6 THE MORNING OBEGONIAK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1905. W$B Entered at the Postofflee at Portland. Or., as second-class matter. SUBSCKIPTIOJf BATES. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. (Br Mall or Express. Dally and Sunday, per year Dally and Sunday, fix. months... Dally and Sunday, three months. Dally and Sunday, per month... $9.00 5.00 2.55 .55 Dally wlthtfut .Sunday, per year... 7.50 Dally without Sunday, six months 3.00 DntK. trtltinnt Rnnripv. tbrea months.... 103 Daily without Sunday, per month- Sunday, per year..... Sunday, six months ........ -- Sunday, three months". 05 Dally without Sunday, per week .13 Daily, per week. Sunday included...... .0 THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN. (Issued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year L Weekly, six months Weekly, three months ; 50 HOW TO REMIT Send postofflee money order, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the sender's risk. EASTERN BUSINESS. OF11CE. The S. C. BeckwlUi Special Asency-New York, rooms 43-60 Tribune building. Chicago, rooms 510-512 Tribune building. KEPT ON SALE. Chicago .Auditorium Annex. Postofflee News Co., 178 Dearborn street, Denver Julius' Black. Hamilton & Kend rlck. 006-012 Seventeenth street; Pratt Book Store. 1214 Fifteenth street. Des Moines; Ia.-Moses Jacobs. 300 Fifth rtrcet. Goldfleld, N4ov. F. Sandstrom: Guy Marsh. Kansas City. Mo. Rlckseckcr Clear Co., Ninth and Walnut! Los Angeles Harry Drapklnr B. E. Amos. B14 West Seventh street; Dillard News Co. Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh, 50 South Third. Cleveland, 0.-James Pushaw. 307 Superior street. . . - New Yrk Clty-L. Jones' & Co., Astor House. Oakland, CaL W. H. Johnston. "Fourteenth and Franklin streets. Ogden Goddard & Harrop; D. L. Byle. Omaba Barkalow Bros., 1612 Farnam; Mageath Stationery Co.. 1308 Farnam; 240 South 14th. Sacramento, CaL-Sacramento News Co.. 420 .K street. , - Salt Lake Salt Lake Kews Co.. . West Second street South; National News Agency. Lone Beach B. E. Amos. Ban ITanclsco-J. K. Cooper & Co.. 740 Market street; Goldsmith Bros.. 230 Sutter and Hotel St. Francis News Stand; L. E. Lee. Palace Hotel News Stand; F. W Pitt. 1008 Market; 'Frame acoiz, ou Whcatley Movable News Stand, corner Mar ket and 'Kearney streets; Foster & Orcar. Ferry Nett-s Stand. , Washington. D. C Bbbltt Hpuse. Pennsyl vania avenue. . PORTLAND, MONDAY, OCTOBEK 16, 1905. FEDERAL REGULATION OF INSURANCE. There is a growing opinion that the insurance business of the country should be brought under control bf Federal law. But on what basis? Is insurance interstate commerce? True, insurance companies organized in one of our states usually do business in other states. But is this business "commerce." in any accepted meaning of that term? If we go to the dic tionaries we shall hardly find any definition of commerce that includes life and fire insurance. In general, commerce is interchange of goods, mer chandise or property of any kind; trade, traffic, buylrig and selling, or exchange. In a series of decisions, courts of the United States have held, In substance, that insurance is not interstate com merce. Justice Field, writing the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United Stages in Paul' vs. Virgin.ia, 8 Wallace, dealt ith' a case that had arisen in the State Circuit- Court at Petersburg. Va. Pre sentment had been made by the grand jury against an insurance agent for is suing a policy without license required by the statute of the state. The de fendant sued out a writ of error to the Federal Court, complaining that the statute discriminated against all com panies not incorporated under the laws of 'Virginia, and asserting that the statute was an infringement of the power to regulate commerce. Justice Field said: . "The defect of the argu ment .lies In the character of business. Issuing a policy of insurance is not a transaction of commerce. The policies are simple contracts of Indemnity against loss bj' fire, entered Into be tween the corporations and the assured, for a consideration paid by the latter. These contracts are not articles of com merce in any proper meaning of the word. They are not subjects of trade and barter offered in the market as something having an existence and value independent of the parties to them. They are not commodities to be shipped or forwarded from one state to another, and then put up for sale. They are like personal contracts between parties which are completed by their signatures and the transfer of the consideration. Such contracts are not interstate transactions, though the parties may be domiciled in different states." This opinion, it is said, has been reaffirmed by the same court no less than eighteen times since it was first rendered in 1869. It would seem no easy matter, in the face of this statement, to bring In surance under Federal regulation and control. The Supreme Court Is the in terpreter of the Constitution and " amendment of the Constitution, to meet new demands, Is practically impossible, except in supreme crises,, like that of the Civil War. JUST THE FACTS. The Oregonian never has said that Portland wanted or wants any of .the state institutions, or the capital, either. But It has said that the convenience of the people of the state, and the wel fare of the institutions of the state may, in the opinion of the people, call for removal of the capital and instltu Hons of- the state-to .the central city. the city most easily reached from every partffthe -state. Even Salem, a way station on a single line of railroad, where the trains are very- uncertain, when It wants, an outing, invariably comes to Portland. Members of the Legislature, even during the sessions of that body, can't- be kept away from PortlanaV xne uregonian, ior itseir, cares nothing about the matter. Port land, for itself, . cares nothing about It : The Oregoniaii deals only with a' situation and with the facts The great majority of the people of Oregon can't get to Salem without pjassing through- Portland and taking trains nere; ana wnen tney reach Salem they are in a dark,- chilly, muddy and dreary town, -where they don't want to be. Now, .these are facts; and they who have, to 'go to the capital on miblic buslne'ss get out of . the town as soon ajj' they 'Canf In Winter, especially. It is. wVojHy. cHeerless. The hotel accom iripaai6n& are of the rudest; you have towai :in the fog and cold about a miseraiifg dtfpot, outside the town, for trains - ' Iifejpresentingthese facts The Ore aroiilan is -not- saying that Portland wants the capital, or any of the state's Institutions. It merely presents state ments that everybody In Oregon knows to be true; and It supposes that if the people of Oregon wish to remove the capital to a place more convenient to them and more agreeable to them, they have a right to do so. But as to Portland, It Isn't asking for the capital, doesn't need the capital. Still, the. people of Oregon, perhaps, would like to have the capital and the state institutions located to meet their conveniences of travel, and of business, of growth and of progress, and of gen eral accommbdatlon. THE GATEWAY OF TRAFFIC. From Seattle we have it that absolute necessity of construction of the line for the Great Northern and Northern Pa cific on the north bank of the Columbia is demonstrated dally by the congestion of traffic on the Cascade Mountain divi sions ofVthose roads. They can no longer handle- their traffic over the heavy grades. Short trains only can be operated; the cost is heavy, and blockades ensue. But this Is not the only reason why the Hill Toads are to build the Colum bia River-line. Other great roads, as the St. Paul and Northwestern, are pushing westward, and the Hill people see. if they do not at once occupy the north bank of the Columbia, some other road will speedily be established there. This condition is a necessary one. growing out of the general development of the country. For the Northern roads tfie Columbia line could be only tem porarily .ignored. "With this increase of traffic Its advantages were sure to reappear. Natural conditions reassert themselves. The bulk of the traffic of the Northwest must follow the line of the Columbia River, the only. gateway through a great mountain chain. What this will mean, not merely' to Portland but to the whole region of the Columbia Basin, frqm the Rocky Mountains to the sea, is no difficult forecast now. SYMPATHY DUE TO THE STATE. There are no true sympathies to be wasted on the offenders, nor excuses to De ma(jfi for the Offenses. This unhappy State of Oregon is the sufferer. Let sympathy be reserved for her; and all excuse that can be made, let It be made for her. In Oregon, these forty years, a sys tem of politics that has led to this humiliation, this shame, this disgrace. has been in high career. The people of Oregon, though warned again and again, have not merely condoned It, but have supported It and have con tinued it. What disclosures, what pro tests. The Oregonian might reproduce from its own files! It Is a pity pity for the state that this system of politics has proceeded to such disgrace. But the pity is not for the offenders. It is not due to them The disgrace is the outcome of a sys tem against which the people of Oregon have. .been too little on their guard: and on the offenders, in their extrem Ity, no sympathy ehould be expended. The shame is for the state. OVERPRODUCTION OF OCEAN TONNAGE London Fair Play, the recognized .organ of the foreign shipowners, con tinues to berate the shipowners who are now letting contracts for new ton nage even though the builders' rates are exceptionally low. The London paper substantiates its position by citing the fact that, while the slight advance In ocean freights indicates a revival of business, there Is not yet enough traffic in sight to offer employ ment for the big fleet of ships that have been In idleness all over the world for the past two years. At the end of the first two years of depression In ship ping, a great many of the owners seemed to think that the bpttom had been reached in the freight market and. in order to be ready for the increased demand for tonnage as soon as it ap peared, they began letting contracts nearly a year ago. Many of their ves sels are now in the water, and launches of others are unusually numerous at all British yards. This new tonnage, which has been contracted for within the past twelve months, is said to reach an aggregate of 1,000.000 tons of tramp steamers alone. Fair Play is not the only authority to view this great increase in tonnage with misgivings, for the con servative and reliable London Statist, in the course of an exhaustive review of the situation, says: What is to become of the reputed million tons of steam cargo tramps now preparing or active work on the oceans no man can tell. There is everywhere more tonnage than Is wanted, and, though freights in rome avenues have been lower than they are at present, they are extremely low taken all over. The British shipowner haa now to com pete with his own dlnearded tools. After working his ship for a few years he sells her to wme foreigner, who runs her at prob ably half the expense for wages, stores, etc When our British owner puts his realized capital and savlnga into a new, up-to-date vessel at present-day cost, he finds his mar ket cut away from him by his old ship under a foreign flag." -It would be difficult Indeed for even such shipping experts as the members of the American Bankers' Association, who are the latest ship-subsidy sup porters to bewail the scarcity of ton nage, to find anything In support of their fallacious theory , in the above straightforward statement of condi tions as they actually exist. In all the big ports on the Pacific Coast, ships have been lying in Idleness for the past two years, simply because there was such an excess of tonnage that rates had been crowded down so close to the dead line between profit and loss, and there was no money to be made by moving the ships. Since the decline got under way In the Spring of 1902, it has been possible for American ex porters to charter vessels to carry their goods to any country on the face of earth at the. lowest freight rates on record. Under such conditions as these, and in the face of a steadily increasing supply of cheap tonnage, it Is strange Indeed that any man gifted with ordi nary business sense should even inti mate that American trade was suffer ing through lack of a merchant marine to handle" our products. The British shipowner, satisfied with a return on his investment that would be too Insignificant for American capi tal, bewails the competition of the Ger mans and Norwegians who are cutting rates In the ocean-carrying trade. If an American fleet were to enter the business It would be obliged to meet not only the competition of the Brit ishers, but also that of the other sea going powers, which are Just new mak ing matters rather gloomy for the "mistress of the seas." The .subsidy necessary to enable our ships to com pete would necessarily be an enormous one. and the benefits resultant would amount to absolutely nothing. Ameri can exporters are now having their wares carried to foreign markets by the cheapest carriers on earth, and the service Is secured without the necessity of a raid on the National treasury. OREGON TOWNS AND THE FAIR. The Oregonian printed yesterday an interesting and valuable symposium on the Lewis and Clark Exposition and its benefits to the entire Pacific Coast The Governors of Washington, Idaho and California bore cheerful witness to the . fact that their . respective states had; by their prominent participation in the Fair, been large gainers there by; and one and all expressed cor dial appreciation of the enterprise, liberality, skill and intelligence of the people of Oregon In providing so fine an opportunity for the whole Coast to unite In one magnificent under taking to show the world what we are, what we have, ana wnai we hope to be and to have. Every state represented here doubtless found it worth while; but it Is especially grat ifying to Oregon and to Portland to find this open -'and ungrudging com mendation from Its Immediate neigh bors. But the symposium showed more. It proved that the people of Oregon as a whole are proud of their great achieve ment. Effort has been made to make it appear that Portland was monopo lizing the fruits of the Exposition at the expense of the smaller towns of the state. It Is not so. and It never was so. It Is particularly pleasing to find that these towns undrstand that the Exposition was theirs, scarcely less than Portland's, and that the credit for Its great success is largely theirs, as well as Portland's. The Mayors of many Oregon cities and towns tell The Oregonian how they regard the Expo sition, and what they think will result from It. For example, the Mayor of Salem finds already In Oregon "new settlers, new faces. In our midst, new. business enterprises and new home seekers." The Mayor of Medford telfe of the "wonderful value of the Ex position to the Southern part of the state." The Mayor of Forest Grove mentions the "benefits which the Expo sition has- conferred on the people of Oregon." The Mayor of McMInnvllle thinks the Exposition "has brought many people from the East who Will eventually find homes here." The May or of Corvallls declares that "Its effects from a beneficial standpoint will soon come to be felt all over our state." "The Mayor of Marshfield thinks it "has Teen a great success and benefit to the state." The Mayor of Roseburg says It will "vastly enhance the material ad vancement of the Oregon country." The Mayor of Ashland speaks of the "ben efit that Oregon and the Pacific Coast generally have derived and. -will con tinue to derive.". The Mayor of The Dalles says "It has brought before the eyes of the world the great commercial advantages of Oregon and its magnifi cent climate." The Mayor of Dallas says that "the bounteous harvest will follow." The Mayor of Pendleton looks for "great benefits." and deems the Ex position a "good Investment." Now let the envious be silent and the trouble-makers quit spreading abroad their slanders. The persons who are authorized to speak for their communi ties are on record, and Portland and all Oregon are one In their view of the Ex position and its advantages to all alike. MODERN DEVELOPMENT. The genius of man, that has wrought from steel and Iron the most wonderful fingers of toll; that has reached out into the realm of nature and harnessed steam and electricity and pressed them Into the service of mankind; and that has supplied means by which the pro ductive forces of field and shop and fac tory are a thousand times multiplied. Is of relatively recent development. It Is little less than amazing, as the Balti more American says, "to take a look backward and note the lack of invent iveness of the people of all nations In old times." A backward glance shows the truth of this estimate, and amazement grows as the facts are disclosed by research and -comparison. The sculptures, paint ings and buildings of antiquity excite wonder and admiration, but for all that Inquiry and research have disclosed, the methods of men who accomplished these wonders were primitive in the ex treme and were not for many centuries Improved upon. Civilization advanced without the aid of Inventive genius during all the ages that have become shadowy In the minds of time. The messages of Pharaoh could be conveyed to his army outposts as quickly as could those of Washington to the dif ferent sections "of his army, while the movement of men and stores could be accomplished in Hannibal's day as quickly as in that of Andrew Jackson. The inventive genius of man was sleep ing all those years. His brawn, trained to endurance, was his reliance. The study of this phase of human development is an interesting one. It seems as if the inventive instinct, spirit or faculty of man slumbered without even stirring, until awakened by the challenge of the nineteenth century. There Is no reason to suppose that the Puritans who built their homes In America made any more rapid prog ress, or were aided in the work by any more advanced mechanical devices, than were the laborers who built Noah's ark. The ships of Paul Jones were wretched, reeling craft, not swift er or stronger than were the vessels of ancient Rome. Homer could have his works copied as quickly as Chaucer could his, and Columbus could no more carry the time in his pocket than could Moses or Aaron. There, are men and xjomen yet living In the United States who were grown when the first rail road trains were run, and when the first telephonic messages ,wera sent. while children who saw the first elec trie cars have not yet passed their school days. The friction match touches the flint and steel at a period less than three-fourths of a century old. and men are now living who, as boys, were routed out of bed early to co to th neighbor's house a mile away to bring home a live cqal that a fire might be started in the broad fireplace, where the crane and trammels hung as cook ing appliances, in lieu of a cook stove in the kitchen. But, slow as was the Inventive genius of man in awakening, It has indulged In no period of somnolence since It was aroused. It has Invaded the Industrial world and gone from one stage to an other, conquering and to conquer. The most powerful and accurate machinery Alls our shops, propels our steamships, draws our railway trains, turns out our great newspapers. Electricity, har nessed and controlled, brings the dis tant suburbs of the city close to Its center. Mechanical devices of all sorts take the place of human hands in do ing the world's work. The United States Patent Office is the busiest place, per haps, that Is supervised by the Govern ment. .One device suggests or calls for another. The great printing press that was a marvel of human genius and me chanical effectiveness five years ago Is inslgnificanfbeside that which was set tip last Summer in the basement of The Oregonian. And so it is all along the line. Human Invention was slow In awakening. But It was a sleeping giant which, when it aroused. 'and. shook itself, astonished the world with Its powers, its versatll- Ity.- its exhaustless energy and re sources. Outdated today is its master piece of yesterday: outdated tomorrow will be Its wonderful achievement of to day. Amazing as has been its progress, human Invention has no more surprises in stpre for mankind.' The most won derful output of its genius is scarcely more than the thing expected. The police of different cities regard drunkenness differently. That explains the remarkable variations in the num ber .of arrests made during 1903 In 175 large cities and towns, printed In an other column. In no other way can the figures for Seattle and Hartford, for example, two cities of about the same size, on opposite sides of the continent, be reconciled. . In Seattle, one arrest out of fourteen was for drunkenness. and In Hartford two out of three. Not even the most enthusiastic admirer of Seattle will, we Imagine, pretend that the difference represents the Immensely greater degree jof general obriety to be found in Seattle than in Hartford. What It does show Is that in Hartford the police probably arrest an Intoxi cated man whenever they find him; In Seattle they do not. The rule in most or all Western cities Is, In fact; for the police to arrest no intoxicated man until he Is "disorderly." When he fs simply drunk, they let him alone, or send him home, if he has one. The showing for Seattle, In the census re turns. Is however very good; at least. It seems to be good until one reflects that thirteen out of fourteen arrests- there are not for drunkenness, and therefore they must be for some crime. Many and sincere were the expres slons of regret that were heard yester day over the passing of the Dream City. The-flush of the dying year was on the hillsides which formed the back ground for the beautiful picture.. The sun shone bright at times and the rippling waters of the lake threw back Its gleams. The well-kept grounds never" looked prettier and the white buildings loomed tiig and impressive in the clear atmosphere. Portlanders who have learned, to admire this wonderful picture with Us marvelous settings will not soon forget It. But regret over Its passing as softened yesterday when the unusually clear atmosphere revealed in I all Its beauty that grand panorama of forest, river and snow-capped moun tain, which is our heritage for all time: There were limitations to the time which we could spend In the enjoyment of the wonderful picture of the Dream City. Death alone can place a limit on our enjoyment of that greater and grander picture with which Nature has favored -us.t The action of the Harrlman lines In making a low colonist rate effective for four months of the year. Is sure to be productive of good results, both for the railroad company and for the territory which It serves. The Pacific Northwest has plenty of room for thousands of newcomers, and there Is at this time an Improved prospect for their being placed where they can develop new- country. The branch lines, now under consideration by the Harrlman system, as well as a number of other small branches of new road, will open up a vast area of country which can offer good Inducements to all people that the railroads can haul out here In many months. Mr. Harrlman's passenger department has always been several leagues ahead of his construction de partment, but there are now indications that they will work In closer company. Michael Cudahy, the millionaire Chi cago packer, is said to be preparing to strike the Standard Oil monopoly- a vers serious blow with an opposition pipe line and refinery, which will turn out the finishes product at a point 300 miles nearer the Eastern market than the Standard's Kansas City refinery. If Mr. Cudahy is sincere In his deter mination to give battle to Standard Oil, he can undoubtedly mass behind him a sufficient amount of wealth to enable him to carry his project to a successful consummation In spite of all the pres sure that Rockefeller can bring to. bear against him. The struggle will be a Titanic one, and the oil consumers and anti-monopolists of high and low de gree, will fervently nope that the, usual compromise will not result. The Dougherty bank scandal In Illi nois has not yet attained the propor tions of the Blgelow affair In Wiscon sin, or Mrs. Chadwlck's Ohio escapade. but death and disgrace are just as much in evidence in this latest crime as they were in its predecessors. Worry over the disclosures and fear of finan cial ruin have already killed two ven erable stockholders in banks affected by the Dougherty failure. These trag edies form but a small portion of the long train of misery, suffering, disaster and death that will be directly charge able against the high financier who caused aH of the trouble. Among those whose services to the Exposition are entitled to special com mendation is Henry E. Reed, secretary of the corporation from the beginning. His work has been done with rare In dustry and Intelligence, and with ab solute fidelity. At all tlme3 he has had the entire scheme of the Exposition in hand, and In every part of the execu tive work he was an invaluable assist ant, and his Intelligent methods not only expedited the work but saved a great deal of money to the corporation. The La Grande Chronicle says: "If Vniinimnh th -Hrhpst wmntv In Vii . ' . aiUie, Call SU1HU au luacaaiiiciik uu itic cash valuation of property, the smaller counties Including Union can put up with the same basis." Good and sound, Tet we observe with regret that Union County has not followed the sugges tion of the Chronicle, but has reduced last year's assessment by one-half. Work like this will call for a Stafe Board of Equalization with power to "level up" ' the assessments. It seems that the Mutual Life of New York has been a "purely mutual" .com panyfor the McCurdy family. And now let's begin saving for the Thanksgiving turkey and the Christmas tree. !-. SILHOUETTES. ' Let us hope that England will honor herself by giving Sir Henry Irving a place In Westminster Abbey. I miss the pictures of Sunny Jim on the billboards. There be so many varieties of the Gloom v- Gus nowadays that tho signt 0f our friend of the breakfast fod ,jer would be quite refreshing, - - In most people the streak of yellow. Is so wide that they have room for little else. . John D. Rockefeller has never yet been accused of being the man who struck Billy Patterson. . As a rule, steeple Jacks die young as a result of high living. I think my old army friend, Carrie Na tion, must have fallen Into a well. It she don't get busy pretty soon her name may be Inscribed on -a tablet In the Hall of Fame, on suspicion. The next Congress should pass a meas ure providing an open season ot one month each year on traveling evangelists. Fashion Note Decollette evening gowns will be worn three inches lower at the throat this Winter. , N European court circles must have taken a brace. o new scandal has been re ported from -those sources for a fort night. The man who thinks he is pretty has but one formidable rival for the honor of Champion Ass. and he is the man who. thinks he Is brilliant. There Is this good, to be said in favor of tobacco chewing. One can't chew to bacco and gum at the same time. Millenium. When Mount Tabor Is annexed to Port land: when the beef trust Is put out ot business: when the Celilo canal built: when General Killfeather Is reduced to the ranks and George Chamberlain elected President; when the Philippines are free; when the north bank road Is built; when the Insurance investigation ends: when the" Rough Riders have all been Riven of- flees; when Russia becomes a republic and the girl in our block get? lockjaw so cne can't sins: coon soncs then 'will the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest a man who had Inquired for a certain letter nine days In succession stepped un to a window at the postofflce and was troated somewhat brusquely by the lady who has charge of the window. "You're very uncivil." remarked the man. "Well. I'm not a civil servlco clerk," she retorted. . There will be a beautiful display of Fall hosiery at the Marquam tonight. . - Thfs town seems to be suffering from an overproduction of married flirts. From the number of young pensioners on the National rolls. It would seem that tho volunteers of the Spanish War must have bcon largely invalids or deadbeats. One of the beauties of being a slave to tho lamp Is that the slave cats his break fast just before going to bed. Dpn't be continually telling a friend what a good friend you are to him. Juda3 always did that. My Idea of real distinction Is to be listed among "the others present" at a society high-Jinks. The census of 1500 showed that only about one woman In 200 is klssable. The proportion was abnormally large in Port land, however. If you want to know just how silly hu man beings may become, buy a copy of the Smart Set and read it. The average man imagines he looks like Napoleon when he Is parading the streets In his lodge regalia. The Importation of S head of milch goats by the Agricultural Department will be "viewed with alarm" by the manufac turers of "genuine Swiss cheese," made In Oregon. . Over Confidence. There was a young man of Racine, Invented a flying machine; He went up in the air To take a friend's dare. And since then he's never been seen. Just because they stood Pat and didn't abandon the search, those detectives who captured the Omaha kidnaper need not do so much Crowe-Ing. Changed His Tunc. Little Willie was so silly. That ho wouldn't mind. His mother called In Father Bill, Who handed him the kind Of lickings that our father used To give us there behind The woodsnea "There's no nlace liko home," Sang silly little Willie. ARTHUR A. GREENE. Makers of the Great Fair. PORTLAND. Oct. 15. (To the Editor.) Your editorial of this morning, paying a Just trio- uto to those whoso courage, fidelity and abil ity made the Exposition so great a success. omlta, for obvious reasons, to mention one name which should be Inscribed beside, the name of Henry W. COrbett on that roll honor. I refer to Mr. H. W. Scott. No man contributed more than Mr. Scott to the tnic- cess of the Exposition. But for his labors and Influence the Government appropriation, which Insured the successful holding of the Exposition, could hardly have been obtained. He- undertook the presidency of the Exposi tion Corporation upon Mr. Corbet t death and guided It through a doubtful and trying I Period. I The Oregonian gave tho Exposition. from the time of Its Inception until Its cloce, the most liberal and effective advertising and support, all without any charge or compen sation whatever. These things should be known and due credit riven. Mr. Scott should be named when recounting those who made the Exposition successful. O. T. P.VXTON. Keeping Out of the Heat. Magazine of Fun. Pat I'm after bidding you good-bye, Moike. It'a to Panlma for me. Shure. U a day workin' on the canal looks like a gold mine beside the J1.20 In Ameriky. Mike But, Pat, do you mind that Pani-- ma Is one of the hottest places in the world? It s 120 in the shade most every day. Pat You don't suppose that I'm such a fool as to stay in the shade all the time, do you7. DRUNKARDS INJHE CENSUS. Not less than 400,000 persons were ar rested for drunkenness In the lo largest cities of the United States In 1503. This total, startling, almost, in lt3 stupendous ness. means that, on the average, 1096 arrests for intoxication were made every day of the year, and 4S every hour of the day. The aggregate arrests for all causes during the 12-month footed up slightly in excess of 1.102,000. and the fact that one- third of them was for drunkenness brings ont In a striking way the part which the drink habit plays in fattening the crimi nal records of the country. These com putations are based on a bulletin which has Just been issued by the Federal Cen sua Bureau with reference to American municipal statistics of 1900. Examination of the figures of police op erations in groups of cities of similar magnitude discloses strange contrasts. Take Boston and . Baltimore, for example. Although these municipalities are of sub stantially the same size, the number of arrests for intoxication in the capital of the Bay State during the year attained the tall total of 27.792. while the figure for the Maryland city was only 3573. The dif ference Is still further emphasized by tne .fact that Baltimore had 2230 retail liquor saloons, while Boston was credited with enly 7S3. In othere words, although Bos ton had a little more than one-third as many drinking establishments as Balti more, it had nearly eight times as many alcoholic arrests. The explanation of the corpulent returns from Boston may per haps be found in the rigorous police adr ministration under the regime of Judge Emmons and In the supplementary fact that Boston 13 the drinking center for a large suburban population. Another striking comparison may be produced by bracketing Pittsburg and Cincinnati cities of twin population lying on the banks of the Ohio River. In Pitts burg In the course of the year the ar restn for drunkenness numbered 17.291: In Cincinnati. 2011. But the Pennsylvania municipality had - only 571 saloons, as agatnst 1692 for the Ohio city. Here, again. Is supplied the curious situation of one place having only a third as many grog shops, but eight times as many intoxica tion arrests as another place of similar stature in the census table. Such a con dition Is assuredly abnormal. Another suggestive combination is pro duced by putting Denver and Toledo "cheek by Jowl. The population flgureu of tne two communities travel In double har. ness. but in Denver there were 1923 arrests for inebriety In 1903. but in the Ohio city the number was a beggarly 319. This di versity Is rendered doubly noticeable by the fact that Denver harbored 419 dram shops, while Toledo had S76. The stunted figures of arrests in Toledo are probably product of the policy which the late Mayor. Sam Jones, established when he was sacking to operate the municipal ex ecutive chamber on a golden rule basis. He wa3 inclined to coddle the drunkard. and insisted that, except under unusual circumstances, the police should escort an Intoxicated fellow home rather than es cort him to the lockup. This leniency toward the man In his cups was success ful in making the statistics of arrests for drunkenness In that city look Jlke a vest pocKeL edition. By way oC further comparison, let us joke Hartford and Seattle same-sized cities located on opposite slopes ot the continent. In the Connecticut capital. with 163 saloons, there were 3064 alcoholic arrests in the course of the year, but in the Puget Sound city, with 240 saloons, the entries on the police blotter for In toxication numbered only 576. In Hart ford, every two arrests out of three were tor drunkenness-, and in Seattle, only one out of 14 was the average. Students of roclal statistics will find these irreconcil able ratios decidedly suggestive. Before being driipped. Hartford may profltably be compared with Bridgeport, another Connecticut city. Hartford, with 10.000 more Inhabitants, but with 132 fewer sa loons, had three times as many alcoholic arrests ad Bridgeport, the exact number being 3054. as. against 1063. Prosecution of th examination opens up an endless number of surprises. Yonk ers, N. T., for instance, with 1S7 retail Kquor establishments, reported 454 ar testi for drunkenness, but the similar- sized city of Portland. Me., which had no licensed saloons, ran its arrests for that cause up to a total of 21S6. Holyokc. Mass., and Youngstown, O.. are munlcl palities of equal population, but Holyoke's jag arrests number S40, while loungs town's record was 3o05. A unique showing is made by the Iowa city of Davenport. The municipality has 38.000 Inhabitants, and 1S4 saloons, but during 1S03 the arrests for intoxication aggregated only SO. There were only a little, over two intoxication arrests for each saloon, and an average of less than one arrest In each 20 was chargeable to excessive lingering over the winecup. This record Is a curiosity which is not sus ceptible qf easy explanation. The record of arrests for inebriety in American cities, as disclosed by the Cen sus Bulletin, is so variable and capricious that no general law governing the busi ness Is easily ascertainable. The num ber of arrests for this cause in any com munity for a given period, like General Hancock's conception of the tariff, is a local Issue. Whether that number is large or small depends In the main on the condition of popular sentiment. In general and on the character of the police admin istration In particular. If the policy of the police department toward the intoxi cated Individual makes for severity and not for mildness, the census of arrests for intemperance takes on flesh and fat. The line of alcoholic arrests in a com munity Is irregular, rising during spasms of strict law enforcement and falling dur ing periods of leniency. The relation between the number of sa loons and the number of arrests for drunkenness Is not clear. Indeed, it Is so Indistinct as to be hardly recognizable. Investigation of the statistics shows that in various cases where the number of sa loons Is small the number of arrests is large and that where the number of sa loons is big the number of arrests is little. But this condition is a coincidence and not a rule. Other Influences are appar ently more Important than the volume of drinking establishments In determining the volume of arrests. Although the Census Bulletin makes no allusion to the legislation concerning drunkenness, the statutes governing the offence are as variable and diverse as the statistics of arrests. In IS states no spe cific laws for the punishment of intoxi cated people and common drunkards may .be found. The matter is covered by local ordinances. , The penalty for drunkenness in two states Is Imprisonment without fine. In four commonwealths the punish ment Is a fine, and the laws make no al lusion to Imprisonment. Three states,' without fixing the amount of fine or im prisonment, require security for good be havior, and If the convicted offender fails to provide such security he may be com mitted to the Jail or workhouse. In 15 states the alternative penalty of either fine or Imprisonment Is estab lished. The fines range all the way from a minimum of 50 cents to a maximum of 5100. The imprisonment, showing a simi larly large variation between extremes. runs from two days to five years. In sev eral commonwealths provision Is made for homes for inebriates or for the Inst! tutlonal treatment of drunkards. The probation system, which has more to do with Intoxication than with any other form ot delinquency, la being established in a steadily increasing number of states. What to Do With Mr. Roosevelt. Leslie's Weekly. Let New York send Mr. Roosevelt to the Senate as soon as his term ends. When he steps down out of the Presidency on March 4. 1909. Mr. Piatt's term In the Sen ate will close, and as he. will be 76 years of age at that time, he will refuse another election. He already says this is his last term. Let President Roosevelt be chosen i to succeed Senator Piatt LITTLE RISK TO PRESIDENT. Florida Times-Union. In deciding to visit New Orleans at the time originally appointed and make h!s visit to that city the end of his Southern tour, the President has done the klhd!. the wise and the manly thing. It fs manly in him to visit New Orleans when so many are guarding against con tact with that city with a spirit that parses beyond mere prudent precautiO". and goes to the plane of brainless frig": , Tho President will show the people of tNo United States that he is not afraid to g5 to New. Orleans, and. what is much bar ter, he will show the people of New Or leans that he is not afraid to share the.r lot with them. This is kindly, as well as manly. It will encourage a peop!- who have been fenced off to themselves r fight the scourge. The President of the United Statos lis not the sam right to take risks tvni Theodore Roosevelt would have iL a pri vate citizen. What risk is he wk?rj; ,i visiting New Orleans? A Ijttle CHkulj.t;-a may serve to give some idea. The existence of yellow fever ia New Orleans was announced about ten wefk -ago. Since that time there have been 3042 cases. In 1W0 New Orleans had S7 people. It had gained 45.D65 during rh preceding ten years. At the outbreak -the epidemic New Orleans probably hal a population of 312.000. Of that number, cs in 102 has taken tho fever, and 101 in 1 have thus far escaped it. And yet tho tr. pression is the driveling Idiotic general impression Js that when yellow fti strikes a town nearly the entire popula tion takes it. Any man who poes North during trs Winter takes as great a risk as th?s dying with pneumonia or consumption, and a healthy man would be regarde-3 as extremely timid If he declined to go Nort If his business called him there, on ar count of as trivial a risk as this. New Orleans needs President Ri-j---elts manifestation of confidence anl S sympathy. Other cities simply wk; f see the President and show their kindly feeling toward him. We are plead tt his programme provides for a visit t Florida before going to New Orleans, b .i if he" did not. we would say go to New Orleans now and come to see us later In spite of the snmllness of the risk th President should not visit points quaran tined against New Orleans after going t that city. He would not appreciably en danger the public health by so doing, b-t the President of the United States, of h's own volition, should obey every law tac private citizens are required to obey. BUYING A PAPER IN SCOTLAND Difficulties Experienced by an Amer ican in Edinburgh. Professor George E. Horr In Bost-n Watchman. The American custom of glancing eve? the morning paper as you sip your eff-" at breakfast goes with you abroad, but it is no simple thing always to ge a morning paper. On coming down to break fast the first morning In Edinburgh, t found there was no paper to be had. but thinking that It was a simple matter t buy a Scotsman on the street. I wtnt out on Princes street and walked thro blocks without the sight of a newsbo "Where can I get the morning's Scot3 man?" I said to a policeman. He thought a moment. "Weel. said he. "there's a great news shop aboot three blocks u?. and yo might And one there." I followed the direction, and found myself in a Iarg" news distributing depot. There wem stacks and stacks of newspapers and mag azines ail about. "I woukl like the Mrm ing's Scotsman." I said. The man 1 1 charge looked bewildered. "I'll see' fc said, "if we have one." He fumb!M around a little while, and then went bak into the rear of the store for fulty thrro minutes: at last he came back, saving "We haven't one." "Well." I said, "th-s is about the strangost thing I have seen Can't you got the morning paper here in Edinburgh?" "No." he said, "ye'll fl-4 It diffeeculC" "What do they publish, pa pers here for, anyway?" I rejoined Po they want to keep them out of the han'n of people? Don"t they want peopU f read them? Do they print papers to kec- the news secret?" He bridled at once I want ye to understand." he said, "that the Scotsman Is not published for the scl eral publeek. It's published for the sut screebers." The Scotsman, you know, probabl, ranks next to the London Times. "Wc" I said, "this is ail new to me: in my coun try publishers want to have their news papers read: they want to sell all th?y can; they don't try to keep them out cZ the hands of the 'geenral publeek Can you tell me where I can get one. fir I want to see the morning paper, thrush perhaps I shall have'to get a letter of In troduction to buy one." "Well.' he an swered, "there's a woman about IOC yarda from here that takes the Scotsman: sh might sell you hers." I took the direc tion carefully, found the woman who toctc the Scotsman she kept a thread and nee dle store bought her copy, and rcarhrcl the hotel a half-hour late for breakfast which I had ordered before going out en the difficult quest of buying a mcrnlnsr paper In the great city of Edinburgh. An Appetizer. Harper's Weekly. Dinner was a little late. A guest asked the hostess to play some thing. Seating herself at the piano, the gooS woman executed a Chopin nocturne wlttx precision. She finished, and there was still an In terval of waltins to be bridged. In the grim silence she turned to an old gentleman on her right and said: "Would you like a sonata before dinner" He gave a start of surprise and pleas ure. "Why, yes, thanks I" he said. "I had a couple on my way here, but " think I could stand another." n NEWSPAPER WAIFS. "In what sort ot meter Is Soribler'a poem written?" "Gas meter." "'WTiat thr "So many unnecessary feet, you kn:w Cleveland Leader. "What do you know about the wirli. si-? Didn't you ppend your youth In a theo logical seminary?" "Ah. but It was nst next to a girl's college." Life. "Did I understand you to say that all rum-selling has been stopped in your l.wn"" "Xot at all. I merely aW It was st tty; prohibited." Philadelphia Presa. Farmer Hombeak Your nleee that sr-adJ- ated from the academy lately plays the t:ar: pretty well, don't she? Farmer Hoak Tcu betcha! Why, she's a regular pioneer Puck. Edith Papa Is Immensely pleasel to tear J you are & poet. Ferdy Is he? Edith Oh. very the last of ray lovers he tried to U Itj was a football player. Chicago Dally ews Lady What Is the real difference between an apartment, a flat, and a tenement hous" Janitor In- an apartment the ladles dan tl have no children; In a flat they ha? one cr! two. More than two makes any hcas tenement, mum Judge. "Why do you want to amara all this money! from street railway franchises?" asked thoj man of elmple tastes. "So that I can have an automobile." answered the street ral.- way official, "and not have to be put to the annoyance ot depending on my own street- care.' Washington star. Homeless Holmes Wot's become ot Everett ft'rert? Oliver Mudd De poor hobo died ofl overwork. Homeless Holmes G'wan I den't believe It. Oliver Mudd It's de truf. He! wuz too ambitious tried to do two days Ioafin' In one- day! Cleveland Leader. "But. said the merchant to the appli cant, "you don't furnish any reference fron your last place." "You needn't worry abou: that." replied the man with the cIom- cropped head and prlwn palter. "I woulda": be here now If It hadn't been for my stocl behavior In my last plse." Philadelphia Ledger.