Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 25, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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    naiTin r i wmr n ttttt i wt -aa -Tir t - i - - i nrrrrf r t r, r 'r ttt-ti i in im n r in -'rfirsossmsi n Taa-. -gjj.-.-i
j r 1 1 i niwx urpiWTi i nr. 'Pir.i rrr- j n" TT ' Fl i Trrirrrrni w.fl, ' . 1 IPipgPilllHM 7 . J
HH rntrj Tixrvmmcn. rvpvrtnxnr A 7 TVrOTsDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, .
-" - V? .. T-s. k -i i i mini ..Lin.-. , .. .i .. j:.- g,;...xvTOfJ-fPJ4aaJi.. i wmn at. jwmw-i m i.raitewattiMft.afar i fr.
1 W I P I ! Ii Mi trr -(ar. ...r..-- ---....r-,rr i 1 1 i im i 1 1 n i ill Mill I in mm mm ' M i l i I in I mm Ml H ill III II i 'i i I II I ;vVa:-r.r.fsJ-?J.jiairJ,
m mm i,-
JichlcPrcparaUoftfcr As
similating ikTood andEegula
Brig iheStofiAchs audBowds of
signature of
Otm Jforpriine oorMoei-L
FmmfJsm Sm2"
tion. SourStomach.Diarrhoea,
Wonn5 .Convulsions .rcvensn
ness andLoss OF SLEEP.
TccSinule Signature of
The Kind Tou Have Always- Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the
and has been made under nis personal supervision bmuo
infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counter
feits, Imitations and " Just-as-good'1 are but Experiments that
trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children
Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is
Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age as its
guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wmd Colic.
It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
similaUng iteToodandRegula
ting the Stomachs arriBowels of
ness andRest-Contalns neither
Opium.Morptiine nor "Mineral.
Not Narc otic.
Jbrptmtset -
ffarn Stid -Gtirifitd
Azobt -
Anwfect Remedy forConsfipa-
tion, SourStomach.Diorrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fevensn
ness andLoss OF SLEEP-
facsimile Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought. In Use for Over 30 Years.
i . . .
Clinton N. Howard Predicts
Fall of the United
John P. St. John Declares Women
Should Have the Ballot In
Order to Fight the
The Temperance Congress closed yester
day with two large mass meeUngs In the
afternoon, one for men the other for
women. The men's meeting was held In
tfce Marquam Grand Theater under the
auspices of the Young Men's Christian
Association. Clinton N. Howard delivered
aa address upon "Ten American Prob
lems," before a big audience.
The speaker said .the ten great problems
before the American people for considera
tion are the saloon, increase of "crime,
mob law, divorce, social impurity, gam
bling, suicide, insanity, idiocy and mur
der. His discourse was mainly directed
against the saloon, which he classed as
the most Important of all the problems to
b dealt with, bolng the chief source of
the other evils. Mr. Howard continued:
Prophesies National Ruin.
lpresy of drink Is the great foreboding
ctoud that overshadows the history of
the United States, and unless we clear
1n nf this l-H TVR rannOt lonr
maintain the position of supremacy we
JVW OCCUpy. urecce, duujiuii, opaiu ouu
Russia are object lessons that we may 1
well heed. To the north of us lies a
greaA country whose people are models
of sobriety and morality. Canada Is be
ing held In reserve to become a great
world power when the United States is
led bv the saloons to forget God. If
we continue In the course which we
have been pursuing. America will soon
be known as the land of the spree and
the home of the knave.
Our great National evils are Increas
ing at an alarming rate. There is at
present one criminal to every 600 inhab
itants, whereas 0 years ago their nation
was 1 to 3400. Last year we paid $13,000,000
more for our criminals than for all the
religious and educational Institutions in
the country. Mob violence, the divorce
cvft. and all our other National curses
are Increasing with equal rapidity and it
is time for us to remove the cause of
this condition.
The speaker said that the only way to
do away with intemperance is to legislate
the saloon out of existence. This can
mly be done by the church people com
bining and working together for this end.
"The church." he said, "has been asleep
la this Issue. The most inconsistent man
on earth Is the church member who says
he hates the saloon, but votes the same
ticket with the man who runs it."
Inoldentally Mr. Howard referred to the
situation In Portland and said that the
people should unite In demanding closed
saloons on Sunday.
"I do not wish to abuse your Mayor,'
be said, "but anyone who takes the oath
of office and then allows the saloons to
remain open on Sunday is perjurer.
That Is not abuse; It lc the truth. If I
were Mayor of Portland I would not allow
saloons to open for a single Sunday."
St. John for Female Suffrage.
whit Mr. Howard was sneaking at the
Marquam, ex-Governor John P. St, John
was addressing a large mass meoung 01
woman at the White Temple. His sub
ject was "Woman's Connection With Re
form. ' and he laid special stress on me
necessity that the ballot be given women
to use In fighting the saloon.
Rev. J. F. Ghormley Indorses Move
ment for Religious Co-Opcration.
Rev. J. F. Ghormley, of the Central
Christian Church, preached last evening
on "Church Federation," saying In part:
This Is an age of stupendous enter
prise. The combination of capital ha
made possible the transcontinental railway
system. The union depot Is a public
necessltv. Economics Is the science of
the times. The conditions of the Twen
tieth Century demand a readjustment of
religious forces to meet the manifold
needs. Man and means must be co-
Cost of the Edifice Is Entirely Pro
vided For by Efforts of
The Livestock Show It by far the
blBgcit drawing card the Lewis and
Clark Exposition has had, the admis
sions yesterday belng 17.188, the
largest Sunday attendance since the
Fair has been open. The Trail did
fairly well yesterday, and Ellerys
Band played to a good-sized audience,
but the Interest centered on the Live
stock Show. The attendance wm llRht
at night, the admissions being over
15,000 at 6 o'clock.
centered and directed, that the greatest
results mav be achieved In the shortest
.1 - . V, of rtftKVlhl (nt. EVBfV fltV
and village of 10.000 inhabitants and under
furnishes object lessons of multiplied
sects, where the King's money Is squan
dered on denominational pride and the
very object of the church often defeated.
This Is no new discovery. From the
beginning of the Reformation when
thought became unfettered and the con
science quickened, divisions in the house
hold of faith have been painfully mani
fest. A movement Is on foot, known as a.
"church federation," by which the evils
i4.nminriinnniif(n mpr fr overcome.
Briefly stated, the denominations entering
tne ieaerauon agree not io enwr ucju
where those already at work would there
by be greatly weakened and hindered In
their work.
Dr. King Says Blood Is Called For
by National Sins.
"Take blood atonment out of the Bible
and the book becomes a myth. It Is the
central truth around which all the other
truths Tevolve," said Dr. James M. King,
of Philadelphia. In his sermon at the
Taylor-street Methodist Episcopal Church
yesterday morning.
Continuing, he said: "God's pjan for
the redemption or sin-cursea Humanity
is by blood atonement. That is the bur
ton nt Hnth the Old Testament and the
New Testament teachings. Theories of
atonement are of man's Invention when
they Ignore the cleansing virtue of the
blood of Christ.
"Every benefaction for man promised
through Christ depends upon his shed
vinnA 1 ii Kt in cation: moral cleanslnc: vic-
.. nvAr ApAth. and admittance to
heaven. No successful revival, abiding
In its results, is recorded which has not
been caused by the preaching of blood
atonement. National sins are always
nn for bv blood, as well as Individual
.inc am the souls now in heaven are
there because they have washed their
robe In the blood or tne iamo.
Dedlc&tlon of the new Hebrew School
Synagogue. Dr. Mazker, rabbi, took place
yesterday afternoon In the edifice on First
Hall, the ceremonies, which
were largely attended, being conducted
entirely in the orthodox manner. Features I
of the services were the Hebraic re
sponses by several of the Sunday school
fhiMr-An m tho chantlntr bv Instructor
Metzogr. The pronunciation of the pupils
was said to be remarKaojy correct, ana
the uniqueness of the idea is apparent
irhn it Is realized that no other syna
gogue In the Northwest possesses this
distinctive feature.
The cornerstone of the building was laid
five or six weeks ago. There was then
considerable indebtedness. Through the
efforts of the Sunday school children 3to
was raised toward the liquidation of the
Indebtedness, and at the dedicatory cere
monies yesterday an additional J300 was
subscribed, leaving but 5200 due, which
has already been promised by several
members of the congregation, and which
will be donated before next Friday, when
tnirt!on work will be entirely finished.
Although the building was not fully
completed. It was deemed sufficiently ad
vanced to Justify holding the services
there as planned. The programme In
cluded the opening anthem, by 48 Sunday
school children, after which the first cir
cuit witli the five scrolls was made, upon
which occasion as many of the congrega
tion as possible rendered osculatory greet
ing to the sacrea documents, xnis part
of the ceremony was performed at inter
vals three times, when the scrolls were
deposited In the ark.
The dedication sermon was preached by
Rev. Stephen S. Wise; Ph. D.. pastor of
the Temple Beth-Israel, and the syna
gogue was turned over to tne congrega
tion by M. Hochfield, on behalf of tho
building committee, J. Nudehman, presi
dent of the congregation.' accepting It.
Other aaaresses were maae oy isaac
Swett, D. S. Cohen and Dr. W. Wilner.
A solo was rendered by Mr. Shapo.
Rer. E. "L. House Describes Essen
tials of True Success.
last night. Ho spoke on the subject.
"Society and the Punchbowl." saying he
believed many young men who would
have withstood the temptations offered
by the saloons have become drunkards
t- taklntr their first drink at some so
ciety function. I
"The liquor men know that they must-,
Mt onnntitrit or pc their business '
will fall." he said. "The first drink Is
the step In the creation of an appetite
that leads to ruin. It Is time Jhat society
woke up to a realization of the fact that
punch and 'spiked' lemonade served at Its
social functions are the devil's best meth
od for the creation of liquor appetites.
Every Christian In society should be a
total abstainer. Cursed be any custom
of society that will plant the seeds of
ruin in the breasts of our young people,
and pluck and flowers of hope from their
brows. No one who claims to love his
riivtrmAn -ariii nermlt the arrogant and
diabolical customs of society that tend
to debauch everyone who Indulges In
them to be countenanced In his home or
in the social circle In which he moves."
Countryman Gets Egg Shampoo and I
Other Things for Nothing.
work, and Dr. Gibson will preach his
opening sermon In the Belllngham church
next Sunday. October 1.
Thousands of East Enders File Past
Philanthropist's Bier.
LONDON, Sept. 24. Thousands of per
sons In the East End today visited the
People's Church. Whltechapel. where the
body of Dr. Thomas John Barnardo. the
philanthropist, who died last Wednesday,
will lie In state until the funeral takes
place. September 27.
The scenes enacted In and around the
church were the most remarkable eycr
witnessed in the East End. Two aerv
1cm were held durlnc th day. and were
I largely attended by poor children. At
j the conclusion of the evening service it
I is estimated that 4000 persons filed past
: H. enffln th nri of the nrocesslon bclnc
made up of 1500 children from the East
End Juvenile Mission.
Among the messages of sympathy to
the family of the deceased was one from
Queen Alexandra, paying a fine tribute
to the man and expressing the hope that
Dr. Barnardo's work would be kept up
as an everlasting tribute to his memory
"Mart" Egttn a Benedict.
'From Tokohama, Japan, come the
cards announcing the marriage of Martin
Egan and Miss Eleanor Franklin, solemn
ized In that city on July 19. Martin Egan
was formerly a Portland newspaper man,
employed on tho old News, and a brother
of Jack Egan. He Is the Associated Press
representative who has had charge of the
reports of the Eastern War on the Japa
nese side of the conflict and is one of the
most distinguished of American corre
spondents. During the Spanish war he
served In Cuba, thence going to the
Philippines; next to Peking during, the
Boxer troubles, and has since been al
most exclusively In the Orient. Miss
Franklin Is a. magazine writer whose pen
has brightened the pages of the best
American magazines. Her work has ap
peared In the columns of The Oregonlan.
No particulars have been communicated
to Portland friends beyond the formal an
nouncement by card.
"The Racer," was th subject chosen
Vi. Ttr Houne for his morn In ir ser
mon yesterday at the First Congregational
Church. He tooK ror nis text tne passage
In which Paul compares a Christian man
to a racer and showed that the applica
tion Is the same today as It was when
the gospels were written. He said:
In making the comparison Paul took
a practical, every-day Illustration that
was the more forceful because of Its
simplicity. In a race every contestant
must submit himself to the rules. He
knows full well that his chances of suc
cess are tied up with the rigor of his
discipline. He welcomes any privation
that may help him win his prize. It is
not easy to live a Christian life. A true
man must reject everything that lowers
his tone or slackens his energies.
The next essential is, certainty. There
must be no wavering. The runner must
have a purpose to win the prize. Earnest-
la unnlhAr rmnllflcAtinn f n a cite
cessful race. Man must not toy with
sin. ana he musi not aomesucaie nis
Denounces the Social Cup.
rh ouRtorn of servlnr alcoholic bever
ages at social gatherings was strongly
condemned by Dr. J. Whltcomb B rough
er In bis sermon at the White Temple
"Gee! I sot tho best of that barber,"
remarked a' young countrlflcd-lookinc
man Saturday afternoon, as he left a
hnn on Alder street, with his face shin
ty -a v.i. hnir r-Uatenlnsr with tonics.
Pressed for an explanation as to the j
method he employed in "doing" that
barker, he said he went Into the snop
in question w get an uiuumij
shavc, and so informed the artist of
the razor when he climbed Into the
chair. Once in the chair, the barber
took his customer to be of tho easy
sort, and, after shaving him, asked if
he wanted an egg shampoo. Certainly
he would have a shampoo. Then came
a lot of other things, like singeing off
the ends of his eye brows and removing
stray hairs from his ears. The cus
tomer, thinking pernaps tne oaroer
might be trying to get a mortgage on
his ranch, called a halt, said he bad
enough and asked for the bill- He was
glvn two checKS one tor is tenia
one for 51. He iook oow ijuieiij, yui.
Li. nnt nri -walklnir to the cashier
at the other end of the shop, laid down
the 15-cent check with mat amount.
and slipped out Into the open air. Tne
barber admitted he had put a wrong
estimate on his customer.
Dr. J. H. Gibson Leaves Grand
Avenue Presbyterian Church.
t,. t w nihuon. D. D.. who has been
pastor of the Grand-Avenue Presbyterian
Church. East Siae, tor six years, neiu
farewell services In that church yesterday.
He has been appointed pastor of the
Belllngham, Wash., United Presbyterian
Church. At the morning service a set of
resolutions were read, strongly commend
ing the work of Dr. and Mrs. Gibson
during thejr stay in Portland. Dr. Glb3on
responded, expressing n .appreciation
and that of his wife for the Indorsement
of the congregation .
Saturday the mutca gave Dr1. and Mrs.
Gibson a reception, and presented them
with a beautiful gold watch and chain
and with an engraved silver card receiver.
Friday afternoon the Ladles' Mission
Union gave Mrs. Gibson a farewell re
ception, and presented her with a hand
some breastpin.
At this church for several years services
for mutes have been conducted, Mrs. Gib
eon being the interpreter of the sermons
and prayers. These people appreciate her
work and deeply regret that she Is to
leave. Dr. Gibson was presIQent of the
Portland General Ministerial Association
for One year. He and his family will
leave Wednesday to enter on their new
To the housewife whose Window Shades
won't work. Our shades always work.
They run straight, wear well and shut out
all the light
They do this because they are manufac
tured from the finest materials and arc
made and hung by expert workmen.
86-88 Third Street
Serextk ia IVftBaixztea Street r, Frtla, Ore;.
CuropUnPIia" - - - - - - s $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 ptr Dy.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has
made many, hearts well after
they have been pronounced
hopeless. It has completely;
cured thousands, and will all
most invariably cure or benefit
every case of heart disease.
Short breath, pain around
heart, palpitation, fluttering,
dizzy, fainting- and smothering
spells should not be neglected.
Take Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
and see how quick you will
be relieved.
It cannot make a new heart,
but will restore a sick one by
strengthening the heart nerves
and muscles, relieving the
unnatural strain, and restoring
its vitality.
T had a very bad case of heart
trouble. For six months I could not
work. Last July I was plowing? com
and feeling- bad all day; In the after
noon In pfowlnsr one row 1 had to lay
down, or fall down, three times. My
heart throbbed as though It would,
burst through, and I had difficulty In
gettlnr my breath. I purchased a
bottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and
before I had used half of It I could
lay down and sleep all nicht. Previ
ously I had to set up from five to ten.
times a night. I have taken several
bottles, and my heart is aa regular as
clock work. 1 feel like a new man,
and can work considerable for an old
man, 84 years old." .
ft. D. McGILL, Frost. Ohio.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first bottlo will benefit, if It falla
ho will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
We treat and euro hundred every
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other diseases of men. such aa Hydro
cele Varicocele. Stricture, Stomach,
lUdner and Bladder Affection. Vital
Weakness. rvous Decllae. Impo
tency Nocturnal J-osses and all tnat
lone train of symptoms and troubles
which arise from youthful errors or
other excesses.
Tv-. have a new specific treatment tor
Gonorrhoea wnlch Is prompt, sure, saf
and painless. ...
SrnbUla and all blood talats we cure
to staycured. and do not resort to pot
sonous minerals.
Varicocele. Hydrocele, Plies. Kectal
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Consultation and examination free.
Write for symptom blank, and book IX
you cannot call.
Offico Hours: 5 A. n. to ?. at.;
Sunday. 1 12
StLonisXT Dispensary.
Cer. 2d and Yaw kill St Pertlaad, Or.
atedby ute
pet. S23 Market Sc. S. F. All drexit8 sell it