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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1905)
THE OREGOXIAX TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1905. MORE STRIKERS SHOT IN MOSCOW Mob Led by University Pro fessors Attacks Gov ernor's Palace. DISPERSED WITH BULLETS Strike Spreads .to .3Iore Industries and Bread Famine Threatens. SpldlcrSj.Guard Streets of AhcIcnttCupital. MOSCOW. Oct 9. (SpccJal.) Tonight the palaco of the Governor-General was attacked hy a mob of strikers, armed to the teeth, led 'by some of the highest pro fessors of the University of Moscow, ap parently determined to carry petitions which they had drafted to the acting Governor. Colonel Ingalltivltch. commanding the troops In that section, deployed three de tachments of mounted Cossacks and COO Infantrymen, armed with rifles, to drive the crowd back.. As the mob came In sight, a lieutenant or police rode up In front and commanded it to disperse. The strikers laughed at him, jeered him and finally some one fired a shot, possibly a blank cartridge. He fled in terror, and a moment after wards the command was given and the soldiers, who were partly hidden In shadows, fired four volleys In quick suc cession. The mob fled, leaving ten dead and many wounded behind. This checked the demonstratlonyigainst the palace, but It is sure to be renewed shortly. Rioting has spread to outlying sections of the city, and a state o panic exists among the citizens. It now seems likely that within a short time every workman in Moscow will be participating In a gen eral strike. "Workmen were simply driven to the district by actual famine conditions in their families. None, have funds, and their women and children lack even the absolute necessities of . life. CITY GUARDED BY COSSACKS Meeting Held in Defiance of Orders and Continues Strike. MOSCOW, Oct. 9. (Midnight.) After the exciting events of the last three days today passed In comparative tranquility. "The strike- of the bakers, printers and carmen continued and was Joined hy the theatrical mechanics. Two large gather ings of the strikers were held in the open Mr, at which red' flags were waved, but otherwise the proceedings were orderly and the' manlfestants dispersed of their own accord. There were no serious collisions with the troops and the feeling was mush less tense. All the stores except the Phillpoff ba"kery were open. Traffic was resumed In all the streets with the exception of the Tverskoi Boule vard, the center of the previous disorders, which wa sclosed, with troops and police at all the intersecting streets. Detach ments of Cossacks, dragoons and mount ed police patrolled this place and lcept the cars moving. Infantrymen and cav alrymen were . held, under arms in the cpurtyards In various quarters of the city. The nonappearance of he newspapers, resulting, in a lack' of authentic informa tion, furnished a field for many alarming rumors. Among these rumors was one to the effect that there had been a col lision between the troops and the mob, In which ten persons, variously reported as Cossacks, police or civilians, were killed. This rumor has been -authoritatively de nied. It was also reported that artillery had "been posted in front of the palace of Governor-General Durnovo for the pur pose of defending it Against, anticipated attacks. A meeting of workmen held during the day sent a deputation to the Chief of Police to ask permission for the holding of a mass meeting to discuss questions relating to the strike. 'Notwithstanding that this request was .refused, a crowd of 2000 persons assembled at 8 o'clock this evening In the presence of strong detach ments of Cossacks and other troops and resolved to continue the strike until all the employers had granted the strikers demands. The meeting then dispersed, lifter voting to assemble tomorrow. " The number of persons killed or wound ed In the previous disorders has not been definitely established, but It is believed to be about 300, of which number 25 are police or soldiers. One policeman died of his wounds and several others. Including an officer, are suffering from serious in juries. Two .hundred strikers were arrested at the Phillpoff bakery Sunday and taken to the courtyard of police headquarters, where they were severely beaten, then heing released. .None of the Phillpoff "bakery strikers were killed. The strike of the bakers f has caused a sharp rise in the price of. bread; and the supply Is sufficient only for two days. The railroad employes ar threatening to join the ranks of the striken. The Leading Opticians of the Pacific Northwest. OREGON OPTICAL CO. Beglstercd Under Oregon State Law of Optometry. 173 Fourth St., Y. M. C. A. Bulldlag. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Iittie Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the llouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side. TORPID LTVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SmftN Pitt. Small Do v Small Price. - . 9 Women's Attractive Neckwear WITH THE "HAM, MAIIK" OF HIGHER TRICES. Flmt Floor. Ladle' Fancy Beaded Stfickn In black or white; some .plain beaded, some) with front tab and others In Jabot effects. Thcy'have tho "hall mark" of a 75t value. .Our -price Is, each. ............ 86c Very IlRadHome Wtndnor Scarf, 1 yards long. In 4 very smart designs. Price, each ...11X9 .Beaatlfal Wladner Scarf, 1 yards long; extra wide, of fine quality silk, !n-blue and red; some with polka dots, others In fancy designs. A regular 75c value. Special, this week at 35c a ..ea . UMBRELLAS AS LOW AS 50c AS GOOD AS $25.00. at nrarv zE&s. f aSB. mm rsr SR ids, Worimam mm mmm boi letin a nThm Bfflmrmft Strf" Flfihs Sixth mm4 W&sMRgteR SlrMis mi S A. H. THE FOREMOST DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF OHiOAQO Store Jottings, Tuesday, October 10. Star Ofesss at f P. M WORTH WHILE SAVINGS IN Women's Hosiery First Floor. 3Sc FOR- WOMEN'S rtOc HOSE. Women's Imported black cotton Hose, with finished foot and gray cashmere sole: oue 50c value. Spe cial at, the pair 3Sc 10c FOR WOMEN'S 25e HOSE. Women's black cotton fleece-lined Hose; a gooj 25c value. Speolal at, the pair 10c CHILDREN'S BLACK WORSTED HOSE. Seamless Splendid Quality. Our 30e value Spec'al at, the pair 10c Our 35c value Special at, the pair 23c ROYS' BLACK COTTON HOSE. Heavy Winter-weight, fine or double ribbed, seam less; our 25c value. Special at, the pair lSc Important Special Sales Of Intense Interest to Thrifty Housekeepers, Hotels and Restaurants FIRST FLOOR Domestic Aisles." THIRD FLOOR Silverware, China, Kitchen Hardware. FOURTH FLOOR Special Sales of Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Household Sewing Machines. The importance to you, Madame Housekeeper, of-these Olds, Wortman & King Autumn Sales of the wanted articles in the housekeeping lines is based on the facts that it is a prepared for event, arranged to fall as it does just before the holiday festivities, when ample supplies are needed for the tables and in the kitchens of home folk, and those keepers of public which make "home" for the traveling thou sands at this season. Great lots of every article in the sale have been painstakingly gathered, of the sorts that meet the tastes for the beautiful and the needs of th&". practical of Portland's housekeepers and large users in general of the goods the sale supplies. There is every reason why you should turn to your advantage the oppor tunities of this sale if you've any need to fill among the articles listed below. Linens, Towelings and Domestics on First Floor $1.50 DAMASK TABLECLOTHS 98c. Fancy Drawn-Work and Figured Damask Table cloths, size 54x63, large assortment of choice patterns; regular $1.50, special 98 1.25 TABLE DAMASK 1.00 A line of Richardson's Fine Satin-Finish Table Damask, pretty patterns lo select from; regu- lar value $1.25, special, the yard '.'$1.00 BLEACHED TABLE LINEN 54c Satin Damask Bleached Table Linen, C2 inches wide; special at, the yard 54 ' HU0K TOWELS 18c. Full Bleached Huck Towels, large size, fancy jacquard borders; special at, each 18 LINEN HUCK TOWELS 10c Good size Linen Hnck Towels, hemmed with fancy border; special at, each 10 BATH TOWELS 122c. Heavy Cream Bath Towels, made of double twisted yarn, size 20x42; special, each 12V BLEACHED TOWELING- 10c. All-Linen Heavy Barnsley Bleached Toweling; special at, the yard 10 DINNER NAPKINS $3.60. Large size Dinner Napkins, in choice patterns, only 50 dozen; special, dozen $3.60 12&c PERCALES 10c Fancy Dress Percales, in ' new Fall styles. 36 inches wjde; regular 12c, special, yard lO 12y2c DRESS GINGHAMS 10c Now Fall Dress Ginghams, in light, medium and dark colors, stripes, checks, plaids and fancy raised effects; regnlar 12Vc. special, vd. 10 FLANNELETTES 10c. Thousands of yards of New Fajl Flannelettes, in handsome floral, Persian and fancy striped effects; special at. the yard 10 NEW PALL AND WINTER FLANNELS. For bath and lounging robes, and fancy wrap pers, also Eiderdown Flannel, Embroidered Flan nel, Tricot Flannels in plain and fancy effects, and Flajinels for children's coats in white An gora, vefy stylish and serviceable. Unshrinkable Scotch Flannels and new Plaids in all the various clans. Tableware, Silver, Dinner Sets, Lamps, Kitchen "Findings," 3d Floor SPECIAL SALE OF "1847" ROGERS BROS. SILVERWARE. Teaspoons, set of six;- special at 95 Dessert Spoons, set of six; special at.... 31.69 Tablespoons, set of six; special at $1.90 Sugar Spoons; special at, each. 30 Butter Knives ; special at. each. . .... .38 DECORATED PORCELAIN DINNER SETS. Fancy shapes and decoration of small, pink flow ers, with green spray and full gold line 50-piece sets; our $6.25 value, special $5.10 60-piece sets; our $S.35 value, special $6.70 100-piece sets; our $12.45 value, spec $10.25 1 . ELECTRIC READING LAMPS. With inlaid. and etched shades. Newest designs and shapes. GAS READING LAMPS. With fancy or plain Reading Shades. HAVH.AND CO.'S DECORATED CHINA DINNER SETS. - 100-piece sets Priced at set $27 up to $225 IN THE HARDWARE STORES. . Everything convenient and useful for home use. Best quality, reasonable prices- Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, Screwdrivers, Pliers, Gimlets, Drills, Saws, Measures and hundreds of every day useful articles. Everything complete in", the -line of Kitchen Fnrnishings stores of Jabbr-saving articles and conveniences. LATEST IMPROVED FOOD CHOPPERS. Small size; special at, each..... :...70 Medium size; special at, each ...&5c t Large size: special at, each..... .$1.15 Lace Curtains, Rugs, Carpets, and' Sewing Machines on Fourth Floor They are accumulations of .small lots from our immense stocks. We need, not tell you that such values are seldom obtainable, nor that these will be snapped up in a day or two at these bargain prices. Some are broken lines, others slightly mussed jErom handling; 97 styles to select from, including Renaissance and Brussels effects and corded Arabians in one to five-pair lots: Regular $1.00 values; special at, the pair. .65p Regular $1.25 values; special at, the pair. .85 Regular $1.50 values; special at, the pair..9o Regular $L75 values ; special at, the pair $1.15 T i rn nr 1 t .1 t - jvcguiar ?i.uu special ai, ine pair px.oD Regular $2.50 values; special at, the pair $1.65 Kegular Jpd.uu Regular Regular values; special at, tne pair JM.Uo $3.o0 values; special at, the pair $2.35 $4.00 values; special at, the pair $2.65 Regular $4.50 values; special at, the pair $2.95 Regular $5.50 values; special at, the pair $3.65 Regular $6.00 values; special at, the pair $3.85 Regular $7.00 values; special at, the pair 154.50 Regular $7.50 values; special at, the pair $4.85 Regular $8.00 values; special at, the pair $5.25 Regular $S.50 values; special at, the pair $5.60 Regular 10.50 values; special at, the pair $6.75 SMYRNA RUGS. All-wool, double-faced Smyrna Rugs Special values for one week only: Size 6x9, regular value $12.00, special $ 9.75 Size 7&xl0, reg. value $18.50, spec. $14.85 Size 9x12, regular value $24.00, special $19.00 NEW FALL CARPETS. Our carpet stock of all the new Fall styles for 1905 is now ready for your inspection. The most complete line shown in Portland, including Wil tons, Axmlnsfers, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tap estry Brussels, Ingrains, etc., at lowest prices. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING SEWING MACHINES. Golden Oak Cabinet, five drawers, automobile lift, drop-head, high-arm, ball-bearing; sold by agents for $60.00, our special value, each $26 Same as above, hand lift ; sold by agents for $50, our special value at, each $24.90 Same as above in quartered oak cabinet, box top, three drawers; sold by agents for $40.00, our special value at, each $21.00 Same as above, five drawers; sold by agents for $45, our special' value, each ...$22.65 All Guaranteed for Ten Years. 'This Way For 4 The New Fall , Dress Goods Prices That Must Inter- , est Buyers of Autumn Dress Stuffs "Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. Massive counters given over to special displays of the 'latest and most fashionable productions of foreign and American mills. Every design and weave is represented in the showing that Fashion favors for Autumn and Winter gowns. A note worthy showing at prices sure ta interest' all who -would save in their buying of correct dress stuffs.. These special prices are for a. few days only. $2.00 BLACK DRESS GOODS $1.59 Black Dress Fabrics, such as English mohairs, serges and broadcloths, Turkish Roxauas, mo hairs and suitings, French and German hen riettas, pruncllas, poplin de chene, crepe de Paris, etc.; regular $2.00 value, special the yard ..... .....$1.59 . $1.25 BLACK DRESS GOODS 89c. Black armures, melrose, granites, serges. pru nellas, Venetians, Panamas, voiles, henriettas, batistes poplin de' chene and crepe de Paris, etc; regular $1.25 value, special, yard 89i COLORED DRESS GOODS. Novelty Dress Fabrics, in all the new colors and weaves, bought direct from the makers Regular $2.50 value; special, tho yard..S2.16 Regular $2.00 'value; special, the yard. .$1.59 Regular $1.75 value; special, the yard.. $1.46 Regular $1.50 value; special, the yard.. $1.19 Regular $L-25 value; special, the yard 89 The Millinery Sale "BIJOU" SALONS Second Floor, Annex. Tho pw Aiitnmn Millinerv beautv. represent ing that undefinable grace and style so much sought for. and admired by. women of taste. Millinery that has made Olds, Wortman & King unquestionably the millinery style leaders of Portland and the Northwest Millinery that mirrors the thoughts, of master milliners styles that are radically "different" from the beaten path of the ordinary. The very choicest crcar tions known to the milliner's art. Such millinery this "style store" offers its patrons. Choose anywhere $3, $4, $o up to $10 and $50" SPECIAL SALE OF $5 TRIMMED HATS AT $2.98 CONTINUES TODAY. The demand yesterday was continuous and at "times almost overwhelming. Expressions of admiration were heard from pleased -and en thusiastic buyers on every side. We've received a lot more of the same big purchase delayed in transit on sale today. Hand-made, of handsome fancy braids in silks and velvets, smartly trimmed with fancy feathers, orna ments, etc In black and colors, embracing brown, ivy, reds, greens, grays, etc. Best $5 values in the city, special today at $2.98 GLOVE NOTES The Gleve Shop" Xt Fleer. Best Kid Glove values In 'Portland without exception are In this store. A bold but true statement. And why Is It true? Simply because our glove business Is greatest. No other store sots es we do to the best glovemakers In the world and Imports Its linos direct as. we do. You'll not And a kid glove store in the city that equals either our qualities or values. Xou'll not And a kid glove In aay store, at aay price that Is equal to ours at the same or even a lower price. We know .that our "Monarch" glove at $2 Is the best. In the world at that money. Ditto the Derbys at $1.50. "Eskays at the same price, and "Magnets" at $1.00. A word of this $1.00 glove the "MAGNET." There's no other glove In America like it. It compares favorably with the best gloves sold anywhere else at $1.25 and $1.53. And not oaiy are values best here, but by far the best and most generous assortment for both dress and street occasions and many novelties that are not to be found else where. A few lines of detail: The Tiro-Clnup ".Monarch" with Paris "points and pique sewing: In black, white and all leading colors-. $2.eo Oar Deaf Gloves need no recommendation and $2.00 Oar Trro-Claap 'Derby" Is the best all around glove t6 be had; pique swed .910 Oar Tbre-CIaiip "Eiikay" Is the best dressy glove made, being manufactured of the finest quality French kid. It fits perfectly and wears well. In white, black and all colors. Price, the pair.. 91.30 OHr "Magnet is a two-clasp glove, overseam sewed, and is the best glove In the world at $1.60 We show a full line of Black Reyater Suede Gloves at fl.75 Mocha Gloves In one and two-clasp styles; for street wear; very durable; In black, gray and - tan. Prices S1.23 aad $1.50 A Grand "Comparison Sale" of Please compare values offered around town to day among embroidery sellers. "We're confident of winning your 'buy" after a fair "look around.' ' Thousands of pleased .women have already shared m the matchless values of the Embroidery Sale that has drawn throngs of buyers here the past few daj-s. We reserved some of the best values for the last a sort of dessert to the meal. LOT 1 Consists of fine Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries from 3 to 10 inches wide, in very beautiful patterns; worth regularlyJSc, 18c, 20c and 25c per jard, special at 4o for a strip of 4 yards, and 65 for a strip of 6y2 yards. .LOT 2 Consists of beautiful Nainsook, Cambric and Swiss Embroideries and Insertions, some very fine little baby embroideries, some medium widths for trimming waists and fine underwear, some wide embroideries suitable for trimming skirts, etc. Also some very elegant wide em broideries worth 75c and $1 a yard. In this lot the cheapest embroidery is 35c the yard, noth ing less than 35c in the regular way. During this special sale the whole lot will-be included at 90i for a strip of 4V2 yards and $1.30 for a strip of 6V2 yards. There is always somebody who does a thing better than anybody else. .... In the professions such a one is called a "special ists" Among stores it's termed a "specialty Store." PORTLAND'S Largest and Foremost Apparel Store for Women Cordially invites every visitor within the city's gates to view this week the greatest Autumn exposition of WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS, WOMEN'S COATS AND WRAPS, WOMEN'S OPERA GOWNS AND WRAPS, LINGERIE AND HAND MADE WAISTS, SKIRTS, FURS AND PUR .LINED GARMENTS ever shown under any One mercantile roof in the- "Rose City." In TAILORED ' SUITS we show the largest assortments west of Chicago. Consequent upon immense purchases we are enabled to make the lowest prices named by any house on the Coast. The long-coated suit has the call over the jauntier, short bolero or jacket styles which are to be seen in all the new season's favorite color ings, strapped, stitched and diversely trimmed according to the best taste dictates. Also an immense and varied assortment of those loner, graceful fitted-coat suits. Redingotes, Etons and Jacket Suits all find favor in fashion's eyes. These smart cos tumes are being shown in various shades of gray, blue, red, tan, green, brown, purple and black. "Mannish styles attract many swell dressers, paddocks and boxy effects are popular. The price range is wide $12.50 TO $175.00 Among other new arrivals are very handsome Lingerie Waists Priced modestly at. $3.50 up to $2S.oO Pretty Colored Waists, in brilliantines, mercerized ctamines, fancy veilings and bewitching plaids. Prices range from $1 to $60 Largest -line of Net Waists ever shown by anv one house in the city $7.50 to $38.50 Beautiful Silk Waists, in all the wanted and dainty colorings, em bracing blues, pinks, navys, black, etc., in chiffon taffetas, peau do cygnes and crepes $4.25 to $4S.50 Immense lines of Handsome Silk Petticoats, in best taffetas and all the newest favorite colorings $5.00 to $45.00 Silk Petticoats with embroidered and shirred flouuces are much favored by smart dressers. These frorn $12.50 to $35.00 Elegant costumes for opera, theater or dinner wear $35 to $250 The "Princess; downs hold favpr in Fashiondom with the raa jority of wearers. Rich evening wrap $22.50 to $145 Bonnet's and Oiher Fine Black Silks for Autumn SILKS! SILKS! A Scene of Silken Sheen and and Beauty in the ANNEX SILK STORE Main Floor, Fifth Street. The fame of C. J. Bonnet & Co. goes back to our great, great, great grandmother's time. Silk gowns were lux uries then handed down as heirlooms. This picture shows a costume of that early period possibly designed to be made of this very silk. Even greater care and scien tific knowledge of dj'eing is put into their product today so they're safe in so stron ly guaranteeing it as they (and we also) do. As sole selling agents in Oregon for these world famous black silks we invite you to see the many new and beautiful varieties now at the Black Silk Counter. EXTRA SPECIAL I SILKS IN A SALE! 1.25 NOVELTY SUIT SILKS AT, THE YARD 79? This great silk store makes the above astounding offor to today's silk buyers and types don't nor can they make the offer force ful enough. You MUST see the silks in order to fully appreciate their worth. Here they are laid out on a great center counter in all the splendor of their silken beauty. The colors rival the first nipped leaves of maples in Fall in their Autumnal. splendor. Hundreds of vards of the newest Novelty Suit Silks, the best values you ever bought at $1.25 our usual price Here today at, per yard 79 All the leading colors and styles, including the new French Poplins, in neat effects. SPECIAL SALES OF STAPLE, FAHIONABLE BLACK SILKS. High-grade black silkst in satin duchesse, satin rhadamas and peau de soies, the best-wearing silk made. For gowns, waistst skirts and lining are unequaled for richness and durability Our regular $2.50 value; special, the yard $1.79 Our regular $2.25 value; special, the yard $1.59 Our regular $2.00 value ; special, the j-ard. r. $1.49 Our regular $1.75 value: special, the yard , $1.39 BLACK TAFFETA SILK. Best Grade All-Silk Black Taffeta. 23 inches wide; regular value $1.10, special, yard 69 27 inches wide; regular value $1.25, special, yard 89d 36 inches wide; regular value $1.25, special, yard .94 36 inches wide; regular value $1.50, special, yard $1.19 36 inches wide; regular value $1.75, special, yard..' $1.43 STIRRING VALUES IN Women's Underwear KNITWEAR SHOPS-First Floor. WOMEN'S ?1.50 UNDERWEAR FOR 1.19 Women's White Swiss Ribbed Fine Merino Vests and Tights; vests with long sleeves, neatly trimmed; tights ankle length; our $1.50 value, special sale price, garment $1.19 WOMEN'S 1.00 UNION SUITS FOR 73c Women's Fine Ribbed Pure White Fleece-Lined Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length ; a great $1.00 value, special sale price, the suit : . . .73j WOMEN'S 3.50 UNION SUITS FOR 2.49 Women's Natural All-Wool Union. Suits, heavy Winter-weight, "Muusing" style, half open front and open across the bust; splendid 3.50 value, special sale price, the suit $2.49 WOMEN'S 75c UNION SUITS FOR 55c Women's Winter-weight Cream-Tinted Cotton Union Suits, Jersey ribbed, half open front: our 75o value, special sale price, the suit, 55