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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1905)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SAlTTJRDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1905. Store Open From 5 A. ML to 6 P. M. Today, "Portland Day" MAILORDERS PROMPTLY AND ACCURATELY FILLED . WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! It having come to our notice that certain interested parties are circulating a statement that influences will be brought to bear to close this store toda7, and that we will go back on our principles "at the last moment' we desire to state positively that THIS STOEB WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY. A Mighty Sale will; be on, and a hearty "WELCOME extended to all, whether shopper or sightseer. If You Can't Come to the Store Phone Private Exchange 12 OPEN ALL DAY VISITORS AND SHOPPERS ALIKE WELCOME VISITORS ARE URGED TO ENJOY EVERY PRIVILEGE OF THIS GREAT STORE TO THE UTMOST. lis, Weriman & lOng Stare BhIMIh uThm Differ Star,51 Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets Star Optfis lit 9 A. Mm THE FOREMOST DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF OHIOAQO LATEST BY "TIRELESS" SATURDAY, SEPT. 30TH. Sftr Qfoses Hi t P. M. OPEN PROM 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Visitors Cordially Welcome To share with our patrons every privilege of this great store. Its FREE phones, restroom, "writing tables fully equipped with station ery, etc., drinking fountains with the best cold running water to be found in America ; lavatories and toilet-rooms, Iuchrooms for those who bring their " snack and nip" with them, postal faculties, free cooking school, information bureau and directories. Parcels checked free and, if you wish to shop, the safest store in town to roam thro'. Special Notice All Merchandise Bought on Credit Accounts Today Will Be Charged on October Statements Street-Cars to and From Our Doors to the Exposition Every Moment Accommodations at This Store for Ten Thousand People PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND FOREMOST STORE OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. "PORTLAND DAY" .J i- WAS H ! si G-TO fvf vST. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. Souvenir Tickets Given Sway ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH EVERY 5.00 PURCHASE MADE AT THE STORE BEFORE 6 P.M. TODAY. Store Programme for "Portland Day" DOORS OPEN AT 8 A. M. WELCOME! "CLEARANCE SALES" FROM 8 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. ABSOLUTELY EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE REDUCED, (A few minor "Contract Goods," upon which the makers dictate price, alone excepted.) AT 6 P. M., CLOSE, AND WITH OUR OVER 600 EMPLOYES HE PAIR TO THE EXPOSITION TO HELP SWELL THE CROWD. OF COURSE WE SHALL PROVIDE A TICKET FREE TO ALL OUR EMPLOYES. TODAY "Portland day" this store will be wide open from S. A. M. to 6 P. M. And our army of local helpers will act as A Committee of 600 To receive and attend upon the wants of the multitudes who come to the city for attendance upon the Exposition. As a great Public Util ity, our duty is pointed out to us, and we should be false indeed to every principle of hospitality as such did we close our doors and go away to help darken the city. To thousands of the visitors a visit to Portland would be incomplete without a tour of the "Big Stores" and a peep at the wonders they contain. Really a part of the great Exposition. We do not propose to deny any one that privilege. In deed, the sights here. today will be unusual! Grand! Magnificent! The full season style shows are on, and tire lessons to be gleaned from the stupendous and matchless displays of merchandise will be inval uable. A full day will allow of all enjoying the sights. This Store Will Give Three free Scholarships in the American Manual Training School The three scholarships we have secured will be awarded on Thanksgiv ing day to the three boys or girls who. receive the three highest totals in a popular voting contest now on. A vote will be issued with every 25 cent purchnse. Ballot-boxes are distributed conveniently about the store, as in former contests, and the three boys or girls receiving the largest number of votes before 6 P. M. of Wednesday, November 29, will each receive A FREE SCHOLARSHD?, WITH ALL TOOLS AND BOOKS NEEDED IN THE COURSE. Names of Leading 1 0 Contestants in American Manual Training School Voting Contest WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 4 P.M. YESTERDAY. GEORGE SLATER, Ladd....... n 16p45 ROBERT HOLMES, Harrison 16,036 WRIGHT BROWN, Clinton Kelly. .' 15,793 -ROLAND MALM, Sunnyside 11,159 TRUMAN COOK, Harrison 1Q,278 JAMES WINSTON, Harrison . . ; . ..... . .'. . 9,749 SIDNEY CRUMM, North Central .. ..... 9;499 JOHN WILHBLM, Couch -. , 8,590 &EKRY HAWKINS, Davis ....... S,271 MARION OGDEN, Ockley Greeij. .... 8,269 SCATTERING .... . ...... I 24,467 Clea Grand ranee Sale s A Grand "Complimentary Sale" to Portland's Visitors and a Great Boon to Our Home Folk Last Day of This Great Economy Event Today ABSOLUTELY EVERY, ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE MERCILESSLY REDUCED (A few contract goods, upon which makers regulate prices, alone excepted.) Both visitors and home folk may buy all needed merchandise for Fall and Winter us.e during this sale today at the usual January CLEARANCE SALE PRICES, and have benefit of a full season's wear. Absolutely every article in every department of the store is drastically reduced beyond precedent. January Clearance Sale Prices rule Today only. DO YOUR FALL A&D WINTER SHOP PING TODAY AND BENEFIT BY THE CLEARANCE PRICES SALE You Can Save the Entire Expense of Your Trip Total . 133,656 V. PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND BEST STORE All Cars to and Prom the Pair Stop Here. Olds, Wortman & King's Foremost Store on Pacific Slope. Will Be Open All Day Today Portland Day FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF THE CITY'S VISITORS. Extra attractions will be offered, vast and magnificent merchandise displays arranged, stupendous style expositions planned, AND THE MOST UNPARALLELED BARGAIN CARNIVAL CONDUCTED EVER KNOWN IN WESTERN STORE HISTORY. We shall offer unprecedented opportunities for people to save all the expenses of their trip by the savings we shall make possible fo all who participate in the mo'hster sale. Matchless special values will be made ttiat will smash all previous records in Portland's store history. Out-of-town folk may rest assured of finding Portland's foremost and best store wide open all day. Its free phones, information bureaus, lavatories, writing desks, water founts from which spring the cold and sparkling waters of "Bull Run," restroom and every convenience that a big, modern store affords. This will be Liberty Hall, WELCOME, whether you wish to shop or not. If you come prepared to do the Fall buying we shall be pre pared to save you your expense money for the day or more. Suit yourself. WELCOME ANY WAY YOU COME-OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. Souvenir Tickets Given Away Absolutely Free WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE MADE AT THE STORE TODAY BEFORE 6 P. M. This Jubilee of Clearance Sales Has brought thousands to Portland to do their Fall shopping and has proven a more powerful magnet than all else combined to increase the Exposition attendance on PORTLAND DAY OLDS WQRTMAM. 2c KING "The source of power is in human emotion in human desire. Men get what they work for, and in just the measure they work for it. The measure of success is the measure of desire." Fra. Albertus. Let's Make It More Than 100,000 at the Exposition Today What Olds, Wortman & King Have Done to Help BROUGHT AT LEAST 20,000 PEOPLE MORE TO PORTLAND TO DAY THAN WOULD HAVE COME WITHOUT THEIR EFFORTS, OR MORE THAN ALL OTHER MEDIUMS COMBINED. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR 4600 SOUVENIR TICKETS OF ADMIS SION TO THE FAIR FOR TODAY OR MORE THAN ALL OTHER LOCAL RETAIL HOUSES COMBINED. AND EVERY TICKET WILL BE USED AT THE EXPOSITION GATES TO HELP REACH AND PASS THE COVETED GOAL OF 100,000. The Record Thursday, Sept. 21, bought 2000 tickets, paying the management. $1000.00 Thursday, Sept. 2S, bought 1000 tickets, paying the management. 500.00 Friday, Sept. 29, bought 1000 tickets, paying the management. 500.00 Saturday, Sept. 30, will buy 600 tickets for employes, paying the management 300.00 Grand total bought 4600 tickets, paying the management. .$2300.00 AND EVERY TICKET HAS BEEN GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE TO PEOPLE WHO WILL PASS THRO THE TURNSTILES TODAY AT THE "EXPO." THE THREE LARGEST AMOUNTS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FAIR FOR "PORTLAND DAY" REACH A TOTAL OF $3300. Of this amount, OLDS, WORTMAN & KING HAVE PAID $2300 (or more than two-thirds of the total); the PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY COMES in SECOND WITH $500 (or less than one-fourth OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S SUBSCRIP TION. The "also rans" all combined do not yet reach the subscription of this great house. FACTS COUNT. TRUTH WINS IN A CANTER. "BOOST PORTLAND DAY." IF 24 BUSINESS HOUSES WOULD DUPLICATE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S SUBSCRIPTION FOR "PORTLAND DAY" THE COVETED 100, 000 MARK WOULD BE PASSED. WITH A GOOD MARGIN OVER. WHY NOT? THERE'S TIME YET. "DO IT NOW." Saturday's "Sidelight" " Let's all thank Gfd for the opposition of forces that makes life and liberty possible. Before Martin Luther's time, Rome stood as. a solid, unbroken sheet of ice; the good ship, Free Speech, could not navigate, and progress was impossible. Savonarola, Erasmus, Wyclif, Huss, Tyn dale, Ridley and Latimer had tried to open the channel, and all had. paid the penalty. Between the various denominations and sects there is small choice, but all are useful or they would not exist. They minister to the people who need intellectual crutches, and the number of them competing with each other, grinding on each other, heaving, sinking, seething and struggling, keep the ice broken up so Washington can cross the Delaware. For Out-of-Town Friends Wo publish a handsome catalogue of 170 pages containing over 2500 illustrations and more than 10,000 descriptions of the goods carried throughout the store. The fall edition, showing the very newest styles in Ladies ' Wearing Apparel, the new Suits, the new Coats, the new Furs, the new Hats in fact, everything from, tip to toe is now ready for dis tribution. It is mailed free and will enable those living at a distance to shop with as much convenience and at the same price as though calling in person. This beautiful catalogue is not only a work of art, but is the one reliable guide to correct prices on reliable merchandise. Leave your name and address today with a floorman and receive one of these handsome and almost indispensable catalogues FREE.