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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1905)
the rouxiXG ohegonIan; Tuesday, octoIber '3. 1905.' FURTHER DELftY aa mm a a e aa mm e a a a aa mm mm a a mm mm a a a a a a a a aa a a a o a a a a aa a a Bargains in Women's Belts SPECIAL TODAY First Floor. 90c TO $1.50 BELTS TOE 50c. Ladies' Elegant Silk Belts, some, in fine tailored effects, some tucked, some with embroidered dots, have good, substantial buckles and were made by the best belt manufacturers. They are 75c, 90c and $1.25 values your choice of any of them today at, each 50 Women's Handkerchief Bargains SPECIAL TODAY First Floor. 20c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 12c. Very Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, with initial, also some Fancy Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs vand another line of Fancy Lace-Trimmed Handkerchiefs; our 20c and 25c values. Special for today at, each 12 C N NAMING JUDGE lit " Th Qlllrnt Stera," Fifth, sixth and Washington Straps THE FOREMOST DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO TUESDAY'S "STOEE DOINGS" OCTOBER 3. President May Not Fill the Vacancy in Oregon Un- til December. Mfw 0!ss at P. II. at A. H. V HITCH ABOUT ROSEBURG Hitchcock Objects to Hegardt, but Fulton Offsets Objection With Ietters From Army Engi neers Indorsing Him. OUEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington.' Oct. 2. President Roosevelt may .not appoint a Federal Judge for Oregon, or a Register and Receiver for the 'Aoseburg Tand Office until Con gress assembles next D'ecember. It is not definitely announced that there will be this further delay, but that is the intimation which the President gave faenator Fulton today when the latter called to urgevthe Roseburg ;Iand Of fice appointments. The Senator told the President that he and Secretary, Hitchcock had agreed upon B. L. Eddy for Register, but had been unable to reach an understand ing as to the Receiver. The President Informed Mr. Fulton that Mr. Hitchcock now objects, to the appointment of G. B. as Receiver, having become convinced, after inquiry, that Mr. He gardt was not a proper man for the place. He did not state the grounds of objection. To offset this objection, Mr. Fulton handed to the President very strong let ters from the Acting Chief of Army En gineers, and Major W. C. Langfltt, epcaklng in the highest terms of Mr. Hegardt, who for 17 years has been In direct charge of Government work at the mouth of the Columbia River under the Army Engineer Corps. The Indorse ments, which are official, seemed to offset .the objections raised by Mr. Hitchcock and the President kept them, promising to take the matter up with the Sepretary at once. The President brought up the subject of the Judgeship and told the Senator he was not ready to act, especially as the Attorney-General has not yet reached Washington. He wants to fur ther confer with him and intimated that, inasmuch as there is no especial need of haste, he may not Immediately select a Judge. The Roseburg Land Office matter may bo taken up at the Cabinet meeting to morrow, but unless the Attorney-General returns before then, the Judgeship will have to go over. CANNOT HOLD THEIR CLACKS Squatters on Shoshone Withdrawal' Have Wasted "Their "Money. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Oct. 2. The 180 odd individuals who have erected cabins on rich timber land In Shoshone County, Idaho, and whose names were quoted In the re port of Sepclal Agent Schwartz, recently published, have not Initiated homestead entries, as was erroneously stated in these dispatches, but have merely made settlement claims. In th opinion of of ficials of the Land Office who have ex amined these claims, every person named in Mr. Schwartz report is en deavoring by unlawful methods to get title to Government timber land. Not one of these persons has initiated entry, cither homestead or timber, but all have had shacks or cabins erected on quarter section of valuable- timber land before the lands were surveyed and subject to entry, in order that they might have some basis for alleging set tlement which would enaole them to initiate before anyone else could get the land when opened to entry. In some cases, as some of tho claim ants admitted, it was their intention to make homestead entry and avail them selves of commutation privileges, while others say they intended, after making homestead filing, to change and make the timber entry. But in every case these settlements discovered by Mr. Schwarts were made solely for tho purpose of holding this land until the builders of cabins "deemed it expedient to make entries. To matcc use of these alleged settlements, prospective entry men would, have to swear to residence on the land, but with one or two excep tions they have failed to actually re side on, or prove, the land, and there fore establish no rights which will ba recognized "by the Land orflce. It any person named by Mr. Schwartz shall hereafter attempt to make entry of lands on which these cabins "have been erected, claiming prior right by reason of settlement, suen entries will undoubtedly be cancelled, as these men have established no rights which, the Government will respect. The special agent' investigation showed that many of these persons haI built cabins think ing It was the proper way to get hold of the land and were not aware that they were violating the law. They claim to havevmerely followed a long standing practice in Idaho. It is a safe predic tion that not one of the ISO persons named , by Mr. Schwartz will be per mitted to make entry of the lan'd with in thejjroposed Shoshone forest re serve on which cabins have been erected. The Land Office records fall to show that J. P.' O'Brien or J. W. Graham, of Portland, named on the list, have made any filing whatsoever, but -show they have mere settlement claims, which will avail them nothing, neither having actually lived on the land or im proved it. Rural Route at Somas. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Oct. 2. Rural free delivery route .No. 1, has been ordered estab lished December 1. at Sumas. "Whatcom County, Wash., serving 486 people and 108 nouses. Suit the Deonle. because thr'v m t!r of bitter ddseB, with the pain and griping that usually follow. Carter's Little Liver All Previous Years' Records Have Been Eclipsed by the Extraordinary Business With Which We Have Started the Pall Season There is ample reason to be found for Ihis in the fact that we have strengthened our organization improved our service in every way greatly increased our outlet secured better buying chances than ever through our ever-ready spot cash have bought in larger quantities, with even greater care, from the best-known, manufacturers and makers of the world. Added to this is the liberal policy of this store one that has been identified with it since its very foundation, of sharing with our customers all price advantages we are able to gain through liberal buying and ready cash as well as in the fact that it is ever our aim to sell the same goods for less than others ask or still better goods for the same money. WE'VE CRACKED THE BARGAIN NUT AND PICKED OUT THE MEAT FOR OUR GUESTS EASY ASSIMILATION. Today Affords Last Opportunity for Sharing in the Opportunities of This Grand "Complimentary Sale" to Portland's Visitors and the Home Polks a a Women's Glove Bargains First Floor. N LADIES' SILK AND LISLE GLOVES FOR 48c. Ladies' Fine Silk Mesh Gloves, with lisle palms, Keyser's make, known a over the world as second to none manufactured, perfect fitting and very durable; also our Two-Clasp Lisle Gloves, made by the best manufacturers and imported direct by Olds, Wortman & King will be sold these two days for less than it costs to import them. Come in black and colors; our 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 values, special at, pair 48 Bargains in Pretty Neck Dress First Floor. WINDSOR TIES WORTH 50c TO 75c FOR 35c. Windsor Ties, Vq 3'ards long, in plain black with embroidered ends, plain Yale blue, navy blue with a white design ; some in fancy Persian designs, with assorted ground work and also some in a swell new red, with black polka dots; our 50c, G5c and 75c values, special for two. days at, each 35 Outing Flannel and Table Napery Domestic Aisles and Linen Store First Floor. 12V2c OUTING FLANNEL AT 9c. Six cases of fine Outing Flannels in plain colors, also in fancy plaids, checks and stripes in light and dark colorings; our regular 12Ao value, special for today at, the yard 9 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. A lot of Richardson's Fine Satin Damask Table Cloths, wih border all around , Size 2x2V yards; special at. each $3.05 and S3. 25 Size 2x3 yards, special at $3.60, $4.00, $4.95, 5.00 and $6.00 65c IMPORTED DAMASKS 48c. Imported Damasks, in Turkey red, red nnd white, blue and white, green and white; regular value C5c, special, yard 4S another Big Ribbon Sale TALUES TO 65c, AT THE YARD 25c. First Floor. ' Leagues upon leagues of bet All-Silk Ribbons, consisting of satin taffeta ribbons 4 and 5 inches wide, worth 40c; black and white effects, 5 inches wide, worth 50c; elegant hair stripe ribbons, 6 inches wide, worth 50c; plain tafTetas, 4 and 5 inches wide, worth 30c and 35c; som swell dotted effects worth G5e; new print warp and Dresden patterns worth 50c a perfect wealth of ribbons in every wanted color and design, suitable for girdles, ties, cushion ruffles and decorative purposes; special for two days only at, the yard 25 TODAY ONLY $10.00 SILK PETTICOATS $5.75 In Portland's Largest and Foremost Apparel Salons for Women. Second Floor. These Handsome Taffeta Silk Petti coats came to us from a famous New York maker, who became pressed for immediate cash and sold us a thousand of the beauties at about half their worth, as manu facturers figure values in quantity lots. The good fortune is shared with our patrons tpday in the big Suit and Wrap Salons. Rich, 33paSCl3fcGiL NT rustling . taffetas, in black and all jjSagt wanted colors, embracing blues, i -:sc3cE sieeis, royal navy, red, grav,.purple, V"fii . green, pink, helios, garnets, etc., made with wide plaits, deep flounces, kilted, etc. The best $10.00 value in Portland, for toda3T, special at $5.78 a mm a m mm Women Will Come and Save in Their Underwear Buying WOMEN'S $1.50 VESTS AND PANTS 98c. Yery Fine Ribbed Soft White Cashmere Tests and Pants, vests with long "very neatly trimmed, pants French bands, ankle length; our best $1.50 value, special, each 98 WOMEN 75c VESTS 49c, White Swiss Ribbed Long Sleeve Vests, knit to fit,neatly trimmed; best 75c value, special, eacn f... ...... c 49 WOMEN'S $1.50 UNION SUITS 95c. Bleached White Fine Ribbed Lightly Fleeced Cotton Union Suits, half open front, sil& crochet and tape trimming; regular value $1.50, special' the suit -95 WOMEN'S $3.50 UNION SUITS $2.49. Swiss Ribbed Silk and Wool Union Suits, in white, pink and blue, long sleeves, ankle length; regular value $3.50, specialf-the suit.... $2.49 MISSES' UNION SUITS. Hisses' White Wool Plaited Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length Regular 65c -value, size 2; special, the suit. 4 Regular 70c value, size,3; special, the suit 50(5 Regular 75c value, size A ; special, the suit , .'. . ...... ... 55 A Regular 80c value, size 5; special, the suit .'..i...i.-r.'.....60J Regular 85c value, size 6: special, tbtf suit .O.. 65 Regular $L00 value, size S; special, the suit. .sr... ...T...70 Regular $L00 value, size 9 ; special, the suit. .....'. 70 5 Regular $L00 value, size 10; special, the sui.....l 70 CHILDREN'S COTTON VESTS ANTr PANTS 29c AND 35c Children's White Winter Weight "Merode" Cotton Vests and Pants- Regular40c value; special at, each 29 Regular 50c value; special at, each 35 Special Sale Women's Nighlrobes Annex Second Floor. LADIES' $1.25 OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS FOR 77c. Ladies' Outing Flannel Night Gowns, in plain colors or in dainty pink or blue, and white stripes, and trimmed with lace, braid or ribbon; 12 different styles to select from4our regular $1.25 value, special sale price, eacn ...f 77 Matchless Values in Women.'s TAILORED SUITS ONLY $15.50 Look Where You Will You'll Not Find Their Equals at $13.50 WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS $18.50. Though we sell more suits at higher prices than the above named, we offer this weelc the best value at the price we have ever known shown by any house in America. It again illustrates our absolute suprem acy in the apparel market. The nearest we are approached locally 'at this value is by a house that shows a suit not quite so good as these we offer,, but at a higher price. They call it "a $25.00 and $27.50 .value sold by them at $20.00." Our price is $18.50. The suits navy, black or gray mixtures, cheviots and homespuns. Cut in Redingote styles, coats with" leg-o -mutton sleeves, notched collar. Skirts full' plaited, 9 and IS gored, very smartly tailored. Best value you eyer saw, with all the wearing season ahead $18.50 COATS FOR THEATER WEAR AND AUTOMOBLLING. The finest line ever shown in the West. No local house could hope to compete with such a monster showing of authoritative styles. Among this gathering we call especial attention to the mag nificent convention of Fur-Lined Coats Rich broadcloths in black and colors, with padded and quilted linings for elderly women. Among the furs we note mink, squirrel, astrachan and Persian lamb. As low as $35.00 as good as $175 Three-Quarter Length Coats S7.50 to 8.50 Especially Strong Lines at $12.50, $15 and $18.50 (The biggest values ever shown in the city by any house.) A GREAT VALUE IS A NEW ft-LENGTH COAT FOR $7.50. A handsome poat cut in very latest and smartest mode, made of stylish mannish -mixed tweedish materials, in the swell box effect; has-leg-o'-mutton sleeves, belted back, self collar and trimmed in strap aud but ton effects. ' Most stores would consider these coats priced low at $10.00. It's a habit we have to undersell our price for these $7;o0 HANDSOME COATS AT $18.50 MATCHLESS VALUES. We've arranged several lines to be offered at the above price, and allow choice of all leading styles. Empire modes, Raglans or Box Coats, all in the popular three-fourths lengths, materials the smart mannish mixtures in the roughish effects so much favored by swell dressers. Buttons and strappings form the trimming accessories. Outside patch pockets are a feature on many. Some have velvet collars, others have collars of the materials. The styles are very smart and mannish. These are the much advertised "$25.00 values" of some stores. Price hero ..; $1S.50 A GREAT VALUE IN FULL-LENGTH RAGLANS AT $25.00. For those who prefer the full lengths in Raglans, we offer especially great values at $25.00. The choosing is wide in this class. You may select a fancy mixture, covert, cheviot, homespun or tweedish mixed cloth. Suit your preference as to color from reds, greens, grays and mixtures. All are smartly trimmed with strappings of the materials, fancv stitchings, fancy buckles and touches of velvet. Greatest value ever offered in the ciiy for $25.00 Seasonable Bedding Bargains Fourth Floor Home-Fittings Shops. $6.00 BLANKETS $4.85. Fine all-wool Vicuna Blankets; regular value $6.00, special, pair 4.85 $5.00 COMFORTERS $3.95. Australian Lambswool Comforters; regular value $5.00, special $3.95 $4.75 COUCH COVERS $3.85. Heavy Oriental Couch Covers, in Cashgar weave, 60xlOS inches; regular value $4.75, special, each $3.85 Sensational Values in the Silk Store and Dress Goods Salons First Floor Fifth-Street Annex. 19-LNOH ALL PURE SILK TAFFETA. No better silk shown in Portland at our regular price, 85c yard. Colors are white, ivory, cream, deep cream, pinks, light blue, ryal, navys, turquoise, old rose, greens, browns, tans, resedas, reds, purples, helio, garnets, Alice and black; special for today only yard 64 SWELL NOVELTY SUIT SILKS. In red, brown, navy, royal, black, green grounds witlj neat figured and scroll effects. So-called famous $1.00 silks, only, yard 57 2S-LN0H ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. Warranted to give good wear; our regular $1.10 grade, special for 69 27-INCH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. Regular $1.25 grade; special onl', yard 89 36-INCH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. Regular $1.25 grade; special only, yard 94 36-INOH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA Regular $1.50 grade; special only, yard. $1.19 36-INCH ALL PURE SILK BLACK TAFFETA. Regular $1.75 grade: special only, yard ". $1.43 AUTUMN DRESS STUfPS Regular $2.00 grade of Turkish Mohair, Panamas, Prunellas, Roxanas, Surah Twill, Crepe de Paris, Broadcloths, Voiles, Poplin de Chine and English Mohair; special for today only, yard $1.59 Regular $L25 grades of Armures, Henriettas, Venetians, Panamas, Chev iots, Serges, Prunellas, Crepe de Paris, Voiles and Poplin de Chene; special for today only, yad 89fc COLORED DRESS. GOODS RADICALLY REDUCED FOR TODAY. 50c regular grade new suiting, in an endless assortment, for, yard 39 $1.00 regular grade 52-inch Serges and Cheviots, in all street colorings; special at, yard 79 $1.25 regular grade all pure wool Serges, Cheviots, Armures, Mohdelaines, Granites, etc., in all colors; special for, yard 92 A STIRRING SALE OP DAINTY LACES "LACE STORE" First Floor. Valenciennes Laces, Point Venise Laces, English Valenciennes Laces, Cotton Torchon Laces and a Great Variety of Allover Laces, all at sharply reduced prices. LOT NO. 1. Consists of Fine Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, not one little box of them, but a great variety to select from. They are worth from 35c to $1.25 the dozen yards. Special for Monday and Tuesday at. the dozen yards 25 p LOT NO. 2. Consists of Point Venise Allovers in cream or white, Lierre Lace Allovers in cream, elegant fine Cluny Allovers in white, and also a few pieces of swell English Allover Valenciennes Our 50c value; special at, the yard 25 Our $1.25 value; special at, the yard 75 Our $1.75 value; special at, the yard SSc Our $200 value; special at, the yard 9S Our $3.00 value; special at, the yard $1.48 Our $10.00 value; special at, the yard $5.00 LOT NO 3. Consists of New Point Venise Bands, from one to three inches wide, in cream, white or ecru. These bands are suitable for trimming dresses, cuffs, collars and children's jackets and capes Our 15c value; special at, the yard He Our 25c value; special at, the yard - 19 Our 50c value; special at, the yard 2o Our $1.00 value; special at, the yard 69 LOT NO 4. Consists of an elegant line of new Persian Trimmings, all new this season. Some are in straight effects, some in floral designs and some in me dallion or festoon effects, embroidered in all the latest shades. Some handsome things in Alice blue and fine shadings in greens, browns and reds. All are invited to see them Our $2.00 value; special at, the yard $1.00 Our $1.50 value; special at, the yard 75 p Our $1.25 value; special at, the yard 63j Our $1.00 value; special at, the yard... ; 50 $ Our 75c value; special at, the yard t. .'. 372 Our 50c value; special at, the yard ....i 2o Royal Worcester CORSETS A Half-Price Sale Corsets Worth $2.75 for $1.39 Royal Worcester Corsets of white or drab coutille and black sateen. This is a popular and down-to-dnte corset, with princess hips and velvet grip hose supporters attached. Sizes from 18 to 30, excluding sizes 21 and 23 ; our Tegular $2.75 value, special sale price, the pair $1.39 m m m m 9 m e e a o o m mo m 9 o a a e 9 9 O eo t aa aa a a ' a a aa a a aa o a a tta a a aa a a a a aa aa aa o a a a a mo aa ao a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a e a a a aa a a a A "Male Quartette" of Bargains Will Entertain in the "Haberdasherie" 1st Floor, 6th-St. Annex ilEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR 63c. A line of Hen's Fall-Weight Merino Underwear, in camelshair, extra well made and finished ; our best $1.00 garment, special, the garment. 63c, or the suit . $1.25 MEN'S $1.50 KID GLOVES 99c. A line of Men's Kid Gloves in tan and brown, full pique finish; regular value $1.50, special, the pair 99p MEN'S 25c HOSE 14c. A lot of Men's Seamless. Fancy Cotton Hose; our best 25c value, special, the pair 14 MEN'S 50c SILK NECK SCARFS 19c. A line of Men's Fancy and Plain Colored Silk Four-in-Hands, tecks and shield tecks; values up to 50c, special, each 19 In Today's Shoe Sale WOMEN'S $2.50 AND $3.00 SHOES $1.97. Women's Patent Kid Lace and Blucher-Cut Shoes, straight last and opera toe, made by the leading shoemakers, C. H. Aborm & Co., Lynn, Mass.; eight new arrivals in exclusive ani up-to-date designs, also vici kid in three styles, very stylish, vici kid laces, patent tip, military heel; regular values $2.50 and $3.00, special, the pair $1.97 MISSES' $2.00 AND $2.25 SHOES $1.24. Misses' Lace Shoes, in box calf- and velour calf, stout solos, low, flat and spring heels, sizes 11 to 2; regular values $2.00 and $2.25, special, the pair $1.24 CHILDREN'S $1.50 AND $1.75 SHOES 89c AND 97c. Same shoes, children's sizes, Sy2 to 11; regular values $1.50 and $1.75, special, the pair 97 Sizes 5 to 8, special, .the pair S9 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. Little Gents' Box Calf and Vici Kid Lace Shoes, sizes 9 to 13; regular value $L50, special, the pair $1.19 Youths' "Steel Shod" Veal Calf Shoes, stout soles; sold everywhere for $2.00; our special, the pair $1.49 Boys' sizes of the same with quilted soles; regular value $2.50, special, the pair $1.98 Boys' Box Calf Blucher Lace Shoes, solid and guaranteed in every way; new line made to sell for $2.50; our special, at, the pair $1.9S a a a a a a a a a a a a a :: a IN THE ART STORE Second Floor Wast Annex. SWISS SHOPPING BASKETS, Special at, each 23i J a a a a i aaaaaaaaaacaaaaa