-1 XiLK aiOKSJLKU- OKEGONIAN, FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1SX)5. DAILY XETEOROLOGICAL XEPORT. fflTORTLAND. Sept. 28. Maximum tempera iar, deg.; minimum. 48. Klver reading tfc S A. 4.4 feet; cbinst In past 24 bourn. 3.7 of a Joot Total precipitation. 5 T. 34 u P. U, 0.22 of an Inch; total irtnce Septesaber 1. lJKir.. 2.50 inctaei; normal, 1.57 3tHFs; excess. 0.93 ef an Inch. Total sun jMite September 2T. 1005. 1 hour and 37 fiUmtic; pewlM-. ll hours and 54 minutes. armeer (reduced to eta level) at .5 P. M., PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. to 3 -Wind. 5 " O a a 5 o s STATIONS. U 96.011 4JNW tf.flk.OG. lots Pt Cldy. JClear ICloudy Iciear ICloudy !Pt Cldy. (Clear I Rain jcioudy Iciear PL Cldy. (Clear IRaln g2j0.04! 61NW sw.oo usee te2 T 1S?W 3 e.001 4E toS!0.4410 W Ba.etfc Xjttad J Wg SsjeMMrg ..... M9rRM . Lake Cty SMi FraactaM S0.02110'SW '68(0.04' O I70W.00J10 N oee.o( ejE 8S0.00114 .ST SE 7G38.0S10 ftflto-Oflllfl !W Clear tee T i4isw Pt Cldy. Rain KS T 12B5 ltaah le4. Ytaa Watts . . (X.10I n?w IClear iClear i8s.ooi 4;s WKATUBR CONDITIONS. i luiurs nhswera have oc- ceneraltr Is the North Pacific States. wtmer in Oregon. Xortneasiern m n4 Northern loans ana mucu ta Southern Idaho and Western Mon- toolentfoMS are for reerally fair and 'omrwer weather is thl hrlct Friday. WRATH ER FORECASTS. Forrci Ha4e at Portland for the 28 mmt inUm at ntMcht. September 20: T-prt),. kmI ic4ty Fair and warmer. T5eieni OriB ad Western Waphtngton i .filr warmor Interior. Northwest ts. . - r. 1 1 mm itmmAmn WaBhlncrton and hjrhf J4ho Fair ad warmer. gjothwa Ioo rr west. raenrjiiK warmer. Body Taken From River. AJMCRD-KEN, TVash., Sept. 28. (Special.) 1e fc4- f a jwihe man named Adams aia teken from the rivor tonight- He wo ofeswRed a week ago. Kothlng Is 1)Mrww wt kis relatives. . AUCTION SAT.BS TODAY. Mr J. T WUron. at M2V Washington Pt., J A. X. J. T. Wm. auctioneer. iU TWtMawi ActM-rt-;m. 211 First ft., T P. t. C I.. Ford. Auctioneer. Ml Mhta Awctten Rooms, 418 Wa?hln M eoroet. M. M o'clock A. M. S. U N. MEETING NOTICES. WERFO0T CAMP. NO. . WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. meets this (Friday) evening In W. O. W. Hall, loth and Wash ington stf. Initiation of das of candi dates. Refreshments. Alt visiters wel come. M. T. WOODWARD. C. C A L BARBTX. Clerk. KREMLIN BAKC, I. O. M. Work meeting Saturday eve ning. September 30, at 8 o'ctork. Oddfellows Temple. Banourt at 10:90 1. M. Hand petitions to recorder early. Meeting at 7 P. M. to act on same. Wear your fez. By or- Ev E. SHARON. Recorder. MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. W. Meets every Friday evening at East AMer and East Sixth etreetn. All Woodmen cordially Invited to meet with ua. J. M. TVOODWORTH. Clerk. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Special communication thta (Friday) evening at 7:30. Work ta E. A. degree. Visiting brethren weteome. W. S. WEEKS, Secretary. DIED. VCMrfa" ia this city. September 28, at 10:30 - P. :M Sforrls Carellno Vegt. beloved daugh " W mt erge A. and Mary C Vogt. rDNXRAL NOTICES. AACRSON la this dty. September 2S. IWC, at lite fasdtf- residence. P90 Rodney ave.. WWIasa E. Jackson, aged 20 years". 11 msiht aad 2d days. Funeral notice hercaf- ler. POtMEROT At Ms late residence. Cedar Mills. sept. 27. IMS, Calvin T. Pomeroy. aged 74 rearv. Friends and acquaintances arc re efx-ctrwty l-tted to attend the funeral wrkM which will be held at the church. 4ar Mills. s.t 1 A. M.. today. Interment west raws t emeterj. DUNNING. M'ENTEE GIT.BAUGIL Suc rsra to Dunning Campion, undertakers nod f mbalroers ; modern In every detail; 7th sd Fine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO, Undertakers end rmbalmers. bare moved to their new build lag. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. CO". J. r. FINLEr SON. Funeral Directors, cor. d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Xady assistant. Telephone No. 0. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East CS. 7.V. T.T.KK-B YRXKS CO.. Undertakers, Em babners. 275 llusselli East 1088. Lady sss't. CUSSIF1EDAD. RATES. "Rooms,' "Booms and Board." "House- k rrp lug Booms,' "Situations tVanted," 18 words or lest. 18 cental 16 to 20 words, 20 mats; 21 to 28 words, 28 cents, etc No dls- - count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except IB to 30 words. 40 centsi 21 to fe5 words. SO cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; so further discount un der one month. . "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure arate), IS cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cento per tine xor eaca aaamonai insertion. ANSWEK8 TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this efOee. should always be Inclosed In sealed enTeiopes. AO stamp is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the etepnoae. NEW TODAY. OOD INCOME PROPERTY ON 21ST; FIVE ' (-ream oottagea and 1 stone building with rooms anove. ait juii; it soia at once, $7000. Y 4L Oregoalan. J0 nfltt SOxlOO. Fifth, near Flanders; ,lU,uuu Jneome 7 per cent net. -SrOH fin ft Corner K)xl00. North End; - 0 'HQQ Nob Hill lot; snap. 10th and Flanders, 100x100 E. J. DALY, t. 222 Palllac BHlIdlBjf. $12,500 W3SI purchase speculative corner on Davis t. "We'll advance this price to $ 15,000 when basl&ess opens Monday morning. L. W. WHITING & CO. 4M Ablagton Bide. 1 $18,000 TAKES IT i-rtorr Tjrick on First street. Income -fMSi per month; best bargain In business property in the city. SAHLSTROM t PATTERSON. 165 Fourth st. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO NOW OPEN FOR PUPILS, J' parlors 0 and 10. 842 H Washington st. u REAL ESTATE BUYERS MRVt We4a HanfcHML B Read r the wir J . WXLSUR. McKay !4g. AMUSEXXXTJU Marquam Theater Birtdltt r.V.T.lSSOCMTIBl C. Ctldc rnufeel Uraatt Morrison Street between Cth and 7th. I'hone Maln 868. TONIGHT AT 8:20 O'CLOCK LAST PERFORMANCE TOMORROW NIGHT The Beautiful soutnero uriuna "UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES" BY LOTTD3 BLAIR PARKER Author of "Way Down East" Night Prices 26c. Stic, 50c, 75c, SI. Popular Matinee Prices 25c, 35c, 50c Seats now selling. Marquam Grand Theater Monday and Tuesday Nights. October 2 and 2 SPECIAL-PRICE MATINEE TUESDAY The London and New York Musical Success "The Girl From Kays" Pretty Ghls. Catchy Murtc. Stunning Costumes. PRICES Matinee, 23c. JKVc. 0c, 73c aad 81., Night, 25c. 25c. 0c. 75c. 81 and XL54. SEATS 'NOW SELLING. RF.T. ASr.QTe..M3U 14th and Wash. Belasco & Mayer. Props. 18TH WEEK BELASCO STOCK CO. SEATS TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. TONIGHT AT 8:15 MATS SAT. AND SUN. ITRST TIME HERE IN STOCK "ON THE QUIET" W. M. Collier's Great Comedy Success. Evgs., 25c to 75c; Mats. Sat.. Sun.. 25c to 50c. Next Monday. "THE CHARITY BALL." Oct. fl. White "Whittlesey, in "The Fortunes of the King." Baker Theater Grtrci Tetitcr Co., lemi Cto. L BiVir, Hp, Phone Main 1007. THE HOME OF MUSICAL BURLESQUE. THREE MORE TIMES Tonight and Tomorrow Night Regular Matinee Tomorrow, 2:15 P. M. Williams' Ideal Extravaganza Co. AH Next Week, Starting Sunday Matinee SAM DEVERES OWN COMPANY A Chorus of 25 Beautlfut Girl Good Comedians. PRICES Evening. 26c. 35c. 50c and 75c Saturday matinee, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Empire Theater Tstlttb ini Htarriton rhsni Miln 117 MILTON W. SEAMAN, Manager. PRICES Night, 15cT 2flc 85c, 50c Mati nee 10c 15c 5c TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT MATINEE SATURDAY Engagement of OTIS B. THAYER and GERTRUDE BONDHILL. rresenUBg a Special Scenic Production of the Beautiful Comedy-Drama "SWEET CLOVER" All next week, starting Sunday matinee the great sensation, "On the Bridge at Mid night." THE GRAND THE GREAT LEON. WALTER PERRY. FREEMAN AND CLARK. WALSH AND LIGON. DURBAN AND COURTNEY. FRED PURINTON. THE GRANDISCOPE. General admission. 10 cents. Evenings. Sundays and holiday Reserved seats en low er floer. 20 cents; box seats, 25 cents. Dally matinees, 10 cents to any seat except boxes. THE STAR THE W1UTE YOGL RICILVRDS AND RICHARDS. WILBUR. THE KELSEYS. STETSON TRIO. FRANKLIN CONFER. THE STAROSCOPE. General admission, 10 cents. Evenings, Sundays and holidays Reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents; box seats, 25 cents. Dally matinees, 10 cents to any seat except boxes. NEW 'TODAY. MONEY IS In the hands of farmers, merchants, bankers and business men. on account of the HARVEST TIME men is now jiere, ana me uraest irusi i ComDanv in Oreeon" would be triad to send ' you Its book of ILLUSTRATIONS t In order that you may learn how to seoure a fair rate of Interest upon certificates of deposits, which you can draw by giving a short notice, and thus avoid keeping your funds idle until you arc ready to make a permanent investment. We will be pleased to answer letters of In quiry and give full particulars of our meth ods. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. OF OREGON Resources Over $1,000,000 103 Third Street Phone Main 453. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LOANS We have ample funds to loan in any amount on improved "business and residence property in Portland and vicinity at lowest rates. TITLES INSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. THE TITLE GUARANTEE 6 TRUST CO. 240 "WASHINGTON ST. (Comer Second at ) PORTLAND, OREGON Desirable Building Site Consisting of about three acres, located cor ner Hawthorne ave. and E. Water st, for lease In whole or la part on favorable terms. The location Is suitable for warehouse, manu facturing, hotel and store purposes. Owner will build to suit tenants. Inquire LAMBERT, IIIMER S CO. AGENTS 404 East Alder St. Citizens' Bank, Portland, Or. Thirteenth Street One-quarter block, near Washington st An excellent investment Price much lower than anything in this locality. Anyone buy ing this property cannot help making a large profit In a very short time Call Xor par ticulars. TAFT & CO 122-3-5-0 Ablngton Bldg. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. B1RRELL. Mt-S JMCar bWtf.. ThsVd aad Stack sia. FOE SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Fine modem 7-room house. Eaet 22d and Wasco, price $3 GOO; terms 8300 cash, bal es ee in monthly payments. 30 per month: streets Improved, tewer connection, gas and electric light, cement basementa, cement walk; also nine Improved lots in same lo cation ; will be Mid cheap, or will build beue to suit purchaser on Installment plan. Alo S-acre tract m section line road eheap. Another 5-acre tract, Powell's Valley road, rbuth of reservoir, 8400 per acre 20 acres, 12 miles southeast of city. 12 acres In cultivation, price 81800 and other bargains too numerr-us to mention. William G. Beck. 207. the Falling. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. PARTICU larly so when opportunity offers to secure deelrablo business property at old prices. Very little centrally located Is now offered even at .advanced figures, but I have a fine corner, well Improved and Income-bearing, very near the Portland Hotel, for 825.000. the price of three years ago. This bargain will not last lSng. F. A Insley, 211 Commercial block. J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM II. 145K FIRST ST. 81C0O-2 Lots. 80x109 feet, with good neat S-room cottage shrubbery, fruit, etc. near East 3Sth and Powell ate.; aae bargain, part payment. J180-FULL LOT. FENCED. SMALL COT tage, new; terms $110 cash, balance 83 per month. 8850 4-RCOM COTTAGE. NEW. WATER, full lot. feaeed. garden. 8200 eash. balance 510 per month; a coap for some one If taken at onoe; need the money. W. L. Green, at real estate office. Laurelwcod. Mt. Scott ear. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as n specialty, within city limits or outside Some acres with terms as lew as 810 per month with water. A C. Churchill & Co., "Inc" 110 2d .U HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout; situated on two lots. In best portion of West Side Any one desiring an Al heme will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 5-RQOM cottage closets, bath, electric lights, gas for cooking, full cement basement, lot 50x100. roses and flowers. Winter's wood In; buy from owner; for cash or terms. M 43, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP MODERN SIX-ROOM house S-foot basement, cement floer. kitchen la hatment, large enough for two families; lot 50x100, comer, easy terms. See name at 131 E. 21st st. North, cor. E. Hoyt. Prlee 82000. MOUNT TABOR. WEST AVENUE. House of ten rooms, modern convenience, nice grounds and orchard; also desirable building lots; healthful, sightly, ten-minute car fcerviec Geo. II. Andrews, phoee Scott 58. EAST SIDE HOMES 4 7-ROOM HOUSES and I S-room houe on E. Third and Multno mah st. Jwit complete all modem, beauti fully finished, fine location: terms to salt., Parish & Gourlay. owner. 183 MeMlllea U ' FOR SALE TEN ACRES OF LAND. ALL under cultivation. In garden on Base Line road; about 11 miles from Portland; water for irrigation and fruit of all kiads. Price 82509. Inquire at the place. , FOR SAiLE OR LEASE-SITES FOR MANU faeturlng plants, with water power If de sired, situated on two railroads, in Port land. Townscad. Maxwell and Will. 303 Al der st VERY DESIRABLE HOME, ALL MODERN Improvements, guaranteed rent 888 per month, full lot. near 23d and Johnson sta.. 8&5O0. F. O. Northrup & Co., 211 Commercial Mk. SOME VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS for sale between 12th aad 23d sta. on East Salmon aad Taylor sts. F. O. Northrup & Co., 211 Commercial Mk. 2 LOTS ON 12TH BON-TON LOCATION. 7 room houee; could be remodeled. 10 choice fruit trees, nice 'grounds and shrubbery. 88500. 401 12th. FOR- SALE 10 ACRES. BEAUTIFUL FOR plotting. Inquire East 4Stb st aBd Haw thorne ave. South. Mrs. W. S. Falling, Mt Tabor P O 051 EAST 17TH. JUST OFF POWELL ST. Nice 6-roora bouse, fruit trees, large lot only 81100 Goldsehmldt's Agency, 23fc Washington. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7-ROOM HOUSE, modern. U block, most olghtly Vacation on Heights; real estate, room 10. L O. O. F. Wdg. TWO-STORY S-ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT basement furaace. electric lights, modern plumbing. Mt Tabor,. Apply at 35 1st st NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEWLY FUR mShrd. We. Side. 15 minute" ride from Morrison st; 8230D. W 44. Oregoalan. 8100 DOWN NEW TWO-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 lots, city water. Mt Scott car; balaace 8200 easy payments. 118 Ablogton bldg. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND 85.00 a month; from 875.00 to 8200.00. Sell wood TewnMte Co. Phone East 4704. FOR SALD-875 EACH FOR TWO LOTS. 40x100 each; 5c car fare; 30 xaiauea ride to city, E 41,. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BY OWNER A NEW 6-ROOM heupe, modem, well located aad easy terms, SI COO. Phone Union 1522. GOOD -PAYING PROPERTY ON FRONT . t: will sell reasonable Answer 173 Ford st, particular. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 8 MILE9 from Mortlson t bridge C K. Ballard. Mllwaukle. Or. Houses built on easy payments: lots furnished If desired. C12 Commercial bldg. Main 1810. FOR SALE MODERN 0-ROOM FURNISHED house. 42S North 21st near Vaughn st FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 40 acres, with 5 acres under plow; 3 roora house large new barn, family or chard, land lies, nicely; live water, rich soil, on good county road, 2 miles from town on Columbia River and N. P. Ry.. in tHlckly settled community, otose to graded school. Price 800; terms. 30-acre chicken ranch. 1 mile from Ka lama; all good, rich land; fine bearing or chard, live water. 5-room house new barn, chicken-house; on rock-crushed road; close to Columbia Rl-er. Price, 81200. with H down. IMCS & WILLOUGHBY, Kalaroa, Wash. ONLY 85000. SACRIFICE SALE OF CLASS No. 1. Willamette Valley farms. 420 acres. 120 acres plow land, balance grazing and timber, ail tencea ana, water in every new. Three barns, good houfe. sheds for machin ery, theep. hogs and wood, smokehouse and gran tries, 5-acre orchard, choice varieties; all neceisarr machinery, mower, rake Plows. harrows, wagon with racks, disc plow, hay forks witn ropes ana puueys, garden tools, axes, saws and all kinds of farming tools. work horses, two sets harness, chickens and turkeys, 40 tons hay. 200 bushels oats. 100 busnets wneai. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 Alder Street A VARIETY OF CHOICE FARMS. 1M nroved and unimproved, east of Portland. cholee nart of Oregon: fine roads all rear: clso improved and unimproved city prop erty: you will moke no mistake by calling on Li. 1'. it. U6 impie, -jjv Aiuacy oiag.. E2 years resident of Portland, as to sre- eponstblllty; any kinds of reference fur nished; houses rented, collections made; also business cnances. FOR BALK FINE S54-ACRB VALLEY farm, absut 200 acres bottom land, about ICQ in cultivation, naiance nearly levet part lv cleared and In grass: rood bnlldises. .ttneta and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 cords fir and aihaimber; electric light ana teiepnone: cioie to rail, enureses and ccnools; SO miles to I'cruana: 55 per acre or will sell part: terms. B 75. Oregonlan. 55 ACRES ON CAR LINE. 4 MILES TROM City Hall; new house barn, horses, cown. farm implements, etc. 810.000; easy terms. Telephone Private. Exchange 24,. Inquire for I. L. FOR HALE STOCK RANCH OF 2400 ACRES! near Coburg. S mllM northeast of Eugene iane co-. ur.; price low ana terms -easy. F. D. Chamberlain. Labbe bldg., Portland, HOOD RrVER MOUNTAIN. 1 CO-ACRE FARM for sale or exchange for Portland cottage and lot; price 82500. inquire of Joan Lealand Henderson, mooc itiver, ur. 440-ACRE WHEAT FARM WELL WATERED, fenced hog tight; good black loam soil. 823 per acre Hemingway -tiro., owner, uuiur. or. FOR RENT 10 ACRES AT MT. TABOR, part In orchard, small house Hart Land Co., jog s&eriocK Dicg. FINE FARM. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND; greas bargain, .inquire axterooons l to . ;2 31 st 25 ACRES. 5-ROOM HOUSE. SMALL BARN, water: u miles South, Portland, w 4Z, urs TO EXCHANGE. 20 ACRES. 12 CULTIVATED. LEVEL, choice land, nice level drive from city, and 3 miles electric line, valued at 8100 per acre; exchange for vacant or Improved city prop erty; just right for a hopyard. Owner. B 43, Oregonlan. ONE OF THE BEST HOTELS IN PORTLAND for sale, or will exchange for city or farm property. See Lee. 31S Fenton bldg.. 84 6th. GOOD MINING STOCK FOR REAL ESTATE, city orfarm: If necessary will pay cash dif ference D 35, Oregonlan. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EKCHANGE FOR A saloon, central location. Call 318 Fenton bldg. 4 Cth sL- FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 320 ACRES DENSE FIR AND ome cedar in Douglas County. Or., on the Smith River, title perfect. Apply forrnoons, 334 Grant. FOR SALE CHEAP lfio ACRES RED AND yellow fir. alongside R. R. In Clark Co., Washington. M 44, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1100 ACRES TIMBER LAND. Lo cated 6 miles from railroad In Linn County. Address 427 30th at.. Astoria, Or. 1C0 ACRES FINE TIMBER. PRINCIPALLY pine, accessible, 5 acre; 3.000,000 ft. X 41, Oregonlan. CHEAP LANDS. TIMBER AND GRAZING. Call or address B 510. Chamber Commerce. rOR SALE LAND SCRIP. VOR SALE APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR acquiring title without residence to Um bered or prairie land, surveyed or casur veyed. IL M. Hamilton. Tha Portland, city. LAND SCRIPS OP ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co Steams bldg. "WANTED REAL ESTATE. S TO 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR 15th and Glisan; would pay 540OU to 85500. 215V Washington, room 1. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehlckles; Etc FOR SALE OR .RENT HORSES AND VE- blcles by the day, weelc or month; harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange Tomllcson & Cassl day, 211 Washington st TWO HORSES. HARNESS AND WAGON for ale cheap; win make gooa carriage team. Call 713? Union ave. East Side , HORSES. WAGONS. TRUCKS AND ALL Kinds of vehicles ana harness for sale or rent Hubert & Hall. 26 4th st WANTED A GOOD DRIVING RIG. HORSE. harness anC buggy. Apply 702 Oregonlan bldg. NICE SMALL BAY HORSE. 5 YEARS OLD. gentle, for children; must sell. Phone East 3S54. FOR SALE CHEAP TEAM OF HORSES. 0 years oM. weight 2400 lbs. 3S9 Water st Miscellaneous. DOFS YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls. easy to lay; needs no painting of coating; ' good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there is nothing better: guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cemenfwlll stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; wa rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 40 3d st AT A BARGAIN. 15 THOUSAND ILLU3- t rated postal cards; commemorative Lewis and Clark Exposition; splendid opportunity for advertising scheme on Portland .day. AddrcKi T 42. Oregonlan. MODEL B CADILLAC TOURING CAR WITH canopy top,v as good as new. Call or ad dress Reservoir Grocery Store, end of Mt Tabor Reservoir streetcar. Phone 1005 East VIENNA CHAIRS. MATTING. BOOTH. -g!es partitions, etc, for sale cheap. In quire of B. Campbell at Natural Food Booth, Agricultural bldg. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE On trade IV tons carrying capacity: 24-horse-power engine; will sell cheap. U 23, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE A LIGHT SINGLE-SEAT AUTO Engine in front under hood, wheel steering. Call 783 Northrup t Bhona Front 874. DOGS FOR SALE AT 630 WASHINGTON ST. Cocker spaniels and Boston terriers; dogs boarded. Phone Main 3273. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE set tinner's tools and machines. Address Bex 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce BEDROOM FURNITURE. CARPETS. ROCK- ers. sewing ntaeaine, etc; uicd only 4 months. 140 10th. - FOR SAI.E MOVING-PICTURE COMPLETE ovist; also song slides, nims, etc Room 11, Join Jiemwn. THREE FRESH COWS. GOOD ONES. Near Reservoir No. 2. Mt Tabor. Phono East 4 377. FOR SALE-SCHOLARSHIP IN A LEADING ousiness coucge at a noerai discount C 43. vrrgontao. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. GOOD CON- aiuon. eneap tooay oniy. an Columbia Mdg. THREE FRESH COWS, GOOD ONES. NEAR Kerervoir ro. z, ait raoor. I'hone East 4377. PEDIGREED COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE They are exceptionally fine. 515 Morrfaon st. STOCK FOR SALE VERY CHEAP IN AL- Dert uros. Aiming uo, u 20. Oregonlan. GOOD SIX-HOLE STEEL RANGE FOR rate. 3 lBiuniu su i i.one Alain -him. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM' ber of Commerce or phone Main 2363." HELP WANTED MALE. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULT treated; discharges positively cured in from S to 6 days; consultation free and strictlr connaemuu; eena xor our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder eta., entrance za? Aiaer st, Portland. ROCK FOREMAN. POWDERMAN. 375 AND found, free fare; man and wife, cook and helper, small camp. 8100; laborer and wife cwwk, iuu iuuuu, cguxi uisnwasners. nwwni. iv. jv. jauorcrs. plenty ot Worlf, HANSEN'S OFFICE. 2C N. 2d at MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN 85 - dav: after two months' Instruction: Dositlon guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co.. Plumbing ocdoojs. .-ew iorx. wincinnau. u.. st Louis. jao. ir rre dialogue! WANTED A CAPABLE EDITOR OF GOOD habits to edit a country paper of 1200 cir culation. Auorra j id, uregonian. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James. st. St atue, was a. A GOOD ADVERTISING SOLICITOR ON special edition of established paper. Call at 14754 iToat. ERRAND BOY WANTED A.FTER SCHOOL hours, uiiaeuranu -Millinery, 400 Wash Ington st WANTED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED brakemen xor logging railroad. G 41. Ore gontas. THREE NONUNION BARBERS AT C. Heady, Seattle, Wash.; wages 818 to 825 week. WANTED-BARBER FOR SATURDAT AT tne umwa tioiei earner snop; as guaran- leeo. . - WANTED ADDRESS OF C. H. 5PRIXGKR late of Vancouver. Wash. Wm. Gadsby & bona. WANTED BOY OR YOUNG MAN, GROCERY aeuvery. jun. sice, x -t4, uregonian. BOY WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELTN A bona. i-Ti &econa su. near Washington. WANTED THREE CASHBOYS. APPLY AT 307 izz St., Between a ana 3 o ciocK. WANTED COATMAKERS AND VESTMAX- ers. A. J- -urnuii. .tiamuion oicc WANTED AN ERRAND BOY. APPLY AT Vmon rnnunt v.u.. oo im su TWO COATMAKERS WANTED. C. C. T. Clausen, l.coaji, un. WANTED BOY TO DELIVER ON BICYCLE WANTED FIRST-CLAS3 WAITER. 541 3D st. Peerless saioon. "WANTED BOY WITH A WHEEL AT. 210 en ten niog. . MEN .WANTED 82. " It HOURS. 13M MAC- ? -mm.::? ' KELP WANTED MAXX. FOUR MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY TO prepare for letter-carriers In Portland; class must be filled by October 7; your best chance to get permanent position is sow. See E. O. Heynen. 12 Breeden bldg. Call today 9 to 0 P. M. TINNERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO good Job workers, one ueed to mill blower work preferred; steady work all year. Call at once or address phone 204. W. Feseafeld, Hoqulam. on Gray's Harbor. Wash. FOR PORTLAND DAY 20 GOOD PRC gramme hustlers, guarantee that you can earn from 82 to 310 on that day. Apply to day main entrance. Inspector's office; 'ask for Wilbur Moore, manager. WANTED A PARTNER TO INVEST 8500 to 81500 to prospect and develop mines In Honduras, C. A. For particulars and ref erence address Dan DUlabaugb, box 602, Baker City, Or. MEN and women to learn watchmkg. en graving. Jewelers wk; only prac school for Jewelers; money mads learn'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School. P. I. bldg.. Seattle ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON" MAT EARN gooa income corresponamg tor newsjien; experience unnecessary.; send fcr particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. WANTED BRIGHT. ENERGETIC MAN. permanent position with prospect of promo tion. Apply S-10 A. M. 4-5:30 P. M. 303 Stearns bldg.. 6th and Morrison. RELIABLE ilAN TO TAKE ORDERS and deliver; must understand meat busi ness. National Market, 304 East Burn side at Phone East 42. WANTED BOY BETWEEN 15 AND . 17 years of age. to deliver packages and work In store; must have bicycle. Robinson Sc. Co.. 2S0 Washington st MEN AND WOMEN LEARN THE BARBER iraae; tree iransporuiion xrom romaaa iuia Seattle to Meier's System College, tH4 Clay st, ' San Francisco. MALE STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRIT- er; one with no objection to leaving city. Address, giving age, experience etc. F 41, Oregonlan. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR; GOOD COUN- try newspaper: mining weekly: fraternal pub lication; liberal commission. 63S Chamber of Commerce 8200 BUYS HALF INTEREST IN GOOD- paying business; old established; 800 per month and commission. 017 Commercial building. STRICTLY RELIABLE BUSINESS WOMAN as advertising solicitor for organization In city and out; references required. B 45, Oregonlan. WANTED THREE MORE SALESMEN capable of earning at least 825 weekly. Ap ply C25 Chamber of Commerce. 7:30 to 8:30 . evenings. WANTED 7 WAITERS. 5 BUSBOYS. 3 dishwashers, good wages, free pass to Fair. Administration Restaurant Answer by phone Fair S. AMATEUR DESIRING GOOD SALARY. long engagements, with first-class dramatic company, call at once. 351 Vi Morrison, room 12. WANTED STENOGRAPHER AND SHIP- plng clerk; young man; limited experience. Clerks Registration Bureau, 203 Morrison st Wanted Men to learn barber trado; steady practice; expert instructions. write tor ' terms. Glllman'a College. 627 Clay st, S. F. COLLECTOR, MUST FURNISH GOOD REF- erences and have 8500 cash; salary 8100 month. J. Y. Crelghton & Co.. 165H Third. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. second-hand trunks, blankets; highest price paid. 50 3d. near Pine. Phone Paclfia 43. WANTED SIX MEN TO CARRY DISHES and help In kitchen Portland - day at the Fair. Stlllwell on the TralL Thone Fair 16. EXPERIENCED CLERK FOR COUNTRY general merchandise store; must have recom mendation; state wages. R 43. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CANDY-MAKER and Ice cream man; permanent Clerks Registration Bureau, 2 Go Morrison at WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busl nets. Call or writ. 607 McKay bldg. 875 permanent salary and expenses paid, relia ble rv.rVL nut.tif nf thn cltv: nleasant warle. IL Henker. room 5. 127H 7th. Portland. Or. California wine depot: headquarttrs bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines So per glass. P. Lorau. 143 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED AR T METAL WORKER. TIN- smlth. sbeetmetal worker. Security vault & Metal Works. 43 North Front st. WANTED-LOGGERS OF ALL KINDS AT Eufaula. Wash., or call at mill, Zi. Front st Eastern western mmotr co. 23 MEN WANTED TO CARRY BANNERS. Apply at northeast comer 3th and Ever ett st, Foster & Jvieiser bias. WANTED A FEWGOOD SALESMEN. PER- raanent positions. McOmber Mercantile Co.. 310 Chamber ot commerce. WANTED-BOY ABOUT 15 YEARS OLD. TO deliver tetters, etc Address P. O. Drawer 727. giving phone number. WANTED FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTERER day work. Washington Mattress ts. Furniture company, araiue u. MALE STENOGRAPHER. RAILROAD work, salary. 8SO, for exeprienced man- Address D 43, oregonlan. ROCKMEN WANTED AT BUNKER HILL quarry. iui doh o oicu. iiiuu. w. it Sweeney. Stella. Wash. THREE FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALES- men wanted; good salary to the right men. K 44. Oregonlan. BARBER TO BUY THE BEST-PAYING 5- ehalr barber shop in Washington. Address K 33. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED SHOEMAN. AP- ply 207 1st at, the big fire sale, between 8 and 9 o'clock. WANTED SINGLE YOUNG MAN FOR traveling position, can x to a t a., xm- yrriai noict. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT AND " pantsmakers. Hautulu & Raltanen. Asto ria. Oregon. WANTED TO BUY MOVING PICTURE MA- ehlne. song slides, films. lenses, etc. D 45, uregonisn. sim krhucr the r.npATftrr nvip tv this city; store with living rooms. 101 Mor rison. WANTED SHORT-ORDER COOK AT 343 Yamhill st HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEFORK. MUST ce good coox; good wages, khj Flanders st YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. FAMILY of two. 812 per month; phone Main 3646. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework: good wages. 401 Rodney ave WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING; ALSO ONE for second work. Apply 575 Hoyt st. A GOOD CHAMBERMAID WANTED AT THE Lange Hotel, oui ana Washington. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE- woric and cooicing. Apply sat 7lh st. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER. BETWEEN the ages of 20 ana w. m, uregonian. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply morning, ss iaia at. NEAT. RELIABLE GIRL. FOR UPSTAIRS work, call mornings, o- -uarsuau. WANTED HELPERS ON VESTS. CALL AT once A swanson. jiaauoa ss. . WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK must c ftv .vjj w... a.. GJRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND CARS ef children, coo y. wu . una. WANTED A GOOD WOMAN DISHWASHER . fall tarlr. 231 7th mt. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- WOrK. APPiy xiumiuj . WANTED FIRST-CLASS VESTMAKER3. KICOU. to 1UW. AWO u sw RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, good home 303 11th at. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- innW IKS TV Iftth m. wutJL. - WANTED GIRL FOR DINING-ROOM work. 510 Fianaers. WANTED-BOY WITH BICYCLE. A H. Grlawold. 131 Sth at WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT 104-6 North 7th st BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY AT Browning's Baths, 144 1st COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING. Flanders at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 10 GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN TO AT- tend Ice cream booths at Fair; co experience, 81.50 day. pass, fee 25c. call today. 5 waitresses; 87 a week and room, and 2 830 and board and room; 2 waitresses. 89 a week, hotel tray waitress. 820. House glrl. 5 family. Oregon City. 835 to 840. Cooks and general housework girls. 820 up. 4 cham bermaids. 820, 825. 830. Chambermaid, rooming-house. 6 to & 830 and room. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, Phone 2602. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. GERMAN OR Swede preferred, to do housework la pri vate family at Hood River, Or.; wages 825 a month, with good home. Inquire of John Leland Henderson. Hood River. Or. WANTED IN VERY SMALL FAMILY. NEW house, Swedish or German woman for cook ing and general housework, down stairs, wages 830; also second girl, wages 820. 21st and Jackson sts. Phone Main 1956. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER. alls and shirts; Instructions given to inex perienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2, comer East Taylor and Grand ave WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK. one who thoroughly understands the work; references required. Apply at 835 Lovejoy st. Mrs. W. J. Van Schuyver. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL TO TAKE care of two little girls and do second work: small family: wages J 20., cor. 21st and Jackson. Phone Main 1S56. DOMESTICS. COOKS, WAITRESSES, CHAM- Dermaiaa. etc; city, coast, i air and coun try; plenty of work. Canadian Parlors. 22iiii Morrltoc Mala 1323. WANTED EXPERIENCED REFERENCED family cook and second girl, wages 835 and 825. Swedish preferred. Call 230fe Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. COAT. WAIST AND SLEEVEMAKBRS wanted at Mrs. A. Dltchbunr. Call be tween 10 and 12 A. M., room 4S Washing ton bldg. WANTED A FEW GOOD SALESLADIES and demonstrators, permanent positions. Mc Omber Mercantile Co., 310 Chamber of Com merce. WANTED FIRST- CLASS LADY REPRE- entatives in Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. wallers, chambermaids, general workers. St Louis Agency. 230H Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY TO take charge of muslin underwear and cor sets. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR DOWNSTAIRS work and cooking. Apply mornings, 600 Everett, between 18th and 20th. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 143 Washington st. cor. 7th. upstairs. Pbons Main 2002. WANTED 25 GIRLS TO WAIT ON TABLE Portland day at the Fair. Stlllwell, on the TralL Phone Fair 10. WANTED GOOD UPSTAIRS GIRL; MUST wait on table during dinner hour. Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sts. WANTED TWO TRAY WAITRESSES. NICE private boarding house, good wages. bi4 Savler. Phone Main 5080. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL houserark. small family. good wages. Phone Main 1430. 234 10th. TWO WOMEN WANTED TO ASSIST IN "kitchen. Call after S o'clock at women's Exchange. 133 Tenth at. WANTED IMMEDIATELY LADY PIANIST. salary 830 per week; must leave Portland. Room 12. 351 Morrison. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE Candy Co.. Astoria, Or. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work In small family of adults. Apply 542 3d st, near College. WANTED EXPERIENCED HANDS ON AL- teratlons of cloaks and suits, bllverfleld Co., 4th and Morrison. ' WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, family of 2. Apply mornings, lower flat 253 12th st WANTED STEADY, NEAT OIRL OR woman for general housework: no washing. Phone East 1S27. WANTED GOOD. RELIABLE GIRL TO As sist In housewone and care oc catioren. Phone East 2276. 40 MORE ''GIRLS: DIPPERS, PACKERS, wrappers. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and GUsaa Phone Main 1973. GOOD. PLAIN COOK FOR BOISE. IDAHO; must be good laundress; two In family. Ap ply 528 Irving at 30 GIRLS. 16 YEARS OR OVER, APFLY AT once to Superintendent's office. Olds, Wort man & King. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework; small family. 493 E. Davis, comer E. 10th. WANTED A RELIABLE. NEAT WHITE girl for cigar and fruit store; good wages. 148 N. 8th. 20 WAITRESSES. 82 DAY SEE US AT once. Canadian .rariors. xixyn jiorrison Main 1323. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family two; wages 830. 603 E. Main, cor. 16th. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework and caro of child. Call 504 Madison. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOU3E work; no cooking, smalt washing. 200 N. 23d st WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES : 811 a week; at the Bristol, 4S0 Washing ton. WANTED OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, family of four, wages 825. 22. w. Park. WASTED SEAT GIRL TO HELP IN DIN ing-rooxrt and an experienced waitress, at 163 12th. DR. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF WOMEN and surgery. 806 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 1094 Thurman st Phone Mam aoji. WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM WAIT- ress at the Zlnstey restaurant. 230 1st st WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION hands at H. B. Lltt's. 4th and Washington, WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN KITCHEN. 161 N. 16th st HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 40 WAITRESSES. WAITERS. BUSSES. DI3H washers. extra. 32 up. (yardman, steady), ers, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, ev- erylnlng City, wanreeoco. xiks. waiau, family 2. employers here. Drake. 203 Wash ington. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers; placed 207 In positions past year; can place you when competent Behnke Walker Business College day and night Catalogu. Call. WANTED LADIES OR GENTLEMEN FOR pleasant work In or putslde the city; high commission or 850 guaranteed salary; experi ence unnecessary. Address It 43. uregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MASSACHUSETTS MAN NOW IN PORT land and desiring to locate permanently, desires position of trust and responsibility; accountant and general office man; 20 years' experience; excellent references. Vn. H. Protnero, Jr., iotei .r crams. WASTED EASTERN OFFICE MAN DE sires permanent ' position; experienced bookkeeper and stenographer; references. Address A T. Link. 340 Washington st. Portland, Or. POSITION BY DRUGGIST. MARRIED. MID- dle age. tnorougniy experiencea in an de tails of the business. Address N 44, Orego nlan. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN as stationary engineer: familiar with all styles of engines ana are-tube boilers; ref erences If desired. Address A 41, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION CLEANING -work in office store or saloon at small -wages, in morning; speaks English. Black 152. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN iKTOMn uemesuc aerranui. i -inner, aiso; n MARRIED MAN WANTS INSIDE JOB. FOR Winter: can do any kind of work. L 43. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUATION AS lt cook and housework. Address Q 4?. Ore- SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. A STEAD.Y. SOBER. MIDDLE-AGED MAN seeks employment in warehouse or shipping department; strong and able to do hard work; reliable business ability, good sales man. C 45. Oregonlan. RELIABLE MARRIED MAN WANTS Po sition any kind: handy with carpenter tools; can give good references. T 13. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN, 20 YEARS OLD, GOOD EDU catlon. desires a position. Address Wm.. Thomas. 033 Commercial. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION AS schoolboy In a good family in the city. Ad dress X 44, Oregonlan. Y6UNG MAN WANTS CHANCE TO COM plete plumbing trade; 1-years experience E 44, Oregonlan. WANTED WINDOWS AND HOUSES TO clean, stoves poliahed. Phono Main 320. Thos. Green. A JAPANESE CONTRACTOR WANTS Po sition to chop wood. 5000 cords up. W 33. Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO WORK In saloon, hotel or housework. D 33. Ore gonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED Al LADY stenographer wants position; best of refer ences Address G 45". Oregonlan. Dressmakers. WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS All kinds plain sewing and mending; $1.50 per day; good city references. H- 45. Ore gonlan. STENOGRAPHER, TEN YEARS EXPERI- ence, commercial or legal work. F 43, Oregonlan. PLAIN DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY; Ex perienced, mono ciay 716. Domestics. GIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSEWORK, wages ?33. y 44, uregonian. Housekeepers. SITUATION IN GENTLEMAN'S HOME BY. widow; no Incumbrance; an excellent cook and manager; no objection to child. W 13. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY CAPABLE MID- dle-aged Swedish girl: housekeeper, wid ower's family. 230 Yamhill, phone Main 5413. Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY WHO THOROUGHLY UN- derstands care of the face, hair and hands wants position as maid to wealthy lady; no objection leaving city. O 43. Orego nlan. WANTED SITUATION BY WIDOW OF 30 with little girl; good cook and neat; best of city references given. Address for two days. J 45. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY. LEARNING TRADE. WANTS light employment lor spare time; Doaru, room and small remuneration. Address P. O. box 6S3. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS POSITION to tak4 care of a baby. Apply forenoon Thursday and Friday. 350 19th et. near Market. EASTERN COLLEGE GRADUATE. pleased with Portland, wishes teaching, pub lic or private. F" 45, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED AS SALESLADY. OF- flee work or clerk In store. Genevieve iviits, 435 Main st WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Photograph coupon salesman; a good thing. Rembrandt Studio. J0l Jd st. WANTED-TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our freo rental department Our vacant house directory has become a recognized Institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed In suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department filling In our Informa tion blank: leave the rest to us; wa mil secure a desirable tenant; we want houses in all parts of city and suburbs; If You have a vacant houae, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It ta remain long Idle H. EL EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHBR. Rental Department, 1S5 to 191 1st st WANTED ROOM AND BOARD BY LADY employed, with heat, light gas. use uf phone. West Side, central, not over 3 min utes walk business center; not to exceed 828 per month, by October 1. Address A 43. Oregonlan, with phono number and full particulars. MAN AND WD7E WANT 3 TO 5 HOCSE keeplng rooms for the Winter, furnished or unfurnished; state price and location. Ad dress G 50. Oregonlan. WANTED 10.000 TO 15,000 FEET OF floor space, centrally located: second floor, or third If with elevator service. Address P. O. Box 200. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED OR UN furnUhed rooms or flat by gentleman and wife, permanent: good locality; references. Q 45. Oregonlan. . WANTED TWO PLEASANT ROOMS SU1T able Tor light housekeeping; one front room with open grate preferred; close In. R 44. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN WANTS BOARD AND ROOM at once; permanent; central location; rea sonable. Hargreaves, X 43, Oregonlan. ROOM AND BOARD BY GENTLEMAN AND wife; permanent; private residence pre ferred; references. P 44, Oregonlan. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modem conveniences, permanent. Advise uhone Main 53S4. LADY. OUT ALL DAY, WOULD LIKE TO rent two unfurnished rooms; reasonable rent V 44. Oregonlan. TWO LADIES WANT ROOMS AND BOARD, private family. East Side preferred; refer ences. B 44. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY, EMPLOYED DURING DAY, wishes room In private family; state terms. K 43. Oregonlan. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE of 3 to 5 rooms for Winter cheap. E 431 Ore gonlan. TO RENT OR BUY TEAM. WAGON AND harness tor farm use. V 50. Oregonlan. A MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT FURNISHED. Portland Trust Co.. 100.3d at WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED DRIVING HORSE. PACER, stylish, sound, gentle, fair speed, 1100 to 1200 6 to S years; give particulars. Address J. T. Furst. care Hotel Portland. WANTED MEN'3 CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 617. WANTED ROLL-TOP DESK. GOOD QUAL lty. wide base preferred. Address H. E. Wlnslow. 16S-170 Sth st. WANTED SECOND-HAND SCREW-CUT-.lng lathe 11 to 14-lnch swing. L. C Smith.. La Grande Or. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tl of all kids. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. IARGE. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS IN fine private home. 131 14tb at; phono Main 2813. 11 393 MORRISON OCT. 1. TWO PLEASANT rooms, one double, with running water; one single. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 104 11th st. between Washington and Stark. 387 TAYLOR ST. NICE NEW FURNISHED rooms, special rates to parties, permanent people SUITE OF ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR. TWO beds, suitable for party of four. 468. Taylor. SMALL HOUSE, ONE VERY LARGE UN furalsbed rooms, 88 per month. 375 1 1th st 104 13TH ST". LARGE ROOM, ?10, OR 2 persons. 88 each; bath. Phone Pacific 140. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. PERMAn hent or transient, board optional. Main. 3S33. FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE XATK3. 129 Grand ave, near E. Morrison. Scott 1453. The Cllman Cheapest and best located rooms in Portland: 81 perreek up. 1st aad Alder. 80S "FLANDERS ST. NEATLY, FURNISHED room. 42.00 per week. 50 a dayr PSrl s Far . 1M