THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1905. Why Physicians Recommend C ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharmaceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with results most gratiftring. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the result of three facts: Mrst-The indisputable evidence that it is harmless: Seconds-That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: TJiird It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil. It is absolutely safe.. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic and does not stupeftr. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to the information. Jownwi of Health. f lwiirfimwmwMlw,gWlWlwe,OTll,ww'1' fit Vegetable Preparatioafor As similating teeFood and Regula ting tte Stwaachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.Checrful and Res r.Con tains neither Otxum, Morphine nor Mineral. Kot Narcotic. p afOOCBrSJHlin.Rl MSLH Apcfectitefnedy forCoRstipa ridR. Sokt Stomick.DiafTTOea, Worms .Convulsions Jevwish ocss and Loss OF SlEE. fattS'sab Signature c VTEW "YORK. cxact-co pr or wrapjeb. Letters from Prominent Physicians Addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. .The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imi tations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifLe with and endanger the health of Infants and Children E xperience against Experiment. Dr. W. L. Leister, of Rogers, Ark., says: "As a practicing physician I use Castoria and like it very much." Dr. W. T. Seeley, of Amity, K Yy says: "I have used your Castoria for several years in my practice and have found it a safe and reliable remedy." . Dr. Baymond lL,Evarts7t5fanta Ynez, Cal., -says: "After using your Castoria for children for years it annoys me greatly to have an ig norant druggist substitute some-, thing else, especially to the patient's disadvantage, as in this case. I en close herewith the Trrapper of the imitation' Dr. R. 3L Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do not prescribe proprietary prepara tions, but in the case of Castoria my experience, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an exception. I prescribe your Cas toria in my practice because I have found it to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physician -who has raised a family, as I have, trill join me in heartiest recommendation of Casto ria. Dr. W. F. Wallace, of Bradford, Is. H., says: "I use your Castoria in my practice, and in my family." Dr. Wm. I. McCann, of Omaha, Neb., says : "As the father of thir teen children I certainly know some thing about your great medicine and aside from my own family, experi ence, I have, in my years of practice, found Castoria a popular and effi cient remedy in almost every home." Dr. Howard James, of Isfew York City, says : "It is with great pleasure that I desire to testify to the medici nal virtue of your Castoria. I have used it with marked benefit in the case of my own daughter, and have obtained excellent results from its administration to other children in my practice." Dr. J. B. Clausen, of Philadel phia, Pa., says: "The name that your Castoria has made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medical pro fession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse it and believe it an excel lent remedy." Dr. B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago, 111., says: "I have prescribed your Castoria often for infants during my practice and find it very satis factory." Dr. William Belmont, of Cleve land, Ohio, says: 'Your Castoria stands first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I never have found anything that so filled the place." Dr. B. J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe your Cas toria extensively as I have never found anything to equal it for chil dren's troubles. I am aware that there are imitations in the field, but I always see that my patients get Fletcher's." Dr. Channing H. Cook, of Saint Louis, Mo., says: "I have used your Castoria for several years past in my own family and have always found it thoroughly efficient and never objected to by children, which i3 a great consideration in view of the fact that most medicines of this character are obnoxious and there fore difficult of administration. As a laxative I consider it the peer of anything that I ever prescribed." GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of Dr. L. 0. Morgan, of So. Amboy, N. J., says : "I prescribe your Casto ria every day for children who are suffering from constipation, with better effect than I receive from ay4 other combination of drugs." Dr. H. J. Taft? of Brooklyn, K. Y., says : "I have used your Castoria and found it an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for many years. The formula is ex cellent" Dr. Wm. U. Bosserman, of Buf falo, Y., says: "I am pleased to speak a good word for your Castoria.1 I think so highly of it that I not only recommend it to others, but have used it in my own family." Dr. F. H. Kyle, of St. Paul, Minn., says : "It affords me pleasure to add my name to the long list of those who have used and now en dorse your Castoria. The fact of the ingredients being known through the printing of the formula on the wrapper is one good and sufficient reason for the recommendation of any physician. I know of its good qualities and recommend it cheer ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN TELEPHONE IS IN CUSS W ITSELF Disputed Question of River Supremacy is Settled in Race to the .Locks. CHAS. R. SPENCER BEATEN In a Trial of Speed Between the Turo Boats the Spencer Is Played With and Then Passed. A public announcement made by Cap tain Charles R. Spencer that his boat, the Charles R. Spencer, would "throw water on the steamer Telephone all the way to the Locks," was sufficient to put the officers of the latter boat on their mettle yesterday, and today Captain J. S. Cochran Is chuckling In supreme satisfac tion. "With all conditions favorable for a river race yesterday, the steamers Tele phone and Charles R. Spencer, on the Cascade Locks run. went at It. with the result that the Telephone won handily. The race was the outcome of the Intense rivalry for river supremacy. Captain Spencer has persistently asserted his boat to be the best ever. So firmly convinced has he been of this that a short time ago he offered to wager his steamer against one of the lower river craft in a race, and within the last two days has announced that his boat never has been passed, and never would be by any river steamer. His contempt for his direct rival, the Tele phone, was shown in his boast that his boat would throw back water on it all the way up the run. Since the new Tele phone went on the Cascade Locks run the superiority of the boats has been a matter of dispute. - Two weeks ago. in a three-cornered race between the Telephone. Charles R. Spencer and Bailey Gatzert. the Tele phone was a good half-mile in the lead on the return trip, but even at that .the Charles R. Spencer refused o admit de feat. Cochran Is Foxy. "With the taunts and boasts rjnging in his eara. Captain Cochran saw his chance yesterday to settle the dis6ussIon, and in structed his captain, . "W. Baughman, in command of the boat, to "go to It." The Telephone and Spencer left Portland at the same time, but neither captain showed any inclination to force matters while in the Willamette. When the Co lumbia was reached, however, the race began. The Telephone adopted teasing tactics and kent lust nst cer until Lady Island was in sight It was tnen mat tne spencer got a surprise, and the boast that she could not be passed became a meaningless saying. Without apparent ffort, the Telephone overtook her rival, and before the island was In the wake the Spencer had been beaten. The Telephone maintained her lead up to the Locks, arriving there seven minutes ahead of the Spencer. It is said that the officers of the latter were so chagrined over their defeat that they abandoned the customary ,trip through the locks and re turned to Portland from the lower en trance. Both boats were well loaded with ex cursionists, and these entered fully Into the spirit of the race, in fact to such an extont that the beauties of the Columbia had no attraction for many whose sole purpose in the trip had originally been to view tha scenery. Was a Fair Test. Captain Cochran, who made the trip on the Telephone yesterday, plainly showed his elation last night over the outcome of the rac "I have felt all along," he said, "that we had the better boat, but I didn't care to boast of it. Yesteraay's race was a fair testit was more than that, in fact, since we gave the Spencer every advan tage. We simply played with her. and could have given her a worse drubbing. For miles we let her throw the water in front of us. and then, to show her how easy it was. passed her with little effort, and then dropped back to the pace that simply led her. We would have liked to race back to Portland, but they wouldn't give us the chance, and they left the Locks a full hour ahead of us. We went through the locks, as scheduled, while the Spencer stopped at the lower entrance." TO SAVE THE LIGHTSHIP. Work of Rescuing Columbia Itlver Xo. 50 Begins. ASTORIA, Or., Oct. 8. Special.) The steamer Callender took two 5000-pound mushroom anchors and a quantity of wire cable down to the stranded lightship to day, and tomorrow the anchors with 10W feet of cable attached to each and lead ing from the stern of the lightship will be placed in the channel, so that on the high tide tomorrow night or Wednesday morning the first attempt can be made to kedge the vessel Into deep water. On account of the rough and shallow water It is impossible for a steamer to approach anywhere near the stranded vessel, so at ebb tide tomorrow the steamer Mel ville will be anchored In the Baker's Bay channel and a barge with the anchors and cables on board and held by lines from the steamer will he allowed to drift down through the breakers until opposite the lightship. The kedge anchors then will bo dropped overboard and the life- saving crew will convey lines to the light ship eo the cables can be hauled on board. The stranded craft now lies head-on to the beach, and must be kedged off stern-first, but will have to be moved only about two ship lengths be- lore sne will float at high water. Jjlttlc Saved From Manzanita. ASTORIA, Or., Oct. 8. (Special.) The lighthouse tender Columbine went up to the wreck of the Man rani ta. today and. removed the searchlight, whistle and other gear that was In danger of being stolen. fleers report an uneventful trip with good weather. The British steamer Kelvlnbank. which went down the rivor Saturday, Is the first vessel this season to leave the Pacific Const with a full wheat cargo. She took out 1S2.13S bushels, valued at J133.0M. and Marine Notes. The steamer Oceano is exDected t mm off the drydock tomorrow. The repair worn win be completed today. The steamer Alliance is due todav. and will bring in part of the passenger list ana omcers of tho wrecked St. PauL -The American ship Star of Bengal, dlsnatched by the Portland LumW fnm. pany, to San Pedro, crossed out yester day. The schooner Ethel Zane. 19 days from San Pedro, crossed in yesterday. She comes to the Portland Lumber Company for cargo to California. The French bark Brizeux, under char ter to J. J. Moore, to load lumber for the West Coast, arrived at Astoria yes terday, 82 days out from Hobart. The steamer Redondo arrived In port from San Francisco last night with CO passengers ana & renerai cargo. Her of STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Steamer From. Date. Alliance. San FranclKO Oct. 0 Bee, San Franclnco Oct. 9 Despatch. an Francleco Oct. 0 Melville Dollar. San Francisco. -Oct. 3 Eurexa, San Francisco Oct. 10 South Bay. San Francloco Oct. 10 Columbia, San Francisco Oct. 11 Homer, San Francisco OoU IS Corta Rica, San Francisco Oct. 10 Northland". San Francisco Oct. 10 Aurella. San Francisco Oct. 16 Cascade, San Francljco Oct. IS Kruser. San Francisco Oct. 16 Aragonla. Orient Oct. 17 Alcoa, San Francisco "....Oct. IB Carries Japanese imperial irsa.lL Due to Depart. Steamer Destination. Date. Roanoke, San Francisco,....,... Oct. 10 Alliance. San Francisco Oct. 10 Bee. San Francisco Oct. 11 Melville Dollar, San Francisco.. Oct. 12 Redondo, San Francisco Oct. 11 Eureka, San Francisco Oct. 12 Homer. San Franrtoco Oct. 13 Columbia, San Francisco Oct. 13 South Bay, San Francisco Oct. 1.1 Dej-patch. San Francisco Oct. 13 Costa Rica, San FrancUwo Oct. 18 Northland, San Francisco Oct. 19 Aurella. San Francisco Oct. 19 Kroter, San Francisco Oct. 20 Cascade. San Francisco Oct. 20 Aratronla, Honskong Oct. 26 Alroa, Hongkong Oct. 27. Carrying United States roalL will deliver to Japanese ports. She was dispatched by the Northwest Warehouse Company. The steamer Imaum .will be the next wheat carrier for the Orient. She should sail about October 14. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Oct. 8. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.. moderate: wind. eai; weather cloudy with rain. Left up at 6 A. il. Steamer Whlt tler. Arrived at 9 A- M. and left up at 9:40 A. M. Steamer Redondo, from San Francisco. Sailed at 8:45 A. M. Steamer Aurella. for San Francisco: American bark Star of Bengal, for San Pedro. Arrived down at 10:15 A. M. British steamer Kelvlnbank. Arrived at 11;S0 A. M. Schooner Ethel Zane, from San Pedro. Arrived at 2:30 P. M. French bark Brlzeaux. from Hobart. Arrived at 10 A. M. Steamer Elmore, rem Tillamook. Arrived at 5 P. M. Three-masted barkenttne. San Francisco, Oct. 8. Sailed Bark "W. B. Flint, for Koloa. and Makawell. Arrived Bark KatulauL from Honolulu. Sailed Steamer.ortc W. G. Irwin, for Roche Harbor; schooner Wm. Olsen, for Portland. Arrived United States tug George M. Harrln. from Seattle: steamer Czarina, from Portland; steamer Umatilla, from Putet Sound; bark Grimth. from Hadlock. New York. Oct. 8. Arrived Numldlan. from Glareow and Movllle; Slavonla, from Trim, Flume and Palermo. FREb SCHOOL Of Domestic Science. We have secured the services of Mrs. Bertha Haffner to give a free, course of lectures at our store In cooking and kitchen furnishings. These lecture? will be given daily at2:30 P. M. Everyone is cordially Invited. HOJCETMAX HARDWARE COMPANY. KELLY FORETELLS CHUNKS OF PEACE Coming Harmony Conference to Be a Gathering 'of Repentant Sinners. "JAWN'S" VIEW ON MEETING Democratic Statesman Declares Pri mary election Law an Intcrro- gallon Point Prophesies as to Reunion. All forms of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema are cured by Hood's S&rsaparllla, the blood purifier. 'They'se makin a great ajoo over th rayunlon an confrlnce Iv th raypentant an' raygenerate on Thursday. October th twllfth." said "Jawn." otherwise known as J. J. Kelly, as he helped himself to the best chair In the Democratic caravan sary. "They is." responded "Jim." the title bestowed on James Foley. "Th Chinks have chased th dlvll out Iv town, th Chamberlain Raypubllcans are now Ray publican Chamberlains, an they'se proud iv It, th Mllishy will keep th' sheep frm th goats, an 'twill be a rile agglomera tion iv ca'am and unsllfish path rites. "Th ganders fr'm Marion, th ol game cocks fr'm Columbia, th cock'rels fr'm th out counties an th first cocks Iv th metropolis will coddle togidder an 'twill be 'Cockyjoodle-sjoo, we'se no barnyard hypenates. nayther be you'sc If enny Iv th old battered roosters try to get In a dunghill note, they'll swat him wld a llfrary clod fr'm th sacred Held Iv Get tysburg. "They'll be many m perfunctory nods an some carjal greetings fr'm th first cocks an the big cocks to the cockerels, with a "Well, well. well, nowjydoo; you're look In splendid: ye haven't changed wan bit since th days when we filpt th dice on a sixteen-to-wan shot. Will ye ate an or ange? Call on me at me home or me office or me club, but call enny way, and bring home wld ye a sack Iv flour for pan cakes Vr th chllder. Pokcn It to 'Em. "Whin th bunch Is corraled th chair man will rise slowly an wid great dig nity; his lips will tremble: wld an effort he'll irrigate his gash wld a sup Iv Bull Run. an' thin poke It to 'em. " 'Fellow citizens.' he will say. 'Ray publicans and pathrites. he will say, whin I gaze on this roawjestlc heterogen eity iv harmonious heteroginoslty, me tung becomes tangled In me teef, a Chi nook thaw thrickles down on altch side iv me beak, an me lungs are in me thrawt. This Is th happiest day iv me life, since me marriage. We Is asslmbled here to day to take th viper dlshcoord by th slack Iv th' pants an say. "Down, down to hell wld ye. an' say I senty there." " Tf I may parryphrase th gud book In a place Iv this kind I will say, lvry man that loves our party loves our candi dates or he's a lire. Raymimber that th mills will niver grind agin wld th waters that are pawst. Let your deliberations be as pure an' white as th' flour that made us th poor man's frind. Ye are good fair men, an I trust ye. It's yere paytrotlc Jooty to discover th north bank Iv th primary law an' folly th' line lv least ray- nlntpnpR. huf don't monkcv wld It. If ! they'se anny apostrofecs mlssin in It, rayfer It to th' State Printer. We Is the People. " 'Gintlcmin. th primary law is th will Iv th people. It's vox poppy-He. nox dago, an glntlomln. belave me, we Is th peo ple. Sink or swim, live or die, survive or purrlsh. now go to it. " Jim stopped, not because the springs of his oratory had gone dry. but because he wished his auditors to digest what they had received. "D'ye raymimber. Jawn." he said, "that great sayln iv Shakespeare. 'Th little foolery that wise men have, makes a great show'?" "I do." said Jawn, "but phat Is th' pri mary law?" "It's an Interrogation pint," answered Jim. , i, "Don't ye mano an ixcllmation pint? asked Jawn. "Xaw." said Jawn. "that comes afther they'se primed." REPORTS HANDED TO PORTE Six Embassies Interested In Finan cial Control of Macedonia. CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. S. Collective reports of the six embassies regarding the financial control of Macedonia were handed to the Porte Saturday. The finan cial delegates ot tne powers are pruwecu lng to Uskub. A dispatch from Constantinople. October 2. said the Porte persisted In Us unyield ing attitude In regard to the financial con trol of Macedonia. Replying to the col lective note of September 25 from the six powers, declaring that their decision to to assume international control of the finances of Macedonia was unalterable, the Porte reiterated what It regarded as Inrupcrable objections to the scheme. The dispatch said the delegates of the powers who were to act as financial . con troller? of Macedonia must remain idle until pressure compelled the Porte to Issue the orders necessary to enable them to enter on their functions. Fire Loss at Lowell. LOWELL. Mass.. Oct. S. (Special.) Barristers Hall, owned by J. L. Cha.ll foux, one of the oldtfst business blocks In this ' city, was damaged by Are today, nintr n. loss of $100X00. Four stores were completely gutted and three others, including a number of offices, were dam aged by water. It is believed the fire started from an overheated baker's oven in the basement. "Western Washington and extreme Northwest ern Oregon, with generally fair weather else where. It will be warmer east of the Cascade Mountains. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. STATIONS. 2 5 3 Wind. , 5 o 3 o 3 "o 3 2. 2. 3 n - 3 ? J' ' 09 Baker Cltr BlAnarck.... Boise Eureka Helena........... Kamloops, B. C North Head Pocatello... Portland Red Bluff Roneburg......... Sacramento...... Salt Lake City.., 5an Francisco... Spokane , Seattle Tatoosh Iiland... T trace. 48'0.00 4SE H(0.00t20'Ny 52 T I10JNW 58 0.00118 N U T 120 W 52 o.ooi..! , SOO.Otff 8'W 4 T ! 4'N 58'o.0210iSW 7O!o.0Ol22tN 58 0.00 4INW 7OlO.0O!24lNW 48 T 4JE 7410.00112 W 52i T I O'XB 5fl'0.00 4!NW 5210.01! 8'W Cloudy ICloudy ICkMKlr IPt. cMy. ICloudy ciouar Cloudy Pt. cldy. Rain Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. eWy. Pt. cMy. Cloudy Cloudy ICloudy DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 8. 1005. Maximum tem perature, 57 deg.; minimum. 46 deg. River reading -at 11 A. Ml. 4.5 feet: change In rut 24 hour?, none. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., 0.22-lnch: total elnce Septem ber 1. 1605. 6.48 inches: normal since Septem ber 1, 1005. -2.5S Inches: excels. 3.8S Inches. Total sunshine October 7, 1005. 2 hours and 47 minutes; poedble sunshine, 11 hours and 24 minutes. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts madt at Portland for the 2S hours ending mldnlrht. October 0: Portland and vicinity Shower, probably fol lowed by fair weather; westerly winds. Western Oregon Fair, except rtiowers ex treme north portion: westerly winds. Western Washington Partly cloudy, with arobably showers; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eaotero Washington and Idaho Fair and wanner. WEATHER 'CONDITIONS. The high pressure area noted last night off the California coast has advanced to Western Oregon. It caused sharp frosts this momlng In exposed placeo east of the Cascade Moun tains. During the last 24 hours light showers have occurred at scattered plaoes In the North Pacific States, which hare been followed by clear weather In Southern Oregon, while elsewhere- cloudlness continues. The Indications are for ehowers Monday in Skin Diseases are cured by Hydrozone f and I Glycozoive Eniorul ty tht Medical Profettion. By destroying germs, they as sist nature to accomplish a cure. Send thirty-five cents to pay ex pressage on Free Trial Bottles. Sold hf Lcidfar DrefrUts. Hat rtaainc amlew Ubc! bears my tlgtxtan: 62M Prlnc Street. N. Y. Write ror free laforaatloB aboat HYOROZOXK aad 6LTCOM.VX. ECZEMA The Terrible SKln Scourge i Itching. Burning, Bleeding, Wa8lng,CntIng, Scaling. ..... . i .mA Kn !eeo.iioreStfroOl 'gS&t Hoidertinen wont out witt wrywaSSnf; There Is a quick. posltlro cure la 6KINHEALTH-7E TREATMENT WW. bes the skin and stop itching, and Slheaim Tablets, to expel humor germs. TUDES OF'MOTHEnSrelyonSlrfnbealta trestaentTfiUi Harflna. So-Pj0;1" relleTlag and quickly curing all kinds of j inr humors from Infancy to old 'PjLS: tying the skla aad hslr, soothing all irritations, tad far saany aatUeptlc wes. Druggist. irOODARO. CLARKE CO.. ourtB and Washington St. HAND SAPOklO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softesl skin, and yit efficacious in removinf any stain. Keeps the skin In perfect condition. In the bath Ives all tht desirable- after-effects or a Turkish bath. It should be on every wash stand. lh GgOCBgS AD DRUQQI3T Rheumatism Like Neuralgia, is now known to be a nervous disease. The kidneys become weak through lack of nerve energy, and fail to filter the uric acid from the blood; this acid attacks and burns the nerves and muscles, and consumes the oil in the joints, producing inflammation, fever, swelling pain. To cure Rheumatism, then, you must restore the kidney, nerves and muscles, and neu tralize the effect of the acid upon the joints and tissues with Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, a nerve medicine, which has made many cures of this painful disease. Nervine strengthens the kidney nerves and increases the circulation, and relief is assured. "Before I took Dr. Miles' TTervine, I had beer, looking for a cure for Rheumatism for 25 years. The last time I -was laid up for several months, could not jet out of bed or t foot on the floor. I tried remedies to rub in, to drink, doctors' prescriptions, etc.. but none of them haa any effect. One day I read about Dr. Miles Nervino and got a bottle. After the first dose I had a good night' rest, and after taklnc half a botUo th pains disappeared, and I went out and walked all around tho town. In a week. I went to work, and was perfectly cured, but continued to take tho medicine for a time, to make sura the pains would not come back." THOS. LONO. 313 N. Chatham St., Racine. Wis. Dr. Miles Nervine la sold by yeur druggist, who will guarantee that ths first bottle will benefit. If it falls, h will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Honor able Dealing. Posi tive Cures TVa treat and cure hundreds ersry month who sufTer from PeWio and other diseases ot men. such as Hydro cele Varicocele. Stricture. Stomaca, Kidney and Bladder Affections. Vital Weakness. Nervous Decline, lrnpo lency Nocturnal .Losses and all that long train of symptoms and troubits which arise from youthful errors or ether excesses. We have a new specific treatment for Gonorrhoea which Is prompt, sure, safa and painless. Syphilis and all blood taints we curs to stay cured, and do not resort to poi aonou minerals. Varicocele. Hydrocele. Plies. Kectal Ulcers and Cancers wa euro effectu ally and without the us or the Icnlfs. Consultation and examination Xrva. Write tor symptom blank and book ti you cannot call. OfHca Hours: 3 A. it. to P. If. J Eunday. 10 to 12. C I Aiiin Medical uf QI.LUUIS Surgical Cor. 2d and Tamhlll Sts.. Portland. Or. Dispensary I DEBILITATED CSV AND rerejuvea- H aiea oy we great Bala California D ami ana Bitten. Nature's incjt wonderful aphrodisiac Send for Circular. De pot, S23 Market St.. S. F. All druggists sell it I