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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1905)
THE MORXLN'tx ORE(5oflAJf, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1905. f HUGHES FOR MM s 0 a Watches Cleaned And warranted one .year for 75c. New mainsprings for 75c All other repairing on jewelry at pro portionate prices First Floor," near large ele vators. 'Kerchiefs for Women BARGAINS! 20c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 12c. Very Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, "with initial also some Fancy Linen Embroidered. Handkerchiefs and another line of Fancy Lace-Trimmed Hand kerchiefs; our 20c and 25c values, special at, each 12 OEdSi Wort man & Kin a Store Bell "Th Different Store," Fifth Sixth and Washington Sfrts Republicans Choose Terror of Insurance Grafters. THE FOREMOST DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO Stirring Special Sales for Saturday, October 7th. Free Lessons In Fancy Needlework given by an expert artiste in the Art Stitchery Shop. at A. Mm at P. Mi CHEER HIM TO THE ECHO ewnSTork Shows Attitude on Insur ance t Scandal by Nominating . fHlin -.Unaniihpusly MnnJcI- ' pal Light Demanded.' " ' XEW ., YORK. Oct. -G. Charles -E. Hughes, principal counBcl o thfe. commit tee of the Legislature to. Investigate In surance affairs, was tonight unanimously nominated as candidate lor Mayor oi New Tork by the Republican party city con vention in Carnegie Hall. The other nomi nations were: Richard Young. - Brooklyn, for Control ler, and James T. Wells, of the Bronx, for President of the Board of Aldermen. Ex-Lieutenant-Governor Timothy L. Woodruff was chosen temporary chair man. Senator Page read the platform, which embraced a denunciation of the Democratic municipal administration; an affirmation of the principle of non-partl-Banshlp in municipal affairs; a demand for tha-passage of laws at the next ses sion of the Legislature to Insure life in surance policy-holders a more rigid scru tiny of life insurance companies, the con trol of future subways by the municipal ity and the establishment of a municipal lighting plant." . Senator Blsberg. in." placing Hr. Hughes name in nomination, said: I say that, in presenting to thin conven tion the nuBgest'on I nm about to make, we muni have no thought that the man whom I shall name will give time to the work of the campaign. We shall expect no time, from him. We believe the moat eloquent campaign address that he can mako are the questions he is dally putting to the wit nesses before him. We insist that, whatevr the action we may take tonight. It shall jaot deter him front relentleesly pursuing every evil-doer, .high or low, Republican or Dmocratlc. "It's Hughes! It's Hughes!'' the dele gates shouted, and then for fully two minutes the convention became wildly en thusiastic. Demonstrations greeted the formal nomination of Mr. Hughes by Mr. Elsberg, and the band played 4Hall to the Chief" and "The Star-Spangled Ban ner." On motion of Herbert Parsons that the vote be made unanimous, the .secretary fcast a single vote for Charles E. Hughes. Mr. Hughes was asked later If he had any statement of his position to make for publication. "There's nothing Just now," he said. Richard Young, who was nominated for Controller, said tonight at his home that he would not be a candidate. CANT AGREE ON ARMISTICE Deadlock In Negotiations Between Armies In Xorth Corca. SEOUL, Oct. 6. A staff officer says that after three meetings of the Russian and Japanese army representatives, the terms of the armistice In North Corea are qtlll unarranged. although there has been no lighting. The Russians insist and the Japanese refuse to give up their present position, which thcyxrccupied alter -hard, fighting, in-order to create a neutral zone. PLANS FOR TRADE EXPANSION Japanese Merchants Propose 3Iany 3Ieasures to Government. TOKIO, Oct 6. Th sessions or the As sociated Chambers Fof Commerce were i closed today after the delegates had passed a resolution to memorialize the government on numerous points calculated to advance and develop national trade, industry and finance. The following are the prominent features: The creation of government commercial agents. The establishment of floating exhibitions of samples and museums in foreign ports. A customs tariff union between Corea and Japan. ' The opening of a universal exposition The improvement of existing railroads and the rapid construction of new rail roads. Retrenchment in the expenses of the ad ministration. The establishment of a Japanese-Chinese bank. The adoption of measures against the expansion of the currency. More Opposition to Treaty. TOKIO, Oct 6.-6:20 P. M.)-The atti tude of the Constitutionalists, hitherto indefinite, in regard' to the treaty of peace with Tlussla, now Bhows signs of assuming a position of antagonism to the government policy during the approaching session of the Diet JAIL USED FOR BLACKMAIL 3Tcv Tork Sheriff "Exposed" Use of Ludlow-Strcet Building. NEW YORK, Oct" 6. Ludlow-strcet Jail In New York City Is a blackmailing insti tution, according, to Sheriff Erlanger's statement yesterday before the Board of Estimates. at "I lenow that Ludlow-street Jail," said . the .sheriff, "through .the civil process is the champion blackmailing institution of the United States.- I3cnow of one case t where a man was Imprisoned for a breach xst promise in a suit; for 510,000, and the i people who pu him in Jail compromised I for 517, and .nthut $17 was' divided among .jj three persons'.' ' . "I believe' that nine out every ten of the civil prisoners who are' sent to Lud-low-street Jail are there through process of blackmalL The system Is all wrong. . to the hamejiof the legislature.'.' Mr. Erlanger asked for 5100,750 for the ' annual expenses of the jail. Nine pris ?" oners, he said' was the greatest number there had; been in this jail at any one time during the past year and at pres ent the jail'ias only three. They are guarded and cared for by one warden, eleven keepers, two engineers, two cooks " and a laundress. After. this announcement by the sheriff it was computed that oh a basis of nine prisoners in the jail all the. time, each one Cost the county $30 a day1 during his in carceration: Printers' Strike In Omaha. '- OMATETA, Oct d. But three job printing houses were affected by the strike of union job printers, which was inaugu rated hero today. 1 1 The Denver & Rio Grande has estab lished through Pullman standard sleeping car service between Portland and Denver, leaving .Portland at 8:15 P. M:. spending seven nours In Salt Lake City second day and arriving in Denver, afternoon ot fol lowing day. For reservations call at lit Third street. c ' e Tour .complexion, as well as your tem per, is rerftercd miserable by a disordered liver. Improve both bv taking Carter's Little Liver Pills. 9 9 a a .a a a a aa a a a a aa a a a a a a aa aa a a a a a a a a aa aa aa a a a a a a a aa aa , a a ' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aat aa aa a aa aa a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a aa aa aa a a aa a a a a aa aa aa aa a a a a a a a fa a a a aa aa . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a ' a a a a a a ac a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a r aaa aaa SEASONABLE SATURDAY SPECIALS IN THE Women's and Children's Knit Underw'r Aisles FIRST FLOOR. Just received, the second great shipment of women's. -and children's ".Merode" knit Winter-weight under Tvcar.'' ' .' WpHicii'M SUXOO Union SnU.-X39. ; Swiss ribbed "Vega" Ilk Union Suits in-, white, pink and blue, long sleeves, ankle Irngrth half open -Jcont; regular J3.0J. Special. . .$2.30 AYbmen'ft Union Stilt S1.S8.' White and silver gray cashmere Union Suits, half open front; regu lar value $2.50. Special, sult..SLt8 Women 83o TlRbtn G8c Lightweight white merino Tights, anklo and knee lengths; regular value Sac. Special, the palr....5Sc MInncm' Cotton Union Suit SOc. Misses' sliver gray Jersey ribbed cot ton Union Suit. Winter-weight, sizes 2 to 9. Special at. the suit. 50c Hoy' Cotton Union Stilt SOe and 60c. Boys' gray cotton Union Suits, winter-weight. Special at, suit. 50c, Oc Children' Vent nnd Pant r0c Children's white and silver gray Swiss ribbed Vests and Pants, ")i wool, nonshrlnkablc. all hIzcf, 18 to 3 J. Special at, each 50c Today Is Housekeepers' at the Store And we've prepared a specially at tractive list of economics for today that thrifty housewives and stewards will appreciate. We orint. not a score of mentions theroare hundreds of equally good special values that go uitmcntioned. THIRD FLOOR. Special Sale Prices on Souvenir China . MnjcKt our 25c value. Special at, each 15c Mhki our 35c value. Special at, each SOc Open Bon Bonnf our 40c value. Special at. each .5c Cup and .Sasrer; our 40c value. Special at, the pair .'.25c Cap and Saucers; our 35c value. Special at. the pair.... SOc Creamer; our 15c valueJ Special at, each -. . . 1 Oc Pin Tray; our 15c value. Special at, each 10c Spoon Tray; our 40c value. Special at, eaeh Tc Jelly DIhrx; our 40c value. Special at. each 2.c Handsome JVevr Line of Bohemian GlaKHirnre In new fa.ncy shapes and gold decorations. BottN, OJIvc, Jell!?, Napple. Bon Bob. Tall Comport. Decanter, etc. .WALLACE BROS SILVERWARE. Teaspoon, set of C. Special nt, the set ..."VOc DcMAcrt Spoon, set of G. Special at, the set 6Bc Table Spoon, set of C. ' Special at, the set 91.00 Perk, set of 6. Special at, the set 91.09 Butter KnlVe. Spccjal at. each . .35c Suxar Speen. Special at, each.... 20c Berry Speeas. Special at, eactu,..4dc BLUE DECORATED SALAD SETS. Bowl and 8 Saucer. Special at, the set ..,.... TV... 5c Bowl anil IS Saucer. Special at, the set 78c IMPROVE EACH SHINING HOUR Ten Hours Crammed full- of Busy Business Makes This Store's Day Saturday, as on all days of the week, -we -close at 6 P. M., when the day is done. This is the "Daylight Store." The last day of the -week is the logical shopping day for the millions-ra day of the . essential practical. While the great stye shows and lavish merchandise displays as exploited here attract thousands of visitors as well as shoprsLrttrrongh the week, today the masses will come upon purely business errands. We therefore crowd today V store announcement with practical informa tion of merchandise in most active demand, and you'll, of course, note the hosts of opportunities for saving money in the spending of it. Visitors are as welcome as ever the store will be doubly attrac tive today. Bigger and better bargains than elsewhere and more generous choosing. Remember to come before 6 I. 31. After that the doors are locked and we're off for rest and recreation Hil Monday The Greatest Success Ever Made, in Portland by Any Embroidery Merchants Fell to Our Lot Yesterday Morning Imagine the Marquam Grand management offering $3.00 seats to "Ben Hur" for 50c, and you'll get some idea of the stampede for embroideries that took place here. At S o'clock yesterday when the doors opened there was a rush and even "standing room" was soon at a premium in front of the embroidery counters, and remained so all day. But such an immense purchase as this we offer is little affected, evea by such tremendous selling, as took placo yesterday by one day's attack and the sale goes on today with equal values. Plan to be early. A word of the bargains: Hundreds of Thousands of Yards of Beautiful Embroideries in a Bargain Riot And what woman doesn't want a plenty of new and dainty embroideries at this season with the Fall and Winter sewing all ahead and lots of pretty undergarments to make for all the family femininity? We prepared for this great sale months ago, secured the embroideries at less than the then regular prices. Sale lasts through today. Better be early. You will if you'll peep at the embroideries in a Fifth-street window. Now the bargain storv: LOT 1 Consists of fine Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries from 3 to 10 ?line in rnrt Konttf ? fill nnffnrnc icnrtK TAmilorltr Inn Oftir nnA Onn I per yard. Special at 45 for a strip of 4V yards, and '65 for a strii5 of 6Y2 yards. LOT 2 Consists of beautiful Nainsook, Cambne and Swis3 Embroideries and Insertions, some very fine' little baby embroideries, some medium width for . trimming waists and fine underwear, some wide embroideries suitable for trimming skirts, etc Also some very elegant wide embroideries worth 75c and $1.00 the yard. In this lot the cheapest embroidery is 35c the yard, nothing less than 35c in the regular way: During this, special sale the whole lot will be included at 90 a strip- of 4Vs yards and $1.30' for a strip of W2 yards. . Another Day of Strenuous Suit Selling Today in the Women's Apparel Salons SECOND FLOOR. LARGEST SUIT AND WRAP STORES WEST OF CHICAGO. ' v Suits or Coats $ 1 5.50 WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS FOR $18.50. We offer the best value at tho price we have ever known shown by any house in Anierica. It again illustrates our absolute supremacy in the apparel market. The suits navy: black or gray mixtures, cheviots and homespuns. Cut in Redingote styjes, coats with Ieg-o'-mutton sleeves, notched collar; skirts full plaited, 9 and IS gored. Very smartly tailored. Best value you ever saw, with all the wearing season ahead , $18.50 HANDSOME COATS AT $18.50 MATCHLESS VALUES. We've arranged several lines to be offered at the above price, and allow choice of all leading styles. Empire modes, Raglans or Box Coats, all in the popular three-quarter . lengths, materials the smart mannish mixtures in the roughish effects so much favored by swell dressers. But tons . and strappings the trimming accessories. Outside patch pockets are a feature on many. Some have velvet collars; others have collars of the materials. These are the much-advertised "$25.00 values" of some stores Price here $18.50 SUPERB LINGERIE WAISTS. Havearrived. Magnificent hand-raado creations. Prices run from $7.50 to $23.50. Daint' mulls and linens predominate in tne showings. WOMEN'S NEW COATS. Overwhelming assortments and wide choosing in the great convention of new Fall Coats. Three-quarter and full lengths. Serges, broadcloths, cheviots, coverts, tweeds and fancy mannish mixtures slmre in popular favor. All the favored shades of colorings. Choose from the simple and plebeian garments, yet full of stj'lo as a nut is full of meat, up the price scale to the Patricians at $185. Stop where you will at the in-be-you'll find here each garment best at its respective price in America. CHILDREN'S NEW FALL COATS. Very smart and natty garments, long and gracefnl, made of . sturdy materials, including serges, cheviots and fancy mixtures. -Coa(s for girls from 6 to 12 years of age. RICH NECK FURS. .The largest and finest assortment of superb Neck Furs ever shown by any one Portland house. The lines are too varied for-escription in detail. Suffice to say, all the very newest ideas of America's leading fur houses engaged in manufacturing iigh-class fur garments and wraps. Sables, Isabella fox, black marten, mink, squirrel 'and bear ;$2.50 to $175 at $7.50, or tween price run along stations, Rugs and Blankets Uaasrprlccd Today Fearik Fleer "White "Wool HlanketK. Fine white wool Blankets, manufactured In and made of Oregon's choicest wool, values at 5, &0, 7-6, IS, f6, fie, 9H 8I&50, S35 $7.50 Navajo Blanket f-Ur. Genuine Pendlctcn .Navajo Blankets; regu lar value $7.60. Special, the 'pair.... S4A5 We el Blanket. 4.83. Heavy nll-vrool vicuna brown Blankets: regular value $6.00. Special, the palr.4.S5 2.r.e Smj-rsa Krrh, 9U4S. All-wool double-faced Smyrna Hug's, ulre 30x63 Inches: regular value $2.50. Special. efech ?1.4S Women's Hosiery Section FIRST .FLO OK. WemeB'a 25c Ileae IRc. Medium-weight black cotton Hose, finished foot, double sole, sizes $u. 9 and only: regular value 25c Special, the pair. ..19c Ladies' Silk and Lisle Gloves Flrnf Fleer. Ladles fine silk mesh Gloves, with lisle palms, Keyset' make, perfect fitting and very durable; also our two-clasp lisle gloved, made by the best manufacturers and Imported direct by us. VIU be sojd today for less than It costs to Import them. Blacks and colors: our S5c S1.00 and fL.25 values. Special at, the pa!r.4Sc .... n Ribbon Bargains Values to 83c, at the Yard 23c. All-silk Ribbons, consisting of satin taffeta Blbbons 4 and 5 Inches wide, worth 40c; . black and "White effects, S inches wide, worth- SOc: elegant hair stripe Ribbons, i inches wide, some swell dotted effects, worth 65c; new print warp and Dresden patterns worth SOc a perfect wealth of ribbons In every wanted color and design, suitable for girdles, ties, cushion ruffles and decorative purposes. Special at. th yard '.3Sc , DRESS GOODS AND SILK SALE Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. Interest is growing "Women are coming from all quarters to get a sharje of the really remarkable values now rnling at Olds, Wortman & King's. Manv counters in the annex are heaped full. Many good judges have said that the mills took unnecessary losses for wefre selling Silks and Dress .Goods at mill prices. But the owuers knew their business. Fabrics being woven now are to be distributed at higher prices. It better to clear out this season's pieces at a loss than to mix them in and confuse merchants who are already doing Spring buying. "We gain so do yon. The goods are the newest and brightest of the Fall and Winter weaves. Values like these for today: FEENOH PLAID SILKS FOR 79c. Handsome New French Plaid Silks in all color combinations, all pure silk and positively the latest styles shown,, an unma.tchable value at $1.00; special for Saturday only at, the yard 79d IMPORTED SILK AND WOOL CREPE DE PARIS. In nil the evening and street shades and cobprs, black and white included; dur regular $1.25 value, special for today at, the yard S9d Our regular $1.50 value; special for today only a4r, the yard $1.X4 These are, without doubt, the best values at the regular price we have ever offered. The American Manuo! Training Schooi Voting Contest A List Of what goes with the FREE Scholarships to be given away by this house to the three winners of the voting contest now on -at the store to be decided on Thanksgiving Day. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL. TOOLS A Tool Box containing 25 high-grade Mechanic's Tools, embracing every necessary tool required by the most advanced pupil, are furnished, with our guarantee that they are First-Class. BENCH We furnish a Work Bench made especially for our use, substantially constructed, with a hard maple working; top and heavy pine base. Size of Bench Top, 13x40 inches; height, 30 and 34 inches. The Bench is shellacked, giving it a neat appearance for home use. LIJMBER-'-The lumber furnished will be appropriate for the varioxjs articles to be produced, including Holly, Gum Wood, Pine, Basswood nnd Oak. All necessary lumber for the entire course is furnished, and ac companies the lesson for which it is intended to be tised. The Equipment and Material Are Included in the Cost of Scholarship Under our system, upon receipt of the first lesson, the pupil is fully equipped to apply himself without loss of time. Names of Leading Ten Contestants in the American Manual Training School Voting Contest, With Standing of Each at 4 P. M. Yesterday. Sidney Crumm. North Central 12,710 Marion Osden. Ockley Green 11,001 John Wllhelm. Couch 0,231 Truman Cook. Failing- 23173 Robert Holmes, Harrison 21,437 George Slater. Ladd 20,364 Wrlpnt Brown. Clinton Kelly 10.807 James Winston. Harriaon.... 14,753 Roland Malm, Sunnyslde 14,587 Henry Hawkins. Davis 8,351 Scattering: 27,100 Total 153,743 SUCCESSFUL FALL MILLINERY "Satisfying in every respect" is the unaui-mous- criticism of our clients regarding our paramount collection of Imported and Ameri can Millinery. SATURDAY IS "CHILDREN'S DAY" IN THE "BIJOU" SALONS. Annex Second Floor. , A SPECIAL SALE OF SCHOOL HATS 98c. The leading attraction we shall feature. Pretty little conceptions sure to please the lassies. Smart and jaunty sailors with rolling brims and ribbon streamers: also straight and "waving brims. Colors are blue, red, brown, gray, tan and plain white; values up to $2.00, special today only for 9S The Housewives Remembered BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS AND TOWELING First Floor. NAPKINS $3.60 DOZEN. About 50 dozen Fine Satin Damask Napkins, large dinner size; special, the dozen ." - $3.60 TABLE LINEN 54c. Satin Damask Bleached Table Linen, pretty patterns, 62 inches wjdo; special at, the yard 54 BUCK TOWELS 10c EACH. Linen Huck Towels, neat fancy border, good size; special at, each 10 TURKISH TOWELING 12y2 YARD. Heavy Bleached and Unbleached Turkish Toweling; special, yard 121c SHOES FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN "FAIR-WAY BOOTE SHOPPE." Annex, Sixth Street First Floor. The season is on when almost everyone needs new shoes for the rainy season. These offerings for today are most timely. Special values in, footwear for all the family. These shoes are here in box calf, with Kangaroo tops, good stout soles, lace style. The women's shoes have low heels and the misses' and children's t t : i. t gr j snoes nave spring ucuis. slm Women's Sizes 22 to 6; our" $2.25 value, special sale price, the pair S1.69 Misses' Steea HV2 to 2; our $2.00 value, special sale price, pair S1.49 Children's Sizes 8to 11; jour $1.75 value, specia Isale price, pair 551.29 BOYS' SHOES." Here in box and velour calf, solid throughout, with good hemlock tanned soles. These shoes are the kind that will stand the wet weather. Ask for our numbers 601 and 617. Sizes 2 to 6; special for today at, the pair $1.79 Sizes 9 to 2; special for today, the pair $1.49 ALL MEN'S "PTNGREE" SHOES REDUCED. Men's $4.00 and ?5.00 "Pingree' Shoes $3.45 Including the celebrated "yogue" and the "Governor" Shoes, double and single soles, straight lasts, all the leading shapes;, regular $4.00 and $5.00 values, special, the pair $3.45 Saturday Bargains in Men's Shop lMEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR 63c. A line of Men's Fall-Weight Merino Underwear, in camelshair, extra well made and finished; our best $1.00 garment, special, garment 635 or the suit $1.25 MEN'S $1.50 KID GLOVES 99c. A line of'Men's Kid Gloves, in tan and brown, full pique finish; regular value $1.50, special, the pair .' 99 MEN'S 25c HOSE 14c. A lot .of Men's Seamless Fancy Cotton Hose; our best 25c value, special the pair 14c MEN'S SOc SILK NECKSOARFS 19c. A line of Men's Fancy and Plain Colored Silk Four-in-Hands, tecks and Shield Tecks; values up to 50c; special, each 19c MEN'S 25c HOSE 19c. Men's seamless cashmere Hose, in black, natural and Oxford; regular value 25c, special, the pair 19c MEN'S 91.00 NIGHTGOWNS 69c. Men's Outing Flannel Nightgowns, good heavy weight, extra wide and long; regular value $1.00, special, each 69 , MEN'S 50c SUSPENDERS 25c. A line of Men's medium weight Suspenders, in lisle and medium webs and leather ends; regular value SOc, special, each 25 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a :j 1 i e 1