Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 16, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Trail Attractions for the Most
Part Prove Financially
Big Hostelry Runs Behind ,a Hun
dred and Fifty Thousand Pol
Jars, Leading the List
of the Jjoscrs." ,
The followinc concessions were flnan
clally successful at the levels and
Clark Exposition, and, with the ex
ception of possibly one or. two minor
concessions, the list Is complete:
Princess Trlxle (approximately).. V-M.QUO
Gay Parce (approximately) 0,000
T. W. C A. Restaurant (approx.) 3.000
Infant Incubators (approx.) 3,000
Jloast beef sandwich (approx.)... 1,00
The profits of Ice cream cone. Admin
istration Restaurant, Blsmark
rant and grape Juice concessions Is
Now that the smoke has blown over
from the brilliant closing scenes or the
Leu is and Clark Exposition, a little
more can be learned of the extent of
the lOBses' of the concessions at the
Fair. The amusement features of the
Fair have been as great a failure, as
the Exposition itself has been a sue
cess. From an official source the in
formation has been elicited that the
concessions have lost fully $3u0,00D.
n.i there are those who place the
losses as high as $450,000. J. A. Gor
man, . president of the Trail Associa
tion, says the Trail alone has lost
more than $250,000, out of about a naif
million dollars invested.
Tired of Amusement Trips.
Some people contend that the Trails,
the Midways and the Pikes are a tning
of the pat, the American people hav
ing become tired of them, and that
within a few years there will be
Expositions with no amusement
streets. It is thought by many that
the Lewis and Clark Exposition marks
the turning point, and that they also
will soon be a thing of the past. Oth
ers say, however, that there will never
be an Exposition without an amuse
ment street, and that the Trails and
Pikes have their ups and downs like
everything else. They say that it is
very probable the next large fair held
in trie United States wlu witness a suc
cessful season for the amusement fea
tures. Some say that the vaudeville thea
ters ruined the Trail business as far
as the Portland people were-concerned,
and that the Eastern visitors had near
ly all been at St. Louis, where there
were larger shows. There are those
who say the cool nights killed off the
business, and nearly every concession
aire at the Exposition has a different
theory as to why he did not make a
small-sized fortune. '
Failure to Patronize the Shows.
The Trail has been visited by plenty
of people, situated, as it Is, between
the Government Island and the main
exhibit buildings, but they could not
be enticed or driven Into the shows.
All the arts and wiles of the barkers,
with a few exceptions, failed to draw
the crowds. The thousands of people,
passing to and fro from the Govern
ment building, would occasionally stop
and watch the antics of some frantic
spieler, who was making a strenuous
effort to draw the crowds In fear that
he was slated for the ax unless he did
better, but very few of them would
stop for more than a few minutes. At
night the Trail generally had good
crowds, but they did not patronize the
various shows as they have done at
previous expositions.
American Inn's Big Loss.
The American Inn, the largest con
cession at the Exposition, is also the
greatest loser, being fully $150,000 be
hind the cost of installation and the
operating expenses. There were but
very few days at the Fair that the
American Inn was anywhere near full.
The "$150,000 lost by the American Inn,
falls largely upon local stockholders,
who before the opening of the Fair,
thought they had the pick of the con
cessions. The next largest loser is
probably the Carnival of Venice, which
lost in the neighborhood of $20,039.
Igorrotes Get Out Even.
The Igorrotes have pulled out about
even, but it is not thought that thoy
have made any money to speak of. The
Igorrote Village was the tar attrac
tion of the Trail, and far the last six
weeks of the Fair, did more business
than any half dozen of the Trail
shows. On Portland Day there were
more than 8000 paid admissions to the
Igorrote Village, and on the closing
day there were about naif this many
It is estimated that if the Igorrotes
had got .here "when the Fair first opened
that they would have made fully $50,
Princess Trixle and the Diving Elks
made more money than any of the
very few successful concessions, the
profit being estimated at not less than
$20,000. The Gay Paree made about
-$G000, but all the money George E.
Jabour made in this attraction he sunk
In the Animal Show, which is away be
hind. Tho aeronautic concourse, -which
was also thchight to be a sure winner
before the Fair opened, is out about
Even Fair Japan lost about $2000.
and Klondike Is out at least $8000. The
Haunted Castle and the Trip to Venice
are behind about $5000, as are the Cas
cade Gardens and the Trip to Siberia.
The Streets of Cairo lost a little some
thing It is understood, and the Temple
of Mirth and the Mirror Maze are said
to have pulled out about even. The
concession of the Truscott Boat, Co.
did not make enough clear money to
pay for tho shipping of the numerous
craft back to the East
Audience Shows Its Appreciation at
Auditorium Concert.
Music-lovers of Portland packed and
Jammed the Auditorium at the Lewis and
Clark . Exposition yesterday afternoon to
bid 'farewell to the Ellery Royal Italian
Band, .which has made the musical hit of
the .Fair. The, huge building was crowded
wjth' people until it could hold no more,
it Is no exaggeration-to say that fully
300 people were unable to obtain seats or.
standing-room In the building.
Directly following the rendition of tne
first number on the programme, S!g, Pe
ru Mo, one of the most popular directors
ever in Portland, was presented with a
beautiful solid sliver loving-cup. a gift
from his many admirers in this city. The
presentation was made by Theodore nar
dee. assistant to tho president, and was
graciously acknowledged by Ferullo, who
made a series of grateful bows to tne
audience. It could be plainly seen that
he was deeply affected by the gift, whlcn
voiced appreciation of his efforts to please
Slg. Ferullo does not speak Engllsn very
fluently, but a -brief addresr was numo
by Francois H.. Voitier. assistant man
ager, which follows in part:
"Willie I am a por apology lor a spcecu
maker. SI. Ferullo requests me to ex
press ills heartfelt thanks for this hand
some token of appreciation and admira
tion of himself as an Individual and of
the Ellery Royal Italian Band as a mu
sical organization. Our short stay here
has -been a very pleasant one. and Slg
Ferullo feels highly honored that it should
torminute so felicitously. Mr. Ferullo also
requests me to state that this gift is espe
cially acceptable In that It comes from
the music-lovers of Portland.'
During the entire concert the audience
was particularly enthusiastic, and Slg.
Ferullo was forced by repeated and coh-
"tinued applause to respond with an encore
to every number. It was at the close ol
the Batiste Organ Offertory, however,
that the enthusiasm of the afternoon
reached its climax. As the magnificent
strains of the offertory came to an end.
the audience went wild, cheering, clapping
and stamping in a vain effort to express
Us appreciation and delight- Several ex
tra numbers wore played by request.
The audience seemed almost unable to
say farewell to Jhe band and its inspired
young leader.
Eyes of Eastern llomcscekcrs Di
rected to the Northwest.
PENDLETON. Or.. Oct, IS. (To the
Editor.) I believe that I voice tne
sentiment of this community when I
say that the people of Oregon are to
be congratulated for the success of
the Lewis and Clark Fair. While the
country is comparatively new, yet the
exhibits shown there by tne rortn
west States have -awakened the world
to the importance of this part of the
United States.
It is true that the Fair lias taken
some money out of the rural districts,
but X look for great benefits to come
to Oregon in return for this expendi
ture. People frorj different parts of
tne United States have visited Oregon
this year and have become acquainted
with the state and the people through
thi- Fair, and many of these visitors
will return to become residents within
a few years. The East is filled to
overflowing, and good, substantial peo
pie with means to found homes arc
looking to the West.
Aside from showing the resources of
the Northwest, the Fair has been
great educational feature. Isolated as
tho Northwest is from the great ccn
ters of education, manufacturing, art
and science, this Fair brought all those
great branches of civilization to the
vory doors of the people of the North
west- This feature of the Fair Is alone
worth all the money that the Fair has
cost Oregon.
Whatever we get of " value costs
money, and I feel that Orogon and the
Northwest States have made a good
Investment' in the Lewis and Clark
Fair. It will yield; returns to this
seotlon of the United States for years
to come, in permanent, progressive.
home-hungry settlers, who became ac
qualntcd with the Northwest through
the medium of aho Fair.
Mayor of Pendleton, Or.
Bounteous Harvest to Follow From
the Seed Sown.
DALLAS. Or.. October 12. (To the
Editor.) It Is with the greatest pleas
ure that I congratulate tho manage
ment of the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion and the people of the entire Pa
cific Northwest on the happy inaugura
tion and the successful conclusion of
the Exposition.
The Fair has been and will be of
great benefit not only to Portland and
the people of Oregon, but to the entire
Coast, by calling attontlon-to our vast
undeveloped rcsouroos and our de
lightful climate.
For the last four and one-half
months the eyes of the whole country
have been upon us, and I Believe we
can truthfully say we have "made
good." The seed has been sown and a
bounteous harvest will -surely follow.
Congratulations arc especially due to
the president and the other officers
of the Exposition, who have given us
such a splendid Fair, and who have
by their caroful and economical man
agement shunned the shoals of flnan
ciai embarrassment which has been
the lot of so many former Expositions
of this character.
Mayor of Dallas, Or.
The Delineator for November.
With its introduction of color
through the fashion and advertising
sections, the November Delineator pre
scnts a most attractive appearance.
The Autumn fashions have a largo
place in the number, being illustrated
and described In detail and interpreted
by such authorities of dress as. Helen
Berkeley-Lloyd and Edouard La Fon
The table of content!?, contains, among
Its many features of interest, an ar
tide, the second of two. by Dr. Wil
linm H. Maxwell, superintendent of
schools, 2ew York City, on "Educa
tion for Life Through Living." As
Dr. Maxwell says. "Tho public schools
of today are doing what they can to
enable the children to become better
homemakcrs and greater homelovers.
to be wronger in body and more ready
in application of mind, to problems
both of the hand and head and to dls
cover In themselves new aptitudes and
without which, for "want of verbal
skill, they would be forever dumb
Just what methods they use are set
forth with a great deal of interest
In this article.
The campaign for pure foods which
the magazine Instituted some months
ago is carried on In this number with
an investigation of official milk in
spectlon. Mrs. Abel asserts Ahat san
Itary Inspection is a farce, and makes
a strong plea for rigid enforcement
of the law.
"A Run in Ireland." is a delightful
travel sketch by Seumas MacManus
the well-known Irish author. X. Hud
son Moore, writes of "Tables and
Sideboards" in "The Collector's Man
ual," anrJ-'The Child's Dress" is the
subject of Dr. Grace Peckhnm Mur
ray's paper. "The Romance of a Gos
pel Singer" is a timely contribution
describing some interesting events in
the life of Charles M. Alexander, the
revivalist. "The Lucky-Piece," Albert
Big'elow Palne's novel, which has been
running In the magazine. Is brought
to an end In this number, and "At
Spinster Farm," by Helen H. Winslow.
Is continued. A delightful story of
boy life. "The Exaltation of William
Henry," Is from the pen of Hcrmlnle
Tcmpleton. There is a great deal of
Interest and value to housewives in the
departments, and for the little folks,
stories and pastimes. Including a
chapter of Mrs. Jackson's story for
girls, ""Sunlight and Shadow."
Mtulae Bye Kemfrtr Cures Eyes; Make Weak
Eyes Etreag. Soothes E Pats; Doesa't assart.
(Continued from First Page.)
get away from us," he said, "but, of
course It would not take the entire
surplus for - that purpose. My Idea
would be, and I am sure our firm
agreed with me. to erect a handsome
building on some proper site for per
manent exposition purposes, wherein
an annual Autumn fair or exposition
could be held. The-money in question
could be made the nucleus of a larger
fund to be expended for this purpose
which the merchants, manufacturers
and other business men of the com
munity should raise. The building
should be large, substantial and a
structure of which everyone would be
proud and which, could stand as a
memorial or monument of our first
success the Lewis and Clark Centen-
ial Exposition.
For Fall Expositions.
In the part of this building used
for exposition purposes there should
be a fine showing -unade every Fall
by farmers, manufacturers and mer
chants. It would bring the people of
the Northwest to Portland every year
give them some place to come, and
our people a reason for staying at
home during that season. The city
would be greatly benefited by the in
flux of visitors and the entire North
west would be widely advertised and
benefited through such a medium.
"The building for this purpose could
PORTLAND. Oct. 12. (To the Edl
tor.) The citizens of Portland were
much gratified when President Goode,
of the Lewis and Clark Fair, informed
them on Portland day that there would
b. a profit of from 25 to -10 per cent on
the capital stock of $400,000, whloh, If
25 per cent, would mean 100,000 net
Portland la eadly in need of public
parks. Every one of . aa aleo the
thousands of Eastern people who have
visited our city during the- paat year,
were delichted with the beautiful site
ttc Fair occupied. What more beau
tirul elte for a City Park than, thl
with Guilds' Lake as a center, the
Peninsula heavily planted with trees,
wc would have a perpetual beauty
ground. There would be no walks or
drives to bulk!, for they are all there.
The grand stairway, the rteps at least,
are "built of cement, and will last for
ever. The ornamental work can be re
built with cement. The Forestry build
ing and Its site is already a part of
this project. With Portland Heights
boulevard, then through tho Lewis
and Clark Park our wants for a drive
would be achieved. It would Indeed
be too bad to ee one blade of frafs
or any part of the beautiful nowcr
garden! and the natural forertn there
destroyed. It simply cannot be.
Therefore, as the stockholders of the
Fair when they subscribed the $400,
000 did not wish any 'return. In fact,
could hardly have expected any. It would
be a good plan to donate the profits
of the Fair to buy the land that Is now
comprised la the Iywls and Clark
ground and pretwst the same to the
Park Com ml ml oner. It It requires
more money than this sum, which It
probably will, then raise the balance
by subscriptions or in .some other way.
In order to start this movement, I
herewith Inclose my Lewis and Clark
iock amounting to $100, Indorsed to
the order of The Oregonian Publishing
Company for the above purpose, and
shall be pleased to have you collect and
take care of subscriptions, for I am sure
my appeal will meet with a hearty
response. Yours very truly.
be made as handsome as the people
of Portland are willing to pay for.
The estimate of $180,000 will hardly
be reachod after all the expenses are
paid, but' the amount -will be a sub
stantial one and an encouraging foun
dation for a popular public subscrip
tion. My firm would willingly do Its
share toward such a proposition and
we would only be too glad to see some
such idea take root in the minds of
Jhe people;"
Give to Smithsonian Institution
Julius Meier, of this firm, docs not
express himself in' rogard to the dls
posal of the surplus Exposition fund,
but does say in regard to the disposi
tion of the Forestry building that he
greatly, favors the suggestion made by
J. C Stubbs, of the Harrlman system.
that this beautiful building be placed
near the Smithsonian Institution at
Washington. D. C
"While we all naturally vra 'to
have this beautiful structure here, "I
think it would do Portland more good
there, for it would prove a wonderful
medium through which to tell the
country of our Northwest. There Is
no city in the United States, where
sight-seeing is done on sucn an ex
tensive scale and where It would be
viewed by as many people as there.
It would always stand a monument to
Oregon and the Northwest and make
Americans roalize the importance of
this section of their country.
Congress Might Act.
"The means of moving it? Well.
have not thought much about tho6c de
tails. It might be that Congross would
be moved to make an appropriation for
the purpose, and it is reasonable to be
lieve that the railroads would furnish
the transportation. To havo it set up
after it arrived there would naturally
fall upon Oregon, but it could well af
ford to go to that expense."
Llpman. Wolfe &. Co. are liberal stock
holders In tho Exposition fund. Adolphc
Wolfe was interviewed regarding the ex
penditurc of the surplus for public pur
poses, and gave his personal opinion, stat
ing that he was not at liberty to speak
for the firm without consulting the -other
Some Purpose of Public Benefit.
"Personally. 1 am In favor of expending
this money for any worthy purpose.whlch
will be of general public benefit," he said.
Formerly I was much in favor of pu
ohasing the Exposition grounds for a pub
lie park, but I am now advised that there
arc reasons why they would not be as
useful Tor that purpose as other locations.
The erection of some, kind of a building-
say, for Instance, an art gallery or
museum, or even a historical building
wnicn wouia meet general public ap
proval, and which would be for general
public benefit or good. But I am not In
favor of this expenditure for the benefit
of any particular society or organization
of any character. It should be for the
Oregon public at large."
Monument, to Exposition.
H. C. Wortman. of Olds, Wortman &
King, says that, as far as he is concerned
Individually, he would be more than will
ing (o contribute his share of the dividend
to a suitable monument of the great Ex
position Just ended.
will nave to speak individually,'' he
said, "for our firm Is a corporation, and
its members would have to be consulted
on such a proposition' collectively. But,
speaking personally, I would favor such
a proposition as The Oregonian makes.
To commemorate the Lewis and Clark
Centennial with some appropriate monu
ment or memorial would be a splendid
way to invest the money which the Expo
sition has made, and it would not only bo
an addition to our city's beauty, but
would show the world that we are made ,
of the right kind of stuff. Just what
form the memorial-should assume I will
not venture to suggest, but that is a mat
ter easily decided If the stockholders
agree to expend their money in this man
ner." , Likes the Park Idea.
W. P. Olds, another member of. the firm,
expressed himself as Individually In favor
of expending the fund In the purchase of
the grounds for parking purposes. "I
have not studied any other proposition."
he said, "and would not care to give aa
off -hand, opinion, but the idea of making
a park of those grounds has been dis
cussed very generally . this Summer, and
it strikes me as being advisable. Of
course. I cannot speak for my firm or
pledge it to anything, but I am sure It j
would not hold back in any movement
which was, for the general welfare of tho.
city and the public"
Would Pay the Stockholders.
Henry Reed, secretary of the Lewis and
Clark Commission, says he is "dead
against anything but paying the money
back to the stockholders." Mr. Reed was
the first to take this pronounced attitude,
but his reasons are tangible. He said:
"Tne very best advertisement the City
of Portland could get the very best use
which .could possibly be made of that
money Is to pay It back to the men who
subscribed the stock. They should be paid
as large a percentage of the money they
Invested as possible. It would have a
good effect on Portland and the whole
H. C. Bowers, of the Portland Hotel,
also has some pronounced views concern
ing the disposition of tho fund. He thinks
that the stockholders have already erected
a monument to the city by giving the 70
por cent wnich they wilt not get back to
the success of the Exposition.
"Personally I would favor the Idea of
investing the fund in a park, for a city
cannot have too many parks." he re
marked, "but the Idea of building a memo
rial or monument does not appeal to me
at all. If the stockholders get CO per cent
of their money back, the other TO per cent
is surely enough of a monument, isn't It?
It made the Exposition the success it has
proven, and I think that is enough to ask
of them. It has served to bring Portland
to the front and advertise It throughout
the land, and it doesn't seem fair to ask
any more of the men who put the money
up to accomplish this, does it?"
Xot Decided., ns to "What Is Best.
Jacob Kamm holds stock to theextcnt
of $2000. but would not say what he would
be willing to do until he had looked Into
the matter thoroughly. He did not seem
to be deeply impressed with the idea of
erecting a building of any kind, and said
ne could not give an expression concern
ing the purchase of the Exposition grounds
for park purposes without looking Into the
value of the land and knowing what price
is set upon it.
Henry Hahn. of the firm of Wadhams &
Co.. thinks his firm would have to see
some very good object behind such an ex
penditure before it would enter Into an
agreement of any kind concerning th
expenditure of the fund In question, but
no declined to talk for the firm. "I will
say for myself that parks are always de
slrabU, and every city wants them, but
it occurs to me that Portland has more
parks now than she can beautify. How
ever, I have not given any though to the
disposal of this money and am therefore
not ready to express any views.'
The members of Fleischner. Mayer & Co.
could not be reached last hlght, but as
this firm Is always one of the first to come
forward In any move concerning the cood
of Portland, it Is reasonable to suppose
mat it would enter Into the spirit of any
proposition which the majority of stock-
Holders might agree upon.
xam wessinger, representing the
Weinhard estate, which contrihnt.i
President Thomas Jefferson proposes expedition to Pacific Coast
to George Rogers Clark Dee. 4. 17S3
Thomas Jefferson sends secret message to Congress respecting
West Coast exploration Jan. IS. 1S03
Lewis and Clark expedition started for Pacific Coast May 14. 1801
Lwls and Clark crossed from Louisiana Into Oregon Country.... Aug. 12. 1805
Lewis and Clark arrived at mouth of Columbia River Nov. 7. JS0.1
Lewis and Clark started homeward from Fort Clatsop March S3. 1S0
Captain Clark visited site of Portland and camped on Exposition
sit April 3. ISOe
Expedition returned to St. Louis Sept." S3, 180G
Treaty between United States and Great Britain giving America.
title to Oregon Country i- June 15, 1S1G
Oregon Territory organized Aug. 14. ISIS
International Exposition at Portland first proposed by Daniel
McAllen to Henry L. Plttock Nov. I. Un
indorsed by National Editorial Association.... July 3,1800
Provisional committee of arrangements fJ. M. Lang,, chairman)
organized -Slay 1,1000
Indorsed by Oregon Historical Society Dec. 15,1000
Indorsed by the Legislature of Oregon Fob. 21. 1001
Lewis and Clark Exposition Corporation' Incorporated with $300.-
000 capital Oet. 12. 1001
Capital stock of corporation subscribed Nov. 1001
II. W. Corbett elected president of the corporation Jan. Si. 1002
Capital stock of company increased to $500,000 Feb. 14. 1002
First Informal Inspection of site by directors of Exposition com
pany July 13.1002
Willamette Heights and Guild's. Lake chosen as the site Sept. 3. 1002
Oregon Legislature appropriates $430.000 Jan. 30. 1003
1L W. Corbett. president, died March 31. 1003
Cornerstone of Lewis and Clark monument laid by President
Roosevelt May 21.1008
Jefferson Myers elected president of State Commission May S9. 1003
Corporation elected H. W. Scott president, and U. tV. Goode director-general
., ? July 21.1003
Bill appropriating $2,123,000 Introduced In Congress Nov. 11, 1003
Exposition Indorsed by President Roosevelt In bis annual message
to Congress Dec 7.1003
Senator Mitchell's bill favorably reported by Senate committee on
Industrial expositions Jan. 13. 1004
Senator Mitchell's bill, with appropriation fixed at $1,775,000.
passed by I'nlted States Senate Feb. S. 1001
Contracts signed by Slate Commission for first group of main
buildings March 20. 1004
Bill appropriating the equivalent of $1.0O0.000 in money, souvenir
gold dollars and collected exhibits passed by United States
House of Representatlvps - April 8. 1004
House bill concurred In by United States Senate -...April 8. 1001
President Roosevelt signs Lewis and Clark appropriation act April 13, 1004
Ceremonies incident to breaking of ground for first group of main .
Vulldlngs, April 7. 1001. and May 3. 100-1
II. w. Goode elected president, succeeding Harvey W. Scott.'... .Aug. 3. 1001
Contract for group of Mines and Metallurgy. Machinery. Elec
tricity and Transportation, and Festival Hall buildings let and
ground broken Oct. 1. 1001
Ground broken for United States Government group of buildings. Nov. 15. 1001-
Alt buildings completed and Exposition In readiness for opening. May 5. 1005
Great opening day demonstrations June 1. 1003
Portland Day. at which attendance record Is broken, and the
greatest demonstrations of the Exposition period are made.. ..Oct. 1. 1003
President Goode announces that the Exposition has been a great
financial success, and will end with a surplus of not less than
$120.000.. Oct. 13.1003
Tho end , Oct. 11. 1003
$10,000 towards the Fair fund, was
non-committal when asked last night
what disposition the. estate Intended
to make of Its share of the surplus,
claiming that It was a very difficult
question to decide off-hand, and he had
not given the subject sufficient con
sideration to Justify any opinion.
Suggests Triumphal Monument.
L. Samuel, referring to the editorial in
The Oregonian. says:
"Your timely editorial regarding "In
vesting the $120,000 Surplus," if it Is to
bear fruit, should be acted on most
promptly, while everybody Is In the very
best of humor over the monumental suc
cess of the Exposition. Personally, I shall
consider it a privilege and honor to be
permitted to contribute my share of tha
surplus, either to the purchase of a park,
erection of a suitable memorial building,
or what may possibly be best, to the erect
ing of a colossal triumphal group com
memorating the Lewis and Clark expedl
tIon evcnt ThIs latter plan if adopted.
and with 5120,000 to expend, would produce
something that would assist in ornament
ing our city more than anything else we
could do in any other direction. I am in
clined to believe that the" majority of the
Exposition stockholders are just now in
the some frame of mind, and It would
certainly be a good plan to dispose of the
matter at a meeting of the stockholders
now, while the Iron is hot."
Mayor Lane could not be reached last
night, but It Is understood that he favors
the endowment of an annual rose carnival
In connection with the purchase and main
tenance of a park surrounding the For
estry building.
Methodist Church and Methodist
Church South Indorse It
Through Their Bishops.
A meeting will be held in the Grace
Methodist Episcopal Church this morning
at 10:30 to consider the advisability of the
adoption of a common hymnal by the dif
ferent Methodist Churches of Portland.
Choirs from the several churches and
representatives from the clergy and lay
members will be in attendance and try se
lections from the book that has been sug
cested which Is called "The Methodist
This book ig one lately compiled oy a
body In which equal representation was
given to the Methodist Episcopal Church
and the Methodist Episcopal unurcn.
South. Several months were spent in re
viewing the volumes of sucred music and
an attempt was made to select hymns
most In harmony with the doctrines or
Methodism. Both old and modern airs
are Included In the selections made, only
the best from all periods being taken.
The book has received the indorsement
of the bishop? of both Methodist organi
zations. It has quickly come Into favor
and over 500.000 have already been sold.
Grace Church has Just begun using this
Question Affecting the December
Election In Milwaukic.
A legal question has come up as
to whether Mayor William Schlndler,
of Mllwaukle. will hold over for an
other year, under the provisions of
the new charter, or whether at tho
Dcember election a successor will be
elected. The question also affects two
of the Councllmen. Mayor Schlndler
was elected under the old charter for
one year, as Avere all the Councllmen,
but the charter was amended in sever
al particulars and these amendments
extend the term of the Mayor from one
to two years, and also that of the
Councllmen. If these amendments ap
ply to the incumbents, Mayor Schlnd
ler will continue in office another
yoar, apd two of the present Council
men also will remain.
At Milwaukic. there is difference of
opinion, some holding that the Mayor
and all present city officers were elect
ed to office under the old charter for
one vear. and that the amendments ex
tending the terms to two years do not
apply to Incumbents, but Mayor Schln
dler and his friends think the amend
ments apply to present officers. The
annual election takes place the first
Monday In December, and the question
will have to be settled one way before
that time.
Printers on Sympathetic Strike.
ST. PETERSBURG. -Oct. 15. The com-
nrltnrs of St. Petersburg today ueciueu
to engage in a three days' strike. In sym
pathy with the Moscow strikers.
Fitting Testimonial to Those
Who Made the Fair
a Success.
Given in Honor of II. W Goode in
the Xew York Building, at
Which the Best of Good
Fellowship Is Shown.
There have probably been more brilliant
banquets at the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion this Summer than all the others giv
en in Portland for several score of years.
As all expositions are hosts to more or
less noted men. a great deal of attention,
necessarily, has to be paid to entertain
ing and the meeting of social obligations.
Notable among the many social events at
the Exposition are the banquets given In
honor of Vice-President Fairbanks, and
the Congressional representation, on tne
opening day, and the E. H. Harrlman,
Governor Folk and the J. J. Hill ban
Closing Social Function.
No less fitting than the grand ceiebra
tion of the closing day was the ending of
the social functions of the Exposition late
Saturday night, when the directors of the
Fair gave the -banquet in the New Tork
building in honor of President H. W.
Goode. This was the culmination of all
the banquets and social affairs of the Ex
position, and while not so large as some
of the others given, it was the most bril
liant and the most interesting of them all.
Particular significance was attached to
the Goode banquet, as it was purely an
Exposition affair, and an assemblage of
nearly all of the men who have made the
Fair the success that It Is. Practically all
of those present were or had been con
nected with the Fair, and who had gath
ered together probably for the last time
to honor President Goode and to contem
plate and discuss the remarkable achieve
ment of Portland, Oregon and the whole
Northwest in organizing, building and
holding of a Western World's Fair.
Touch of Pathos at Close.
However there was a touch of pathos to
the holding of the banquet. Inasmuch as
the late Henry W. Corbett. the first pres
ident of the Fair, to whom rightly be
longs the title of the"'Father of the Ex
position," was among the missing mem
bers. As President Goode and H. W.
Scott, the second chief executive of the
Fair, were there to be honored for the
great part they had played in the making
of the Exposition, the absence of Henry
W. Corbett, the man to whom so much
is due, was all the more Impressive.
There were about 40 guests present. The
tables were arranged in rectangular form.
with an opening on one of tho longer
sides. Opposite the opening and In the
center sat the guest of honor. President
H. W. Goode, and on either side of him
were seated Governor Chamberlain and
Mayor Lane. Theodore B. Wilcox pre
sided as master of ceremonies, and opened
the literary programme of the evening
with a few well-chosen remarks, in which
he spoke of the great benefits that would
flow to all parts of the orthwest from
the holding of the Lewis and Clark Expo
Governor Chamberlain's Address.
He then introduced Governor Cham
berlain, who made a very neat address
on the Exposition, saying that the people
of the Northwest would always have rea
son to congratulate themselves upon the
building of the Fair. He also referred to
the loyalty to the enterprise as displayed
not only by Portland and Oregon, but by
the whole of the Pacific Coast States.
"Nobody appreciates more than I the
immense benefits which must be reaped
by this state as the result of the Lewis
and Clark Exposition." said CSovernor
Chamberlain. "They are talking of us
now all over the country and in foreign
lands. The Fair has been a remarkable
and unprecedented success, and the re
sults show for themselves. It represents
the momentous era in the history of the
Pacific Coast."
Talk by Mayor Lane.
Mayor Lane was the next speaker, and
delivered a very appropriate address. He
advocated the proposition of the city tak-
.ng a part of the Fair grounds and re
talning it as a flold for roses In order
that an annual rose carnival might be
held. He also spoke of the grandeur of
the Exposition and predicted a glorious
future for Portland and the rest of the
H. W. Scott Reviews Exposition.
H. W. .Scott was introduced by Toast-
master Wilcox and delivered a highly in
teresting address, which was pregnant
with opportune remarks concerning the
Exposition, taking It from Its very Inclp
lency until the closing day. Mr. Scott
was given an enthusiastic reception when
he arose to speak, and at frequent Inter
vals during his remarks was Interrupted
by applause In recognition of some par
licularly pointed and appropriate state
ment of Interest.
Mr. Scott's speech was more of a review
of the Fair than an oration. He started
at the very beginning of the Fair, giving
Lewis B. Cox the credit for being he
first man to suggest a celebration to
commemorate the Lewiw and Clark oxpe
dltion to the Northwest country. In eu
logistic term? he told of the great part
played by the late Henry w. C'oroett,
when the Exposition was nothing more
than a momentous question which was
being considered by a rather timid and
fearsome people. He said more credit was
due Corbett for the holding of the Expo
sition than any one man, or set of men.
He told how Corbett insisted upon holding
the Exposition when the others were
doubting its feasibility and commented
upon hlg coming to the front to subgtan
tiate his views by subscribing for $30,000
worth of stock?
Hard Fight Before Congress.
Mr. Scott, to whom le directly due the
credit for securing the desired recognl
tion and aid for the Lewis and Clark Ex
position from the Government, told of the
hard fight that ensued when the bill for
the Congressional appropriation passed
the two houses of the National body. Mr.
Scott refused to take any credit for him
fttlf. although without him it Is doubtful
If the Government would have partlclpat
ed to any great extent, or for that mat
ter, have taken part at all. Mr. Scott fol
lowed the progress of the Exposition until
the present time, being aroused to an en
thusiastic pitch in telling of tho success
that had been attained by the Fair. He
also commented on the neighborly feeling
that had been established between Port
land and her sister cities by the united
and whole-souled movement which made
the Fair a success.
He told why his duties prevented him
from continuing aa president when the
work of organization was well under way.
and the great services that had been ren
dered by his successor. President H. W.
Goode. In bringing the Fair to a success
ful and glorious Issue. Toastmaster Wil
cox then proposed a silent "toast to the
Miss Emma Cole Says that Lydia E
Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound has
Saved Her Life and Made Her Well
How many Jives of beautiful younp
girls have been sacrificed just as they
were ripening- into womanhood ! How-
many irregularities or displacements
have been developed at this important
period, resulting' in years of suffering' I
Girls' modesty and oversensitiveness
often puzzle their mothers and baffle
physicians, because they withhold their
confidence at this critical period.
A mother should come to her child's
aid and remember that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound will at thia
time prepare the system for the comine'
change and start the menstrual period
in a young girl's life without pain or
Miss EmmaColeof Tullahoma, Tenn .,
Dear Mrs. Pink ham:
"I want to tell you that I am enjoying; bet
ter health than I have for years, and 1 owa
it all to Lydia E. Pmkham's vegetable Com
pound. When fourteen years of age I suffered al
most constant 'pain, and for two or three
years I had soreness and pain in my side,
headaches and was dizzy and nervous, and,
doctors all failed to help me.
u Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
was recommended, and after taking it my
health began to improve rapidly, and! think
it saved my life. I sincerely hope my experi
ence will be a help to other girls who are pass
ing from girlhood to womanhood, for I knoir
your Compound will do as much for them.."
If you know of any young girl who la
sick and needs motherly advice ask her
to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass..
and she will receive free advice which
will put her on the right road to astrong.
healthy and happy womannooa.
memory of Henry W. Corbett. which wis
drunk by all standing. A ilnt tast
Lewis B. Cox was also drunk.
Toast Drunk to Goode.
Almost immediately afterwards, a sar !-
ing toast was drunk to Preseidnt H W .
Goode, and those present also im!tfd it
giving three hearty and ringing cherrs Li
his honor. Then all sang "For Hps t.
Jolly Good Fellow," and called for Pr -
dent Goode to make an address. A. r
continued applause. President Goode y
and delivered one of the most t'.- .t
and eloquent addresses of the cer.'
He tried to avoid saying anythlrg t -
pllmentary of himself, except that he s 1
he thought he deserved credit for at Lr
one thing the selecting of sm-h an a ' .
thoroughly competent ami efn.ient
of assistants. He gave the greatest rn ;. -
to his staff. AH through his speech T -
was Interrupted by applause. He- j.-
took occasion to speak of the sen.!.'
rendered the Exposition by the r.i'f Ll.
W. Corbett and H. W. Scott.
"Vhnt Mr. Goode Said.
Mr. Goode said in part:
"Special attention should be paid to f
fact that this Fair has been a fr.i-. . H
success. I uo not wisn to oe ini?:.,
sordid, but in this materialistic tla su -
cess usually means financial stu -ts-:
the bank is JlSS.eOO in eokl rash t t -
credit of the stockholders, and wh-n M -
day arrives the amount on deport v, .
probably be 520O.00O. When all ncrrss-
exnenses have been settled, tne g -
cleared and everything done tha: r.
be done, there will be left more t -
51ir.0OO. representing something In cx rs
of 30 per cent on the amount incs:e
Among the speakers were colon- t"
E. Dosch. director of exhibits: Soerci v
Hcnry B. Reed. A. L. Mills. Dan J M -larkev.
Oskar Huber and others VI
spoke In the highest terms of Prra!i
Goode. and many things were also si I
about the Invaluable services of r- tvn
preceding presidents of tho Exposl. :
the late Henry . coroett ana ri,
Scott. "The banquet broke up early sot' :t
the closing exercises couki oe nr. i a
Fire Hccord for Day.
Fire at 2 o'clock yesterday aftrrn"c- at
101 East Washington street, taiscd t- a
defective flue, did a slh?ht amount of
age to th6 T. J. Kreuder collar ti-t-r
The blaze was extinguished with j .t '.
Fire at 6:30 o'clock last nigh. ji at
East Eleventh street, partially burrl a
HA-storv frame building owned bi M.
Bono and occupied by W. H. Phelar, Fire
xvnsc f.msori hv a burnins chimne , T.fs
loss was light.
A small chlmnoy fire at 253 Mad -'trrc.
at 7:20 last night, called out the a-pa"'-ment.
The residence, a two-stor str r
ture. was occupied by several families
Fire caused by the burning of a ri
of curtains In a room at Tt1 Fn-'i
street, at 10:15 o'clock last nigh, wial
quickly extinguished by the departm.t
The trustees of th British Mu?"-- O
expressed their willlngnwi to r
full- selected DhonoRraphk" rec -'ds t t'
vnlcps of distinguished ttvlns r'er Trel
roconls will he for posterity o"i : -1 w 11
no circumstances be avaUaM- t r rr".'
"Wise is he who heels the warn
inr cry npainst heels of hard,
clacking leather and the oiee cf
common sense which calls fir
heels of new rubber.
They are comfort givers, heaUh
preservers and money saers. Be
sure to ask for 0 'Sullivan's, tie
heel of New Rubber, and avoid
dangerous substitution.
50c attached at any dealers.
Lowell, Mass.