s THE JIOBNING OREGONIA2T, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1905. 1ET00WN THE BARS iFree Admission of Philippine Products likely. MACHINERY MAY GO-FREE American Publisher DIscusses"jEffcct of Congressmen;; Visit Japan. ' Will Bxpand to the Aston- -isliincnt of the "World. ISA3C FRA2SCISCQ. Sept. 2S- AVIIHam J. JWmrtan. of New York, pwbltehor of the JXimxtc Kxporter. who. as a member of EoerMnr Taffs party, made the trip to te Ocleat to investigate commercial oon ,dkils r4 tfce opportunities for' dxtond ias tle of American manufactures 2 the PMNpptoes. Japan and China, to day said that la his opinion the visit of tke Oongxeional delegation would be tit nwch good to American trade In the Star Bmmt. He said: T 0priit dM mBwlpriUous and iMM wk In IV, 1Im1k and made an xcUt improwton. r.ot only upn the na hmt upon t4nrn men. RTiB o cannot always accurately fore ork th art Ion of Concre, the indieatioas mrt tfea. PMItnplnp rasar and tobacco will fee adorttted Into the United States free of dwtar. s kt-m; now Is. If o. Congress will fmmpaMy think that as a matter of reclpree itr America a machinery and appMa&ces for 4r vloplng- th Indwotrles of the inlands itewM so into tit Ihlllpple fr&e. Jn case. Snvwewr. that poods from this country shall 'MM he admitted free at once, on the ground MM the revenue will 1m aked for a time 9 Moat the twiMW of the Insular sovern XMM, tMore t little douht that at the latent mm Wilt come t the time tha the aree WMt vttk Spain as o equal tariff privileges 1m tfce PMllipplnrB faall expire in about three yeflprs. Ac to fcbe affect upon American trade in the Ortont of the commercial expansion of Jmw after the war, Mr. Johnston mM: t gMr tht during the next ten years JfcafMMt iwttl aMMuoh the world an muoh in wte rvppmnn. of her manufacturing and Mnwifti ae )nm nurpried it in the last ikrm yMrs by the txmsMon of her military wud Mval power-. Whatever this may Mg nitr to the world In general and to America MMMMaoely. I am not al e to prophesy, but Smr m noxt 2 years and more it indicates a hsruw In our Oriental trade. It will Itely Ming many chancer and in Imiii awy anell dimoter. but on tb w CMMot fait tc be benefited 1m.- th- MMoroat oxpanrtons and developments of Qiil ii a, OhMia and Japan. Taft Makes Trip to Sacramento. BAN KRAiCCISCO. Sept. 3S. Secretary Ta&t and a few membeix of his party left iborc tooaj,- for a trip up the Sacramento Wwor me the ruewts of the reclamation 'MMMtMuia. The Secretary will examine iMMM aW site of the drawbridge proposed hjr iw Southern Pactttc and he will aleo aflc mm examination of tha reclamation TOWk that les being done along the river. IEAFT STARTS FOR WASHINGTON .Make Record Trip Across Pa cific and America. - ISAJC FRAXCISCO. Sept. 3S.-Socretary 9 War Taft and party left tonight by irjpoaml train, oowdstlng of a baggage-car (milling trophios In. tRe way o&curlos oored by the party, a diner, two sleep. ss ad the special ear Colonia. The train wilt run on Overland Limited hn through to Chicago, over the-outh-orn PmcMc. Virion PacUic and Chicago & 2JMrt)h west era. arriving in Chicago on SM-a- evening. Mr. Taft win leave there NNmrdhUeiy over the Baltimore & Ohio rood, and arrive in Washington on Mon day evening, thus making a record run Stmm the Orient to Washington of 14 days jtmd It how it. ZttMSTVOISTS OPPOSE BUYING OUT LANDLORDS. Radical Scheme Rejected hy Con etrcss Sympathy AVIth Liberal m Leaders Angers Governor. SMOSCOW. Sop. 3S.-The Congress - - .....v10I1 urauj- uis iafod H oconomic programme with spe m rorerence to the peasants' need of mp-tp dm. rne committee submitted the dwrft of a proposed appeal to the legls- of dis- laturc, in which was ldvanced the right of the state to expropriate the land of Its owners and divide It among: peasants who were without land. The executive committee of the con gress opposed the draft, and especially the section relating to the expropriation of land, and In the final draft meroly urged the necessity of Increasing the allotment of -land and of reforms in connection wlh land tenure. The final draft also urged the adoption of measures for popular edu cation and for the establishment of state insurance for worklngmen. It was proposed that the congress should send telegrams of sympathy to Prince LvofT (a marshal of the nobility and one of -the delegates who presented the peti-tlon-of the last all-Russian Zemstvo Con gress to the Emperor), who was attacked during the recent disturbances at Bala hoff. and to M. Zerobenko, who was ex pelled from Odessa at the time of the mutiny nm the battleship Kniaz Potemkin. The representative of General Durnovo, governor general of Moscow, who has at tended all the sessions of the congress, threatened to stop tho proceedings If the conditions undor which the delegates were permitted to assomble were violated, pro tasted against the proposal, contending 'that it was not included in the programme of the congress. The delegates listened in silence to the protest. PEACE RESTORED AT BAKU Oil Men Refuse to "Work Until Pro- tcctlon Is Assured. BAKU, Caucasia, Sept. 2S. With the formal ratilication of peace between the Tatars and Armenians here, the order confining the Inhabitants to their houses after 8 la the evening has been revoked ahd street traffic and the ordinary course of life arc being resumed. Masses of Ar menians and Tatars arc thronging the cathedral and mosques and Joining In processions to celebrate their reconcilia tion. An investigation of the damage done established the fact that two-fifths pf the derricks In the oil fields have not been destroyed, the owners reporting that 1.99S out of 8.412 derricks were burned. When the 3,412 derricks were active the dally output was 17,500 tons. The oil men decline to resume pumping from the remaining wells or engage in the work of reconstruction until the conclu sion of the naphtha conference at St. Petersburg, In which," at the request of the owners representatives, the workmen will participate. In anticipation, however, that the government will grant reforms guarantoeinr the safety of life and prop erty in the future, the oil men are plac ing large orders for machinery and material. othor and that equal justice be rendered to everybody. That the clergy be better trained and cared for and clerical appointments be effected eleetlvelr. That the various ministers work la co operation and that ministers be held Respon sible for their acts. That measures be taken to overcome the Illiteracy of the masses and that freedom to establish schools be granted everybody. That freedom of assembly, organization and the press be assured. That roads and other tgean of communi cation be Improved and extended. SIBERIA TO BE REPRESENTED Commission Allots Delegates on Ba sis of Property. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 2S. The In clusion of Siberia In the First National Assembly Is assured, the Solsky Commis sion having determined on the allotment of 15 Siberian members, of which num ber one will represent the City of Irkutsk. The members will not be elected on class basis. The franohlse is bestowed on owners of S00 to 1000 acres of land, depending on the fertility, or on the proprietors of urban property- of similar value. r Autolst Must Be Trldtl for Killing. CLEVELAND. O., Sept. 2S. Mrs. Edith M. Bailey, wife of a wealthy manufac turer, beneath whose automobile Joioph Broertlo was fatally Injured, was bound over to the grand Jury on the charge of manslaughter. OPEN DOORS WIDE TO JEWS University Professors Favor Remov ing Restrictions on Education. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept 28. The Coun ciu of Professors lias voted In favor of the unrestricted admission of Jews to the university courses and has recommended the admission of all candidates for mat riculation regardless of tho regulation re stricting Hebrew students to 3 per cent of the student body. The rector of the university promised to ulve his hoarty sujiportt tho recommendation. NOBILITY VOTES FOR REFORM Resolutions in St. Petersburg Fnyor Libcrul Policy. ST. PETERSBURG. Sopt. 25. The no WMty of SL Petersburg at a special meet ing have adopted eight resolutions without dissension, all of a Liberal reform charac ter. The moat Important follow; That the legislative, judicial and executive branches nheuld be reparoled from each Catarrlets Believe Nasal Catarrh, allay inflamma- At f 1 , non, eoouie ana ncru me mucous mem- orane, sweeten ana pun ty the breath. Best gargle for Sore Throat. 50c. or $1. Dru rrists or mail. If M4e ky HOOD Dyspeplets tjive instant relief in Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nausea, all discomforts of indigestion and dyspepsia. Pleasant and economical. Medium sire, 25c.; Large, SI; Pocket, handsome aluminum bonbonniere, 10c. Druggists or mail. C. I. HOOD CO., Lowell, Masg. Tutt's Pills r Cure AH Liver ills. Doctors7Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the. great " driving wheel" in the mechanism ol man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. Our Store Will Be Closed Tomorrow PORTLAND DAY ROSENTHAL'S 149 Third Street Leading Shoe House . . Sole-Agents for the Celebrated Hanan Shoe THE WOMAN'S STORE SILVERFIELD'S FOURTH AND MORRISON STORE CLOSED ALL DAY "PORTLAND DAY' Fashion's Latest FanciesHere Smart dressers women who the Silverfield stores for style hints. We have made it our sole aim and ambition) to carry only the very finest (that is, the best procurable at the various prices) in ladies ready-to-wear apparel and furnishings. The inward rush of the new things for Fall continues and a splendid selection of Fall wearing apparel is on exhibition in every section. Original conceptions are being gathered from every great fashion; center at borne and abroad. Every hour of the day adds something new and ex- elusive to our splendid assortments. The merchandise is of a character that will: add materially to the prestige of this house as an authority of first importance in matters of style. FALL STYLES IN OUR SUIT SALON The splendid showing we are making on our second floor of exclusive styles in. Suits and Cloaks for Fall wear is attracting an immense amount of attention frony those best informed on matters of dress. Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits in tight-fitting and box-Coat effects, the new "Redingoto" Suits and "Empire1 ' Coats-affordingi the greatest choice as to colorings and materials-are shown in this grand disulav- !"0MOO t J500m01 SiVe Suits and 01oab5 Snits range 111 rice MAGNIFICENT PATTERN HATS Have YOU noticed the maDniflrnf rticnlirr r Tw,.. j tii. . - Superb models from the leading Paris milliners, splendid creations by Eucbi leading artists as Camille Rogers, Mme. Lewis, Mm?. Virot, Mme. Felix and Mme. Germaine, we have just received and are showing in our Morrison-street window. To attempt to describe these examples of high-art millinery would require columns of newspaper space, so we earnestly beg that you call in and examine them for yourself. Our collection of fine millinery from the treat houses in this country and the hats by our own clever milliners is unsurpaKed! GREAT FUR SPECIAL All our Sable and Isabella Long Fur Boas, trimmed with two natural for brushes, lined with Siberian Squirrel or with fur on both sides: CIO sold regularly for $18 and $20, special for this wek only $ I Z.UO OUR DISPLAY" LADIES' FURSHIKGS in our Fourth-street w!n.1nr f well w-orth your attention. We are showinp an excellent assortment of the newest Sfnr Onri Fmm X A M tr ADM Q-fnnrli Portland brswa WEjifc will. W J m I I 1 s JT sr 1 1 sJUIU! VIU y DAY ANOTHER THOUSAND ADDED Olds, Wortman & King Have Bought and Paid for 3000 Souvenir Tickets to the Exposition to Dateand Every Ticket Will Be Used THE THREE LARGEST AMOUNTS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FAIR EOR "PORTLAND DAY," ADDED, REPRESENT TH? SUM OP $2500. Of this amount, OLDS, WORTMAN & KING SUBSCRIBED $1500-or three-fifths (3-5) the ENTIRE AMOUNT. THE PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. beine second with 500. or 1-3 OLDS wnp.TAr A "NT a tttxtjq SUBSCRIPTION. "BOOST PORTLAND DAY." . Mail I Orders Promptly and Accurately Filled lis WoFliaip mm itore Biillef In fTha Dlffardni Star," Fifth, Slxih and Washington irl $ior Opens al S A, M. THE FORKMOST, DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF OHIOAQO LATEST BY "TIRELESS" FRIDAY, SEPT. 29TH. at t P, M, If You Can't Come to the Store Phone Private Ex. 12 SPECIAL NOTICE ALL 'MERCHANDISE BOUGHT ON CREDIT A000TTNTS TODAY OR TOMORROW WILL BE CHARGTTi ni OCTOBER STATEMENTS. ur FRIDAY'S STORE "SIDELIGHT" "BOBBIE" BURNS TO A MOUSE. "The bcst-laltl plans of mice an men Gang aft a-gley; An lea'e us naught but grief and pain For promised Joy." "There was a method in his madness, my master." As heretofore stated, this store will join with all of Portland's Best stores in keeping open house for the reception of the city's vis itors and their entertainment while down town on "Portland Day." Notwithstanding the strenuous and desperate efforts of a small coterie of local merchants who have an interest to guard of an abso lutely selfish nature in refusing to keep their stores open and acting as a down-town committee to receive and care for the city's guests upon their arrival in town on Saturday "Portland Day" this store wiU be wide open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. And our army of local helpers will act as A COMMITTEE OF 600 To receive and attend upon the wants of the multitudes who come to the city on that day for attendance upon the Exposition. As a great Public XJtilitj-, our duty is pointed Out to us, and we should be false indeed to every principle of hospitality as such did we close our doors and go away to help darken the city. To thousands of the visitors a visit to Portland would be incomplete without a tour of the "Big Stores" and a peep at the wonders they contain. Really a part of the great Exposition. We do not propose to deny anj'one that privilege. Indeed, the sights here on Saturday will be unusual I Grand! Magnifi cent! The full season style shows will be on, and the lessons to be .gleaned' from we stupendous and matchless displays of merchandise will be invaluable. A full day will allow of all enjoying the sights of the Expo and of the stores, running at full pressure. AH the great public utilities will be COME TO PORTLAND RAIN OR SHINE While the weather records show that such a thing as rain has been known on September 30, we know that every possible influence has been exerted upon the weather man to refuse Jupiter Pluvius ad mission through the city's gates on "Portland Day." If he does land it will he by means of an airship, and Beachey, the intrepid Avill guard the ozone above us well that day. We cannot quite agree with the very able editor of a leading city daily who "hoped for rain, that Portland might show her extreme loyalty." We have no fear for Portland loyalty rain or shine-but we do sincerely hope for sun shine to bring in the visitors from abroad that may not possess that lo-alty for our city so much as for their owq. The common sens of it all is, We must provide all the attractions that Portland possesses on Saturday, and Portland's big stores are powerful attractions. The city must and will be open. The only "open" places not open that we know of are cemeteries. They are "open," but hardly inviting and the tombs tightly closed and locked would afford little shelter even to those who might be driven to them for cover. We will not be party to sending thousands back to their homes next Saturday niht or later, with the impression firmly wedged in their mind that "Port land is a 'dead 'un? or a 'deserted village.' " Only the "dead 'uns" will be closed, friends. Come in to town on Portland Day and we'U show you aU of Portland's best stores wide open and at their very best for your reception. Come rain or shine; if it rains in the morn ing, be sure it will clear long before noon. It's a .characteristic of Portland weather. There's shelter here for 10,000 people, even if it does ram; the store is in the heart of the city, on the 'direct line of streetcars to the Pair, running every minute. There's shelter and hospitality here rain or shine. PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND BEST STORE Olds, Wortman & King's Foremost Store on Pacific Slope Will Be Open All Day Tomorrow-Portland Day FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF THE CITY'S VISITORS. Extra attractions will be offered, vast and magnificent merchandise displays arranged, stupendous style expositions planned, AND THE MOST UNPARALLELED BARGAIN CARNIVAL CONDUCTED EVER KNOWN IN WESTERN STORE HISTORY. We shall offer unprecedented opportunities for people to save all the expenses of their trip b- the savings we shall make possible to all who participate in the monster sale. Matchless special values will be made that will smash all previous records in Portland store history. Out-of-town folk may rest assured of finding Portland's foremost and best store wide open 'all day. Its free phones, information bureaus, lavatories, writing desks, water founts from which spring the cold and'sparkling waters of "Bull Rim," rest room and every convenience that a big, modem store affords. This will be Liberty Hall WELCOME, whether you wish to shop or not. Ii you come prepared to do the Fall buying we shall be pre pared to save you your expense money for the dayor more. Suit yourself. WELCOME ANY WAY YOU COME. Souvenir Tickets Given Away ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE MADE AT THE STORE THIS WEEK BEFORE 6 P. M. ON SATURDAY. This Jubilee of Clearance Sales Will bring thousands to Portland to do their Fall shopping and prove a more powerful magnet than all else combined to in crease the Exposition attendance on PORTLAND DAY GRAND CLEARANCE SALES A Grand "Complimentary Sale" to Portland's Visitors and a Great Boon to Our Home Folk 2 MORE DAYSAND 2 ONLY OF THIS GREAT ECONOMY EVENT Today and Tomorrow Saturday ABSOLUTELY EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE MERCILESSLY REDUCED TODAY AND TOMORROW (A few contract goods, upon which makers regulate prices, alone excepted.) Both visitors and home folk may buy all needed merchandise for Fall and Winter use during this sale at usual Januarv CLEARANCE SALE PRICES. ATirl rmvf rtpnpfir rvP a -full soacAn'o -vrrnoT A "Ke1fi4-1-tr nr-n.-n- the . . " ", uwu.w u j.v4-u. uwuuvu. w iiuux, Xi.uul1 CVC1 V rticle in every department of the store is drastically reduced beyond precedent. January Clearance Sale jl ulco xtuic. jLuuttj' ctxiu luuiurruw only. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! It having come to our notice that certain interested parties are circulating a statement that influences Will be brought to bear to close this store tomorrow, !and that we will go back on our principles "at the last moment, we desire - to state positively that THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY. A Mighty Sale will be on, and a hearty WELCOME extended to all, whether shopper or sightseer. f . . Mf.j.tjlAAAtjOAia