East 330. WANTED CHILD TO CARE FOR; MOTH- er a care given. Phone Eust 4512. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie of all 8-iids. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. HOTEL PALMER Corner of Alder and Park. A few chclro rooms In this well-known house can nc.v be secured at reasonable weekly pr monthty rates. This hotel Is steam-heated and electrlc-llghted and It Is "downtown It Is central. Free porcelain baths, hot and cold water. Only a. few rooms left lit this desirable hotxse. 330 Alder sU UNITED STATES HOTEL Fronting on three streets. 6th. Ankeny ar I Bumslde: most central location In the cl- : comfortable, clean quarters at economical prices; rooms 50c. 75c and $1 per day, A'l rooms have outside windows and front 3n etreet. Flfth-au cars at depot to within I btock of hotel: hirgest. lightest office la city; steam heat. NEW LANGB HOTEL (EUROPEAN PLAN), cor. 6th and Washington; ratett 5Uc. 75c , ii per day: special rates by the week or month; electrie lights, steam heat, bells and e.e vator; batha free; office rooms for all pur poses, single or en suite; baths and phones on every floor; elegant cafe and bar In con nection. F. Lange. proprietor; Sam Baumaj, manager. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S 3d. bet. Taylor ar.d Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant furnished brick building, steam heat, hot ar.J cold running water In rooms, free baths, rooms with private baths, electric light, elt vator; rooms for two. $1 day. $3..0 wetk. up; reasonable by month; tourists solicited. HOTEL MONTGOMERY. 394 ALDER ST. corner 10th This well-known family hrtrl has opened as a first-class roomlng-hius. with all modern conveniences; rooms cn suite or single, with or without private baths; rates by the week or month. THE ARMINIUS, 410 MORRISON. COR. 11th New brick building, newly furnish.-1. elegant suites and single rooms. -r. lights, hot and cold running water iree baths; no dark halls; rates reasonas'c. 212 7TH ELEGANT LARGE SUNNY ROOMS, steam heat, porcelain baths and all tt.: forts of home; very reasonable prices fcr permanent roomers; 2 blocks from Part. and Hotel. Postofflce and Marquam Grand HOTEL NEW BELMONT GOOD. CLEAN rooms, nicely furnUihed. brick building $2.3u week up; olectrlc light, phone, bath, w spectable house. Northwest corner First ar.l Taylor. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE V three gentlemen; also other rooms for $10 and $12 per month; furnace heat, elec tric light, bath and phone. 16S llth st . near Morrison. FOR RENT NICE. LARGE FURNISHED front room; well lighted, hot and 1 .l water: first floor; 5oe per day; good neigh borhood. 309 Holladay, near Steel trldg. U car. ONE LARGE. LIGHT FRONT ROOM. ITH fireplace and. gas, bath and telephone ac commodations; suitable for one or two gen tlemen; references. 793 Jehnson sU, cor. 21th. WELL-FURNISHED. LIGHT. OUTSIDE rooms, private family; gas, porrcla.n bath, phone and furnace heat; reasonat:? 263 13th st. Main 30S7. LARGE. WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, light and airy, furnace heat and flreplact . modern; 7 blocks from Postofflee; reasonab.e to gentleman. Main 4714. 309 1 ITH TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS, new house, newly furnished; all modern conveniences: reasonable to desirable pa -ties. Phone Main 2426. TWO GENTLEMEN WISHING A NU'E room, within walking distance to bu!"Inc can secure same at 208 14th; reasonable. Main 49S3. 3S5 YAMHILL ST. FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms by week or month, modern conveniences; rates reasonable; transients solicited. THE DORMER. 13TH AND JEFFERSON -Elegant furnished rooms, modern br!ck, steam heat, bath; reasonable. Main 6436. LARGE ROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two men. In private family. $10 a month, at 500 Montgomery sU Phone Mnln 6210 NICE LIGHT FRONT ROOM. $2.50 PER week: 2 windows, furnace heat. bath, rhin.-, private family, central. 304 Yamhill oU MODERN RESIDENCE. WALKING Dis tance; rooms $8 month. Including bath, heat, phone. 202 10th. near Jefferson. FURNISHED ROOMS GENTLEMEN OR business women preferred; phone, gas. fu. nace heat. 364 Taylor, corner Park LARGE. SUNNY FRONT ROOM. GROUND floor; gas. bath, phone. 427 Alder, near llth: suitable for two gentlemen. ROOMS FOR BUSINESS PEOPLE. FOUR blocks south Hotel Portland: breakfast served. Call evenings. 250 6th. 435 YAMHILL NICELY FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite. ga. bath a-;d furnace heat. Phone Main 6501. ROOM FURNISHED YOUNG LADY EM ployed during day in return for her com pany. G 92. Oregonlan. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER ROOMS BY day. week or month; quiet and convenient; rates reasonable. v FRONT CONNECTING FURNISHED ROOM3 en suite or single; bath; rent reasocab.e. 206 1st st. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN, bath and phone; $1.30 to $3 per week 2S0 Park. The Gilman Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland; $1 per week up. 1st and Ald.r. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for couple and gentleman. 175 14th st CLIFTON. COR. 1ST AND COLUMBLV SIN gle and. housekeeping rooms; reasonable. Booms With Board. ROOM WITH BOARD FOR MARRIED couple or two ladles; Nob Hill; very desir able; new; all modern conveniences. R 91. care Oregonlan. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with board; home cooking. English family. 215 12th St.. cor. Salmon. LARGE FRONT SUITE FOR FOUR GEN tlemen or ladles, with board. $25 each. 223 West Park. Main 4613. THE HAWTHORNE ROOMS WITH BOARD, good home cooking; reasonable; central, on car line. 221 13th sU THE ILLINOIS. 168 10TH LARGE AND small front rooms with board; nicely fur nished; reasonable. WANTED A PERMANENT CO UP UK. swell home. West Side, north of Morrison. Q 75, Oregonlan. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. GOOD BOARD, for two men; within walking distance. X 01. Oregonlan. WANTED 2 ROOMERS AND BOARDERS, home cooking, gentlemen only. Inquire 937 Corbett sU THE OZARK. 225 I1TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. 395 MORRISON LARGE FRONT ROOM, running water, also single room, with board. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH board for gentlemen. 526 Columbia su SMALL SUITE WITH BOARD: FURNACE heat, iree phone, bath. Apply 147 W. Park