Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 16, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Coununc-Rooxn ....... ...... .....Main 6ST
M&s&glnjr Editor Mala C38
Sunday Editor Main 6233
City Editor Main 1M
Society Editor Main 6235
Compot inc-Hoom . Mala 6S5
Superintendent Bulldlnj Red 2823
East ld Omce .East 61
street, between 6th and 7th) Tonight at
8:15 o'clock, tho musical comedy, "The
BEL A SCO THEATER (14th and VVaahWiBton)
-Evenlns at 8:15. W hlte Whittlesey In
"Sheridan, or the Maid o Bath."
BAKER THEATER Thlrd and Yamhill)
Tonight at 8:15. "The Star Show Girls."
EMPIRE THEATER 12th and Morrison)
Tonight at 8:15, "Honest Heart."
.GRAND THEATER fPark and "Washington)
Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. P. M.
To Improve Monument Squaiie. At the
meeting of the Lone Fir Monument Asso
ciation yesterday afternoon, M. L.. Pratt
presiding, It was decided to take action
toward paying off a small indebtedness
and making some needed improvements to
Monument Square, in which the memo
rial shaft stands. The debt was incurred
to build a concrete wall about the block
and in grading the grounds. J. Wv Ogil
bee was appointed a committee of one to
present the matter to the Women's Relief
Corps and ask for their assistance In
paying off the debt, and besides this it
was also decided to ask for additional sub
scriptions. Secretary Ogllbee stated that
the association had expended $3100 In
erecting the shaft and making Improve
ments, and there was a debt of about $200
for recent work. The association author
ized President M. L. Pratt to continue his
efforts to secure some old pieces of artil
lery for corner-pieces to the block, and
he agreed to call on Commander Williams,
of Vancouver, for Information as to
whether suitable cannon could be had.
It was also ordered that the trees and
shrubbery on tho grounds be fertilized.
The association adjourned to meet in two
weeks, at 2 P. M., October 28, at the
same place
Getting Readt for FEtmr. J. E. Brink
and John D. Mann, representing the SU
Johns Ferry Company, accompanied by
City Attorney S. H. Greene, examined the
terminals on both sides Of the Willamette
at St. Johns Wednesday to ascertain the
conditions. In St. Johns it will be neces
sary to improve a street to a connection
with the proposed landing on Pittsburg
street, at the O. R. & N. Railway. Mr.
Brink, who is at the head of the com
pany, has already ordered lumber for the
roadway from the railroad to the landing,
and will start construction in a short
time. The ferry company has accepted
the conditions of the ordinance granting
it a franchise, and it will probably be
passed without amendment at the first
December meeting of the Council. Mean
while the company will go ahead with its
arrangement to install the ferry.
Worca Avoid Extensive Lawsuit.
Four or five propositions will come before
the St. Johns Council this evening, from
private corporations, to put in water
works in that place, and will receive con
sideration. During the last week several
men have called on City Attorney Greene
to get information as to the best way to
get propositions before the Council. The
information has gone abroad that St.
Johns wants a water plant, and these ap
plications for a franchise are the result.
It is the Judgment of the City Attorney
that no franchise can be granted to any
private persons or company until the
franchise of the St. Johns Water Com
pany is disposed of.
Buried bt His Comrades. The funeral
of Jacob Clausen, a veteran of the Civil
War, who died at Mount Tabor, October
10. took place yesterday afternoon from
Dunnlng's undertaking chapel. Interment
was in G. A. R. Cemetery, under tho
auspices of Sumner Post, 12. At the
chapel a brief service was held, and at
the cemetery the -rites of the G. A. R,
were given. Mr. Clausen was CI years
old. Ho was a member of Company C,
Thirty-ninth Illinois Regiment, had an
excellent war record and had been a
member of Sumner Post.
Will Dedicate Mount Tabor Hall.
Head Consul Boak, of the Woodmen of
the World, who will be In Portland three
days In November, will dedicate the new
Woodmen Hall at Mount Tabor. At that
time the building will be completed. It
has cost the small Mount Tabor camp a
strenuous struggle to put up this hall,
but with the assistance of citizens, actu
ated by a neighborhood pride, the struc
ture Is now being finished, 'it takes the
place of Oriental Hall, which was de
stroyed by fire five years ago.
Hip Dislocated. John Kenworthy, who
has been an invalid for several years, fell
a few days ago at his home on East Pine
street and dislocated his hip. So far the
physicians have been unable to replace
the limb, owing to Mr. Kenworthy's weak
ened condition, which makes It unsafe to
administer an anesthetic. Mr. Kenworthy
is a pioneer resident and prominent in af
fairs until his health failed. For some
years he has scarcely recognized his most
intimate friends.
Clackamas Bridge Settles. The bridge
across the Clackamas River at Dstacada
Is reported to be in a dangerous condition.
The sills and underpinning of the north
approach are rotten, and last Tuesday,
after the heavy rains, this end began to
settle. The cost of repairs will not be
great. Nearly half the people doing busi
ness at Estacada used this bridge.
Lents School Opens. Lents School will
open this morning in the enlarged build
ing, H. A. Darnell, principal. Six rooms
have been built, providing a ten-room
schoolhouse. Only part of the new roms
have been completed. This school opens
a month and a half behind on account of
delays Jn completing the annex.
Fire in Collar Factort. Fire .broke
cut yesterday afternoon In the horse-collar
factory of T. J. Kruder, 101 East
Eighteenth street, but the firemen extin
guished it before it spread. The damage
was alout $5. The fire was In the wood
work iout the chimney. The alarm was
turned In from box 243.
Holds His First Services. Rev. B. F.
Rowland, D. D., new presiding elder for
the East Portland district, preached his
first sermons yesterday, in the morning
In Trinity Church, and in the evening in
Sellwood Church. He will hold quarterly
meeting at Trinity Church today. .
Cremation Services. The funeral of
Mrs. Mary E. Peck was held yesterday
afternoon at the Portland Crematorium,
near Sellwood, in the presence of the rel
atives and friends. Mrs. Peck was CI
ears old. She Is survived by her hus
band, O. A. Peck.
Opening Social. The Altar Society of
St Mary's Parish, of Albina, will hold
Its opening social next Tuesday evening,
October 17. Mrs. F. W. Wascher. Mrs.
C T. Smith, Mrs. J. Noonan and Mrs. E.
Chambers were appointed the committee
of arrangements.
Push Club to Meet. The North Irving
ton Push Club will meet tomorrow eve
ning In the building on Falling street and
I'nion avenue, to take further steps for
securing fire protection in that neighbor
hood. Protection for Shaver Schoolhouse.
Three new fire hydrants have just been
placed near the Shaver schoolhouse in
Central Albina. which Is three stories with
a basement.
Last Week of Sale. Cut prices on all
palms and plants: also boxwood and gar
den shrubs. L. G. Pfunder. florist. 427
Washington street. Phone Main 4M.
Attractive Positions, Good Pay.
Boys over 16 years of age can secure
steady employment at good wages by
applying at once 106 Sixth street.
Miss Edith -Kellt, formerly of Chi
cago will receive piano pupils at studio,
494 Morrison street. Leschetlzky method.
Claremont Tavern, Northern Pacific
train, -4:30 P. M., stops at Claremont, re
turning 1:45 P. M.
For Sale. Furniture of a six-room flat,
all new and good. 404 Clay street. Phone
Main 64S7.
uk. &JCQW9U tye && jmlt. Tbe MirtiuiAi
"Ieertni at Large."
Teddy Dantcs ... Marie CrMr
Fanchettc . Cora White
Lola -- 1. Flora Wagner
Geraldlne Footlight
- Elizabeth Ten Brooke
Lieutenant Nelson.... ...Victor Vamont
Catamas .............. Era cr Lambert
Hcrr Krautsmyer Jim Ten Brooke
Lord Doellttle William Carney
Stubby Wright Charles Nichols
Mickey Dooley Tom Nolan
Marines, etc
"Buyinc a Huband."
Dr. Hosier .....Charles Nichols
Garabalda McPod ..........Tom Nolan
Dorothy All cash .-..Marie Croix
Florence Hale Cora White
Bessie .................. Flora Wagner
John Plnchcm Victor Vamont
Willie Chase .W. J. Carney
Sallle Stobblns ..Elizabeth Ten Brooke
Undertaker Casket.. ..Jim Ten Brooke
Undertaker Dirge ...... Ernest Lambert
Professional Invalids, etc
Funny burlesque. Jokes that bring tho
laughter every time, and one of the best
military drills evor given In Portland,
mark the "Star Show Girls' " performance
at the Baker, featuring "Deserters at
Large" and "Buying a Husband." The
manager who picked out the chorus girls
had an eye for the petite that Is beauti
ful, and the girls look as If they were
copies of each other, for they are all
about the same size. The attraction will
hold the boards for one solid week, with
matinee Wednesday, and Judging from the
laughter and applaune yesterday at both
performances. It ought to play to crowded
houses. The scenery Is bright and pleas
ing to the oye, and a novelty that's de
cidedly pretty is the may-pole with col
ored lamps, where electric light playa
hide and go seek at Intervals.
Twelve girls dressed. In military uni
forms and each carrying rifles and bayo
nets present a drill, that in remarkable
for its cleverness and 'precision. The
movements arc of clock-work regularity,
and when the girls suddenly produce from
somewhere a big Stars and Stripes flag,
well the gallery first has a thrill of pa
triotism, and then leads in the applause.
The plot of the first burlesque concerns.
two deserters from the battleship "Ore
gon," two comedians, Charles Nichols and
Tom Nolan, who descend on the stage in
rriuch the same fashion as Frank Daniels
in "Miss Simplicity." and there Is just as
much fun here as in the higher-priced
show. The bogus minstrel show Is a
side-splitter, and Marie Croix and chorus
win in "Prettiest Girl In Borneo." The
song, "Nut Brown Ale." by Victor Va
mont, assisted by a quartet, wins the
house, while the absurdities of Nichols
and Nolan are gilt-edged. The vaudeville
is up to par, W. J. Carney and Flora
Wagner and Marie Clark and Charles
Nichols being especially good.
"Buying a Husband" is a ludicrous
satire on the medical profession. It's
from that burg known as Laughtervllle.
Congregation Elects Officers. Con
gregation Zedeck Talmud Torah elected
officers last night and discussed plans for
general church work for the coming year.
The work of the president and vlcc-prcst-dent
has proven so satisfactory that they
were re-elected to their positions unani
mously. It was agreed by all prominent
members of this congregation that the
administration of Its affairs by the offi
cers of last year was the best in its his
tory, and the synagogue has assumed a
much more satisfactory standing under
tholr management. The new officers are:
D. Nemerovsky. president; L Savransky.
vice-president: M. RIen. recording secre
tary; L. M. Gale, financial secretary: trus
tees, M. Barde. M. Ostrow. M. Gale, L
Goldstoin and J. Rosencrantz.
' Wanted for Bioamt. S. A. Mallory
and Mrs. Lennlc R. Willis -are wanted by
Sheriff Connley. of Washington County,
on a charge of bigamy, and the Portland
police have been requested to capture the
two if possible. Little is known of Mal
lory or of Mrs. Willis, except that tho
former Is CO years old and the latter 2B.
The two left Carlton, Or.. October 2, and
remained at Newberg the same night.
They arrived in Portland the next day,
and are supposed to have escaped to San
Francisco, where it was their intention,
it Is said, to live. Mallory is said rt
great talker and a man of dressy appear
ance. Their antecedent are not known.
Robbed of Her Purse. Purse-snatch-ers
working In the crowd In front of the
Empire Theater yesterday aftornoon
grabbed a Bmall pocketbook from the
hand of Mrs. Nellie Kostler, of Monta
villa, and made their escape in the crowd
before they could be apprehended. Mrs.
Kestler had Just come from the exit -of
the theater when the thieves made a grab
for the pocketbook. She was so taken by
surprise that no outcry was raised. The
purse contained a 3 gold piece and a
cheek made out to herself on the Pacific
National Bank of Tacoma,
Barbers, Attention. The disposal of
the J11E barber chair will take place at
our store this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Be
on hand. Louis Stenger Barber Supply
Co., 151 First street.
Church Increases Membership. Forty-three
persons were admitted to mem
bership In the Taylor-Street Methodist
Episcopal Church.
City Engineer Gives Expense .on
Grand Avenue and Morrison.
City Engineer Taylor has completed es
timates for the fills on Grand avenue,
between Stark and Oak streets, and East
Morrison, between East Water street and
Union avenue. The former will cost 514,
500 to fill up solidly, one-third of which
will have to be paid by the Portland Con
solidated Railway Company, as It lias
double tracks, and the fill on East Mor
rison street Is estimated at $12,300. This
street also has double tracks. The real
cost to the property-owners on Grand
avenue will not be more than an elevated
roadway. This will restore the lost pres
tige of Grand avenue, besides a steel
bridge Is to be built across Sullivan's
Gulch as soon as the matter can be put
in shape.
The filling of East Morrison street will
start snortly. The Pacific Bridge Com
pany has the contract, and will now start
filling along one side, so as not to Inter
fere with traffic on the stfeet.
The cost of the fiU on Grand avenue
will be 25 cents a cubic yard, but the prop-
ert.5iS?"ers on East Washington street
paid 40 cents. On that street, which had
been abandoned for ten years, lota that
were Yl13JI0Mand J2000 are nw worth
$4000 and JoOOO. By the end of November
the planking will be completed and travel
can then use the street.
All tho 'delicacies of the Reason &t
the Portland Restaurant, fine, privato
apartments for parties. Open all night
SOD Washington, near Fifth.
The.25c merchants' lunch for ladles and
gentlemen at the "Prima Cafe, Fifth st.,
between Alder and Washington sts Is
finest In city. Quick service. Try It, "'
If Baby I CutUac Teeth
Be cure and use that old and well-tried rem.
edy. Mrs. WlnsloWa Soothing Syrup. Jor chil
dren teething. It soothe tat child, softest
the cumr. allays alt pain, cures wind colle
and diarrhoea.
Tare food law aro rood. The absolute purity
si ursu-i yaauia us aevsr bctn autaUcata.
"HoBMt Hearts."
Tom Ellison H. B. Carpenter
David Weathcrby E. M. Kimball
Htlbbcn Hlllpln Frank DeLeon
Joshua Julian Derrick
Lacy Holland, Lawrence Williams
Judd Wilson Ralph Stewart
William Golden George Irish
Rose Otborn Josephine Fox
'Lizabeth Weatherby ..Pauline Maddern
lira. Ellison Rose Bernard
Matry Alma Hearn
You hear of theater audiences falling in
love with the hero who smashes- the bad.
bold villain; or when the former rescues
the heroine from drowning; or with a gar
den scene picturing roses and sunshine.
But fancy an audience becoming enam
ored with a plledrlvcr In full action!
That happened at the Empire Theater
yesterday at two crowded performances
of William Roberts' melodrama, "Honest
Hearts," a tale of old Kentucky.
This is the first season of "Honest
Hearts," and it's a thriller from start to
finlPh. It's Just filled to the brim with
rapid action and equally as rapid comedy.
Most of the plot concerns the lovcmaktng
of one Tom Ellison, a constructing engl
Jieer on the United States Government
dock, Cumberland River, and If, he had
had the good fortune to have been satis
fled with the affections of Mntry. the
pretty daughter of David Weatherby, a
typical Kentucky farmer who always
starts his speeches with "Ah reckon," the
melodrama might not have been written.
An adventurer named Rose Osburn. of
Cincinnati, O.. from disturbing motives
of her own. makes warm love to Tom.
Friction begins when an old-fashioned
barn homestead dance I? given In the
second act. Lacy Holland, engineer In
charge of the pllcdrivcr, proves to be the
second disturbing element, and he makes
a dash, at the conclusion of the dance.
at Tom. but of course the latter foils
him. The adventuress sows Jealousy be
tween Tom and Matry. and a death strug'
tilo takes place .between Bad Man Holland
and Tom, In the vicinity of the pile driver.
The latter Is hauled up and down several
times, and descends with successive thud?
just to show it Is up to business. The
villain throws Tom where the plledrlver
should descend. The gallery holds Its
breath. Suddenly Matry tosses Tom aside.
the plledrlver falls and doesn't kill any
body, at which the gallery yells Its de
light. Alma Hearn I? realistic as Matty;
and H. B. Carpenter and Lawrence Will
Jams shine In rapid action work. Julian
Derrick and Frank DeLeon please in com
edy. Tire play Is well staged, but the
plledrlver outshines everything else.
"Honest Hearts" is the attraction at the
Empire, tl'Is weclc
Succinct Statement of AVhat It Has
Bone for Oregon.
Weston (Umatilla) Leader.
While the Leader takes the view that
the Lewis and Clark Exposition has been
chiefly beneficial to Portland, arid has
drained the remainder of the Northwest
of a large amount of money that could
ill be spared. It Is only fair to present the
argument of those who believe that the
Exposition is the forerunner of much
good to the state at large. This Is suc-
clntly set forth in the Pacific Monthly
for October, as follows:
"Only a short time remains before the
Lewis and Clark Exposition will close its
doors, and the great undertaking will
have become history. The Exposition has
been a success. Whether the stockhold
ers will receive 100 cents on the dollar,
or. Indeed, any part of their investment.
Is immaterial, though at this writing it
is stated that the undertaking will bo
financially more successful than any other
imposition which has ever been held. The
peculiar conditions surrounding the Ex
position, however, render financial condi
tions secondary to several other more Im
portant points. Two great things have
been accomplished by this Exposition.
First, and perhaps most important, the
PaciSc Coast has heen more thoroughly
advertised than ever before In Its history-
inousands of people have come to Port
land, and have taken the opportunity of
getting acquainted with the whole Coast.
They have returned East with an entirely
different conception of the West, and It
Is safe to say that perhaps nine out of
ten of such persons will be enthusiastic
about the beauties and possibilities of
this section of the world. A second and
wholly unexpected result of the Exposi
tion has been that, in Introducing the
East to the West, the West has been In
troduced to Itself. California had no real
conception of the great Pacific Northwest,
though Oregon and Washington were well
acquainted with California. The knowl
edge gained will tend to unify and
strengthen the Coast in many direct and
Indirect ways. It is a' well-known fact
that travel Is an Important factor In uni
fying and broadening a nation. As a re
sult of the Fair, therefore, America Is
stronger In Its National life, the future is
more emphasized, more possible, more
"A great work has been accomplished
through the instrumentality of this Ex
position, but it Is only a part of a much
greater problem for this entire region the
problem of settling our extensive arid
lands, which are to be irrigated, with a
desirable class of people, and of carrying
to Its proper conclusion the Immense pos
sibilities In the way of exploitation which
the Exposition has opened up. In reality,
therefore, only a beginning has been
made, though it has been on a large and
successful scale. To fall, however, to
harvest the results of the Exposition
would be a sorry blunder. The advertis
ing secured should be followed up In tho
most vigorous manner. If the greatest
good is to be realized. The West needs
people and manufactures, and to get them
there must be an intelligent, persistent
advertising campaign of the resources and
possibilities of this region, put in an at
tractive form, free from even a sugges
tion of exaggeration or misstatement. In
this matter there is a distinct duty and
opportunity for every community on this
Coast, and as this duty is realized and
performed, so, in a large degree, will the
future of each community be molded."
Four Prisoners Arrested for Disord
erly Conduct Try. to Keep Warm.
Shivering with cold to which they
were unaccustomed, four young men, in
an effort to keep themselves warm and
through carelessness In handling a
match which was overlooked when
they were searched, set fire to the
bed In the City Jail corridor at S o'clock
yesterday morning, but through the ef
forts of the police and the prisoners
the fire was extinguished before it did
Frank Edwards. R. W. Fields. John
Bush, and Joe Bush, after seeing the
closing exercises at the Lewis and Clark
Fair imbibed too freely of liquid refresh
ments and in their exuberance tried to
whip Patrolman Anundson at Sixth and
Morrison at 3 o'clock in the morning.
The officer remonstrated with the cel
ebrators. whom he said were rousing
occupants of the Portland Hotel by
their Commanche outbreaks, when
they attacked him in a body and would
have overcome the officer but for the
arrival of the patrol-wagon with a re
serve force of policemen.
On the arrival of the wayon Anund-
son's assailants tried to escape In car
riages which were standing near, hut
were prevented by the squad of police
men. They were locked up In the
City Jail corridor on a charge of being
disorderly, where their hilarity was
only cooled after they had fired the
Jail bed.
The following is the list of additions to
the Library:
Horning. L. E., and Burpee. L. J.
Bibliography of Canadian tic t ion
(English) Off 016.S23 H51G
Brooke. S. A. Old Testament In mod
ern life.: 221 BST2
Cridge, Alfred Proportional represen
tation 324 CCS
McVey. F. L. Modern Industrialism..
330 Ains
Small. A. W.f and Vincent, G. E. In-
traduction to the study of society..
302 S633
Supervisors of manual arts. Council of.
yearbook. -1M 371.4 SS53
Williams. C L. American student and
the Rhodes scholarship at Oxford
University 37S WIS!
Gill. J. K. & Co. Dictionary of Chi
nook jargon Ol37 G173
Prentys. e. P., and Sasamoto, Kama
taro Japanese for daily use..R495 P327
Bubler; E. TV How to make and use
Induction coils: c 1S92 537 B317
Lewis, G. A., and Hunson. G. B.
Practical treatment of stammering
and stuttering: 1MX5 6167 L674
Shepperd, J. L. Laundry work for use
in homes and schools; 1&6 64S S40
Constable. John Constable and his
Influence on landscape painting: by
C. J. Holmes R B7S5.2 C756H
Bunner. H. C Poems SU B313
Jones. H. P. Comp. New dictionary of
foreign phrases and classical quota
tions : RS0S.8 J77
Alldridgc, T. J. Shcrbro and Its Hin
terland 916.6 A421
Wharton. A. H. Social life In the ear
ly republic 317.53 W533
Young, Ernest Kingdom of the yellow
robe 915.93 Y71
Clark. Galen Indians of the Yosemlte
Valley and vicinity 970.1 C333
Charles Cardinell Returns.
Charley Cardinell, many- years ago a
local resident, and well known to all old
timers as an assistant to his father. Pro
fessor C Cardinell. the pioneer dancing-
master of this city. Is a visitor here, and
notes many changes since he lived In
Portland eight years ago. The many
friends of his father will be pleased to
learn that the old gentleman is still alive.
In Eastern Oregon, and apparently about
In the same physical condition as when
he left here, notwithstanding a severe
paralytic stroke received by him prior to
his departure, and which necessitated his
retirement from the profession of dancing
Siberian Bear for Park.
A Siberian bear, 6 months old. from the
Island of Sakhalin, has been presented to
A soft, white skin gives
charm to the plainest fea
tures. Pears Soap has a mes
sage of beauty for every
woman who values a cle'ar
Sold wherever stores are found.
Cigarette and Tobacco
Habits Cured by
There are many people who have taken
"cures" for the liquor and tobacco "hab
its" who will at once tell you that they
did not receive a cure. These people and
many others would take Trlb if they knew
how easy It Is to receive a cure with Trlb.
If they knew whit a wonderful lmnrove-
ment Trlb makes "upon the general health;
ii iney Knew now many people nave Been
cured and restored to their rlchtful oos-
ses9lons in life by Its use; If they knew
me new me iriD is giving motners. la
thers, wives, sisters, brothers and friends
or people taking It; If they knew that
Trlb Is the one cure that cures with no
bad "after effects." Whv not start now
and lay aside these "habits" and fit your-
ocu up ior mis snort me
We will give you an absolute GUARAN
TEE to cure you with each treatment of
Trlb. It's our tc-av of rlnlnir hualnasn
Price, $12.50.
Ceraer Sixth and Washington Sts.
Sole Distributary
IN BOTTLES Jsrer la Bulk.
Trial slza .......... .35 ceati
Medium sis ..50 costs
Larm six $1.00
A full line of the 1906 models
Electric Pocket and Flashlight. Price ranging from
85 cents to $4.00.
Country orders solicited. Write for circulars and prices.
Fresh Batteries always on hand.
No. 61 Sixth St. Phiae Mils 1ES5 . Portland, Or.
We are headquarters for
French ranges, portable and
brick set; cabinet bake
ovens, fetinned and copper
restaurant utensils, steel
ranges and cook stoves.
PHONE mm 966
Take "S" Carts H. 13tU ud IrriarSts.
the City Park by Captain John Henri
Master, of the Coulson. It will be re
moved to the Park today, it differs from
the American species In Its color, which
is a tawny yellow. The polar bear. Hon
and leopard bought from the Carnival
show at tho Fair will be taken to the
Park today by Colonel L. L. Hawkins and
Herman Lowitz.
Of Domestic Science.
We have secured tho services of Mrs.
Bertha Haffner to give a frco course of
lectures at our store in cooking and
kitchen furnishings. These lectures will
be given dally at 2:30 P. M. Everyone Is
cordially invited.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Hustling young men who want
to rise rapidly, should study at
the college noted for being wide
awake and up-to-the-instant.
W-Ile direct to Dept. 17 for Catalog.
The. Portland I
Do you love good music? You
can select your choice from a port
folio of SCO pieces of popular music
of the world, and Professor Am
sterdam and his Hungarian orches
tra will render It for you.
Everything to eat and drink, and
It costs no more in the
Portland Hotel Kathskeller
than elsewhere In the city. Every
weekday night from 9:20 to 12.
Theie are the only desilsts la Portland who
know and site the American system of paln
Ic dentistry.
FILLINGS 60c, 75c and $1.00
Boston Painless Dentists
Morrison SU. Opp. Meier Frank
and rotofflce.
IIOURS-SO A. M. to 8 I. M. Sunday,
8:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M.
The Terrible SKln Scourge i lUhin. Burning,
Bleeding, Weeping, Crusting. ScaKng?
tlttlB bibles xnott afflicted. No Ie,notfrotiJ
barnlsr.ltchlag. Hoplwa mothers worn oot wlta
we try watching. Tfccro li . (jBlck.poiIUre cure la
Consists ofnariaa Soap, raed'eated, antisep
tic; SlUnbealtk (oinU. to kill huraor germs,
feeal the aVla and. stop ltchlo?, and Skinhealta
Tablets, to expel hmnor germs. MULTI
TUDES OKM OTHERS relr on SUlnliealtb.
treatment with Harass. Soap for Immediately,
TelleTing and qnlctlr cnrlnc all kinds of dlstress
lnr tumors from Infancy to old ape, for beautl
fjlnc the ikta and hair, soothing all lrrlUtleca
a&d tor gisy antiseptic cses. Drscslit.
.Fourth and YVaklflEtoa SU-
XTeslaga. Monday
sad Taursdvy. uaUl S
Fred Prcaa. D. B. ft.
4K- Dtkus Bid.
gchwab Printing Co.
iS So Pain
Merchant Tailors. Fifth and Alder Sts.
Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts. Fifth and Alder Sts.
Remember, we own. operate and maintain a manufacturing plant for tha
making of Ladies Garments, and have the real man tailors to fit you. Tho
Karmenta you purchase In our store will be handled in an expert manner.
You will find no such cquibment elsewhere as we maintain at our store.
We have a splendid line of Silk Petticoats, Dress Skirts, eta, etc.
IISt-(St(l(ttlllllllltllllllflt(ltf Ittltttll
Vhy not buy Monday at TIMMS, CRESS & GO'S
FIRE SALE, 145 First Street, and get Sun-Proof
-Paint, the best made, at less than factory cost
Money saved is money made.
2 We have opened a fully equipped wholesale and retail branch
3 house in Portland and solicit the patronage of the trade and general S
j public. Prescriptions carefully filled Broken Toric Lenses replaced 2
S while you wait.
Kansas City.
133 Sixth Street
too oixw oireec
We Jo crown and brldsework wltnoat pain.
Our 18 yeaV espcrtefic In plata work
sables us to fit yoor mautlx comfortably.
Dr. W. A. Wlss ias found a safa way t
extract teeth absolutely without pais. Dr.
T. P. Wis la an expert at sold fillls
cad crown and brldsework. Extractlss trt
wten pis: or bridges ara ordered,
WISE BROS., Dentists
FaUlar Bulldlnr. cor. Third and Wash. Sts.
Opea cYenlass tin 9 o'clock. Sundays trass
B to 12. Or iUU 2099
DR. Yf. A. VriSJS.
For Our Gentlemen's
265 Gentlemen's
One will be given free with
each order for a gentleman's
suit placed with us today or
tomorrow, Tuesday. You can
place the order for the suit
and have it made up any time
before Xmas, thus getting the
benefit of the free Cravenette
Overcoat We do this to let
every one know at once that
we have Men's Cravenette
Raincoat Overcoats. It is quite
expensive advertising, but it
is the best and most effective
known. All our woolens are
marked in plain figures you
can read the price as well as
we. No purchases at our store
shall cost you one cent if you
are not satisfied.
For Our Ladies'
Suit, Coat and Skirt
200 FURS
One of which will be given FREE
with each Lady's Skirt sold in
our store today or while the furs
last, as we cannot duplicate these
furs now at the same prices, as
furs are high now. We told you
in Sunday's paper that this would
is as ever all garments marked
in plain figures.
Special for Today
60 Empire-style - Coats in tweed, fancy
mixtures, solid colors, etc Regular $15
Coat, today as an AFTER-THE-FAIR
advertisement and starter C7 fl
at half price ?J JjU
Salt Lake.
Dallas. Tex.
Portland. Or.
yregonian Building -